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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1884, p. 8

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>% y*i-. 1 • . ' " :>• • V* f-;'! . ' '•< t \ • - t#. 4 > , -j * . A Marvelous Storyi .-v MP muwaewrmUug p « * m p * l » » a i « TOLD IN TWO LETTERS. Piiti«« of an !ill;»r Always Iw g»ocl naliirrri. Always he Alwaya Sunday. •: Always to be nt bis desk writing c©^y for the pnppr, AWnyi religiously oatf-r to the con­ flicting pfpjmli^s «f the community. "Always have plenty of Important local i mrwa whether anything happen? or not. ;* Ahvav* to "hist" in the grammar, ©r 1 ptitlotnation and spelling,;for ill iterate <; or careles.® contributors. i Almost instantly to pay hi* bill?, and , •miiingly take a "stanJ off" from ail who are pleased to pay some •»« els« "first. Always cheerful to bold himself ac­ countable for the mistakes and blunders ©f other people, add tutekly^submit to abuse therefor; Always to know exactly what 1« going on Sundays, as well a% week days, and . yet out an extra in anything of la terest happens. - Always be around, afc nil hours of the tlav and night, in and out of all kind of places, on the alert for news, and at the lame time be regular in his habits. Always do his level best to. promote, ; any public enterprise, to do what he can to put money into£ot!ie.r peopTeV pockets, and serenely carry homi-a pound of;Iircr for breakfast. Always give a $1 subscriber;from 95 ""to worth of puils. whrch*br!ng the subscriber double those amounts of cash in liis business, while he would not and could not he hired to return the favor to the editor, eyen a cent's worth. Always to iiavejuullniited advertising space next to remHn«r matter. AUVICK TO MOTIIEKS. Are you disturbed at night *nd brok­ en «»f your rest by a sick child sufteriHtf and crying witli' pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and tret a bottle of .Mr*. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value is liu-al- ^cnlatde. It will relieve the poor little miflerer immediately. Oepend upon It mothers, there is no mistake about it . It eures dysentery and diarr'noa, regu­ lates the stomach and bowels, cure* wind colic, softens the gum*, reduces inflammation and gives tone and en- erev to the whole svstf m. Mrs. Wins- lew's SoothiusT Svrtip for chililreti teethin>; is pleasant to the taste, anil Is the prescription of ore of the oldest and l»e*t female physicians and nurses in the United States,-and is fur sale bv all druasists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a hot tie. Wheat Wanted. WA.NTKD. at the Fox River Valley Mills, good Milling Wheat-, for which the highest price in cash will he pnld, R. IllSIKU". . Mettenry, 111., April 14th, 18S4. . Clicap & Miwesiero R'y Co. ALBERT KEEP. Pres. M. L. SYKES, Vice Pres. OFFICE SO. 5*2 WALL ST., SIff TORK. April 15th, 1SH. ANNUAL M1RETIXO. The annual meeting of the StorklwMers nn«l HrndhnMers of tlie Ohio*s»o ;m<t North western ItrsiUv^i v Com- ."paiiy, will lit? tie\>l at the Campu-nv's ©Hire. in Chicago, Ml., on Thursday, June .1th, l*st, at J 1'. M., for the election of 'liree'lors pursuant to Inw. iin'l for t!ic* tran<n.c> ion of *noh othi'r business as shall fmne holnre s.iM meeting, aii'l to tak«v action upon an iierepinont ap. proved l»y the directors and officers of the foinp;iiij- 'for the acquisition an<t ownership of the lease<l lines in town, to wit: the Chi- capo, lowa and Vel>Mska the Ce.lar Uapi<lf anil Missouri iiiver Uailroail, and the Maple Ilirfr Railr>a<1. together with their tributary connections in low* anil Vebriska, viz.: the'Sioux City and.Pacific. K iilro.i l, the Fremont, Klkhom and Missouri vallcv ([nil. re:id and ihe Missouri Valler and Jtlftfr Ifail- war ami ltri'ize Company at the cio'.ssing of the Missouri Itiver. SPKOI .-VI. MKKTIXG --A s'p^eial meeting nf the "»toi'kho|ikT6 of tlio f71ijr'» :in• I Xortli- western liailway Company ,' bn-n unli ii'il l»y the Iio^ril of Oirei-tors ptirsu inl to tlie B\-- Lawx, and will be held at the ' Company's o't. flee in I lie city of Clr.rajro, at 11 oVIoek,".*. M,, ON Thursday,'June 1<SI, to ntitliorize an ir.rrease of the common capital stock of the company, to i»r; is<itei| ami 'used in exchange •and payment for the capital slocks of the ( hi- OHjro, town and Nebraska Itailroad, the Cedar KipiiH ;ind Missouri Itiver iliiilroad, and the 'Maple Kivcr Railroad, liiakintr the amount, to which it is proposed to increase the capital stock #11,757,500 in addition lo tiie present capital stock. ALBERT KBEI-, President. M. 1.. 