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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Mar 1884, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, MAR. I"1'1 f'-'i WllllJPW*!'! " Railroad Time Table. Otfiirb so0*H.J Beneva I^ake f'aasenfer........ 7:57 A. X Ueneva Lake Kxprees 8:» '• Beaeve Uk« ............p. u CenevaLakefPaseenyer....... |;SJ •« OSIVO KOBT*. Seaeve t«ake rrelirht ....»•*» A. X CIKTI Lake Passenger »;M »• B«M«I !<**• JSxprees 4 :57 p. K BUTTL LAKE FMMMTT .. 6:57 » «. TOSS, A front. McHenry, III MASOWtC McllaintT 1+OOK, No. BR F. and A. M.- Kerala* OiramitetltRi the Satu nifty on or Mftre the fall ef the J*ooa ami every two irttki thereafter. OHAS. 0. COLBT, W. M. Moawav CRAFT BK'HO. S4 IT A. M -Ref U- irOMfMitiau held on the secoad and fourth Friday a in each moneh. JOHK I. STORT, H. P. m te;; 8KVERAL interesting communications art unavoidably crowded one this week b..t will appoar in our next. WE have received a n»W Advertise­ ment for tlie firm of Perry A Owen, too lat« for this week, but which will ap­ pear next. Afilred man.'at work for J no. Claxten had the misfortune to cut hit foot very badly on Tuesday morn Inf. Dr. Brown was called aud dressed the wound. | READ the new advertisemen t "of John Humphery, of the Wanconds Drug Store and Book Flaunt, which can be found in another column. THOSK Interested should not forget tha meeting of the Board of Audit, to bo Hold at the.Town Clerk's offlee on Tnesdsy next, the SStli. READ the now advertisement of tliej Chicago Meat Market, A. M. Krett Proprietor, which can be found In an* other column. :"-1 »' • •»:. ' J l ; : ( F- A GREAT many people at revival meetings tell how "in 9" tiiey used to bo. Those "tuftl5 sinners should bo shunned for tear they might have a relapse, CRISTT, WAI.KKK A CO have contracted for about three hundred acres of cu­ cumbers near Fox hake Station, on the Kenosha Road, and will build a Salting Factory there this spring. AND now we have it from a man that claims to be the only real Simon-pure christian In McHenry. that a Free Mason Is bad. the Republicans are "badder," aud tlie Democratic party is "baddest." Hoop 'er up. Do not fool your money away by buying millinery and fancy goods that are shelf-worn and out of style, at war time prices, when you ran buy new and stylish goods at less price at Mrs. H. H. Nichols' WHAT WO need •li «' breed of ^ie,ns that will work full time at laying In the time when eggs reach a fabulous price. Any fool hen can lay In sum­ mer when the fruit 1* so cheap .as .to \m hardly worth fetching out of the nest. . X SMAI.I. building on the premise* Michael Clary, who lives just southof thi« village, was burned about 3 o'clock on Tuesday mornii^z, and canoed some little excitement among a few of our citizens who discovered It. Hot ashes [was said to be tlie cause. MARCH had hardly crossed the thresh- hold than the young ladles with deli­ cate complexions took a dive into their trunks and brought forth the vail which thoy now wear upon tlie streets. A vail of black ground, with a yellow dot, seems to be the most adored. r B. F. CHURCH died at his homo In Woodstock on Tuesday of lest week, of ; erysipelas, after an illness of only four days. He was SO year* of age. His funeral was held on Thursday and was conducted by the Masouic fraternity of which h? was a member. Tun "Woodland Cemetery Society" • will meet for the electing of officers, and other business, at the residence of ; Mrs. Julia Blrfhop'a on Thursday at 15 p. m. All ladies Inteeested In the work Are cordialy Invited to be pres­ ent. ' :^.'q v.. Mm. J- Bisitop.Soc. ; OtnProbablltles Is evidently get­ ting ready to start off tlie spring with a clean stock of weather, for he has for nearly three months been unload­ ing upon us all the odds and ends of of storms. Job lots of tni<tt aud shop worn thaws and mlsflt^lizzard* which have been accumulated in his business Lfersoveral years. OH the evening of the 14th Inst., be­ ing the forty seventh birthday of Philip Hanperisch, he was surprised by a party of his friends, who made them­ selves at home, and after enjoying themselves duriug the evening left him several valuable presents as tokens of their esteem, lie was taken com­ pletely by surprise but wishes us to ^return thanks to all who so kindly imerabered him. THE condition of the street just west of Mayes & Bartlett's store too dis­ grace to our village. The street and sidewalk in that locality. Is covered with water from six Indies to a feet deep, and persons living in that of the town must t/ade through or go two or three blocks around in order to reach their honks. As we said, it is a disgrace to our village, and those In au­ thority should give it their attention at once. THE family of Henr; Erwln, who lives south of this village, are having' a hard time of it with typhoid fever tills winter. It will be remembered that his oldest eon came home sick with it last November and died on Christmas day. In about ten days after Mr. Er- srin and his two daughters. Mazgie and Ella were takes Sick, and after a rou of forty days the fever has left them and fcliey are now convalescent. The ether daughter was taken down two weeks Ago. and is new very low. Dr. Fegers is in attendance. . jJst.