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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Dec 1883, p. 5

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f. • 4.'--*• jg^fS^pm *«U ' '*V*a -i.*.* '••* ' ^ i • v-*Vv. i -.*» V- • Jt -".' „• 3S> ; J&«. «#*¥ A ^r4» </, jm «.-**• WEDNESDAY, It, ••; •> - DEC. 5. 1883, JC M ASOVTC S THLCITKVRT T.onns:, \o. i.w \. F. atid A. M.-- •esnlar Communications the ^.itiinlay nn or •tfore the full of the moan and every twa tree kg thereafter. OHAS. C. OQLBY, W. M. an.PT«s* <C». tt tfc V. M- -- Re?n- gijiOoaroo'itiins hel't on the stsr.on 1 and fourth JSMSTS In eachjmoneh. E. V' AYONWFIOW.H . P. IF?BUCKWHEAT pancakes with mola*- %.«•• are good, but experieuc* has proven many it Is rash t,« eat them, , ¥« .J. p. SMITH, J^vreler, has a fln« »ew |£lmball Organ for sate cheap. ..Call at hit store and see It. ' "' JAMES LA^D, of Ring wood, TT«RF the Alsfortune to severely Injure his wrist, gfrhlle oiling a windmill »t» Tuesday. ( ALL of the sick reported in.onr last, with tlie exception of John L, Howe and Peter smith, aw bet tit "%nd will soon be around again. £];£. NEW YEAR'S Parties are announced Cake place at. the Riverside and Pur -Iter House*, on Tuesday evening. V THS newspapers are actively scan- wed nowadays bv out of town resl- ints, to see what the oew advertise* lent offer for the iloll lav 'seasm,- THB Thanksgiving Parties In this Tillage were, considering the bad con­ dition ef the roads, both well attended - lUid all enjoyed a grand good- time. • The place to buy your RuhHorand Qum Boots, Buckie Arctic a'ld Alaskas 1* at Dwlglit's Old Reliable Cash Store, Woodstock. FRANK GOINO presented uva FEW days since, with a very tine picture, en­ titled "Representative Journals ami Journalists of America." for which he 3$U> please aecept our thanks. THE Beard of Trustees of the ^rlUnge To! Nunda have arrested the Drugg'st? for violating the liquet* law. The trial Comes off to-day. We learn that about alxty witnesses iiave been subp«enjed. A notice of Harpers Weekly and "Warpers Young People, ean be found III another column* These publications ire too well knowi to need any* notice They stand at the head. • .PKUSOXAL. • 'O «... 8. E, Gates. of Wor» ilstock, was on our streets this Wednesday morning. FRANK GOING, of (Chicago, spent age. '• Mas S. B. HANLET. of Chicago, has been visltin; friends herre the past week, MRS. SMITH COL^Y, of Chicago, spent Sunday with her parents in this val­ late. GEORGE CLARK Intends starting to­ morrow morning fer Iowa. He will go from there to Nebraska. Miss GHACR OWKN has gone to Kan* sas 01 tv. Mo, to spend the winter with herlsteter. Mrs C. P. Walte. / "VKUN" SMITH has bought the house /lately owned by A. A. Martin, and moved in to the same. R. HOLLY started on Monday morn- Ding for a trip through Kausas and Nebraska. C. Stfovmann has been confined to the house for the past two weeks with sorir eyes. For the past week he has been go bad as to be obliged to romaiu in a darkened room. ^ JHJSS tteiNjii 'TURKKK, of AlUgan, Who has been visiting rela­ tion* Iji1 this vicinity, returned home Friday nfrorniiig, accompanied by her cousin,"(Miss Carrif Martin, who will visit there and at Hersey, Mich, until after tne Holidays. THE Illinois Dairyman's Association' is to meet a DeKalb during the second week in December. Gov. Hamilton will be present; also Prof. Morrow, of lhe Illinois State Agricultural College. Papeis will be read by practical dairy­ men and various topics will be dis­ cussed. Every large dairyman or factory manager ought to* atteud this meeting. PROGRAMMK for the Riugweod Ceme­ tery Aid Society to be held at Jabez Carr's on the evening of Dec. 15: Opening Sail* Prnrer ... Address ~ J W |!flstr ltuet . . ... Mr and MTK. O. E. R!hurchill WE learn that Jesse A. Baldwin, As­ sistant 0nlt«d States Attorney, Chica­ go, has tendered his resignation, to take effect on the 15th inst. Mr. Bald- Thanksgiving with.friends In this vH*4*w,n has ably tilled this position Tor the past wven years and his resignation at this time is entirely voluntary on his part, and is against the desire of the present District Attorney, and tlte can­ didates for Gen, Leake's position have also a*ked him to remain. But Mr. Baldwin having decided to start ont on his own hook In his chosen profes­ sion, will open an office at 99 Washing- ten Street. Chicago, where he will be prepared to attend to law business In any part of the i» «H the Courts, State and Federal, and also in the United States Supreme Court. He Is a young man of rare legal ability, and with the advantage of his practice In Che bfltce which he is soon to vacate, we bespeak for him unbounded success in his new ftetd. He will have the best wishes of a host of friends in McHenry Couuty for his success. The following is what the Chicago papers hav« to say in speaking of hi* resignation: From Ohiwuw Kventnu News, DM. 1, WS3 Josne A. Itntdwin. assistant Vnitert States District Attorney, has remsrnc I, thi* to t**e effect on l>ei\ 17, when Gen. Leake's term A« l»is;,viot Attorney* expires. In cxplaiiiinsr his a'-iion Mr. Baldwin s*i 1 tliit U was entirely volnntiirv on his psrt; that he had been In offllre for gix and a half years, and that the «v»rk had hot-nine of a treadmill charactcr to him. anil that, he did not propose t(> become a regular hnmrer-on to the j?overi\mpnt. His vi'aisrn.