- "« - »*»*>-- «*« ' " •' ' '• •v • . -,A :' ' *}• V- \ ' **At•, si Let 11 M »v.f: ' >VT la ttM best and shortest rout® to and from Chicago and Council lilnflV(Oma'ha), and that it is fMeferre<i liv all well posted travelers when passing tour lrom •^.rrar-ws'.* W"t U , $ - ri * 4 v *-v California and Colorado, It ftlanopi line betwec Chicago li! and St. Paul Minneapolis WAUCONDA, -V! •" « •*. M %, 4 , ' " ' W ' ' $ % o ••r-Vir iV « »J< V r &•<**-' * . v £ 4 -*£ <M> ** r„ *-u^ # p -j, JM. Everybody goes there to buy rn.m m ' ..t' i:x:'i'i>. v} NOTIONS, AND JjMfiPSPiSi':'. •»>, oice T«»AClT*OF LIFB. ItftppMtr* from the fntUoiod »t« •f tH* worli that woman h*v« » ffVUter t*tmeltjr «»f lif« than men. N*» titril werehlpt tha female ID ail U» TarlatlM, Among ln««cts the male periahetat a relatively earlier period* la |>ltntj> tka so mi nolo blossom* tlla Mrlieat a*4 are prodcetl on the weaker llnhs. Female quadrupeds have more •adtir.iuee than males. In the human >w. detplte the Intellectual and p!iy«- tea) strength of the man, the woman en*i dhrot the longest, and will bear pain to wttieh the strong man succumbs. Zy- •eotic tlisetues are more fatal to malea, tad more mile children die than fe- malea. Deuorga asserts that th« pro portion dying suddenly Is about 100 waraen to 7S0 men; 1080 in the United States. In 1870, committed suicide, to S85 women. Intemperance, apoplexy, gout hydroceplialous, affections of the heart and lirer, scrofula, parnlysl*, are ftr mare fatal ta males than females. Pulmonary consumption, on the other , hand, Is^more deadly to the latteiv Females In cities are more prone t«r Consumption than in the country. All' •Id countries net dlstutbed by eralgra* lloci have a largfe majority of females la the population. In royal families $he statistics show more daughters than sons. The llehrew woman is ex ceptionally l«ng lived; the colored man Is exceptionally short lived. The mar- lied state Is favorable for the prepar ation of life among women. Dr. Rough proclaims that there are from two to six per cent, more males born than fe- mal«s,yet there are more than six per «ent, of females in the livine popula tions. From which statistics, we con- .etude that all women ought to marry, 'and that as men are lfkcly to become •O Scarce they cannot be sufficiently prized by the other »ex. GROCERIES, Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Ladies' and Gents' Gossamers, Ladies' and Gents' Gloves, and Mittens, Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery. A nice stock of Cor sets and Hoop Sidrts, an EXTRA quality of Woolen Yarns, Carpet Warps, Cotton Batting-, and all the Staple ^rticles kept in a gen eral store, and at prices to suit the present depreciated markets. t-r/. I>*ker Playing In Society. Serially. New York is under a sptU Which exceeds and includes beauty, trrites a correspondent of the ci ty* Poker possesses us. The games of the «|ub and bar-room has been taken into l^alfof the parlors of tills city. It has fll but driven whist from tlie tables of wealth And fashion. Women are especi* ally Inlatuated with It. The daintiest H>d most circumspect girls bluft and Set like old f amblers. Playing for ilkoney to no longer an indulgence lit #ickedness, to blush for and whimper Ifbont. bat a common and- not repre hensible diversion. A flre-cent antt and $1 limit are the usual conditions ttud you are igorant of tlte game If you don't know that 810 may easily be lost #r won in the evening at that rate. ITlie bell, without Iter box 'of poker dhlps nowadays Is poorly outfitted for the entertainment of friendly callers; fad it will no longer do