&ki C PERSONAL. Mas. GEO. W. BKSLKT is trial ting with friends in Chicago this week. Msg. H. T. BROWK returned to-day from a two weeks' visit in Chicago. VESTA STUBDIVAKT moved to Chica­ go this week. J. M. KIMBALL, of Elgin; was oh our {treats one day last week. JOHN WENT WORTH, of Chicago, spent Sunday in this village. H. B. TYRRELL and wife, of Nunda, spent Sunday with C. H. Beers and family, In this village. MISSES JULIA and Lotta Kennedy, of Chicago, spent Sunday with their par­ ents iu this village. JOHN KLfciFGKN he* been at Ring- wood the past week doing some paint­ ing and graining for J. W. Cristy, R. HOLLT, of tliif ylljage, starts to­ day for Nebraska ea a prospecting tour. • • • s;j - ED BRYANT, of Elgin, accompanied by a lady friend, spent Sunday with friends in this village. FRANK GOING, who la with 8. B. Kaniy, Chicago, was home for a few days last week. JASON FARRAR, traveling agent for J. C. Aycr ds Co., was a caller ai this office on Monday. \'Vv H. R. BARTLETT; of Miouesbta, is visltiug witli his brother, E. U. Harr­ iett, in this village WINSLOW PARKER, is reported dan­ gerously sick at his farm, uear Broad- head, Wis, THOS. DATMBNT; having sold his property in this village, removed with ilit family to Chicago this woek. GEO, CLARK and wife, accompanied y Stacy Chirk, started for Nebraska on Moudiy. George intends going into farming there. THE Young Folks Temperance So­ ciety hold their uext meeting on Sua- dtty evening, March 2&I, at tlie M, E, church with tlie following programme: Songs of Redeeming Love--No 18 Pcrinture Reading Clara Bennett Prayer Ileport of Secretary Uecilation... Lontiie Bishop S»nir ..Clara Wright Recitation .........Hannah (1 utson It sailing. Belle Colby Song--Ooapel Hymns--No. 45. Address Win Nir.kle I'assinjf pledges--Voluntary Song-- Star Quartette Itccitation Maud Colby ^Recitation Anna Schetman Duct .... Mr and Mrs J J Vaaey lU*m:nk8.... Heading... Maud VanSlyke l)eo,lnm»tlon Vinton Luuiley Swjfin#--tio*pel Hymns--No 14 SKCBKTART THE following Is tlie apportionment of public money to the several town­ ships for 1SS4. It will be observed that tliw amounts are larger than the oor- respeding ones of a year aaro. The amount received from flues is larger titan ever before. The Hon. Ira R. Curtis«, States Attorney, lias thus se­ cured a large addition to tlie fund. Riley f238or» Marengo USUI) Diinltmtt :«I i\ I J l i e i i i n i l g , . ^ . . . . . » . . < ; • » W W 7 0 c « t a i . . . 4 N s a Si-iieca ...t ........ 31»u40 ll»rtiaii«t ..i..; 417 f» Aidun .i, .......... i.i, 331 14 l'orr .... . ................. (kitOS Creenweoit;.'..I... .... Slt2i llelirou 9*7 7a Algonquin'... Mtjv Niin'ia..., ... ssoos Alullctuy ; .i. ..... «iW JS Kichmomi 413 Township43, Range A ...» ... 1333a " ««. " » .. 76 18 <4. " # 144 »3 Burton 70 M Examination of Teachers. Tliete will be examlnatlens for th* benefit of these detfring to teach, at the following nsmed places and times: Woodstock, Saturday, Mnrch £kl. Marengo, Mondny, Maroii 24th.' Huntley, Tuesday, March Sftth. '« Algonquin, Wednesday. March tSIK• ; "i- Riolnnonl, Thursday, March 27tb. S Hebron. Friday, March 28. Har»ar«l, Sat1iV>lay, March 20th. * Nunda, Monday, March SUt. > CV MrHeury, Tuesday, April 1st, 1 " Offlm days at Woedatoi^k, t and fourth Saturdays ol each month until furttier notice. Examination be­ gins at 9 o'clock, A. M. Applicants must be punctual. IIKBUOK, TIL, MSrctl 14th, 18B4 An error appeared in the notice as published last week ill tlie order of names; McHeury and Algouquiu being reversed, HKNRT R. Co. Sup't. t Vee«lst«ok, III., March 8, l*S4. Auditors' Meeting. The annual meeting of tlie Board of Town Auditors for the Town 0f Mc­ IIenry will he held at tlie Towi^Clerk's office, in the village of McBeilVy, on Tuesday. March 2a 1I1, for the purpose of auditing all claim* against said town for the past year. ^)i interested are requested to hear tills th mind, and hand ia their claims on or before that Y, O. MAYKS, Towa Clerk. FOR SALE. Ia the village of McHenry a House and Ave lots, on which is a good barn and other euthou<es. an abundance of small fruit. Such as apples, pears, grapes, berries, etc. Will be sold cheap if applied for at once. For further particulars inquire ai - this office. f:t" !f" in the newspapers. That gigatitlc piece of patriotic