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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1884, p. 4

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wis * * r r J V * % ' ' - ? v ? v ^ • p . " i^*s&„>uq^s?* m-*$• f; .5£.7;fy?s Ĵ êirj Ĵ aiitietl !P?¥ ifwSEi HVfi ' -^ •v* ,< ^ R C. HILL, Illinolau nd see the large stock o C -*" . t% • - ' ' ' WEDNESDAY, MAT 21, IT.TAN8LYKE. TRflitor. * ^ ' '7% *"» Republican State Ticket. Frrr Governor, MICILARD J. OGLESBY. of Logan Courtly. JHw Lieutenant Governor, fOHA C. SMITH, of Cook County. Secretary of ftate, r r n. DE.\asm, of IJM Ccntnftt. F\tr Auditor, •\CHARL.KS P. 8W1GKRT, e Kankakee County. For Treasurerw.-j JACOJJl GRCWf Of Cook Cmtn/jjk > " • > '.Attorney General., 1 IS FORGE MM, 0f Edgar County j iional Ticket For Member of (nngre**, .RET'REX ELLWOOD, , « • v of DetCalb, County. for-Jiembcr State Roardjof Equalization, It. &. WILLTAXtS, « tf McHenry County. For States Attorney.- ; Ac will b« s«pn by a notice else- ~-Wh*r«, Am W. Smith, Esq., of the t«wn of Durr. announces himself as a candidate for the office nf States At­ torney, mbject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. Mr. Smith fa an old settler of the County, •n able lawyer, and lias always been identified with the Educational and Agricultural interests of both town and county, and we do not know of a lltan who It wonld^glTe us more pleas­ ure to see elected, or who .would All the •fficc more acceptably to the people, than Asa W. Smith, Esq. Tie is emi­ nently a man of the people, and with age, experience and ability, possesses qualifications for the office that should ensure him tht unanimous support of the Republican voters of the County. In &pe;tkiug of liim the Marengo Republican says: W> learn that Asa W. Smith, of Woodstock, one of the ablest lawyers • »nd be*t citizens of our County. is in the field for States Attorney, though have not seen his announcement. VWtake great pleasure in endorsing (he candidacy of Mr. Smith, and the „ PLAIN-DEALER will give liiin its undi­ vided support. C. P. Barnes, of Woodstock and A. W. Young, of Harvard, are also candi­ dates for this office, and their announce­ ment can be found at the head of our local page. ft: f60"The Republicans of the Xino- teenth Illinois District (in •'Egypt") propose to run the lion. Thomas S. |}lidgewaT. of Shawneetown. for Con- ftms. Mr. Ridgeway would be an Excellent Congressman. 1 ' A Morristown (Sr. J ) dispatch ilated May 14. says; "Ulysses 8. Grant- Jr.. was here last Saturday looking for * house. Yesterday he hired a modest cottage on Franklin place and will move out at once. Colonel Fred Grant lias a very handsome and elegantly- burnished villa on South street, the Irain street. He Intended to go away .'his Summer, but has now decided to remain. He is reducing expenses, and is selling his expensive horses and carnages. General Grant will spend the Summer with him, and is expected tout shortly. Great sympathy is felt here for the Grants, who aro very pop­ ular." 16^*Governor Hamilton,of t his State, lias commuted the sentences of the two convicts, Raab and Moan, who cam# to the rescue of Keeper Mc­ Donald, of the Jollet Penitentiary, when the officer was murderously at­ tacked in the prison by the notorious <lesparado, Frank Rande. William Raab was sentenced in 1830 from Ver­ milion county to serve for life for murder. The sentence Is commute:] to a term ending Febuary 4,1887. James Moan Is serving k sentence of ten years from July 8, 1880. for arson in Cook comity. The commutation will let him out October 8. next, the date of the expiration of a shorter being se rved by his wife in prison. Will' LOGAN. Those who watch the drift pnblic sentiment can Hardly fail to Observe that with the clearing away of the smoke of the state and district conven­ tions. the current is setting quietly