tor a young (Ban to go out for evening visits with (inly car fare in his pocket. Tlie ex citement of gaming is naturally great- #r to women than to aien, and yet I flii'ik that they do better playing, as a rule by reason of their self-control, ^fnickness of perception and conceal- ||ient of purpose. It may be truly said iff this new rage for parlor gambling that very often it goes beyoud 4#ere GOOD A RIMMSUUS «|Miaffr. One day three or four week» age a tail grocer over in Jersey sat down §itli his clerk one eve»ng, and said: . "James, I owe New York lieuses •"tjv^r •S.OOO." "*e have tt.000 in cash in the safe, the stock is all run down, and thia Would be the time to fall In buisness." . - "It certainly would." »fBut I want a reasonable apology to £!ve my creditors when they eome X down upon ns for'explanatinns. See if en can't think of something te»uiglit and let-ran know in the morning.', Tli- clerk promised, and tiie grocer Wheeled a ch*st of tea and a bag of home as a beginning. Next Iporning when he appeared at the •tore the safe was open, the ca«h gone, ijnd on th* desk was a note from the Jjhrk. readins: ' I "I h "1 have taken the 93.000 and am pre- ^ared to skip. It will be ths best ex p|u«e in the world for your falKnx so i*t that cr*ditor» can't relize two oents tlie dollar."-- Wall Street Newt. BUTTER WANTED, And the Highest Market Price Paid. Colding Wauconda, Dec. 1,1883. 7 MODSSN WOHSEBS, LAKE COUICFY Challfiaisd tt flatcb Tksi! That Ik, the Large Stock of Good* and Low Prices to be found at * imtir WAUCONDA. ILL. OftftlrtWjr for Men. Tenths and Bnys, Ready Made and made to order. AUu a full line ol Gents' FurnishiuJf Goods, Hats, Caps. Boots, Shoes, et^. Also a I.arite2Stock «r CLOAKS AKD COLUMS, Which will be sold cheaper than can be found elsewhere III the County. We mean business and are bound to please you if you call. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, i^"'1 < f ' ft'? y Ipi#* ^ANt)- tion Guaranteed MCHEKRT, III., February 11|1884. -h'4 r< '-V- V iJifc THE SPIRAL SPRING BUGGY HAS THE ONLY ADJUSTABLE SPRING IN THE WORLD. No SAO, NO SWAY, NO PITCH, CARRIES ANY WKIQHT. > MRS.'H. MAIMAtl, Has just roturntd from th« city with a full.and selected stockof Fashionable Winter ilillineiy. which she invites the ladies of Wauconda and vicinity to oall and examine and leant prices. Waneon<la, Doc. 5tti, 18*3." ; I^An able-bodied father was «|ow> Iv going home to his dinner, when hi.* tefyes foliupcQ 'i s young hopeful hard at irerk shoveling tu^w lor his uncle, lor Sin. It's curious what lots of fun it !* for l»oys to shovel snow for fiomebody else- And yet It is such hard work to shovel •now off the pavements at home. "Come on home to dinner." shouted the fatner,"you knew it will soon be Wliool time." "Don't have te go to school/' an- swered the hopeful. MWhr not. pray." said the paternal, partiltg on a stern air that meant busi ness. "Only one session," shouted the boy. 'It's t->o bad weather for us ehik'rcn to go ont.H A well kno-vu clergyman* In the north of England.entertained, recently a brother clergyman from some dis tance. The evening being unpropitious, V asked him lo remain for tlie night. At dark tlie clergyman asked iiini to etep Into the manse while he gave oiv *lers to have the conveyance ready in ithe morning. As the visitor entered the maus* the clergyman's wife mis, t«ek him in the dusk for'her husbind. and,seizing the pulpit bible, which • was en the lobby table, brought the full weigh: of it across his shoulders, exclaiming emphatically; "Tako that for asking the ugly wretell to stay nil , m »h t Ch {rtujo Herald, RE A A thtf following critical opinions of BttUet texd Shell." Abookof really absorbiHff iiitereflt."