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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Mar 1884, p. 4

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_. . :•• -.p--.-r. »••-• 9.' t\) zr-*-*m. **• -r-, * x * • V « * * " f t < " " 1 '^'! r*.i;?;" T;'*T"" ••>X-'":*** .'-»*•"= • f"7-?>**" V;; ^;vi %]. ;„3:.^.; •. ,« <**•'.; .^; f> v ~wm, WEDNESDAY, MAR. 26, IS84. JJ. V\NSLYKE, Editor. ' »lfTH DISTRICT IIRITBLICIX CON. |i GRKSSUlNAT, CONVICNTIAF. TM Republican* of the count'e? composing .'ithe Fifth 0«.ijrressi«nal DislHct, are request* • to sebd delegates to a car venti*n to tie held at Elfin, «n Thursday. April ltth, M84, at 1'2 .(•'clock m., for the purpose of placing in nomi- : Dalian a capdirtuce for Representative in Con- •i-Vigr«»s of Mid district; a candidate for member «-•% State poard of RqualiEation; two delegates ' %nd two alternates to the Republican National (Contention to be held in Chicago on the 3d -«ay of Jnne, W84, and to transact such other Jbusfness aa may properly come before the : 'invention. The several counties comprising thedistriot ill be entitled te delegates as follows: unties. Delegates. ane. ' '•^«3»CKHin >/'.•-"jWclIenfy *' *' . ...... 7 >•• ....... is ,. n S*o*ne W. S. FRAZTBR, Kane, ' ' W. L. «JI*WON». OeKalb. A. E BornsE, McHenry, , . W. B. Donoit, l.ftke. F. S. WHITMAN , Boone, •totagressional District Committee. •V*." '• ' ' paUltan County Convention. j*-.'i The Republican voters of McHenry county t* »re requested to send delegates to the Repub- A J^Jican County Convention to be held at the Court Mouse in Woodstock on Hatunlay, April / ' 5th, 1884, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the pnrpo<e of ^ •electing nine delegates to represent Mr * Jlsnry county at the District Congressional ' •, -Convention, te be held at Elgin, on Thursday, 'April 10th, 1884, for the purpose of nominating la candidate for Congress from this district, m candidate for member of the State Board of equalization, and clertins two delegate* and • ,<two alternates to represent the fith Cengrres- t isional District In the National Convunt'on to Use held in Chicago, June 3d; also to elect nine ' delegates to represent Mcllcary county in the ,%/^ o State Convention, to be held in the city of Peoria, April lfi, 1884, and for the transaction pghp » <ef each other business as may properly come ^"Itefore the Conveutioa. The aeveral£towns jj& will * represented af follows: 'V "Jfilpy U ... MarcnfO. .... W-# C!heinung ,AMen.. f1trtltn4 Hcneca.. 8 ^^jkjPoraI K> pti;. ^Urafnoa -..• ...7 , 19 ...7 ..19 ...8 Greenwood Hebron Richmond Rurten Mcllenrv.. Nunda Precinct, ltarreville Algonquin ... Crystal Latti". ....8 ...10 ...12 ....3 ... Ill ... S ...10 . . . » Total....... •.170 O. s. SorTuwomi, S. K. BiitTirnxmEW J. V. ALUKICII, Committee. "In the caee of O. A. Carpenter, of I.ineoln, III., on trial for the murder •f Zor* Burns, the jury «n, Saturday piArnin; last brouglt In % - Vtrillct of -Not Guilty:' -S. S. 11 ann, the worat political •Id hack In Kane county, it In the field, • candidate for coagreia, Since it ha« *be»n authoritatively announced that A. J. Hopkins would not enter the political arena this fall, the old schemer egsavs|to li'apture Knne county and form a combi­ nation -with McHenry and walk away ?w1tb the plum. But like all of hie pre- onV attenipu be will be laid en the tahelf, as he ought le be.