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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1884, p. 1

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yf ledged but to Truth, to Liberty a irm fellSrXESS 0ABBS w**» m it*# • p****-;#V; teh*« ®r *Tj$adm*?mti ffce f«wQ» t'. •* .-•wo that • Wisi rnimtmmm Kates of Admtlsl^ nonece. liberal for *d veriisSn* *.ntnRAT,nii, aKf^HOfttov co state-. ij|jt*tnlv that tH«*Witlltt readily oik » Th«ysreasf|rt*^?.., - . _ !^WMW«,;.<t ,.•$**;• ;. ,».» - .A •<•?..; 5 «« «s- •5jgK - -»• •••••«• • 2S Sfif&Sgpf . • . • . ?;. " . wS the rtemnrSment of one nmn, single celomnw id th. Advertisers, nt the above ffttes, have |)«f« of o.hdnpiner a* .often as] they .'without extra charge.' .toC advertiser* (tWMntntr those lis vln* |i*it will be entitled t* insertion 0* notice* at the rate of r> cents per tin® '%***, Vtl others will be charged 10 Jjjpr '.in* the fl-«t wMk, and 5 cent* per l|tiKo!tch*ub*e<vient week. it advertisements will be e,bnrsre<l ktfl ef 1ft cents V* Ifne, (nonparnl first Is* n*. and - - >r sohseqnent. iSfHeg, Th-s, ft* iMhAdyertleement will for one week, iUM tar two weeks, tSjM for three rtfttiAMm will-be M»>er*l In elvlnsr foe*, hi) t, Ms A business rul«, it 6 suitable fee frn>vi evervbodv ns* of itsoolnmus for pecuniary mamt »; BXTOMAW. * f WOTtKKtl. All kit.ds of tfair hlflWt fh« Style . and at •g*'IBBWSe it'wiMwM, north- £»MfeS ftlikare. MeHeasj, lit. ' • * » : * . : • ' * C.,S.1aillE'K^ .^..7 V'i '. T SURGROXv BtohmoM, . • -1 'iiiii' Ji ijtff i i • j. JKS8E A. BA^jDWlji, AYTOKIUST AT LAV. bnelnesilhi Rveryoartof the State receives prompt attention. Boom 24, 99 Wasiuifston St., Chi­ cago, HI. ' Illinois i •as BUSINESS CARDS.«OWS,M.«. iHWOTAN AND StfTtGKOV. OWne over nfm, onwwite Perry ft!M*rtln'» Ifi'lkyiMi*,' -Meflenry, 111,. H. SOOTHILT/, M. D. PHTSIflAN AND snHtiEOS; >it Po«i Offce F'tosrwod II cfoiee :*fr& a.H. rtews. m, r»-rHTtlCiAN AND RtrttrtTiON, MeTTenry, Ilia. 0«ee at llebi<lan»e, on the Corner, Opposite «1»K*'« F«rniH|ra store. o. j. OTTAnn, w. o. fVtvfiTciA^ «*Tmorcav. t mr renHsnca, oppoaite M. Ifoninry. Til. M Offlee at E. ulinmhf UE^KtVKD FOR TWK^TM RXT' and l*ano<1 on mortsrncft security nt ciir-«t ratea, without c.h»r?e to the lender - «... ».*. .. .i« »«. »;*,v,TKrtt; 1 and t TSorden Jilock, IlT^ "J. J. MYRtt«, ftlooti «n<1 H^wtiturant, ifAtlCMKVT of Knhnevt'a Stora. Johna. in^fH,'Tll. The oh^icextbriiftde of Win<^«. *lw!t»» on f»U Mv f»wU aro.of t ami laying <iti;ilHit;.i. I can show rt trio of last .'-eason^s otiirks wei^tiins p'vm-ls. Rsg*, ^to'r sftttins->f thlrtse*. Sl.wi, itoliverod to purchaser in Itii'liMiond, »»iripp«*d, securely packed, • i. ROlibBT CfrBEMfiSTT. Hanclxiiona. •••nda. til. PRATT HOUS15. LTT, Proprietor Flr«t cla»« a«- Good Ham in oonnectiop BAKBIAN BROS. .fllfCI AK Manufacturers McMenvy.lll. Or- Cj-4l«ra aolicite*!. Shop, 11 oii Mr[Tenr*f akmSfli* Blonk, two doors west o! PI.AIW- OMae. r " L. ttlOIIAHO tJOMPTOM. jKaftHe Pe^ce^nd Oon^eyanoer,-- ttond uroinptly to th« coU»eti»tt »f Eflo, l-»We Couoly, 111. _ , p. ii. owKs KITCftAT^ Dealer and 'Mannfaatiirera UT UMt fi Loading Farn)- Maf.hinert.