-itton wa« tendered some time njro, hut t tlie apf <'!al request of '5(ja. Le.ike Ue Stars "i iflfrn. ' u. rim* * Do not fail to read tlie new adver­ tisements of J. R, Wells & Son, Henry aim a i! and Uoidiug > Brothers, all of Wauconda, to be found elsewhere in this paper. ^ Thr Nmula A H v w t t e is the the last • ^'jJpntur# in journalism in this county, M. 0. Dutield beins: tlie publisher. It I* a clean, newsy sheet, and certainly j»n# our ,l»est whlica for its future ipros ' • • • • [ • i : ; . ' F "'SOME niiknown party LEQ «• flue ||wckage of butter, with Iris com pi i- ' ,'%ents, at onr sanctirn on Saturday, 1 ,.,4 during our temporary absence. A1 (hoii>rh we do not know who the party ftas, we must say the butter was spVn and we thank them "all the sawoa. *: WE wer« shown at SmiMrs Jevv<;lry Rtarc. a breast pin, loft there for re- • ijpair, which was brought from England liver forty years ago. It was queer, . 9Hld fashioned and a great;curiosity, when compared with thoset at tbo present day.. , v • • ' r,.. ;» " • • • - THB evenings OVerybody reads the * • are long netV and newsp i|>er thro,' erti*enient8 and all. The approach Of th» holiday season affords extraord- 'lliary opportunities for making attrac­ tive annouiicements that will take the })Mbliu eye. - "WR learn that a crazy psiuper. "rffinr Burton's Bridge,In the town ef Vunda, stabbed a woman by the name of Smiley, on Tuesday. Dr. Watson was sent for, but how severely she was in­ jured we have not learned at tlie tltne of going to press. DURING the past month the PiiviN- I ' WKAI.JCK office has been very busy doing Commercial printing of all kluds. ami ^ ^e flatter ourselves enough to sav that each one has beeu a pretty good job. There is no need of our people •going , away from McHenry for such work.] #r we are able to I print1 any style! ^ *l»t the lowest living prices. WR learn that Volney JaoobS.who^ 'resides southwest of this village had she misfortune to have his arm caught io ft thresher on Thursday last, mang ling it so badly that amputation we seesgaucjy Green, of Woodstock ^performed the operation, and the pa­ tient Is doing as well as could be ex­ pected. next Market Fair at .Richmond, will bo held on tlie 20th inst. These 4 ^Fairs are now a fixed institution, and iK Md fair to be a formidable rival toeven ®ur county fair. They are fitting up ' Splendid grounds, and iu the spring W|J1 have one of the finest half-mile ;., j,y|rack8 in the State. Don't fail to at­ tend on tiie 20th. PETER SMITH, who kept a Saloon and Boarding House in Lansing's Block, near the Depot, died on Friday last, after an illness of a little over three weeks, of typhoid fever. He was a man about 34r years of ayalaiid .'eaves a wife JvfTfTiree children to mourn iiis less. His funeral was held at Johnsburgh on Sunday. WE Inadvertently omitted to call at- ' teutfon last week to the fact thAt Geo. :^r. Besley had taken possession ef a •fillI column in tlie PLAINDKALER. in %hich he Informs tlie public -that he is ^ully^srttled in his new store, and is ^epared with a full stock of goods In %ls line, together with a fine line of .Holiday Goods, to oiler Inducements to tlie buying public ne7er before found In tills section. Read his a.lvertise- SDent carefully and call and see lii« beautiful display. In which ean be found |ioth the useful aud ornamental. select Rending.. Ksffiy. Solo." Declamation Selcot Heading 8»njt I Seler-t Reading Decdamatioa'....;.. . linet .. ..j<--. Reading .. l>ec>s:nrtt.ion ........ Closing Song ..... Mrs R A Utickliind Lncr Hall Kitth Shcrtuirne «.«>...»v,.(ilvnn Smith Carrie Ladd society . . . . . . . i t u t h O o a t » .. Walter Prist v Clara Swan and f^arl Tny Mrs G W Smith V'ernie Nickle CARL FAV, Sec. THEfolloIng from the Geneve Lake Herald is so near what we wanted to say ourself that wo copy it entire: "II there, if any money in this laud of liberty we would feel tickled half to death to see and get a few dollars. If there is any thing that is most, disagree­ able to us it. is to be continually dun­ ning those of our subscribers who are in arrears. But how can we* help It? Our accounts are scattered among a thousand people and we have no4t>ti>er >vay to reach thcni except through the paper. Friend#, we need money and if yo*'<v.vfc u«, will you please pay it. If you don't owe us don't get angry because we dun those who do." A PAPER, to be first«class, must re­ ceive lir^t-clasR patronage. First-class patronnge cnr.sists in every subscriber paying his subscription in advance, patronizing the job department in­ stead of sending the work to foreign offices, and In various ways giving the paper your moral support. Taking and reading It and never paying for it will never do. Moral support, of it­ self, was nev-T known to run newspa­ pers; moral support cannot be utilized when iuk and paper bills are to be paid. The men who work upon news­ papers are human and enjoy corn beef and cabbage as well as other peo­ ple. The atmosphere in this locality contain* a large amount of nztvne and is very bracing, the scenery very grand aivd picturesque, but nevertheless It seems to be one of nature's laws that one can't pay for printing material with ozone, or feed workmen on bean* tiful scenery, , ^ • Tn»i parties, George and DocWfct- on, who were arrested on suspicion of !havlu|burned the hay stacks of F|omer CleuiJus, which we noticed last week, had their examination before Esquire Perry on Friday last. F. K. Granger appearing for the prosecution and Judge B. N. Smith, of -Woodstock, for the defense. The trial was long and protracted and took *ip almost ^he entire day, and the result was the dis­ charge of Doc Watson aud the holding of George under b«nds of $800, which were furnished, Amos Whiting going upon the bond, and the prisoner was set fijee,/ Wa^heard every word of evidence fromiJefcjniiiug t»_g><f^ and nu,*t say that we jKiM^nffirprised at the thi»«<£ss ofthe evidenue^m^ight out yfsubetnutiate so grave a charglhsjiut saJlif case js ro go before the Grand Jury, before which time stronger deuce mar be obtained^ •"> fitimif ?r<K£i"aity further comments in relation theretbs^t this tfine. That a gpave crime has"%<*en committed there/fs not a shadow of a>l<]Mibt, and tbatjme real guilty party mayNw apprHiended and punished to the full o*te_tff of the law, is the wish of ail g<»odii(izens, but the over eagerness of^lScet^ to make be taken witii a grain of" allowance. thfe true injpr^rdness of this be brougMx out, and the #ki! madeya answer for his crime. who/vill commit such an act person to be at large. till the end of tha letter's Kmm Chicaifo Trihnne, Dee. 2. iss.1. Mr. Jesse A. ItaHwin, As^i^tunt United Stnes Distiiet At'oi ney at Ohiea^t-, wilt its- siirn hi? jMsltlon the 15th of this Mionth. Mr. Baldwin hits wrved In this enpnoity for seven years, swd, tlixuph a younir man, ha* displayed' ranch nbilitranl made ma fly friends, lie will engage in the practice of the law. I»IED:--On Monday morning, December 3d, 1SS3, John L. Howe, aged -- years. it will be remembered Mr. Howe was injured some eight weeks ago by being run over by a horse, aud although at one time he was thought to be bettor, some other complication set In and on Monday morning at 7 o'clock he p issed away. He was an old and highly re­ spected citizen, aud was a man who will be greatly missed in the com­ munity.' He leaves a wife and two sons to mourn his loss, who have the sympa­ thy of all, WAUCOWOAT- EDITOaPLMSDKAt.KR: Mrs. Richard Grantham presented her liege lord with a daughter Monday morning. Will Worden paid ns a visit Sunday and Monday. He has been clerking at Oak Park since la«t summer. A badly infiammed eye, which, however, -was much better when he left, reudered the little vacation necessary. Mai man's Thanksgiving dance was a very pleasant and successful party. W. Tidmarsh and his Vwo eons. Miss Alta Hicks at the organ, and G. W. Pratt as caller, furnished excellent music. The new floor was declared first-class. The first club dance takes place Dec. 14th. The absence of Frank Garland Jr., last week, was accounted for Saturday by his reiuru in company with his bride, formerly Miss Murray,of Oskotli, From the enormous"quantities of gilt- edged note paper purchased by Frank, we have suspected that his life of single blessedness would terminate eventually if not sooner. The young couple are to begin housekeeping in the Turner house, just above W. H. Ford's farm. Arrangements are being made fer a donation <>y the Baptist society, one week from Wednesday evening. The Hill Bros, advertise the disposal 'Of their remaining goods in tbo Wy- man store by auction, beginning on Tuesday of this week and continuing for a few day's, ' ioLoN mills. >: / fctOITOB P LA INI >K A L ICRJ. WoHbl ns and K. !*toclon have been to tlie won­ derful Dakota, and speak very highly of Mie wimtry. Air. Stoclon purchased a house and quite a number of lata In Kgaii. • % Mr. Churchill is onr present school teacher, and as near as we can learn everything In school is prospering nicelv. Alexander Gardner, who !s teaching near Algonquin, spent Thanksgiving with his friend* here. He U looking better than he did. C. li. Turner returned from Dakota some time ago, and Is clerking for R. B. Gardner, whose health has been quite poor but is some better now from out door exercise. Mrs. Ad. Coats has been building on to her hituse and putting ou blinds, which adds very much to tlie appear­ ance and comfort of the plaje. There will he a glass hall shoot here on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 8. It was postponed Thanksgiving Day on ac­ count of the shoot at the Settlement. If tlie day is pleasant and the shooters numerous, there will be prises offered worth cont»-iiding for. Arrangements have been made for a donation the same evening at Mr. Hodge's, so our pastor could bo present, ' Rev. Barker held meetings In the fe'hurch every night last week with good results. .. We are very glad to note tho good condition of soclef.y generally. Poaoa and harmony