--Geneva Iie- „Jpublican. "William H. Vanderbilt Is wlth^ |f*u* doubt the richest man in the world t fflila wealth being e201,322.413. Should lie yliwe ten yenrs longer with an Income twelve millions a year, of which at ^ least teu is carefully re-luvested. and :,«with his capacity for making money, Jllie will be worth at least four hundred luilliens of dollars. Yet It is doubtful 4f be could be elected to the meat iu- «lgni(leant office in New York without * ^purchasing bit majority at A round lUgure. • : ®®"The resignation of the Glad- ittone ministry teems not Improbable. ' The English cabinet it divided over the Egyptian matter, the premier op­ posing the policy which the majority . It In favor of purtulng. Lord Har­ rington it In favor of pushing things In the Soudan, and should the ministry reaigu in a body he would doudtless be t.immoiied to form a new cabinet. In that event a dissolution of parliament would come In the near future, as Harrington could not hope for con­ tinued support by the present house of commons of a policy which Gladstone would feel compelled to oppose. The result of an appeal£> the constituencies W?ul4 be problematical. --rjATtth tlio exception of an occa- tionanrcry indistinct murmur prompt-, ed by personal motives, a spirit of utia- nlMlty appears to prevail through. b out the district for yie re-nomination of Congressman Ell wood. With our rusli- glng American way of transacting I business a congressman It compelled d to look to his re-election before he is ' given half achatiee to either acquaint himself with the routine duties of bis efftee or demonstrate his capabil- Itlea for satisfactorily attending to the Outlet of his office. Our present rep­ resentative, wltile he lias but just got fairly into his werk, lias evinced an aptitude and a capability for legis­ lative work that Is deserving of the recognition that will be bestowed by selecting the gentleman to be his own successor.--Elgin Courier. i % • ' • f t' te. "Ohio lias enacted a lav w^cl permits men of ordinary intelligence to sit on juries. Other States might Imitate the example with profit. The difficulty of finding ignorant jurymen lia* often tn the gravest cases interfer ed with the prompt admtnUtrn tinn of justiue. The more important the cate the more the difficulty experienced in finding men who have neititer read the newt nor formed opinion regard Ing the matter. W« have reached that point where the law making eligible jnrvmou has got to be changed, or Juries will havo to go. It is a costly tax in the interests of crime and ig­ norance. The sooner our legislators look into the trinl-by-jury laws the sootier will they begin to be executed by the will of men qualified to judge intelligently of the gel It or huiecune« 0tmyutt>4 criiuUpita* tiSr The following from t1.e pen of F. O. White, the a'»'e Aurora corres­ pondent of tiM**Cnieago Inter Ocean,, portrays the situation in this Cotigres- siunal District: The Bepublican convention for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Congress to represent tlio Fifth Illinois District, wi.l be Held at Elgin, April 10th. Present indications are that the Hon. R*-ubeu Ellwoixl. of IVKalb County, who is now serving his lirst term, will be renominated with but iittle opposi­ tion, and a nomination is equivalent to an election. In 1S82 the tetul vote of the district was 18,405. Of this number Ell wood received 12,994, a plurality of 7,S67, or 70.60 per cent of (lie entire vote of Die district. His majority was larger than that of any member from this State of either party. Mr. Eilwood is serving on two com­ mittees, viz.: "claims" and "manufac­ tures," and lie 19 an energetic and industrious official, lie is a thoroughly practical and eminently successful busi­ ness man. „ . The interests beth of the district and the party require that lie should he returned in preference to any new man, and for this reason his support ought to be manly and geueral. It seems, however, that a different condition of things is beings planned and that an effort will be made by a certain class of politicians to carry Kane and McHenry counties by th* free use of money for a well-known political wire puMer, the Hon S. S. Mann, of Elgin. It would seem rather odd to have a campaign and not have S. 3. Mann for a candidate, and at the same time help to bury him after the camp.