-- Priaaa to# #»4 term# favoraWa. McHenry, CERIMAN '§ Manufactured by XMARCUS, : s/i --OE'ALBR 1ST--.-4 . tUREWINES, LiaUORS AND CIGAR 15. iWoodatock til. i h» this world, ktiek. TWfiVE REASONS, tOR INSURING WTITH LbELf 1. Beonnse h« ?» endorsed by t^Rdloplnta* :^U»e8» men iurt Wto P«»e, and *r^F ' ffchere best known. . .. " W: -• ~--uae his '.«the olde«t agoney i& the ise he rcwreaealB thehe»t Una of •tea of wiv woney in the county. uae. with oue exception, he rOnre. oldest compaoiaa in Hie United '•'J*-** -*«se. In case 0 loss, lie *t*«s toli Ifitten AMttriAw . ^ he has always Uaued full pot- he tiays losses on «arm property whether Are ensues or not. um he insures live stock anywhere Sf insnres against tornadoes, windstorms " ' ' 3N»a can tnus gave yoArnelvea wra mei-e trifle. f.i „ ou will iiii'l him etjoaily a* _u in gettinjt yonr ioon*v after rjB you r patfooigc for his com*. of the Above reasons 4lWtgon E. 4- Mur* Jtottlrom their «wt» ~ circle ot his Pfctenix, 18- ny W^E VEJpA NO BR. C. E. JfXENTIST. Residence:^""'" **"' 1 * Mr.Henry, at Parker _ 25th *nd jfith of eosi'h inont... When dates occur Snturflay 6r Stindny I mske my visits on the follo^-lny Bffond**. I M at th 11th V;;JPH» KLEIFapsf.';.,,, TTOtTHtt • #j(latev. Grainer. Citjeimin^r and TX Papef/ltAjiiltcr. Itosidcnoe nn« Bloc.k West of RtvenMte House. Work attended to proWMyacd 01% reasonable terms. lllsam^n, Attentioii l <•> AK4*W#frs ot fine Horses are reapeotfully Intited t<f*»ll at my fnvm, half a mile west of Mcmotw, on the Woodstock road, and see mtr fne'>lfwSp»'n und F>r;tft Horses. I hare A Perehrron KOrinan Draft t)oIt that la hawl to beat. C:tll and see Mm. *f So business doneoa Snnday. ' N.8-CO^B¥, McHenry, May lit, $y, , v. -" • 1 Richmond, Illinois Sales of Stock, Farmin<? Tools: and Goods ot all kints utl ended to on the most Reasonable Terms, and satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office address, \ ' ^ RICHMOND, ILli. , »* **"Will attend safes and furnish printing and advertising as cheap as can l>e procured elsewhere in the :onnty. BQBSST C. BSJfHBTT, BREEDER OF FOWLS, KICHMONB, \V\» (FIRST PRJCMIOM *.T HCHprKY COUNTT »AJJUi VVM. M®OWLI^i fSDCCKSSOB TO ic X. CLOTH IKRl tf. S. WAR CLAIM SOLIClfSI AND ATTORNEY. ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC, Prosecutes penstox or any ether cl.mni agalndt the government, relating to the late, •r former wais. OnmplicatC'l cases and re­ jected claims made a specialty. If atainps are enclosed for reply, all gcoihmunioaUone, Will be promptly aiiMwered. ASA nr. siWtT'fi TORXKT at law and «eUcitor l» Oliaweery.--Wooiistocfc, III. 9. r. BBNS-aiT. ptlYSICTAK AXO-AURQKOW, Al(W»trnit«rt States Kxauciiiiiug Snryeon. Illinois. Itichmond, A. S. GUILDS M. D., Homeopathic pnvaroiAX awo GEOX, WMt McHenrv, Ml. CMII* promptly attended to, day omliht. DR. C. R. WELLS. PHRttUAX AND KtrftUKOJf, 1 J^ikfc Co., III. All calls promptly »tt«*»«» »St., east of ed, day or ni^ht. Office on Barker's harness shop. H. K. JOHNSOK *C0.i •CJOMOtTOR^ of T atairts, 1#5 * it.':" W .0 Washington, T). C, • wm- * "jM&rttKKVCK*.--Hon. J. A. Log*n;, Hon It- AHis"". Ilnn. r». O. ^vnith. I'ekln, " 'BiejiC, editor Ohic.ifjo jVew*. hXtrwfit'9 'Oliip. Send tov ins'.rneciouB. JOSEPH N. FRKtmiV SAT«0OS AXD RKT AITItAVT Ban# olrl stand, opposite B'.shop's Mill, Henry. 