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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Feb 1884, p. 4

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jT' • 1 •' ' V , * * + iSSsl" ".. LM^SS^ !«iS: 4 f e y «isAfis' FOR OoyRIROR. :"•••' « . v I'LAINDEALICR:--While NOTICE Closing out Sale of Goods, dkissday, FEB. 20, MA-sr^ . #1# 8LYKE. Kditoi f .! . n • fjlllTIOMJlL KtiPVIIUO/IN ©ONVKNTIOH. ; < Th® Ret»MbltcAn ^rational Convention will ' IMH tn Chicago, III., en Tuesday, Jwne a, MAI % , M It o'clock, noon, for the nomination of can- to be supported for President and fei?' / •W President, at the next eleotion. The J,.. fcepttMican electors or the severil states, and All other voters, without regard to past ]*>IUi- jjgj «a1 differences, who are la favor of the t levnt- £'•<5. " log and dignifying American labor, extending f ' V and protecting home Industry, giving free 5, '» *• fsynlir e'lirjiilon to the masses of the people * , MAurinf free suffrage and an honest counting *£""• of tlie ballots,effectuallyproteciingall human j rights in every section of our common coun- ft},' >« try. and who desi re to promote friendly foel- , v Ing and permanent harmony throughout the iv/J • toad by seeming a National Government V.|r • pledged to these objects nod principles, are aordially invited to send for each State four &£•• datffatei, at Is no*, for each Congressional ' district, two delegates, ami each represeuta ¥ . > tire at large two delegates. T). M. SABIN, Chairman. • Jonv A. MAUTI*, Secretary. iSTTlie Illinois Supreme Comt reud- •rati a decls'on at Mt. Vernon Satur- day declaring th« Hnrptr bill, which |Tv f Impes** a licenM of $500 on whiskey * , and #150 on beor anil malt liquors, te|: :flconttU«tl«naJ. t^Conf re*a very promptly trtited #500.000 to the flood gutters along th* >«Ohta. and will from present appear- -it'ww* be called upon for at least 600,. 1000 inn re for the Ohio suffers and also V|for the Mississippi, as everything ' ' points to ail unprecedented rise In the latter. This prompt action of Con- gram meets with the almost universal • a u c t i o n o f t h e p e o p l e . v " < 1 JiySpringer, who is Hlwftjrs con* . •ptcu»usl y absurd am! absurdly con- •pleuout, Is pounding away at the De­ partment ef Justice In liis committee "with closed doors. The public knows nothing of what is dene except what Springer chooses to give out, am) Springer never gives out anything ex­ cept lor «he belioef of Springer, He I Is very much of an ass, and * very mischievous one. MTAmetig the important matters before Congress, and upon which : Action will probably bo taken during the present session. Is a bankruptcv bill. The United States has had sev- , oral bankrupt laws, but it was even­ tually found necessary to repeal them for the reason that they were gradu­ ally outgrown toy trade and finance. A national bankrupt law seems to be a necessity to commerce and exchange, but tho difficulty is In framing a measure that will be stilted to all times and circumstance*. Trade and finance.' llko all other things, are progressive, and a bankrupt Jaw that will meet tlio requirements o4 to-day may be found Inadequate to-morrow. A measure of the charactor mentioned is desired, which will be to political economy what the sermon on the mount It to Christianity--a thing adapted to oil times and conditions of m*n. Our Solon* at tho Caoitol think t1iat< this time tltey will be able to shape an en- during statute. Let us hope that they will, and that the maturity of tlieir labors will be equitable. K - ' %• §£•. • I^The greatest soldier of the Re* public, laying upon a bed of pain frosn tho result of a resent fall, and now made serious by complications of the liver and kidneys, watches with ap­ parently great Interest the stweess of the Republican party. To a friend recently lie said. **After four year" of strife to