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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Feb 1884, p. 4

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1, I WKTWICSDAY, FEB. 27, J. VAN SLYKE, Editor. >ITIO!l«i RKITBLIGAN COSVICSTION. The Republican national Convention will •feet In Chicago, III., on Tuesday, June 3, 138S •t It o'clock, noon, for the nomination of can- to be supported for 'President and VICI Prtiidrnt, lit the next election. The Bepnblican electors of the sever il states, and All other voters, withent rejrard to past pnlili- lll differences, who are In favor of the clevat- »«* and dignifying American labor, extending; ftnd protecting home Industry, giving free ftpnlire^nnatton to the masse* of the people eeettrlnjr free snfTrajre and an honest covin ting •t the ballots,effectually protectingall human rights in evory scctlon of our common coun­ try, and who desire to promote friendly feel- and permanent harmnnv throughout the la«t«l hy. scenting a National Government •lidjred to these objects and pvisciples, are •ordtallv invited to sen ! for each •State! fonr delegate*, at larjre, for each Oonjrressmn.'tl district, two delegates, and each representa­ tive at large two delegates. ..... ^ D. M. S A ma, Chairman. ««nr A- MARTIN, Secretary. ^ , 1 --ip The State Convention. i«d.i Can s« iMaeirtl by the RcpalMleaa Kass t'sntrsl Cominlltee. HKAOQCARTKK8 RKFI-BLtCAK STAT* C*W- TKAt. COMMITTER. CHTCAAO, .Feb, 18.--The Bepubliran voters of Illinois are requested to •leet delegates to a Republican ^tste fonven- tion, to be held in the city of Peoria, Wednes- day, April 18, 18S4, at the hour of 12, noon, for th« purpose of electing four delegates at targe ana four alternates to the Republican Mational Convention, to be h* Id in Chicago, June Sd. 1*84, The Republican National Com- nlttee has issued the following rule, relating to the election of delegates: The delegates at largo shall be chosen by Mpnltr delegate State Conventions, called on not less than twenty days published notice, and held nqt less than thirty days nor more (tan sixty dat s before the time fixed for the •Wllnirstthe National Convention. The Republicans ot '.ha various Congres­ sional districts shall have the option of elect­ ing their delegates at separate popular dele-Rate conventions called on similar notice and •Id in the Congressional district at any time within the fifteen days next prior to the meet­ ing of the State conventions, or by subdivision •f the State conventions into district conven tion*; anrt sneh delegates shri'l be chosen in the latter method if net elected previous to the meeting of the State conventions. All district delegates shall be accredited by the •fltesre of sueh district conventions. Also for nominating two Presidenlial Elect- ' ets-stiJirge and twenty District electors. ; Alse for aoiainating candidates to be voted Iter at the November election of 1S84, to All the :|feltow!ng edce*, to-wit: Geveraer. v;.: ; .w- l.ieu tenant Governor.,, ' • fk«ret*ry of State. '• Auditor <>f pu »lic Account*. '.fMate Tre** m er. Attorney General. jAlso one Supreme Oeart Clerk far each of ""Hi three tirand Divisions and one Appellate Oonrt Olerk for aachef the four Appellate Oanrt Districts. The basis of representation will lie the vote eaat far the Republican Presidenn il Electors ta IM, to wit: One delegate for every 400 Votes, and one for each traction of 200 votes. - Tke eoanties »* this Congressional District •re entitled te tb« following a umber of 4eA- « * * t e s : . . . Kane............ IB Boone.. S iKalb Ml Lake .7 leHenry # fif = Mr The new postage bill pa*«ed by the house of representatives make the Ww rat* one cent for each four ounces •lid fraction thereof. Instead of one Mnt for two ounces or its fraction as How. It is thought the measure will get by the senate and be ornamented With the president's signature. W1~ Y 19*flow tlte Kituaiiou looks through f teKalb county lenses may be gleaned y the following, from the J Sycamore Jlepublican: "The Chicago Times de* Votes considerable space to the con- ^deration of the claims of Hon. H. H. ft Tans, of Aurora, ns a candidate for IJieRepublican nomination fercongrera |lr. A. J. Hopkins it aiao an Aurora can- iMate, Hon. S. S, Mann and J. S. •|fllcox of Elgin, are also spoken of; •11 of which candidates make it quite probable that although he don't need ;lk Mr. Eiiwood may carry Kane county |is well as tiie other counties of the district."--Elain Advocate. ' ' From the Ottawa. Republican, Qrawl efa Diagrantletf Offl<t*-Meksr In the early days of the Republican party the Chicago Tribune was Its rec­ ognised newspaper exponent in the Nortliwsst and continued to be such until that paper became simply the flDotith-plece of Horace White, Its man­ aging editor, when the Inter Ocean took the position of party oVgan and has held the place ever Muee. The Republicans of the Northwest have nourished It with their parouage, up­ held it in its lights with Its enemies endorsed it on every passible occasion and given it a circulation second to tio^ other paper west of the Atlantic sea­ board. But it bids fair to loose its hold upon them and sink Into the per­ sonal i.rgan of a dlsgranntled offioe- secklng editor. Its warfare on Gen. Logan a'enated a large number of Its patrons, hut Its malicious misrepresent lationa of the meeting held on Tues­ day bus destroyed the confidence of thousands who nntll then had consid­ ered IK honest while disapproving of Its course toward* our senior Senator --a confidence which will net be re­ gained by any amount of hard work for the tjekot. In stating that the Republicans attending the meeting "came here by agreement to forward a certain purpose fto start a Logan boom.; auri they did their I07H best to. carry out their agreement," the Inter-Ocean uttered a falsehood, and one that is as malicious as it was In­ excusable. We know that so far as La Salle comity is concerned Repub­ licans of all shades of political opinion --Art our ineu, Blaine men, Logan men Lincoln men, etc.--were invited. There was 110 picking out by the Illinois machine, "and 110 concert of action be­ fore or at the meeting." The "office holders'" who were there from this county ate Arthur's appointees mostly --all good men. and not one of them iikely te come or go at the back of chairman Jones. And what Is true of La Salle count; is true of the 8th Con­ gressional district and or'tlie state at large--the third district possibly ex­ cepted. It was natural--and proper, too--that after the Inter-Ocean's vin­ dictive belittlng of Gen. Logan the first, speakers called should come out unequivocally for him, and no doubt the candidacy busine«*s would have ended then and there had not the Inter-Ocean machine put Congressman Davis to give the crank a turn or two against Logan. If anybody i« responsible for the stror.g manifes­ tation of regard for Gen. Logan at the meeting, both in the speeches and applause, tbe editor of the Inter-Ocean and Col. Davis are the men. And, If the Republican party is to suffer from what took place, on them must rest the respotisbility therefore. The meeting did not misrepresent the "sentiment" of the Republscam of this portion of the state, an over- whelmiag majority of whom are In ravor of Logan's nomination by t^e National Convention. AUCTION. ?• " :Oft I wltt *elt »i> the T. J. Richards farm two miles southwest of Wobdstortt, commencing at ten o'clock. A. M., the following properly: Seventeen young cows,coining in !n March and April, 5. yearlings, 1 span heavy work homes. 14 good *lioatg. 5 brood sows, 18 pigs, 150 fine wool and §0 common wool sheep. 22 ducks. 