111. The c micest Wines, M> and jitrars to be found in the county, Orstera In their season, served 11 p in ahnpe desu^l or f«.r sale by the C*b. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. ANTONY ENGEI-N, '.OOX. And Restaurant, Buck's ojd stand McHeilrv. 111.--T!ie choicest Kentucky Whiskies, *our Mash, Wines, Oigara, etc,, alwavs on hand. We Imv none but the best, and sell nt Heasonabie Prices. Fresh Oyster* in their Season. A. W. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. ires STATE .ST., Chicago, TH. Spocial attcntnohirivcn trtrepalrihgFlne watch esand OhronoiV>cter». 4V.VEtill Assortment o| Goods in fete Uno Richmond Mouse, v" t c. sr. culver, *•: - F»oFRtEt%k HAVIWQ wjentir nnrnnifed th6 ahoye Itouse, f have put It In t.honmgh repair. With new fftmitne t!u-ou,ir!'"i't, and would respectful'v invite the patronise of the trav- cling public anil other*. The t:iDies will al- wavs be provided with the best that «iSn l»e procured, and polite and atrentive waiters will be in rertdineus at all thnes to attend the wants of irueats. \<» intiiR will i»e spared to make this a First Class House. l,arg« autl Vomnnwlious Imms on the preifttoos. Free Omnihurt to and from all trains, sample Rooms on Hrst floor. M. Engeln, Sportsosiis' HeadnitwUrs. CENSSAL T -ERGHANT, .\nd Iiealar m All ivmdsof Fsjrm Hiii flwiU'e, Pocket. Cutlcrv, S))ortm«r Ooodsi, iM-Hhiujar Tuckle Gun Material, Musical Instru­ ments, Tolwcco, Cijsr.rrii, etc., etc. N^ar Kiver Bridge, Mc- Henry, III.,' ' •• ^ F/ TT J .V , Tim* Door* MoH< mim. A Speeialtr. . atitf MtiftXaetii *«ttenry, ui^l » Xjf ; * . DRii Hardwais, X*umib*»r9: Fence In sbtirt, in the above which we are ol ing public {is c| house iu this ai , ̂ UOSlI'TLT hkli .Aljfonqiiln, Fet HEAl %' ^ * « * * » '?# , -i r v:/'- >";V: ̂ p' VTW, ^ mtintiei tlie pii-Mfciif flic rt #aeli"^4iltb^Wr§| and i«#t »f tl«« lite, iifojpcf,,! *•>•*•<*.*? :rs-*.V . . . f_. . r . ^ V " < ' * *• i I * *1$ J ^w-' ' ' ^4; .% m &<sm It risit te 4 E. WTUHTMAH, Proprietor. Fi*st class riffs, with or without dvivers fnrnished at reasonable rates. Teaming et, all kinds done 011 short notice. . . lt9fiwtni«es'bj";pe'rniiaa(on as regards char 'acter. b'ilsin^ss abiHty, reliability, Ac , Ac : " "T. S. Senator, Chicaj Gon. .1. C. Smith, StatgTreasurer of Illinois, "XS: John O. Shcrwin. ex-M. c. sth m frhmt had a big nm, you know, and w** Dtst., Aurora, 111 ItUte popular. Hon. A. M. Jones, U. S. Marshal, Ch'eago, III "Wtoii qta yon iroiiUf toeonuMSC6 Col. Jas. A. '»eKlon, Pre# Onion Veteran T* are 7°u Clnb, Chicago, ill. in the corker?" Jeese A. Baldwin, Ass't U. 8. Attorney, Chl-| "Which ontff" cago, III. Messrs. SeU, Schwab A Co., Wholesale and Shoe Dealers. Ohic igo, III. Offie* at Besideacs, MADISOH 8T.» WOODSTOCK, ILL. |i« SkulkiDg Scoundrel."