sym­ bolism, the Bartholdi Statue of T.iberty the pedestal for which is new rising out of New York harbor, has been graphic- ally transferred to eur office through the courtesy of the Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, a corporation which Is getting famons for good deeds of this character. The company has prepared especially far the American press an edition of the official engrav­ ing of the great statue, and has sent a copy to every newspaper In the land This engraving being issued under the auspices, and for the benefit of the Pedestal Committee, this act of the "Travelers" involves Its contribution of over 91.700 toward the erection of this«ple:idid national monument. The Cortland side-bar Top Buggy is light and fine, and is the most durable buggy made. Can always see them tt £. R. Oweu & Sou's. MAHEMQO. KiHTOR PLAtNDEAtxa:--«prlng is coming, look out forOolds. SCHOOL tTjlSXB.' Our Principal. Tallmige, resigned. We have a new one. Our Asslatant Principal reoigned.'We haven't any now. Ask the directors If yoo out take your old seat. Which had you rather do, boys, play cards or read novels? Is it nice to have some one apologise for you f Whicli do you like best, oral or written apologies? It Is generally understood that Mr. Curtlss is net a candidate for State's Attorney, and In that case some one else must be found. W« are in favor of A. W. Young, of Harvard and feel sure he will have the support of this part of the county. Once mere we take up our pen in the interest of justice and right, and ask a careful, candid perusal of our subject matter. The Woodstock correspondent of tlit: Nunda Advocate has, on several occasions of late taken advantage et an undue antipathy which he seems to cherish towards our townsman, Ira R. Curtlss. and seekaevery possible oppor­ tunity to injure him, and iuslnuates that he (Mr. Curtlss) is In the service of the saloon men, that his record as State's Attorney Is not what it sheuld> be, and further soys if lie would exam, ine said record lie would find why the people of MoHenry County detire to plase him on the retired list. Such articles, laden with the slimy filth which ooses from the cranium of the author, have found their way to the eyes of the public. In another para* graph of one of hie communications this pettlfoggylug Journalist speaks of one Thomas Kaboun as'having been lined for selling liquor, etc.. and further states that the "Citizens League" have had fines and costs a»*es$£d again«t him to the amount of |5W since Janu­ ary 1st, 1884. Why in the name of common sens' can't tills young upstart tell ail the story, and tell It as It Is! Look here; at the January term of tlie circuit court. State's Attorney Ira R. Curtlss had this man Kaboun indicted and he was fined, costs and all, about •290, which amount Mr. CurtUs collect­ ed. A little later the Citizens League arrested him. aud he was tried but not convicted. Still later on they tried It over again and got a judgment of about «6ft. which remains unpaid to- duy. One week ago la?t Friday the Citisens League arretted him again; he was tried before Esq. Brink and fined 9100, aud t:pon falling to pay tlie fine was lodged !u jail. So much for so much; aud still this whining backbitcr gives sll the credit to tlie Citiaeus League. Perhaps it is because he is the "League's" attorney. See? Now. how Is it in the Harvard cases? Mr.Curtlss prosecuted three different persons for infringements of , the licusc law, had them indicted. Mid herauae of such in- diciments tlie Board ef /l'ruMees re­ voked their license. In the urrvice, vf saloon mt>n, indeed/ W« would refer your readers to our la«t week's coui tnuuicatien for particulars regarding I lie collections made by Mr. Curtiss while acting as State's Attorney, aud then assert that there never was a man who filled this, position so acceptably to the people as Mr. Curtlss has. and if ha ao d*nir*d if., wmihl Im lila own aim- oessor for another term, but yielding to tlie urgeut solicitations ol his many friends lie aspire* hlgiter. aud when the pro|>er time has come the people ol McHenry county will indeed mani­ fest their tlesire and bestow honors upon one eminently fitted to boar them, ^ . . ALGONQUIN. " ISttfTOR Pl.AiM>KALMt :--The rehired jubilee troupe drew a good house ea Thursday evening of last week, and they gave a very good entertainment. They didn't claim to be professionals, but they'had one character, Mrs. Wil­ son, that was hard to heat. Charley Rowley aud wife, of Nttnda, visited with Ed MertOfk, Ji. Oh Friday of last week. At Morten & Chapell's auction sale of milch cows on ISniurday last, cows sold on an average of $4.*>.13 per head. Mrs. Ed Morton. Sr., celebrated her 63d birthday on Saturday last by giv.