sustain the vital doctrine that wo are a Nation, and not a sort of political co- partnership to be dissolved to suit personal or sectional animosi­ ties, the Republican party by its pro­ gressive ideas and enlightened spirit lias brought the Nation up to a higher plan* of development, enterprise and prosperity than ever known before; and it Is a duty the people o ve to them­ selves to perpetuate this state of afiairb by perpetuating the Republican party; bnt to do this. I think we geed a can- dfdate who fully reprebenta ibe pro­ gressive and aggressive spirit of our UMtltutions.and 1 hope suult a selection will be made at Chicago." How like the grand old patriot that he is! These words should go ringing through the oar* ef every Republican and every lover of liberty, of justice, and of rijtlil, 'throughout the laud, until they find a lodgement in the mind and heart, and Impel to earnest untiring work until tlic best men in the party are nomi­ nated at Chicago, and a triumphant oleetiou assured. EDITOR F*LAINI»KA LTFR:-- While the PLAINDKALKR is cqitarely out for John A. Logan for President of the United States. I see no inrtrmittQii as tp whom it will ftipporr for Governor of Illinois. We notice that Gov. limn ilton la highly *p«keti-«*f. nnd many afe desirous that he $hotkld be i<nu>lua:eri to succeed himself. I hear no fault found will* him whatever, as G«»vcruor,Lieutenant Governor or State Senator, Hie record seems to bo bright and dear all the war through. Such being the ense, is it not customary to give a hearty ei^. dotseuieut by retaining the ffflcient and trtistwortby officer foi1 aifcaai A second term ? Governor Haftiilton IS rattier a" mnrkalile man. Few so young have inenntcd the la«l<lcr of fame so high and so rapidly; and It bespeaks for him a sound mind and good character. His early life was spent in labor on a farm in this State. By rigid economy and industry he managed to secure a com* mon tclieol education and a thorough college course. When tho rebellion broke out lie was too young to enter tiie army, but, as soon as he could be admitted he went hi as a private sol­ dier. shouldering the oiusket and fight­ ing utanluily for his country, Mr. Hamilton began the practice of law In Bloomington in 1S70 and made rapid advance in the profession. In 1876 he was elected to.our State Senate, and at once took a conspicuous place in that body as a political leader and States­ man. He? was the author and mover of the bill establishing our Appellate Courts, At the.commencement of the second session of his terpi, he was unan­ imously chosen In the Republican cau­ cus tor President of the Senate, and elected thereto by the entire vote of the party and Mr. Hutley the Inde­ pendent Senator. His ability and skill as a parliamen­ tarian received the highest tribute of praise, and proved that confidence in liitu had not been misplaced. In 1880 Mr. Hamilton, in the State Convention received the nomination for Lieuten­ ant Governor on the first ballot, over: four competitors. In the campaign of that year he made sixty-nine political speeches', without missing an appoint­ ment, and was elected by over 41.000 vmajority. Last year Governor Cuilom was elected to the United States Sen­ ate, and upon bis resignation the office ef Governor devolved upon Mr. Hamil­ ton. How lr.ithlully and well he has discharged the high trust thus Imposed upon him history tells. He has vetoed several bills looking to private gains, and also those Intended t6 cripple the State law for the regulation and con­ trol of railroad corporations; His noble conduct at the time of the torri- ble disaster at Braidwood, when eighty coal miners lost their lives, is worthy of great commendation; also, when the floods on the Ohio submerged a large portion of Gallatin and Hardin Coun­ ties in our State, he sent messengers with army tents to shelter the 6uflerers