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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Mar 1884, p. 8

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- -*,%z : ̂ rr^r • Wc 7 • , : *wr iJOTV. !*Jl~ ' * '** "' V* " " * - - " „•" -** 'x" •'" • t;". : V". %'rv^v h ff. Ff'.', -"'"V«; .V- 7 * * •* fm0m ?3V &k~ ?* Everybody goes then* fco-Vuy mm* *.? M « ,»* •sm. "JUtnaf...; HHfrV>' •&=" 4 .-f •»• <\ ; 1 « • 1 ̂ T" i!" -|. • '" I GROCERIES v* S. *. Q.K dSts «*|NH*a«fc#ltik*M4 IinUI* and out w i th tiff <*l*a!l»$WW»boJ«, 5?, P« Qk v fle «44*ff t« *li|l<IWr4v*rfthing fr*Vn- ? p *- per t« qiptftf &,One day along-geared meUiieh<fy nun dismounted fcoiw. a )«ne-f»ai*<1. melancholy mule, and mm* Into the store. His eyes i mme- rilately aougbt •n« Of tbfl iqyU#ri«ti« •ifna. ' * . >;, ' J *,v "PaNtem," mid the melancholy roan *.,,' „ "to decide AW-t #leff y«ti*d ttfline I *'"ll I *i\ what that »lr S. I*. Q. R. stands fur* |W*WWWI1W%.. IU- (f! "That, my frWWk^kaU tlie pH^ltTe t«>r ptlbW, "stands fdr Small Profits ahd. If f g: Quick Return*. That's my mette. Tlmt> the way I se!l my good*. way down below Md rfck, What, d^d \ ; * think It tu?" ^ **W#H.n said the man wltji jt Ion* of relief, "w^ve both loSi.l ^et a yearling steer it stood for Small Po- $ tatees and Qnick Remedies, and tltli S\. * Oibbson bet it was Sfck Rats Quietly Beftotal. So its •, stand-off, pard,'»«' ; I'm much obliged to yer. I'll jlst go (kkta a** **3 r«p*rt U Bi!l.^*«2fcra« 'J't-" Si/tincn. ; „- „. •.--. i^*The boys are telling a new stery -^HpiuBd iotrn, and wheiher it has ap- ia print or not is unknown, but " «Mrtgoes, An Irish ge tie man Is re- |l|r|td to have.visited the municipal walking up to the judgo on : . t|lMI%*nch, said,"Joodge, the water pipe tttiw hydrant beyoat me house has |Hif#t4iHid it has flooded me celler and IftiMwalng aie hins. Me nane Is 11c- Carty, joodge.M The judge sympathised VtUi him. and was sorry for the' damp pfft Ml hens were leading, but told him %• Would have to go to the Wrd of troits*and complain. SlcCartMy want away, hot the next morning he etine back to the judge and told the • story about the "water" and the is* when the judge said,"I teld'y+u to tbo board of public works aid year story.*' "And I d'd,"eaid Mc- tliy. "And wiiat did tbey say.'1 ed the judge. McCarthy lookedMn- at and taid, "The man ax^d at, Earthy,' says he, twh3i the devil don't pom kap* duck*:' ' ' 3 ; •" •*'<»">• • "r"" • . - • IVNobody ever saw the word "lM|iihu^M antil it was lint acrawiod #ti the waifs of Dublin and "skedaddM" | was aaknown in our language until •July 31,1861, at the battle of Bull Run- T-heee terms, like that of "dude" sprang ' Intooxistanee almosf without volition, || and each in its way expressed a new shade of meaning aud caught (fee oar of the