* What kind of a yarn is itf Gun*. John A. Logan, U. S. Senator, Chicago, ujfc, m iioTJ for bojfl, something in ^ Gon. .r. c. smith, statp'Treasurer of Illinois, dot and detail like my 'Hurled to Ha- Hon. R Kiiwood, M. C. 9th I1L Dist., Syc. les, or Hank, the Headiesi Helmsman. That red-haired, fuguUr^lashmg. loodv old story of the plains. That c e* A'so hundreds of coupty and home rcfsren-Lorv 0jd lQ4jian yarn." . OWEN, • . DEALER IN->-- Clocks, Watches, lew Sillier and Piated Ware etc* ' O, you mean 'Piute'Pete, the inh­ ering Jigger from Jim Jam Gulch.' "hat's all blocked out and will be in anuscript by Saturday. To-day, you inow, is only Thursday."' Have you laid out anything for the trade?" ;«U, yes, I have got four or five rs now on the hook. Lepime there's 'Skulduggery Skippins, the >rtahg Snoozer of the Sierras,' and Buffalo Brad, the Bantam Buccaneer,' and Creamy Crites, the Cringing Crit- jter df the Creek,' and 'Wellington Wig- the "Wild-Eyed Wizzard of the ampun War,' and 'Bigfoot Billy, the >y Brigand." - These are all suitable the spring trade, and besides that 'there are quite a number of ohildren's tales." "What are the titles of "em ? "Well, there's 'Big Nose Mike, the {Terror of the Levee;' 'Rattlesnake , • . fa ,, (Rob, the Boy- Detective;' 'Hannibal beat wAtch imw on the marjiflt. » llDd Iiickcrty Imlpfit or lu6 iriiost Ol , , j .itv irt,he Qovwnment Mule.' Let me read Will not be Ufl«er8,oicl> iyou the opening sentences of *fiu4- irty Balph."* And all kinds of Vehicles, at J. W, GRIf^OLSY'S Rinjpwood, 111. .,r f%ltl not bo undersold, ' niid WorkrtiHiiship considered. ;Oenera1 Blacksmlthing, And lierpuiriii<*> of aU Kinds, in both Wood and iron.; ViiSteJa^s workmen employed and f* 8atisfeclio?i Guaranteed. J. W, GRIS^OLBY. Uingwoed, U^teh lltk, 138*. , »" " '"><•• '• i" I'nin'ij '."iid."Ut'! • ildliO) i Y it rat- op l« Patentee* 0. W. OWMK. On any goods is my line. McHeary, Feb. i». 18«8. . .. CONTINENTAL HOOF OINTMENT, w , CURES Craekmt Hoofs, - Sprains ' • %'v:ir Scratches and sobsSwi • i; •? IN SO ipS,CATTX,E & SffEUP- j* sk$tour Storeketspar for it or writ* dlt set to the Manufacturers, " I oiiio. ,4 " "fiiSB&kRY'BY H,GOL*y, infants and Children Whet our Cliildren rosy clieolrs, What cures their fevers, makes them sleep; fi'stortft. ; When Babies fret, nnd err bv turns. •What cures their colic, kills their worms. '* ' Castorla. What quickly euros Constipation, Sour Stomach, Colds, Indigestion : Cwtoris. • Farewell then to Morphine Syrups, Castor Oil and Paregoric, and V Itall Cn*torla. *' Castorla is so well adapted to Children thatl recommend it as superior to.any medi- cine Renown to me."--II. A. Aaoass, M.D.< 111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, 5. Y. . mas "Is it ratty?" "O, yes. it is right up to the demands of the timea." "Well, go ahead." "As the drop fell with a dull sicken­ ing thud, the black flag was ran up over the prison walls. The hangman's work 'was done--well done, and another corpse swung to and fro in the morning fog, another victim had been offered up to the Moloch of English cruelty and ranoninma Inef iniBMlVai1 morlvp bg/l filllti'S WASHINGTON, D. C. The oepular palace hotel of the National Capital. Cunvenient'y located and accessible to all Uie street car lines of the city. Open all the yeat. O. <3> STAPLES* PROPRIETOR. Late of the Thousand Island House. fjIWMEWT Ait absolute fl«re Iter Rheu­ matism, SprMss, P«ia fat the Back. Barns, GaIla,&o. /mis^ ttaataaeoM Pain- reliever. ftHWIimkUBE Everything In •farinlug imi»!