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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Dec 1883, p. 1

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MTt •• ivm *ri5B 4.: " • .. - --.v: -v.'-' • ** • •'. - ' !• , -i * 6* . v, t., - x ' . - . - H. ; tsiiF .. . •• Av. . • • \* . Jh lCS " , • •> ' - .1EWWJV. , ' -m ?»f ? t W& 3£& '] ' Vf Ii.' nW .!i<B««>Vsa*r» »;«yS s&a*Jt f Is'-•"• -t<s»S »ruis • .» .u *•* <>il I .*M„- { *.? o,, ^ •* t ; .. JJ f»«t M>-"r ••.-$. • .^A.Jjjd i '• :J v' -X .V ' f - .i ..'.: |§83fi3ffl)D W3H a» Wk-v^. •if ft A :* f'*9-S i <!>:••£ 'dfc .-j **j«. Xrr? Hw IWaiarB Pled eed but to Truth, to Liberty and Law* No Favors Win us and no Pear ShfcVI Awe.** -ite: .-i-f W VOL. 9. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 19. 1883. foUiihed Every Wednesday by ;s%. ^lyke, -T|» r^-s, • IS» ;»WsK ̂ sgDITOlt •4^1' | ., ft*. 1^31. AM® PUBL.I9HK* ' W- BUSINESS CARDS. Office in Bishop's Block, Pbkkt ft Owen's.-- --Owositb ,;>feV ' £*& va$*«*s <». WBsottirriat? W »« iTeftr(ln Aavaari*) ..- .fl.fifl !Not PiH within Three Months S.O0 liitKP.riptlens mrnivn-t for three of • six »nths in the name proportion. ff'V Kates of Advertising. V« announce liberal rates f«>r aflvertisin* at the Pt.MwmKjM.BH, "an<l eiHe*vor tn state SOem aftplalnlr that ther will be rewlIlT un. • turstmvl. They are aa fsttewa$*rw-'|',K. finch one venr . • •' I## • Inches one ve*r . • . >in «• M Inches one y^Sr • 'V. !?V*".•••« ts nn " -Colnmnone"year - » ' if'l ,.': . . aoon ^C!»)lnmn one yenr- i': •' i : (Kino ] Column one year - , /'• ' i "•» . , - WO 00 - ..yPne inch means the of one ipich down the column, single column width, i If early a-lTert.i«ers, Ht the almve rates, have |he privilege of chnnsrine as often as they raooae, withont extra chnrffe.* IteKular advertisers (meinini; thosn Iwrin* •tnnflin? cards) will be entitled to insertion pf local notices at the rate of 5 cen's per line 0«ch week. All others will be r ha raced 10 rant* per tine the fl^Rt week, and 5 cenla per lltio for each subseqiient week. , Transient advertise-nents will he char^el Bt th« rate of lfi cents ne Mine, (nonpareil type, same as this is set In) the first issue, and Brents per line for subsequent issues Th"s, an inch advertisement will cost $ for one #eek, $1.50 for two weeks, #2.00 for three • «Seek», and so on. The Pt-AiNnr.\L*R will be liberal in *lvln«r editorial notices, but, as a bnsiness rnle, it will require a suitable fee from ereryliody M«klngtheuso of its columns for pecuniary gain. MART (i. BARMAN. WORKER. All kiuds of Ifair loaein tirst class style and at reasonable prlmm. Rooms at residence, north­ east corner o^Rblic Square, UcUearjr, IIL Hair Work d« IfBfEttTJfABT Y Illinois O.9. GREEN. SURGEON, llkhmond. JESSK A. BALDWIN, ATTOUNET AT LAW, bneiness in Kvery part of the State receives prompt attention. Room 24, 99 Washington St., -Chi­ cago, III. . » • DR. C. S. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dniidee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th and 25th of earh month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday. JOHN KLEIFUEN. HOUSE Painter, Grainer, Culclmmer atld Paper Hanger. r Residence one Block West of.Riverside House. Work attended to promply and on'reasomtble terms, BUSINESS CA&DS. it H. T. BROWN, M. D. jailYSlClAN AND SURGEON. OfUco over f/the Post Ollce, opposite Perry A ."Martin's ;j||or« up atairs, McHetvry,11l. • ¥' O. H. , D- Pnr«!lOt\N AND SITRGEON. Mr.Henry, Ills, office at Residence, on the Cornev, "tlpposite Blfke's Furniture store. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. IYSICIAN AND STTRGEON. mr residence, opposite M. E. McHenry. III. Offlee at Ohurcb, ONF.V RECEIVED POR INVESTMENT and loaned on inortcasre security at cur- if ntes, without, charpe to the lendciV rm loans made at six per cent. J. W. R VN^TEAD, 1 and 2 Borden Block, Elgin, III ..iHiTjfs rrr-r -- • J- J. MYKRS, . fiktloon - and Restnunrtlt* JN BASEW.NT of Kuhnevt's Store, Johns-bnrgli, Dl. The choicest brandr of Wiftes, ianojs andeig-tr* alw»y.