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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Apr 1884, p. 1

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• V ~ 'jrr-^v -- ••-'i'V r'TTTW' ;\'w .'* ;• . . . . sfrasaw ty^j^2 £' rXh-{ aV-4 IfU®' i-to* ft. ,v r/iy. #S -?«, aia Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and l,aw; No Favors Win u* and no Fear Shall Awe," VOL. 9. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 2, 1884. evj <piftia2eal«r. j* Published Kv*xy Wednesdav bT :^r. SLYKE, BDITOK ANP PUBLISHER. ..... s Office fn Bishop's Blo<^k, srOrFOSIT* P««»T * QWEK'S.-- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPT!©*. • TIM (»n A«rva«e.e) Not Paid within Three Month* ... 4.00 tu hftcriptions reieeivol for three 9\e six 4»nths in the same '» " Bates ol Advertising. aanonnce liberal rates for advertising n the PL*fNi)KAi,fcR, and endeavor to state ikeoi •• plainly Ihatther will be readily on- perstoed. fhey are as follows: iTncb ene vear - • • . . . 5 00 Inche* one vear •• • . - • • WOO ' t fnp.he»*ne rear - - - • 1S W> If Telum* one'rear . woo If Oainran one yeat- - - 0000 $ Ctlnmo *n« year - - - - 10000 /One inch mean* the n»aa»nrement of one te<*h dawn the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the abore rates, have .J§e privilege of c'lanpine as ;oft^n asj they .jjpoose, without extra rharire.' *eiculi»r advertisers (meanint: those having •ta^fliiij cards) will he.entitled ^insertion ef local notices at the rate of 5 rent* per line each week. All others will b« ch.-irgod 10 Mat* per tine the drat weak, and 5 cent? per lip* fer each subsequent week. -.- .Transient advertisements will be charjrod ; ftt the rate of 1ft cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as thia is «et in) the first Issue, and Scents per line for subsequent issue*. Th'"«, an Inch advertisement will cost • 1.00 f#r OTie •reek, $1.(9 for twe weeks, *2.00 for three |Veeks, and *o on. The Pr.AiNniULKit will be liberal In (riving fjgtltertnl notices, but, a* a business rule, it flill require a auitable fee from everybody peeking the use of it* columns for pecuniary jpla. BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN, M. D. PHTSICIAX inn SUUGEOy. . Offlee over the Pest Office, opposite Perry ftjlfartln • ttere upstairs, McHenry, 111. J. H. SOOTH ILL, If. D. >HT*TOT A\T AND SUKuEON. Cfllce eppo- •it/^peel Office, King-wood, III. o. n. r£<;«R, M, D- I»HTSICtAH AND SURiJEOV. McHenry, III*. Offlee at Resilience, on the Corner, ppesite l?l»Lo's Furniture Store. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. #»WTSTCTA* AND SURGEON. Offlee at W «*r re«l*eace, opposite M. E. Church, Helleary. III. J.ON.T RKCEIVKD FOR INVKVTMRXT 1 and loaned on mortgage *ecurity at cur­at rate*, without charge to tlie lender, ira* lea** nade at aix per sent. J. W. KAXSTEAD, f «. • J aud 1 Borden Ulock, r.l{ii), Ill. J. 4. KRS, flmloon find Kentaurant, §9 B&SRMENT of Kuhnerf* Store, John*. I harfh, Til- The choicest brand* of Wine*. il«B*r*#ad Ci*»r* alvra's i^unfl. Call P*< **» me. .. 1MIATT MOlTS». IT A. PRATT, Proprietor First elas* ae- P •••aoioflution*. In connection ^aaeond*. III. HARH1AN BRO% fMC AS Mannfactiirers, UcIIenry, 111. Or \j d*r* aoliciied. Shop, t.i OH Mcllenry, XKeiter Block, two door* we*t of PLAIif- &ALSE Offlee. . jKICIlAKp COMPT<<«. JOtTlCK.ef tl»e Pcxceand Conveyancer.-- Will attend i»ro nptlv to the collection of takta. Velo, Lake County, 111. E. U. OWEN niVIIAT/ Dealer and Vanufaattifers It AC Bt • I.eMimr Farm Machinery.-- . ,»ri«e* lew *d term* favorable. Mt Henry, !»'