-ilgu was over. Years ago lie was a member ot the General Assoinblv and sinceYhat lie has never been known to refuse an office. He was one of the schemers in £he disgraceful "Lord convention."' and be­ cause of th»» record lie made there Major May bourne beat him out of t lie nomination for State Sen'afor in 1876. He ran against J. O. Sherwin f«r the nomination to Congress in 1880, but after opening It Is ••barrel" in Black­ berry. St. diaries and Butavia, where lie got cleaned out in each cauciM, lie concluded uot to go into tlie conven­ tion. He was a candidate for Congress again in 1SS2, and came near beating A. J. Hopkins, but he promised to sup­ port both Stewart and Ha'vlev for the one position of Kepreseutatve to the Legislature, and Hopkins round it out. The information was carried where it "would do the most good," and the re­ sult was thai Stewart and Hawley deserted Mann atid gave Kane County to Hopkins. It will be a cold day when S. S. Mann goes to Congress from this district. We do think, however, that he would be a good man to put on the State Board of Equalization. By the second year Kane County would have no taxes to pay. Yes, the old sea-weed Mann, has had his henchmen in this County, but they found no encouragement that we can learn of. The Kepublican voters of McHenry county are. satisfied with the course of Hen. Reuben Eilwood, and will be toiid for his re-nominatiou. £5?"It la clearly evident that the old Democratic ship Is at sea, without a pilot and destined to be dashed to pieces among the breakers. There is a big mutiny aboard and officers and men are ready to go at each others throats. There it no order or discip* line, and in view of the inevitable founding of the old craft all aboard are looking only to self preservation. Coming with powrer in the House on the tidal wave of diesati6factiou that swept over the eouutry in 1882, it wa6 thought there would certainly be brought to the fore a few who could ap* predate the situation and by wise management assume control and right up the old craft and make her popular once more with the people, but sad to relate, among the hur.dreds boosted into uutbough of prominence, not one hat been fbund able to succeesfully master the situation, and to-day the olJ hulk is totted about as ihe never wat before, The utter Imbecility evidenced by the present Democratic House has con­ vinced the country that it is useless to attempt reanimate the effete old party and place the control of the govern­ ment in its hands as it has not left in it enough ability to manage a first-class congressionil eliow let alone the affairs of the greatest nation on earth. The disintegration new taking place assure# an easy victory for the Republicans in November next, aiid the few Demo­ crats who have the ordinary prescience of a March hare, admits this facti' "Keep Close to the l'eople." Ex-Governor Richard J. Oglesby, in a recent conversation witii a journalist, gave the following account of his early recollections of Abraham Lincoln in his own State: '"Lincoln was long and ungraceful in his usual movement*, but in the mid.s| of debate and when earnestly engaged there was a glow on his face, a sublime air in his manner, and a lofty tone" which not only elevated the argument but lifted up and encouraged every one who listened to hint. While I cannot say lie was partial to anyone in his in­ tercourse with men. he was uiiiformiiy courteous, mild, and polite toward all. He aid not seem to seek favor by pcr- sonal electioneering, but lie never turn­ ed coldly or formally from any