public. Striotiy speaking, the |f »word 4*dude" is applied to those who •|; imitate some class of English life, but! a.Mn may be a "dude" and wear home- J . The "dud®" was not content to «'»' koa>fep alone--a mere imitator as to ' • eye-glasses and dress--he must imitate f the language of Boundaditch add the ^ Wdsty fep of Inglaud. His mission li" 4 Hlfetltlf to stand at the cross-roads of ^ and shew us where net to go. youug lawyer while niaking s^ieech in the court, house in defending a little XB mm •'if nl»»?¥W .•* *f i tuhimiiu >1 J . .tr !.Sf -- rassSfessfc';sas^«T*ss»L_ | -lf £ '1 ;i>r( ! ';•<> t- t . ? hi, ;:4<•mtjf.m'• : , j-viKt •.","•• .. I.-ifiJ i - •t 'f ffissi uttyn f t Ji b' T- •M j rfi H" s'v" 'Ht . V"M .«InH-• *' «i<r? • «. : VlMit .Hf: ••;'"•* •; d ; ./>«£# To anift n *"J<t'f i'lJSC; W» Hslil.!'.- >'> »<•« fpniw}#- BWPK, -if] .it one 4 . . • ^ . . . . " ; • s r e s e l l uxti'urtt" j-iM'uf-iii. »• vthtjvb rtl- <J:r c.»'/;« .hm-. ,1 .* • ..."» _ lij'-fy, atijj*** ip 1 uiu»< i * ' t " * t-'ijllf:: * lit : v ,-•••' •i v:,-i Nto aw# &&A f.'" 'j •..•".Qi.t.rififr-sd: «t «v.*4 iiii, . : - >« bit :**$.•' •• d-->i JUM< ^ ' *1-* .u &«* u 1 -j" ?h •: »i , ' t ... .. - . .... fi4^<»t4rl frMw.di •• t>( •- »WH" ijlf-' <> !>.,! 1} -1^ ni jj-ff ^;:al O'jyHi .?! ' " .-"i V'l ' • . " T" " ' ' <« i) « 4'& »w t *• I - 4 'i tut&ixmol"» f ' - f . s . t u n r n # v i T t t t t O l # t « n i [ . flf«i|SrWT«ti t'» «*»« tr * rf? ; potty crime, in the % Whist pt an iitfpassioned appeal to the =' tfeire goad and true men, exclaimed: *-Aj^gentlemen of the jury, you see be- this poor trembling boy-- r, mm*i father---»lthout motiier, vrltb- "I:: «lirv ulaiiur, wiifiwub , OwuSSbwI**--v At tMs pefat the orator was interrupted by a general tittet arouud the bar, and to add to his confession, the^Judge who | wae 001 illng oa the bench added: "Pro- ooodi Brother> »• Uteoourfc is with you." r- •; , *An Illinois philanthropist wish«c ttf benetit the poor by teaching them t» eat their breadaod butter with, the butter side down. He saya that the a$wmot taste is most acute on the tettfcae aad that a very small amount of batter 1$ satisfactory it put la the ofev'ieusly rigitt spot. .v. t«i* J S'St Petty* ;«?• Owen.;;:v-?> •, °i • v - - Ladies* ami Grents* tTndefweari Ladies* and Gents* Gos^iraers, Ladies' and Gents' Glove*, and Mittens, Ladies' and Gents* Hosiery. A utee stock of Coi> sets anS Hoop Sivirts, an EXTKA Quality of Wool eh Yarns, Carpet Warps, Cotton Batting, and nil the Staple Articles kept in a gen* eral store, and at prices t« suit depreciated •^1 - Goon, -f 1: tm-i$ :tA 4>s? BUTTER »# . i«'« *„ •*' \i, 5 it.'fii 1 u .{<:> %-»!, ifH* t H- tiwi !•• i "> t0, f5'»; 5 !i^i ?* .... ' -T J J %:i*r tf'yQ&tayjMh ijtf :m$. «>•. ti. And the Highest AJterlrtt Pric^ Paid. ••• -ir,l r |*T2 P08. »*33MS" Wauconda, Dec<^, 1883.