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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Mar 1884, p. 1

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*tT?¥F 19* «*t • '* 4lN.t' , " " 1 '** fewinurfB WHBbnsWO 9<,T | 1 «•"•»•* m aasumo oerjao ! .jsjkoh a:nki?.ktmi •ile-riotjrrff-«n^T '<&« 1 rtl inohtO art* to >h<»W *I#hoH a fit *g tl&9 nottoQ #rit ,rttuo8 mmp MMt-.M wi .-wrt Mini* K!J ITI SxiUVJk 3«« *m ?e •• 'j , yoi. J i ' W i n i , » ^ i i -.». am , A « -•» '*'• J8;( 'J\ 'flirt ," <5H* • »! - *»f J-*"!. "y«\\t SKr1 7 >m jj^'.i ."•**? -if ,.,l' .-ti isg$%,;*xb' X». f-t'MneiBOBiTr«MMNHT m "d^reW*-- a.--I T . > >i ,i. . ..'If, tit* i r-rr •t^ • f w: ,-i v <"VLFJNL£W J. Vj^; ' . '!• -iillt 1 Mi. !«•? '-/ft.*! :;;*48lk« . Iwt» ,'«0 .it- ..Sr (la iniwtwl........ ..4..i., x.\.ft,»fr d within Three Montlia..,,..' t. 3.*9 it»w»,w»>M ..tor ?.thro# • ot* *tx the *atne proportion. ., . ... i.• .i.ii.1, in- HI in i<il m n I) l.n (I iff Oij#ia ; ^^iSris^' CA^DS. MAR* U. BAttBtAV. f .\1l kinds of Wiitr rtrst class style ami at . «^oins.lit residency, north- pUc Square, smile^y. lit. t-'i.ii 0.8. URKEM •^,1 , i;l • ./ Ol . BiebinoMh . j.: f> J6&B A. BALDWIN, : 4 TTOBNWf•*% L AW, A. Kverytoart of the <*t attention. Itbom 14, 9Q Wasltintl®*^ en go, Id. OtH ur » in ol Advertising. - [liberal, .rates fo* *de«rtlRln* Kui.tR, snl «nd»*v»r to state tjr rh»t ther win |>e readily on- ef«e §* ̂ Wfts, -;$$£ • .ittSfe.* v. • ;-r, •: • ?'C »" "SMMMtlSMih "• v CAM' ICHiWiwyo^ •» • wfio OH I nek nreninii tfthoi\e h»ei#f#B lincrle cotumn width. st the aiw»« rfitci, h**« W rhnncin? «« often asj they iPf| *«t'ra •' ««»-• (MCIIFNIHIR THF»W LWRIHR , jritt ehfitleiJ \tii Insertion WLth# rnre of S rCn-t* per lips will txi rhurarod ]«)• hsHi«tw«ok, *n« 9 cent* per pufiMqtienttweskv: ->• --Ik TfkMtMA wIM' to rMraWl "«*** i i'j •t'tllV'VKM-: cents pe Minn, (nmiptiv/eil liittoiH sat in) th« rtrst is«itr. :«n<t I'ttitafar iiMftr »nh«?quant H•»<«•*. Th-. M wiM f^r tfHt *«* it^rt w« ^OO f»r thr^ji fPill WjJ>et*l i» jrlvliyt wMi bn,*ine8^ nila. It Hle'.foe. ffo'm .erfryix)^r' m PHHtKESS ,11 sjac H. T, BROWS, M» l>. ri*rtIOIA»r kMti SfTRORON". aw I HM rwt OA OflBce, opposite Perry AiMnrtltt*® ,air«, Mcllenrv, 111. '.', --t'* "'• ' •' "j Oi ̂ i'i ' 3. B, SOOTH ILL, M. D. O. H. FEGKK, if, D- PWTMClAH AND snnaROtf. McTIe^ry, Ills. OUr* it R«»Henfi*. on the Coriet,. . B t * k « ' a K u r n i t « . r « R t « r e < ; . l O, J, TlOWAJf p. If. '. D, ,.k". •< fWYgtblAS' 4*1?'BcrR(iiioS,.'i "olfce «t 1 m*' rtaiilenca, dppoaite M. R OlHirnhi MeHi»*ry.111. MtmW. K»CKIV«tt 4P(Hl INVEVPM J.N T nd 4cftn*«t «m fM»re«nsre »et5«*it..v at imi r- J. J. MVRHS, taloon and RcMtaumn,^ ' (WHAtRWRNTef KiihneT*l'« Store, John*. »*rgh, til. Th< ftli^lc^st brantU df Wine*, (.laaeri C'i«»^a n\wAj* 09 *M><V ^1'* Miiaeem^ FOWLS!, laCHMONDv ILU • ^NHftHcr ra.i My fowls are of tha r«le\>F<iief| DTTKE OF VOlili striiin, remarkaOlrt F.-rt-their grntH size tiud lavin;r ((uaW^ijes. J r:;» flimv ti l.i'io <tf l^st se.isoiv's I'.liicks .wei^liiuji 31 piiutul* Ifjrffs, wuv sattinir >f thirtfen. fl.S;i, tlnlh fr"«l 10 purchaser in Kichtifoii'l, ShippiHl, swurely p.tcl.eil, fi.WH t ^ v • ROBERT C. BEMtKTT. PRATT HOUSE. A. P.HATT, Proprietor Kirat ne- ••••matintianfl. Uoo«l,Baru In 9Qngj»£U0i) o>p«i».tti. - ..: . RARBIAN RROt _j (altar Block, two doort wrest o «§*"•« OH «e. * ' ^ fllCHARD GOMI'TON. PfcAIN- I USTICK of the Peacean't conveysncflr.-r &ttan4 uromptlv to tli« £o,U$ctiOn ®" Volo, LiUce County, Hi;; .; ; -r WlSattan4 bt«. Jrlrat law a B.M.OWEN n ; t Dealer a«<l Man«fa«tnre'rs? I.earlioK ^arm -- nd terms fav«ral4«. Mvlieiirv, B Jf. U. SMITH, OOT AKD dHOU M AKKR. Prompt k tl*a given to RepHirinK. Shop in^Ore*. H|trae*s ^hop, opposite Uivei*t*i(lc ilou^ cHlnry, Illinois. M A R C H GERMAN • * .W Manufactured F . M A R C T J -DB4tea IN- : tuncwiNES.uauaas CIGARS. ; Woodstock *»•>%* :*n<t i. --•0i. *b« beat Tenle in tlie world and <<«art ftottlsa. F. MAJVC US, !Patentee. **t VP rmVE REASONS, FOR IH9URIM9 W«fK W. £&r. - Of iWoodstoclt, .... "«M| '.