reign throughout. Now that we have a pastor In whom the people have confidence, we are looking forward to the good times coming, and a merry, merry lliipa at the Christmas tree. trust r mar \ Henry Colby Riverside Block, Mc­ Henry, III. Our annual Grand Clearing sale will commence Thursday. Dec. 6thl at which time and until closed we slial. After all broken lots, odds and ends, and remnants at greatly reduced prions. We wisli to reduce stock iu every de- partn^nt prior to onr January invoiee, and In Overcoats anJ Knit Underwear will inake liberal concessions to close. Onr «tock -Is . unusually complete in every brunch, and we this week add a line of goods specially ad ipted for t he Holiday trade at very attractive prices. HEXII COLBY / . .. A sale. suon. Piano for Sale. fine Square Piano is offered for Will be sold cheap ii applied for - - C. I-. PRATT. Wauconda, 111. FUR WANTED, Will buv all classes of For, Bat. Coon. Skunk and Mink, ond will pay the Highest Market Price. G. W. PRATT, Waueonda, III. 30m4 To Poultrymen. For Sale: Fall Blood piack Java Cockerels, Brown Leghorn Cockerels, and a few Plymouth Kock Pullets aud Cockerels, at my residence, Wauconda, III. 5 G. W. PRATT. Vaneonda, Dee. 5th, 18H3, i WISH to publicly thank those Bull Valley tellows who were so interested in the examination of Geo. Watson on Friday that they' forsrot to settle for the 3 or 4 yards of 'bologna and crackers to till iu with. i;all again boys. We keep a tree lunch, especially for those who only call for such. Jos.£N. Faauira SPRING GROVC. ;/ EDITOR PLAIN DEALER Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Bongard, on the 38th of tfor* ember, a son; weight, 8} pounds. Our school is prospering finely under the care of J. H. Burger. One night last week tap, tap, tap, came OQ the wiudow paae, and *#t Jumped Jim. Our school was pleased last week by a short visit from their old teacher, W. E. Wire. Last week eighteen loads of coal wefe drawn from Ring wood tor tlie factory use this winter. George Frey (his time having ex­ pired as a hand in the cheese factory) left this place for Michigan last week. His many friends here wish liiiu a pleasant journey. Hereafter, there will be regular services held In the M. B. church at this place at 4:30 p. ta. If some will play ball on tha ftabbath let them go off into the woods where they wiii not disturb the people that want to rest in peace at home. Llbbio Hendricks, who Is teaching school ii|tar Carv Station, was at home during thanksgiving, but retttrhed #n Monday, ':•« Men h*d ought to take especial pains to look where they step, especially on a dark night. On the evening of tho 28thxlnst., while a crowd i'as assembled up stairs In tho' blacksmith shop, Mr. Bongar<Vnot bein? used to the place, stepped out ont3 the platform to go down stairs, but missing the steps he stepped off' tlie platform and fell about twenty f«et. It shook lilm up con­ siderable. but he escaped with no far­ ther injuries than a sprained wrist. Spring Grove caiue home from Johns- burg Thanksgiving evening feeling "just bos*;" for they brought with them the first and third prices on the puff bail shoot, aud WHeou was the boss ou turkeys. The glass ball and turkoy shoot at this place, camo off as advertised, aud 'was what might be called a co'mplete success. Below we give the score: Vfttnes, FIBST SHOOT. Total l> Smilev .... ......... ...0 0 1 1 10 1 10 0--3 It Ditniiel,Sr...............1 1 11 1 0 l l 1 l-e II Ounnel, Jr...00 111111 1 1--(I Woodstock fteparfcment. A .Iacks*n.. CO Andrews... ..... K Hits-legraro .,... , IV Wilson *C J"ck»on. Herb Peacock........ J'tc I'euoock.......... f (Jates .. J Turniins A T\v«etl It Tweet . 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 -- 3 ... 0 1 1 0 1 0 I 1 0 0-S ....0 11110 110 1-7 ....10 0 I 1 1 10 00-4 . . . t 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 9 ....•0 0 0 100 1 1 1-4 . . o o i i i o o o o e - s ...0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0--s . ..I00001000 0--s ....i e o o o o o i i o--9 .900 1 1 0 00 1 0-3 C Bvekitt ......0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1 H Dunnel and 1! Jackson shot off tie, E Jackson beating, toek 1st prize,silver butterdish; H, Dunnel 2d, silver cup; Ed Hesslegrave 3d, silver napkin ring. Names. SKCOND SHOUT, Total C Andrews ...,..;...S I 1 0 1 I ISP 1--0 R B Gardner ...I I OO I 1 ] 0 0 O-ft R HenstegrCvo..!, ii Alto I o o o o--s I) xnilejr .1 1 I I I I I M 1-10 A Jackson ..1 1 I 1 S 1 1 1 0 0-9 M Jarkiton ii ® 1 I 10|««0 C--4 H Dunnel, Sr..., .011101111 0-7 ti Jack son 10 100110 1 0--5 H Ou artel, Jr......... 1 110 110 11 1-h3 J«« Peaoock k.... I OOOOOOQOO-- I It Tweed. «^«....l I l 0 I 0 0 0 1 |-C Jim Suish.... 