- ing a dinner party. There were 36 relatives present. Wo wish Mrs. Mor­ ton many more birthdays. We saw a very fine specimen of a jack rabbit at Dr.* NasOn's drug store on Saturday last. It was sent to tlie Dr- by C, H. tleldeman, of New Ulm, Minn. Our public school closed on Thursday of last week for a two weeks' vacation* J as. Dolg and wife,of Chicago, spent a few days with his father here last week. Ike Montanyo, of Elgin, spent a day hers last week. Ho had tlie misfortune to slip on the ice and sprain his ankle very badly. No more daneing for liini for awhile. Miss Bertha Householderf«»f Barring, ton Center, visited with friends here last week. Mi6S Lett a Flanrier Is working th the Cook Publishing bouse, of Elgin.' Henry Keyes, by request of friends, announces himself a candidate for Assessor of the towa of Algonquin at the ensuing election. Mr. Keyes Is well known in the town, as he line held the eftce of town clerk for a number of years.and we consider they have made a good selection, and we feel satisfied if he is elected lio will discharge th# duties with credit to the town anti honor to himself. It is eur wish that the voters give him tlie victory. , Aney Enerson, of Chicago, is making his parents a visit here. Mr and Mrs. C. E. Chapell spent Sun­ day with friends in Chicago, We are informed the examination of teachers will be held at Algonquin en Wednesday. March 26th, instead of April 1st, as advertised. Will Meses was in town laait wsolr calling on friends. Woodotoek Department. OOKTRIBDTED ASA W. SMITH. AM I expeet to ASSUME <NY place in the Woodstock c o l u m n o f t h e PLANRDBABSA, i t nay not lie amiss that an apology be tendered to its man y readers for the long vacation. On the last <lny of January, thirty years AGO I Bled my declaration avering my intention to MAKE Woodstock my permanent home, with a rull determination that onr Interests SHOULD be mutual; that her "people should^OE my people." Since which time I hare been hon­ ored with various trusts BY Individuals and by the public, and It is a matter of pride to myself that so far as I know the duties of such trusts have lieen discharged with credit tomyselt and satisfactory to all interested. Oa the twenty.sevcnth of January last, hav. ing iu charge an important suit against the railway company, and havinp been netifled by said company to appear in Washington to take the testimony of Assistant Secretary Joslyn, t made the occasion an opportunity for a holiday, the first vacation by me taken in thirty years, and a# I neglected to engage a stenographer, I pre pose te B9 my own report, er. At Washington, my business over, I took the spontaneous "Freedom of the Oity." with, out the expense of calling a special MEETING^ I found "our Judge" as "happy as a clam" ia the discharge of his arduous dutiee, and who. ever thinks to And M. L. Joslyn less courteous and congenial a? Assistant Sec­ retary of THE Interior, in the clay of Washing, ton among the *aven« of the nation, than as Judge Joslyn among his neighbors in Weod steok has greatly mistaken ihe man and OFI' cer. My rap on the door of Hon. Reuben K1L weod was answered by a hearty, "Come in,'» as muclVas to say, "the iatch string is always en the outside," I found Mr. Bllwood situate between, or, rather, among huge piles of cor­ respondence, with his answers ready to be posted, of mils to be examined and of eom. mittee deliberations. But, notwithstanding, H* found time for a social hour with an hum­ ble constituent. Bis bill on banking was ere. atinfc quite a flutter among the banking intei- este. and though I toek no time to lorm a de­ cided upiniou FROM examMKtlon, I became convinced that it presented an issue between the people and the moneyed power, and that his constituents need hove no fears of a ••con. tinned vacancy" by returning him as his own successor. Therefore 1 second the PLAIN, OEALKB in hearty support of his re-nomlna- tjea. He ia an inveterate, skillful worker and makes himself felt on the side of right by word and action. As 1 did not see Senator Logan. I know no mere about him than do the reading public, M»ny of whose believe and say be will be our next President. Both Tilden and Grant ssem to think it more likely to be Blaine or Arthur. Of this none can pos- itlvely say. "We shall see what we shall see." A few moments with Senator Cullora added to the exalted opinion already formed of the mau and statesman, of course my visit would be imperfect without seeing President Arthur, who is held in high esteem by all par­ ties. and all factions in all circles among whom I have visited, and should he be his own successor, the numbers will be few who will not congratulate the oountry at there, suit, t visited friends In Northnmlterland Tioga, Potter and McKean counties, in FIAA* sylvania, and in Chemung, Steuben and Al­ leghany counties In New Tork.