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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 May 1884, p. 5

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piaMealer. k- WEDNESDAY, MAY », 1884, Railroad Time Table. "VOIWO' SOUTH. (en«Tft Ti*ke A. M §eaara Lake Express »»«i . .8:22 " §«n<!T,i Lake Kreirht 1 M»5 P. M IHITI Lake Pwienier ,J:S2 " O^I"»» W®KTH. §ene«a T.»k« Freight A. * •••••at T.ake " StniTi Uki KxpreM 4:57 r . V geneva Lake Pa*sea«rer 8:57 " B. BCBH, Acettt. McIIenry, 111 MWM13 *C*l*X«Y T.OIHIE, \O. 15* A. F. and A. M.-- tegular Communication* the Saturday on or ifere t\>e full of the moon and every twe Weeks thereafter. CHAS. C. COLBY, W. M. n*APTF.ti <o. st n. A. M --Hern- ar Convocation* held on th**econdand fonrth .Fridays in each ntoneh. JAHH T. STORT, H. P. States Attorney. To the peeole of McHenry Connty, ASA W. ,, Bralth, of Dorr, hereby announces himself a candidate f#r the office of State* Attorney, Subject to the ratification of the Republican County Convention to lie hoMen .Ipr the .pur­ pose of nominating county officers. Hay M, 18*4. ANNOUNCEMENT,; I hereby announce myself a candidate for s States Attorney, subject to the decision of the BepnMiean County Convention. C. P. BABHES. • Announcement. I desire the nomination for atates Attorney, bf the Republican County Convention, and BtibuaU my candidacy to its decision. A. W. YOO»». For Circuit (-lerfc I hereby announce myself an a candidate for theofflre of Circuit Clefk and Recorder«f Me. Itenry Onjntr, subject to tbe decision of the Republican County Convention. W. P. MOR8E. OiRCtJiT COURT Is In s««girti) at Wood- Steck tli la week. Tn* Chicago Baptist Association hold* It 4!»th annual sps«i«n at Morgan T*rk, Cook Cownt v, Jiine S-fl. • ' "Grvic lis, oh. give u* yesterday." walla si poet. Well, take It along, we ire through with It anyway. . Do not fail to read the new adver­ tisement of E. Lawlue, Mwlmit Tailor, which can be found in another Column. "RF.AD the new adv«rti«*m*nta of Oolrting Bros., awl the Drug Store and JteoK llatint, Wanconda. te be found elsewhere In this paper. TICKETS will b« sold from this Illation to Chicago and return during the He publican National Convention for 82.05., commencing May 31st, good until June 0th. » VRKAT> the new advertisement of T,. Bantns, Well Digger, to he found in another column. l ie is a practical (Han in the business. tml yon are sure to get a good job if you employ him. Octt merchants who advertise report t business good, while tho^e who *e not report bu«dues* poor, and i t ought to lie. dull f*T them if they have no enter- |*ri««. I t pay* to advertise. WK were asked the other day by a pious inclined person if the Dem<»crat- le National <'(invention tn Chicago would open with a prayer. We re­ plied that i t would be more with a cork screw. PKHSON4L. WM. MCCOLLUM i t no better, but gradually growing weaker. DR. E. V. ANDERSON, of Woodstock, was on bur street# on Friday last. FRANK GOING, who is with Ilanly Bros., Chicago, made a hurried call on friends here on Tuesday morning. Et». W. OWEX, sea of E, M. Owen, i,s confined to the house with Rtieu* matinn. W. P. MORSE, of Tfunda, candidate lor Circuit Clerk, was a caller ou Thurs­ day iaat. A, W, YOUNO, of Harvard, candidate for Srntes Attorney, was calling on friends here last week. ' JOK BUCK, who has been spending several months in the West, returned home last week. A. H. LowRiK,«f the Elgin Advocate. accompanied by his sou, made our Sanc­ tum a pleasant call on Saturday last. MRS. R. STEBBINS, who is no* living I n Hebron, spent Sunday with trie rids In this village. FRED A. PATRICK, of Marengo, was over fishing, Menday night. He was the guest of C. V. Stevens. F. A. HERARO, who we reported sick two weeks ago. Is now so far recovered as to be able t* be upon the streets again. ' "••Ju-i- '-V- A. A. MAJITIN, ir»f I)FS Moines, Iowa, formerly of tt ie firm of Perry A Martir of t i i is village, was calling on friend here last week. ASA W. SMLTRF.onr valued Woodstock correspondent. . j*nd candidate for States Attorney, called at . our sanctum on Wednesday of la«t week. JOIIN MCOMHKR. more familftflt known as E^fjuire McOniher, is lyTng at the point of death at the 'residence of lii« son. Henry McOmher. Old age dchilltv is the cause. T^ATER.