0 01000000 1-2 A. Jackson and II. Dunne! Sr., shot off tie, Jackson beating took 3d, II, Duuiiel 2d, D. $miley,l*t. BL~ ALGONQUIN. ItmTriR f»T,*rsnRAr.RR: -- The Telephone Co, run another wire through town on Tl»n ra- day of last week. It in a branch lino froiu Carpenter*vllle U Huntley Station. J. r>. Ferguson, Jr., and Peter Stewart •tarted on Monday of l*«t week for Nehraakn. Mr. Stewart intends buying a farm If be ean find one that suits htm. Sinnetl'* dance »f Wednesday night waa a am-<-e««. There were sixty num'tters sold, and there wore a iiumlter of the town folks that didn't take i>ari iu the dance that taot sup­ per. Hist D«lla Wontanre, of BeloU, Wlt.. U •jpen<«fng a rew weeks with her (later, Mrs. A con pi• of horae thieves passad through here on TburadAv of last week with a team that they stole nenr Harvard, and aa soon at word waa receive! here that they were stolen horses, some efour t>\vns-pe*|>le started in purau't, Out HS the thicvos liad several hoara the stnrt, it wns a fruitless chase, Judson Snooks and family wired from hero on r'riilay of l ist week to W«n)<Jst<»ck. where they tvill lake possession of the ltlolimond House, in that town. Charlie Bublank has moved Into the house vacated l>y Judson Snooks, and Joe Johnson hits inorci into the rooms up stairs. A. C. Helm, of Chicago, soent Thanksgivii\g here with his brother and sisters, Mrs.Hoivanl Phillips returnsd on Wednes­ day of last week, from a four weeks' Visit with her brother and nister in Kansas. She is greatly taken u,p with Kansas. C. K. Chapeli started norrh on Friday of last week for milch cows. It is some tinie since we had a cow aale here in town, An»on Sherwood, pf Detroit, Michigan, made his father and biether a short visit laat week. Joseph Wrenka is.building:an addition on the b.ickof his «t>>re, occupied by K. L>. Gol. trin. and when completed tlie store will be KxSO f«et, and will be a very flne as well as a very roomy m tore. Thanksgiving day was observed here by an astault and battery suit. Verdict, ao canao of action. Kev. o. H. Houstis* time as pastor of the Congregational Church expired Dec. 1st, and we understand that tney have chosen iter. Campbell ax pus tor until May 1,18S4. G. E. Ohapeil and A. Huschee, of Chicaao, S|»ent Thanksgiving here. Ksquire I'ettibone, of Nunda, waa in town on Friday of last week, canvassing for the Nunda Advocate. GREENWOOD- Eunoit PlaindeaT'KK:--Mr Harlof Moore, of Athoi, Mass, Is Io towb visit­ ing relatives. A surprise party was given. Rev. R. R. Wlitttier a few evenings ago. A pleasant tlnials reported by the twenty live wbo were present. Mrs. Win. MansAeld was severely burned by a gunpowder explosion a few days since. School commenced last Monday, Several mure Scholars were In attend­ ance. Henry Wells has been sick for the past two weeks with rheumatism on the heart. He Is n6w slowly recover­ ing. One day last week Bert Douglass little boy had the misfortune to fall and break h<s right arm botween the wrist and elbow. A doctor was sum­ moned and the liiub dressed which at Mtst accounts was doing well. Mr. E. B. Miller, of Webster City. Iowa, was married the twenty-eight of November. E, B. was a resideut of tfiis place a few years ago. A. Wosterman, proprietor of the Greenwood creamery, has purchased a new engine boiler, the old oue having <vorn out. C, Mrs E. A. Freeman la visiting her brother, Henry P. Hart who lives in Bolivia, III. ______ • Men's heaver, foxed, warm Boq(S at Dwiglit's, Woodstock. OOSTTIIOTST BT ATI W. SMITH. Thi«. Monday r. M., at two o'cloek, Jsletioa ot ofttcers ft)if the ensuing year by the Mc­ Henry Conntr AgrieiHtnral Board; but not In time to mail rettilttn - Dsn Flavin's team. >u* la a lively race, lone hanfled, up Raat Jackson street arrets tfentoa street into tho Park one day l4at week. Damage sligli t. Case and Purat /t Bradley Sttlkoy Plows at E. M. Owen <fc Son's. Go to .Mrs. M. Schumacher'* for Mill n*ry, Drese Making and Fancy Qeodo »ilk Velvets Perry A Owen's. and Velveteens at The fi«e bell pealed forth its tate of terror fram its turbulent throat about hair past one 3unday morning, caused by an incipient Are in one of U. W. Kobinson's srooden bntidings oa Main street, near the Waverly House. t haar the Thanksgiving sermon of the Rev. Hoover, pastor of the Methodist church, fa­ vorably mentioned. Mt. H. is making a good impressions among our people as he seems to have no atfcbitloa oataide of hi* pastoral duties. • ' AfcWntAfeR LtCR^bal. . • ; i ; Frank Ballard to Kdla K Martilt. | John McDowell to Frances \lorrty. > - 1 William W'uciio to M.vrv Gustavo Knglchreclit te Lena Lohecfe . ,• Wm NTiejahr to Lena I have concluded to publish my own OMMM ary, an t for want of something original I dtp the fellowingas a stilttititute, hoping thereijy to save my estate the expense of an obituary poem by the Richmond contributor to thi Sentinel: ( If t were a T.umti.tnm-lum-tHnm-too + in the land of the olive and lig." I'd sit all the day on the trolle-Toi-ioo And play on the l!ii:isoe-me-iig. Aud if in the Runide-dum buttle I fa I A what's-its-na me's all that t crave- But liurv itt| doep in the what-you.mar.eall And pianOhing-um-boits over my gravel In TRANSKKKS. Henry Hornby'to Jno'-Nimgersan, w <teed. Burtnn Bellamy to Jno Sim<j«rsnii, w deed, Jno Nimsgerson et nxtsM Hoflmnn, m deed Jan Latioe et ux toO C Corson, w deeifc' •; '* iraslociim to Henry Fitch, release deOdy. ; S^DGaies to S E Gates, w deed. t...... j Geo l.iliie lo GeoO irrey. chat mort. " S K Wales to S I> (istes. q. c. d. .Alex Wilson to M K Miller, releaae