man. All whom he knew lie addressed by their given name, and those to whom he was introduced he met equally kind­ ly. As I grew into manhood and ob­ served ills methods. I seon learned, as everybody elso did, to look upon liini as a great and thoughtful man. capable of great actions and true devotion to any cause lie 'might espouse. I instinct­ ively followed him through tiie dying days of Wlnggery and into Republican­ ism, and was often encouraged hv him to go manfully lorward in the «truggle of life. Once in the course ef conver­ sation. I do not remember where, I dis­ tinctly recall his saying: "Dick, remem­ ber to keep close to the people; they are alwayfe right, will never mislead any one!" From the Morris Herald, Feb. IV Appellate Court Ulerk, It looks a good deal as though'the re would uot be n contest for the office of clerk of eourt for the Second Appellate, District, but that the honor of a re- nomination and election would be con- cedei! to Mr. J as. It. Combs, of Griindy county, the present Incumbent. The business of this court is principally transacted by the lawyers of the dis­ trict, and without exception, so far as wo have heard, that class of professional gentlemen are for him. Mr. Combs has to conducted the business of the office as to make friends of all who have had business dealings with him. He hatto systematized the work that much delay and expense is saved to litigants. Six years ago. when at Springfield, appeal­ ing to delegates to "give our man a chance," we made promises which the acts of our candidate' have verified by his faithfulness and business integrity, and now. at the close of his term, we again appeal to' the people for lilt re­ tention for the good he has done. No man in the State is better fitted for the position, No man is more deserving. Sacrificing ari arm in his country's ser­ vice, for the past year hit life has been in peril in consequence of other Inju­ ries received while in the line of duty at the front during the dayt of the re­ bellion. Although improved in health, Mr. Combs is not now, and probably ne^er will be a well man, able to do other than clerical work, as lie it now- 'doing. But why present argumenti. The people are for "Jim" Combt for clerk of tho appellate court. m. JOSili BULL'S Smi'slGiiicSyil FOR THE CURE OF ar.d AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, > AND ALL MALARIAL 0ISEASES. The proprietor of this cclehrated medl- "einc justly olaims for it a superiority over all remedies ever offered to the public for the SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PER­ MANENT cure of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, whether of short or long stand­ ing. He refers to the entire Western and Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no case whatever will it fail to oure if the direc­ tions are strictly followed and carried out. • In a great many cases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole fami­ lies have beencuredby a single bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, prudent, and in every case more certain to cure, if itB use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been cheeked, more especially in difficult and long-standing cases. Usu­ ally this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good ordsr. Should the patient, however, require a cathartic medicine, after having takon three or four doses of the Tonic, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will be suf­ ficient. BULL'S SA&SAPAEILTJA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities of tho fclaod and Scrofulous affections--tho King of Blood Purifiers. DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE W02.5I DESTROYER is prepared in tli8 form of candy drops, attractive to the eiglti q&(l pleasant to the taste. t OR. JOHN BUZ.Z« fi SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPAR1LLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, a The popular Remedies of the Da/. PrUcipal Office, 83131 aiu St., LOUISTILLS, Executor's Notice. ESTATE OK Mary IU-p'l, Dci-eusctt. Tho ui>'l<M-nijriie<t having lieon appointc! Kxe- oiuoi of the last Will aud Teotumcnl of Mmy KeeU, <le<rcns«*il, late ut tlio Con my »f M<*.