--Mr. Mt;Oinl>ur DIED at 4 P. iM.. 1 'n^sdayjllis fuuorul wjll tako place tTW ls ,* ,^weaties(iay afternoon at one o'clock. ^: THE following hit of news we find in the T^ike View Tnrtepeiirt'nt: T-ast we»«k l i te oomttiirtee consisting of II. En«ohand \V. A. I? txter. appoint­ ed '»v the fl . L. f?nn ' ' I t iS, for th« puv- pose of s<'1ec?5nflr porronvient hiftt in"' trroiifid* visited s<>v<M'!\! pl-ioe* in 'Vorth Western Illinois, ami repu'rted in favor, of Vox Lake, Meflenrv Conntv. The Huh resolved ;tt i ts li"t . meetin; to cpt. the cotnml.ttee-report, afjd lias an- • ttoriji'd the rein.:>V"LL <>< f'to I'*C from Thaver, 1 i>d., their former llunr- ijjg grtiuuds, to Fux L-ike. Ri-:v. J . C. RirjEr.ow, formerty Pastor of the M. ,E. Church, in this village, will deliver a Lecture in Riverside Hall, McIIenry, on Tuesday evening, June 3f|)Usr$&#Tf1> ,d "Gettysburg, the story of • the Rattle Illustrated." It consists of 3S il lustrations, and will he both pieislng anil instructive. These il!u«trttioui will i ts given w'tli Stereopt Jeans and the powerful Ox*- Hvdrogeit Jjglitr*1"!t * caimot fair to he highly interesting, aud wetrn^t he may have a full Ivvwe. Ad ni«'>ioii 3'5 cents. Cliildreii 20 To coin- iueiu*<» at 8 o'clock. Improvements in Our Viilege- More Imorevements are going on in our village this Spring than lor many years before. The spirit of improve­ ment seems to have seized our citizens generally, and we sincerely hope it will continue. Among those wo have noticed ar® the following,ceinmenciug at the Depot: GILBERT l ias erected two vtry lsoine aud convenient stores, witli roam® in the second story for » resi­ dence, CASPKR WIRPS l ias laid a now floor in *hl« saloon and otherwise improved its appearance internally. L. D. LINCOLN has refitted and alter­ ed the rooms in the east end of Lan­ sing's Block, and opened * Restaurant and Cigar store, FRKD SCIINORR has finished oft the rooms in the second story of hi# build- in* far a residence to rent, putting up an outside stairway. F. K. GRANGER l ias finished painting his handsome new residence, sodded the lawn in front, and otherwise Im­ proved its appearance. DR. O. J. HOWARD has erected a neat and t asty fence in front of his residence. ALI.KN WAL?H has graded up his lot and made other needed improvements around ins residence, JIMTE an improvement lias been made in and around the yards of the Methodist Church ant! parsonage by the setting out of evergreen and other trees. JOHN EVANSON has been Improving his residence, both iusMe md out. put­ ting on new blinds, painting, graining, etc. I t is much improved in appear­ ance. J . A. GOINO hUs finished off the upper- part of his house, painted it on the outside, built a new fence, etc. MRS. J . P. GOING l ias also rebuilt the fence around her premises, repainted, papered and otherwise fixed up tier residence in a very hauds<>me manner. W. A.CRISTY has made a new grave! walk and driveway around Ills resi" denee, and much improved its appear­ ance. „ E. M. OWEN has built a new aud ta«ty fence in front of his residence. THE premises lately purcliiSed by Mrs,. John L. Howe, known as the Gale house, has been undergoing extensive' repairs f / AGAI> we ask 1« land in this part of t t io county full of .Watches? Another was plowed up near Johnshurgli last week, atid has been left with 5 . P. •ftmith for repai rs. This makes ' throe .within the last year. . ' TMJC Centennial Children's Day will be o^Terved,, at the M. E. Church in McIIenry, on SJnndav, June 8th. horh morni-ig and eyeuIngV^rfTSIigciiiHiiM •reccing ntade fur «tfu profitable tUue. ... ^THFY preposoyfo'have a very .^nlov able time a^ li l i i^wood, iiuodaj ' . j t ine Stli, at j&fyii&their ( ' l i iMrens~Day J ' lower ServicO. *jl HIT year is the Cen --tfiuiia! oTThi" orgsaniration of the M. | E. Church in America, and a good time \ Is expected ac this gathering. THE papers are making fun of | | i.ix- chauge which itated that a woman had «hot herself in the oil region* t he other day. W« can't see where the fun comes in. If the woman wanted to, she had a rljht to shoot herself in whatever region she pleased.