|£;/ JOS. WIEDEMAM, i i. Saloon and Restaurant, NEAW THK DEPOT, ' | iwchenry, - ILLINOIS . Tbe best TiranUs of Wines, Liou^rs ar-- Clears always on Hand. Good "St;iblinz fx Horses. " ALSO ACEHT FO«t Franz Falk's '• •• ;• .>'•' -:E.aaS "~w- j • i r,. 4->Ki 1 MHiWAXJKEB ^ f - *£»' -' iJ fteer ia l,appr»oV «m»tr Re?««r"Boetf*8 • n ways on hnnd cheaper than artjr otfterl' ihiai tv conAJtlorofl. Thia licur haa a world wi>U r«^uiAiioA, ui-jtoodjudge# acknowledge it oanaot oe «ui p a s s e d i n t h e w o r l d . . . . . • , • Ord^^sby mall proi^pt]y nttended^t; * " ', •• - " .a -i. 1 ^ . ' -J ' iOS. WIEDEMANN McHenry, III. A«. p. J»1», isss. k .#»• IV '.'.A' Hip4- ACTB5TI0H,' ,, sotmiffer, iAiiidbl. aniJ rM^isrtois. •. B. CI.BMRNTS. y 8..B. TURPIM. CLBUEX9s]*^>UBPIK, ^ •« >-'*.»%xoW*Te a*«i' .eoo!ciw(oB^;i3f?|| * al<^ ' ^asMogloo, D. C. P. O. Box 419. ' ' '/ '"t' All bii»ine*R litMrg 'iieidirlmeats prompllT attended * ' *^P^ * attention pnirf to Pensions, Bouatv. Bark Pay, Patent and Land Claims. L mler Jute libsral law* thousand* of men -swi>«rs are entitlwt to am u>creH»». " Newdiseiiar«,'*'«ebtaiaeii wbe^pthoorigiimis h&YQ been tost, , f u All oomnninidations promptly asswere<i and business promptly attended to. BEAD the following critical opinions of ^Bullet and ShelL" «.«.. Ill ive on© of the Iiir »ye«t stocks krada .lo be la any filfHtture store 4IHDERTAKINC.: if>k. Mtn*. Mlcl 4>FWSfl ASD: ̂ AJSKElfe, Atwjiys 00 hand. J kieep *& llearswofrnV own which will be furnished til the most reasonable lute*. ; J. B. BLAKE. (I»r the workin* class. Send lfl kseau tor pontage, and w« will tnanil Tonti-KKK a rural, valuable |l,«K •iMotple goods that will [ yon in tli«wavof innknif; 'store money in a lew tiayt iban y <u «/er possible at any bnsinogg. required. We will «Urt vou. Voii/a«.u w»«* ail the time or in spare i iuie The »«ri. .is uuiv«si-»ally ailitpted to l>>»th yo»ii>e and old. You can tstistlv ni.ik* fiora 5'l cuuU io fc e.very t;veH»u»r. TUh'i ail who waut work in»y toat tiio btiniiK>e!i, «•». 1 > this naparalieind •fl'ar; • tX»^iH -w4vo ate |Mit well i>!Ui«tleri we will send *i t» pav Tor i «; tfjiuljic ot writiH^ tie. >'till ))irti< ;ilur«1 eM-e>;t.ioiis. Ptc., H«n.t F'd'tniii'h will l.« ui»de Jhy thu»e whugive t licir whole tiiue i« ii* w-rk. sui-.ceds ab«oltiiuiy |>oul'm«iay. Sliirt Ii«w. Address. AlUtOv U. Cu, ;, T on Uu ,"® . 'It will be iu« nioit widei. in ihai 'ivil WsrlguhMlWenpablitl . £ ^VanBlf VetflflriiMi awry%liff ISA' iHerjq-e to keartfiy «n< Tribune. • f$*4# vcrr ~ Og- t. S. Oriutt. "I h»t«ln hi W^avittotte remdi^ «*Uc ^ AQE«TS .WANTED to Afregh.^tektotboor,shov )ne "i»arasthoaoi^iiu'.gawit aud Malijr profitable 1 in 'with. DONTTOTI FORGET IT! r !\ kf C' ;•«' Hrtnolit. Backed bp, lli)Hot)«. 