unilstw that means were provided to relieve their distress. And thus it lias been oirall occasions when it requin d prompt and ettkjeut action on the part of the executive. Governor Hamilton lias responded and done his duty. He is now about 37 years of age. just In the prime ef his noble nranliood. He has given much of iiis life to the ser­ vice of our Statfe and the Republican party. He has had much valuable ex­ perience in political affairs, aud stand­ ing as he does in the very zenith of life, abreast of and in accord with the present active generation of men and the progressive sentiments of tiie age, lie Is certainly well qualified to render as much service to the Stale and party as the)* can render to iiim. It therefore seems to me that justice to a faithful public servant and tiie best interests of our great State de­ mand that Governor John M. Hamilton should be his own successor to tiie gubernatorial chair of this proud coin- uiouwealth ol Illinois. %* JCITICE. after they acquired enough confidence in their own voices to call for, one couple more, loud enough to be heard beyond the set in which they were cnPlng. Report haa It the fratis in­ stituted fines for any gentleman who sl/ould ask a lady to diiice with him, instead of waiting the invitation, as leap year demands. Some of the gents were cang it au-1 paid up llk« little men, All had a pleasant and en­ joyable, time, . Leap yrnr Is knocking at the door, ' "' f * And Fml, or Jick. or 4am. or Tho***' Can claim a hetriivr on the floor. And Sue tin* gals for breach of promlM. WAUCONDA EDITOR PI.AIXDKAI.KR:-K a Lemptiere has moved to Mcflenrv, Mrs A l.amphere will oc.cnp.t the house just vacated by her son. Mr Judge will move "nto hur house, and it is said thatn mnn from Avon, who intends open lug a mett market at the old hotel atann, will take the rooms over Herman Mntman's. Dr nnd Mrs Hubbard, of Waukegan, spent a lew days in this villige last week. Next Friday evening, (feb 22nd) being the glorious anniversary of wsshdny of the Im mortul Birthington, the Lakeside Club have itatrioticulty decided to celebrate It by a blg^f- dancc at ilaiman's Hall. Music, Tidmarsh's Band--AH night--Supper at Jenks and Mc- Andrews. 1'rof Scott the blind musician, gave another concert at's Hall Saturday evening. As has been the case before the entertain­ ment consisted' of more or less IWUMC and con­ siderable vptingand strife toseewhich eftwo parties could beat the other, by securing ilie greater number of votes for their candidate. Op both Friday and Saturday evenings parties from Wancondt visited the McHenry skating rink. Thev all express themselves a« highly pleased with the hall and skates, their entertainment, the ride, iii fact everything was apparently very lovely. It was rather cold Friday evening, but so far as we have been able to learn, some ot the party suffered pirticnlarly on that account, but on the other hand were "very comfortable." Another race on the lake Saturday after­ noon, lesultcd in another victory for J F Itooneys horse. It has teemed to some a rath­ er peculiar circumstance, that Jack always beats, but it seemed to be generally under-, stood Saturday that tho trou.tie with the; other horses, was their inability to get there quick enough. Another little Ladd arrived 'At "Henry's Saturday night. . v» t - ..-.-.'-I.