«mef>ts from a SwiH Cart fo a McCnrtniek Twine Binder, can bft fouud jff? wSreliense of if. Ditifop, * j' Backed by Millions of i»oeey INDEMNITY against dan>s«D^y ** t i ^ " •* DON'T YOU FORGET IT! ASA W. SMITH,' v. -OfC. r.; W~ , -m Illinois. you FIp«, Lightning, Wind 8tormsf CYCW&E8 AND ,TORNADOES. Drop me a postal card and I will visit you; call on me and I will write you a policy, and wuen either or any of these destructive el<>. went* devastates your property, happy will yon be if von hold one of my policies, for I will sureTv visit you, and minister unto you. i:wiU not'foraake you. * * ,*T ' ' -#SA »'• SMITH, 4 Insurance 4gX • y; ' priatIon to Vftct"""rniiMuiinWtT Tliilsl howevei. lias not b?ei» daiif. Kit Car- f«»n ilied at Fore Lyon, Col., it) ths :*sprlnjf ef 16G8, ant] in accordance with his dying request liIt* remains were re­ moved to the Cemetery in Taos, ami were I tile trod Iii a Jot in the American Cemetery nolrcied U3* iiinioolf. Carson'i jgrurs is surroiuided by a picket fence 5 f«et by 9, snd ima over it a wooden semblance of a nioiiibuent withent a TJsibie word or letter upon It. This woodwork hrApid'.v rotting away aud will soon entirely di^'ijipsar. . . Pension Matters. MTh« Commissioner of Pensions bs- csotly brought to the nttsnttsttt of tho {Secretary of the interior » pjt#» in which an attorney In a pension case had withheld and persistently re fused to file in the Pension Office evidence in his possession relating to tlie claim, and had refused further to presecure the case until his demand tipen tlie claimant for tlie payment of his fees had been complied with. In ;t letter to the Commissioner, Secretary Teller deflues the position ef tlie depsrtiueut iu the matter a) follows: "If any at­ torney deems the fee allow«d by law In A pension case insufficient to justify Ills taking the risk ef collecting Ills fees after lie ha* consented to represent the claimant, and has rendered some assistance in the prosecution of the claim, lie need not, of course, consent to set as attorney In the esse. But if lie does consent, and, as attorney for the claimant, tiles the clsinj in the Pension Office, tlie department will not permit any delay in the adjudication of the claim, and the consequent ob­ struction to the business of the Pension Office growing out of ,in attempt by the attorney to secure the payment ef any portion of his fee by refusing to communicate to ilie claimant the re­ quirements of the Pension Office for evidence, or by failit g to file such evi­ dence nrhen perfected. It Is the In- tentleu of the department hereafter to regard such conduct as a sufficient reason for dlsbarnnent •f. ths ofiemlug attorney. The Hoiiss Coairoitte on Appropria­ tion?, on Saturday. March 2, completed consideration of the Pension Appro­ priation bill. The measure appropri­ ates 920,684,400, and provides that any balance of the apprepriat'on Jor the current fiscal year that may reti1}iiii un­ expended June 30th, 1SS4, shall be re- appropriated. This balance is esti­ mated at •60,000,000. The estimates of the Pension Bureau for lhe nvxt flecul year were $40,000,000 in addition tm the unexpended, at the close of the current fiscal year. The appropriations in detail are: For invalids, willows, tglnor children aud dependent relatives and for the survivor* and widows of the war ot 1812,820,000,000; for fees ai*d expenses of examining surgeons. 