4? mi>i«y Toffeji you INDKMN'Ul'I aguiufct daiAitfte bj*. " . Flr%^ Lightning,. Wind at* fiFCl.QXJWAN$\VO«l*ADOm "I I»rop me a postal card, and 1 will visit yon call «m wand f will wnie vou a policv, anu waen either or • n y of lues#* deotrwtive ei^ tnunts <leras£:tf4i« your Vf<>P«rt.v. Iiappv will you uo if you b»M one of inv poljcjos 'for I will attreiy visit you, *sd minister unto you, 1 wiiiuot foruks y«n, '/.IT A$.i w; AVfr/r. ' , . . fie*'I Insuritno* Jtff't. •• i'1'** W •« '.ft. «•)?•. :'j V,' t , t>», * im. j . , St .{ . " v1 > <•> M f tst , . ' • X «• '-St . '• • •! t •• < ;rif l j I ^ i .< t 11 'ki. - \ »«. m <;«*:.«* . *r --VJI -r '•iiw&X-• '? ' • : • . ' ! •• .<•••••• * >T . . ! i A tej 'J > Tx„ »>!>', *« -i'" 'if .r>,\ O. • •'-»Jv it! u • j. "s;1 . t , •> * * r «• -5, J * 'p;rwr|sc»;l in in -.M* /4i 'M; i W'm \ f W(T-th&vitv-t* , *) \ / !.sf i rt isj' ui, .• '••* ' i o /i> %K £ j .if- >„"m •' ; . <>,1 f-i-- ' i ' , ."»:!<•> • n'), - "* -J'lj '-t'iV ui » i ! i> i • t <.»i 'J ' l - * a. >4 •**•=/ fSj-H -J-'-pfc T •»<, Rrtil ! V15 -ifl rjrfj •'f frj/.. J. • - -J'i " 'WWfeii :< a>.}• Mty.vr : l??w. • ^ #># "?:*17? » I •> .•* VffJ . '-IM !, ifi':. -/J! ' "m"' -s*l* 1J i "> •- . .ill, !i'k,l"> «'tt bOKji's "T " w- .,Tf7 i f.'ti: 1 '< t il '( .'--f < ai «,;t »},>•* ft /it >' «>*»* iiCN«i» 3 ••*•(! • ' ! ' • I' 1 i IJ t . 1 1,'s. !'".f os.-l nv M E ;. fee* •ii /••--: -" (.10* w* 4 a 1» s»t<5 if»' ' *• v&$l .y,j -f x-f * €&•• tupvi. . . rn »1 *?<«• 'sm-sj IA"#» ; • ' ••'-."••• ... . '.V'::v'.VjBt:.-; .->nl $tit fi4ii rti!} _ tii'if;!' u iikm:S"to,>s4j..^aM . - . * . ; . f - - ! ( ».f » > am »*.(T j >i >j J j « ' ' i . ? ! : • , > y i l i 2* i*U»i b».J r - > d : f j H . I J > . « ( i f i* -,0 s > '* dL.1 J '^41 . <T5i i jfv fi ' 'ti'i > ..•> SatisfaetioifGuaranteed aiE^ny . tt " >>; wci ;-s ? «4tW • - . > • • • ' • MCHENRT, 111., February ,jl, 1^ ' . ' , • ' ! • • • 'f MlS-i < ^ 'A -/. 'tit i V '! tr if, ; '-i GREST BARGAINS i > si' ' it iSf.^9' ,#»!«•,f a r^'l i iimMp • r.. > a -0w" i : f 't$w i JiS ii'f lis"" « |»,a*s» m.»> J fiifjs; vfwii'r *!R Irff.n.r • ••-ru, I' ••)*T 3>,tit' pmr i ?f nl <>i >)••.'?• <r.t^ ilmJw <{%% '>•«»•' 'wMM t " _ Jll • i, "I Jj ': I'l. 1-^ *:'1 i>* yl< ijQl ,«< M .-.-r'i-) ! ,ii». •-> • j4| L« * ,j*V t •*«.»«">»! ut > > /' ' i f» ' i>* u< a» <• general |SierolMnits > •>4 i f t > " • «> sl f rrr* \r">u K->i' I ' 1*. ; Wf vw.f, • " iHEADQXIAETERS- ;Ot*Tfc- -ii« i-fl t'vtrfffil •?.'•!»> i »i ; v) r- 4 ,i i .' ;-i . ' IWii-', '» > Jl'f.l t>* t * •*»l lilt HI mmw ^ •** tfl ; r 'til t'J* • i , "l-'ui ,! •if-et-ri d' ' '• DRY GOOD'S, NOTIONS, tT't"'-.' . • ••'•'ireM -• n}i(.. "• i - - ,• • •< • t l 'ii ; • "u'K.; if i>wp«r;^ '.|"v «i 1 if U ' lf*J 'J - % , 'l! il-it JM '»fi4 ' • . • • *f J . ^U* , .•»* • / ^ aH » J" ; >•> «> J- " ; if >.