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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Feb 1884, p. 1

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fcr,^ ,"5* * ^ r:**; %#-1T- fti-i-<i- fabliiM Kr«ry W«<lnesdmr by J. VA^ NLYKE, 'CDtTOft A1*© PUBUISireft i Office In Bishop's Block, --Opposite Pekkt * Owuffc- ,: -W*;- .• - ' •• $%»,'!'",' s«s or tlTBWKIPTiail, t *mm Tsar (In Art»Moe) «. ...«1.5S filet Paid within Three Month*.... .. *.00 ', Subscriptions receive! for three er «fx , {tenths I • the nim proportion. Bates of Advertising. •:if Vi announce Hh*r*l rote* f«»r adrertlsln* llin th* Pf.Mi»r»*AT.F.n. an1 endeavor to state them to plaint* that the* will h« readily an- i|tntn<!. They srs as fbl towvr 8 00 K MM •0 00 10*00 h 1 Inch one rear - * Ql Teehe* one rear - • It Iir.hH one rear . - M (Mvnii one rnr - • If4 Otloan one mr. • ^ 1 Oelassn one year » •• ::k On* Inefc mean* th# aMunamt of one |ick down the eolumn, linjle r.olnmn width, p Tearl* advertisers, at the above rate*, have ^hs prlTiletre of rhanpinsr as .often as] they -£beose, without extra charge.' •4 Eeentar advertisers (mesnln* those bavin* /Standing rards) will be entitled to Insertion ®f local notice* at the rate of 5 cent* per line spach week. All other* will be charged 10 fweat* per tine the lUst week, ami 5cents per Jiao for each subsequent week. % Transient advertise-nent.s will be eharsred •sit tho rate of 10 cents' pe line, (nonpar*il |*yps, same as this I.* set Is) the first issue, a ni "•'easts per line for subsequent Issives. Th'^s, ma inch advertisement will cost #1.00 for one fereefc, #1.50 for two weeks, $2.00 for three •%seks, and so on/ The Pi.tivnittm vlll be liberal In fclvln* editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it will reqirtrs a snltaMe fee from everybody peeking tfc* u so of it* colsmns for pecuniary BUSINESS CAliDS. MARY «. BARBIAX. HAIR WOUKKK. All kti.ds of Ilair work done in first class stvle and at reasonable pri<*e«. Rooms at resilience, north, east cornei of Public Square, Me Henry, IIU BUSINESS CARDS. h. t. buowx.m. u. P*r«ClAV AMI) SITRGEOX. Offee orer the Port (IKcn, opposite Perry A^Martln s ftoro up stnirs, McHenry, 111. S. H. SOOTHILL, *. D. *>HYSTOTAX AMD SlTltuKOX. C«ce oppo- •la *ite Post 0«re, Rinjrwood. III. t' |r a i». riGKa, m. n. INTMOlitH i<tn ^Rtsmx, WfllMrr, i IIH. OMce at Ke»ldene.e, on the Corner, opposite Klake's Furniture Store. - 'f A. J. HOWARD, M. T>. s ||»«VSTCTAV A*1> 8tTR«KON. IWflee at ...1 uiv residence, opposite If. B. Church, Itfclfeery. III. OXKT ttECEIVED FOU IXVEsTMEXT an<t loaned on mortaasre security at enr- _jt rates, without charge to the lender, 'tra loans made at six per cent. J. W. RAX4TKAD, j. •» }( Rorden Block, Rlgin, III «sr J. J. «»|oon and Bestaiimnt, fV VA4RMKNTof Kuhncrt's ^tore, Johns, harirh, Til. Tho choicest brands of Wines, [IV PUATT HOUSE. J A. PRATT, Proprietor First Has* ae-eommo»lHtions. Good Barn in connection fr^iicondn. 111. ' RAKRIA^ BROS. n(d;4l )fM«rfrf«irerii, McHopry, Ul. Or- L> ao« «<Hicite«i. Shop, I * Old Mc«<*nrr, 4* <*jtar Block, two doors west of Plain- •it^MR Ollce. #|«I1AU» COM P TON JUSTICE of the Peaceand Conveyancor.-- Vfiilattend uromotly to tfet collection of fyeM*- Vole. l'Kko County, III. * B. j|f. OffKN ^ GKNRRAL Dealer and Manufacturer* As at n !<eadlnir Farm Machinery.-- prices lowland term* favorable. Meiienry, #1'. ff.«. SMITH. Boot AXOSHOK MAKKR. Prompt jUien-tlon Riven to Ueiviirin?,. »hop in Or#*. »rv's Harness Shop, opposite Riverside House, •Ictlenrr, Illinois. , MARCUS' CERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS -DEALER IM­ PURE WINES, UQU0BS AND " PIC ADC ;4?i' *: CIGARS, Woodstoek Vht bej>t Tonic in the world. Put up in Pint uart 9«(tLic6. 1*. r, MARCUS, Patentee. C.S. URGKX. ITRTKRIXAKY ftURtiROV, Rtehmoild. V Illinois JBSSR A. BALftWnr, ATTOUHKY AT I.AW. Law business in Kvcry part of theSinto receives prompt attention, ltoom 24, in) Wa.hinxton St., Chi- eago. 111. DR. C. X. WILLIAMS. |\KSTIST. Residence Dnndee. Will ho at McHenry. at Parker House, the 10th and SM*i <"»f each month. Wher. dates occur Saturday or Sunday I •lake my visits on the following Monday. TWELVE REASONS, FOR IVSURIMO WITH • Smith, Oi :WoodstQck, |[)1. I. Because he is endorsed by leading bu« men an<i the presa, ^uU paftic.u arly where best known. 