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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Apr 1884, p. 5

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« " j< »• -" yt- '* *' , <• *;'*••• -i i '•>g«:^:;-..v -*.; *» 1 :.r frvv^. \ ferk vĵ , V *H, :£ : • • ••• •.>*•^ )fegewj pidwWCT. WEDNESDAY, APR. 30, 1884. •- ~m Railroad Time Table. OOIHO sovtiU •" ' BenevaT.ake Pa«scn«rer.............T:87 A. it Bum Uk> ' --..... : .8:8 " §on<»va T<ake Freixht p. M 6n*ra bit« Passenger--........ ..t:3S «• O->TV» WONRIT. t|enewaT,**e Frel-rht. ,..9-83 A. * •eneva T.afce Pflnscufbr..... . .......9:BS •* genera T.ake Kxpreas.......,..,..,.,. .4:57p. M ; ieeera Lake Passenrer.*....fl:S7 " B. Bus*, A rent. McUenry, 111 MASON 13 MCUKNHT T.onor, \A. I.VI \. r. AND A. *.-- Communications the Raturlay on *r . before the full »f the moon and every two weeks thereafter. CHAB. C. COLBT, W. M. OKArTRR tfo. 34 It A. M --Resru. w CenTecation* held on the second and fonrth FrUaje in cach monoh. JOHW T. STORT, H. P. : THE hens will get up an Indignation meeting and resolve to quit laying eggs It It don't git wtoriner pretty quick. SGSI&FCJBS FOR full blooded Plvmontb Rock " * Fowls, call on Earl L, Mead, West M Henry, 111. DON'T LF*y ASIDE your overcoat yet, for the Icebergs are flying in, the air and blizzards ir» becoming fashion­ able. Sown advertise in the blooming eprlng, and some in the frosty fall, hut he who tries it all the year it Wiser than them all. AVW?Tbi~«l'BII by a notiee III YTRJUlur ggjjgMrJthe rtrm of If ayes A Bartlett; na6been dissolved, Mr. Bartlett retir­ ing; from the (inn. and will move witii d^s family to Hastings, Minn. Miaiiif ami W1#O-1HWO W«IIY «WIH4U«WI« fa this section, who w+tt* regrot his de­ cision to move from smetrf IK. "HeTkas our best wishes for his success Inliis Mr. Mayes will continue he business at tlie old stand. FISHING IS now beginning to occupy the time of the sportsmen, ft i* royal fun to sit on the bank* of the river all [day and soak a worm in the water. MAnntr.n:--Tn Chicago, April 15th, 1884, by the Rev. O. C. Lariiner, Mr. X. *J. Bellinger, of Richland, Pa.. to Miss Effle J. Freeman, formerly of MeHenry. FOR SAI.K, a New Home Sowing Ma­ chine, one of tlie best machines on tlie market. Is bran new. never having been run a minutn. Warranted. Will be sold cheap. Inquire at this office. CHAS. GOINO, who lias been in Chi­ cago for til* past few months, came homo last week. He will work for the McHonry Brick Manufacturing Com­ pany during the summer. -- OUR merchants dearly al? report business for this spring equally as good . If not better than for the correspond­ ing weeks of la«t year, and their stocks ^%.\r>are in better shape for trade tills year than last. IT cost A Pittsfield man 819.60 to shoot a cat from his chamber window, tlie other night. We have seen the time when we should have deemed tlie price very Ion*, and would have taken half a dozen shots at the #mm> rate. As will be seen by a notice else­ where. a Special Election has been called in this village for May 10th, to olect ego Trustee to fill the - vacancy jranried by the fail tiro of K.A. Howard to qualify. FARMKUS in this locality are nAnui- mens in saying that spring work is not as well advanced this vear as it was at the same time last year, therd being not as much small grain in and not nearly as much plowing done for corn, TIIK State Militia are looking for a suitable place to hold tlto'r animal en­ campment in July, and they are at yet unsettled as to Reek ford or Wilmlng- ton. The latter place, however, having tlie preference with many. There will bo about twenty-five hundred in camp. C. B, CURTIS lias sold his forty acres ,, in tlie north part of the village, oppo­ site Woodland 'Cemetery, to M. E. Sanderson, of Ohio, who will immedi­ ately erect thereon a fine residence. We arefglad to welcome Mr. Sanderson ' as a resident of eur village. We under­ stand he intends to go quite extensive- ly into "Fien Farming." THK McHewry Brick Manufacturing fCon)pany. - Whiting & Wentwortli, Proprietors, have commenced work on their j-ard. and will,as soon as they can get ready, com me nee putting up a kiln. They are daily receiving orders, and eo popular have their brick become among thiftnillders thev find it bard work to ^make enough to vupply tlie demand. WE learn that a sowing machine a^ent, who lives net a thousand miles from tlie county scat, was slopped a few nights since by a highway man. Tlie Intrepid agent caught the would be robber and sold hi in Tour new machines and two old ones on the installment plan. Tlie robber could not say a word. We do not vouch for the truth of the above, but knowing the agent as well as we do we are- inclined to be­ lie v« the story. ' THE man who wants his name kept out of the paper is just the man who don't believe in the virtue of advertis­ ing. Ask him for a losal notice and he, will tell you no one reads the paper; but just lethiin be flirting with some other man's wife, walking oft with funds not his own, or trying to hold up a lnmp-post some dark night, and lie'11 climb seventeen pairs of stairs and beg on his be,nded knees that the item be suppressed. It makes a difference In the minds of a great many men whose ox is gored, when an article is to ap­ pear in public print.