•? i. "{'J} ' Win 't-oiyil.J.:. . <*.* I. v; i* *0i>1 •' .'•t-nw .f.;-,?)-' 1:.. ::J: ;v : ;>. --:r-ii ...... WE HAYli SEVERAL CLOAKS WHICH MUST life CLOSED OUT WITHIN THIUTY DAYS. ' .* .•!.}# '-iff* WcHenry, 111., Jan. 2 1,1884. PERRY it OWEN. •ft ! h nti D;I. '• <.J t '• ,<vt "*" ,t:r- ., * -.A the Riverside Housii ^ n« f«/i, 1 -ms 'ti^X .sunt: *m /•>• 4' : '• " .VLl\J,>4 J i. •; - t f ff *'f H t * "'J /"irf r' ^ rf :i ./i }'•*!' Has a complete line oftlie best Stove«in the market, as well as it larffe stock of '•{ i'fi r Wit ,n->i 4 •- ,•»•!'•.v i .A*.!•*.; ,J Lamps.CliandeUers, Bsots Sloes uuu M f We have just received an immense stock of Goods for the spring trade, and in or­ der to make room for the largest stock of Bummer foodi ever brought 3to Voodstock, ior into Mc- Henry County, we will sell our winter and heavy goods atgreat bargains. We must have the-room and are bound to close them out. liui uu And in « hort, E * e r * x l n ' Line? Stove tut. U • 'ii&y -il'-si Fi' '.-4 •I if. .<) ! :n\> ,:' li -Ee Will JfTot "be Undersold I CALL"AT HIS STORE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE' :^^|^jobbin8: and Repairing Promptly Attended to. KMEMBEH* extra wood bargai us can always be obtained at T. STORYH i It will pay prou to come from a l l over the county to tra<S£'"'lfl^ Dwi/fhtV ol tl reliable ca>ih store. We have the finest line of sisrinin ^foods ever brought to V^roodstocK, coii*i»tin<r ot Women's, Mi«ses' and Children's Walking Shoes and Slippers, Men's Boys' find Yputhjr' fine Cajt Button mit] Staple 8hoes« J^"N. B.--Hons* establishes' in 1865, DWICHT. McRinT itt't WMi- I'M ^utT Hi! f Lm- mm Sales of took, F».M ing Tools, und 4joo<l >t nil Kinds 1'rona Jill y VtteiMiei Terms, Kcaaonni'le i w ;|1TO !SS>MK »-».f #)•>.« *.o;^ -i fuir, tfajrpi, j"'";: 1) i') ?.<»/ i'w *( if imU 'sdh&iii't:>si rmll! ' ikwim Cer; «rwrfif "Hi DWiGHTf St. c^'dFthalfc^ciuare, Vkocditcck, 1)1. you- ---TO BUY Sewing Machine7 p* Horse Shoeing; General Blacksmithin? 8» WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE And Commercial Inititutc.. 1̂ 1*'!' tjW).-*re«j4» Mrmi |>ei- r«nr. r;FTR^T 1 COL K^bs:--'fenc.her*'. (!ol|e;ji:it<», Mod-I t ii I.nii^uage,_ _ Commorci tl. Art. Mi it*' ' * Htm-W WAGON AND ? \Vli<>i(> #x)iet)s<> f o r o»<> year. $m. We». " vi-rn Narum! !.<••• Iin't I5u'r»':tu. Wusl.tuu Norumt "A<ivtwatf;." Ontalogues and buocir lucu cuity of y*).*,!-KKKK. C. L. OiiVj 1'i'JiKMiml, m. Hon I hate on hand an<1 am selling at the T.rfwr p^ir.fis, the Domestic, Klilre<l«e, Vt\f .omo," Sorinirfield, New Americ:t»,4Ui<l diifter m iiin Alti<-liint?f, ami m <llu<ot be uii(i^r»<;l<i y iiny it strut in tin* roniity. \ jroml SiiiKfr Mai-liinc" for 20. warranted to do die work of any Singer Machine iu the M'orlu. Call aud hoo nie. U. H, OWEX iy, t"c l». 