1 Because his UtbevldMC age^y U the C"'jntftci-au8e he presets tbfi l*ei»t fine of ompanles of any ageney in ttje oouijty. 4. Because, witfc <H»e exemption, he renre- fents the oldest companies in Uae United £tates. • A Because, in case of !<>£*, he jrives his natrons the benefit of his ion* experience in Wining au equitable adjirutigtMit. 6. Becau«« he bag aiwa.vs ftsued full pol icles. 7. Because he pays Josses on ff rijj propertv 1 by lifflitnintr, wbetbrnr Are ensues or no*. .' * 8. Because he ine#r«s live euxtj^ any where I * against lijfhtnu>!X. 9. Because he insures aga«ust tofnadiMis, /cyclonee and yriwd ^tor«|s. in. Because it-ao thus say« jroifts^ives <rom disaster lor a nwc trife. II. Because fov Vill Hnd hin» eqtj»llr as active to aid you tn rafting rottf nfon-y after loss as to secure yoif r patron*gfe for hie com- V* sanies, ' 13. Because any gu.e of the above ry>aAnns ' can be fully verified by fiiiliifgon K. .1. Mnr. pby, E. Sessioijsj 4• W. Mi lief, from theirmvn experience, and on the entire circle pt his acquaintances from observation. , In bciialf of the Old Iteliabiu, the Plueni*, pf Hartford, Connecticut, I take sr^eat n4*as lire in returning tli<f thanks «jf IUjC c««n|ian> to Mrs. L. IK Kelly torher pronjpMictf «diIud- lisual presence of mind in exiiqg^i«^i^^ a flrc At her resiilecce, kindled from the Intvnii.g ijf ?! A. Murplir's residence on the. mo'rninjr of heTSthlnst". as bv her effort, =s »ronertv was saved on which li^> cciniKiny . £nn a Miify * J ^ ¥. AB4 W.. jSl|ITH, JOHM RLRIFURX. HOtTSR Painter, Grainer, Calciminer and Paper Hanger. Residence an^ Block West of Riverside House. Work attended to promply and on reasonable terms. Horsemen, Attention ! all lovers ot line Horses are re«)«ctfiil1y Invited to call :it mv farm, half a mile west of Mcllcnry, on the Woi>d«toek road, and *ee"lur tfne Morgan and Dr.ift Horses. I have a Pcrcheron Norman Draft «»lt that U hard to be* t. Call and see him. WX3 business done o« ̂ tmday. X. 8. COLBY. McHenry, May 1st, I3S3. . C. N. CULVER,' AUCTIONEER, Richmond, Illinois. Sales of Stock, Farming: Tools and Goo<U ot till kiius at(ciuled to on the most treasonable Terms und satistaetion guam^ced. J'oat Office address, ? RICHMOND, ILL. " iVWill attend nles and fnrnish printing and advertisinxas «beapaseun Ua jiroenreu elsowhere in the county. B0B1RT C. 3UH1TT, • BttBKDEK OF- FOWLS, f RICHMOND, ILL. (FIRST PREMIUM *T kdlHRT COUItTT PAM.) My fowls are of the celebrated f)lTKI£ OK YOUK Hirilin, reinarknble for tl^e^r «f/.e «## I >ca« «V»»" • l«*a <»f last sexson's cliicks weiirbiutf 34 |Kiunds. Rirjis.'uer setting *>f thirteen. 9I..VI, delivered to purchn^er iti Richmond, Shipped, securely packed, $2.DO. UOllEUT C. BESXETT. WM. H COWLIN . [at'CCKsaoH )o *. m. ci.othirh1 11 WAS-CLAIM SOLICITOR AND ATTOR^EYp ALSO NOTAKV PUBLIC. Prosecutes peufiori <»f any other claims atrains't jthe «ovt>rniu«n/, rcl.iiing to the late, or forii^*)- wais. (tornplicated eases and r«- jtclcil claims ni^ie a specinlty. If stamps a»u eiu-Jqsed for reply, all communication* w»ll be promptly answered. -- . Offlo# ft Stti4«aoe.HADI80ir ST., WOODM^K.fLL. References by permission ;i« reprnrds char­ acter, linsincsj ability, reliability, «Vc , ftc : G';n. J«/bv A.- Logaii, U S. Senator, Chicago, Illinois Gen. J, C. Sipith, State Treasurer of Illinois. ||W. R (5 JI wood, M. O. 6th III. I»isl., Syc- amove, III. Hon. .fohn C. Sherwin. ex-M. C. 5th III. Di*t , Aurora, III Hon. 4. M. Jone«, U. S. Marshnl, Chlrsgn, f II Col. J:is. A. suxjboa, Pres Onion Vetewin Club", Chicago, III 1 Jose A- ttaldwjp, Ass't U.S. Attorney, Chi- c.n^<). III. Messrs Sel/, Schwab it Of}.. Wholesale Boot am! sh<>e Oculers. Chicn'^o, III. Also hundreds of county and home referen- ces. o, w. owi:\ -winKAI.ICU IX Clock#, Watches, Jewelry, Stiver ard Plated Wareet*. I keep in stock the < e 1 cbrrited sPr,[»f flf"' which U prrtiiotni«c«l w bc«v ^'$lclt now ou Hie uuiv^6U Will not to Undersold, On Any goods in my lino. ^ ^ QWE^ McHenry, Feb. *>. W». CONTINENTAL HOOF OINTMENT, COBBS • -• "* Cracked Hoofs, SfnMV. A SCtiAXCUES smjis ; ' ' r ' ; • 4 - $ t . 