--Ex. DON'T let a few warm days tempt you to remove the stoves. Half of the coughs, colds, catarrhs and consump­ tions are caught at this time of ' the year by sitting round in half chilly rooms when yen are a little uncertain whether you want afiie or not. Women have a mania for cleaning the house and bouncing out the stoves just about the time when tlie trees begin to bud. the birds to sing, and the ministers bring out their sermons ou spring; but it is a fatal practice. Wo shall want stoves until-im. Ifct# ftat this fear.--Ex, UP to this writing, Wednesday morn­ ing, but four licenses bare been applied for in this village. THE Skating Rink, !n the Cheese Factory building, is flow open every Saturday evening from 7 to 10 o'cl&ck. Those who love to should benr this in mind. THE next meeting of tiiti YWNIJI Peoples' Temperance Society will bej held at the M. E. Church on Sunday; evening May 4th. All are cordially tnvlffcd. •. ' '/ T>tED:~On ^nndar," April 11th, IM, Thomas • ooaan, son of Edwin Nooaan, la the 11th year of hie age. The disease was of the bowels amj baffled the skill of the pliysielans. Ho was sick but a few days. Mr. and Mrs, Noouan have the sympathy of all I a their bereavement, £ _ •_ ' ~ '" .i : | H. E. WIGHTMAN'S "City Bus" ha* been newly painted and upholstered and presents a very handsome appear-! ance. We learn that he has purchased another new bus to accommodate the large patronage that he receives in passenger traffic to and from the steam beat. Now, as the days are getting Varm and bright, every lady is thinking of getting a new Spring hat, and the question each one asks is: "Where can I get a stylish hat tor a reasonable price?" This,question is quickly de­ cided by calling at Mrs, fl. H. NichV.a' and looking overthe large assortment of Ane hats, bonnets, flowers, feathers, r'bbons, laces, etc., to be foond there, and learning tlie very low prices at wliu'h she sell these goods. Orange Judd, editor of the American Agriculturalist, for some thirty years, hut unconnected with its business man­ agement for a year or two past, has lately retired from Us editorial depart­ ment and located in the* West, fie desires to gather a complete "Postal• Card Album" of his old readers and friends, and requests them all to send hi in now a Postal, giving their present location and address, naming also, when convenient, the years In which they were his subscribers. Mr. JudtTs ad­ dress is Chicago. Illinois. B. O'XKII,. Florist, Elgin. 111., has tlio choicest stock of flowering and foliage plants to be found in tuis section, lie has four large greenhouses, and is pro- pared to furnish cut flowers and plants of the very host varieties, much cheap­ er than c:\u be obtained in Chicago, and will guarantee satisfaction. Quito a number of the ladies of McIIenry have for several years visited bis greenhouse and all speak in high praise of his Plants, and Fiowers. Froui a personal experience we take great pleasure in rccomrnendlug Mr. O'Xuil to them in this section who fna|- want anything in this lino. WE are glad to be able to announce to our readers that the International State Publishing Company, of Chicago, are contemplating tlie publication, at an early day, of a complete History of McUenry County. It is to embrace a full history of the countv from the earliest settlement, with the trials and hardship* of pioneer life, down to the present time, shewing tlie improve­ ments and progress, step by step. Each township will receive careful attention and its own peculiar history carefully noted. The work will be illustrated with portraits of many of the earlier settlers and also of prominent men of tlie present time, of those who have and are now taking part in the history of tlie county. Also many of tlie prominent buildings, both of an early day and of tlie proseut time, will l»o shown in this work. The civil, political, legal, religious and educational inter­ ests of the county will receive due notice, and add greatly to the interest which aU classes must take iu this most valuable work. An important chapter hi this book will be the part '.lie county took in the rebellion, con. tabling tlie names of both the living and the dead who took part in that conflict from this county. It wili bo handsomely bound iu half morocco with gilt edge, and could be properly termed an album of our county's pioneers and prominent men. The work Is to con­ tain not less than 700 pages, and more if it is required to give the full and complete history of our county. An agent will be in this section during tlie next sixty days Tor the purpose of gathering statistics, and we hope eur citizens will do all in their pewor ,to aid him in this work." Everyone should contribute from his store of informa­ tion what he can toward this history. ATTENTION, COMRADES!