• » MAEOTJS' CER^iA^ EVIanufactured by V . MARCUS, --DEALER IN-- PURE WINES, LIQUOaS AND CIGARS. Woodstock fit. /The best Tonic in t he world. f inland guart Bottles. Put up la F. MARCUS, Patentee. «>eof logs, he (rirjef hi* .,£ Iiifc looif experience in ^_1(? adjustment, as alwaysJsaued fijllpol ft ; in UP nan or me ui«t ueiiauie, r jof Hai tfonl, Connecticut, I tak.c great Sure in returning; the thanks »>t' the or to Mrs. L. 1). Kelly for he.r yromytness J BUSYNESS CARDS. MART G. BARBIA.N. HAIR WORKER, AH ku.d* of Hair Work done in Br*t class *tfle and at reasonable prices. Rooms at residence, north- eaat corner of*Public Square, UcHenry, 111. C. GREEN. / ;» RETEUINAKY - SURGEON, • Bicfomond, }Uinoi« JESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNET AT LAW. Law bnelftert in Every part of the State receives prompt attention. Room 24. 99 Washington St., Chi­ cago, III. DIE, C. tt. WILLIAMS. DENTIST, Residence Dundee. Will bo at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th and 26th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday. JOHN RLEIFGEN. HOTTSE Painter, Grainer, Calciminer and Paper Hanjrer. Resilience one Block We*t of Riverside House. Work attended to promply and on'reasunable term*. ' V Horsemen, attention ! *11 lovers of fine Horses are respectfully invited to call at my farm, half a mile west of McHenrv, on the Woodstock road, and see mjr line Mgrgan ami Draft Horses. I have a Perchevon Norman Draft Colt that ia hard to beat. Call and see him. 49~N? business done on Sunday. S. S. COLBT. McHenry, May 1st, 1883. c . » . c u m n , UCTII1IIEE1, Richmond* Illinois. Sales of fehtqck, Farminar Tools and Goods ot all kim s attended to on the most Reasonable Terms and satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office address, > RICHMOND, ILL. WWill attend pajes and furnish printing and advertising as chcnpftqcan be procurod •Is*where in the county. E0S1BT C. BS3HETT, ltBEEDKll OF- TWELVE REASONS, FOR INSURING Wi lli ^sa W. Smith, Ol iWoodstoek, 111. 1. Because he is endorseil by leading bur tnes* n>,en and the pre**, «tpd partieu arly where best known. . , 2. Recaus« his is the oldest agency In the conntv. 3. ftec^iusc he represents the ljesjt Jineof ompanics of anv agency in the county. 4. Because. \fi ith one exception, he reijre- yents the oldest companies in the United States. 6. Recaviae. i n patrons the be ' jeciu ing an e<) 0. Because' Idea. 7. Because he ̂ ays losses on farm property ^jy lightning, whether Are ensues or not. t, 8. IJecftuse he insures live /stock ahywhero against lightning. 9. Because he" insures against tornadpes, eyclone? and wind storm*. . Hecause you can thus gave yourselvea from disaster for a mere trifle. II. Because you will find him equally as ictive to aid you in getting you? moot;.' after os8 as to secure your patrouage' for hi* com- jpauies. r li Because any one of the ^bovc reasons can be fully verified by calling011 fc. A. Mnr. 'phv, K. Sessions, J. Wl Miller, Irouj their own Experience, and on the entire cirele ot his kcquainta.nces from observation. r In be half of tlie Old Reliable, tbe Phosnix, take great nleas- 0111 pan y and un­ usual presence of"mind in extinguishing a lire jatlier residecce, kindle<l from i,be luirni&g ot E. A. Murphy's residence on tlie morning of the Wth i'nst. as by her individual effort, 'property was saved "on .which the company •*»•»»*» <"*«»• ABA V. SMTH. < The Fri«« Acorn, Black Acorn and 7„»yal A*»rn Cook Stoves. lias HQ su­ perior. At E. M. opposite ^iidUo^« M)ll. FOWLS, KIOH3IOND, ILL, (FfJtBf? I'BKMIl'M 4T MCllMfRT COUNT T VAIRO Mv fowl* are of the celebrated DITKK OK YOliK striiu, r««narkabl* for tl»'«ir great size and laying qualitie*. I can show a trio of la*t season's chick* weighing 31 pounds Cgg*. uer setting'if thirteen. tl..W, delivered 10 purchaser in Richmond, Shipped, necurely packed, $3.00L llORERT C. ftEMIETT. W M . H C O W L I N ({•iCOKSSOR TO #1. »f. OMJTllIKIt] H; S. F AR CLAIM SOLICITOR mD ATTORNEY. ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. Prosecute* pension or any <Hh»r claim* against the gor^rnment, relating to the late,, or former wai*. Cumplicated cases and re­ jected claim* made a ape/ialtr. If atarap* are enclosed for reply, all i.communvc&AiQMf will be promptly answered. Offlo# at Baiidenoa, K APIS Oil WOQDSTOCKiILL. Reference* by permission acter, business aui"" as regard* char- •ter, business ability, rcliabilitr, 4c., Ac : Geit. John A. l-ogari, tJ. 8. Senator, Oliicag., Illinois. - * lien. .1. O. Smith, State Treasurer of Illinois. Hon. R Eliwood,M.C. 6th 111. Disl., Syc­ amore, 111. Hon. John C. Shoi'win. ex-lf. C. 6th III. Dist., Aurora, 111 Hon. A. M. Jones, U. S. Marshal, Chicago, l|l Col. .las. A. weston. Pre*. Union Veterata Club. Chicago, HI. .Ie» se A. Baldwin, AM't U. 8. Attorney, Chi­ cago, III. Messrs. Self., Schwab Jt Co., Wholesale Hoot and Shoe Dealers. Chicago, 111. Also hundred# of county and home referen­ ces. O, W. OWEN, -DEALER IN- Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware etc. T keep in !«Hock the celebrated Springfield Watch, which is pronounced by all to be the beat watch now on the market. Will not be Undersold* On any good* in my line. McHenry, Feb. 90,1H3. O. FLT. QWKN. CONTINENTAL HOOF OINTMENT, CURES Cracked Hoo% Sprain;, scratches and sores^ IN HOdSES, CATTLE & SHEEP. / gfc your Storekeeper for it or write -di* set to the Manufacturer*. - AMEBIC AK LDlUClTIIfi OIL <|Oi. CLEVELAND "r. - QH1Q. FQR SALE /y tycUENRY BY ii Hi NO. 3T, to*. ASA VT. SMITH, ATTORKF.Y AT T.AW and tellcitor in ChapcjiKy.--Woodstock, III. S. F. BENNETT, M. D. IIYSICTAN AND SUUU EON. Alao.United States Examining Surgeon. Richmond, Illinois. A. S. CM I I DS, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUR. GBON, West MoHcnrr, I1J. Call* promptly attended to, day or night. • I>. II. TOMBAUGH, M. D., Pirr'ICIAN AND SlTlttJEOV. Special at­tention given to Obstetrics ami the di­ seases peculiar to women, Office HI Bcslflf** Drug Store. Residence, three doors west of M. E. Church, McHenry, 111. ' V ii DR. C. ft. WKI.LS. PHYSICtAN AND SURGEON, l.akt Co., III. Ail calls ed, day or night. Office ou: Barker's harness tliop. Wauconda, attcna hib St., east of * • , : II. K. JOHNSON A CO., SOI.tcrTOR"* of TaUhts, I<XK :3f. W Washington, I<. C. ' REFfiitKNOEs.--Hon. J. A. t,ogan, Hon. W. R. Allison, Hon. D. C. Smith, Pekin, M. E'. Stone, editor Chic.igo .VetM, Farmer's Jievieir, Chicago. Send for inalruceion*. JOSEPH N. FREUND. SAIiOON AND RET A IT It ANT Bon»lctf* old ^U^nd, onposite Bishop's Mill. Mc- llenrv. 111. The c mice^t Wines, Llqv.or* Fresh and Sigars to be found in the county. Oysters in their season served up in aliape desiud or for sale by the Can. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. any ANTON Y EN GEI • N, SAT.OON and Ifc-siituvant, Buck's oid stand Mcllenrv. 111.--The ("iioicest Kentucky Whiskies, «our Mssr», Wines, Cigars, etc., alwav* 011 linnd . We bnv none but the best, and sell at Reasonable Prices. Fresh Oy*ter* in their season. A. rw. CHURCH, Watchnmltcr a it<l Jowpler "VTO- W. STATE ST., Chicago, III. Special £N iittention^iyen to repairing Fine watch e« and Ciirononu ter». Knll 'Assortment of Goods in his line fJichmond House, RIOHMOMO. ILL C. 5. CULVER,. - - PROPRIETOR. HAVING recently purchafed the a'>oy« House. 1 have r»ut it in thorough repair, with new'fnrnitue throughort, ami would respectful!* invite the p-nronage ot the trnv- eling public and.other*. The tables will al- wavs l>e provided the best that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiter* will be in readiness at all time* to attend to th« wants of sruesis. No puns will be spared to make this a First Class llons,e. l.argo and coin moil ions bam* DW the premiaes. free Omnibus to and from all trains. Sample Rooms on *flr*t floor. £. Engeln, SejdqMgwa. -AT. SO- CSMSRftU tv?ES?CHAf)T, AllJ l)c:.lor ID Al! ICtuds of O R O C E K I E S , Farm tinnlware, Pocket Outlevy-, Sporting Fi^hin,^ Tncklo G n u M a t e r i a l , M u s i c a l I n s t r u - meuts, Tol>accof Cigars, etc., etc. Near Kivor HiWgo, Me- Ueury, 1U,> TT. E. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First clnss rigs, with or without driver* furnished at reasonable ratee. Teaming ot all kinds done 011 short notice. J. P. SIV21TH, WATCHMAKER i JEWELER, McHenry, - Illinoi«. Hatingtsoved into 111 v- new stc>re, «»e door East »t Mrs .Searles' Millinery Store, I am now prepared to >how to the buying public a* line.a stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, As can be found in the county, which 1 offer at prices that cannot be beat. The finest line finger bi^gs Erer seen in this sect-ien. Also Agent for the Pepnlar Sew Some Sewing Machine A Fine Stock of Choice Confectionery, Ancl Cigars, Always on hand. WCall in, examine goods and loarn prices. Kcmeinbcr 1• WI" undersold, quality of goods considered. J. P. SMITH, McH«ary, III., Nsv. 27th, 1S83. WASHINQTON, D. C. T))e uojuilur i»a)ar.e hotel <>» K^itionai Capifcul. acocwilu# to all tlie str^Qt ca^r Jines of tlie city* Open all the year. _ OtG. STAPLES, PROPRIETOR. Late of the Thousand Island XI»use. We now are closing out a lot of caps at 25 to ceuts eo the aoilar. flenry Clolby, -'*• E. C. 8MITH, BOOT and SHOEMAKER, •a* . In Keller's Block, Three Doors Weat ot Rlrereidi House, MoIIonrjr, «• Illinois Bargains in Boots aiwfllrtfea, for Cash. Odd and Peculiar always on hand tor those Whe hnre disproportions feet. Slaughtering prices for dash. Ladies and Gents FINE BOOTS & SHOES A Specialty. Repairing promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed, :E. G. 8MITH* McHenry, 111., March 1, ,1284. Alionpii, III, UEALSiU tH Hardwaie, Stores, Tinware, Lumibcr, ShiifglM, X~atli* Fence Posts Coa! etc In short, we keep everything in tihe above mentioned lines, Which we are offe ingto the buy­ ing public us cheap as any other house iu this section.. On II and Ne« us. JOBBING & REPAIRING TROMl'TLT ATt«NDEI> TO. . HELM Algonquin, Feb. 18^1884, HEADQUARTERS ---FOB*-!*". : jf: -: th AiyJ all ltindj of yql:ic.lp*, J, W. CR! MOILSY'8 Uinjjwood, I1U 1 IJSTJU not BO unilorsoM, itiaterUl wild Workmanship considered. General Dlacksmithing, And Kcpairinp of aM Kinds, in both Wood i^nd lion. Yirst class workmen employed and Satisfaclion Guarantsel . J. W. GR1A10L3Y, Riafwood, March 111'^, 1S84. infants ancr Children What pives out Children rosy cheeks. What cures th^ir fevers, makes them sleep; T»«t«r^ When Bablfis frsi. and err bv turus. What cures tlwir colic, kills their worms. Castpriis. Wbat quickly cures r«ostlpotioh. " Maiu Stomacji, Colds. Iudiget^-ion : CMtorls. Farewell then to Morphine Syrups, . Oastor Oil and tartaric, and Hall Ciwtnrls. >«C»atori» is 10 well adapted to Children that I rocouamond it as superior to any medi­ cine known to me."--H. A. ABCHEB, M.D., 111 So. Oxford St.. Brooklyn, N. Y- Esmoi IHMDIT An absolute our* for Rheu- siatim, Sprains. Paii» in the Baclc. Bums, Galls, &o. An in- atantonooua Pain~ reliever. THE lLLlXOH UOVKUSOlilHIK. j SutRiNGPtELD, I II . , M«rch 26.--Gov­ ernor Hamilton l ias written the fel low- ingjjet |er . , withdrawing from the rs^ce for t l ie Guberi i i t torial nomination In thi* State: To TflK RrPDBMCANS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS: Soin« t ime ago I announ­ ced my*ell as a cii in l i*late for Governor ef DHnoia. subject te the decision of the nvxt l ieptibl ican State Convention. The party, with great niianimy. nomin­ ated me lor Lieutenant Governor four years ago, and «looted me by a large majori ty. , A l i t t le over a year age poveruor Cii l lo(i i *fas elected to th« United States Senate ami resigned the btt icc of Governor, In obedience lo the ri innrfates of the Consti tut ion, 1 t»«k the oath of otf loe and succeeded him. 1 huve endeavored to d 'echurge the grave duties of t l ie office fal i l i (nl ly and con­ scientiously ever since. Under thene circumstances I [thought in Justics I ought to have one full term iu the office unless the people were able to Hud fome grave fault with my Administra­ t ion. i st i l l think so. But whatever may bo the cause. I am aaliff l-d of the fact„that 11 i ts sentimeel of l ie publicans i.