4w p i > « n f . H01SES, CAtTW & / sk your Storekeeper for it qr writ* db set to the Manufacturer^ innicu iMEIcwpt CLE VELA ND - * •*-' QBIO. FOB S4&E 0 McHENRY BY If, CQIBV, ASA W. SMITH, | ATTORXEY at law and Solicitor in Chaneory.--Woodstock, III. S. P. BRNXETT, M. b. PHYSICIAN AND SURtiROX. AlaoUnited Status Examining . Surgeon, ttlehmond, Illinois. A. S. CHILD*. M. I>., TTOMROPATHIC PHYSICIAX AXD «UR. JL1 <!KOV, West McHenry, 111. Calif pwtvplly nttenil«tl te, d»y or liiirbt* L. II. TOM d AUG IT, M. D., PIIYSH;l.\X AXD SIT KG EON. Special at. tantlon siven to Obstetrics and tho dS. seasa* peculiar to women, onic* at Beslay'a Drugstore. Residence, three doors west oil M. E. Church, McHenry, III, Soldiera M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNfeSDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1884. «Dt, ©R. 0. R. WELLS. PHYSICIAN AKl) HtritUKOX, Wancionda, LaU« Co., III. All calls iirotuptly rttteim- ed, day or night. Office on Main St., east of Rariite'e harness thop. Hi K. JOHX.SOX tt COM SO* TCTTOR^ of Patents, 1003 F St., ^ # Washington, 11. C. Kkpkkkncks.--Hon. J. A.Logan, Hon. W. R. Allison, Hon. rt. O. Smith, Pekin, M. E. Ston«. «ditor Chic^im Ve.-r*. Mimeer's Jtwfea, Chicago. Send tor instriiceions. JOSEPH M. FRKUXD. SALOON AX I) RET VUUANT Bonsiatfs old stand, opiHisite RUlioo's Mill, Mc­ Henrv. III. The c. toiresi Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the conntv. Presh Ovsters in their season served up in %l>y ihiape desit<Ml or for sale by the Can. GOOUSTABLIXO FOR HORSES. AXTOXY KNUKLX. O AT.OOX and Restanrant, B«ch,« aid atand Mclfenrv. til.--The cboieest Kentucky Whiskies, «our Mash, Wines, Cigars, etc., always on hand. We bnv none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Qyslcra In their saason. A. M. CHURCH, Watohmakep and Joweler NO- 1<K STATE ST., Chicago, III. Special attentiongiven toreiutiringFiiM watch ea and Gtaronoiiu Writ. WA Full Assortment of Ooods In his line Richmond Houses RICHHON]!. ILL C, N. CULVER, - jPRoPR««*OR. HAVIXti e«centlv piiriMissed the aljore Itonse. 1 have put it i« th'iwugh repair, with new fa'11 i«tie tliroughor.t, and would respectfulU- invite the p:vtr«n*vre of the [rar. elini; public- and other*. The taWee w«ll ab- wavsbe provided with the best tbat l>e procured, and polite and attentive waiters will Ite in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of truest*. No puns will be spared to make this a First Class llouse. Large and commodious barns on the premises, r ree Omnibus to ami from all trains. Sample Rooms on flrat floor. «, Mt -Engelnr Sportsm^as' Sead^uaxters, GENERAL. MERCHANT, i And Dealer in All Kind* of O R O C E H I E S , Farm Hnrdwiwe, Pocket Cutlery, Sportin? Goods, Fi^hinff Tackle Gun Material, Instriir nients, T»^iwo, (jictirs, ote., etc. Seiir JUivcf* Mc­ Henry, III. . t "M", HIE. WI«;htmax, i'*jopri*t#r. **** class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot allAindsd/vi^ short notice. s • .-- j.ii •.»'> J. P. SMITH, WATCHMAKER 5 JEWELHL Mollenry, - Illinois. Having mp*ed into mv new store, one d.oor Ea»t«t Mrs Scarles' Millinery Store, I am noif prepared to show to the buying pvM'e ** tine A stock of i tehe$, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated WHi, i/ A* can be found in the county, which J offer at prices tbat cannot be be»*. The 0 nus^ Uiie FINGER Ever Men in this section. Also Agent for the Popiilur .• Siv Sooi Stwlog lueUae A Fine Stock of Choice Confectionery# Ami Cignrs, Alwavs ou hand. WGall In, examine goods and learn prices. Remember I will not be undersold, qvtfttr *ood9 consider^I. J. P. SMITH, McHenry, III., N#r. 2ftb. 188.1. WASHINGTON, D. C, ' The popular paiacje bw,e' "f *he National Capital. Conveniently located and acccssiltle to all the street car lines of the city. Qpee the year Q Q gTAPLES, PUOOIBTOR. Latp of the Thousand Island nwusc. We i[ow f«* clo»i«ir put » lot of cap* at 25 to 60 c«r}t» M'P flPilfr.