20, j8tU. Map Mall. .P. HAUPERISCH, * MoHonry, llllnoiM* Would respectfnllr inform hi» customer# nn«i the |>ublio ireiiarally Hint lie Is now bct.iet than ever prepared to do all work in his line. REPAIHII>G, Of nil kinds on short neticr. *iJ"Give ns a call and wo will please you Ueth in quality and price of work. P. HAUPERISCH. lfcHcnry, liK Ang.Jth, »»., „ ft#* Bottom rigurer aiul TiTeW PtylM l"«"'Kiiig lauipi, at Poiisjett. Stoflti (k> Cai.'S. " •: £.'. STOPPED FRE€ Marvelous success. Imane H»r»ons I estored Br.KLINE'S GEEAT IerveRestoreji r «// MiMltf M«RVK OlSKASBI. Ouly-tUWf 9 curt f>*r JSrr%'t sty>cti*i.r J'iisp Jipt ' f -rJf *te, JlNPALfJULtt if as <1irerte(f. Nt Pits mjlrst ffxy's fixt. 1 r^ visi 1 S3 trhl bottle free \9 1 Fit t^i^T (^irjes on box rrhen lr<?rqire:J, .S^n',1 njmrv P. t>. an I expr«s% address fit JaflNctM Ar-li St..»»hili<l<-«nhia.r*. lDruKi«s. SliWARB yi* JMITATfftG FRAUDS* PATENTS. Inventors, send nindpl or sketch of rwir In-•emion and I will mnkc careful prellminary. examination, and re|)ort as to patentability with advice, circulars, ctc., Frkk or nunoii. All business before U. Patent Ofliee at. tended to for innderaie fees.' NociUlWE UN-LBSS PATKMT IK OBTAIVK1). J- &. LITTELL, Patent Attorner Wasiiinguon, wanted for the lives of all the Presidents of ihoU. 8. The larcesi, handsomest, best Txiak [ever i»old for less Hum twee our price, The fniilCMf. sellinjr liook in America. Immense profits t« H£e!i< s. All intelligent people wunl it. Ayone can become ti <• nn o^fnI ugent. Terms free. Mallbtt Hook <?<»., Portland, Maine. ,h week nt home. (fi.00 ouilU free. Put absolutely aiire. No visk. pap-Ital not required. Reader, if yjm waul linsinesf, at which persons nf [either sex, oiil or young, can u,uike '^rent pay all the 'time tliey Vork, with ulisotiite certainty, wrijte fnr particulars to II. IIALI/ETT & CA>., Povtlnnd, Maine. Strictly unoolored Japan 'IVji 50 to 60 cent! at Bonslett, Stoflel •nly St Co Still Out of the Ark of Safety. ftf JCOU «re. . „ : t • vti'r*- tiu\: DANGER '>} i xoxiiFip& jptiopEB^Y country Beset you en etery hand." The mntter of the slvcooi), siekloop. aiiloon.cyflonu,tornado, wimt-siorm, or whatever name mnv 4e given It, Is heard hi some section of the nearly e*«ery clay v The Fire Fiend May break ont at fanv moment--the smbcibt of a liteUiiie be consumed. Death must come to *11. By a small payment each year you can secure to yourself a loi tnne, should you live, or, in lino event of death before the time expires, vour family is provided toy. H50.