- J. a GREENWOOD* EDITOR P^AINDRALEII :--Mrs Job Tolet visited friends in Woodstock last week. W II Mnr.stleld moves on a farm near La Grange, Wis this weeki -- • Frank Howell has taken the old Jdmes^Neat­ ly place for one year. Mr John Knill and daughter, of Harvard, called on friends here the 15th. Harley Moore returned to the easji (Mass), this week. Chat Merchant has a few bushels of seed corn left that is for sale. It has beentheraugh. ly tested, out of 175, 173 sprouted. Wm Wire bus been engaged to teach the school for the coming year during which theve will l>« nine months schooling. ltev Hoover preached a splendid sermon Sunday in the Methodist Church. A cousin ol J II Garrison, who has been at- tcn iing the school of 'telegraph'/ at Janes ville, is making him a short viait. M Sl.iven is preparing to bntld a large barn, the «MatMMious being 70x00 feet. . > Regardless of Cot t or Value* Xovr is your chance to buy jsrood Good<* at low pricks. Yon can grot the best bargains ever offered in Me Henry Co. All our Winter Goods must be closed out in order to make room foi new Spring^ Gooc|ig{'.Tfcis (ale include* • Boots, Shoes, SUCH AS WOOLEN DRESS GOODS, AUCTION. On Saturday, Maieii 1st, I will sell on the T. J. Richards farm, two miles southwest of Woodstock, co timencing at ten o'clock. A.M. tli#; following properly:. Seventeen younjf! cows, coining in !n Mnreii «•><! April, ft yearlings. 1 span heavy work hoi>ea. 14 good frlioais. fi hrooii son s. 18 pig«. 1&0 flue woul and f>0 common wool *hcep. 22 ducks, 7 chickens. McCwripuck reap er nnd mower, Pet double harness new. ero*s rut fnw, pulley!>, S50 liUHheis of oaix.lot corn in •Itoti., 1^ toiip of inme liny. 2 stacks of nut straw, luniher tvag- on, milk wagon. Uhitihinge corn planter new. >!<•<;()rm;wk mower.. Woolrii-li rol­ lers. riding plow. hr«nking plow. cori| slfeller, harrow. B tooth cultivator^ seeder, liav rack, hay rake, pair hobsl swill cart, sulky corn plow, sod cutler, aud all litv fanning tooU, Oooley Creamer. Boss Churn, hotter worker, miik lieusc GxS aud 8 feet high, parlor Garland stove. 1 cook stove, and all my household furniture. TKKMS OF SALK: On all sums of 810 and over. 8 mouth's time will be given on approred notes at 7 per cent in­ terest. ^ K. TKATRB, J. A. 8HERWOOl». Anctioneer. * flannels, Cassimeres, Shawls. Blankets. Knit Jackets, Skirts, Un­ derwear, Hosiery, Mittens, Gloves, Lngg Ins, , etc., ;;r f-j * • Also a Liirnre 8t<,ck of " READY-MADE SLOTillTC, , Fur and Wool Caps, ^ BUCKLE * WOOLEN We wish to call y6nr special at-tertion to1?everil lots of Hoots, Shoes and Slippeis, which we are closing1 out of stock. These Goods are sell in g for less money than the original cost to manu­ facture. Do not tail to feec these Goods, they tell their own story. We quote a few prices for you to think over: Ladles Grain Goat Shoes/, 50 cents; worth $1.75. Ladles* Kid Slices, $1.0(1; worth 62.50.- Ladies' Calf or Coat (wool lined) shoes, 81.50; worth 82.50. Mines' or Children's Shoes. 50 cents: worth 81-75. Men's Stoga Boms, $175; worth 8.1.00. Men's Wool Lined (Jus toin Miiile, 83.30; uorih $4.50. Boys' Calf Boeis, 1.25; worrii. 2 75. Neil's Buckle Arctics, one of the beet makes. 1.25. We mean what .we **y. Come and nee lor yourselves, Yours very truly, FItANK D. COLTHIX & CO f • ' r ' •• " 'WSST KeHBfBT iTBe undersisfned hifd fust placed on sale an entirely^ . SEW STOCK OF 50DDV- such as are usually soli) in general stores, consisting of . DBY GOODS, QSO&BBS, CRCKERY, Hats Caps, Boots, Shoes And in addition will continue to sell the celebrated CHICK'S FLOUR, Linseed Meal and Feed ot all kinds at wholesale aud retail. The attention of the buying pub­ lic is respectfully oulled to our goods, as to price or quality lie- fore purchasing, as every article is MARKED IN PLAIN FIO- URES, thus seominga child as good a bargain as a man. Our goods were bought with special reference to the wants of the trade, and we aro confident we can please you both in quality and price, ('all and see us whether you buy pr not. BCKSLETT, STOFFEL A CO. West McIIenry, 111., D«c. 20, 1S% m BAE5AIHS IN t , 1 . . % ^ ** J n i ̂ -JP 1 > > (tUC0i:880K TO BAUl :'vH« h--1 :>•, fs:- A SHXFABIK^ ^ -M tJ ikf ^ .» • r„ ..v ' i^'16 - n'^ Hlore iu ^orthern Illinoia. The largeft, the tie# filled. Size, 140 teet Ion# antl 22 teet witle, two stories hich and workings tor the people that PAY AS THEV GO. Not a doHaili