- fftpry Colby, CONDUCTED BY lift. S. F. BKNXKTT Comm»ni]«r Cliee^, of Wisconsin, ha* sometliinj to altow (or his li*nl y*>ar> worn. Tli« Department lias made srreatantl sub«U«itial gain* during tli« past year. Th« Department ef MieHifan la will up t* the front tlil# Y«i*r, with n gain of 110 new Posta. fc3«ewherf will be found a report of ttM annual Encninp- tuent' and the 'tligrlnx poem--"The Boys of MichltniiVirrltttn for the occasion by Mr#, Ifate B. ."^herwoed. and recited At the srr*&t flarmonle Hall Camp-fire by Mr*. S. Sfeadman lleOann. <»^r wishes. . Tomi every oi-i^oldler and tailor who was honorably i|Iacharged b«3«me a member of tlie* 0«g)u R. To tee every decimut, decent appll* cant for a pentl^T receive tlie full measure ef his elate*, from the govern­ ment. and tliea :n ^eee him Invest It •afety and where lit?will do him good. To see the pension laws so amended that the willows orphan* of our deceased eomrade» alia 11 reeelvf tlielr Just dues and not permttTer! to enter the nliushouse* ef the country. Men can labor und seeure i-ftinlu; tvomou are dobitrr«d fro* tlil|,;aiid have to trust to generosity., fr To see tlie Posts *f th»0 A. R Unlit up in atrenjth of ifemlierthlr; to see their relief fund* swell Into large and handsome proportion*, and when It Is large toltave It deftlt otit with careful hand, so that It wilt gladden poor, suf­ fering hearts and bring joy -and glad* nets to homes that arc In misery. . To see' comrades fcindly and forglv* Ing. and not have them bear animosity from the post room to tlie outer world, there to prove detrimental to the order by having the world know that bitter­ ness exUta. ret us all strive, work, and keep the ball rolling.--Guardsman. Wher* the Responsibility Rent*. With the character of the treatment which Union prisoners of war received at the hands of such monster* as Wlra, at Andersonvllle, Barrett, at Florence, and Turner at the puhllu are doubtless pretty generally acquainted; luit what Is not fco c|oariy i(iu!*rsteod is tli* futit that tjje pens were ludicted with »he approva and sanction of tlm highest Oonfeder* ate authority nn<l (or a apeoitic purpose nainoly. to compel the Federal Govern­ ment lo conset to nn exchange of prisoners, by virtue $f which the rebel forces would free ire a gre^t acvsssjnij ef strengijli, vhile tjus jLniiow »ruis, owing to the euOel.ied, exhansted (ton* Jllloij of the men ihju* rVleuted U> llfiu. would not ho heueflttad in tlu> slight­ est. Iti^s been claio).ed bv Sotul^fru historians that neither President Davis nor any one elsp h>gh lu #n:|)o;ity wa» aware of the outiug^a ^cpetinted at Atitlffsonville and oflier places, and torn* of them have eyeu ventiired to asjert that the failure to provide Pnf« (It-lent food, medical attendance and shelter for the inuistcs of jtliese horrible nous wits due simply to the poverty of (lie Confederate cemn>i6*»rist, but their etaUniA^its are effectually dis proved by the official records, wh|ch show conA-iusiveljr that > he fJotifetlerate autho^'itfea. iVoti) President P»v{s duwn, were at all tinica perfectly cognisant Of the status of these prisons »nd cor­ dially ttpr<reyed ot the policy which controlled their conduct; Ai;iojig these records Is* a letter addressed to Presi­ dent T);tvis by James ){. ^"dersen, a member of the 1st regiment Georgia lleserve. which tyas doing guard duty at AiidcrMOvlile at the tii»e. This letter, which gave a matter-of-fact aa'ount of tlie brutal treatment to tfbicli prisoners weft subjected, and esj>££ially of the fretjHency with which they were shot down in colt) blood, was received by Mr. Dairis. §s appears from the endorsement thereon, and by him referred first to General Winder and afterwards to the Confederate aej- retary of war, but »• actlou waaoyer tafceu <a»n if. ARRKAKS OP PENSIONS. Tt|0 Law and lbs Pacts--An RfhfipsSir* Opinion fro in Senator Ipgallf. The limitation to the arfefri actor January. JjSJO, the result of a com- premise i:t the committee wh(ch re­ ported the bill. TIiom who r«'g»rij«d the principle as just insisted that it should