<>r i. Because he la endorsed toy leading U«« trKuniar-"™"" '"rlic""" & Becanae bit is tb« oldest aceaeyfti the °°l.D^leeaiiee he represents thetast lineo^f •mpanlea of anv a*en«y in thenonoty. .4, Because. vi'iUi one exc«^»uoii. iif! ronre-; ' a th# oiliest coiupa/iies in the UniU><l m* Recanse, in easp of loss, be gives his mtroiiit the benefit of Ms ion* experiemeo in •oeatinff an e«uitab(c Rdjwstmt'nt. «. Because be has always it sued fall pot Aeiee. I. Beeanee he pay« losses a* farm property by lighting, W|he£her life easues or .^ot. H. Because he insures live stock an;-where Against lightning. ^ t. nec.ausc he insures agatnat tornadoes, /ayetones ami wind storms. >1. Rcrjtuse you can thus aave yotwelvei from disaster for am«re trifle. II. Because you wjli lind him eq^f^ly as;. j«-> ilMtire to aid you in getting your »aon«y nfter*^ 4*as as to secure your patronage far bis com­ panies. 12. Because anv one of the above reasons ^ean be fully veri'Ced bv calling on E. A. Mnr. p h v , K . S e s s i o n s , J . W . M i l l e r , f r o m t h e i r o w n ^jiperienee, surd on tlie entire circio ot bis MMiiAinanfcii from observation. In beiialf of the Old Reliable, the Phnenix, at Hartford, Conner.tieut, I take areat pleas­ ure in returning the,(banks of the .<'01111,111 v SoMrs. L. D.Kelly forberpromptness ;unlnn- liaual prose nee of mind in extinguishing n lire Mher residorr-e, kindiuii from the burniiig ot K. A. Murphy's residence on the morning of Die 13th inst . as by ber individual efl'ort, property was saved bu wliicb the company HQ d uojjlcy of ^2,ttC(0. - aww, ». i • rDB. O. E« WILLI VMd, ,; r WWOTST. Itessit^eIVrtrtdM. Will boat MeHharr, Ui PmMpHouse,^t«e Mth and 25th ef each month. Whec datpM occur Sstnniay or e>«nday I raake juy y4Kits on the following Mowdity. , D' JOrtf KLEIFGE3I. 'OUSK ' Paiirter, Gnjiacr, O.ilcirniper and _. Paper IT;iuger. Ilosidenc.e one It lock e«t of Riverside Urtu«e. VTork atteni^sd to promply and on reasonable terms. tl( K. Horsemen, Atteutiou ! 1 AII lovers of fine Horse*' are reanentfally 'bitted to call at my farin, half a mile west of Mcllenry, on the Woodstock road, and *e«my flue Morgan and Draft JIoFSe*. -1 bav« a Per^ heron Norman Draft (Jolt ttiat ia ha it I to beat. Call and see him. A9TK 9 b«sinesa dope 00 Sunday^ , u .' V '. XtSkiCOhB^r. McHenry, May 1st, 1843. C. N. CULVER, ( Richmond. lHinoi6, 8nl«s of Stock, Fnrminjr TooU and Gootl.-i <>t sill ki«i a at( c 11 ded to on the iflost K6:isonable Tortus *nd sjitis faction goarauie^d, I'QiJt Office adciress, „ „ ^ ' ltlOIlMOND, ILL. 4tVWilliUtend sales and furnish printing and advertising as .cheap** «»n taapVocu»ad eise^b«r«iin the county. soBtST c. ssmrr, . ""'.m-, Of---- •- COW LIN [erccKssOR vq wi. *, cix>r«iEH( " 0. S. WAS CLAIff SOLICITOR AND ATTORNEY. " ALSO NOTAKV PUBLIC.' Proaecutes pension or any *ther oliurtv* against the government, rrWiiivg to (he la re, •r fatwer Compliual.ed c»su* *;id r«?- jer.ted dajms made a apeciaUf* If. atjimiis are endowed fur rjiply, all, .c<^nmii'i)ica.tions Will be pvyiUptly answered. *•! ' "*€ilc« atEesiiJance. EABI802T ST., W0QDST03K, ILL. Refcrepeos by permission «» regards char­ acter, busiuess auilily, reli:ibilit.y. Ac , Ac : G<mi. John A. l.ogaii, U H. Senator, Chicago, Illinois Gen. J. V . SmiJ-'i, State Treasurer of Illinois. Hon. R fill wood, M. <?. 5th III. Dial'.,,. amore, III. Hon. John C. Slier win. ex-M. C. »th III. Aurora, III Hop, A. li. Jones, U. S. Marshal, Chicago, III ; Col,.Ins. A. sexton, Pre* Union Veteran £!i»^. Obicaaro, lit. -- Ualdwin, Ase't U. 6. Attorney, Chi. <5«sro, fh. Slessrs. Sole, Schwab A Co., Wholesale Boot and Shoe ixialwrs. <^»icago; III. ' Alsabuqdreds of county and home referen- .M'lIfiNRY, ILLlJfQii ' ' ASA' W. STMlttf, ATTORVET aT LAW tlnd ChaM«rrf.1t-Ww<xlato<ktlu. § , K . B e n n e t t , ' pin-SMIlAN AND SUUti^S, Al/wt'r.lted 1 Stales Lxsmining Surgeon. UIc IIUnutB. A. «..CHILI«, WW^S^SSBES*'m $$; protw^tly attended to, day or iriglrt.' " * ' ' II. TOMljAtt'5ir, jil . WJkH AND SUItGKOX. *per 1*1 at. ftUftp/civen to (Wmteirws aad theJflW PVttlwr to, women.: ̂ • Jfesley's re. Re^a?rico, tlvjca do6«l prest of iit» ' ice. tlvrca IPIIYSIORAX AND, S\JUUKQN. ... . wanp<M»«!», t.akb Go., 111. AJl CitUs premipUyatU ed, dayor night. Office on Maiust., esiai »riw« tboik. ,• ,. i. so , '•'< I •• »• •••--. ;i'W) r 1- K. K. JOlIN-KJN * OO., SOLICITORS of F atania, WAS P ;ai., 3F," % •Washingt«»n, I). C. . / R*KE»;K*«'KS.