8TKES, Secretary FROM THE FATHER: FROM THE SON: To • l Gentlemen: My father resides at Glorer, VU He has been a great sufferer from Scrof­ ula, and tlie inclosed letter will tell you what a marvelous ellect Ayer's Sarsaparilla" has had in his case. I think his blood must hare contained tlie liumor for at least ten years; but it did not show, except in the form of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about five years ago. From a few spots which ap­ peared at that time, it gradually spread so as to corcr liis entire body. 1 assure you lie was terribly afflicted, and an object of pity, when be began using your medicine. Now, there are few men of Uis age who enjoy as good health - as he has. 1 could easily name fifty persona who would testify to tho facts in his case. Yours truly, W. M. PHILLIPS." "It is both a pleasure and a duty for me to state to yon the benefit I hare derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Six months apro I was completely covered with a terrible humor and scrofulous sores. Tho" humor caused an incessant and intolerable itching, and tho skin cracked so as to cause the blood to flo^t in mafiv places whenever"; I moved. My sufferings were great, and my life a burden. I commenced tho use of the SARSAPARILLA in April last, and have used It regularly since that time. My condition began to improve at oneo. The sores hare all healed, and I feci perfectly well in every rcspect -- being now abio to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. Many inquire what has wrought such a cure in my case, and I tell them, as I have here tried to tell you, AYEH'S SAOSAPAKILLA. Glover, VL, Oct. 21,1S82. Yours gratefully, UIIIAAI PHILLIP*." ATER'S SARSAPARILLA enres Scrotals and alt Seroftalons Complaints, Erysip­ elas, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches, Sores, Boils, Tumors, and Eruptions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impu­ rities, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole system. PREPARED BT Dp. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell,Mass. Sold by all Druggists; ?1, six bottles for $3. RIVERSIDE BLOCK. McHENRY, :rK; cC,"^ ••i'4* i" f^\ f b --^STOCKS OF* DEALER IV FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS. doors north & Owen. of Store two Pjerry 1 have one ol'the largest/stocks of Furniture of all kinds to he found in any furniture store in the county. Persons wishing1 to buy will be sure to save iuonejy by culling on me. UNDERTAKING. I have 35 different sizes and styles ot > - - COFFINS AND CASKETS, Always oo hand. I keep a Hearse of nit own which will be furnished at the most reasonable rates. J. B. BLAKE. 8MGAQ3 a NO LET UP -AT- WAUCONDA, ^Everybody goes there to buy KOTIOJSS, ASD I G R O C E R I E S , I For Coal and Wood CAM, OH r4E. M. HOWE Opposite liiKliop's Mill, Who has a- Pomi>letc line of the best stores in the market, as well a's a lar^e stock of Hardware, Mechanic's Tools, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, in faet, ersry tliing in the hardware stpve and tin liue. HE WILL WOT SB UNDERSOLD. Orili at hi« store before buyinif elscWirei*«. mid rcp-iiiiiii; [.roiujitly nltemied tit, «d"lteinenjln'r, »*\trn tr<x*d Ijargitiiio can ul. ways IM; obtained at Howe's. Mcllenry, Dec. 1,1W3. Ladie^and Gents' Underwear Ladies' and Gents* Gossahvers Ladies' and Gents' Gloves and Mittens, Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery. A iiice stock ot' Cor­ sets and Hoop SKirts an EXTRA quality of Woolen Yarns, Carpet tVarps, Cotton Iiittinir, and all the 'Staple Articles in a gen­ eral store, and uy pritros to suit the present depreciated/ markets. - ' • • '4r* GOOD IprfWf trade of !884. •AILROAD III THE WOIUL Let it be forever remerabereti timt the Ciicaio & Northwestern Railway Is the hest and sliorteat rente te and from Chicago and Council HlufTs (OmuhiO and tint it is preferred by all tvell pested travelers •When paxtmiK tojnr from IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, U N I F O R M L Y L O W . FATB.Q£TAGE SOLZC1TSD -AND- Satisfaction Guaranteed. COX.1IY. MCIIEKRY, 111.,, February 11, 1884. IX? sell ts, loss ana ran We have/just received an immense stock oi Goods for the spring trade, and in or­ der to make room for the largest stock ot summer goods ever brought to Woodstock, or into Henry County, we will our winter and heavy goods at great bargains. We must have the room, and are bound to close them out. It AY ill pay you to come from all over the county to tra^e at pwijrh-t's old reliable cash store. We have the finest line of spring goods ever brought to Woodstock, consisting ot Women's, Misses' and children's Walking Shoes and Slippers, Men's IJoys' and Youthg fine calt Button and Staple Shoes. t^~N. B.