to­ ward Gen. Logan as the most available candidate for the Republican party to nominate at the coming convention' His location, his familiarity with pub­ lic matters, his marked ability, his great personal popularity, all conspire to make him a prime favorite. We are still living near the war and there is a strong feeling to honor the men who participated In that great struggle- Gen. T.ogan stands as Its most con- spicious volunteer soldier, while his record as a statesman is equally credit­ able. He has the confidence of the entire country. The East is divided, as in every Presidetial year, so that frohi the West must come the leader, and who so worthy or so well qualified as the galleiit soldier and able states­ man from the Prarie State,? So let it be. and there will be an enthusiasm and heartiness infused into the cam­ paign that will carry dismay to the opposition and insure a Republican iliajority ina half doren of the states that are always classed as doiibtfuU-r Waukegan Gazette. Bgy-Who W!H be the Republican nominee for President*? We are asked daily and oftensr. but nobody knows. The man who could answer it, would be "a bigger man than old Grant," and couid make a fortune like Goulds or Vnnderbilts. We ta«e little satisfaction in the present outlook; for the pros­ pect is. since so much acrhnony* has been developed In the canvass, that none of the leading candidates will be nominated; that some dark horse will win the race. And the dark horse busi­ ness we have become feenrtily sick of. It is one of the most unjust, unfair and contemptible feat.ures in politics, that the gre.-it leaders in political parties are denied the great prizes; that Its Websters and Clays, Its Conkllngs vnd Bla'nes are sent to the rear.simply because they are great; and because, being leaders they have been influen­ tial and made opponents; and some insignificant fellow like Polk. Pierce or Haves, is put forward and given the highest office in the gift of American people simply because lie is insignifi­ cant and being insignificant has made no enemies. We are for Logan, and we are for Blaine, but we would rather see Grant,Conklin or Arthur nominated, than some weak common place make­ shift of a candidate, who has not won the-lionor bj conspicuous ability, and prominence in statemansbip. The dark horse policy may not work again, for thousands o( our voters, have the same repugnance to It, that we have,-- Sycamore Republican. S^*Less than a year ago the writer had the pleasure of meeting four distin­ guished citizens, who at that time, unitedly, could draw a check for al­ most a fabulous sum, and it would have been honored by any bank in the country. One of these gentlemen was a railroad magnate; one was the great­ est military man of tiie age and twice elected President of the United States, and the other was a reckless specula­ tor. To-day those men are bankrupts. Villard, tin railroad man. was the first to succumb; Keene, the speculator, was next; Grant, the general and ex- president, next; and Senator Sabiij, the manufacturer, the last. Time brings many sad,changes in the life.-- Elgin News. AW SALOON and RESTAURANT, Buck's Old Stand, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, * McHenry Lager Beer, Phil. Best's Htlwaaks) Best By the Bottle or Cnse. We buy none but the best and sell at Reasonable Prices.' Call and see me and I wi|l use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, III., 1884. W auconda, - Agricultural Implements ^ . ALL KINDS. ° KJ C XI CFal We keep a fnll line of Farm Machinery Of the best manufactured ami sell at BED ROCK PRICES. If TOU want anything in the Agricultural Marhincrv line, <lo not ftiil to call on BID be- fere pnrrl'msin?, as I ran save you maney. I am al«» agent for Lake and McHenry Coun­ ties for the Champion laid Cntttr. To™ can have n grinder attache*! to