worth goes out except tor Hard Cash. I sell f - < " < - DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots dSr Siioes, Hats A 6R0CEHIE3, CROCKERY, 4c. ^ And mv prioes'vvill make it pay you to come forty miles t|| trade with me. 1 sell goods of the best quality and guarantee everything., as represented. Read my price list and britig it, aud malie your fall purchases where your money will do you the most good, Will yourcredit dealer make you the following prices? Best Prints 3 cent* 51 « Finest Hlencheil Cattnn # lle^t UnliU-ai he>l Cation .... KtftivUnl Uini?liiims 8 "??• I Corsets.~ |U Ac, A Ticking Klcifunt l)rcs« Row I s . ... Q, 7, • A 10 inch liliiek Cattliiiieres 50 J)res8 Drills 8 Caiiiiirios..,,.., 4 31.amies' Cioitks, all prices. P<itton Flannels '8 No I F I .miiicI S ... S3 cents to 88- 'l.:i<lieA' Fine llnnilkernhlofit 6 .. B nn<l 1<> cent iMrgnius in abuntlanfte. oitfin ciotii 6[ ijNo l Denims. M Hest Di'niins mnHe .... IS F'xtni Walerpntotf 64 I .miles'Clippers, worth 75cents.... *» l.ailies' SI iouh . . . F . . . » K 11 (10 I.adieu' French Kid Shoes,flue too Wents' Routs, tim>d |M All kinds for incn and boyk and only good (jouds. Borss'tiits .. fiCO to 1*M Men'* Suit*.;.. S3Sto llen'H OvevroHtK aril J«'j* s «6 u Clothing la our itrcat apecialiy, and we carry the Hneot Hock i* Northern itliuois. Ws have l tic go«ds, BuflTulo Knbea diieot .freraHhs Northwest, all sorts, . "Spii-es. w?ir dawn. "*iiRnr at Chicago cost add'freight, i cent Tea ..! 50 G«o<l Tea Best. |tice Beat Ko,i»ted Coffee..... I) »od '• « standard HaMins No 1 Tetunoc*, Smoking Fine-I'ut Toliicco,,. PluK Tobacco Lonyr ll<>\ Marches....,. 5-cent Box M.-itcli^s W-ccnt Bex Mp.lciiea..,. Babbitt'a >:ilcratua " Boat Soup .. . Stove Polish ... . ... 25, 90,351*140 .. 7 » 10-A U .. 8 --8 .i:.'. M 10 - ̂ 1 .. « & I .« 5 ficealt Bmw Wwrk and Pood. The notion that those who w«rk only #fth their brain need less food than tlMM« who labor with their haiuls lias l*i.g been proved to be fallacious. Men­ tal labor causes greater waste of tissue tliftn muscular. Accord in g to careful *8tlmaue3. three houis •( hard 6tudy wear out the body more than a whole day of hard physical exertion. " With­ out phosphorus, no thought." is a Ger­ man saving; and t ha consumption or this essential ingredient ef the brain Increases in proportion to the amount «#f labor whleh this organ Is required to perform. The wear and tear of tiie brain are easily measured by careful ex­ amination of tiie salts In the liquid ex. «r#tions. The importance ef tiie braiu 4* a working organ is shown by the »m««int of blood It receives, which is proportionately greater than that of •uy other part of tiie bo<1y. One-fifth •f the blooil goes to the Ur.iin, though tli« average weight is only oae-fort let ii of that of the body. Tills (act alone vmild be stifBelent to prove th«t braiu worker* require more foo<l. end even better fond, than •*« merehants or farm laborers. * jOnljr 89,50 for Itliu*kl»erry t'liina Tea ' £%f JIA .&*• VOLO. EDII-OR PLAINDKAI.KH:--The sport- In^ Iraternlty of Volo have a glass, ball shoot verey Thursday at 1 o'clock p. m. Some shots claim they can shoot a dozen out of a possible teu. Spoiling schools have revived again, here and is creating quite a flutter. Miss Ethel Tower carries ofl the palm as yet. John Cnrrr had eighteen sheep killed and some over twenty badly wounded by dogs on the night of the 6th inst. The dags w<>re not seen, aud a light, fall of 'now^ the s nne night prevented tracking and a* the owner of the . said dogs could not l»e a«certasned, John filed his affidavit w ith the nearest Justice nnd the appraisers nwardad III in seventy-five dollars damages. Also in the town of Freemont some ten dav* ago Mr. Co«vdir had €2 sheep killed and pome ISO more wounded. Here Hie owners of lliese dogs settled this li t-tle bin as they were seen and known. Last