- Hnnry, nivi. State of Illinoi*. hereby UITM lmtic.e tlvit lie will appear before the County Court of Mellenry County,nt tho Court tlouse in Woodsto' k, at the M.iv Term, on the third Momlay In May next, sit which time ill per­ sons, having claims against sakl estate aro uotitio'l nml roqu«ste*l to attoml for tho pur­ pose of having the same adjusted. All persona indebted to said estato are requested to uiukc Immediate payment to tilt* un<loraixne>L Dated this 24th day of Mai Hi A. I). 1'dSI. P. O 'NKJI., Executor; - . -1 ' r ' ' • r i 'gapm KING'S EVIL Was the name formerly given to Scrofob because of a superstition that it coukl ba cured by a klug's touch. The ,wor»i;ir wiser now, and knows that • SCROFULA can only be (Hired by a thorough purlAc* tion of the blood. If this is nt><rlectcd, the disease perpetuates lis taiut tlirou^h generation after freueration. Among its earlier symptomatic developments are Eczema, Cutaneous Kruptioiis, Tu­ mors, ltoils, (.'iu-buucles, Erysipelas, Purulent Ulcers, Aervous and Phy­ sical Collapse, etc. If allowed to con­ tinue, Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca­ tarrh, Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, and vari­ ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, are produced by it. A/er's Sarsapari/fa la the only powerful and always reliable blond-purifying medicine. It is so effect­ ual an alterative that it eradicates from the system Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of .contagious diseases and mercury. At the .same time it en­ riches and vitalizes the blood, restoring healthful action to Hie vital organs ana rejuveuutiug the entire system. This great Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the genuine Honduras Sarsaparilla, with 1 ellow Dock, &til~ linffia, the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and other ingredients of great po­ tency, carefully and scientifically com­ pounded. Its formula is generally known to the medical profession, aud the best Ehvsicians constantly prescribe AVEU'S A'USAPARILLA as an Absolute Cur© For all diseases caused by the vitiation At the blood. It is concentrated to the high­ est practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effects are claimed, and is therefore the cheapest, as well as the best blood purifying medi­ cine, In the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mas*. [Analytical Chemists.] Sold by all Druggists: price $1; six bottles for $5. Tn tberecently published London post office directory the lainily1 of Smiths absorbs fifteen closely printed column*, and the family of Brown* eight cehmius. There exists in London a charity for poor Smiths, left upward of two centuries a«ro by an alderman of that name. He gave £1000 to cap­ tives held by M-urkish pirates, atd a similar sum for poor kinsmen. The poor kintmen a few years ago num­ bered between 400 and 500. Th* vnNe irf tho charity i»jiow a year. WEST McHEUEY. Invite the attention of the buying- public to an entirely new stock of DBY G003S, EOTIOIS, CLOTHING, GK OCERIES, Boots, Shoes Hats Caps, Grainte Rockingham and Glassware» \ Trunks, Hand Ba«?s and Valises, C. TI. Far^o'.s celebrated Boots and Shoes, cte. All grades Chick's Favorite Flour in stock. Every sa< k \v;u runted. The Iiiirhe«t price paid lor produce. All j^oods sold at one price and marked in plain figures. Thank­ ing our patrons for" past favors and hoping for a continuance of the same, we shall strive to please all who may give us a call, both iu quality and price of goods. BONSLETT, *• STOFFEL. •West. McHenry, 111., March U, 183*. Business! ̂ Busine^! WAWTKO.