be recognized jpjconditlisifalJy. but those opi>o»rd to tlM» theory, as well as they tylf# Oafet) its coijsecjMen ces, n-'hije ailit^iuing its equity, com­ bined their foippe, aj.d l}?e ftriendsor the measure were compelled, under protest, to agree to tbje iiiosjfa} pro- virioi? iiiniting the payment of pen­ sions from thtf date of dischnrge to those pares Aled before July 1.14(30. The fundaments) question l» very simple. Js a i|)iMMry or nav«| pension for disability a gift, or is it # debt? If it is a gift, then the donoy can be­ stow it at his pleasure. If it is a debt, then ft i« due whf u it is earned. Civil pens'ons. an:! tljoee allowed for service merely, irrespective of disability, as in the case of tlie survivors of the war of 1812. are behefapt'.Qns, and the Qoyern- meut has an unquestioned right to Hx the date and terms of payment. But It can no longer be considered doubtful flltt pensions far tjjsabijity. arising frdin wounds or dlteaa*« received or incurrad'in tho military or naval »»rr- ice, are obligations which constitute a valid datm upon tho QewrHiMnt under the original contraot of enlist­ ment. This view Is sustained by an unbroken lino of prweedonta In tho act!«ii of all martial nations, go that It .may bo assumed that if a soldier la wounded or disabled by disease, tin Government Is pledged to give him a pension; and if he lisltln In battle or dies subse* quently from these censes, to penilon his widow and orphans; or. If ho Is un­ married. to pension Ills other de|iend- ent relatives. Upon any other theory than th>s the Nation would obtain few volunteers to nndergo tho fatigues, privations and perils of war, , If the Government, then, agreed with every soldier and sailor at the time of his enlistment that If disabled he shonld bo pensioned, when does the right to pension accrue, and when doea it become due and payable? When does the soldier earn the pension which ti»o Government bae premised? It must be at one ot three periods; Either. 1st. what! tho soldier is actually dis­ abled j or. Id, wlien he applied for It« or, 3d, whenever the Government gets ready io pay It. Tha last was the period prescribed by the statute prior to the act of 1879. It was so monstrous­ ly unjust that no one haa ever had tho temerity to defend It. The completion ef the evidence necessary, to establish the claim was designated as the time when the pension was to begin. Tito •oldler who lost Ills log by a catuiou shot at Gettysburg. If ho postponed his application 11II 1878. must have waited till all the evidence of his injury, that the commissioners might require, was died, beforo his clalai could bo acknowl­ edged. Equally indefensible Is the limitation of the right to pension at tho tint* when the claimant applies. Patriotism may deter him( other aflatrs may claim Ids at tent lout pride may prevent him from call!nit on the Government for the fulfillment of its ohligstioii; afflu­ ence or competent* may render It unnecessary; but the right has existed from the inception of the disability, and the Government should net be heard to say: "You might have had this pittance if yotj had choseo to call fifty jtTfcut Wa**o fou did uot, U cfcaii tlon is i hat assumed, by tho arrears ot pensions act. and that Is the dat* of actual honorable discharge. It has often been claimed by the ene­ mies of iho law that this was an Inno­ vation. but an examination of the statute* will kIiow that it has beeq dis­ tinctly r*w)gjiijied In many ensctments as tlie just principle upon which pen­ sions ehould bv adjusted. Ip the acts of July 14. 1863. July 4,1884, July 6. 1860. July 27. 