7 chicken*. McCorinack reap­ er and mower, set double harness new, cross cut saw, pulleys, 350 bushels of oats, lot corn In shock, 12 tons Of tame hay, 2 stacks of oat straw, lumber wag- oni milk wagon. Challange corn planter ne#, McOormack mower. Woolrich rol­ lers. riding plow, breaking plow, corn shtller, harrow, 8 tooth cultivator, seeder, hay rack, hay rake, pair bobs, swill cart. Sulky corn plow, soil cutter, and nil tnv farming tools, Cooley Creamer, Boss Churn, butter worker, milk house 6x8 and 8 feet high, parlor Garland stove, 1 cbok stove, and all my household furniture. . TKH.MS OK S.M.K: On all sums of flO and over. 8 month's time will be given on approved notes at 7 per cent in­ terest. • : ' E. TRAVEB. •R',^4. SHRKWOOD, Auctioneer. --^ '• . AUCTION 8 A I.E. '• . The undersigned having sold Ills farm, will sell at puldic auction, on the preh>i*es one half mile south of Ring- wood. on Thursday. February 28, 1884, commencing at 10 f'clock a.m., the following property: 20 Cows, new milch and sprinsrer, 4 Heifers, coming isi next fall. 3 Calves, lieIfers, 1 half blood HoUteitr Bull. 1 year old. 100 fine wool Sheep, 1 span heavy Mares, weigh itg 1,200 pounds each,7 and 9 years old. 1 span brown Mares, weight about 1,000 pounds each, 7 and 9 years old. 1 Mare. 4 years old. 6 Brood Sows, 1 Champion Reaper, nearly new, I New Champion Mower. 1 Tiger Horse Rake, 1 Lumber Wagon, 1 Top Buggy, 1 Open Buggy, 1 Spring Wa^on, Cultivators, Plow*, Drags, etc- 1,000 bushels Oats. 150 bush. Pofatees. 3 or 4 tons Ground Feed, 3 set Deuble Harness. 1 Single Harness, a small quantity of Hay, 1 Parlor Set, and other household furniture, ificlud- Stovs, Beds, Chairs, etc. UMS OF SALE:--Sums of $10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of eight menths will he given on approved uutes at 8 per cent interest. Two per' cent off for cash. GKO. W. SMITH. P. K. URIKGER, Anctloneer. CIBLEY'STESTEDCEEDS (QTFOR ALL CLIMATES, | FOR ALL SOILS,ALL PLANTS. ^ All •b" V'Hlitr, ?»n 1 in G miens for puri'y an I v il'i *. LOW PRICES. Sbl©r ,» Pride ©f tbe Worth Com, r^en«d in extreme N'^rth in Ha ancl %3j. SibImperial • Barter, yietoJat w-f: 2i6 bash, per acre. I '^kota Sa l Potato, best of 05 varieties; rot moor. |?5 I 'ROOF ; yield 725 bush, per acrr>. Rochester Tomato, l Mn<x.t:i, taiUea lur^ sort; caret,-ss; for mnrk< t. First and Best Pea, earliest, most pr 'lu'-riv • nrJformlvi 'or market. 0ibbs<;6 nr? un^Tr^lled. $1 100 IH PREMIUMS AT ALL FAIRS. .-r SKNII FOR CATAI.OOUK AN*1> I'RICK l.IS'i' <>f vegetable, FLOWER ami FIEM „{ A!I t«"'rd > valuab!" v*j*^i-ties. Mail orders promptly lillrd, making a seed store at liome. LOWEST PRICES. , H I R A M . S I B L E Y & C O . . Rochester, N. V., Chicago, III. SPECIAL NOTICE. Closing out Sale Winter Regardless of ot Value. INS SI TKI Dn or about the 1st of Mareh next, the ua- Jersigned will resume the RETAIL GROCERY fee i •• • <104 fWDanlel F. Beatty. the orgtq man-facturer. of Washington, N. /., is In Inancial trouble. Doubtless most of #ar readers hare seen the advertise- iients, and perhaps have been annoyed, fwssiblv tempted, by his conlldential propositions, offering some particular 4tyle of organ to some particular class •f persons, as, fqr instance, to Sabbath Achool Superintendents, st a very low f rice. (*« compared with the list price.) jfach one containing a request that the ferson roceiviug it would return the proposition if he did not see (it to ac­ cept it, as it would Mruin his (Beatty's) tusinestf" If It should fall into other : Jkands and his secret and confidential - #0ers should thus become known. We t kndw how many such humbtif- 0ing propositions we have thrown into fhe waste basket. Well, either some one of the hundretls of thousands of Inch confidential comunications with r -Which he has flooded the country has fallen into other hands than those r«»r ^ which it was designed, or in some | other way. It appears, his business his been "rulned." The ilacketts town N. J., Oagfitte. published in a town sdjeiu* Ing Washington, says that Beatty's 0-vn statement of his liabilities makes Ills total indebtedness *335,000, of which tlOO.OOi is due cuatomera on •order$ recieved, while $35,000 is due ^employees, and his