-*-/2r. A MAN who takes his count? paper lives on a high mountain, and sees all that is going on in the world. A man Who takes no newspaper, l ives tn a hole in the ground, and will not know when the world conies to an end until tbe ground hog tells him. THF firm of F. D. Coitrln jjb Co.. Algonquin, was changed last week to Peter ft Coltrin, as will be seen by a notice in ourAlgonQuincorrespondence. They have one of the finest couutrv •tores to be found in McIIenry County, and we wish this aew firm continued •Hccese. . PREPARATIONS for the entertaiment by the ladies of the Cemetery Aid Society arc progressing favorabiy. «nd we predict one of the most pleas- lug and instructive eutertainmewt of €he kind ever given in this village. Yne ladies who have i t in chargc wll; •pare no pains to make i t a success In every particular. The date and programme will be announced soon. THE PI.AINUEALER knows that Im- provements pay. Its circulation has • Increased nearly a hundred copies din­ ing the past month. Xow it you want a good local paper show your appre- "" elation of our extra exertions ,by get­ ting your friends to subscribe or pre­ sent your friends in the West or East with a copy of this paper for a year. I t i6 cheaper than writing letter?, and - f«ineinber that the more subscribers fro get the belter i>a£er°we will fur- flftsh you. THE Hycamore 1la\mhlioan Mrs: A woman passed thrxugti on tfio Xi»rth- western road, westward .bound, a day «»r two sinee. having with her tun clii ldreii . the oldest of whom was under »ix years. There was two sets of riplets and two sets of twins in the lot. The Northwestern oflleials $ety promptly passed her and her children over the road, saying that a lady who had so ahunUntlr carried out the Scriptural injunction as to frnitfnliiess was entitled to consideration, even at the hands of a soulless corporation. THE following tmm the.San Leawlro (California) Reporter will be of inter­ est to our readers in Witucoriua and vicinity: *'We are somewhat of n be­ liever in the saying. /H<*fter late than never!" and lit t ler I hat belief will state that Pr»f. K. W. Barker and Miss Ellen Sheppard were married at Berkeley. March I 'Jfli . Roth parlies are we'.j known here.and have a lu>st «»f fr iends. Even at this day we heartily wish Prof. Barker and his excellent wife loi>g l ife and a world of happiness." Prof. Bar­ ker was well known in McIIenry, and his parents reside at Wauconda. * A WORD to merchants. The Legal A d v i n e r savst -"Two years ago a Bloom- Itiglou merchant obstructed the side­ walk with oil barrels . A man was hurt in consequence.and'sued the city for 55.000. He recovered §150 "and costs. The city then sued the merchant for the amount i t had to pav out for dam­ ages. resulting from this act. And the case, after two trials In the circuit court and one in tSe appellate court, has just been decided in favor of the city. They recovered all they paid out and intTest. This fft 'ems to settle the question of responsibility in such case* and will become1 a precedent in all fu ture trials." . -\ . . WE d«sire to give a word of advice to lliofce of our reader^ wishing to pur­ chase goods of any description, name­ ly: Buy of your lioni^ dealers--heip to build up the «littereh| industries of your ow^ town. Instead of throwing your money away oifHlie worthless ar­ ticles sold by peri pathetic venders and tramp peddlers, men whip have no bus­ iness reputation to sustain, (Mid whom you will never see a |ain, after tli 'ey have secured your money , bjf/ their catch-penny devices, Our advertisers are, without exception, men of strict business integrity, wliq certainly must have an object in giving you a good article. A plentiful use,of printer 's ink, in our advertising columns, by th« merchants of this and adjoining towns, would materially lessen the receipts of those traveling swindlers, who are a thorn in the side of every fair business man, and w^uld draw the trade of . the town into its proper channel. ;- ALUANV FRETT is Wldiag at addi­ tion to his residence. . JACOH BoxsI.ETT has repainted 'and otherwise improved his saloon ami residence. j . PEKOVSKT IS bpildiug an addltimi on tlie rear of his store. PERRY & Owny have put a handsome new front In their *f»re, > . . Jos. FITZSIMMOXS is building njsw verandas on three Fides of his house, and will repaint and otherwise im­ prove i t . J. 1. STotfY li(a| eljartgeit oyer aud e^ larged his fn»use, ad^ed a bav window on the east side, and now h:is us hand­ some a !itt l<* residence as can be found iu ti ie village. Silt . SANOKRSOV, who purchna.ed the land o( <' .!