|Wiuter wheat Is qnite an extensive crop with them and gen. erally looked well. The poor, despised hem leek of thirty years ago, like the "rejected atone " has become the head ef the corner Its bark for the tanneries and Its body for lumber, yields A profttabtw imwrne. Tobacco, hops and grape* are entensively cultivated, each in the varied localities. Among the more e m o t i o n a l s c e n e s e f my v i s i t w a s t h e v i e w e f my own native heath la TK'g I CE„ Pa, Here 1 stood anion? the apple trees planted by my grandtire sonio eighty years aito. Here the story was rcbenrned to me of how he rescued an enUre ramtly BY aW6nming a distance ef about flitccn rods, crossing and re-crossing, bearing them ene at a time011 his back, atmid- night, to a place ot safely. Here, as long age as I ran remember nny tbtng, that eaine grand- sire hadcauKhtan overgrew a boar in eat of his traps, and 1 was peimittod logo with the re»t to see llruin cuff the Uog* with his huge paws. Here I viewed an old but well pre­ serve* I building whese timbers were hewed and squared by my father, not from tlie *'cedar«of Lebanon," but from the groves of S3JT nasirC Vstisujfe «sB«stTi| * 0sssv|W»*i »•« hands of uncles, cousins and old schuol-day friends aii infinitum, and whoever his exper­ ienced the emo'.ionsof meeting brothers, lis­ ters, nephews and nieces, and the thousand and ene dear old friends, after a separation of thirty years, can read this aud comprehend why 4t is written, and it is aot obligatory that any one else should read it. I thought when T left home I .was quito an old man. but I hereby affirm that In spirits, at least, my age will not exceed twenty-flve years. If tien. urant enjoyed the ovations tecdered him by the world any more than I have my visits, I am glad of it I shall endeavor to assume ray e q u i l i b r i u m a n d s e t t l e d o w n t o b u s r a e s e a t the old plaee where I shall at ail times be glad to meet my patrons end friends. B. F. Chnreh, ex.sheriff and for many years clerk, waa buriei on Thursday last. Services conducted by the Masonic fraternity. A, T. Capron. ex soldier of Harley Wayne Post O. A. R., also ef 3rion Lodge, A. F. and A. M., of Union, was buried on Saturday. Services conducted by both orders. Rev. Hutuhinson preached an appropriate and elo. quent sermon. Wheat A Richards and J.C. Choateare re­ pairing the ruins of the late Are, A German named Kind was buried here en Saturday by the Odd Fellows, Sheriff Udell lost one et bis ehf#t&«T ?«ODR sters oa Saturday. Richmond Department. OOVTBIBUTKD »V S. f. BCNHKTT. Born to Mrs. Geo. Osmnnd,jHi the morn lag of March 17th. a son. , Mr, and Mrs. Henry Marsh returned from Nebraska on Saturday evening. Mai oh 11th is the date of the advent of a daughter at the hott«e of Jud Stewnrt. Frank Wright, a member of the Chi­ cago Law School, is borne on a vacation visit. The Missionary 8ociaty Anniversary was observed by a social gathering and supper at tlie residence of IX Deunisen en Monday evening. Frank Todd had a linger amputated on Monday. No sether fbr him. He simply held out his hand and had the eflending finger removed. L. B, Rtee, our skilled dentist, has gone on a trip to Madison, Wis., and other |i«liits of Interest. He has fairly earned a vacation, and wo hope he may have a good time. March 15th was the 35th anniversary of the wedding of Robert Johe 11 nott and Fanny Rice. Their children made their hearts glad that day by present* ing them wlth au elegant silver coke basket.. "V The 2-year-old ball, English Dnke, out of an Imported Gwyune cow, an animal considered one ef the best bolls In the Lawson herd, was bought by W. H. Breadley for the sum of 9150. The entertainment given by the pnplls of the public school was enjoyed by a large and appreciative audience. It Is to be hoped wo may be faverad with another entertainment ol a sim­ ilar character at no late dale. J. W. Lawson, hnvlng sold out the blooded stock and ether property ad­ vertised, and having {rented his farm, will soon sttrt for St. Pauld, Howard Cen Nebraska, on a prospecting tour. In company witli Dodge BrosMof Wil­ low Springs, Neb., he proposes to take along three carloads of yearlings and a carload ol brood mares, which they expect to buy in thin vicinity. Anyone having such stock for sale will do well to drop a Hue to J. W. Lawson, Ring- wood. RK^CBUCAN CAUCUS .