--Hoiu J. A. bogan, Hon. W, R. Allison, Hon. l>. C. ^mith, l*eki-n, it M. Stone, all tor Chicago Xeins, /•tarnier'#"" Chicago. Send tor iuatruceiona. ~ JOSEPH N. PltKITND. SA LOOK AN I) RET AUKAVT old stand,_opposite Bishop Bon slew's . Mill. .'Mo. Hewrri III. The e toir.est Wines, l.lqvnrt and :?itmra to Ins tr>und in the county." Preali Ovaters in their season served u^* ia any shape desu<wt or Tor ante bv the On. (gopi>3$A.nLi?G ( l'M»» 1 '-' iNTOVT KHtSKLK, <f i>. SAf.fwV*r.*i Ttciit^nmnt, lluck's otd stand Mcllanrr. III.--The I'luiir.est Kotuiicky Whiskies, ^'mr, Wines, Cigars, |etc.„ alwavs on baud. We'>nv none bin ihr We«t» •aid salt at tteasonabte l'n<?t;ak Kroab Oy«t««# In-their seasoiu • <i'i" A. WI, CHUIICH, : Wirtchmnker an<! Jeweler Na.W»STATB ST., ftbMWro, t|i* ppcfcfal attonflongiven torapairingVwe^'aAcb ea antl 0i»row9tutier». OSVA Pnll AsfMM traant »f «oods lB his li:ie ^Richmond House, v ! t; Cf. KiCULVEI^ . ̂ u*«- riW)t»R*Eton. a . »•; "• » '• ii/J" . nAVIVfl rec«ntH pnrchifod the al*ovp House, I have nut it t« thorough repair, with new fin-n tue tluoug>li'u:t, nn<» would respectfut'v invite the p»tron lire ot thi> trav. tdliur wnblie an'l othavK. The tiibles will al- vr*v-H b« provided witto ttvo Im-1 that e.ta d»e proenrrtd, and potiie an«l attentive w.-titera will ba in readitM»*«atall tiuiew to atteml the wantavf BWMU. NO puns will lie «p:lix>d to make this a First Class M<iiine. I.arpu und comiuodions bums «» the preiniaos. Pn*e Omnibus t» and froat all ttain«. Sample Roomeoa Arst floor • .• A L-SOn--~., GENERAL, MERCHANT, J0J.'-WW Dealer In All Kinds of i. lj,\: o bo c H K I E a, Ftirm MdrdWiive, fJk><*k<»t Oitlorv, S|)«»rlilia* Good#,- t'lshin^ T;«okl<? (i mi MatfJi iiil, Musical Initvvi- jTiontS*, TohucCO,, (;i^!irrt, i-.U <*tc. Near Kiwr ( - ' Mc- HciirVf.lU'v; ") »•#<.i^i . * . . r . - . . . . . . , » • wii K<d «MS- Ai'mV, 'WIrtPM* lafcf m SkViA.Ji' -ftp • <tm wvm- bun »'*«>« rf.4>;«w tatvfr* 'ti'-if. -•n a.-t Wi .<«» Ttsttm W; Wo Favors Win us and no Poar Saatl Aw*.'^ EDNKSDAY. MARCH 5. 1884. mmm ftddMW 9dS & • ,I!Y1 J.lfi if Kl tctiit *npgu>stm *iCt flit'i Vt'fkHM 5 f Departiuont. •wncitor ! m ddSbujQT Jilt 6 F. BENNETT Geiuiral army, ia * The S^p^t %djijitfo^x»t jl iwewtt Apr lit 1865, at the tl cfttebrat«d his 64th f-frtlrerii^iit"fl-oin the ar at iaia h«tn« in St. tl». ehAoiidi 'Hf, mwith. ' thing to her this U. Si tilings to «slj And where It 10th,t^lates •mUkftif* I'll several *<«< •Ion Attoni^js, claimants w have liad cli fli«t the or ••interior De ttot 8ttft<>P | recentmatul #<i Wh«#n tlie.t anch evideitcfr-i posjesiiTou u proseetitlWfi of fug this i lit rot tlie new ftttrtrn iMsatH ®' A {ft j. E. WIUHTMiN, Proprietor. Flra; a m. class rias, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. - Teaming ot -all kinds done on short notice. ;-W.' OWI3IV, jj ;--DEALER iK«*-- < • . >•••• Itbelcs; Watches;1 ifUfeJrjr, ; Siivor ̂ rd Plated Ware etc. m- r Mlm 'sk .fi 1'! s?* • I kaep to atork the celebrated SpringfieW witu-h. Which is pronounced by all to be the •beat watch now on the market. »«• Having moved into inr new store, one door East ot Mrs searleo' Millinory Store, I tim 1 ! -i Jupow prepared to sliow to tne buying puWMi as 4>itinc a slock of i ;Watches, Clocks, J^weJpf Silver apd Plated Ware, , 4a.e*n he fouivl in,the couftty^wtiic^ I offer it, prices tin ' -- - >S : Will not be Undersolil f i • ' ' #*<* On any good* in my Um. McHenry, Keh. *>. IMS. , ^Bti'u'iTi OWJCX. CONTINEHTAL > HOOF OINTMENT, CCRE8 Cracked Hoofs, Sprains, SCRATCHES AND SORES IN HO iSES, CATTLE A SHEEP S gk .t/our Storekeeper for ii or Vfrit* dv .3ct to the Manufacturers. •• ' AMEBIC AH LTJBEICATJSa QIL CO.. CLEVELAND - OHIO. JPOB P4L$ ?N McHENRY BY J. P.-iBMITH," WATCHMAKER t JEWBLSR. McHtmry, *>• Illinois. ! i t sat cannot be beau yhe floea^ line FIMOBR »ING«i Srers^en hi tbts seetieui >t VI*-:, I . 'v.« J Also Agent for the IT«w Eomt Sswiag M&chin« . - A Fine Sto^k of •; Clieicie Coijtectiouerjr, L'; Aiid (Cigars, Alwsva on baad. t^Call In, examine goods andJcarit prices. Remember I will not be undersold, q«alit.y of goods eonei leved. J. P. SMITH, Mr-Henry. 