grind at the same time von are cutting. Every pur- chaser gets a written guarnntea with his ma­ chine. It in iiositiveiv the KASIKST RUN­ NING Feet! Cutter In the Market. Give me a call. In Mowing Machines I have the IMPROVED RICHMOND MOWER, Simple, Durable and Efficient. The frame is niaile entirely of iron, thus preventing the warping an<l springing, while the gearing ia so securely l>oxe<t as to keep it entirely free from dust, dirt and grit, The Best Mower in Use Am Afeent for the Raosno Cement Com- panies CEMENT CHIMNEYS. ' . Call and see them. • v ? R. C- HILL. Waucqnda. May, 30th, 1884. <4 mS sold BO low that it will pay you biff to buy, as we are srettinof nd of any amount every day. We have Four of the * Leading Sulky Plows ? 1 Carpets, Wall Paper, Dress Goods, Domestics, Boots & Trunks and Valises, ' Paints and Oils, Mixed Paints, Groceries, Salt, etc. PERRY &. OWEN. Politics is as uncertain as a Ret­ ting hen. A prominent Chicago poli- tician anri joMrnalirft sutng »p the first preferoitce of the Republican delegate# to Chicago as followee: Blaine, 378, Arthur. 271 ; Erfmiunlt, 70; Logan 57; John Sherman, 23; Hawley. 12; Gen Sherman, 2; Lincoln. I, and D unknown. If this is a correct Minunary of course Blaine and Logan, whom it Is eenerally believed are pulling together, can carry the coureiitWn aa they see fit# Four hundred and eleven are necessary (or a choice, and Blaine and Logan's forces combined Hum up 435. How* ever, politics i* as un certain aa a sot­ ting lieu.--Every Saturday. I KING'S*! LIVER and KIDNEY Bitters. These Bitters are especially prepared for the masses «t mankind, sufTcrinir from Tor­ pid Liver, Weak and Hifeased Kidneys.aiut constitutions overworked, bodily and men. tally. They cure Fever and Ague, Malaria, Indigestion, Dvspepsia, Nervous Debilitj, llead ti-he, Constipation, give a good appe­ tite, purify the blood, stimulate tho Kidneys into healthy activity, producing new life and vigor 10 the txvly and mind. We Warrant These Hitters To lw» the he»t Tonic preparation inade and retiominerd them to treryliody for Family use to secure Health, Strength and Happi­ ness D IRECTIONS:--A wine gla«9 full taken three times a day, ltelore each meal, will accomplish the desired effect, without drug­ ging the stomach. John A. King A: Co., Wholesale Druggists, Proprietors, Bl Lake Street,Chicago. HI- !59»"Biiy-Try and you Willalways use Ihem5 «*"Price f I Per Bottlef^v .. .. REPORT OP THE C t > I V I > I T I O N THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, Close of Business Apr 24, '84. Loans and discounts ....$206,263 51 Overdrafts... 512 31 U. s. Bonds to secure circulation... 60,000 oo IT. S. Bond 8 on hand 1,800 00 l>ne from approved reserve agents. 17.355 04 Due from other National Bpnks.... 9,8:12 !*) Real estate, furniture and fixtures, 3,30u (,o Current expenses and taxes paid.... l,88i;m Checks and other ca«h items........ w.. 14 »0 Hills of other lianks Sis on Frc'l cur. nickels & pennies.. (W C3 Spccie 11,633 0(1 l.ezaltendernotes 650 00 Redemption fund with TJ. S. Treas- urer (5 per cent of circulation) MABILITtie. Capital stork paid in so.ooooo Surplus fund ; 8.000 Oft "Tndivid d profits . 7.03t «5 National Bank Notes o;it,stan ling... 45,000 no Individual deno*iFs subject-to cheek 193/*)i 34 Demand Ccrtitlcatcs of deposit 1,724 50 I, John 4 Mii/nhr, Cashier nf the RIMVA named lityttr.dn telemnly swear that thealmvA statem*ntm true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J^HW J. MURPHY, Cashier. Subscribed nntl sworn to before ine this 1st day of May, 18#4. W * . A VERT, Ce. Clerk. Sold by Druggists general!) CSS3SCE2I term now the same f®""The receiithreat financial disas­ ters In New York have a'vakened Con­ gress and the people to tlie importance I of M> legi*l<uing as to prevent Banking presidents and cashijers from engaging la outside speculation with Hie money intrusted to them, and Senator Citllom of Illinois, has introduced a bill In the Senate, which was referred to the Finance Committee, and is as fol­ lows. Be it enacted, etc.. That it shall be unlawful for the President, Cashier, or other chief executive officer of any national banking association having a capital stock to the amount of #20i).