--House establishes> in 18G5. W. H* DWIGHT, Cor. Main St. and Public Square, Woodstock, III, D° YrjVA*T Horse Shoeing, Sewing Machine? General Slacksmithing, WAGON AND The acknowledged leader in good goods and low prices, and people are finding it out. His prices tell his goods are of the vary best. His stoek is large and his prices are way down below the high priced credit dealers. He can afford to do it as he sells for cash o»ly. Jamestown Worsted Dres» Goods, 50 pieces just received. Everything new bright and attractive. Remnants cheap, C. F. Hall bids for your trade. Go und see him. The c nly cash store in Northern Illinois. The largest, the best filled. Size, 140 feet long and 22 feet wide, two stories high and working for the people that PAY AS THEY GO. Not a dollar's worth g*>es out except for Hard Cash. I sell DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Boots A Shoes, Bats A GROCERIES, CROCKERY, &c., And my prises will make iir pay you to com© f6rty miles to trade with me. 1 sell goods of the best quality and guarantee everything as represented. Read my price list and bring it, and make your fall purchases where your money will do you the most tgood, Will your credit dealer make you the following prices? Boy» suits $2 CO to U 00 Men's Suita 325 to S9 00 Clothing It our great •perinliv, ami we ram-v the finest Hock i» Northern Illinois. We have the goods. No. 1 Raking Powder Meeita. Spires, wnv iltwn. Sugur at Chicago costjndd freight. 50 CPnt Tea 44cents Good Tea t5, 30, M A 40 " California and Colorado, It also ope llnc|betwee Chicago It also operates the best route and tHe short Hne|between and St. Paul Minneapolis and Best Prints 4H cents 5 I * " 71 ...... 60 It 5. 7, 9 A It ...... 50 • 6 « Finest Bleached Cetton --.. '•est Unl>)curbed Cetton .... Stumlnvd (iingliams........... No 1 Corsets Ac A Ticking ..... ,v. .-. .... Klcgani Dress Goedt . . .. 42 inch Black Omha>eres .... Dress Drills .. Oara lines ... I.adie*' Fine llnndkerchiefs. t and mtccnt bargains in abundance. <;«o<l f;»ttonj<jloth • No 1 Denims 12 ISest Dfiiims in.ii Is 15 Fxtru Waterproof W l.adies' .Slippers, worth 75 cents... 45 I.adicn' 'Shot's f I 00 I.adlc*' Krcncli Kid Shoes, line 2 00 (Jenis' Boots, lined 200 All kinds t'er men ami boys and only good liovds. Milwaukee, LaCrosse, .Sparta, Madison. Fort Howard (Green ISav), Wisconsin, Winona. Owatonna, Mankato', a inn., Cedar Itaplds, Des Moines, Webster City, Algona, Clinton, Marshallt'iwn, Iowa, yFreeport, Klxin, Hock- toril, III., are among its 800 local stations on ita lines. Among a few of the numerous points of so- periortty, enjoyed hy the patrons ot this road, are its DAY COACHKS, which are the finest that human art and ingenuity can create; its PALATIAL SLEEPING C'AKS, which sr* models ot comfort and elegance; Its PALACK DRAWING ROOM CARS, Which are unsurt passed by any ; and its widely celebrated NORTH-WESTERN DINING CARS, Toe like of which are not run by any other road anywhere. In short, it is asserted that IT IS THE BEST EQUIPPED ROAD IN TILE WORLD. All points of Interest, Xortb, Xorthwest and West ot Chicago. busiiie«8 centres, summer resorts,and noted hunting and fl.shiaggrouiids arc accessible by the various branches oi thi* roiui. It owns and controls over 5,000 mile? of road and has over four hundred passenger con. dnctors constantly caring for its millions of patrons. C Ask your ticket agents for tickets via this route, AND TAKE NONE OTHER. It costs •in more to travel on this route, that gives first-class accommodations, than it doss to go by the poorly cquip|ipd roads. "For maps, descriptive circulars and sum. mer report paper.*, or other information not obtainable at your local ticket office, writ* to the Gen'l Pass. Agent. C. A N. W. Railway, Chicago UL Best Rice Best Roasted Coffee.......... G >od '• .v.......... standard Raisins No 1 Tobacco, Smoking Fine-('ut Tobacco... 7;.,... Plug Tobacco .. ...... .... Long Box Matches 5-cent Box Matches 10-cent. Box Matches.... .... Babbitt's Saleraltis " Bnst Soap..;. Store Polish ; ....... 