13«l. fillaM's WASHINGTON, D. C. The popular ralace b^tel /if 'he Vatlonnl Capital. Convenient ly located and afecssitde t o a l l t h e s t r e e t . c a r l i n e s 9 , f t b « c i t y . . . Q f i e n a l l ;the'ycat. ' _ Q. 6. 8TAPLKS, I'ROfltlETOR. Late of the Thousand Island Hwuse. We now are closin«f out a lot of cap* at 25 to 50 ceuts the uoiiar. ileury War «itlmates that 3,000 t»V equalise the iieri wltO seffed b«- ^1861* aw«l Mtijr. 9th, *8.38§ per month. ©Id mltlter, who IHMI revived in the i pension of $8 per Mtl cont|Ulo»t Is Pilch to ce;r:ir!but« any- W|)y will or does rnment permit such Is there «o remed}', foil till ?-- Comrade i special, February "A new scheme for ihs been devised by •ntiy suspended pen tilnrs are sent ro all these attorneys .of informing them >f^sttsf.enslon by the prevents any fur tiler pers^mil nUentlon; but! in order Ibat the I'lte/es^i of t^elr clients may by, the attorned* h persons named, to tr hnve tnrned over data a* was in thelr y for, the proper Waitn». Accompany ion is tlte circular of generally a relative Of the sitf l>en(1edoire--who inform* tlie claimant that Itexwlll t«ke up the case ind iuisli it to^lieUleine^t., but that, 'as Ills service Wl^nke time and tiutne-jr ii»« Ine paid to<tw> #rst attorney--HOW under smpeiisioii^-wlll n^t answer for Ne. 8, who exliot^s his client to remit •IM.'O.**. . 1 S The IHtnois Alsodatton ^f rniou pri»<Niers «# War has aent out a circuUr letter c;lilir>g upon all tlios* ceiuriwros who snf^fetl in lotitlieru prU «tiA. to-setwl in their nainea tljn (jantf united actio^ nilif' be tske:i toward *ecitriii«t. fmtft J#j|pri'*e<it <>«*ti$r#9«. a biH.nlnciwit tlfe pension rolls prisoner* of war, two in-»nt!is at»d los* iliiin six on- hall pension and tlio«e who wrfe prisoners «»f vvarslx nipiiflis ami lew than twelve a total f»en«im<. >li • l«o pi or ides tint ail surviving prison- eis of war shall receive ?2.00 yej- di^y *'f«r each ami every day's confinement in a southern military prl«ou. The liiJl should (ia.-s autl the goyrmhiftit sliouhl Ite niude to take j;nre of the men who inhered a hnndi:«d deaths duriu>; then* coiiiliuunout, aiul In tnnjt ^ises iljowe who escaped with their ilvea ate bn' Shadow* of what they once were, and i|/e broken flown emaciated id;eleton?. *»*td tnaiiv are entirely dejiendent upon Charity for a living. JuMice to these men demand that Congress should act favorably npou the bill ami wit (ton delay. It will soon be too late to ren­ tier the ataastance they need am! that In honestly ilue them. ASA VV. SMITH. E^q.. of Wopdstppk. who 1s now. visiting relatives and irieuds hi Xeiv York Sttfte, writes the following description of the Soldier's M) iiint|i Is located iitcra^' Bath, Steu­ ben comity, in that State: BATH, N. Y.t VBiL 33d, 1834. Bath is on* of tlie half-shire towns of Steiilmj) tfountv. in tlie great State of New York; with Uorning as » countef- |»ar* - Bath lias a population ol souie three jj^t»u»aiiii, «uii ia titu»teij on the banks ot tlie CoiiUot ton. auj if piatted wr* UHiijh as ia our own beaut^&j. little ciiT of VinoilKtack, with a delightful park surrounded by prosperous and m^gr.ltieeijt business'plait p. Abouttwo miles up the valley is siiuated tlie Sol­ diers In i>»Mt«« Inaiitutiou. with <ieuernl T. O. Titciter in command; t>apr. It. II Oan»v.ort. Adjutant; H. II. Ilavill. Eugiueer;Levins.Quarter- iil:.6ler; Qr. J. H. Dob«oii. Surgeon. Diirlug my sfy'ourn in tlii* very pleas­ ant town I have accepted two iiirvita* liana, extend**! by my brotlier-ln law, the SL-rjfeon. to visit tlie Home, and on each occasion through the courteous kindness of jtjiose in charge of the fev- eral departme#il 1 have beeu Surprised at the extptme iieu'nesa orth-r and comfort maiiMVst l»t every department. And wjth the exception of a few cases <d •irea*on-dj»i hioiied.vcobt.etiti|H i)t and its coikcoiiiiiant iiappiuetiS, prevt}iic(J among 'th»» inmates, about *eveil hun­ dred iu niiiuher. I was shown into everJ^tup«»U iifwl coru«r."' from clyfets to the General's headquarters and found iviietlier in kitL-Uen.diiijiig roKjD, storeroom. di«4»ensar», lioi-pitj»l. bar­ racks, or office, the same, semblance of or«l<»r an/i quiet ueatiie»s; and 1 was tSia.'