- 000 or mfre, to d«»ai trade o* otherwise engage in speculation in stocks, bonds or other securities, or in grain provi­ sion*, produce or «it on margins, or hi* own individual account or for his own Individual profit, either directly or Indirectly, or to have any partnership or other financial interest in the oper­ ations of any- private banking or brok- Hr;»> or biHiue*?. Any such ollicer who violates the provisions of this act •hall be deemed guilty of misdemean­ or, and shall be imprisoned not lexs than one year nor morn than five years or lined not more than 810,000. ' This should b$ amended so as to ap­ ply to all National banking associa­ tions without regard to Capita!. Notwithstanding much lias been said •bout the importance of a blood-purify. Injf medicine, it may be possible that the matter has never seriously claimed your attention. Think of it now! If, | l>y the use of a few bottles of Ayer's | Sarsaparilla you avoid th*» evilsof scrof- ' ula. aud;tr tusiuita healthy constitution to your ofis prin/;, thank lis tor the suij- jrestiou. '*W* : •i£, iSTOPPED FREE Marvelous success* Insane Persons Restored ) Dr.KLINE'S GREAT 'NERVERESTORER ; llf " A//B RAIN it N »RVE DISEASES. Ociyturt curt f r Nervt j4fl~<rcti*ns Fits, Fpi' psy, etc. INPALI.IBLK if ukrn AS directed A '* fits *ftt* first tiiy's us*. Tr' atW-; an i $•* trial bottle free to 1 Fit paticmt*. they pnying «*;>rcss charge* on I k>* whe* ! r^eirc l. S:ntl namr*. p. o a«4e*nrMi address of J to Pn.KLI Af h St..l ,bitvletr>hia.r%. I Druggists. BliWAKB Of IMITATING FRAUDS. James Robbins, Solon Mill% , - - Ills WAUCONDA- EDITOK PI.AINI>KALKH :--Poor Kor* man Pratt, died Wednesday morning Your correspondent never saw the true Norman Pratt, having known him only for the past two years, during which time, and for a longer period, he has been failing mentally and physically. For the past few months he has been almost helplegg, ami endured great suffering. It might almost be said that lie died years agoiu Andersonvill© for though in name lie barely survived his prison life, lie wa» so terribly broKen in health, that wo understand he has never regained his vigor since the war. Ilis funeral was observed Friday morning, Kider Brooks preach­ ing the sermon. A band of the old soldiers followed the body to the grave. Friday afternoon a little daughter of James Monnghan Jr. was buried. A party of fishermen from Chicago have been at the hotel lor a day or two. We are unable to state their success on the lake, but our local sportsmen have already been yery successful. Mr. ( urtis and. his assistants from McHenry, are improving the appear* ance of the village in various quarters by the addition of liberal quantities of paint. FLOUIt! FLOUR ! 1 lie undersigned'.vishes to inform the citizens of Waucouda and sun'oii-nding country that lie has now on sale, at his .Market, in Waucontla village, the Cele- I brated Colorado Family Flour, maun- I factored, Irom Colorado Winter Wheat, j which is. without doubt, the finest j Family Hour ever sold on this market, j It is White Light and Wholesome. • I rue $:J00 p,. r hundred. Tf not as j represented money will be refunded. If you try a suck you will use no other. , . J. F.ItOKEV. Waucomla, UAJT JStli, 1881. --DtiLIt IN-- We have the ClIAMPION, . mm® ass bisdsss, Au<l the Boat R In the Market. vyitepairs of all kinds constantly on hand Call and see m*. James Solon Mills, May Uth, 1884. Robbins. Total C.190 00 .$304,810 49 Total..., ..