- , |u favor of ; the nomination of ex- Governor Kicliard J . Oglesby. 1 am ^ot disposed to^flnd fault with or try to thwart this evident wish ot the peo­ ple. 1 have hold several important offices-which, in 'every instance came to me as the strongly-expressed will of the people, both in t l ie l ie publican Convention and at the polU. 1 never wish lo hold an office received^in any other manner; 50 that^if I were able to defeat this desire of the l tepublicans of I l l inois, ] would not wish to do i t . Therefore, I have Uetr .rmiuedguot to antagonize or stand out against the sentiment in favor of t l ie nomination ef {ex-Governor Oglesby. and fer that reason I most respectfully withdraw my name from further consideration for that office. 1 do tl i is^ of my own wish anil desire, and with no i l l-wil l toward the party or the people. 1 have been a l ife long Republican. [Jfy f lrst , last and every v^te ha* beefl1 an nn- ••scratched Republican ballot . I gi to my allcgistuca to thai party because 1 love i ts history anil i ts principles. lovitUy- 'at . r i devotion (o i t do not It) any degree depend upon mv holding office. "1 shall be is prompt to fight iu I ts ranks for victory l |ereaj ' tef as I have ever been heretofore. *H4ieti the Statf and N at ioual Republican Conventions have maJe their nominations 1 shall l i iost cheerfully lend whatever aid I am able to secure the party success In both State and Nation, and 1 tlr if l lv |>eljnye 7* >vil l win a victory in both In the coming campaign. I ht tvo no wish or ambit ion to subserve hence­ forth but to see the country happv and prosperous, and the interests of ai l t l ie people In n»y beloved State carefully guarded. iu conclusion, 1 wjsh to moat earnest* |j' and warftily ejfpress it|V rHanks to my devoted fr iends al l over the State, who. under udver-e circu i is tancs. Iiavi ' be in 11 p : :swcrving in their ai tucliment nml loyally to me, 1 shall remember tbyur ti lw.»i .v* . wiih g '»at afleciioi i and pleasure. I am, very respectfullv. JOHN M. HAMILTOV, KCINKU BV llOfJl'S HUm'lt, L. L. D. ^ The other day as the school-superin­ tendent tat at his ch*vk, laboring at the uinp of Africa, his office doer suddenly flew open with a bang, and a l i t t le fat man with a nose l ike a trumpet.beunced into the rooip ; squatting himself down en a stool he thus addressed the atnaaed child ef knowledge: ' 'Mr. Superintendent, my name is Silas Amazon. I am here merely to ask your opinion on a weighty subject; In other words I wish to Interview you. 1 represent the Daily Polecat. Will you oblige me?" vCertainly, '1 blnu-l ly replied the de­ l ighted prophet , "ask me anything you wish and I wil l givo you t l ie correct answer, so help me Isaacs!" vVery well ,* ' began Mr. Amazon, "are you of the ppfniou that tho duty on oleomargarine will be increased at the next fr i t t ing of Congress? I t is a ques­ t ion of vi tal importance I desire to have answered/ ' "No. ca:i ? t nay I do," replied the superintendent in a thoughtful tone. "You see there are so many bene fac­ tories in the country that i t would be felly, yea madness, to Import it from a foreign land. Such is my correct opin­ ion, s ir ; abide by i t !" Tlie l i t t le man l if ted |ip hif teeth and wept, and drawing a bott le of ben­ zine from his pocket l ie drank deeply. Then raising his s treaming eyes he shrieked hoarsely, "Then I am ruined, ruined forever more!" and fel l swoon­ ing into the cotl scutt le* upon which t l ie demoniac superintendent rushed forward and thrust the quivering vic­ t im into the raging stove. ATTENTION. SOLDIERS, SAILORS AND •INVENTORS. ». B. Cl'BMRNTS. 