-floo.coo is "represented t>y this agency,* *.»nr nites areas low as experience has found to he safe. You will save money by insuring witli me. ' • ... . . , . . Genera! Insurance, l.ife, l-ire. Lightning and Tornado a specialty. Thanking all my friends for their liberal patronage, and, hop­ing, by square dealing, to merit a continuance of the same, I beg to iwbscriiie myself, ltespee.tfuHy yours, C. H. MOltSV. •* cHenry, IU.. J«ne IJ, 1883. Kend six cents for postage and receive free, a costly box ol goods whi. li will help vou to more aiopcy I right away than any. thing else in this world. All, of either wx, succeed from first honr. The broad r<»ad to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once address, Tri;k & Aiizu^ia. Maine. lib wliole leaf Jap Tea for *25 cents or 6-Jw fcr ?«. »t Bonslett, St«flel & Go ;. .. Let Itt* *0* Clicap & Mfffitin Jkilva} _ is the beet-iinii sivorteat mrttio ud fmm Chicago an<1 Council BlnffH (OHHrim), ami that it ts pjeforred by all well posted traveler* when passing to or irom \ California and Colorado, 11 also opc line betwee Chicago .*y: 01 ii16 °P*r*y*P the $eat rpnt^ ana tbe short line between mil 8t RtaJteapolis anil Milwaukee, LftCrtsse, Sparta, Had lion, Port Howard (Hreen Bayj. Wisconsin. Winona. Owatonna, Maekato, Minn., Cedar itapids Dos Moines, Webster City, Algeria, Clinton. Marehalltown, Iowa, Froeport, Elgin, Rock' ford 111., are a mot g Its 800 looal statlona oa its lines. Among ft few of the numerous points of an perioritjf ,-- are ii that 1 PAI _ models of comfort and elegance; iU PAil ACB DRAWING ROOM OARs" which art unsa-P passod iiy any; and its widely celebrated NORTH-WEftTBffH DINlNC CARS, The like of which are not rtio by any other road anywhere. In short, it la assarted that irlST EQUIPPED ROAD IU THE WOULD. All points of interest North, Northwest and West of Chicagn. busmws* connea, summer resorts nnd no^ed hunting ao« fikhing gronnda are ooceselble by the varloue branches of this road. It owns and controls over p,#fK) miles of road ami hns over tour hundred passenger eea. . due tors constantly earing for its millions ef patrons. Ask your ticket agents for tickets Tia thla rente, AND TAKE NONE OTHER. Itoosta no more to travel on this reute, that givea Hrsl.class accommodations, than it does to go by the poorly equipped roads. P'oi tnapi, descriptive circulars and summer resort papers, or other information not obtain-able at your local ticket office, write to the Gen'1 Pass. Agent. C. & N. W* Bailway, Chieacro 111, DE^LEM IK OF ALL KINDS. Store one doer West 6f Post Dice, NEAR THE DEPOT, wbss mmx-J Ve have one of the largest stoeks efPar. nlture of nil kinds to be feuud in the ooanty. an<l our price* will be as LOW AS THE LOWEST. We keep none but the best and per sea a wishing I e buy Fu|'nitui*e of any kind . will sati) money by giving us a call. We (klso keep si full.line of samplee «f „ - t+-U '#«i And can sell you one from the cheapest grade, to a Brussels, as cheap as any hsate outside of Chicago. Uive us a call and we are sure we eaa you mciiey on anything In our Ivie. y"VJ" 'D'ndertakingi A fnll Assyrlment of COPFIS9 AXO CA*. ,t! KBT8 always oa naiidi "fe i '• - 1 4 . Kestrse Fumlsb^d th« m©8t «#*i»onablo Rat»«. 