general indebtednos *li WdO.fldO, The fact that he has re­ ceived 9100.000 from customers, for organs which he has not shipped, and has used the money, shows something •f hla business method. His assets •re estimated at from $100,000 to «150, - 000. He has an argeement with a com- >t mittec of ids creditors, by which he is to have an extension of credit, and be allowed to continue his business,' but. Judging f'oui his £att business man­ agement and from the present con­ dition of hia afta'rs, it seems absurd to ^ suppose that, with|the utmost leniency ^ In the way of extension of time, he ^ can ev§r extrjeate himself from debt If any of our readers have sent hlin money for an organ and bave not re­ ceived tlte organ, we fe^ar their chances for any returns from the investment good for nothing. m*ln pis vine a game of seven-np with a young lady from St. Paul, a Bl*m*rcker to!d her every lime stw the jack of trumps it was a snrp yiga that her lover was thinking of T4w*n the Impenitent fiend wutch- #4 bor face at e»cli ileal, and every jtlftM SUe blushed and looked pleased fed out wnI hl liar jova. , ? ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINI»CALKR:'-OH Monday of last week Andy I>oig got his hand smashed quite badly in some of the machinery of the mill. Our liquor suit at Crystal T.flke on Monday of last wee* was whitewashed as usual by the disagreement of the jury, and as near as we can le:»rn, there was evidence enough given to convict all of the saloon keepers in Mcllenry1 Co. But all right, gentlemen, you are Only making a big bill of cost for the saloon keeper to pay, as it is to b« tried Over on Wednesday, the 27th. On Thursday of last week a daughter of Peter K^kstrnni met with quite a painful accident *hile counting. Her sled ran Into an old shed where there was an old buggy and she cut her leg very badly'below the kn^e. Dr. Nason was called and dressed the wound. Mr. and Mrs. Helm gave a card party on Thursday evening of last wetk. There were twenty-three guests pns ent. and judging from all appearances they had a good time. We noticed an item In the Elgln! Advocate about John Ad»nis, nu old resident of this place, and it seems by their account that he is in very bad repute down there, and they say that he should hasten baek to Algonquin. Now we thank Elgin very much hut we don't want him back here. We were^j too thankful to get rid of him. Elgin? held out inilnceinenrs to idm and got', hitn. Now let th«*ui keep liiin. Thirty-seven numbers were sold at th* eaiieo dance on Friday evening last and nil repot t a good time. The sup­ per was splendid. Oiias. Schroeder returned the latter part of last week from a prospecting trip to Dakota, and reports that, lie has bought a farm in Douglas Co., D.tkota, am! intends moving there with Ills family about March 1st. O. E. Oliapell and D. \V. Thomas are expected in ahont the middle of tlni* week, each with a car-load of milch i-ows. Now look out for some good TRADE, npM by G. W. Beiley, opposite the Parker HenM^ia WEST NTcHENRY. Whore obi customers and new ones are in­ vited to caM anU examine, FRUITS, GROCERIES* AMD PROVISIONS A11 of the best qnalitr that can can be found n our murket. Also a One line of Salt and Fresh Wat» Fish, At espeo.lnl rates in quantities. All of wlitah Htock will liefwtld to paying trwle low as th* lotvett. Thanking my old cuatomera for tlia generous p.iimnaxe given me for the last twenty years, I am. as ever. Very respectfully ynnrs. " B. GILBERT. West MnHenry. Feb. 23d, HM. 82--9 v. WAU03HDA, V! ILL, Would announce that they have rented the store formerly occupied J>\ Iloiiert Harrison and ur« au . . .. . -T- T£. • :-?V .. . Entirely- New Stock of Now is your chance to buy £ootl Goods at low prices. You can get the best bargains ever offered in Mcflenry Co. All onr Winter Goods must be closed out 111 order to make room foi new Spring Goods. Tbis sale includes . ^ Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, • • i 