18C8, and tha ff»*I act of 1873, the obligation of tho Government from the dale of disability ft clearly defined, and untjl tlie passage Of the a6t of }8?9. it was never denied. Tlie vociferous Jfu and u|»roaV of denunciation withft-hicii tills beneficent statute h#s beeji assafled hay no prece­ dence |n malign agd i/.decorous ca­ lumny. Tb* mot|vea #u<J tlie Intelli­ gence of its supporters have been afpersetl «rith eyery ejeruant of detrac* tlon, ft ft ppt aliegetl that it was unjust to the defenders of the Naff on. iter fp violation of the public fnfth. hut it hM atserted tfiat improper methods were employed to secure its plaice; that under Its administration enormous frauds are perpetrated, and that iinipepee sums of money will bo required to carry it Into efejet. The state me ut has been «» #ft$n made that Congress yielded to prodi­ gious outsitje pressure. In tho form ef petitions prepared and forwarded fyop different States, that the history of the legislation Is not without interest and value,. The jjgftation began in )876. In that year oae petition ou the sub­ ject, and only one, was presented to the Senate, and that was fretg Ifew Yoffc. ||i |jB7ft-'7T twenty-two Stftes sent lirty-flre petitions .to the Senate In the first Sfffipji of tli# Forty-fifth Congress two petitions were presented to the Senate. |u the second session of that Congress l|ve States sent nfnje pe­ titions.. |n the third session. 1878-'79, when the biff was psssed, 137 petitions were fnfrodiiced, making a gr»nd total in fo>fr years of t&i petitions 00 tho subject of arrears of pensions which were ,n "'• Senate. .\ij ia- veetiKation of th# archives of ti)e House wonld nndouhtedly show • ffpilar state Of facts, This |c like Fi|)st«fl's inep in buckram. That frauds l>aye boon practiced fs not Improbable. But this is not a valid arguipent either against tig justice or the wisdom of the law, We are not asked to abolish tho Post Office Depart­ ment because t.bef* have been Star- Route frauds, nor to repeal the tariff because there are smugglers. The per cent fif frautf ft t.he Pension Office has ! been grossly exaggerated, and is now reduced to a niniaium. |u view of swift punishment thft ^aa' followed offenders, few frauds #re likely to be perpetrated hcreaftef, |f tho act of January 26. |879. yraa correct In principle, then the limita­ tion Imposed by the act of Harcli 3. 1878. should be removed, ant} all pen­ sions hereafter glWH 8ho«!«J etwr^ifi fmm the date uf discharge, ami those filed sinue July 1, 1880, should be ad­ justed oo tho same basis. An equal measure of justice should be meted out to all. It Is uot for the Government to Inquire Into the leasons that have In­ duced claimants to apply fer their pensions at one time rather than an­ other, nor to com plain that tho amount required to meet Ite obligations Is heavier than was anticipated. It oinnot be gainsaid that tho pen- felon list Is large, and may he larger, %ut the war was large. Us results were large. More than two million men were under arms. When tho last survivor shall have receive'! his vouch­ er in tho next century, probably not less than two billions of dollars will have been expended fop pensions. It wlil bo a proit •.hie investment. It will be an luadequats 'equivalent for the incredible sacrifices ef tho heroes who for four years endured the perils ot battle t the privations ef bivouac and camp; of frost and Art; of hunger and thirst and mutilation. It will ho a partial payment for the courage and blood that saved homes from spoliation, cities from sack, a flag from dishonor, a Nation from destruction. T:.e millions already paid hare been of iMialculabl* benefit, not to individ­ uals alone, but to the country. Tho national credit has been sustaloedi the interest on the debt has been paid| all branches of the public service have been amply supported* and notwith­ standing a!l these exactions, a super­ abundant revenue uoutlnnee to Inundate tlie Treasury. What better use can be made of our sarplus than to pay to the utmost farthing thesif most sacred of all our national obligations? Thus ap­ plied It does not rob the public creditor nor impose burdens upon tlie epjirear sed(lti« not wasted las luxury nor squandered in profligacy. Instead of going abroad to add to the splendor of the opulent. It remains at liome to alleviate the distress of tho poor, Thousands of humble homes have al­ ready been made happy by this bene­ ficial ministration. Debts have been paid, mortgages satisfied, children edu­ cated, and for every dollar thus ex­ pended from the Treasury, hundreds have been added to the productive