--Phila. JPreM, <^n tlie Civil War that has been publ^U^iHi/' a^thou bAtt'e.**-- -V "" ouIA I'd wo *wBo*ton Globe, lit Jied b* en written-4>n the field of l,lt will be thy most wide! Wai'iuly welcometl everywfoeru Svrar»c«e Tim<>n. "Itis a pleaMire to heartily tmtjorea Bullet And Stj_*1K* * *--Chicago Tribune. ' It iaveryc«>r» Wet hUiury,"- Gen. U. S. Grant. "I have no hesita? Uon i n l t'comuitiuciini? i t to tlie retidiitc uublic of Aumre W. T. Sherman. AGENTS WANTED for DIM I CT Afregh, takiRS.book, sjiowing UULLL I "war as thu soldier saw it "and selliii',' at tii<^rate • • • of thousands of oop- iV'ijBuer- A U VI getio men. members f AHII Others desirins esj»e-olaJly profitable 111# employment,shoulct investigate and secure agency •witli exclueive territory. Spe cial teriua nnd lull particu- . larg free. AridreBS A.C. NETTLETOH & CO., PUBLI8HEB8. CHI0A00, ILL. WtUMlJ }MUUUUA SHELL LIGHT, STYLISH AND STRICTLY FIBBT-CLASS. EVERY BUGGY WARRANTED 2 YEARS, SPRINGS WARRANTED: 10 YEAR* THE EASIEST RIDING BUCCY BUILT. THE NEWEST AND BEST THING OUT IN CARRIAGE SPRINQF. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALQQUE AND PRICE LIST. THE SPIRAL SPRING BUGGY CO., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Groceries. It elm operate* tbe beat mate and t he abort line betweon MHwaukee, I.nCroaae, 9uerta, HMtitnn, Port How«n1 (Grocn Bay/, Wisconsin, Winona, Owatonnii, ICaekato. Minn., Cedar Haitida# De» Mafnoa, Webster City, Algonn, ClinUin, . »?. **• *ow*> Frecport. Elgin, Rock. •ar® ,nMM: K 900 local stations on ita line#, Apiong a few of the nnnerous pointa of an, F!!I ?.r V[ f^V5<! the pntruna of this md, are its OA\ COAOHKS, which are the lineal ii'II I HMI1! "rdRil'lC6"11" -v cn" <•'<**t«; itf PA1-A11Al, .SLbbPINii CA1W, \»lii;h ira nifHtiiU nf comfort and clcirance; its PA1.ACB URAWINU ROOM CARsr which are n^so" ^ passed by any; and ita widely eelelirnted % ' NORTH-W>RTKRN DININCT CAR8, S The like of which are not run by any othei ? nwd anywhere. In short, it is asserted thai? ' IT I« fHK BUST EQUIPPED ROAD llf THE WORM). All points of interest North, Northwest and ' West of Cliic.uuo. business centrus. aummat resorts nnd noted huntinff and flailing jfroundi ard accessible by the various branches of tbiC' < road. It owns and controls over 5,000 miles of nwd-r ann has over four hnndred pas.sengor cmi' . durtors constantly caring for its millions ef -' patrons. Ask your ticket agents for tickets via thii route, AND TAKE NONE OTHER. It co»tf; no mere to travel on this rente, that givof flrst.c.lnss accommodation*, than it does to go % by the poorly equipped roii.is, Foi niapf, descriptive circulars and aummet • resort papers, or other information not obtain*' able at your local ticket office, write to the Gen') Pass. Agent, G. & N. W. Railway, Chicaeo 111/ wt tt*VE SEVERAL CLOAKS WttTCrt ittTSt ttfefUKto OUT WITHIN THIHTY DAYS. PERRY 4. OWEN. en JOHN L STORY One Door West of the Riverside Houee, Mas a complete line of the best Stoves in the market, as well as a large stock of Lamps, Chandeliers, r And in short, Ever2*l̂ i!|.fnl|j}ige Mard**«ro, Stove Will Not bo TJnddioWt CALL AT HIS STORE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHJSBE- Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended to. KMEMBER, extra <?ood bargains enn always be obtaiued at JOHN I, STORY'S. Mcft KiniT. lll.»J«B.