8. B, TURPIN. CLEMENTS A TURPIN, ATOE^ETS AUD COUNSELOR!^ tVasliJjigton. D. C. P.O. Box 439. All businoss !)e(feg0"*• ..J##. promptly attended vrt. Special attrition paid to Pensions, Bounty, Back fe»v, Fatc'nt p.ftU Land Claims. 'Under lute liberal Iftw^ thousands of pen­ sioners are etuiflfcd t» an increase. New discharge* obliged where theorlgioajs liaro been lost, All communications promptly answered and lousiness promptly attended to. 'Die Cortland side-bar Top Buggy is l ight and fine, and is the most durable buggy made. Can always w« ti«?«i at E. Si. & Son's. B^-In an art icle on "Presidential Timber," Prof. Swing discusses some of the men most often mentioned by both political parties. Of Illinois' favori te son, he says: "Cen. I 'Ogan has force, courage, po|- i t ica! wisdem and integri ty. He has been true to the Nation and his cordial disl ike lo the pardon of . Porter com­ mends him to millions whose memories of the dark days along the Potomap cannot be corrected by whitewash when poli t icians held the brush pnd stand by the bucket. Logan's reyjew ef Porter was ft proof th^t there is a patr iot ism which can lass more t fyan twenty years," Bucklin's Arnica Salve* The best , salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Svlt l thenme, Fev.»r Sores. Tetter . Ohaped Hands, OhHblains, Corns. *nd all Skin Erup­ tions. and positively cure Plies, or 110 pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refun­ ded. Price 25 cents pev box. For Sal^ by Henry Colby. lib whole leaf Jap Tea for 25 rents wr SlLa for $!. at Buu«jleU,SlefljsJ JtCo PROM SPRINOPIR14»t Fiem ear Eegular Cerrespondent. 3FKIFO»ielu4 ILL., MARCH 9S. The Sangamon county Republican county convention win held yesterday. The result if as: 4 delegation tq the State convention was |«lected unani­ mous for Oglesby for governor, and E). T. Littler for State Treasurer. The latter was favored With Instructions with a rising vote. J^on. Bluford Vfllson, erstwhile a "sentimental" "politician" bnt now a "practical" one, presented resolutions endorsing Gen <?otyi A. Logan for Pre­ sident, whic^ wefe carried by a Unani­ mous vote. The delegation selected are unanimous for Hon. If. X>. Demet} for Secretary of State, and Hon. S. P. Swig- ert for State Auditor. The delegation will be divided on Attorney General. McCartney's friends, however, claim a majority, 'pils delegation will pR- pose the placing of llop. David Davis at the head of the Illinois delegation to the National convention. Spring­ field politician favors Senator S. M. Cullom. They want a man who has through these years been a true blue Republican. Man who straddle the fence upon important public questions are net IN detcand. Gov. Hamilton presents a yery se­ rene front. He says: "Possibly I may be defeated, and If f do, you will find me doing M much work for republican success In Illinois as any man." MEMOKAL HAI.L, at the State House, was dedicated to­ day. Tl^e dedicatory address was de­ livered by Gov, Hamilton, and the historical address by Gen. I.H.Elliott. Tlie attendance was quite large. The hall is elegantly finished. The 910,000 appropriation made by the last Gen­ eral Assembly has been expended and the verdict of all who have visited the platie is to the eflect that It Is the most gorgeous Memoral Hall on oartb. Why Children Histt|d Kst lionay. Thousands and tens of thousands of children are dying all around us, who, becausp their ever>developing nature demands sweetness, crave apd eagerly demolish the adulterated "candles'* *nd "syrup" of modern timet. If these cotild be fed on honey Instead they would develop aud grow up Into healthy men an<) women. CHI]<lret| would rather eat bread and honey than bread and Gutter. One Pflund ef honey will reach a# far as twq pounds of bntter, and hat. besides the ftdya tage of