spring the Town of Grant voted not to linve their dogs enumerated. In con«equence the assessor failed to do hl« duty, as the law di­ rects which makes the assessor liable to a fine of double the aummt of all the sheep that are killed in said tow.n, during the rear by dogs. -The independent order of old maids," Is the full name wliieti seme ascribe the initials T. O. of O. M. which were adopt«4Jgr some of Volo's fair daugh- tervfi^Bpt Wednesday evening, Feb. 6th. tOsfl|pdv.inta;e of the privilege granted by leap year and gave their young gentlemen friends a handsome reeep4lon at Sin Kit's Mall. Tho ladies provided conveyances for their I rail, detleat* guets. paid all btlls. lint at the^Vloee of the- evenings festivities were willing to be seen home by the^f gne«t«. But Art skipped, the na igh*y gent. The O. M. and? all the fraus v«re t«rf successful floor managers* SHORT HORN SALE. The undersigned will sell at public auction on his farm o le mile north of Spring Grove. Saturday Feb- 23, 1S84, Commencing at 1 o'clock p.W 1(5 Short Horn Cows anil Heifers, registered; 4 (long, with Calves by side, 1 Yearling Bull, bred by Fred Hatch, 1 two-year* old Bull. fr<»m an imported Gwvrinf Cow, R high grade Cows.8 Brood Maref^ with foal.l Mare, six .years old. I llorsft, six years old. I llorse Colt, three years old, 1 Mare Colt, three years old, 1 Pacing Mare Uolt, 2. years old 1 Horse Colt. 2 years old. 1 Lumber Wagon, 1 Truck Wagon, wide lire. I Platform Milk Wagon, I Pair Bob Sleighs, 2 Set Double Harness. 2 Sing e Harnesses, I Hapgood Sulky Plow, 2 Walking Plows. Tkkm8--All sums of #10 aud under, cash. Over that sum a credit of one year on approved notes at 7 per cent interest. Also will be sold for cash One Car of Fat Steers. J. W. LAWSON. Geo. II.STEWART, Auctioneer. AUCTION SAIiE. The undersigned having sold his farm, will sell at puiillc auction, on the premises one half mile south of Ring- wood. on Thursday. February 28, I^h4, commencing at 10 o'clock a. in., the following property: 20 Cows, new milch ami springer. 4 Heifers, coming in next fall. 3 Calvps, heifers. 1 half blood HoMciti Bull. 1 year old. 100 fine wool Sheep. 1 span heavy Mares, weigh iig 1.200 pounds each. 7 anil 9 years old. 1 sp:in brown Mares, weight about 1.000 |M)iinds each, 7 and 9 years old. 1 Mare. 4 years ol.l. O Brood Sows, 1 Champion Reaper, nearly new, 1 New Champion Mower. 1 Tiger Horse Rake, 1 l.uuiher Wagon. 1 Top Buggy. 1 Open Buggv, I Spring Wa^on, Hull Ivators, Plmv«. Drags, etc.. 1.000 bushels Oa's. lftO bnsli. Polalees. 3 or 4 tons Ground Feed. 8 set DMIIIIIC ll;iri>e*s. 1 Single Harnett*, a suiiill quantity of Hav. 1 Parlor Set, and <>iher household furniture, includ­ ing Stnvs. Chairs, etc. TKKMS OK SAI.K:--Sums of $10 and nn.ler cash. Over that sum a credit of eight months will be given on approved notes at 8 per cent interest. Two per cent ofl for cash. GKO. W. SMITH.. F. K URAKOER, Anctlonccr. Great Saving to Dairymen^ The IIK!» of otie bottle of Dickinson'* Cow prescription, wlil cause the cow fo do well after calving, will prevent Milk Fever,Garget Horn all, Ac, Will came an ii'creasn ill I lie flow of milk, and is worth one belt the cow to every one lining It. For sale by all Drug- gifts. Sold by Henry Colby. C. Dickinson A..' S®nfljif. |p>ar(«|«f|^ B^rringtoti, III. FOR COAL AND WOOD,; ---'CALL ON- HOWE lP||>po8ite Bishop's Mill, Who lias a complete line of the best stoves in the market, us well a* a largo stock of HarSiare, Mechanic's Tools# TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON .WARE, la tfee hardware UK WILL NOT HIS? VNOKRHOLD. Cull at lii« storo lieforc Iniyirg elsewhere. Juliiitiig met vr>p.tirlii]f promptly nl tcmlcl t<>, £"#~i{eniein!)er, t xtra. goe'l bargains can ul, ffirys Itu olitmneil Howe 's, Mcllenrv, Ovc. 1, 1S8S. - \ DKALKliS 1H H&tdwus, Stovn, Tiawan, Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Fence Posts Coal etc In short, we keep evorythitio: in the above mentioned lines, which we are offe inffto the-huy- in<r public as tilieii]) as any other house in this sectio||. Call n.n<l JOBBING & REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. HELM Ac PETEj^. Algonquin, Feb. 18. 