8500,- 000; for pay-ami allowances of psosion agents, tor salary, fees for pre;>r.ri»£ voiiclieii!, reiits, fuel, lights and postage on letters to the executive department »ud to pensioners. 9174,000, and for contingent expe:«?e f pension stgeiir b" fa re wtfl eli inch an anr Ir %i lurd celebration (»ales Into absolute in* signitlcAtice. When they slialj have feasted and renewed their companion- s'.iipa 'mid the uieinorie* that shall cluster round their gathering here, tliey will return <0 their homes, scat­ tered over the length and breadth of the land, with glowing tales of the metropolis of the northwest, its beauty, its commerce, its manufactures, its wonderful progress, aud all the report* of all tlie boards of trade in Christen­ dom could not do us half the credit, or carry the fame of Minneapolis too thoroughly through the length and breadth ef the land. We shall entertain right royally the best men of the coun­ try. those whose word and influence is of the most importance and wil! carry the greatest weight and conviction with what tliey may have to say con­ cerning us. It is to be hoped that the magnitude of possibilities that are wrapped up In this occasion may not be lost sight of, and when our citizens are called npon, in the interests of the coming gathering we hopet the response will be geuerou». and in full proportion tp the needs of the great occasion. The G. A, f|. Pension Committee. During the drat week in March,tW4 G. A. It. Pension Committee met iu Washington to consider and compare the various Pension Bills before Con­ gress Commission*" Dudley gave to the Committee ills vieys of peeded legis­ lation, The result of the deli Iterations ef the Committee was th* adoption of a memorial, given below, which em­ bodies Its recommendations to Con. gress in regard to the proposed bounty and pension legislation. At (lie last meeting ef Richmond Post No. 286, the recoinmeiiditioiis of this memorial were discussed, and although there was some diversity ol opinion in re­ gard to some of the recommendiiiietift. a resolut|oq waf passed unanimously endorsing them, and tho Adji$ttut was directed to forward a copy of the same to the Committee. We give the recomr ineudations in foil ifnd invite the care­ ful attention of Comrades to the same: THK MEMORIAL. 1st.---That tliey comprise the'Com­ mittee oil Pensions" yf the national body ot the Gra:u| Army of the Kepub­ lic. and that tlfis committee was fjisti tuted for tlie express purpose of h^yjng some recognized medium through which the Grand 4nr)T could officially address the Congress qf the United States, This conuqlttee, therefore, represent a constituency of upwards of 220,C0Q yejte ran soldiers and sailors. We desire to give whatever weight we may have as n body or as individuals In favor of suoh measures as we deem just, which may now or hereafter be before yen. We likewise desire Si» protest against and condemn certain pro