.kfnl and gratilied tli^t so many, who iu the prime life auawered their country's cli, i/> ber greatest ueed. could noiv. Iti tlieir indigent, old »ge. Hud a welcome home "thai is a home." All who have a taste for reading are supplied W'th reading rnaticr builahle to their tastes. an(J all vvlio prefer can repair to the--library an<| reading700m and read 1^ them4elves or to some comrade reading aloud. The buildings are substantial, of brick, and l'»c*te<l as the ladies $av,! ••just -splendid." 1 should do injustice to my own feelings should I neglect to ; express'my grateful thanks to Or. l)ot» 11011 for introducing rtie t® his associate offlcrs. and to him and them for their courtesies to ui<*. and especially for their klndfy care to the inmates of the Home. J'he be.i's are the best quality of hair .warms*/"*!pott springs, leaking rJieni (Inuiilv elastic, each Leitig abundautlv supplied with hlaiikels, pillows and all that could be staked for at hotel or hoiUe. Tin* meats looked pure in qual­ ity. and inviting to the appetite. . 4.8.41 W. SMITH. Fort H|ll Precinct-Lftke Co. Ehiroii ^LA«NDEAI-ER:--it becomes «ur p.<tiufiii duty to aiinouuoe the de<ath of another early settler: Betsey Sttyles died at the, resideuco of her #oiH n-law. Harry Dunuell. at Nifipersink, Thurs­ day, Feb. 21st, 1884, Mrs. Say I*!, with h«r lnt# flesbwnili stttled in what Is now the T*wu of Grnntt lu, 1848, an«J has occupied the stupe favm ever einco, iler hufebaiuf died several years ago. hi? funeral occune^ 011 Frhkv last, religious services being conducted by Rev. Joseph Owenii, "•irttd the reoiAins were bttrleil In fit-as* T.ake cemetery, SUte leaves tWb sons, Francis and Ed­ ward, and (»ne daughter. Mrs. Duutiell. to mourn her loss, A large gnpie' iii^ of friends ^n^ qeighbarf j^tUndeU.lkor. funeral. , , 5 By late California paper we learn ol the death of Spencer Hamilton, of fitter Creek, Cnlilorpin, which occur­ red Jitn. 23. 1884. Mr. Hamilton was a former resident pf this precinct, was t$ years old at the time of his death, and was a brother of C. Hamilton, and a brother-in law of lire, Dfcyid liiuU, 0/ Llaiuetville.'„ . / ,4 ,{'J',dv --* ; •IIAII»«8V«LL|!,*'^ ' Henry Wells is building a t?n story shop for wageiiutnklngaud blacksmlth- ittg purposes. Aden Owen Is building a pew lipjise. H. D j'ott|r ha? just retiirtted from a journejr through Kansas, Missouri ar.d Iowa, Ho ie well pleused wiih his western trip^ XI. B. Hueon and family and Helen S, Marvln, s tarted for Sutlic rland, Q'Brlen Co.. Iowa, on Monday-last, - Leonard Gould assumes |ti(^clifirge of his larjte stock farm March 1st. and has employed I. A. Fenian as foreman ami Mis. Kenlan as housekeeper. ^Ile, has already ptifr>hnsed about, 9'iO(Hi worth of stock. i t Cyrus Cleafeland )ias )eliitb$ (tys Husou farm. ••..?-«• - r' MpNAVILL|{. " Mrs. Waite's health was still Improv­ ing; also Uncle list Rlchajond*«, when las*, heard from. • Walter aud IW Stmkts kave leaee^j the {fines farip. u ' ,ao KInes' summer ti0t#V)a ne*i4y ready for oocupijucy, VREKUONT. ^IwjtriJ I.niji, Sr., writs terj^lpk i*st Mr. Haddle has pttrch«(ed Johb Har- ve^'s cirm. I'hatiucey Lusk, 2utl. iva* mfirried to Florence Head.of Avon.last week. We ncktto** Jeiljfe receipt of the cigars, and wish i|»# hap'p^ couple a^ sorcaof • " ' . ! v , ( . a j « r ~ - ' - , • • ' ~ ^ . i - i i WUNOAr *,f ^ •' 'Erato* rLAi«(»itALe*;-^W«^;niffr' lpj| line weather at litis timo, t Smnti excitement in real esthte. AN want loMi'l, bqt *f.k two. prijees. Fr^iik Grimes lias sold liif> place to liobt. Afi- drews for ®1G(JU, snul he will go to 'l'en- nessec »s soon hi(ufie sells ltls oilier id ace. and may go hefprc. G-rlt^ifi* says thai Tennessee is to be his future hqpno as it Mijjs him. He Vaj? he saw yopr late townsman. Mr Gj iexvold, and that he has a tine fi^rm and well located. We had a lawsuit lasf iyeek between Ora McCollntu find R. Brown, which we consider a big farce, for if a men can take another man's cutter without leave er license at d keep it a. week or more ami not have to pay any damages but put till casta Of) tlte ngrleved man, the law. of the Dutchuiaj) fi^yi^'is good for lix." - • •»' Lut«#f kicking sjivce the tax collector haj come