8WW AS ' ^ ' F OOLLB DRESS GOODS, , , VELVETS. Flannels, Cassimeres.. Shawls. Blankets, Knit Jackets, Skirts, Un­ derwear, Hosiery, Mtttens, Gloves, Leffglns, etc., etc., etc. Also a Large Stock of BIADY-UABE CLOTHINfl, Fur and Wool Caps* BUCKLE WOOLEN We wish to call your special nttertion to severil lots of Boots, Shoes and Slippeis, which we are losing out of stock. These Goods are selling for less money than the original cost to miinu- tactnro. Do not tail to these (ioods, they tell their own story. Wc quote t» few piiQe»ia^^u to think over: ^ ' L:»«ll»>« Oni#t KG pent*; worth •1.7"».' Linlle** Ki<l SlifH-p, $1,011; worili S2.»0. toadies' (^alf or (Joitt ( vvool lined) slinpg, $1.50; wort li $2.50. Misses* or <;MMIWS Sliof«. 50 cuts: worth $1.75. Men's Sii»jfa $1.75; worth $8.00. Mcn'n Wool l.ineil Cisa- IOIH Mailt'. $3.30; worfli ©4 50. Itoya' W'nlf Bo«is. 1.25; wtor'li, 275. Ne»"* Biu-kle Arctics, one of the beet make*, 1.25. We mean what we say. Come and e#e for yourselves. Yours very truly, FRANK D. OOLTKIX St <'0. Ok: -A.iti QREENWOOO- E DITOU P T A IN I»K A I EK A net! ona are a« iiiniieroue as ever. Chas. lliiiniltoii U visiting friends in Greenwood. > Mrs. Jolm Crook^hank Is recovering from her recent sickness. Wm. Westerrnau WAS unable to teaeh hlfe school for several days last week on account of sickue*s, hut is now able to attend to II'M official duties again. Mr. E. Garrison has a valuable horse which lie wUhes to sell or trade foe cows. A fe^v days ago Ida Crookshank frac< tured her left arm by falling 011 the ice. D. W. Soper and wife visited friends and relatives in Chicago last week. Jas. Beatty has sold Ills farm to Mr. Daggert. of Woodstock. Attei a Micce8Bfnl term, the Groan- wood school closes next Friday. There , will be reading, speaking, etc., In the" afternoon. Tom McAllister fell from a load of hay ln«t Friday.and was qui to severely though not dangerously injured by the C. Marble lias refused $85 for a three year old heifer and her calf. New* Item* are scarce and command a premium, • Boots mi Sloes, Hats and Caps, *: Crockery, Ql&asvwt, PAINTS, OILS, YABNISH, Wall Paper, Shades, etc. All to he sol'I for HEADY PAY, at prices ns low aa oaafo«nt in Lake County, ' . " r, Produce of all Kinds, Bought for cash or taken in ex­ change for gooda. Afuli liufrof The undersiifned have placed on sale^an entirely r SEW STOCK OF SOQDS, 5 such as itre usually sold in general stores, consisting of 33Y GOODS, BHOwEBBS, CROCKERY^ Hats Caps, doots, Shoes And in addition wilt Continue to sell the celebrated CHICK'S FLOUR, Linseed Meal and Feed of all kinds at. wholesale ar.d retail. The attention of the buying pub­ lic is respectfully called to our goods, as to price or quality be­ fore purchasing, as every article is MARK ED IN PLAIN FIG­ URES, thus securing a child as good a bargain as a man. Our goods were bought with special reference to the wants of the trade, and we are confident we can please you both in quality and price. (/all and see us whether you buy or not. BOKSLETT, STOFFEL it CO. West Mrllenry, III., Dec. 88, 1893. m 'lloF-4 ^.'4' •# W«3 JL" / ditn ̂ ($UCCE«SOS TO BAJUli J J,.; ft ^'01 V i*K :<,nt* - it: flWK#* »4 » •></* BHEPABB.") i. ft-5' f •-ri -- -- . . . 7 , , Z1' ^ tv:. •», < i fyi-d'sfsi" - |v . Tbe c oly cash lion in Northern Illinois. filled. S ie,140 feet long au£ 22 feht wide, two stories high and working for the people that FAY AS THEY GO. Not a ^oHar^ worth gjm out except fat Hard te-- GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots <& Shoes, Hats A CROCKERY, 1 \ ,y rOE EAEGAIHS IB FOR COAL AND WOOD,] --oamtow- E.M. UOWE Opposite I31«liop*ai Mill, M ho lias a romplete line of the best |<i| . the innrket, as well a« u large stock of Harflware, Mechanic's Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, Anrl, infant, everything to the hardware store ami tin line. . ' HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. :Call at hin store before buying elsewhere. 