«laA ISM. JOS. WIEDEMANN, Saloon and Restaurant, HEAR! THE DEPOT, MoHENRY, - ILLINOIS The best Brands of Wines, liquors or Cigars always on Hand. >Go«il btabling ftf. Horses. ALSO ACENT FOR ; Franz Falk's pLWAUKEB DON'T YOU FORGET IT! ASA W. SMITH, -OF- T WoodistoeU, - - lUinoiai. liiu^kcd hy Millions of .money offej you INDEMNITY against damage by Fire* Lightning, Wind Storms, CYCLONES 4A"J>\TOUNADORH. Drop we a postal eard and I *111 visit yon; call ou m« and I will write you a ixjlicy, and .Wiieii either orxany of thene destructive i'l». me«it» iJeviiHti-.tea your property, happy will you be if vou Unlit one of my policies, for I wiM visit yon, *nd minister unto you. 1 w»M fiot for«ake jrou, ASA !»'• SMITH, Oen'l Insurance Ag't. ^i-iui six cents for pontage HOII receive ire, a cosi.lv box i,t fronts which will help you to more moVier ICiglit away tiian uuy. IHinjt cIj"1 in Ihis worW. All, of <?ithcr sex «wM'C.e t from flrnl hour. The broad road to > bcf»re, ti4« lurtuflf opens I ««M. addfvtM^ worivern, alitinlutcly TKITK ft CO., A"ga"ta, Maiuf. WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE And Commercial Institute. "L^IVK I.en.wcekB terms per vear. riKTKEN r COURSIC^:--Teachers', fiollejfiate. Mod. evn i.anpr^iage, Coinmorni.tl, Art, MII«ic. Telejfnipliic. Phonographic., i'otimniiHliip Klocution, Medical, Knfrincerinir, Drawing; Whole expense for one year,{l'lt Wes. tern Normal T.pcttiro flurcnu. Western Nprinal ••'.\ilvociit.e." Catalogues and spcci. mina eopy of paper KiiKK. C. I,. GBEGOItT, Pfncipnl, , ' Buahnell, I||. ^ DO YOU WANT --TO BUY-- Sewing Machine? Reer in l<arge or Small Kegs or'Botlles a ,. ay« on hand obeaper than any other, qual ty considered. This liner has a world wide roputfttion, anf' (toodjndsos i^eknowlodge it cannot oe ant passed in Uio world. Orders by mail promptly attended to. JOS. WIEDEMANN. McHenry, 111. A i;. i«tl. JfM. AGENTS WANTED. MO HMO NISM UNVEILED, BT A MOItMO.V BISHOP, Itotag the only r«ol expoAC oC tbo tlla d«o«a Of _ <->. -!v:sW; DA1SITE« ' • BLOOD ATOTWRft! AVKNGING AJNGKL8! And other Tscuvet secioties of Monnonism' Kull and aniht;ntic pnrlicHlars of the IICIRRI-* ltl.K lit'TOIIF.lH of men. women ami tthildren at the Mountain Meadows Massacre, and t«r- riltle wrongs and snflerin^s of Mrs, Itritf llnmpton. A wonderful -book for agents t omp!<<t<; our.flt, TS ex'nts. Onitttand aainple copy, So-ucu an agency at onec, or write for tiles. trat«d ctroillar and special terms to y si x pvBLismita ca, „ 80# Chanln'ti tit., Cor. Itroadujfclt, SH louU, Mo.t 4vr Bottom figures »nrt luteff styloa liflngitig lamps, So lisle ti, Stofliel 4 Co.1*. roinpt Vttei Terms KcaikonuUle I hare on burnt nnd am selling at the T.owt eat prices, the Domestic, Kldredge, Kpw Home, Sprinslli'ld, New American, and Singer o wins Machines, and wHI not bo undersold by any axeut in the county. A good singer Machine for 20, warranted to do the work of any Singer Maehine in the wo-id. Call and suu me. O. W, Q WEN. J(eHenry, felt. 80, 1883 Horse Shoeing,. Qeneral WAGON AND P. HAUPERISOH, Mollenry, llliyiQlp, Would respectfiilly infornj his enstomer^ and the public generally Mint he is now beuci than ever prepared to do all work in his hue RE PAIR IIS Q, Of all kinds on short notice. WGire ns a call and we will pieaae yon both in qaftiity and pride of work. P. HAUPERISCH. Meifcgrf, IN., Aug. 7th, WSJ. jpEAI.ERS IH. ' Furniture, OF ALL Kmom Store in Lansing's Block, NEAR THE DEPOT, mchshei - m We haveono of t(ta lMrge»t »tM«fc» ef Tar. nlture of nil kinds to ho found iu the county, and our prices will be as LOW AS THE LOWEST. We keep none but the best and persoaC wishing i« buy Furniture of any kind will aavo money by giving us a call. . •%' We alao keep » full line of aamplea of CARPETS, Ana can sell von one from the chaapai| grade tea Itrussels, as chcap as any heus# outside of Chicago. (iive us a call ithd we are suro.we s*t^ jroit money on anything in our line, A full Assrj-tment of C0FP1S9 AND OAS* KCTi always on uand. «*A Hearse Furnlshod at th| most Reasonable Rat%«. .JI STEN MHOS. •iif m $ jmSv.., ,v • ->• 'E STILL And will be pleased to show you our stock, con*Mting of PRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CLOTHINU, ' : v '• • ' fl . V&faV*' ; . ' . • . • 3 * . . . ' # ••••?