--The mem­ bers of Richmond Post. No. 280,G. A. R. »re notified that an Inspection of the Post will be made by the authorized inspector of tlie Department, at the next regular meeting of th« Post. Fri­ day evening. May *2d. Every member requested to be present promptly at 8 o'clock. S. F. BENNETT, Com. JOHN TV. SMITH, Adjt. Teacher Wanted. A good lady tcacher is wanted at Spring Grove. Apply ac once to the dilectors at that place. ^ Just Received. A now stock of Areceues, at Mrs. E. W. Howe'*, ^ . Wheat WanttSl. WANTED, at the Fox River Valley Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which tlie highest price In cash will be paid. . „ ft. BISHOP, McUenry, IU., 4priy«h, 1884, Barglar The storo of Mayes A Bartlett, in his villagOrWas burglarized on Sunday night or Monday morning last, and although but a small amount of goods was taken, the indication* were that the thief or thieves had made prepara* tions for a good haul. It wa« not dis­ covered until Mr. Bartlett went to the storo on Monday mprning when he found numerous evidences that they had bad callers when they were not at home. Tho clothing and other goods were strewn around tho counters and OQ tho floor, and everything had the appearance that the unseasonable visitors were looking fpr something they could not And. It appears they gained entrance through the cellar, by crawling through a small window, and in seme manner unknown unfastening a trap door leading into the store. In and around the premises were found a large sledge hammer, several chisels, three ty*c-stock«. and a number of drills, which tools would indicate that they expected to find a safe to work upon iu the store. But iu this they were disappointed, as there was no safe or money there. The only thing* missed, as yet, by the firm, are! a few silk handkerchiefs and other smptT arti­ cles. to tho value of perhaps ion dol­ lars. / The tools found in the storo proved to have been taken from tho black­ smith and wagon shop of Phil. Hauper- isell, which had been entered through a window. In this shop burned matches were found all over the floo£ and among the shavings, and the groat wonder is they did not burn the buildings. Now that it is known that burglars are about it behooves our citizens to be prepared f<»r.Miofii, and If. one is caught in th#riict make an example for« like tendencies, aud also a for tlie coroner. ------ Mcflonry c®. Competitive (examination. The committee acting with the County Snperiuteiident In this work, wish to submit the following to the teachers of tlie county: A number of teachers who conducted this Work hav* not followed the instructions of tho •Circular." In consequence of which a number of Irregularities have been noticed by the comiftittee. among which may be mentioned, the use of paper which is not suitable fur binding, a neglect to arrange papers of diflerent studies sparatelv, omitting to mark papers and arrange according to merit, failing to place first and second divi­ sion work In order. The final meeting of the Committee will be held at the residence of Mr. J. A. Sheldon, in Nunda^, Saturday. May 10,1884. A general Invitation is ex­ tended to all teachers who are inter­ ested in any of the above mentioned facts, to be present at such meeting and assist in arrahgiug this work in a man­ ner suitable for uublic Inspection, (Signed) BV OR OR R OF COM. Renewal*) School. 15wffWt)PI.AINI)EALER *flie follow- ing pupityL have been neither absent nor tardy during tlie first mouth of tlio present term: Mattie ftweliy, Emily Chase, Abbie Hall. Jennie Collisou, Minnie Johnson, Fred Celllson, Willie t'oates. Calvin Coatos, Scott Harrison, Ora Harrison. Eddie Dodge, Henry Sweet, George West lake, Robbie Nel­ son, Ilallie Pricket:. IVM. NIOKI,E, TP*eher. - --ar' ALGONQUIN. EriTOR Pi.AIVDKA L ER :-C. TR. CliapSll returned on Thursday of la«t week with two carloads of milch cows 43 in number, and on Friday lie sold tbem at private sale to parties from Xorthileld, Cook Co., for 9-17 p»r head. ^ The Ladios Sewing Society of tlio Episcopal church was held at the resi­ dence of D. W. Thomas on Thursday of last week. * Rev. C. C. Campbell moved into Dr. Nason's little house on the corner of Main and Washington streets, oa Fri­ day of last week. M. O, Dufleld.of the Weekfy Advocate, was in towii on Saturday last looking after the interest* of his paper, but wo wbre not able to learn who that ho got a chance to see Uuo or not. Officer Beuthusen. of Nunda, dropped into town ou Saturday last and served papers on Mrs. Kabon to appear before Esq. Nunda, on Tuesday May 6th to answer tor selling liquor. He also picked up a uuiuber of wit­ nesses iiere in town. Born, to the wife of M. Knowlten»a son, on Sunday morning April 27th, We are informed tlie boys had quite a picnic at Mrs. Tom's on Saturday evening last, and she had to roll a keg or beer into tho streot to get rid of thens. Sunday last was another very disa­ greeable day. It seems we have tlie very worst weather en Sunday, if it is tho Lord's day; but thoVe is no great loss without some small gain. Wo don't liavo so many Sunday fishermen. W. H. Coltrin camo out from Chicago on Saturday last, Be ro(|{ his pony back again. A. C. Helm, of Chicago, dpent Sunday hare with relatives. Mrs. Helm,. Sr., returned from lier visit in Chicago on Saturday evening last. J. D. Ferguson Sr. and Jr. loaded their goods ou Monday of this week for Aurora, Neb., where they have bought pr9pe>-ty and intend making their future home. The Fergusons have been among us for tho last thirty years, aud they have been good citizen. We all join in wishing I hem success in their new home. Mrs. E. Sinnett is very sick with tbo inflammatory rheumatism. Dr. Nason is Attending her. M r. an d M rs. A. Doig returned from •foliet on Friday evening of last week where they had been to attend the wedding of a nephew of Mr. Doigs. The band boys will give a dance at the Hote) Hall ou Saturday evening. May 3d. Ail are cordially Invited to attend. Woodstock Department. OOSINIBOTISD BT ASA W. SMITK,; Hr. ann Mr*. U. L. Weaver, of Carey, were the guests of Mrs. David Miller. The two 'adlee are slaters. I had a good eid-tirac chat with my much esteemad old collect friend. J. 8. Livingston, ea 3aturd.IT. Mr. I,, ia a seuain of the late John A. Parrish, aivi ia steepint* few days in Woodstock oa business. 