being far more, healthy and pleasant-tutted, aod al ways remains good, while butter eoon becomes rancid and oftens produces cramp in the stomach, eruotatjons, sourness, vomiting and diarrhoea. Pure honey should always be freely used in every family. Honey eaten t;poo wheat bread is very beneficial to health, Tj}e use of honey Instead <*f sug*r In almost every kind of cookiqg is as pleasant fer the palate as It is betltby fer the stomach. In preparing black­ berry. raspberry gn strawberry Short­ cake It it infinitely Qiinerfor. It ie a common expression that honey I s a luxury, having nothing to do with the iife-giving principle. This is an error--txyiey is food in one of Its most concentrate)] forms. True, it does not add se much to tho growth of muscles as (Iftes beefsteak, but it do/i| Impart other properties no less necessary to health and vigorous physical and intel­ lectual action. Jt gives warmth to the system , arouses nervous energy, and gives vigor to all the vital functions. o the laborer it gives strength--to tlie brsiness man mental force. Its ef- fect^ »re not like ordinary stimulants, such ai spMtS. etc.. but produces a healthy action, tho results of which are pleasing and permanent--a MM#$ disposition and a bright intellect. ' R ASH ADVICE. One blowing day last week, when the sidewalks were slippery as glass, a' woman stood In front of a door on Clif­ ford street, and strewed some ashes from a pan she held on the icy walk. As she did so. the wind blew tlie coal- dust rather freely ojrer her, an^ a tuau going past said: "If you will turn your back to the wint} it will blow the ashes frpujf you instead of over you." The wpinan thanked hiqa with her eyep, out did net move. Indeed, she oould not without losing her baiauue aud the ashes both. "Let me show you,!' said tt)4 m«n klmll}'. as he removed a fur glove and grasped with a determined gpr the weli-filitid ash-pan. "You can throw them over the walk in this \jrav, and not be liable to put your ove$ out. It's as easy as rolling oil a Iqg." »nd he braced his baek against the wind *iul gave a generous flop to the#ajil{-.pan. The woman went into the house to get the ashes opt of her hair and eyes and recover her breath. When tht police had dusted the man ofl and identified h|m tl^ey took hit? home. Tlte only remark he made was: "You can't most always tell from agrhat quarter the wind will blew wl^en yoti| attempt to giro advice about emptying an ash-pan." FITS AH fi ts stopped free by Dr. Kl| i ' ib '8 Great Nerve Kestorer, Xo Mis after flrst day's use. Marvelous cur« > Treatise aud 92.00 tr ial bott le free to Fit cases, St., PUi|d„ to Dr. Kii.Me.93l Arch A Baltimore Komance. From the 5tw Y«i* Tribnne. The famous suit ef Ernault Wiliiamt agalmt his father, G, Hawkins WitJ- Iams.wt9 decided in favor of thf son, who thus recovers possession of hit for* tnne of $300,000 left to l»i:n by lilt grandfather, the late John S, Gittiugs, a millionaire banker Baltimore, an^l the head of the family Is a noted fancy stock raiser and politician. He wa« president of the last M^rylum} State Senate, anil the family is of recognize^ social prominence, as well as very rlch.- jt was understood-that G. Hawklna Williams' fortune of several milllona would descend to Ms son Ernanltw Yeung Ernault. who moved |n tho beat soplety, reached his majority June lt 1883; He then made known his lutein* tlon to marry Miss Mamie Hailitt, % young froman whoUy unknown to soc- iety. but whvse reputation could ttot l*e impugned. Tl»e proud old S£nat%r refused hfs content to what he deemed a misalliance, and the father and Mtt had a bitter quarrel. Young frUUatna appointed hia marriage day: the bride- elect secured her trosseau, and the ton left tlie paternal home at the ft§$hec*t request. lie visited the Senators law ofBqp; and while drunk, was iuducod to sign a deed of trust ef all hit property