around, for, Jifgft wljl alWej* come with food schools; .but after (Hia. ,|'fhf it iwill he about tlie same and everyone will expect it, arti) tlieie will not be any grtjmbier*.only a few op Mainetreet,and they wjll g»um- bl« at aiiythiug. -' The Union 9ct)oel house. Is hpariy completed. Ail they racl>;I fs the new «e»ts, and then It will b« ready for a school secoind tp aone iu tlie hieie ef Jts s|jce, , :/ 0^As Grant favors the noiqlnation o| Ge*n Lojjaij fi>r President and Blalfre favors Logan too. so their respective followers in the campaginqf fonrjeftts ijigo Tolioyv pull^. juu! fall i:tfo the rank'. There i« no open objotlojj to Logan because of Ills standing upon the fac­ tional issue. A nd hi ore titan tJiat many ojjd rjspr»;sentfttlve deuioefatslafe string, lug into line for TyOgan. Gen* Dan fick­ le#, who has acted with the OodtOorUic party f ince ',876, says that if the Repub­ lican convention should nominate Sen­ ator Logan he will f»el compelled to support that gentleman, wh,e combine* 'to a greater degree than any other person in Civil life tlie successful soldier and public mail." Gen. Sickles says also 1 hat Logan i* the choice of all the most conspicuous volunteer commander and lit at he wottld get tlie soldier vote irrespective of pirty.--Sycamore Republican* > I^TA woman «u Broadly,/'K*V York, was reueutly leading a poodle along, whep a passing truck plashed half a pint of mud 011 the pel's back. Site was mad. Taking a beautiful silk handkerchief from Iter pocket and a bottle of cologne frqin another, she brushed ofi the mud and then carefully washed the animal's back w|tb * the cologne. Both Comhiuni ioii ami Platform Wa£«ns at 12. i|. Uwta & Sun's^ of '.lie best make. \ " . . . . . . . i W A H H I N Q T O M l . K T T I Q I t , rnXOetirSeghlarCarrcspondenl, i - *.. Washington, D. C. Voh, 31 ML ' The atflembllnjc ot tha Democratic notional committee brought to the city an oyer supply of the long-hjilred, soap locked gentry from the South, and nf plugs, strikers, gatqblerf ansl other rifl- rail frooi the North nut) West.. Iti* true there are in the number some very worthy, honest, upright men, repre­ senting the boards of trade and other tMlef. repr#*eiit|ji2 the vaf loim cities which secure the convention; and it is amusing to see hoer these let­ ted look and feel *fhen they meet and are compelled to consort with the for- rqer. As Republicqiis, If we had tlie selection of. * place of meeting of the convention, we would choose some city of the Korth that was doubtful of cast* ing a majority of It* votes for the Republican ticket, for if a sight of the men who represent the Democratic party In Its conventions >vould not convert a community to opposition thereto nothing 011 earth wou|d. Talking to a Confederate Bourbon Democrat a few days since, he s»id "Well, 1 have been North to rake a look at the people, and I pome here and see the repre#{:ti{.atiyes qf tl|e Democratic party of the JJorth and I am compelled to acknowledge that the better elenient, of the people of the North are iu the Republican party.'? Tiplsylew is takiuf strong hold on many of ti^e people ef tlie South, and the real gentry of thax section are getting restive under the dictatorial domination of these strikers end shoulder hitters. In feet it would not sttrpriee us te see an open rebellion on the part of iite Southern Pemouf^^s against the'dictatfon of >lils flu^er element. There ii an apparent general advance 'tl the lone of public e^Htiinent in fp.r vorof good order, morality, temperance end honest administration of Govern­ ment which augurs well for the Repub­ lican party. Thousands of men are what we might term traditional Demo­ crat*, wJio vote and act with that partjr whq If you a«k them their re aeons therefor cannot g|ye pue. but merely say,k»well, 1 have been a Democrat all toy life;" and they So speak that yon are impressed will) (lie }dea that It tvpulf) bo pleasaut lor thpm if they ootitd'ewVy jx rolicVed 'Or 0«e doiiil car- ca«s to which they are attached. WJth the success of the Republican party November, there will be a general breaking up of the old Democratic Hulk end thousands,i$iti • be fleeing the Republican party M the only ark of safety. Tlie