*304,81( 49 HEADQUARTERS FOR Hats A Caps* BOOTS & SHOES, Stents' Furnishing Goods, etc. H. WAUCONDA - Ibare jnot rotnrned fr*m ttie olty with largo Stock of Correct Attest:-- R. A. Mrwriir, WV. fl.STKWAKT, JOHN J. Hi in Mir, Diritctors. Money to Loan On Real Estate, in sums of $500 to $10,000. Time and* payments to suit borrower. JOHN J. MURPHY. and Sue! Vflilch 1 will sell at astonishingly low prices. I will make it an object lor you to call and <ee inc. An also agcut for the Mew llonie sewing Hat bine uiui mo Julius Bauer Organ. J. DACY. " 'Tfce "Itoss" Machine'Man, is STILL ON DECK, WITH TUB f IN EST ASSORTMENT OT * Farm Machinery; And carriages ever seen in Mc­ Henry county. His stock con­ sists in part of: All the leading ridinf and walking: plows. Kisr')t styles harrows, 40 to 96 teeth, duplex, slanting, re»er<nl>le anil vibrating. Keystone IS and IB inch itisc pulverizer. Challenge, Keystone and Avery corn plant­ ers. Hay worth A Avery check roweirs. Fie'ld rollers. Stalk cutters. Tijrer, 9iimcs, Case, Thompson, Standard and Jefferson sulky cultivators. Milk wagons. 1.umber wnjrons. Wifle tiro truck waicons. Wide tiro truck wheels. Car. riuveH, all atvle*. Itoad carts. Heavy an<f light single and double harness. One car each oi Glidden and Sterling barb wire. One car binding twine for Deorlng and other binders. Farm bells, four sixes. Swill carls. Five styles hay carriers, which we are pre­ pared to put up for those who give early or­ ders. Grinding and pumping wind mills. ' I rob and wood pumps for wells of any depth. Drive wells a specialty. During twine binders. Ueering n ft mowers. Standard and crown- mowers. Johnston reapers and mowors. Keystone hay loaders. Iloilingsvrorth, tiger, Furst A Bradley, rein, deeritmi advance hay rakes, ftoad scrapers. Totuto planters and diggers. Corn shelters. Garden pumps. Platform and stook scales. llav tedders. Buckevc feed grinders. Onsa & Nichols and Shepherd • team and horse power threshers. Wire stietchers, four klads. Fivo tooth cultivators. Single and double shovel plows and 1,0W other articles. T.J. DACY, 'Woodstock, 111. Millinery! Millinery I !**»?. "1 MAN Has also received a plendid stock of Spring Iffllinstj, Of the latest and most approved styles to be - found in the city. The ladies are invited to call and see. Wauconda, April-21»t, lSdi. • .-i, WE SKLL THE Celebrated Golden Star Oil. STOVES and KANQ&S. Tiie btst and safest manufactured. Sold 28, last yenr, which speak for themselves. JOHN I. STORY. M^snr^il 1st, • Dissolution oi Partnership. The Partnership heretofore existing ! tween F. G. Mayes and K. H. Rartlctt, under the ill in name of Mayes A ISartlott, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All notes and accounts due the late Ann are due and pa vabl« to F. G. Mnves, who also assumes all the liabilities of the late firm. F. G. MAVES. E. H. BARTI.KTT. Dated at McHenry, III., this 25th day of April, A. 1>. 1884. Having bnught the interest of E. II. Bartlctt in the late firm of Mayes A Bartlett, I will continue the business at the old stand, and take this opportunity to tliank our many cus­ tomers for their generous patronage and earnestly solicit a continuance of the same. F. G. MATES. McHenry, III., April 26'h, 1881. 3w WEST licHSKSY. Invite the attention of the buying public to an entirely new stock of SBY GOODS, BOI-iONS, CLOTHING, GH OCEHIES, Boots, Shoes Hats1 Capo, Granite Rockingham f.' Glassware* and Important to Ruptured Persons The Excelsior Rupture Cure M'fg Co., of Ogdensliurg, N. V.. guarantee to cure any ease of reducible Hernia with their Remedies. THK ltLTTl KE |>|,ASTEK AND IlKAI.tNGOoM roiTND. This trnatinent is endorsed by our best Doctors' , Druggists, and the general public. Send Sets fur free book on Rupture or ask your druggist for tbe Kenedy. Trunks, Hand Bag's and Valises, C. H. Fargo's celebrated Boots and