« o* hann. Gall tn<l see mo. . .« £ , H'TJ- !-rf.! J * PRATT IIOOS R PRATT, Proprietor. First Mass an- eommodtitlona. W5»<icon«in. III. Uood;Barn in conneelion BAUItlAN BROS. UGAR Manufacturers, if«'Henry, III. Or- I ders solirilcil. Shiip, 11 Obi Slollenry, f Kelter Block, two doors west of I'LAIS- UUKROnce. U1CI1 Alt U CO Ml* TON. I'm. JUSTICE of the Pe icean l Conveyancer.-* Willattmi'l pro notlv to the collection of («ltts. Volo, Lake County, III. & B. E. RICHARDS* i^TASMt complete Abstract ot Title# to land ml in M Ilenrr County, tll'nois. Office with jjinsty Clerk Woodstock 111. f e , v • 7* E.M.OWEN &ENERAL Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in Luiuling Farm Machimery.-- rices low and terms favorable. McHenry, !.•! E, ii. SMITH. »OOT AND snOK M AKER. Prompt atten. '6° tlW given to"Repih ing. Shop in Gri|g- •' jrV's Harness Shop, opposite Riverside House, ifeHenrv, IlUnnis. ... M A R C U S ' CERMAN Manufactured by MARCUS. --DEALER IN-- fUR£ WINES, LIQUORS AND : CIGARS. Woodstock i .T' l^ntand Quart Bottle*. F. MARCUS, Patentee. frha i>est Tonicjn the W«rl4* » lal TWELVE REASONS, FOR INSURING WlTlC Asa W. Smith, r| Ol Woodstock, 111. . « 1. Because he la endorsed by leading bus .ttess men and the press, anil partlcu arly Where best known. 2. Because his is the oldest agency In the "libnntv. #. 3. Because he represents-the best line of . •inp:mit!8 of any agency in the county. • A. Because, with one exception, he renre- jfeQts the oldest companies in the United •ate*. 5. Because, in case of loss, he gives his Mtrons the benefit of' hi& long experience ia •ecmiag an equitable adjustment. 6. Because lie has always itaued fall pol |eies. H '< 7. Because he pays tosses on Arm property lightning, wbeih'er Are ensnes or not. * 8. Because ho insnrealive stock anywhere Jkgainst liglilniir; - 9 -9. Because he insures against tornadoes, Mrclones and wind storms. » in. Because you cun tuns save yourselves disaster lor a mere trifle. 11. Because you will tind him eqnalljr aa Mtive to aid you in getting ymr oionev afteK toss as to secure you r patronage for his com*' •auies, 12. Because anv one of the above reason* 4*ii be f«Hy verifled bv calling on K. A. Mur- phv, K. Sessions, J. W. Millar, Irom Their owl experience, and on the entire circle ot hit 401itai»tances from observation. In behalf of the OM Reliable, the Ph<*nix, •f Hartfnnt, Connecticut, I take ureat nlen>- •re ill retnrnii;ar the th.iuks of the coiiipnny to Mrs. L. D.Kelly for her promptness and nn- MS nil presence of" mind in extinguisiiing a tire AJ.her resiiierce, kindled from the burning X A. Murphy's residence on the mornintr of the 13th inst. as bv her individual effort, ! i§opertv was saved on which the ci<uipany Sad a policy of *2,000. ASA W. SMITH. Horsemen, Attention ! all lovers of line Horses are reapectfully invited to call at my farm, half a mile west of McHenry, on the Woodstock road, and see my flne M'>vtrail and Draft Horses. I have a Percheron Norman Draft Oolt that is hard to beat. Call and see him. 49~N» business done on Sunday. « - > s.s.©oi»rj« McHenry, May 1st, 1883. C. N. CULVER, AUCTIONEER, Richmond. Illinois Sales of Stock, Farming Tools and Goods ot all kim s attended to on the most Reasonable Terms and satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office address, RICHMOND, ILL. B9~Will.Htend «ak»s and furnish printing and advertising as chcapascan 1* procured cdsew here incite :«unty. -BREEDER OF- BOBEBT C. 3ENNETT, L FOWLS, RICHMOND, ILIi. / !. (FIRST FUCMIUM VT MrllKNKV COl IfT V ritx.) My fowls are of the celebrated DITKE OF- YORK siniin, remarkable for their great size and laying <iualitics. I can show a trio of last se'isonN chicks weighing 31 pounds. S£ggs, tier setting if thirteen. fl.Wi, deliverer! to purch;i»ar Mi Uichmniid. SJiippcil, securely packed, $-2.U0. , , ItQJiJ&RT a BEAXETT. 