1884, is coming* • L A T E R , And the bright sunny days will render $ COLOBED SHOW BLASSES Almost a necessity. A pood m. viety hits just hoeit received. Also a supply of Tanner's Oil, Unequaled for boots, harnesses, etc. ARNICA JELLY, AND Camphaiatsd Glycirioi Cream, For chapped hands RndttU rough> ness of the s&in. WRITING PAPER AND ENV VELOPKS.--All sizes, colors and quulities. • • > LAST PUT NOT LEAST. --New Valentines for 1884. NEW SEWING MACHINE OIL, warranted not to ?um. IN SECT PO VV DER, sure death to vermin or. cattle or other stock*. F. B. HARIUSON, WAVOOXOA, Feb. Bth, 188# DE2AI.BR IN FTO1STTTJM OT ALL KINDS. Store two Perry doors north # Owen. of. I have one of the bir^edt stocks of Furniture of all kinds to lie found in any furniture store in the county. Persons wishing to buy will be sure to save nione> bycalliugou rue. UMDERTAKINC I have styles ot i: different ei*es and COFFINS AND CASKETS, Always on hand. J keep a Hearse of my own which will be furnished at the' most reasonable rate*. J. B. BLAKE. tor the workina: clans. Sfml 10 coma for postage, n»<| we will m:ul yoiilFMKKa royal,rullialtle l»ix nt si.niplc g(iot|» that will «t you in the way of mNkiitg more money in n few day* than roil ever tlionftlH possible at any lnisine»». {•hpitii 1 not I 'cquii 'ed. We will atari von. toucan work nil the time or in eitiirc lime onlv. The work Is iiniversnllv n<i!ipled to lH)tli scxcti. yiinnir mid old. Von Ciin casilv make Jrom <-enIs to $6 every evening. Tlint nil who want work iiihv test the huMinctifl, we make I his unpiirullele.i «ffvr: To nil wlio are not well «tiltailed we will send $1 topnv for the troulilu ot writinjt u». Full paili< ular«, direction*, etc , sent freo. Korluncii will lie made by iho»e who {rive their wliolc time to the work. Great success absolutely sure, Dont't delay, start new. Addresx, STINHOM A CO, 1'ortland, Maine. Still Out of the Ark of Safety. Many of you are. DANGER TO IJFE Ac. PROPERTY Reset you cn exery hand. The mutter of the elyeoon, sickloon, baloon.cyclone, tornado windHiorin, or whatever name imir l>e given it, is heard In some seetion of the eoiinlrr nearly crcry day. ' Tho Fir© Fiend May hrenV nut nt fony moment--the economr ol a lifetime lie eonnnmeil. Death mii«( come to *11. By a omall jwi vinen i cach vear von can securc to yourself a foi lune, shoiiM von live or. in th» event .if death hel'ore the time expire*, your family is provided for. *150.. WKV'O" is' represente'd by this njroncy, Our rnte* HIe as low at» experience lins loi'md to he s.ifo. You will save money by insuring with me. ° Ueneral Insurance, T.ifc, Fire, I.ightnlnir nnd Tornado a specialty. Thnnklnir all my friendu for their liberal patronasc, Hnil hop. Hi>r. by square <1f almjr, i» ncril a coiiiinuanf>fl of ttie same, I beg to *ui>ftcrib<> myself, lieapectfu 11 v yours, M«Xlenrjr, III., Jane ii, wa? Xow I want to s6e you and know that I can make it ftf| your interest to come, and will do it. Just coiue ouce ttod sedf >ly|;(gobds are and Nold lor Cash Oiil|r, AND THAT I I say, Tells thb Whole Story. want the ?:ir-off tnide that buy BIG BILLS, and come and see me, and if I can't sav«* yon money, will pay your expenses, l am ^ettiu<f in U r<rains every day, and thoy s*f a* bought, Very cheap for cash. Tours for good ̂ roods and low prices C. j^SKND YOUK OKDEHS.