post t Ions whieh ate now 011 your Ales, ostensib'y in .the interest of the old soldier or sailor, but which seem to us to be inconsiderate, impolitic, and calculated to bring into disrepute the general standing of the; saviours of the nation. We are unqualifiedly oppose 1) to the proposition to distribute laijd warrants to the veterans without regard to. whether they occupy land or not. We are also opjmsed to the preposi­ tion to pay to th* soldier or sailor .1*-' dar the ditJereuce in tlie v»4ut? i?f the greenback when wo received it in pay­ ment for our military services aud the value of goUl 011 the SIIIIIU date. W« are aNe opposed to III* hill or hi 11> proposing to grant pensions at tM* present 'f lijio to alt siyvivor* of the war *ntitle th* tia»< to be placed Oil th* p*nist proof of dependence at ; of the soldiee should b#"l necessary, an<l that siicl| pefisien should com me uce at the date of and coiltlnu* during such d*pendei|c*. We trust. also th^t Congress will not he " wi ihout the passage of ah quailHctilion nnd 'st«ttw..'^^p|||g)if> and their agents or attora*n/-t<*IMlit> la) of th* present existfogjptlltotoua condition thereof. We aro iu tavor of th* passag* of bill for a just and equitable eqt:a!i*a- tiou ot th* betintk's pald to soidtors bf th* Qeu*r«l Governitleitt. f '- * i imwltbiv , Tho editor of a county paper ft q«*ntly reminded that hls subaerlbort) regard It, Iri more Souses than ono,a« their "home jepmal.^ If their names do not occasionally appear In Its columns, or- should newly-painted woodslifd r^pivf jueinpliment. or no hQuoraUi* greets B's mammoth pn«p)tln, thi editor soon lesrns thatAe Is guilty nf gross neglect, put the most amusing exhibition of the Injured subscribOf occured the other day 111 th* otBuf! of ^ Connect lent pap*r, <- Ooe Friday afternoon, just afer th^ weekly paper had been |n|bl1shed, aw*! the editor wss leisurely CiHtiug tltf pages of a magazine, the door opened and a large, pompous farmer euisrsd. The editor, recognized lilm as a sub* - scriber and Invited him to tab* a chair. ^ "No" said lie, in a gruff tone, Ml only come |tj to stop my subscri)>tion.n j "Why, what's tho matter f" fsked tlM editor. "Don't the paper tuftF* *No it don't suif. npf at sll!',2gro^rl^| v. -" M th* farmer. " - . What don't you life*? "$r. Ed|ror.,, askrd nmn, soleinpljr, "do y«w M«ea» to toif me tha( yer don't know what I o|>j« ler." "H?o e*rtaln|f." ^ "Haven't I tillera wM t ̂ Mid porter on your papierf* Wld- til* who was working litmself Ipito a "Haven't I subscribed regular, aitd | for it too?" Aud 1 want tor why ynu should pick tae cut to and throw conteqipt on tor P 4 My dear sir." replied the editor, sootlilngly. "I dtkrt kno|r whst refer to. If you wlU fho»v pe ft insulted you 1 wil} matter." » here r» gasped n|l ing with rage, drawing » copy paper fipni liis pockejt «i}d poi| a list of n^mos. t ¥*r prii after--theSe other felltf a 6^ ̂ ' -and yer spfjif ttmaii '*/ 1 •»y~i|^^fP- on tragot)*---Insult f* |li vain did tli^a his ipirth. assure was a typogra raged man is to-day tj The I tight attd tiigg'- me lie. vjt B. M. Owen & Soi»' ,^-kf - ' '• ik

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