8. K. HESXETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also United States Examining. Surgeon. Biehmond, Illinois. DR. C. R. WELLS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Wauconda, tilit Co., III. All calls promptly attend­ ed, day or night. Office on Main tit., east of Barker'a harness thop. H. K. JOHNSON A CO., SOLICITORS of Fatants, 1005 9 St., N. W Washington, D. C. RerKKKKCEs.--lion. J. a. Logan, Hon. W. R. Allison, Hon. D. C. Smith, Pekln, M. E. Stone, editor Chicago Xcw*, Farmer'* Heview, Chicago. Send tor instruceions. Edwin K. Bennett, M. D. I Late Houae Snrgeoau Cook County Uoanltal, Cliieago, Hi.) Richmond, - - Illinois. Calls attended dav or night, and special at­ tention given to diflenlt Surgical c«ses. D0N7 YOU FORGET IT! ASA W. SHHTH, JOSEPH N. KREUND. SALOON AND RBT \UR VNT Bonslett'a old stand, opposite Bishop's Mill, Mc- Henrv, 111. The c lolcest Witiea, Liquors and Oigars to lie found in the county. Freeh Ovsters in their season serve«l up in any shape desired'or for sale by the On. GOOD *TAB LING FOR HORSES. ANTONY ENGELN, SVT.OON and Restaurant. Buck's old stand Mcllenrv, III.--The choicest Kentucky Whiskies, «our Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc., alwavs on hand. We buy none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oysters In their season. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. ICS STATE ST., Chicago, I1L tpeelal attention given torepa(ringFine watch esand Chronomctera. WAfull Assortment of Goods In his line Richmond House, RICHMOND. ILL C. N. CULVER, - - Proprietor. HAVING recently nnrchated the above House. I have put It in thorough repaid with new fumitne thronghor.t, an«t wonlit resnectfullv invite the pa iron a ire ot the ttrav. eling public, and others. The tables will al­ wavs lie provided with the hest that can lie iiro'ciired, and polite ami attentive waiters will be in readiness at all time's to attend to the wants of quests. No pains will be spare*} to make this a First Class House. Large and commodious barns on the prcmiees. Free Omnibus to and from all traina. Sample Room a on first floor. gu* H E. WIG HTM AN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivera furnished at reasonable rales. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. WM. H COWLiN ^ J.i* [BITCCRiSOK TO V. *. CUITHIERl > O 0.8 . WAR CLAIM SOLICITOR AND ATTORNEY* ALSO" NOTARY PUIiUC. Prosecutes pension or anv oilier claims against the government, relating^to the lite, or former wais. Complicated eases and re. jecteil claims made a specialty. If Htaraps are enclosed for reply, all communications will be promptly answered. QSm fttSMidMM. MADISOIT ST., WOODSTOCK, ILL References by permission as acter, business aliility, reliability, Ac., regards char- Ac Gen. John A. Logan, U. S. .Senator, Chicago, Illinois. Gen. ,f. C. Smith, State Treasurer of Illinois. Hon. R Ellwood, M. O. 6th III. Dist., Syc­ amore, III. Hon. John C. Sherwin. ex-M. C. 5th 411. Dist., Aurora, III Hon. A. M. Jones, U. S. Marshal, Chicago, III Col. Jas. A. sexton, Pres Union Veteran Club, Chicago, III. Je^se A. Biildwih, Ass't U. 8. Attoroev, Chi­ cago III. Messrs. Scls, Schwab A Co., Wholesale Boot and Shoe Diyilers. Chicago, III. Also hundreds of county and home referen­ ces . \ i A. WENDELL, CABFSSTSBMD JOIHEfl HI, . • J>»%' . Win tako oontrnotB McHer.ryf " - ' ' ... «..!