---There will be held at the office of the Richmond House in the village of Richmond, 111., on Saturday, March 29th, 1884, at 2 o'clock p. m., a Caucus for the purpose el selecting by ballet twelve delegates to attend the Comity Convention, to be held at Woodstock, III., on Saturday April 12th, 1884, to appoint delegates to attend the Congressional Convention to be held st Elgin, 111., April 16tli, 1884, and to nominate town officers lor the ensuing year,consisting of a Super­ visor, Town Clerk, Assessor, Collector, and a Com. of Highways, Signed, 8. B. WAno,"";" • 14. WALuaton, March 17th, IfWt. Com. Wn have no more nf that 20 lbs for one 9 sugar, hut plenty at 10 lbs for one dollar at Perry A Owens. When the blood is loaded with im­ purities, aad moves sluggishly in the veins, an alterative is needed, as this condition ol the vital tluld cannot last long witiious serious results. There Is nothing better than Ayer'sSarsaparilla to purify the bleed,and impart energy te the system. Come early snri have the first ehance in wall paper. Come and sse the new styles at Perry 4*0wen's. Ayer*s Hair Vigor stimulates the hair cells to healthy action, and pro­ motes a vigorous growth. It contain* all that can be supplied to make tlie 'natural hair beautiful and abundant; keep* the scalp free from dnndrufl. prevents tlie hair from becoming dry and harsh, and makes it flexible and glossy. ~ Never buy cheap goods just because they are cheap, the hast are the cheap­ est in the end. We will not knowingly sell worthless goods. PKRKT ft OWIK. WANTED. 800 bushels choice Onions, for which the highest market price will be paid. Also choice butter and eggs. FIT7.«IMMO»S A Bvanson. Perry A Owen have ir. stock the finest line of wallnaper in tlie county, over oae hundred new patterns, this spring. Gents French Kip and Calf Boots for 85.60 at E. G. Smith's Kolter's Block, three dOors West of Riverside House. f>rry A Owan have mens Q(te iboef fot 93 that beats them ail. By letter from tlie bereaved husband we learn tlie sad fact of the death ef Jeunie Marsh, wife ef Fred Jewell, and daughter of Henry aud Sally Marsh, of Richmond. Mrs. Jewell died at liar home In Platte Centre, Nebraska, on thu 9th uf the present month, at the early age of 20 years and 11 months. We are Inexpressibly sad to write thess Hues. We have known Jennie ever since she was a little child, and somehow she held a warmer place Injour heart than most of our yeung friends ever did. We have watched her un­ folding from the bud of a ehfld to the' perfect flower ef a woman, but so frail and childlike did she ever remain, to us she was always a child. When she was married, June 9S. 1881, to a yeung man every way worthy of ber, we could hardly roattse that she was yet a wo­ man and fit to assume the position of wife and mother. But she bravely and lovingly, trustfully and hopefnliyj as­ sumed them, and performed them to the end of her beautiful life. Not many months ago she went to Nebraska to join her husband who had made her a home there, taking with her their infant child only tosooa bury it there. Consumption had a|read5' marked her as its victim, and although she seemed te rally for a time in the new climate it was only a temporary ameudment. She new raits In Oelnmbtw Cemetery, Nelk Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, whe had heard of her critical condition and hastened, to hsr bedside, fortunately arrived in tiroo to comfort her la»t hours. And so wo must inscribe ene mere name te the long list of the dear ones on the "Shining Shore," a list so long that we may sometimes well queetibH whether it were better to remain here en earth, or go and be with them. _____ We are glad te note that an'article iu a late number of the 1'LAIMI>KAI.KU, favoring the return ef Hen. C, H. Trjren to the Legislature, has seemed to have inaugurate-.l a regular Tryon boom in most of the district. This Is Just as it should be. A very good motto is M When you have a good thing, don't fool It away." We might paraphrase it thus: uWhen you have put a man in a place of public honor, respoasibility and trust, and have found iilm to be worthy, in every way, of tlie relianoe rou have placed in him, don't thrust him aside for an untried aspirant for tlie same position.** ('barley Tryon has been tried and found worthy. For the time he was a member ef the Legislature, no man can show a better record. In the Habitual Criminal's Act. he has placed his sign manual upon the legislation ef the State. If returned to tlie Legisla­ ture, as we think he will be. the ex­ perience he has already gained of legis­ lation. added te his unquestioned natural ability, will make him mere competent to represent his District than any new man who can be nifmed. Only 90,60for Blackberry China Tea set nf Iffl pieces at (toasted, Staitel A Co.'s, Motto* to tf^ iygort of McHenry Notice Is glvi that en the 1st day of April A«D. 1884. I wIR pay the following6 per cent,9300 McHenry Comity enters viz: Nos. 2.4.11,14,19, #5,30, 35,44,47,49.0* 63. 97, 99, 76, 80. *8, 90. Sll, 93. 96, 144, 14ff, 133, 154. 156, 161.16<i, 168, 175, 180.187, am) 189. Interest, will ceaso on the above county nr<l»rs on the Arat day ef April A. I), 1884. JAMR9 SISH. OA, Treas. Woodstock, 111, Feb). 