to hla< father, who agreed to givo him aif " annuity of $2,000. The father required him to write a note breaking off tho match with Misa Haziitt, and then tf le^ve Immediately f«»r Europe. Tlio»- fatlier sent his brother to New York, who placed Ern^ulv.Qii bqard a stealer bound for Antwerp, passage having been secured him iu advance. While pbroad, young Williams, who bad been told by his father that he was about to die, visited ail the German watering places, being accompanied by a cotretef who was engaged by his father. This courier intercepted all letUf* sent te Williams from America, exoep^ tlie»p of tlie Immediate family. De|* pite this surveilance. Miss Haziitt, who :,f had uot lost faith in her lover, succeed* || ed iu writing him that she did not give tip hope. Tlte letters to the young : man, from Senator Williams, stated that the broiler 0f Miss Haziitt, had r j sworn to kill her recalcitrant lover oil sight. When Krnaujt learnetl or ^(l{y| Haxlitt's loyalty from hec letter*. ^ y Hazii t t Iq tffpiuy-fpHt j iofir t . The drst intiu^tloH the %her i|a^ hit son was en thit tide of th<| AUanfjo was a notice of a tuit by Renault, ^o set aside the deed. The trial of thl| J case has been the gre*t social topic for Cj tb« past mouth. All ttio tacts hero stated were proven by wititessee (or tho plaintiff. Aud young Williams himself testified that vflul^ weakened **.:•. from fhe cflectf of a debauch, he had been bullied into carrying out hit father's wishes. The defense under- took to prove that Ernault Irad made ' the agreement |u o'jtder to escape fron^ the Hazlittf, wt|0 had designs on hit monoy. Tills was conclusively die- gg proved by tho plalnti|l, and Judgo ^ Fisher's -decision, setting afide tho deed, was uot |unespeuted. Ernaulf Williams Is a brethor'of tho Miss Will­ iams, who was to have married a llr. Herbert, the owner uf the Laket j^f Killarney. T|»lf iqarri^gp w^s broken ofi a few days before the time fixed for the wedding. " ^.ncky Joe Wil^u's Kacaj|e. " 1 A North Carolina paper say's: On^ of tlie most adroit escapes known li) criminal hjstpry WHS efleeted by Lucky Joe Wilson, the chief ef t g^ng uf des­ peradoes who have infested tt|ls State. Wilson was, after piany dghtt, caugh| ami sentenced to ton years In the peni­ tentiary. On Tuesday his counsel ob­ tained an appeal to tlie Supreme Cou^t. Early one muruii^ fj;e warden ot tl|^ jail entered liis ceil and fouml Luck^. Joe lylug en Ills mattress, which wa| covered witli blood, as was the prisoq- er's$h{rt ami moqth. eyes were wide open and staring, his jaWs fallen, and (lis limbs po]d. Help was sum­ moned, and the bpdy was carried frotu the pel) Jute outhouse, laid: out for burial, and placed In a plain cofHn. Tho qtether and sister of. Wiisou stood ttjr the eotfln and bewailed Ills untimely end. At dusk when every one had left the apartment, save his sister, she horrified "tosee the corpse rise trom ft||p coffin, put his l|itnds omniously to h{^ lips and bolt frem the room. screamed and fainted. The pise waf not discovered until an hour afterwac«| and Lucky Joe had succf edod in elhi)- iug all pursuit. A visit to the cell flawed' how art* fully the escape l)at( l^eeo plannod* WHsou had filled a ulilckeajtml satnr* !>te.l himself vith tho bloods* Tlion ripping open the mattress, he concealed tlie clficken in it. He had scraped in * lot of snow and ice from the cell win* dow, sjnd kept hii bauds >jud feet well frozen 411 it, and when l^e heard foot- ftept in the corrider he threw tho snqw into a bucket. Therefore, when the jailer entered, he foiu^ ̂ 'ilsou't feet »»d hands so <^il«| at t«)| leave doubt of his death. . IS • J|t your horse is lame or sore in qtf wa^, do not fail to call at lleury Colby^ aud get a box of Continental Hoof Ointment, lt is no experimeu$. It Ua| 'MI4tr>e^*ad--^ver J" *

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