Ai* sourues of the country. OtOBN4«lf< K*T*VYAt*lt«mr, ST L. I,, ft pupils being the entertainers. The audience was composed principally of the pupil's pareuts. who, like all par­ ents. hart much parental pride. After several declamations wore delivered, little Ifertnan Staybeat tyas called upon to reed bis composition- 4fter bowing to the at|dlence he con)ii)euoe<) In a drawling tone: "Once upon a time a Democrat In lfenlucky accidentally swallowed soiqe raw pop cent,and feel­ ing mighty bad abwic it, ho toek a strong drink ef vljisfceyi the irlilskey pre* hot it caused the corn to pop In iifs stomach ai)d tickled hiiif so that he was soon lying en the lloor. a shapeless inffs of liysterict---r." Hero Herman wa* Interrupted by Schoolmaster Club- bard, who said sharply: "You know that is uufrtie. sir! ft fs 911 Infamous ii«P Old farmer Staybcat sprang to his feet «nd said fferuely; "Don't call my sop a liar. FA*< blinking old drome­ dary!" |1 uster Giubhard responded by throwing a French grammar and an eraser at the farmer. Then a gcQeyaf fight ensued; each principal haying his friends. Handsaw Jones tfcrew Paddy Blafce on die floor and puuuded him on the l>e$d with * piece of |ioi||. Jane Ifnyben became *e excited that she fell of her Chair onto the dog. - p.irson Chase Peters hod his spectacles ki|oc)f«d oft and the glasses kijocfeed into his eyes; thinking his feehfe sight had tpei) restored, he fell eutQ tl|e stoyc In a f|t of excitement, shouting "Praise God, praise God. I »««•" 4twater I)li|e- hat M* eye knocked out by a screw driver, und Piggy llalfljly l|ad twely* ribs snatched out at on* Hcl»» Samuel 4yMcl? had botlf ears knocked off by Iseac Pi»l|tear. Peter Glrlcow was stfiick |n tl|e bowels by a huge diction­ ary; he remarked that he feaset) he was tqalined for life. Jol)t} Staggers was thrown out of the witloy i<ito the cistern, by Joseph'Token, iyl|ere l|e froxe Ills loft eyo so badly that he obliged to thaw it out w|tli a iiMt«1l- T|io stove pipe fell down *»<) split Deacon ifutmeg's nose open just as he was about to stab Sfosos ilaudpeier in tlie liver. Old n);fi| (Syesocket was slmt oi| liis ̂ daiqs fpple with a thmnb tack anticarrier hQ<ue insensible in a clot lies basket. Shoey Mudple was sti angled by yngoyernale Kllpatripk. Clgbliurd was getting scalped by Afiss Hannah Mystery and Jaqc Q<*yl)*u was heing chvwe«i by the <|og. tylieu the row was suddenly end*') ^ Fariqer Stnybeat who drey a revolver and threatened to ishoot qnfess they all cleared, 4" «M*de a rush for til* door v^ceptlug Robert Crossboy who was unable Uj||*ove on acpount ef a fracture of tl^Hwee-pan aptj iyho was yelling for Dr. Wrest*r fo come a«id dress his tit)-psiist St«»ylis»t thus left m*ster of tlie gituetlun self*t| a ruler wd applied |t to the s:icrt>d person of h|S son who soo>| U)ai).(ged to escape by climbing up the chimney. After this the• eld nwi saqntOFed out 4ide ^114 ^ppljetl snqw-h^U t« his Shattered note. He then started hoijie 111 » 99(1 4M4 dejected uumuar. I wahhinoton i.nrrst*. Pieoi onvBeinlar Correspondent. WssMnaiop. u. c. reb, b isa^ On IfOttday, during the call ef tho States, Mr. Morrison Introduced bis long talked-ef tariff bill, and had i: referrM to the committee of which he |s chair­ man. In this way lie pn»po«*s to attach his name to the bill should It bo re ported back by the rommlttee. Tlte bill proposes an average reduction of 80 per eeiit, from tho present tartg tliroughont the list. Mow the fun begins. Converse con* templates calling up and forcing the House to a vote on his bill restoring tl»e duty on wool t Frank Hurtl will at once antagonise It and urge that wool be placed npon tho free list; the Penn­ sylvania Democrats will demand that iron be left severely alone 1 I.nutsiana Democrats will say, haAtls off of sugar, and the Bepnblluen* will say let well enough alone for a while, and at the 4ame time poke In a row sharp stick* to stir up the animals. The Fit* John Pvrter restoration bill pasted the House ou Friday by more than a two-thirds majority, and now goes to the Senate for action. Tho two marked speeches of the closing