--Everr person having a business of any iluscri|>t ion far sale; or wsmlinsr li |wrt- n«r in any enteri>n»fi; or having money to invost in liusinfiSH of any kind ; or a farm "for sale or trade, or ilt'siriiiK to ixnvhase ;i fnrui; or having money to loan,or wanting to borrow money (on nin'vovod scrnritr); or who has i anything for sale,-or desire* to piifflwuearv- ' thlV;:, t-> v. O. ST Cl.AIU." • Duamuaa Jiroker, fpriugticid, III. Col. Rob't C. Ingersoll. [ „ Royal Glue Is always on his Desk. It has? 'great Conwuiruted Strength and vi-ry Keruark-r ahli> Qualities. Kvery Otlice. IIOMSI'IK.M aiulf Workshop will ilnd it Invaluable.--I'rimte iSec'y.m 4 «£"l,000,00GBott!es~3iia ? Flashirsg^j j j i j | | fcSno News !j> IK &iBY "TV# IpS^OGts.^ wmm '•" ? pa Ki ' I" "" m iLUtj K4.y:v1 ! Mi><nN !•**, tiling R.'li'l u'i ! II., • 1 a. A.lui.iunl ! |»H «••<«•<!I I tr>>iij{.-.Ht, TI M I K IIMM imiU Mnat Klmtic (IL'IO <MI llirtlil .{.l.'.iilit'.vi.y f.'ii- >«ti J l i iaC'iii ultli '!! Kit I«K! N•« L*n- i .- iration litiidy! - 4SWJ1J-- -M Ik « I w<t:.->a. i'Hlrlii'i on H'K>"S, Hnhlior, Cro'-kcrv. Hilliuril Cut> Tip.* «»>;; < "mt ii.'Orn::- mi'uts, Millie, t'llflll,«:>o. jewelry, Hook ISack.s,uiul Kvcryiiiin^ KisfgwUti l'.V(:riu.stiii« InnppnrnblcTt'nvit v !! ;?.<«<•. V,.itt If-1 Brush and Tin t.'ovori, Mailed 30c. sold by l>i-uK!fiit«. .statKitiers, Hard­ ware, Variety and Ueiierul Stores. Wholesaln Traveling Ajri-nts ltai\toil in every City and t onnty. N! U Ask your Dealer for a Free Sample Vial of " Rojal W'e fiend V»al» to Retail Dealersonly. ilj.u Jrwv MuUim] only hv the Mjuuifaotuivnj .O'MEflftA&CO.v.'i'hw;.. V« VVV WW WV V VV9VVV n.D.O. | REPORT OF THE O O I V D I T I O N --OF -- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK * At Woodstock, Illinois, -AT- Close of Business Marv7* '84. RKSOI'UCBS r<onn»an<i discounts Ovent rafts { U. s. lionds to secure circulation... IT. S. lionds on Inind Due from approved reserve it seats. Due from ol her Nal ional I'jMiks.... Heal estate, furniture nnd llxtnres. Ourient expenses >nd tuxes |Uiiil.,.. fhecUs and other rash itev:»B...... ISillH of other banks Kre.'l cur. nickels & tienities Specie T,ojral tendernotes Redemption fund with U. S. Treas- tirer (5 per cent of circulation) *181, tci r>6 •2H»i Bfl.OIKI (KJ 1.coo (M) 42 .57M . 'W 1! , («(() :17 ..'inn fO l.ojo :i9 4S 45 4 ,21!1 00 ' . 'I S!> 13,«.T0 ()5 ,000 00 2, ISO 00 Total..... 9317.111 00 " MAnibiriBij .. Capital ktoek pita in .• BO.tNWOO Snvphli fund..:.. S.flOO 00 U n d i v i d e d p r o f i t * . 4, » C >0 4!) National Hank Notes outstunllni?... 4.1,000 n« Individual deposits snbjcct to check 207,7i7 01 DemaiiU Certilica tea of deposit 1,724 Ml Total <817,111 60 STATE OP ILLINOIS ) >SS MCHKNKY POI'ST V, ) I, .John .J. Murphy, Oasliler of the aliove named Hank, do solemnly «woar that the above Rtatement is true to tho best of my knowledge and belief. ' JOHN J . Mtnmiv. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 14th day of March, l-Wt. w*. AVBRY, County Clerk, - Correct Attest K. A. Mt nrnr, . WM. II. stkwaht, JOHN J . MNINIV, Director®. Money to Loan Oil Real Estate, in Hums of $500 to $10,000. Time ainl payments to suit'borrower. JOHN J. MURIMIY. Having recently lilted up our 'J»L|!i"l' near tho bridge, we are prepare*I to turnish our •ftvis'-' ' ust-oinerti with SE^?reskaii Salt Meats, ^^8'. Of AM- KINDS, Sausage, Smoked Meats, &c., - AT TIIK-- Low<>it Living Prices. - We buy none but the best ot Mentf, and flalCer