deed. M K Millt*r to Sam'l I'rice, w deed. B N Smith to Henry Hornby, release 'ieed. WM (tazeman et UX t.» JHC Talbott, m deed. Jn > Wilson et ux to Wm Abtiott, w dsed. C it Therne'et us to \Sm P A Mt, w deed. A J liesneu et us to >rltcnnett, w deed. James Pureed to J S «'hpat, chat molt, -t, John K l»ulion to M M llart, w deed. John tt tin Hon to A Thompson, w deefet • :!'f A A Martin to W L Smith, w deed. » w L Smith to t, \ Minith, w deed. 0 A Oummings to A W A 1. A Vash. w deed. ,0 H II Church, chat mort. G C Thomas to T J Diev, ehat mort A •"•am W >rf to Milo Flavins, chat mort. Wm f Hill to to lt'chard Powers, m deed. R M Patrlek to P 9 & \ Oiiffith. reieaae d, P H Griffith et IIX to M R Metealf, w deed. P S Griffith et ux to K H Sisson, w deed. Jaa Gillia et ux to Lewis Hatch, m deed. J B Ken wick et nx te R M Patrick, m deed. It is always gratifying to meat genial spirits la one of n»y tambles I took in Cryatal Lake and Nunda, on We«inesday last, and must say it prepared my digestive organa for a hearty: relish of my plain but enjoyable Thanksgiving^ •a the following day. Well, on • y route the! Ir»t objeet that attracted my attention aa peculiarly new were the new out-bnildinga on D. W. Robinson's farm, eecnpled by Clus. Cornish, It had the appearance of humanity toward the animal. And a little farther on. Just across the way, the large new bam of H. Rieo was approaching rapid completion and bf tho way David Kern shoved the jack piano I conclude he waa the tiosa of the Job. Paaa- ing on, buildings of less pretentions pleased the vision as testimonials of industry and thrif^. But the most attractive evidence was the splendid new Public School edifice now in prpeess of completion .about midway between the two towns, situaM^ a superbly beauti­ ful site as a bond of Kn fer the rival vil­ lages, and I give it as the opinion of one who haa made educational natters a life study, that in not one thing have thecitlzens of those tlu-lfiag towns shewn greater wisdom than in joining hand, heart awl purse so good a cause. Aud I thiuk the one great error if any there be, will provo a lack of rooir, as a school property conducted, on such a magnificent site with such surroundings will reeeive a patronage that will fill to overflowing, com­ modious ai It is and soon the ery will he "more room." Xor did I slight tho oil Pickle fkotory, the old pionesr building which, dilapidated as it Is. has in days pone been a sourae of welcome income to many a poor family. And as I gased on the idle, vast In extent, briek boildinga, 1 was impelled Inwardly te exelalm, woe worth the day when ambition lured the operatora from economy to extravagance. Mr. Wilson, Jr., explained to me the aotioa of a separator which sorts the pinkies into three sites, via: small, medium and large. At the Wood Heuie my dinner was all that heart could wish, and my Fiiley es pressed herself entirely satisfied with her treat at the stables. Nor did I fail to be attracted into the Herald office and here to my astonishment 1 found my genial old friend, ex farmer, ex- merchant, ex-justice and ex-postmaster, D. C. Mallory, playing the "devil," and that, too, in the very presence of Parson Conly, who by the way J tennd to be not at all disturbed at tlie canduct of this '•old boy" who, within the last few months lias plied his nimble fingers as type-setter. Xow about the Herald: It's littie, to be sure, but look at the stufllng of it. What other local paper furnishes its readera with more news? Awwer me that, now. 1 Incidentally mentione i the subject of in­ surance in the presence ot Dwight, and what do you think? Why, he sent me over to Geo. ford's, telling me George wanted to insure. Hoover I went, but George had been-insured for months; but I had the pleasure of seeing a good flel i of corn, which was yielding abund antly in quantity and quality. But that did not help Dwight's "truth and veracity." Nevertheless I forgive him, as ho meant well. Cloaks, Dolmans, Shawls, of the finest fabrics aud latest styles, now open at FitzMmiuons A Kvansou's, dircctly op­ posite West McHenry post office. Don't forgot the fact that Dwight has the finest and larvcat assortment of men's and wompn'fl Holiday Slippers ever brought to Woodstock. The Banner of the World, tho nobbl> eat little Parlor Heater made, at E. M. Howe's. cloaks, Doi<uat»'s and Ulsters foi Ladiea and Misaea at Perry & Owen's. All tha leading Walking Plows ai Owen it Son'*. The largest line af Ladies* an' Gents'Knit Underwear at ii. Colby'- Zinc Boards, in all styles and price*. JOHX I. SrOKT. A flneliae af Overcoats just received at Perry A Owen's. The Jewel Parlor Base Heating Wood Stove, a perfect beautv<" at IJohn I. 3torj's. Hall aad sea the Universal Coal Stove at John 1. Story's. Also the Jewel Star. , THK latest styles and lowest prices in Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Mrs. Nichols'. We have a lot of Mats worth from 50 cents to 83.U0. Your choice fer 5U cents at 11. Colby's, We sell tlie celebrated aza called'the Wood-chopper's Pride, Fully war­ ranted. JOHN 1. STOUT. "The Westminster." the boss ooa stove on the market. If