>.. • • • f«»r putting n|> Btiilriiiigs anil jfuamnfe«* mv work Will comparH with any man in Clio State. I emi and will «lo work from 15 to per CPtit ehmper tlian other carpenter*. h« 1 have two of my Hoys who work with me. which makes it possible for tnej to tlo so. % All Jobs In the Carpenter line promptly attended to. Give tn« aeall, • A. WENDELL. f • ii' . , i • VToodatoolc* Backed by XifUtii' oV money INDEMNITY ««$Mt damage by Flr«» Lightning, Wind Storms, 0rcLaswtAh» \TOaXADOiK lllinoiar. * oIMm yon ^lop ̂ ne* postal call on me and I Wiien either or tnents devastate*, you be if you hold and t •*rl!l vlutt yon; w r.le yo« a policy, and "these destructive rle r property, happy will of my policiea, lor I will surely visit yo*, and minister unto you. l.will not foraake you; ASA IT. S.V/Tff, (itn'l Insurance Aff't. WASHINGTON, D. C. The ttopuhtr palact hotel of the National Capital. Conveniently located and accessible to all the street car Itaes or the city. Open all theycNT. O. Q. 8XAP1L.KS, _ . PROrRtBTOK. Late of the Thousand Island House. Horse Shoeing, General Blacksmithing, WASQN AND P. HAUFERISOH, McHenry, Illinoto, Would respectfully Inform his customers and the public generally that he is now hettet than ever prepared tedoail work In his Sim. REP^mmG, Ofall kinds on short call and we will ple.-t and price of work. P. Melfenry, tn„ A Still Out of atlce. f9*Glro na a rou both ia quality IPERI8CH. tut. «f Safety. J. P . SMITH, WATCHMAKER 1 JEWELER McHenry, • Illinois. Ii. Bdaaslett^,^ Near the Depot, MoHENRY - - - ILLINOIS. Keeps constantly on hand the finest brands of Flour and Feod ofall kinds, which he will seU at Wholesale or Retail at Bottom Prices. Five iliflerent brands of Fiour aiwaya* on hand and warranted as represented. Flux Seeil Meal Always on Hand S^FIour delivered anywhere in the Cor poration. Orders may be giveu by Postal Uftrd, Box lOT, Po^t Office. GIVR ME A CALL. L. B0NSLETT. M«He« ft, Mareh 8th, I8f»i o. ;w. OWEN, -DEALER IN Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Sliver ard Plated Ware etc. ffaving moved into m r new storoi one door East of Mrs Searles' Millinery Mtore, I am now prepaVcd to show to the buying | ublic aa tine a »tock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, "t" Silver and Plated Ware, »% • ' AsCan be found in the county, which 1 offer at prieea that cannot be beat. The finest line of FINGEI1 BIN fStfT thia aeetlaa. Alao Agent for the Popnlar 5tw Hoau Sewing MteUu A Fine Stock of Choice Confectionery, And Cigars, Always on hand. S»"Call in, examine goods and learn prices. Re mem ber I vrill not be undersold, quality of goods considered. J. P. SMITH, MeB«.r7, III.. N.v. 16£t. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE And Commercial Institute. _ It^IVK ten-weclijj terms per year. r :KTKBN flBpL COITR-iKS:--Teachers', Collegiate, Mod- Vru l^angnage, Commercial, Art, Music, iTeiegraphic, Phonographic. Penmanship, Klocution, Medical, Engineering, Drawing, 4c. Whole expense for one year, §125 Wea- tern Noruwil Lecture Bureau. Western Normal "Advocate." Catalogues and specU mien copv of paper KltEK. C. L. GREGORY, Principal, Bushqell, III. T V«cp in stock the celebrated SnriaKfBeM Watch, which Is pronounced by all to be the best watch now on the market. Will not be Undersold* On any goods in my lino. . iliavx awtowx/i? HcUcnry, F«b. 10,1^. l - j - i ' l F ine Shoes . Our stock of Foster's celebrated Beloit Shoes is complete. %For style and durability they cannot be excelled. Ask to see them Henry Matched Team For Sale. A ffootl matcliod team for s»le. Four !in<l five years old. ami will weigh be­ tween nine and ten hundivd each. Are well broke and good roaders. Wijl be anld cheap, lira aire of ' < u-n>9 GlWHtf-B*, Ac pRd^Etrrv Beset yon en every hand. The mutter of the slycoon, sick loon, saloon, cyclone, tornado, windstorm, or whatever name nuiv lie given It, is heard in some section of the country nearly every day. The Fire Fiend May break out at (any moment--the eeonomr •f a lifetime lie consumed. Dent h must come to all. Bv a small pavmun' each year you can secure to yourself a foi tune, should vou live, or, in th» event ol death before the lime expires, your family is provided for. *150. 