'Jobbing fuwl "cpnirlnjf iiromjitly atten>le<l te. «#"lt«inembnr, extra b<>*I| bargaiue Can Hi- W'IVH l»E obtiimu'l HI flowe'*. , . Mclleury, l>ec. 1, mi. t>£ALEa. 1# Eardwais, Stores, finw&ro, Lumber, Sit inflect, I^utla, Fence Posts Goal etc In short, we keep everything in the above mentioned lines, which we are olfe ing to the buy­ ing public a* cheap as any other house in this section. Call and See us. JOBBING & REPAIRING * PROMPTLY" ATTENDED TO. HF:LM & PETER. Algonquin, Kel». 18,1884, ! i nji iiTtT On hand at all times. Call and examine goods and prices be­ fore purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined not to be under­ sold. PRICE BROSe WAUCONDA ILL; ' ATTI*TI0». SOLDIERS, BAILORS AMD INVENTORS. S. B. Ci.SMKMT*. 8. B. TURPIX. OI.EMBNTS A TUKPIN, 'gfo ' %tAf»«ll*TS AMD COW k ^rAghlngton. D. O. „ *'• P.O. Bex MB. All bnalnes* before the Departments prun>|)tly HtU'n<le'l «.<». , Mpcctit't uttcnii'in pstirt to Pensions, Uounty, Bttfk I'M', Patent and Land Claims. tJixler late liberal laws tliousumli of pen* sioaerB are entitled te an uicreasc. Now ilit-cbAr){«" obt:»iiieiT urlivr«t be origins is haro Itcen lost. All comiiuinji iiiion# prompilf answart<l and Uuauiess prwtaptly ait«Bdf<tt«> TAX PURCHASKKS NOTICE. itTATE OK ILLINOIS, I , Mollenry Oounty, r Win. Langbaiit, Itingwood, 111. To every person or persons In Rctnal pos­ session or oiHMipaiH'jr of the following de- SOI-IIMMI lots, pieces or pftrcela of land or per »nnrtl pr«p<>rty. Also tbe person or persons in whose name or niiines the mine was tiixed or mieciiil ly nfnesseil, alwo to the owner or own­ ers of, or p.iriies iute ested therein, aj.<l to all whom it mav concern,' Notice in hereby Kiven as required br the (tiitutex ot siti<l s'tate of Illinois, in t uch cases n>:tdean>l provided, that at the time hereln- afier liiimed, at a public sale by the county Treasurer, assisted by the count y clerk of the county unit stale aforesaid, held at the east door of the court lioiixe, in the city of Wood­ stock, in the county and State aforesaid, of lands and lots and personal properly agaiifst wliicli judgment was reudeied for delinquent taxes, • pec in I assessments interest and costs authorized by the lews of the county and State aforesaid. I, Wm. Langham, pnrchased the following described lots, or parcels, ot land, sit­ uated, lyinicand beinj? in the county of Mc- Henrj and state of Illinois, to-wit: On May 30th, A. D. 1HHI, ^ acre off eh »e!< section II township 44, range 7, asse&sed In tbe name of Lwnan Miller. On May imthrA. I». 18S2, wj< seJi seX" section 6 townsliip 4U range 6, containing 35 acrKsand aHxessed In the usine of John Korsyth. That tbe time of redemption of said land or lots from purchase at mud sale will ex­ pire in two years from tbe date of said sale, which will be on the »>lli day of Mvy, A. 1>., 1«83, and IHHI, respectively, as herein above descrilxsrl, after wliicli lurie (if not Iwfore re­ deemed) I, the undersigned, will apply to the Oounty Court of the said Mellenry Oounty and state aforesaid fur a deed or lUtisds wi' the same. « Itingwood, 111., jarnarjr an, 1884. WM. LAKOHAM. Only $9,50for Blackberry t'liina Tea »et of fiO [)lece» at Uonalfett, Sioflel & FUKITITXJRE ALL KINDS . Store two «> Perry door9 north & Owen. ff '.Of.fti 1 have one of the largest stocks of Furniture of all kinds* to be found in any furniture store in the county. Persons wishing to buy will be sure to save mone> by calling on me. UNDERTAKING. I have 35 different sises and styles ot ^ COFFINS pD CASKETS, , Always on hand. I' keep a Hearse of my own which will be furnished at the most reasonable rate*. ;- . J. B. BLAKE. for the workniif class. Send 10 cents for postage, and we will mail YRTIT'FHKK a royal, valualile oox of sample gooils that will ut you lu the way of ninking more money in a few days than v<m ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. We will 'start you. You can work ail the