***- Lad!M* »hd Gentt^ U«derw4»nr, Indies' snd Gents* OomaoKli) ** • ** *' Gloves & Mittens, ** •' ** Hosieiy, A nice stock of (Jors«ts and Hoop Skivta, an EXTKA QUALI1Y of Woolen Yarns, Carpet Warps, Cotton Batting, and al! the e Artiolee kppt in a General Store, and at prices to suit the prtie -t depreciated markets. GOOD NUTTEH ANP WA^'I'ivP, ana the Highest Market Price Paid,. r i - ' * ,s . . MAYES & BARTLETT, Centreville, MoKeary » • " • • • ( • • - ' ' ' • . ' B. Sherman ; WOODSTOCK, IL| -- dhaleh IN-- Breech and Muzzle Loading dhot Guns. - Powder.Hn.it, Oapa.Wads OirtrM|i« for sale. Fishing TftOKle eh^ap. , Al. Kinds of sporting* (*ood^ AM> REPAIRING DONE. A. flood Tlrecch iMdinfr, Double." BarrtM Onn. warranted Twist KNi Winchester llifle, 7« m|Hlel, 16 shots, JJic.kcl Plated A shot llcvi'lvfr, ll.Sft Sclfoorkjiiis I'ritieli Hull Po(? l'lstol, .00. A ROOII Single Itnrrcl, Bieech Lo dlaf(, 9iVfTle (inn, warranted, M. I will uudprseli any house in the county IS Onns and S|M>rlinx tJooiis. Ir yon want % Hood gun it will uav you to call a 114 Ht MO* 1 warrant every gun'l se||, Clothes Wringers repaired slid newjiolls put on. Price ptr pair warranted, $2.50. B. SHERMAN. Woodstock, .1 ulv 15th, 1883. ATTENTION! ECCNOMY IS WEALTH Tou cap save mojjey by giving your or-der| '°F. W. MEAD, ILklNOia, RICHMOND, - --FOB - Wlfppi, Carriatres of all deaorlptiona, " HK, Paintiny, general El smithing, ft.a„ ftc-, Ac. Repairing of plows and all other farm ill ..laments is (riven particular nttcptiop. I my manufactiirea I use only ine ucst niit(t iript pairinir. Pi in tiny, jHJteml Elack. r n _ _ f o t h e r f a r m pigments is given j>articulur nttcption. 11 my mnnufactiiriia I use onlv the best materw ali nnd, keeping the v^ry best workmen in an dopartinents, I am enabled to guarantee nf warrant nil pork that goes from my shop *• flrat class ip every particular. ". JfEOm, GUARANTEE OK'WAGOKS. •A41 farm wagona mannfhctnrpd at my atooi are warranted for TIIKKS TEAKS. AGRICULTURAL rv ing, especinlly, N<>rwoftian Ikipg and Rld| IB* Jesley Bros* j IMPLEMENTS l sell everv agrictiUm'al implement, incladjr -g. especinlly, NortfOglan W<*ikj ing Plows. X. O. Thompson i>nd <; flow sand Cultivators, K. H. Nanny Soede and Corn Cultivator*, the Itowiigiac Sprin Tooth Seeders, (hp |M;mo and p. M. Osl>orne Oo.'s Harvester and'fwine Binder, the Wa rlorand Hopkins' Mower, and all other first class machines, Warraulpit lifst^lass or •# aale. Bl-ACKSWl?H|(<i of orpry kind attendo# to promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. FI» ¥2 PAINTING 4 SPECIALTY. T hayi» engaged J. STJLLWELTi, the be»l painter ot {htt Northwpst. for one year, at longer, to t.ikc charge of ipf jiaint shop, whir l ia a f-.:|ticicnt guarantee that*)!} work®* thaf. ^Pj^will bp done in the Ijobt roost artist^ it siioi|ld not bo forgotten lljat I employ s Repass, wood-workman of twerfv years ox|::si;y-' Eerienco, and 1. !lowe, carriage qlacksinithi : oth in aiitpisse*) as ar((Kaps in their lipe. finally, conio anil see me find I will guar*-- • an ice sni isfn'tion hh to i^riccs and <| utility of WorHtflSlHnferwmi, > m M$4D,