ourselves that we ,e,un offer ottrcus. totnern meats in better shape than any other nhop in this section. Thankful for punt favors we solicit aeon- linuHiiseof the same, and wo will guarantee to satisfy you l»th in ijnalitv and price. * A- M FRETT. McUenry, 111., March 17tb, 1884, WAUC0OT4 ILL., Would »nnounce that they bnrfe rented the store formerly occupied by Robert Harrison and are receiving an Entirely New Stock ef 7- y.TV?' rr-vr'^r^ ip HEABQUARTEftS FOH Boots and Shoes, Hats aid Caps, Crockery, Glasswara,; FAINTS, OILS, VARNISH. Wall Paper, Shades, etc* . All to be sold for READY PAY, at prices as low as can be found in Lake County, Produce af a! Kinds, Bought for cash or takon in ex­ change for goods. A full line of i. . Meletatei Selz Boots & Shoes, Oil hand at all times. (Jail and examine woods and prices be­ fore purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined not to be under­ sold. PRICE BROS. WAUCONDA ILL Eggs! Eggs! Full Blood Eggs for Hatching. The underMgned will furnish Bjcsrs from J'ure Bred Fowla'at the followrlny Prices: niftok Leghorns $1.50 for 13 Eggs Brown " l.iH) for 13. Egg* Wl.ite '• l.WI for 13 Eg-s for 13 Black .Inrne 2 00 f©r 13 Etf«s» I-itftit llrahma* 2 00 for 13 Ksrjff < M>l<lei! Spnn^M !*oli»|i 2 00 for 13 Etf^s Black Tartar (tamos.. *2.SO for 13 Egx* l 'lytnonth Rocks....•». l.»0 for 13 Egg* 1'ekln l>uck« ..1.00 for 9 Eggs The ibivo uro Pricos for K g z s I)cll?ered at my pUco. C- W. P^ATT, WAUCO.NDA, ILL. Waticondu. Ill,, Earch tth, lrtdi, F. B. HAEHISOU'S DEATH WOULD NATURALLY CAUSE CHANGS IN TIIE Wauconda Drag Store AKD BOOK HAUNT. A change in tlie ownership of the rirug store has actually occurred, but Dir. Harrison still lives, ami, in fact, is in unusually jjooil UeaHh. Tho fiiimc comlition nt*ufTuii-s happily exists at the \V. L>. S. A 15, II, It lives as usual, only r*ther more so. I shall aim to the same tftueral Une,of Dnji(8, Uooka, Sta­ tionery, etc., HI formerly, to keep the heat of everything:, *n<l to give a Pqu-MC, honest deal flvary tiuio, 1 shall gradually increase the stork an»l shall be gfl.vl t<i iupplv uny articlc in m j lino winch 1 may not have*at the time, but which uiy cu^tomera iiiay desire, I have Just purchased a good varioly ©f xirat-clats Shears, Scissors and Pocket Cutlery. I guarantee Mtisfantion in those noiliand invite examination, j bare aluo gone into v WALL PAPER, I bell^re T shall be able to »h«tr the best and }!ror»tc»t vnriety in town (invite cem. pariAnti nn'l a share of the trails, Al*o No. 2 is a a stork of Ratter Effgf Pyes, ami a new stork of Dolls, Doll Hearts, Scrap Book*, Vrrap I ' irti ivos, Howard of Merit Oar<1s and Birthday ( 'anls that arc slmpl.t elegant. I have «nornge<l the services of Mr. Lee An- ilruss, ami bv close attention to business and the want* of1 the community, I hope to receiv* a generous share of your patronage (luring the c«mi,i(f yeav. Trusting the citizens of Wauconda will call and so® the improvements we are making, ami w.ixhinp thorn all (inclmllnpr the subscrib­ er) a | I'osperous aiason, I remain. Yours truly, JOHN HUMPHREY. VTauconda, 111., Haroh SOtta, 1884. Annual Town Meeting. "VroflCK is herehv given to the citizens, l i Legal Voters of the Town of McHenry •end .Slate ot IIlinois, that tho Annual Town Meeting for; suiii Town, will be held at the Council I too in in faid Town, on Tuesday, the 1st day of April next, being| tho fina Tuesday in said month, for the purposes following, vie.: KIKST. -- To chooso a Moderator to piesiile at said meetitg. SKro\l>.--To elect One Sunervisor (who shall bo Overseor of the I 'oor;, One Town dork, One Assessor, One Collector, One Commii-sionei ' of Highways, and as many I 'm.mi Masters as the Electors may deter­ mine. THIRD.