29th, 1194. 1 .^JFarm For Me. • S33 acres In the Towo of Dorr, 2} miles south and one-half mile west of Weedstock, 111. Kirat-class bnildlags, good orchard, well watered, all en closed, and di vision fences, lid acrwa Iuiproyed. the rest pasture and timber. Good neighborhood, convenient to schools. Chease factory within three- quarters ef a mile. Tlie above aill be sold cheap. Also the stock. 90 cows, store hogs, horses, and farm Imple­ ments of all kinds at a bargain With the farm. For further particulars apply to J. L. Hlbbard, oti the premises; or ad dress HIBBARD A RICHAXUS. 34-WS Weshtask, 111 All persons knowing themselves In- debeted to me fer professional services rendered prior to July 1st, 1983 are re quested to settle by cash or note before Aprillst, 1984. W. McCHBSKXT, M. D, Waueonda, Feb, 27th, 1884. 32-wS, All persons knowing themselver In' debted to Jenck* A Andrews, Waucon- da, are requested te settlo the same within the next twenty days, as We wish to close up our books, preparatory to » change In business. _ • • „ _ JRHCES A Amistaws. Waaoeada, reb. Mth, m FOR SALE. Tlie side wheel Steamer, "Lotus.** Bids for the Machinery, or for the whole or the Boat, as she now lies at McHenry, may be sent te Capt. Walter Hill, Mcileury, 111., or te B. F, Weaver, K*q.,S8 Wabash Avenue. Chicago. Go to Gilbert's sugar for 91.00. aud got M poinds A large and complete assortment of Wall Paper, at Dickinson's, Nunda. 3S-W4. _______ For first-class Insurance against fire and Lightning, wind storms, eyelones. tornadoes, etc., etc., apply to Aa% W Smith, Woodstock, III. Beth Combination and Platform Wagons at K. M. Owen A Son's, of the best make, ,lia]| , Wood for 8M9. 1 Good Dry Wood for sale by. , iuoklin's Arnica Salvo. The best salve In the world for Cots, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Silt Kheume, Fevdr Sores. Tetter, Chaped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup­ tions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to frlve perfect satisfaotlau, or money mitt- tied. Price 2ft cents per box. For Sale by Henry Colby. Please remember that our stock In every department Is very complete and that onr prices are aiwaya the lowest that can bo made. Wo will net be undersold by any house In MeBonry Co, Hoary Colby. Planar"Sal* 3 : A fine Square Piano Is oMrottf fir sale. Will be Md cheap If agffitlttft for % rUR WAHTKD. W1H buy all -classes of Fur. Rat. Coon, Skunk and Mink, ond will pay the Highest Market Price. G. W. PRATT.JPeueonda, III. Bail flki te Mrs. Bow**b fO)r' j Dressmaking. 1 SlUMtSES. call tai High They Nw WOwble tO"Hi*»' questions at JHU Bfrhopy. best. O. W. OweiifMvlieupy, Agent, »i Case and Furat A Bradley Plows at E. M. Owen A Sen's. SeHey It don't pay te sleep en the flow when yon can buy bedsteads for 9UH at John B. Blake's. Five foot high bedsteads, all Blaek W alawt tor at John B. Make's. Al. the leading Owen A Son's. Walking Plows at Everything in the Hardware Moo «9 bottom flgnres, at E. M. Howe's. Call In and sae ti* suits E. Lawlas Is selling, BeaVy Wfwtar suits only 94.75. Royal, Pearl, Prices, Atlas, Baking Powders at fionsiett, StoSel A Co.'s. •: Bwreaoa are jrtwapT Black Wateot for #f,2t. at J, B. Blake's. An elegant Mne of eorset/ 99 oSota andupat Hearv Colby's, E. La wins beats Chicago on low prl ees lor clothing Ladles and Genta acarlet 911 Wool underwear 98 cents pieces at Bonatett. Stoflel A Co.'s. Woven Wire Mattresses, the for only ' 12 boxes matches ef 980 each er 998Q%»/ for 29 cents st Boestott. SioMA Co.'s.' Call for Nimble Nlckle soap, boat IAH market at Bonslett, Staaol A Co.'a ~ Brussels Carpet L4iai|is only at John B. Blake's. CALL and see the nobby new Bolts, atE. Lawltis*. Ho has sold 29 sol IS of oae kino. _______ * f Examine the Juliet, Hervtne, Col­ ombia and Coral!ne corsets it Ben* sfett, S telle IA Co.'s • ^ Lnmber WsAns, Milk Wagons, Plat­ form Spring Buggies for sale at M. Bishop's warehouse. The flnest line of Silver and Plated Ware to be found In the coanty, at O. Owen's. 1994 Barley for M*. . 