new* from all part of the Country is most gratifying, in the fact that It bring* tiding* of a general fraternizing of all the estranged elements of tlie party. There are no. longer any Stal­ wart*, Half-breeds, Blaino men or Conk- ling men, bjut all pre Republican* and eaeh is emulating the other In workiug for the excess ef Republican principles and measure*, regardless of former dis­ tentions in regard to fupn. In the preseilt happy spirit of accord and hurinouy prevailing those w|iq would by word or act attempt from sinister or personal tpolfve*, tfi create discord, are alike trajtorg to their party and couqtry ^ftd tliepnly notice they should receive would be for eyery true Re- publicai) to say to then) "Get |tUee be­ hind me, satan," wo ivlii have no part or lot with the?. Morrison is havln|r a wry serious time with his tarifl bill aiid it is now evident tli^t }f It ever sees the light, orilsid# of ti|f> cemmUtpp room, it* father |vi 11 not be able to recognise the chllsj. Instead of this measure making Miorrifon a possible I'residwntlal candi­ date, it has *P reAtiterl as to entirely dispel eveny his friends, and e*ct) his Jlliilois and Mjssoucl friends have ebnndoned the idea of raining hin in the National convention. President Arthur,, the members of hia Cebiuet end others, prominent in polltfca) and Koclal llfe. have succeeded in making litis the payeet and most billllarit winter in Wn*h|ngtqu since the wic. Reception*, dinners, bails and social gatherings hjlre followed each oilier In alinoet continuous suecosejon, andf tlvey have beep CiiajraCterl^eil by more universal comiugling of the vari­ ous political elepients thap w^ ever before known, S# a Ivy art*, ^alf-breeds. Bourbons, Conservative# aptj He^dju^t ers have uijngled wi<|| the ptmost apparent enjoyniont, wfijie tjje ladie* of the Capital feetp tp b»T® given up their yltole t)uie tp i|>*«e reunion*, wiiere, in tlie muft Ihyifh pianper, huu- dreds of tbousandf of tlollarh have been expended in elaborate poiletf and ,un- «t iu ted bpard*. President Arthur. 011 Tuesday last, inaugurated his serie# of *fate dinners toSenatorsand Representatives. The^e wil) bp continued itntij all have in turn been received and entertained at the Wh.i^e House.' ^ the Widow'* $15 * M^tfr the Coenr <*.ilea« MHm The followfnjr. clipped from »n Ote* gftn paper, we hare been retries ted ro publish, as It may save *nme one from being victimized bt tfce slrarks therein it^nied: tp answer to our many friend* iybic!t we promised to write "i»», w? n-Jii »||- swer through J-our columns, giving th* fad* In regard to th* mine* «• the>* appear to w.or any otlier mr who are not Interested in some ^wpt$ey mill, or some other traffic along tlio rqtd to catuli tito honest miner* WHo Vkjhve been ifed to by traders who fixed/for theni last fall, and have been lrln^eyer tineo to get a Irig crowd to<ioir>« M||}iat their can make a few dollars off of travel, which they are doing in good shape. You will remember that a mail by tlto name of Coy put a piece In the papee while he was stopping at the St. Charles hotel, giving n flattering no, count of the mine*, but the <|irty epp did not inention that lie was a trader and had a atock of goods In the mines which'he expected to make his money out of, and when we lauded at Rath- drum ive happened to m*et Coy there and hp wpnt on te tell u« that he h^l big fortune in a ledge, antj th%| the p|acer mines was pnying't^g, all of Which is false. There is pnfy one claim open, which is called plaim, anil they tak* oqt „ a day. while cletMijtlg up Y^l bed lock; but don't forget that l«.t^s them four or Ave days to strip eft «?