time or in spare lime on IT. The work is universally adapted to both sexes, young and old. You can easily make from 5:i cents to 95 every evening. That all who waul work may test the btiitiness, we make this unparalleled o(I>jr: To all who are not well satisfied wc will send $1 to pav for the trouble ot writing us. Kull particulars^ directions, etc. , sent free. Fortunes will be made by those who give their whole time te the work. Ureal success absolutely sure. Dont't delay. Start now. Address, STISSON if: Co. Portland, Mela*. it paiy yoUjtd etfflfe fbttr t6 trade with me. I sell goods of the best quality and guarantee everything as represented. Read my price list and bring it, aud. make your fall purchases where your money will do you the most good, Will your credit dealer make you the following prices? Best Prints. S cents *4 It • • ... . , . • •. ,1sv Finest Bleached Ostton .....v. ... 9 Best Unbleached C*tU» .... i...«. T# " Standard Ginghams........ 8 " No 1 Corsets Do " A« A Ticking 19 " Elegant Dress Goeds . .'.. 6, 7, *1* 10 » 42 inch Hlack Cashneres .......... 50 " Dress Drills .... ^ I «« Cambrics 6 •* I ndies'Cloaks, all prices. Cotton Flannels. 8 •• No I Flannels, 83 cents to 88 " Ladies' Fine Ifandkerchiefs 6 " D and 10 cent bargains in ahunftanee. fioo.l Co tion Cloth 6 " No 1 Denims 12 •• Rest. Denims made 15 " Extra Waterpreof :... M " Ladies' Slippers, worth 75 centa... 45 " Ladies' Shoes .... ft00 Ladles'French Kid Shoes, fine...., SoO Gen is' Roots, Good )M All kinds f»rmen»nd boys and only good GootU. Roys suits 92 M> to 12 Men's Suits 825 to U Men's Overcoats and POTS T !ft iv! -Ciotlnn^ls our great specialty, nnd we carry the finest itock ia '•Northern Illinois. We have : the goods. „ Btifl'alo I to be s direct freieltke Northwest, all sorts. Spices. W:IT down. Sugar at Chiciiy° costjadil freight. 5# cent Tea Good Tea Best Uice ... ... Best Roasted Coffee.... G >od " " standard Raisins No 1 T«bacc«, .-rooking Fine-Out Tobacco... Plug Tolwcco Lonir Box Matches,'.... 5-eent Box Matohea.... 10-cent Box Sl.".lc!ies..., Babbitt's Saieratus ... " Best Soap... Store Polish 4«e« SB, 30, SIKAPO ' .. . ... 7 ........ 18 ......10*li ....... " » Now I want to see voti and know that I can nit your interest to come, and are will do it. , Just come once te it foi and see. AND THAT Hio Want the far-ofl* trade that buy BIG BILLS, and to such Come and see me, and it I can't savp you money, will pay your expenses. I am getting in Itf rgains every day, and they g< iwbuutflit, very cheap for cash. Yours for good goods and low prices C, F. HALL, YOO« <iRDERS. DUNDEE, ILL. GREAT B «Ve wish to reduce Stock of Winter Clolhing^before putting in our new Spring Goods. V\ e have a few Uveiconts we wish to close out and will make it worth your while to purchase KOW._ Also a line of Children* Suits, ages from 4 to 7 yetive. These arejkrgunw worth your inspections. : ^ ^ ^ yil Mens', Boys and Youths Brokeif Suite, nil Jof wIik-brwrlM lw of- tered to induce you to purchase. Remember these are all Bargains. McHENRY. If&S FKp. |Tifl. , / - Wood for Sale. GdOtl Dry Woud for sale by, F. A. UKBASD. Farm for Rent* 1 offer my farm for Kent on reason* able terms, if applied for anon. i\ amm. GREAT BARGAIN: its Stioes M ifc VFe have "just received an immense 'stock of Goods for the spring trade, and in or­ der to make room for the largest stock*' ot ̂ summer goods ever brought to Woodstock,; or into Mc- Henry County, we will sell our winter and heavy goods at great bargains. We must have the room and are bound to close them out. It will pay you to come from all over the county to trade at DwicrhtV old reliable cash store. We have the finest line of spring goods ever brought to Woodstock, consisting ot V\ omen e, Misses and Children's Walking Shoes and Slippers, Men's Boys and fine Cult Button aud Staple Shoes. |^TN. B.-Hoaee establishes " 8 5 Mam „..KliW- JJ. DWICHT,,,

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