1 have a let ef Pure Mensury Barley for sale. If called for soon. * HOMES WATTLKS. MoHenry, ill., Kov. 8, MSI. Everything In farming ImploBSonts from a Swill Cart to a McCormiek Twine Binder, can be found at the warehouse of K. Bishop. Chlldrensoalf sewed, tipped shoes $ 8 toll for 80etsat Bonslett,Seflel&Co To make room for an immense stock of clothing soon to arrive .stock will make prices on our present we that wlUsell It* Qsll sod see. HBNRT C013T. to Poultrymeiic For Sale: Full Blood Black Java, Cockerels, Brown Leghorn Cockerels, and a few Plymouth Rock Pullets and Cockerels, at my residence, Wauconda, 111.. G. W. PRATT. fausends, Dec. Sth, Wt,' S*-int Ir yeur horse Is lame or sore in any way, do not fail to call at Henry Colby's anil get a box ef Continental Hoof Ointment. It is no experiment. It has boon tried aad never failed. ONION SEED FOR SALE. I have 50 pounds of Yellow Dan vers Onion Seed which 1 will sell at 92.90 per pound. MeHearr. i»-» f"*h- i««. ' Wagon for" Sato, A one horse lumber wagen, almost new, suitable fer milk wagon. Will be sold reasonable. Inquire at this office or of f w „ -lti _ itsA«» rasn. MsHeary. ¥4fc> 4th. WBt. For 8at*. The undersigned offer for sale their Shops and Lots, Mttmed in West Mo> Henry, nenrly opposite th* Post Offiee. A first-class business location. For Sarticulars spply t» A. X. Tripp* West IcHenry, III. ^ > Tairr Bnos. McHenry, Feb. Sth, ISSg. , ; An Kdltor*a Trit»uto. The re ii P. Keator, editor ef the Fort Wayne. Ind., QtuiUe, wrftesi "For the past five years have always used Dr. King's New Discovery, for coughs of most severe character, as well as f»r llios* of a milder type, ft never fails to effect a speedy cure. Th* friend* to whom 1 have recommended it speuk ef it in the same high terms. Having been cured bjr it of every cough 1 have had for lire years. I consider It the only reliable and sore cure for Coughs, Cohl*. etc." Call at Henry Colbv's Drug Store and get a JPfee Trial Bottle, Large siae 91.00. Very Remarkable Recovery. Mr. Geo. V. Willing, of Manchester, Mich., writes: **My wife has beei* al­ most helpless for 8vo vears, sa helpless I hat she could not turn over in bed alone She used two Bottle ef Elect­ ric Bitters, and ia so much Improved that sbe is able now to do her own work." Electric Bitters will do all that is olainiedi for them. Hyndreds, of testimonials attest their great cur­ ative pow?(Su 0«iy fif ty cents a bottle at lie 1,11:4 Colby. Drags Drags, Drags, a lot oo hand. Steel teotli aud must sell. For sale by R. Bishop Fitsslmomns A Evanson have tho choicest Jep Tea to bo foaai In tho county. Price 80e»nts. Extension Tables are cheap, ft wlH pay yon to boy now. Call aad soo them at John B. Btaks'S. The Print Aeern, Blaek I.eyal Acorn Cook Steves. _ perler. At E. M. Howe's, Bishop's Mill. Overcoats that will wear S yoora. .ft Heavy Suits If TO dtse out enr Iwokon Kiss If Overtoots and UutKiirwoar, spodo) prioes will be mado. Call «^ oaafita tbem at Henry Oolby*s.4 • 4 mi*-* I, . FITS AU fits atop( nine's Great Horvo . after first day's nee., Mafvolmia^i^^.,. Treatise and HW trial bottle fri|T fo Fit cases. Send to Pr. Kline. 9ftl An* sin ratia* Pa. Forfihrioat Mul Sim tf G. l ThM Is a flaeeppertuuity for miji|||| . wishing 10 engag. !» the ^meraoattto business* Will exekaiure la.. pafAASr 1 farm laad la Mcllenjr# Con tended time «U1 be given to Address C. MRS. SCI1UMACMEB Has Iu her store a fine Bne oC Halr Work, oenetatlng of WajM|M^c|ws% Braids, sad the celebratotl Loagtrjr Bangs, which she Is selling «| prkea lower than at any ether plaa* wiMilt of the city. She Is also Ratting,la a full line of Spring Millinery, to which she invites the attention o? |he ladles. flew This Wtek. Mrs. H. II. Nichols w!slt*s> to catt Urn attention ol the ladies ef McHenry and surrounding country that S)iO has just put In a cemp!ete stosk of Boring Millinery, Notions and Ffcncy Goods. Ornaments, Plumes. Tip. Flowbtl^ Wreaths. Beads and Bracelets, A line of Hair Waves and Netat and, children'* Collars; a fall lino < laces; silk, linen and mourning kerchief*; Busaels, Hoop Skirts, and thO A, S. O. Health Corsets, and five other kinds. Ladies ready-made Vader#HUT and all other articles generally kept la a first-class Millinery Store. jOl^l end examine my stock. I will maM ysa prices to suit the tlates. 1 do aM ig» tend to bo undersold by1 aajf ttiio fat the county. Dressmaking prmapt^ a| tended to and a perfect W ymsaOtoea MeHeavy. lit, March I House and lam for 8aie or Rant. In the village af Blngwood. Hoaaot has ten rooms, and is in good r«pa~ A eood ganlen. well aud cistern, connection*, and all other aec«s(Ht| conveniences. Will he sohl reaaen-, a hie or rented te a rospansildo party luquire ef vssiit uss. BtofWeed, Jan. tlsl 1881 FarmTprSala, The nn.lerslgned niem Mile hla farm,situated one mile frem Ming weod station and Cheese ~ 160 acres or choice which Is timber aad are good buildings On orchard, and in short It Is' most deslrahlo farms in this Far terms and ether itari quire of % • ; y Q. QlUWUT m 1*0%' th-mi Creat Ruaaian Russian Liniment Is a sure Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Toothache, E-»raoi»e,Sore Th ness of the Limhe. Tumoifk Sprains, Lame Back er Swelling*, Contract l«e of tho:- Chilblains, inflammations (HA how leng stamiingj^s^vero (>iy a doth HiMtaieiied f over night fer thpso equally as good toe by all drngg^t *, an There

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