1 thought I wonld succeed when T hinted to T. J. IMcy to advertise in the PLAINDRALBR. Tim ie always quick to "catch on," and that Is tbe great secret of his success. But, after all, he Is so busy waiting en customers, I can. not see where he gets time to write up such cute adTertisemeots. Mrs. Newcoiab, slater of the late Mrs. Hyde, of Richmond, and el Mrs. K. Stone, of Wood, stock, died at the heme of her mother. Mrs. Charles Riisesll, oa Tuesday night,V>t dropsy. Deceased passed her childhood aed youth in Woedstuck, and leaves a large circle af inti­ mate friend* to mourn her loss an4 sympa- thize with the afflicted family. DIED.--in the Township of Greenwood, near Woodstock, Gardner T. Barrows, on suudar the 2Gth inat. J Deceased was born In C honangn county, N. T., in Decern Iter, 1820. H0 came te Deluvnn, Wli>.,tn 1842,and toGreecwood in l?46, lie was noted for his religious zeal, strict integrity, and lived and died by tho Golden Rule: ««l)o nnto ethers as you would that they should do unto you." DIKQ.--Xear Woodstock, on Wednesday, April 16th, Mr. Joseph Thompson, at the age er 82 years lacking four days. Deceased was hern April 20th, 1802, in Wash ington county, N. Y.; eame from there to Ohio in an early day, and from Ohio ho came to this ceuity and settled en the farm about 1S54, where he died. Uncle "Joe," as he was familt irly known, wis noted for his industri­ ous habits, honesty of purpose, a kind neigh, hor,a peaceful, intelligent citizen, and died as he had livod, an honest man. It seems to he a settled fact that Capt. C. H. Tryon will again represent us in our State Assembly. Hurrah for Charloy first, last and all the time. He net only voted right, hut by his upright conduct, his energy and close at­ tention to the wishes of his constituents, as wel(jas by his genial, suasive manner, won distinction among the savans of the State that reflects a credit upon Mclfenry County of which her oltizens may well he preud. Tho presidential question is not likely to be solved until the June and July conven­ tions, with reference to cither of tho parties. While Blaine and Arthnr seem to lead in the Republican race, it is still doubtful if either can marshal his follo'wers in sufficient num­ bers to win the lace. Blaine is trusting en- tirelyto those who have brought hiniout after his elt repeated assertions that ho was not a candidate, and ho lost Ohio's delegates at large In the samo way Gen. Hurlbut lost Kane county at theG. P. Lord convention, t trough the inertia of his friends, and allow­ ing his opponents to capturc three of the four delegates. Ho IoU two delegates at largo in New York and Arthur two, booanse some of Blaine's friends would not allow Senator Miller, who hail a clear perception of the con. dition te arrange with the Arthur men. And thus in many county, district aad state con­ ventions by the mismanagement of his friends the will of the people was thwarted bycaacus trickery. Mr. Arthur seem* to he giving no heed to the strife, but in bis truly dignified way attends strictly to his official duties, making hie appointments without reference to personal advancement, hut in strict accoru with civil service rules, calm and contcnt with the univcrrtal » erdii t of all factions and parlies, that he has l*eou a good President, and if lie is to lift his own successor he can en, upon his secqjpl ndministiat'on with an independence of thought that his own wise and prudent conduct has won for him a fame and station never before gained" l>y any wut have become chief magistrate by virtue of bo- ing vico president. And if he is superseded he retires endorsed fcy all as to ids official acts. It appears to me that our people lose eight of one great advantage te the country by failing te nominate and elect him his owu siicnesser. It would certaiuly attach more dignity and importance to the office of vice- preiident ami make it acceptable to men of character and ability. When we contrast hit administration with those of Tyler and John, son, wj do him great Injustice by the compar­ ison, and even when compared with Pilmore's his towers tar above, ami indeed the admiuis. trations are but few that are more worthy of a second trial than President Arthur's. While nothing can be gained by disparagement of any ether candidate, ant while all true Re* publicans will cheerfully support any BU fairly nominated, from all that can bs gath­ ered from newspapers and observation, no other, or all together, have a following in the hearts ef the peoplo equal to that of either Blaine or Arthur, and if tbe people can have their choice the race at Chicago in Jnue will be declared in favor of one or the other of these two men, both good and true. While dark horses sometimes win, they are not al­ ways Satisfactory. MARRtAOB MC^KSKB. Edmund J llays to Kthol Mary Smith. Kugene to Kmraa Henlv.