--To vote upon the proposition to pay in labor the District laher and properly road tax iu said town, pursuant to a petition duly llled with the Town Clerk, signed by twenty-live legal voters of said town. And'to act u.pen any additional subjects which mav, in pursuance of law, come before said meeting when oonvtMied. Which mooting will bit called toorder he-" tween ' ho lioiirs of eigl-1 and nino o'clock in' tho fQi-enuou, and kept opoji until seven o'clock iu the afternoon, <;iv«» under my hand, at McHenry, this 10th day of M.u'oli , D. t Wdl. t. C. May w, TewnCterk. t Owr stock fine* t line of pomptote i* . V! r •• t . Wt hare tfce -CLOTHIN#-.. To bo found any w hare*. Our stock • \ " pANJsOT BE EQUALED. NEW DRESS GOODS, BLACK SILKS, SUUliSB SILSS, VSLV1TS W IN ORE4T TAR1KTT. Choice Family Groceries, PERRY it. OWEN. McHenry, 111., Mwh 17, 1884. fv v • BARGAINS Are lading on the shelves and coDutora at Fitzsimmons & Evanson ^ - " . * •' ' ̂ _ .• To which Wie attention of cash buyeri Is invited. 1 Cash bays: Good Unhloiifhcd Sheetiiijtr, A eenta. •* Hleachcd 8he«itinv!j, 7 cfnts,' 14 Prints, 5 vt nts. ** Ginirhiiins, H cents, ' Tu'kiiiir, 8 1-2 rents, . -•••'Denims, 18 cents, . **'• Bleached i able Linen,; 52 ceuts. w Tea, (j pound* for $1. V ** JSugai, l(i pounds for $1. 4( Canned Fruits. 9 cents. In fact,-anythii:^ the OUKII buyer, having the easli and willing to pay tho cash, wants cash quotations. It would be almost safe to call in, as we aim to buy and sell for cash, and no concern in the county is better A lepured to s:ive tho casU#buyei« a batter deal th^u FITZSIMMONS & EVANSON, At the West End. t^"UUriKR AND EGGS WANTED. Cloii Out Winter Clotii GREAT BARGAINS ! For Ten Days Only. We wish to reduce Stock of Winter Clothing before putting in our new Spring Goods. We have a few Overcoats we wish to CIOM out and will make it worth your while to purchase NOW. Also * line of Childrens Suits, ages front 4 to 7 years. ^These are Bargains worth your inspections. ' * Mens', Boys nnd Youths Broken Suits, all of which will be oP« f ed to induce you to purchase. Remember these are all Bargains. MAYES «Sk MctlKXRY, ILL., FKB 27th. 1884. I B L E Y * 'FOR ALL CLIMATES, A LL P LANTS. R OR ALL COILS, All fested for vitality, and in G ndensfor puritv and, value. LOW PRICES, Siblpy'a Prid® of the North Com, rijM-ned in oxtrrme K.Tnh in '82 and '83. Siblef's Imperial Barley, virlded ut rate OF 236 bush, par acre. Dakota Red Potato, best of 125 varieties; ROT I-KOOF, IILU'IHT RULING; yirld 725 b'ish. per acre.- Rochester Tomato, largest smooth, and earliest larKC Sort • cureless; h<"(t for mirkrt. First and Best Pea, c;irli.-st, most prodnrtiv : mntnr«: nniformlv: best for market, Sibley's Tested Oabba^e Seed are unexcelled. $1,000 IN PREMIUMS AT ALL FAIRS. SKND IDI; CATAI.fHU'K AND l'RICK 1.1ST of vcvtetaMe, flower and field wHu of all te«red valuable vnrt<-ties. Mail orders promptly filled, making a seed store >t home, J^OWBST PHICSS. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO., Rochester, N, Y.f Chicago, III. House and Barn for Sale or Rent. In the village of Ringwood. I IOUP® lias ten room.*, and ia In good repair. A (rood garden, well and cist«rn, in connection*, anil nil other necessary conveniences. Will be sold reason-, able or rented to a raspoiuible party Inquire •( WESI.BR I.ADD. Jtingwcxxl, Jan. Slst li«*4. 3m Terry & Owen have mens fine shots foi #3 that beau bhoiu all. Both Combination and Platform Wagons at K. M. Owen A Sou's, of tho best make. •» Wood for Sale. Good Pry Wood for sale by. F.A, HBBAHD Please remember that our stock in everv department is very oamplete and that our prices are always thf lowest that can be made. We will no| he undersold by any housti in McBeurjf -«vA,

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