000,000 is'represented by this agencv. Oiir rates are as low as experience has found to be safe. You will save money by insuring with me. Genera! Insurance, Life, Fire. Lightning •nd Tornado a speflaltv. Thanking all my friends for their liberal patronage, nnd, hop. tlig, by square dealing, to merit a continuance Of the same, I beg to subscriiie myself, •i • Respectfully years, C ti. MOHB Y. ~ McHenry, III.. Jane II, 1883. '••• .; I, •» . nwmifi------ ------- "i I I' ii. I Soldier* Department. CONDUCTED BT DR. 8. F. BKNNETT Owtim V. Fojc, who died at Low- ell, Mrm., Ta>t week, commanded (he vessel* which went to the relief of Ma­ jor Anderson and his little band at Fort Sompur, and brought them juisda post mn, sm. 771 Nnni* Post Ne. 226 elected the fol- lowing officers on Wednesday evening, the 12th, Mr the ensnlng year: W. Butler, Com.; M. F. Richards. 8. V. C.; A Johnson, J. V. 17.; L. E. Warner. Q. M ; 4no. Church. S»ir.; Wm. St. Clair Chap.; II. F. Ellsworth. O. D.; I. N. Powell, O, O,; J. H. Oex, Rep. Com^ rade Smiley was mustered Into the Order. Tli" officers will be Inslailetl ai a public Installation Jan. 9th. A post which Is bound to become noted because of the peculiarity of lis natne was organised during the past week in Breckenridge. The name of the Post is Mother Blokerdyke. nnd Its number Is 367, It was organized' on the evening of Nov. 19th, with forty member* and the following officers: p. C., H. C. Keer; J. V. C., David Lahlc; Chap., B. F. Wlnans; Surg., H. G. Wheuer; Q. M., M. M, Taylor; 0. fr„ <, Sherwood fO. G., Noah Kear. !• iS Tho 6oldier*a Frie«4. The man who fought toith the sol* dlslrs Is now flghtlug for them; as will be seen by the subjoined paragraph which wa dip from the Herald of December Ath. This Is a move lu the right direction, and we liope It may be crowned with success: A bill was Introduced to day by Sen­ ator Logan, which proposes to give to soldiers In the late war, who served one year and were honorably discharged eighty acres of land in tli« public domain; to those who served betwreu one anil two ywars 120 aores, and to those wl»# served three yours or more 160 acres. STANPARD & Cents f» . Cuke. tel year Storekeeper for I HADE BY Standard Oil Co. CLEVELAND - 0X10 FOIi SALE IN McHENRY BY FERRY Ac OWEJ| Ht l* H ' n •> -a . ,'v t •» » - * * w » ii " j«,.ii.«»w *"uir i: -r-»- " '•:% V .!'J .ft CONTiNlliTAL HOOF OINTMENT, Cracked Hoofi, Sprains, mWA i CHES AND SORES • nS.l'- '• " IN . . qo 1SES, CATTLE* SHEEP. A sk f/our Storekeeper for it or writ* db set to the Manufacturer*. AMB&IC&ir LVB&IOATIVO OIL CO.. CLEVELAND - - - OHIO. FOB SALS ilf McHENRY BY H. COLBY. Gossamer circular* and eoato for ladies and gentlemen, ftnti » tull line of rubber goods always Sherman oa the (I. A. It. About 1,000 members of the Grand Army of the Republic tendered Gen. Sherman au Informal reception In New Yerk, Nov. lOtli. Gen. Hepry A. Bar- nnni presided. General Sherman made a long address. In which, after thank- Ing hl* old comrades for their hearty we.come, he said he had responded to the call,although It was not customary *• oelebrate oile'e own funeral. He would railier meet old soldiers face to B(- sm the war and lu results, and added: "Since the close of the war a new gen­ eration lias sprung up. Boys not then born are now voters. The destiny or tliH nation has been taken out of our hands. We are now a comparatively small minority. It Is well, however, we should assemble together and keep alive the patriotism of those days, the memory of the hardships endured, the memory of the dear companions wltese bodies lie beneath Ihe southern battle fields. It is well to tell #e story of those days over again to each other, and to tell It to your children and clill dren's children at the llreside that they may know how the country was saved juul