* Gee. E. Dickinson to Coru K.'Maxham. Jidin G. Slaviu to Mary Heloran. Alfred D. Bellamy te Florence M. Crissey. TRANSFKIte. Thos Morton et ux to It C Jefferson, m deed. MAT IVirinent to It ICamltoHz w deed J K S.enart et ux to Krcd Walters, w deed K H Bcnxon et ux to J J Murphy, w deed W H Sullivan et u x to Matg't Sullivan, q c d CC Pciiilione et ux to Ivtiliclla Morley, in d HO Jefferson to Rol»t Scliufoldt, release d B A K Woll to Itobt SeliufeMt. w deed Geo Uottercr et ux to Thou Bolger, vr deed J M Carpenter to .v F l>.ivin, elicit niort A V ft I, It Krokine to J W Green, w deed Henry Winn to J Q Adams, mn-t deed J H Footc to J J Murphy, chat mortgage T O ^chroeder to Tho* Thompson, released lid Whit won. com'r to B Snyder, et al com. d Harry Mead toCha« Mead, releass deed. Owen Mctihec by llannah)McGhee ex'ut'rx, to Margaretha Kngcl .A. E E Itichards to C O l 'aroons, release deed Jamcg Doliet ' tv et ux to Jits Kenedy, q cd W A A Mitsgreve to IVm Kennedy,*w deed Cu 1'aroonsct ux to 1, A DickerAon, w deed C A Mcyiiee to A F McGhee, chat mort Thos Grail v lo \Vm McGhee, cli . i t mort Thos l .umiev el ux to Mtrh. Gallager, wd S llunjrerford lo II * Parker, relesne deed Benj White et al to \ Sheldor, cert mjf 's ' try Jennie Julian to Klgi Butler Co, q c deed J C Crumb t" I> W howns, release deed ITunt & Helm to 1) \V D'«wna, w deed C W Burrows to P |{ Birch, releiise mort P R Birch et ux to W A McOonnell, w deed Thos Thompson et ux to G \V Alfs, w deed G W Alt 's et ux to W A MeConuell, v.- deed H D Cheviilen to J K Xethcrcut, m deed J C White to it M Patrick, chat mort ** I 'hilo fclzen et ux to J;ic, Talliott , m deed Henrv McCotnbcr to K G Ayer, bill sale H Kckert et ux to Win H Hirtlett , q c d A M smith to F Wlllson, chat mortgage C J ICogers et ux to J J Kiltz, w deed '9 S Shepherd to Andrew Henderson, chat OS M I. SacKett ct ux lo E () Sickctt, m deed T H ft John et ux to II T Ad.iins, in deed W G Jc J B Weodworth to It M Patrick, c m C W Hooker to Thos ftogurs, chat mort Olive Gram, will, to E C lltn-land et al, w U ETC Durland et al to Olive Green J Davenport et al ex'rs to T J Ilasy, exr 's d T J Dacy et ux to Patrick Keating' Pat Buckler et ux to Mich. Powers, m deed Jno Kilev to B N SmiUi, Kiianl, inert deed JHtl/M ll4jes to A M Conney, chat m K M A A It Thompson to I> siicahan, w deed G K Nigrum wid, to I) ^lieah.m, w deed K A <t J W Morcy to Martha Harris, w deed Wm Hazlct et ux to John Hazlet, w deed J Daler by S M Gardner to B Hubhell, w d Neln John; en to O J Murphy, chat mort £ 11 Groesbcck to M L Slocy, chat mort P 11 Murray ot ux to Herman ^nydor, w d C F Pronty'ot ux to J B Phillips, w doer! IHmiel Henry to W W Griffin, release deed t^eo Sewer to Thos Ctnriifelly, release deed E N l.ikens to M 11 Coie, release deed Mark Slonc to M H Cole, release deed D 1. & "Vui McDonald to J J Murphy, m d G H Cleveland to Michael Clarks, chat nf~ J B Giddingi* et ux to H M I 'routy, w deed Jas Carpenter et ux to Ann Carpenter, w d W P Abbott to J li Nickerson, quitclaimed Jas II Nickerson to Goo W Ross, w deed M Farn=im to Allen Xisson, chat mort M J Knowlton to F D Coltrin, chat mort Frank Sutton to J J Murphy, mort deed H Snyder et ux to J J Murphy, mort deed Wm Pierson to S O A A C Belcher, release iu Euwin Sponknable lo ilunry Kiug, w deed Tho cbancos for making a fortune by deceiving tlie people are so great that many manufacturers of Making Powder use tlie columns of the leading news, papers te show comparative teats. We notice ono brand, l)cLand's Chemical Baking Puwder. that has never been mentioned «r compared with others. Upon investigation, we flud a state­ ment on the iubel- which is the best reason in tho world why our manufac­ turer* avoid mentioning it. The brand is DcLand's Chemical, and the state­ ment I'eads: "Pure Grape Cream Tarter and Bl-Carh. Soda only. No lilllng whatever. For Sale by Fits- shnuion'ti <& Evanson, McUenry, AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auction, at his re"idence formerly occu­ pied a* a residence by Dr. C. H.Fegers, in the village of Johnsburg, on Friday. May 2,'84. Commencing at 10 o'clock A. M„ the following property: One Pel (on A Pomeroy Piano, good con­ dition. 1 Parlor suite of seven pieces, 1 Parlor Stove. 2 Carpets--Brussels, 1 Baby Carriage, I Oil Stove. 1 Kitchen Stove, all Bed room and Kitchen Fur- njturo. TKRMS CASIi, „ Jos. MAsqttBust. :»• Take Notlcfe. All persons having empty kegs be­ longing to Fulk's Milwaukee Brewery, procured of me are requested t» return the same at once as I am out of business and wish to close al! business up at ouce. All Interested will pleaso bear this In mind. „ .. Jos. WlBDBMANK, Mclleniy, April 30th, 18St. Social Party. l-aat Dance at Gilies' Hall, McUenry, Illinois, OH Wednesday Evening. April 30. 