^ F. HALL, DUNDEE, ILL, f= am* •wm. GREAT have ]ust received ait immense stock of Goods fof the spring trade, and in or­ der to make room tor th# largest stock of summef goods ever brought tci Woodstock, or into Mc* Henry . County, we will self our winter and heavy goods at great bargains. We musf have the room and ar% bound to close them out. It will puy you to come\frl)m all ovet the countv to trade at Dwight't- old reliable cash store. We have the finest line of spring woods ever brought t« Woodstock, consisting ot Women's, Missep' and Children's Walking Shoes and Slippers, Wen's Hoys' and Youthg fine (.'alt Button aud Maple Shoes. BSfTN. B.-- House establishes? in 1865. W. H. DWICHT. Cor. Main St. and Public Square, Woodstock, III, ^STOPPED FREE Marvcicus success. , Insane Persons i-estorrd |Dr.KLINE'S GREAT NERVERESTOREB -<i//Bratn&N'*vr Disposes. O'tly surt |fNF..Ll.'UL<t if «* 'lirtrcl A > j I /irsi d'iv"9 u'*. l M l tn.ll t.ntlle f-cc to Fit pntionts.t.i*ypiy:-'35"r , ' ,«Jh ' , rsc,on°7 Z"'*\ 1 |T».| s-ntt mmrt, I". <» an I «*n'ess *.1rtress of _ „ it • KL.IVIi.«i« ArhSt..l"h'Utlf lnh:».ra. OF IMITATING FRAUDS. I) - 1 » PATENTS. Inventors, »en<l in<vlol or sketch of your in- veil Mon anil I wlllniako cnrolul iireliminairy cxiiininntion, mul ri'iiort as t«>«*ntai»ilit» with :ulvici>, ciivulnrsi etc., FRKK of rilAKOK. All l>u»iiie»a in'1'ore U **. I'lHt'iil Office nt. tcinleil to lor nunlt'i Hlc fees. SO CIUKOK C*. LESS rATKKT IS OHTAI* Kl>. J.a.UlTELL.f^Amrj.^^ TAX PUHCHA^EHS HOTIO*. STATE OK II.1.1N.OIS, Mi-Henry Comity, ( ft in. l.iiughani, Uiiigwood, III. wanteil lor tun lives of lull tlic rrvsiilenls of the l\ S. Tlic larjtesi, hiiiKlsoinest. best ixntk ! i«oM for less Hum Hvice o'ir price. The fsisiest sellinit UMik in Aotericu. Iinmrni*# jirollts t« iiseii»s. All intclliffpnl people wnnl it. Avono cun become s mcrossful agent. Tcrms free. UALI.|CTT - portlitiKl. Maine. k* week nt home #8.0« ontllt free. 11'u v absolutely atire. Xn risk. Cap. .•ml not re<|uiro«l. Ue*'lcr, If voii jwiiut lin«iii<"»'. at which persons of leithor sex, <>Kl or yoiinfr, can make Ffcreat pay all the timo they work, ahsoHiti certainlr, write f«»r purliculiirs to 11. UALLETT A Co., l ut klawU, Maine. To every person or persons in nctnsl pot* session or occupancy of the lol'owing il#, scrilteil lots, pieces or parcels of land or pef. •nnil properly, aUo pPF**» or persons m whose name or names the same was taxed ef specially assessed, also to theewner or own, ers ot, or p.iriles iiue 'ested therein, ai,tl toall whom it may concern. Notice is livrebv given a» required br tit* ttiilnteH o| »ai«l v'tnio of Illinois, in; ucli case* mailemul pruvidetl, that at the time hereia, aflur n.-untxl, nl a public sale by the county Treasurer, M*siste<l by lhe<v>ii»ty clerk of tl|9 county anil silall! aloresnpl. In'1.1 at the o«a$ iloor of the court ht>use. In the city of Wood, stocV. in the ooiinty ami State Mforesniii, l.'iixls anil lots and personal property againat which iiKlgineul was remit lea for delinqueat laws, t peciul assessnienis interest nnd eosta miiliorize.i. bv the laws of t(ie eouuty atij Stale utuipsaiil, 1, Win. I.nnirhnm, purchased the foi lew ir ... xm described lots, piccya «r parcels land. ii£ nalcii, Ivin^iind licmp in the county of Bfj, lyin^imd beinjt in the county Henri aud sta tt'of llliiiois, toTwit: on 'May iiflth, A. P 1881, Ki acrp o(Te)tf seriion 11 low|ishi|> 44, range 7, HUeitfd S the name Ot J.yinaii SI ilhfr. - On May SOlh. A. I>. 18W, w'X se^ seV SfCthM fi township 43 valine S, coiiiiiinir.g 3q (tcricaanii iih-i'~»»>il in the name of John Korsyth. That tho fime of redemption of «V loth froiniir.i l purchase at said sale will f«* pire in two years from the (late of said sala^ which will be on the .'i'Hh day uf Myv, 4. JfKI, and I SSI, refpeciiTelr, as herein «bo»» desi rilicd, aTtev winch iinip (if not before re« decincii) i, the undersigned, will apply tot' County C'oprt of the MHI tlcilenry Conn and Miaie aforesaid foradfedHF deeds »f ' aanir. III., Jataary Wl. WM. LAXOIIAlf. re«

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