you don't bo Ifeve ft. call ou E. M. Howe, and he will prove it to you in no time, and ff you want a stove, will sell you one be­ fore you leave. IF your horse Is lame or sore In any way, do not fall to call at Henry Colby's and get a box of Continental Hoof Ointment. It is no experiment. It has been tried and never failed. Men's fine kip, veal calf, stoga kip, lined and onlhied Boots in sices 6 to 13 at Dwight's, Woodstock, THE ladles are more than delighted with that celobrated Laundry Wax, to bo found at Perry & Owen's, Try a cak« and you will never ho without it Itgi ves a gloss to IIuen which can bo pjadnced in na other way. Only flea cents a eake. Old ladies heaver frtxed warm lined home comforts; sizes 3 to 8, at W.H. Dwight's, Wor>detock. WR now have the finest assortment of Visiting Cards ever seen In this section. Call and see them. A flne line of gents and ladiea plain and fancy Slippers for the Holidays, at Dwight's, Woodstock. * „ "BAKWAN BROS. BKST" are pro­ nounced the best Cigars in tho Market Try them. Beth Combination and Platform Wagons at fi. M. Oweu A don's, of the best make. ^ -X„ A large assortment aud complete line of Cook Stoves, the best in the market at John I. Srorv's. £4' A full line of the justly dnthrated Buffalo Boots always to bo Obtained at H. Colby's. The largest assortment of Coal and Wood Stoves, to be fauud iu the county at John I, Story's. KECK TIBS. ^ The finest line aver show& ta-: Me- Henry can be found at H. Colby's. The Jewel and Crown Jewel Coal Stoves, with or without ovens, at John I. Story's. The best stove in the mar­ ket. The lightest Drop Sulky Plow iu the world is the Hapgood. found at,E.< M. Oweu A Son's, aud sold as low as the common stilkey. WE ARE READY FOR BUSINESS In our new store directly opposite the West McHenry Peetotftce. and sa- llclt the sttentloii af cash buyers. - Yory Respectfully. FITZSIMMOXS A BVAIISOH. ) f . - * , Wheat Wanted the Fox River Valley Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which the highest price in cash will be paid. K. BISHOP. McHenry, IlL.Oot. 10th, 1483. Millinery Oooda at Chicago prices for the next thirty days, at Mrs. II, H. Nichols'. YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE. We have just received a large lino of Ladies' and Qents' Underwear to which wo Invito the Inspection of cash buyers. We are showing the best 60 cent shirt oyer shown in thin part of the country. Lf dies' Scarlet Vests, $1; former price. 91.50. Flaunels at a discount. Call in. FrtzaiMMONs A EVANSON. Ladiea, call at my store before you buy your Millinery. It will pav yog. Mas. U. H. NICHOLS. Organ for Sale. A new Kimball Organ, new style, and all the latest improvement*. Will .sell very cheap for cash or on easy pay­ ment 8. Inquire of J. J. VASE*. Mclieary, Nov. lid, IS83. Farm to Rents A farm af 190 acres, si lusted ontidialf mile south of Fox Lake. It it woll sup­ plied with wood and writer. On It are food buildings, meadow lauds, aud everything desirable. Terms easv. MM. JAMKS MCOAVICK. Fox Lake, III. Call and sea tho great bargains naw being aflerad at Mrs. Nichols' Millinery atoia. . * ??'! •• * '• ff! v'- - iltts'iiiesB motif!*1* Go to ^MHiefc'i for Millinery Dressmaking. " WtfTrmititrto or questions at R. BishfutX £ BUY Barbian Broamrw Cigars. ,Tba|F, are the b«at. THE UTICA FAME, , UMca Jem and Moliawk Cettage Par­ lor Wood Stoves ean all be found at John 1. Story's. Seed Barley for Sale. 1 have a lot o f Pure Mensury Barley for sale, if called for soon. HOMER WATTLBS- Mc Henry, 111., Nov. S, I&TT. Call in and see the suits E. Lswlus is selling. Heavy winter siflts only 94,75. We would respectfully call the atten­ tion of Ca*h buyer* to a very superior article of all wool Flannels; price 37}c. Call in. FITZSIMMONS A EVAN SON. Remember Mrs, Nichols is selling cltoiee Winter Millinery at eost for the next thirty days. Call an<| exam­ ine goods aud learu prices. Yarns, Germantown and Zephjh* new and clean, just ro eel vad at Fitssitutlions A Evauson's. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, 500 boys froio 5 years up to buy Clothing. We open (his week an eie- gaut line of Chiids, Youths and Boy? Clothing, te which the attention of Cash buyers is respectfully invited. FITZSIUMONS IT EVAN SON. Ovsrcosts that will wear 3 years. .|3 BO Heavy Suits.... 5 UO Boys' Pants, heavy lined 1 50 Also Boots below Chicago prices. K. LAWLCS. French calf morocco leg, hand sewed Opera Boots at I»wlght*s, Woodstock. CALL and see tlie nobby new Suit* at E. La wins'. He lias sold 29 suite of ooa kind, ^ .L. --4 ../ GREAT REDUCTIONS;]'%- m In order te clese out mir entire stock of mens, boys and children? Overcoats before January 1st, I have marked llieni dowu to prices that defy competition. O. O. JOLUV. X unda, J, H.