1S84. Music, Mudgett's Quadrille Band, All are invited. Kemeonber this i^my last dance. J, J. GtLbtt. McIIeery, III., April SSth. 1881 Everything In farming implements from a Swill Cart to a McCornaiek Twine Binder, can be found at tho warehouse of K. Bishop. Will Not be Undersold. All Wool Pants, made to order, for $5 50, $G.OO. $6.50 and 87.00. One linn- dred and fifty samples to pick from and a fit warrauted or uo sale. K., Merchant Tail Highway Commissioners Notice. Public Letting of Contract. Notice is hereby given that Proposals will be received by the Commissioners ef Highways of the Town of McHcnry, County of MeHenry and State of Illin­ ois, for the turiil&hing and spreading of One Hundred Yards of Gravel on the road known as tlie MeHenry and Johns- burg road, between the lands known as the Michael Justen place. Also One Hundred Yards to be furnished aud spread on the road known as tlie Mc­ IIenry aud Greenwood road, between tho residence of C. C. Colby and tlie Railroad crossing. Bids for both or each one separately may be made at the Town ('lerk'6 oftlce on Saturday, May 10th, 1884, at the hour of 1 o'clock |>. m.. the Board of Commissioners reserving the right to refuse all bids. Tlie same will he let by contract to tho lowost responsible bidder. ISAAC HARSH, CIASTOR ADAMS, AlXKN P. ("OLB*. • • Commissioners of Highways. F. G. MATKS, Town Clerk. Date I at MeHenry, '^th, 1HS4 Sw A fine assortuieiit of Ladles Dross trimmings, at Mr.*. II, H. Nichols'. Particular Notice. All persons iridnhted to H. A. Christ- man are requested to call and settle tlie same without 'delay, as my books must be settled up at once. Take notice that delays are dangerous. It. A. UiiRitTMAM, l.msing's Blook. West MoHeury, III., April 25th, 1331. FOR SALK OU KENT. Two houses ie the villago of Ring- wood. Terms reasonable. Apply at once to VssLir LABD. Blngwoed, April 30th, 18U. Call and see the flue line of Milliner? Goods, at Mrs. H, II. Nichols'. The finest assortment of Bird Cafos ia town, at John 1. Story's, Quantity in medicine is no indica- lion of value. Ayer's Sarsapariil is a concentrated and powerful; requires a sraalUr do«e. aud is more eflective, dose for dose, than any other Sarsa- parilla. it is tho best of all blood medicines. The latest styles aud lowost prices In Millinery Mrs. H. H, Nichols', Crazy Patchwork. navitiga large assortment of remnants aii4 pieces of handsome brocaded silks, satins and velvets, we aro putting them up in assorted bundles und tiirni*liin^ them for "Crazy Patchwork," Cushions. Mats, Tidies,etc.. etc. P.ickage No. 1--is a handsome bundle ofex- nuisiie silks, satins and brocaiod velvets (all different). Ju»Uhe thing for the most superb pattern of fancy work. Sent pest | aid for 56 cents in po-lal note or 1-cent stamps. Pack­ age No.2~Containing three times as muchai pick.ige No. I. Sent postpaid forSl'00. These nre all of the veryjlimxt quality and cannot be equaled at any other silk works in the U. S. at tin ee lime* our priers. They will please any lady. One order always brings a dozen moie. JL/ulics Muxual of h'.Hiry Work, with 400 illus. trillions and full instruction* for artistic fancy work, haudsemely bound, postpaid, 50 centa. Order now. Address, THK UOCUBSTER «U,K Co , 41-Sw Koehestcr, N. Y. By tlio use of Buckingham's Dyo, the wiiiMkers may ho easily made,a per­ manent, nature browa, or black, as desired, Ladies Underwear,! good and clioap, at Mrs, 11. II, Nfchols'. Business for Ladles. The opportunities for ladies to find employment that is both suitable and remunerative are limited ; their pay is usuall}' poor as compared with tlie sal­ aries paid to men in same linei of occu< pation. But there are some very noted exceptions; journalism, the drama, music and platform offer equal advan­ tages to men and women, aud there is one occupation in which women are sometimes inore successful than men. and l hat is the management of agencies, in tliis line the Queen City >nspender Co., of Cincinnati. Ohio, are offering inducements to ladies that we think ought te attract attention. They are now manufacturing aud introducing their new Stocking Supporters for ladies and children,and their uiiequaled Skirt Misponders for ladies. None shoul'l be,without them: our leading physicians recommend tlieui, and are loud in tiieir praise. '1'hese goods are manufactured by ladies who have made the wants of ladies and children a study, and they ask us to refer them to some reliable and onergotic lady to intro­ duce them in this county, and we cer- ijuly think that an earnest eeliei tat ion iiVevery household would meet with a ready response, and that i determined woman could make a handsome salary, and have an exclusive agency. We ad­ vise *otne lady who is iu need of em­ ployment tc> send to the company her name ana address, and mention this paper. Address Queen Citv Suspender Company. Nos. 177 aud 170 Alain Street Cincinnati, Ohio. 38 \v4. Fitzsiuunons A Evanson have tho choicest Jap Tea te be 'ound in th« couuty. Price 50 c«»nts. ltb whole leaf J«p Tea for 25 cents er libs for #1. at Bou*i«tt,Stodel A Co We carry the largest line of Cloth- sng In the market, and eur prices are as good goods can be s<dd 4 Heury Colby. Notice. The undersigned will commence sell­ ing Milk in the village of Mcilenrv o:> Monday, April 14th, by the Pint. Quart end up to Gallons. I will take pride in delivering good. rich, sweet ami clean milk to my patrons at such time ef day as the majority desire. Those wishing tickets can leave orders at E. M. Howe's Hardware store, when the delivery wagon will call. „ „ A. I.. HOWK. MeHenry, April 14, 1834, 39w.1 FOU SALE. The side wheel Steamer, "Lotus." Bills for the Machinery, or for the whole of the Boat, as site now lies at MeHenry, may be sent to Capt. Walter Hill, McUenry. 