Shoes, etc. All grades Chick's Favorite Flour in stock. Every sack wat ranted. The hi<fhe«t price paid for produce. All goods sold at one price and marked in plain figures. Thank­ ing our patrons for past favors and hoping for a continuance of the same, we shall strive to please all who may give usa call, both in quality and price of goods. BONSLETT, A STOFFEL. West McHenry, 111., March 14,18S*. l'ATJONrw, 8cnd model or sketch of your In- XUf UUIU1 U vention, when I will make care­ ful preliminary examination, and report as to patentability, with advice, circulars, etc. Free of Charje. All business before the U. S Patent Ofllce attended to for Moderate Fees. Information and references sent on applica­ tion, No C'tuiiye unless f'atenl Cs secured. Dteeetly o>^s|toTp®jl^»teot^^^# ®' The Celebrated |Th%t we sold over 45 of la&t year), the Case, Furst & Bradley, and last, but not least, the BUFORD, which is something of the P"nciplo of the C!assady, but nicer to handle, easier on man and team. A big line of Walking Plows, the srcftregian, Moline, Case, Furst & Bradley, Grand Detour, and the Chamberlain, All warranted to suit any farmer, and sold lower than anj poor'plo# - catIbe- OnlUnd examine the KEYSTONE and RANDALL PULVERIZERS, and see the improvements for 1884; they , are the best tools made, Borrow one of yonr neighbor and see, and then come here and we will sell you one " lower than you can borrow. Our CAHHIAQES, CARBIAOES . Are a full stock, consisting of the Enterprise (the best buo-o-y mat]e In Cincinnati), the Emerson & Fisher and Cortland; alsoXeep the Jrlenry Abbott or Syracuse for a better grade. Can knock the bottom out of anybody's prices on the above buggies and give you our own warrantee. The Platforms with the new Combination ot both the Cortland and Freeport makes the leading buggy for all purposes. Don't forget that we have the leading HARROWS of from 40'to 90 .teeth, of both common and reversible and both iron and wood. Be stire and examine our pi ices before buying. We can't recommend to you a Lighter o« Better Mower than the Standard, Maiy, Grown, New Warrior, or tiie Knowllon for ease both to man and team. For a Binder you all know of ti Ligbt Running Piano and Minneapolis. We have a certainty on the points of superiority, that there is not evcn one experiment about them; the wear is very slight and easily taken up; does not get out ot order for it is well made; is an econo­ mize of twine and docs not strain the band; binds either long or short grain with eiise and certainty; the size of the bundle is most easily changed; tightness of bundle easily regulated; each bundle is completely separated, even in tangled grain; is perfectly automatic ^ud needs no attention except proper piling. . K. M. (>we« & Son. McHenry, May 19th, 1884. Invite attention to new arrivals of Such as Low and Medium Priced DRESS GOODS, Also elegant SHOES for Ladies and Hosiery, Corsets, etc. Also elegant SHOE5> 1 Childeren. Extra fine FAMILY FLOUR reasonable. CALL IN. BUTTER AND ECCS WAITED. FITZS1MMQNS..A EVANSOtf' A New Clean Stock OF S P R I N G G O O D S , JU®T OPENED PT PRICE BROTHERS, AT WAUCONDA, ILL. "iSFe have one of the largest stocks ever brought to this market. ̂ These "-oods were bought for cash,, which enables us to sell at very close tigurts. Do not take our word for it, but come and look throwlTour stocK and satisfy yourselves that we mean what we say. Our stock consists of Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Crockery and Glassware, Paiuis aud Oils, Varnish, Brushes, Wall Paper and Window Shades, together with the most complete stock oi Ever brought here, Our line of ladies' and gents' hand sewed Shoes is the best ever offered for sale in Wauconda. All kindssof Country Produce bought for cash or taken ia exchange for goods,

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