$iat tliey can clean up ia a day or lm,M,you vao •eo it does not pay wagtttfeigllst they can do. ' ' A word te Washington coenty, el which we are but little aeqnalwted, butt they are all well known |ft^iiirt»ejf Meek. Meek told us at tf|e £^|dwnU| hotel that ho had t> elai» jgf Uaglf creek and jt would ^rosuect from w t|> •15 to the pan. Now. we will tell what Date end J. C. Clark tolditsr "When Meek loft the mines he was In tvltli some otfier moo in the whip«awjng bo-siitoss 4Hid *eli| out to his part tiers, and df#'l»t here money enough tq come out W^ib, aHi) he got Dave Clark to go to a'wen iq the Widow's claim and buy Ufm Mil worth pi specimens to raise e hig e3t*^ citemept In Washington oeupty^' !f? Withput e^cep?ion It is ttteWiOft out* rageons exciteniept that hfl been fee tunny a year, and is b"nndtorufa many a man. Gentlemen, take on^atNQee ai* stay away from tlie mipes. Ifjfeu ge to any town or station a'ong the roa<) and express an opinion that yo« tnten^ to write to the papers hud friends from coming they wi jump you fpr a fight in a mi note. TkeM ar* facts, and wo dou't a*k enjl SM w take our advice but cotap so# and if.Any one says wo loyre - iU«.. triaAtoMftorho, hlmselirai%e ha^e^ its a of tl ar&. 'Bui lliero ero hun< dredn in the mines to-dav that ̂ xpre*( themselves as wo do. Wo doi^'t oBer an^ any advice tp li'i^'pue except ounfrteoilf and to them wo say sti don't l»e so foolish as f |leve cvep-lie you see. lieennil tltof» jpt onriirrt ?W5 are nine lies to «no irntb tit reward ttt the (Coeiir d'Alen* tqines. "^0411 Respectfully, A. linenuin), -i,;* ,.>• 'uirns^ ..v-d ' ;Sv Leader thinkf maqy respects* 1 9 MX ^ Mir Wliile on his wijiy from lEhgtand to Australia. Mr. M- D. Conway, whq i* making a tour arot^nd th.e woj-ld. saw e very peculiar suu. One morning, he says that iu placo* of the usual orb. *»> intense blue roso above the hpfiapu and tnalntaiued its startling color the entire dayt For first-class insurance ugalnel fro and Lightning, wind storms, cyclones, tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to A&si W. Suiitli,' W.opjstotk, 111- The Cleveland -Cbicagw ie grPAt- In Is full oT'cheekv t|$gtin)tut<)»*! j*r-grea| In ^gatrtbling ie grajir--h»£ "{uipnd- enco fn the whifkey |nterest'?rrb»|t can. pevpf-^no jieverr-have the N atf« ' onal capital. Iq, tl|W great || specifies that the capital uatptif be rer' - moved to Be«ton. fpr it» i£mI|ca; N®* ' York for Us commeree: Plille4elph|^t . fqr^s rpanqfactprlf*} %|)d Cif*elijn4f , for ltit$ beauty and beoith^'bqt ti|rk*jf " I* unt mentioned encp for Cliicag<% ; i; Thi* is unkind and imtioitte In our esteemed coal-oil-surrounded cetitemp^ | orary. If we could |>er*iiade ourr con* y temporary in tlie city of **beatt|y an# health" to cast the horoscope down iljf stream for fifty years, it will behold Chicago witl) the combine^ att{iopte§ , . of evpry city It ni)»Miious--ptilturew commerce, pisnnfaptoiief, bn^ity an^ heal lb. It i| midway betwee^i thg oceans. 1^ tajif the Qul/'apd the froief - J regions of >tl>0:north, it reaches for thj| t Pacific and Atlantic ijqw t)y many way| i(, is jnlaqd, and |q no danger from fop* *| pigii jpyasiqn. |4 fnrejgu |rtqy of 5.0CXfe . 000ineii cairfrpaptpre Chicago, Therf 'j are a humlted re as on« why ej some .- time jn the fitfuiii the capites wil| come tff jQhkog^i but we are top bus^ uqi^ to talk about it, er te detf re |l,-x Jhtfxf-Ocean. --•1 M •mJZ tfor-r.vB.Meic im nouiiLic HAM^ca%. Ol) Thursday thefantoiwlittleiretteR^ Jay-Eye-See. was hitchcd |p thji pelf * 1 w ill. Elian Spragup. and .drifeu abou| Racine by Edwin B)thc*r. jt is the first time the animal has Jbeep in harnesf since last fall. No perjoitj to look the - • horse as lie was b«in|: (^{yen alftpg 0% ^ that day. woj^d imagine thof lk|i «tt| tlie fasteft In tthe wor|d. $!e veijf -mall and inferior looking unipthi at % ' distance, b)it upop cloPe i^ispo^lion tli^ Hue points pan bo *pon et e glance^ ' ^ Bl t her says thewo|^i>rU Inpcrfeeg ^ health and condition. Npxt «eu*ei>, i fh# Is right, he will drjyp Jay-Eyo-St e one mile in less tSaii U 10. One geR(>mai| | who stooc} on tlip jfire,et and obfrveti f Bititer dr»jre J>y with the teem, wante<| to kno,w '%ha; little plug that wasoi| the lef t hand tide." Ho woe 1IBO»| p n f i j l y ^ e d « U f , u i n f o r m e d t h a t I i 4 v not ^.utf;liN#o that plug for anjji that it was Jay- Eye-S*-e. . ' ' '1 III" ----» " ; IfiTVery good ioietitioos* jtrty ^^ stupid provisions, were tliq$* ^ the Connecticut man who be^t.-^tfcil 4^301 .» »J In bank stock, to be hel«l . trtwe- um(I| die accutuularioii by iviqptniud interest shall swell it t«» tiien u l«|. giveu to twvvn. PrehajM in li<f year* Uie goacf^ity um« >e utcd. l -M . # . J&A..* •Mi

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