111., or to B. F, W*aver, Esq., 38 Wabash Avenue, Chicago. 33l& <p ' . Our Grocery^pephrtment was never more complete fehan al present. Many articles iu this department are now very cheap. Henry Colby. Wo can now show the largest tind most attractive line ofReady-Made. Clothing in medium weights ever brought to this market. You are asked to examine goods and prices at Henry Colby's. A fine line of summer Silks. Buntings. Nuns Veiling, Velvet and tlie latest styles of dress goods cheap at Henry Colby's. Notice , To those that want work done In my line, such as Tanks, Vats and all other work done iu a shop, as ] get lumber direct from Chicago. F, A. IIEBARD. We have just added an elegant line of dress goods, which are oflered at our usual uniform low prices. Henry Colby. For fresh tapioca, macaroni, vernvi- ciill.sngo, pearl barley, hacked wheat, hominy, oatmeal, etc., see Bonslett & Stoflel. Business Notice*. Go to Mrs. Howe's for Mill!norjr aad Dressmaking. SMOKKRS. tail fur Barbfan .Brea HijJIi Art." They have few equals. No trouble to show goods Of &USW6£ questions at 11. bishop's. Buy the Estey Organ if you want tho best. O. W. Owen, fticlieury, Agent. City residence.* for sale. Apply to Asa VV. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Go to Mrs. M. Schumacher's for Mill tiTy, Dress Making and Faecy Good* Case and Furit A Bradley Salkey Plows at E. M. Owen A Son's. Buildiug Paper, cheap, at itolitt || Story's. A fine ntsirtmeiit of very fine Graft* inte Iron Wire at John I. Story's. Both Combination and Plat form Wagons at E. M. Owen A Son's, of tbo best make. Lxainln* our iron bottom trnnks; nisi) assortment baud bags and valises at Bonslett A Stoftel's^ .. Till? finest* assortment of Sowing Machines to be fonudiii^lm O. W. Owen's. ' Fra All fits stopped free by Dr. Kline\ Great Nerve Restorer, No fi(s after first day's use. Marvelous cures Treatise and'92.00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr, Kline, 931 Arcli St., Phila,, Pa. We have tlie finest assortment of T.tces and Embroideries ever shown in this market. Call aad feee them at Henry Colby's, We are showing over 300 different styles of French. English aud American Manufactures, of latest patterns, for Sprhig suits. Prices very mod­ erate ins|>ectien invited at Fitzsim- uions A Evanson's. Please remember that our stock* In every department is very complete and thst our prices are always tlie lowest that can be made. We will not be undersold by any house lu Mclleury Co. lleory Colby. WANTED. BOO bushels choice Onions, for which the highest market price will be paid. Also choice butter and eggs. FITZSIMMOMS A Evanson. The Lyman Barb Wire, both plaiu and galvanized.decldedly the best Wire iu the market, at John l.btory's. Pants made to order in nobby fits. SO diflerent styles to select from at 96 per pair at Fitzsiuiuious d Evan- sen's, Good whole leaf Jap. Tea 25cents per Siouod; 5 pouuds for ti.00 at Bonslett A Itoffel's. Bucklln'a Arnica Salve. The bestsalife iu the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Silt Kheitine, Fevrfr Sores, Tetter, Chaped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup­ tions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refun­ ded. Price 2ft cents per box. For Sale by Henry Colby. For Sate< Tlio undersigned otter for sale their Shops and Lots, situated in West Mu- Heury, nearly opposite the Post Office. A first-class business location. For particulars apply to A. N. Tripp, West Mcilonrv, III. Tatrr BKOS. MeHenry, Feh. 8th, H64. FOR SALE. Ia the village of MeHenry 'a House ihd five lot», en which is a good barn and other outhouses, an abundance of small fruit, such as apples, pears, grapos, berries, etc. Will be sold cheap if applied for at once. For further particulars inquire at this effioe. _______ TAKE NOTICE. T offer my residence, opposite the Riverside House, for sale for the next thirty days for 81200, consisting of seven rooms on the firs: floor and eight rooms on tho second floor, with wood- house, cellar, well aud cistern, with one lot and some fruit. F. A. ILKLLARP. J8.4W _______ Mellenrv, l i l . J*i»T OUT OF PRESS! ^ ,IN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF**" PRACTICAL INFORMATION --AND- Universal Formulary. Wo want Energetic men in everv Oountv to manage the sale of this Superior Work. 'We can show you how to make uionev lust. Liber­ al Commission* or <jnaruntce<l Oash-.Salarv by a<litresting 0, 0. ST. CLAIR A 03., Pabs. ftl 'KIKUFlELD, III. Wo have just received some Jerseys. Call and see theui at H. Colby's. All the latest novelties iu Ladies' Neckwear at llenrv Colby's. A full stock of Paints and Oils at Price Bros., Wauconda. ABVICK TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night »ud brok­ en of your rest by a sick ohild sultering and crying with pain of cutting tec tli ? Ifso.seud at once and get a bottle of Mrs Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value is Incnl- culanle. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend npoii it mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrho-a, regu­ lates the stomach and hmvel*. cures wind colic, softens the guins. reduces inflammation and gives tone and en ergv to the whole 'system. Mrs. Wins- lew's Soothing Svrup for children teething is pleasant to the ta%te, and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and lie«t female physicians and nurses in tlie United States, and is fur sale bv all druggist* throughout the \\ I'lk'C £> cuul* a buttle. The Boss Barrel Chufh. at John I. Story's. • • • - Al. the leading Walking PloWS at Owcii A Son's, Everything in the Hardware liae at bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. An elegant line of corsets 50. oeats and up at Henrv n®|by'». Woven Wire Mattresses, tbo heal for only *3 30. at John B. Blake's. Brussels Carpet..LeungesSonly 97.00 at John B. Blake's. Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Plat­ form Spring Buggies for sale at £. Bishop's warehouse. The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to he found in the Cotinty, at O. W. Owen's. Drags Drags, Drags, a lot ou hand, steel tooth aiid must sell. For sale by It. Bishop Ir jOil want anything less llian tho Estey Organ 1 can sell vou one for 940 and upwards. *0. W.OWEK We have no more uf that 20 lbe for one 0 sugar, but plentv at 18 lbs for one dollar at Perry A ~ Owens. Come early and have tbe first chance in wall paper. Come and see tbe new styles at Perry & Owen's. Never liny cheap goods just because they are cheap, the best are the cheap­ est in the end, We will not knowingly sell worthless goods. Pekrt A OWEN. Perry A Owen have in stock tho finest lino of wailnaper in the county, over one hundred new . patterns, this spring. Gents French Kip and Calf Boots for •5,50 at E.G. Smith's Ivelter's Block three doors West of Riverside House. Screen Doors, all complete, at Jolia I. Story's. Call aud see them. Our Boot and tihoe department la now uimstiaJIv completer A full line ef I'ufcters celebrated hue goods in new styles just received at Henry Colby's. Elegant Suits made to order, ia latest sty(es and moderate prices at Filzsimuivns A Evansou'a. For first-class iiMtirauce against lire and Lightning, wind storuis. eyelones tornadoes, etc., etc., apply io Asa W* Smith, Woodstock, 111. ' The choicest Oolong, T»ung Hyson Gunpowder and uncoiored Japan teas always in stock at Bonslett A Stofiel's. Tbe lightest Draft Sulky Plow iu tho world is the Hapgoed. found at E. M. Oweu A Sou's, aud sold as. low as tho cemmou sulkey. Full line stsndard Eastern and Cali­ fornia canned goods at Boaslett A Stofiel's. Bargains in fine Spanish, Guipure, Oriental, Torchon and red Laces, at Bonslett A Stofiel's. •; 4li • i •i «c $ - GLASS ! GLASS f We keep Glass of all sizes constantly on hand. Special sixes cut without extra charge. JOHM I. SroBT, The Cortland side-liar Top Buggy is light and line, and is the most durable t uggy made. Can always see then at E. M. Owen A Son's. Tlie finest stock of Wall Paper to tMr fonnd in WauconJa is at Price Bros, Call and see tlis new patterns. Perry A Owen have mens fine shoes foi 93 that beats them all. 3600 matches for 25 cents at Bfuslatt A Stefiel's, • Millinery. Elegant Spring Millinery in all the popular styles and at such low prices that every Lady, Miss or child can a fiord to wear a new Bonnet or ilat. A large stock of fine 'Trimmings, and ta»ty trimmers can always be found af*< the store of MKS. SCHUMACHER, Near the Oepot C. II. Fargo's celebrated hoots and shoes, every pair warianted at Bonslett A Stofiel's. . Croat Saving to Dairymen. The u»? of one bottle of Dickinson's Cow prescription, will cause the cow t« do well after calving, will prevent Milk Fever, Garget Horn :riI. Jfcc, Will catc-e an Increase in the flow of milk, and is worth halt the price of tlie cow to every one using it. For sale by all Druggiits. Sold by Henry Colby. C. Dickinson A Sou solo proprietors, Darlington, 111. How to Save Morey. Now don't vou lorget to come tathe Ring wood Nursery this spring with your wagons and load up with trees, cheap for cash. Apple, Pear. Cherry and i * IM in trees. Soft Maple. Wbito Ash, B«>x Elder ami Elm trees, sheared Evergreens;fiatolpa and Mountain Ash trees, lots of Grape Vines. Russian Mulberry, etc.,etc. Always thauktul t«f- past favors. x ' JOHN V. BVCKUSSL Uiugsroed, tit., March 25th, l£M. Great Russian Remedy* Russian Liniment is a sure euro for Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Diphtheria, 'Toothache, Earache. Sore Throat. Sore­ ness of tlie Limb*. 'Tumors. Ulcers, Sprains, Lame Hack or Shoulders, Swellings. Contraction of Hie Muscles, Chilblains. lntf.-niinMtions (no matter how long-standing); in s»vere ca»t* ap­ ply a cloth moistened in the Liniment over night for three nights. It U equally as good tor the hor*e. For sale by all druggists, and Ilent y Tolhr. C. plOK'Jts"-* A •*« N,

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