de­ bate on the bill, io the House, were made by eg Governor Ciirtin, of Penn., iu favor, and Win. H. Calkins, of I«di- sna, in opposition. They wore both remarkably ffoe efforts; Mr, Calkins iu particular ftakiug the finest, most com* prehenslve, and telling speeches that haa been made in the llouso In opposi­ tion to the bill. The Mississippi River Convention, which had boon in session, adjourned after a very harmonious sitting. Tho convention was composed of the repre­ sentative business men of the States bordering on the Mlssisippi and It* tributaries, and a finer looking or more able body of men never assembled in tho country. Hon. K. O. Staimard. of St, lyouls, Mo., was elected president ot tho WHHPCRtioo, and by Ids thorough knowledge* of parliamentary law, aud fine ability as a, presiding speedily dispatched bus!nets and woo for himself the enthusiastic praise of all. It was emphatically a business convention, assembled with a oneness el p«rpece« discarding buncombe and getting w^lyiown to bualness with- out attlt9«»^|l»g er guy tempt at shew or dispia/y, Tho Illinois Press Association, aftoy the #here the day wao spvnt. and"iu" night they'started dor their western home*. | They were enthusiastic Iu their praiao of the Nation's Capital ajid tbo res»p> tlon accorded them. Tlie American bog stfll agitates t^e Congressional u»iu</. The St»te p«t partmeut has d*ilvefed Itself of ail cpiiifou on the eg per tat}ou or pork. a*>4 Mfidle |t does not seen) to atii t Congress, the folk of M»e Ifttey body «s well as those of the former are determined tlift hams, s||Oi|lders, spare-ribs, sidov meats, aud middlings shall be falrlp treated by Frenchmen and Germans!; else Americans ^viil sweat off fron| drinkiug wiue aud i<ig«r beer, Tb* >M)g, lusireyer, fs n«^ heving a monopoly of Congressional attention, Texas steers. Aldernys, Durhams, Jer­ seys. long horns, short horns and mtiieys came In for vonslderablo notice when the bill for the extirpation of tho cat? tic disease kne» il as pluro-pncnuionia, fayorably reported to tfio House, came mp for eo<j»i*ler»!iou. There is thia difference, by the way, between tb» st»t||s of the hog and ne*t |/»tt}e ivbllo, the formet |s discussed nntler the pror visions of interu»tlonai l^jv, there Is » disposition on tho part Af some to limit tho latter by tlie doctrine of States' rights. It being held by some Congressmen that the Qeijttr«| Govern­ ment has nothing whfteyef to do wltl} the question ot stripping out Ibis grow ing cattfe ailment, but tfc»t its regula­ tion belongs egclusfyrly to thr states, |t Is likely, however, that a valid meas­ ure wsl| sofll) be by Congreat, looking to t||e eradication of this die- e%se |Q b«rinfwl to the stock-growing interests of the country. 4n interestfng, and at tho aamo time Somewhat awkward, quectton lias arisen out of the operations of the civil serv* ipe li»w. 4 vacancy occurred in tho aiavy Dep^rtmeut ^nd the Cifil s»*ry, ice i>t|i!)ji?|io« certified four person* to Secretary Chandler from tyhich t<| select oue for appoint meut. The vg. am I nation papers of t|t« person rertl- f|ed were also »|jbi)|ltted for inspection ant) sli in accerdaipw with tlte law ant| rules. Tlie Secroiary returned the p^« pers to ti>e noinipiseioo ts-fth the state-, •nout tli^t lie trga convinced ti|»on ai| •faiuination of tlio papers that all of the four persons wefw unfitted'fer tho work to be performed. ?*|i* nuestloi| now |s, what |a tft be i)o:>e npder tho circumstances, no provision having, been ma te for sud* a com iiig*"»cy. |t is Sftid that Pnipmissfoner of lutema| Heyenuo fvuiU. Vheji 4 yacanpy Ofrurt |n his bpryan- places the names of tho persons cCFtiffeti 10 hi us by the Com* mission, On «||ps of paper fi| a hat shako* theip up. turps hie |>ack «m| draws | n^ipe (of appolntuftit. The House lias ordarad »ho printing of tec o*tra copies of the fforti^ M>iff bin. At a«|Jf f*i< the Ways and Means Committee «Joe«aNl sim* a disposition to keep Its pnrposo witl| fvfcrpitpjS tt tariff reduction b|t^ IM 4 -twj,' 3 ^ v .'.'jeOkktz.* ^**4 /'}tf

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