7 !• 10 A 1« • 2$ 60 M 10 1 s 7 Now I want to see you juid know that I can make it foi your interest to come, and will do it. Just come once and see. My g-oods arc . Bought and Sold ior Cash Only. AND THAT Tells the Whole Story. I want tlie tar-oft' trade tlisit buy BIG BILLS, and to sue! Siiy, conic and see me, aiul it 1 can't save you- money, will pajr your expenses., 1 am getting in IK rgains every day, and they g< a« bought, very cheap for cash. Yours tor good goods and low prices c. jgySEND.'tOUll OIIDERS. F. HALL, DUNDEE ILL This Space Belongs to F. G. I. One Door West of the Riverside House, Has a complete line of the best Stores in the market, as well as a large stock of DEALERS IX Furniture, OF ALL KINDS. Store oie iloor West of Post Office, NEAR THE DEPOT, WEST HcHElTEY - ILL. We hsreene of the largest stoeks offer. niture of all kinds to be found in tho comatj, and our prices will be as | LOW AS THE LOWEST. We keep none but'the best and persea* wibhing lo buy Furniture of any .kied will save money by (iviu^ us a call. We also keep a full line of samples of CARPETS, Alia rau si ll yon one from .ho rkespest prude tea IJrus.'fls, as cheap us aur outside of Ciiic.a^o. <Ji»e us • imII and >v«i arc nur* «t o»l» aa*# you money cu anyihiiig in our line. Undertaking. A full Ajtsyrlment uf COf t'INS AXU Ull. KKTS always ou nand. J em-A Hearse Furnlsh«d at the most Reasonable Rates. JISTEIS 11R08. Mr Henry, NOT. TFULI, |SS3. B. Slier man WOODSTOCK, ILL * 'A. - DLAl.KR lit-- Breech and Muzzle Lo?d'ng bhot Guns. rowder, nnut, Caps.Wuds and CartridtM for sale. Fishing Tec tie,cheap. Al. ftin<la of ^portiitg Oood« AND REPA1UING DONE. A good Breech Loading, Deuble Barreled Gun, warranted Twist, Wine liester (title, 76 model, 15 shot*, >25. Nickcl I'lated G shot Itcvolver, fi 5U. Self-cocking British Bull Dog Pistol t.r*00. A good Single Barrel Breeeli Loading, Siegl* Gun, warranted, K».M. I will undersell any house in the county in Guns and Sporting Goods. If yon want a good gun it will pay you to call and see me. 1 war­ rant every gun I sell. Clothes Wringers repaired »nd new Kolls put on. Price per pair warranted, $2.50. B. SHERMAN. Woodstock, July 15th, 1883. SUTTEE EGfjS AND WANTED, And the Highest ilurket Price Goldmg Bros. ^auccuiJu, Dec. 1, lys.'j. THE GOLDEN STAR "• GASOLINE RANGES. > Sujx'i ior to ill 1. J > rapidly su- j)crse<.fing (>o<»k Stoves and "Ran­ ges tor Summer use, (iill :»LJ uv** them, JOHN I. STORY MeHenry April i^l, 1«83. IB P. HAUPERISCH, Mcllenry, Hlinoiei, Would rcupcetfullr inform his customer# snd the public generally that he is now bettei; than ever prepared to do all work In his line. KEPAimiNG, Wheat Wauteil; ? W.*NTKH. THE FOX ITIver Valley ijniMl MiiiiAj; \Vli»'at. for wliicii the highest | i"icv hi cusli will l ie paid. ... tl It. MdJeiu-j, liJ., Ajuil Mb, !38l. I have on hand and am selling at the T.o» est prices, tlie Domestic, Kldredge, New llomis, Sitrlngneld, New American, and Singer e w ing Machines, and w UI not bo undersold by any agent in tho county. A good singer Machiiu- for 20. war rail tea to do the work of any Singer Machine in the world. Call uiid see inc. O, W. OWEN. Mcllenry, .i'eli 20,1S33. Of all kinds on short notice. Wfiivs us a call and we will please you both in quality and price of work. " P. HAUPERISCH. McHsary.'Ill., Atrg. 7th, IMS. Hot torn llgtireg and lntesfc Kt.vlea hanging latupe, at Bonelett, Stoflel & Co.'s. MECHANICS TOOLS. Lamps, Chandeliers, And in short, Everything in the Hardware, and Tin Line. Stove He Will Not be Undersold! CALL AT HIS STORE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE? Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended to. R EM EMBER, extra good bargains can always be obtained at JOHN I, STORYI UcHini Ul., Jftn.21at.lBU. ' Infants ch8>dren What elves our Children rosy cheeks. What euros their forora, makes them sleep; ( astor^u When Bablesfret. ande^ by tur^ . What euros their oohc, kills their worms. Csitorisrf What quickly cures Constipation. Sour Stomach, Colds, IndifoaUon^:^^^ Farewell then to Morphine Syrups, oil and Paregoric, and *** Hall Castorla. K "Castoria <• so wall adapted to Children that I recommend it as superior to any ntedi- cine known to me."--H. A. ARCHER, M.D., Ill So. Oxford St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. absolute

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