who saved it. At one time J doubted the advisability of forming or keeping up such an organisation as the Grand Army of the Republic/but I am now convinced you did well in organ Utog suplt association." sff T tiRiiouK> Statu or Illinois, ai>jt. Office, Spbingfikld, III., Nov. W, *8Sf The 33d General Assembly made an appropriation of ten thousand dollars for gits; cases in which to place the battle flags now in the Adjutant Gen­ eral's office, and otherwise care for and preserve them. The following regiments have no national colors 4« the Memorial Hall coiiuec'ted with this ufltee; The 17th. 18th, 2Jtli, '26th, 4ftth,ft5tli 67th,69th,70th,73d,74th,82d.83d,107th, 108th, 109th, 110th, 112th. 191st, I28th, 145th, and 149th. The following regiments have no State colors: The 13tin. 27th, 33d, 35th. 38th. 41st. 52(1, 63d, 55th. 62J, G7tli, 70th, 71st, 72d. 73d, 74th,82d,88th, 89th, 92d,102d, 104lli 109 th, 110th. 112th, 121st, 123 d, 12Sth, 145th and 151st. There are no colors borne by regi ments or companies In the Black Hawk or Mexican Wars place In the keeping of this department. I have daily inquiries for the missing banners by those who served under them and by other persons from various parts of the state an1 country who feel a deep interest In them. It Is believed they are retained in various localities where the regiments were organized, and where they were perhaps presented or lu the hands of tiie commanding officers or their descendants. Notwithstanding the deep affection the old soldier has for the flag of his regiment and tils desire to keep It near him. yet since the stute has provided a protection and safety more secure than can be furnished elsewhere, it seems most detirable that they should have their place among the flags of other regiments In onr state capital, where they can be seen aiid honored by all old soldiers and the citizens generally. To this end it Is earnestly requested that the flags above mentioned be for­ warded to this office without delay. I. B. Elliot*, A<ljnt««t Qeoeiai. •ow m Union Soldier Maris * FiMle. It was at the "Brandy Station" Va, In the winter of 1863--64. says the Westlleld (Mass.) Timet, that George M. Colt, Company C. Second Vermont Volunteers, propnoed to make the cheer-giving Instrument; and with a hatehet. jack knife, (lie, and a piece of junk bottle as Ills only tools, he cot a piece of Maple from a slump that grew on the bank of the Rappahannock River, and set to work. The back and Aides of the llddle are made of one piece--a "regular dug oot.n Thj| top Is of hemlock taken from a box' which brought some "goodies" from their friends In "Varmomrti*' The bow is of^maple. The keys went matle:ftem the horns of some Confederate cattle that fell into «ur rands and were de­ voured by our carnivorous soldiery, so that the poor brutes contributed to otip mental as well as physical welfare. The hairs were pulled from tbe tall of the Colonel's horse, who was fond of music and never raised a foot in re­ sistance. It is said he even signified-, his willingness to^furnish enough of his hoof for glue, bjit that was found elsewhere, and the instrument was completed, and In the bauds of a mod- ern 'tPaganlns," who rose for the oc­ casion, gave forth Its sou! stirring strains. It conjured up \atagdancos,H serenaded headquarters, and was ad. mired and cherished by the officer* aud men on the "Green Mountain Bey*' The rest must be krt to Imagination, as far as Its army record Is concerned. Suffice It to say. it was whenorbly dis­ charged," aud has been the hero of sev­ eral occasions since the war, reeelvfog the first premium at (lie Vermont State Fair, Rudeias Is It* origlu. Its tone Is remarkably sweet and expres­ sive, especially' In the rendering of "Old John Brown" and other airs that were offsprings of the war, which seem to revive in it the memory of the ex­ citing scenes of Its earljr existence. Its maker find owner still lives, though he received wounds after the produc­ tion of his Instrument that have nearly disabled him for active doty.' ; " M^Tlie origin of the wont" "niews- paper" is not, as many suppose, from the fact pt Its containing new things; but In a former time (1795 to ItW) It was customary to put over tho periodi­ cal pobNeat ious of tho day tfit ff>tt!t4, letters of the compass, St. fi. W, sliow ttMt the >f«irnal had i.