-Bagley A Son, Woodstock, 111*., will furnisb you with Bran and all kinds of &1I1I Feed, Corn, etc.. at very lowest market quotations. Price* fur­ nished on application. JUST REPLE^ISHSlJi * I have just received a new supply of mens, boys and cliildrrnssuits especial­ ly tor tho holiday trade. O. C. OOLBT, Nunda. FOR THIRTY DAYS, T'wilt make very low prices in Cloaks Dolmans and Shawls--a large stock to select from. O. o. Comr, Kunda. • s FINE SHOES, A La*Wes will find the best asSortmeut of flne sltoea iu the county at O. C, Caiby's, Nunda, Velvets, biaek and In eolovs. Spl ColbyV . - Buy the Estey Organ if you want best. O. W. Onen. >i« Ilei»ry, Ageal, City refidences for eale. AppJ^ Asa W. Smith, Woodpitock. III. TIIK clmlceat line of Dolmans as! Ladies' Nedt Wear lit towa at Mrs. E. W, Howe's. K # Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagoni, Plal- form Spring Btrjfgies for sale at Bishop's wanthouse. t> Fi.«hing Tackle of all kinds at X. Engelti's, in iluwe"a Block, dear tha oew Bridge. ; The flnest line of silver anil Pfatf*J Ware to be found.iu tile county, at #• W. Owen's. , £ £ An elegant line of dress buttons anil trim mi nu# always lo be found at ilanr# Colby's. - '•."'v" CORSETS. A fiftlflavor Dr. WarAer's CorsaM in ieverai etyles at Perry A Oweu'e. The llftrtlsnd side-liar Top Buggy l| liglit and fine, and is the most durak$| t!iiggv made. Can always see them at K. M. Owen & Son's. « CI-OTITING. A complete Mock oi Men*s and Clotltlng at bottom piid-K v > PKRKT Jkow«*..£• Dvgs Drag*. Drags, a lot ou Iiani^ steel tooth aud itiuat sell. For sale R. Bislioj.. | IF foil want anything less than tit . Estey Organ I can sell you one f«r fj| ̂ and upwards. <1. W. UW1H A full line of choice grocertM » always to be obtained at ^ HKNK* COLBT^. * Tlie Waverly, Glen Asorn, Round!* Acorn aud Forrest Acoru Wood Heal* ers. at £. SI, Howe's, opposite Bishop** Mill. DIAMOND DYES. We have all colors of the celebrat«& ml Dyes only 10c a package-. HKXRY CyLBY., £ * Wheat Wanted. ? WANTRD, at the Fox River Valley Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which the highest price in tash » ill be pal<|» £ BISHOP. £ MeHenrf, III., Oct, 10th, 18S3. •; ^. « : ' " £'_ Vi£ The Prize Acorn, Black Acorn and Ley al Acorn C:ook Stoves. Has no su­ perior. At E. M. Ilowe's, opposita Binhvp'* Mill. Everything In farming Implement* from a Swill Cart to a McCormlelt Twine Biixler, can be found at tha warehouse of K. Bishop. For flrst-class Insurance against flra and Lightning, wind storms, cyclones, tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, HI. Wheat Wanted. WANTED, at the Fox River Valley Mills, good Milling Wheat, for whlcH the highest price in cash W>li_he McHenry, 111 ..Oct 10th, 1«M- K. oisuor, <1 We desire to call the attention of th# ladies to our titers guods department. We have added a Hue line ot cashmere*, caiuallettes,..silks, satins, etc., whi^||^ ^ will behold ou very close, in a rg ins. 'f, HKMTY COLBT. The Great Ruaslan Remed|b Russian Liniment ia a sure cure f# f Kheiuu«tl9m. Neuritis, Diphtheira, Toothache, Earache. Sere Throat, sort* neds ef the limbs, Ulfer*, Sprains, Burns, contractiens ot the l^lcscles er Jointa. Chilblaius. Inftauuu^tion. In serera cases apply with a cloth wet with t Liniment and leave uu over night. F sale by all druggists. C. DICKINSON A Sow, Barrlngtan, III. Solo Propria toll" HOUSE AND LAND FOR SALE. ^ j The undersigned offers fwr sale hi* • hoi'ae ami onr acre of laud, altuated la - the villnge «f McHeiiry, near tha pub­ lic *CII<»mI building Ou the premise* is a good barn and outhouses, and small fruit ot all kiuds. Will be seid rea?Miiable and ou «up*y terms, | quire on tiie preniietaB WC. STSGKMAHX. .'1*' "2 Mcllenry, III., August 1st, 1S$IL Wan ted--To Kent a Farm* Wanted, to rent a larin of from Id#" to 150 acres. Casli reut will be paid.- Apply to this office for further particu* lars. . • . r.:",:m F I N E S I I O E S w ' % • ' Jnat Received. The Quest stock af "'j Ladies' aud Chlldren'a Wear in tl«a county ti bottom prices at Parry#* Owe u's. F8rm For Sale. IHiat is known as the Keuueal'y farm,. £ in the town of Nunda, two and one-half tulles south af McHenry. now held and occupied by James Kenneally, cuutaln* ing 320 acres of gnod land with goo<| hiiildiiigs. '11 tlo perfect. For prloi ttiul term* Inquire of l-i3>iuJ* JAMKS DOHBBTT. -4- MRS. E. W. HOWE £ Ras just received a full stock of Fait* aud Winter . Millinery. Fancy Good*, , etc.. to which site invites the attentive ot the ladieiief McHenry and surround* ing couutrv. We have the latest styles to be fouhd Iu the city, aud prires, a* usual, will be as low as good goods , sold anywhere. Call and examine stock. MRS. E. W. HOtt E. Our stock of drugs, chemical* *u«i pateut medicines was neve* more complete. Goods reliabl# and prices right. ^ R « X T C O L B T , " • £ *.;• The nebbleat Hats la town al east «f|£ , Mrs. Nichols'. - . Evei^thlng In the Hardware bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Tlie Westminster Ceal Stove, kotk ROIIIMI and Square. For beauty anil <hir.ibllity ha$ no equal iu the market* For sale by E. M. Ilowe. White Sewing Machine. * W. II. Ogbin, Algonquin, lias the e»* elusive for the White Sewing Machine in"Slcllehrv enmity. This ma* chim* has itf» superior, ('all and are hlaa Ot- »ddtv»s hfui at Algonquin aud leant, lenns. -- He k also agent for the Stavot Itai. eye Feed MilL. ri^I lDAV videos - J " ' • i

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