4ja >i -wsJTTJSXKN BBOfl. H*»; «tb, MW.H-J . . . . . ; • t a " ' . . B^-Sliermaii WOODSTOCK, ILL r- DKAT.K9 IN-- and Muzzle bhot Guns. nip?' * I.. r .-?.'. dowdier, siit.e. Caps, Wads and Ct'f^rHgea for sate. Wishing Tiic Kle *" Al, Kinds of cheap. [ Ooodt AND REPAIRING DONE. A good Tlreee.h i/miiing, Double} Barreled Gun. wnr ran ted Twist fj<». VTIr.cliester Rifle, 7« model, 15 shots, 16. Nickel l'lated6shot Revolver, #4.50. Self cock ing I'riiiHh Hull Dog Pistol, ,0% A good Single Harrel, Iiieech Le 'laft Single «iiin, warranted, t5. I will undersell any house in the county ia Gnns and Sporting (ioods. If yoi) wail % food gun it will ua<r you to call aud' ••• Warrant every gun I sell, Ololhes Wringers repaired tud iiew Kolls put oa. Pried ptf pail* warranted, $2.50. B. SHERMAN* Woodstock, July ISth.litfS. . . ^ - rmm • AXTEjNbrtow z .. ECCNOMY1S WEALTH You can snve money by giving yoo»oMlei» " F. W. MEAD, RICHMOND, - ILLINOIS, 1 '• ' ' *CR I Wagons, Carriages of all descrlptiops, ||^ * pMriAft PAlntinjf, iswiwlnwllr "' ; smithing, Ac., 4c., Ao. M pairing of plows and all 6therJfc#B| % pltiinffitR Ts given particular attfhtWn. la my luaiiutnctur^s I u»p onlv the l»eet msterl. al. And, keeping I he vory l»^st workmen tn 4)! departments, I am enabled to guarantee and warrant all work that goes from my shop aa flret class'In every particular. SPECIAL- GtTARANTK< OK WAGtflfS. All farm wagons manufactured at my sho| ai» warranted for tukkb tkabs. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS I sell every agricultural implement, index­ing, especially, Norwegian Walkipg and Rid. ing Plows, X. O. Thompson and Gp«ley Bros' t-lou'sand Cultivators, K. H. Manny .Seeders and Corn Cull)valors, the Dowagiac Spring Tooth £ tied or*, the 1'lano and I). M. Osborne A Co.*s Harvoster and Twine Binder, the War­rior and Hopkins' Mower, and all other Ors( class machines. Warranted first-class or ae B/.40KSMITUIKG of ererv kind attended to protnptly and satisfaction guaranteed. 1 F I S E P A I ^ T I N f f A SPECIALTY. f have engaged J. STILLWKfcL, the how painter qC :he Northwest, for one voar, et longer, to take charge of mv paint shop;-which is a sufficient guarantee that all work of that kin,I wili be in the best and inost artiatie stvle. it should not be forgotten that I employ J, Repass, wood-workman of twentv yeays.'ex. periehce, and I. Howe, carriage "blacksmith, both in surpassed as artizans in tiieir line. Finally,.come and sec mo and I will guar, antce satisfaction as to prloes and quality «i work to afl inpervsted, F. W,XE4Q, *

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