% DM. M.M1 The 9teams%l|>|ft Mite In* a»»rt«# ont oA It* loa* «|gfp dangerous wintoi"* Voyage slngpslil)^ and With cniitlou. The preoce<llitg* tr»V4ANeea deddodly tame and star, l|a$ NM» jwraswjs has been made Is#4mMmI Ii the early part of tbe nioned energy rending of alM|f»£etl but, withal, * tetania, f*«taU» Mot# paper. Tb« ;Mlpf tbe aeseag* was that wo>^|ft'ii;ipea|f with all the world and ^obg»««sai|ves; that ne pressing chaafia aro dimanded In or­ ganic law; tKit iM ̂ ntry m pr«ap**» ous, well governed ao4|iappy. 8sdia report may not salitfy hwci* of exdto> ment. but If the ntOMMg# is untiemsii- stratlve we may recall tho ramoln» apothegm^bat that nation Is happf whose annals ait cpa»»e» pb»se. The House had )S|I of , ln« over tho- lottery for seats. wUdi gave relief the overworked legislative mi»«Is, aoA amused the galleries. The sebeaae e# the drawing was tbajl iBOtbles corres­ ponding in nunbor ti tW aumberef. Representative# **!* tab • b* and drawn ; by one by blindfolded pag*. ^ni£4ssks fonuorlyr > oecupiett by Xftslf, leD^y, ol sylvanla. and Reblaaoo. ot Hew York^ " ware adoroed wllb boUu W MpOs that ' their prior rlghU wonld >0 Soepeoted.. 81 wee tbe Irtt aumber JhpNS, aad' a% tlte nana Duaeaa -9«fta«ffp|"ttie j aate member 1 to Mr. Raadoll ai4'«iliMli scathe preferred. Xr. fisness thoa took that seat to secure !t for hi* colt- league. and Whoa MK |»|galf« MUMber WM drawn be surreallaeod tt lohti» and selected anotfter **<#. for Mmeelf.. This same courtesy wr» #^|te»ded llr. Randall by Geo. JoO Wjieely a» tho- begbanlng of the «>so. gross. Mr. Co* W* affiw Mm lupebr 4 ones. Be SMumil was greeted #illi ed a seat In tip the speaKer^a party from also lucky Republican s Kcflay's hat Mr. Robtneooy toaeak :] loot general Information. 19*Mr: D. G. Woolverton purchased and owned for a short time a year aud a half ago a yery likely young Relsteiu lielfer which a party in Chicago took a fancy for. Since then Mr. W. bought a very promising young milker of the Jertey breed which the Glitcago party wanted to be possessed of without see­ ing ber. and asked M*. W. bow he would trade tbe Jersey for tbe Holsteln, His answer was for an even tl00, when the Chicago party said he would give 175 and not look at ber which we think pretty good flgures. but tbey did not trade,--Betvidere Standard. Ax exohange says: "A Nebraska wid­ ow with twenty-one children •• adver­ tising for a husband" There Is great virtue in printer's Ink; Is has brought fortunes to both men and women; but we don't believe a double-column ad­ vertisement, Inserted next to reading matter every day for six mouths would bring a husband to a widow with twenty-one children--unless the latter are kept in the background or under­ ground or somewhere. We dfellke to go back on advertising, but tiie ^iue must be drawn somewhere. way o*er4n^«e«|!!Pi4#i^;i<^ rnnnda ahsfce bas'TJ|j|p$d a vbsls - national ptatiorm ta Mpe tillls he b«* Introduced Ho H«r KlMKiafvea a«so»d- •ents to €«f*f«i|l|i;§avo al»f||y-# boon profoeod la^-fSi,,eol|M|- the prot««||0B of «tok"flNuaMi In " wit' political rights. tM H^a^alog of the sufrage to'lbs<olfa bagiNMiaeBS asd |». women, tbe mWfllkthe liquor The papir8~are telling a very good Joke at the expense of the ftev.J Rain, of Philadelphia. He was preaching In Pitteburg last Snndaj- niglit, aud was telling what a nice place heaven is. After enumeratlag the things not to be found titere, too rev erend gentleman said: uTbere h bo darkness there, no clouds, oo sickness no graves, no funerals, no preachers--^** At this point a smile ran over the and is nee, which thfc spesker perceiving and seeing the necessity of an explan atlon. he Interpolated the remark: meau tiiere's no preaching The amendment was accepted. L*# •0" A man was In iJelvitJere last week ollectlng royalty oi> a curb filler on which he claims to bold a patent. It is a sort of broad mouthed tin tunnel, tho mouth Is tbe size of a ebeete hoop which facilitates the fTHingef: lie hoops with the curd. A f lit iter would charge 50 or 60 cents for malting sitch a tunnel probably. He found out that tho old firm of Durham A Pettlt had used the tunnel some years ago when they wore n business, and came down on tbeas for damages, asking #250, Rather than to enfage in a lawsuit tbey settled with the ma a for tllO. Tho patentee ef this tonne! or filler Is rsklttg In the dimes at a lively rate front the cheese factories all tlmwMtli this section. It is said. It Is a very simple contrivance and no one woold suppose there was a patent on such a thinfj.--Sfrmdard. THE ladle* are more than delighted with that celobrnted Laundry Wax. to he found at Perrv A Owen's. Try s cake and you will never be without it It jrives a'gloss to linen which can be pjeduced in cents a cake, /T. traffic, aad tb« #ttt||«*w>f the vo»t> power to tho lte«p«f fliiprepriatleiti bills. Tbe pifeW *! tfcft tidal wavo- of meesttros«»KMliflrttf^r|iid on tk* govereseoat Mrtatlaf^iao^ aad sweio the Congrssslaual fcjsard to remarka­ ble proportion*. IM bllla bav^ been isttroduead la fwo Atya of th» session. In tba^Tarty aoU--th Coegree» nearly eleven tbM»|^t >i**o btlk- and resohstloaa Weeo latfMuced. all e»g which, exoept a few buadred, periahedu History will a* <!e*bt ntt>*at itself Hp Ihe new CH|WW, For a long serl*». of yeara tbo total amubar of hills ba» steadily thUtatW of'bills ba» tbelinei r • • - Oae of tbo isolueas o# sbf week wa||.' Senator Morfiirt abta apopch on tb» coinage of tho country. He advocate# tbe stoppage of aMvov eOinage. amf made fua of tbe beautiful Works of as|f we carry aroond la sar pes'ta.ln M# said tbe United Statea ought l» bavw as artistic coins as any other country^ and intimated that tbe present colns^ from an artistic point of view, wer* not worth wovktqg for or placing In IP brlc-a-brav eabloek. || It la a matter of eoauaoafoaarb *b#| there are saoi* ;owf M« to COags*M|t than ever before, h tlus Moose tber* are fifty penabers wider forty yeose Tho youngest asember Is Poet, of PrsMjhrasIa. wbo la isow 27, Tbe yonngeet Senator la Mr. KenaatO? * f- West Virginia. ji^W Aa exan^lua-> , I tlon of tho faces of tbo MepiCscutatlvoo as tbey «st at their desk*, will abow 1 that tbo preportiouoto saajoHtr f|| j young men Is with tbo Do»ocrais> Tfo<C^C/ policy of these yoiui'g pofkfclaua It ag­ gressive, and sbelr lutfuoace Is a beady ' -4- felt. "Wby Just leok,Msald a prou»lnout*,";.c'! polltlclaa to mo yesterday.' "*the^o ^ youngsters have capturOd about all tho offices of the House, aM at* beat lag * 4he old fogies out of Ibelr boe>ta.** "EternalditMAUila( Is tbo prk*1 of bcslnese, Tbo eouutr^ ^rae never ^ before so overruu wltb tbeas tlrelesa ' -V business agents. I Mlbd «s a grocer friend In a smaN towu aud found ivo , men there trying to soil blm a bill of' goods. There wa* ouo customer before the couuter. a little girl *tnt)u| 10 cents* worth of sugar. If tbo drum as I ng hM«lne»s was to atop soddotily. nior« than half the hotel* lu tbe eoantrr^ hack-owners, and divers utimenjiouahio place* would go into bankruptcy Th» general talk among saleemoa aud risk chants Is that tbe past auuimcr has bee« ntltcr uasatlsfaiNMy ana for m*r>v all kiuils of botlao*a.-~GM<*Vt> hmatd % rv &•%

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