>, Curt is, near t!>e (Vn.vtery; is building a fine resilience tiiei ' on. 'I ' l lK carpenter shop of R. W^rfe.near his residence, has been Hewly^fiied and will be used by ^he Clover Dryer Cum- pany the ciming sea-son. GEO. ROSEXUKKGKK l ias papered paiiitcd and grained his shop and house, and otherwise fixed up In a peat and tasty manner. x H. li . WIOIITMAN has treated h«s house to a new coat of Paint. Geo Curtis was the Artist . THERE be other improvements going ou. hut if so they have escaped our notice. Where is there a village in this county that can ipaUe a bettcr *h<»w iug ? • WK would call the attention of our readers to the u"\v adv^MJsemenfc of VV. H. Dwljfht. Boot and Slme dealer. Woodstock, wliich can be found in another cohjtnn. This is an exclusive Bitot and Shoe house, and one of the oldest establ i«hed in Mc Henry county and as !ie buys and sells suictlv for ca>h is enahleil to otler induce neuts in hl4 l ine second to unite. His stock this spring Is more complete than ever before, and if in want of anything in the foot wear lino do not fail to call on him b-'fuue-purchasing ss he is bound ti> pleasfrjou in quality, style and price. V June 9th, is the day ^Fitzsimmons & Evanion's opens their greatest" rsm- Inent sale ever know 1» McIlsBry, THE. loth-Illinois infantry held their third Annual Re-Union at Rock ford on Saturday la-t . between ninety and one hundred of the surviving veterans of the old Regiment , being present. There was a good representation from this eou!it-y-,-aiid all report one of the grandest limes ever had at a Re- Union. The citizens of Rockford spared no pains to make it ple,asant for all , ami that they succeeded can be proven, by affidavit, if necessary, of every man who was there. A bounteous B inqnet was served,volunteer speeches made, and everything passed oil in a manner highly pleasing to ull . H. Mead, of li t is village, who wasa member of Companv A., that Regiment, attend ed and reporis thirteen members of his old company present. THE COST.--TIIO salaries of all the ministersol the U. S.are said to amount to'six minion dollars. The eost of sup­ porting the dogs of the country ^is seventy million. The fees of the law vers . ihihy-Hve million. Over six linu'l^fd million for tobacco, fourteen hundred million for liquor, and De- Land's Chemical Baking I 'owdcr only sixty cents per pound. Try it ! Test i t! sold in cans only. For Sale by Fiussiuiuion* & Evanson. School. Being. 'requested by mmy to teach a term of select school. I have decided to hold a six weeks term, commencing June 9th. Further announcement next week. •' , J. J. VASET, You are invited to attend the rem- inent sale on June 9tli , at Fitzsioai- aioos & Ev&ueou. THE Spring Trotting Meeting of the Chicago Driving Park will be held on June 3d, 4th, 5th, Gtli and 7th (Republi­ can National Conventson week) and from the number and character of the horses entered, promises to be one if the most Interesting meetings of ihe year. 815,000,00 are oflTsred In' the regular nnd special races, and 100 horses aro already engaged. The programme Is so arranged that every daj has special attractions, as follows; FIRST OA V--TUE9I»AY, -TUNE J. No. I. 3-MinnteCiass.--Entries: Revenite, MUfortnne, Wanner Chief, vy. II . Setliam, Ike SbepparU, Rurie Neville, Ned Povrell , First tin II. No, 2. 4:22 Class. Entries. Neva, Kitty Vau, .Vlelai ' le, Jewett, Novelty. SECOND DAY--WEDNKSDAY,..TOHE 4. No. .t . 2:.1o class. Entries: P. J . Pnrcetl , Will Cotleii ' ter, l lerilia f^lay, Mollij • Bell , Mainb.S|tavk1e, l.«ir>il Tcmter, Billy R..Secret, Toronto Mal'l , l . i l l ie Dilo, Nnrt Tcir pie. Zulu. No. 4. 2v22 P icing Class-Entries: Uostrever, . Truro, Itesslo II. THIRD DAV-TUCRSDAY, jrVE 5. N"o. V 5:4S Class--Entries: Kinjr Mitns, Stomrhtc.n J . Fletcher, t i l (ieers, Well «. , Net- lie Thome, St. Albans. Sert Powell. Mary SprHicne. No.«. Free to all Pacers--Entries: Gem, Flora Ilello, (Vcist:nont. POCRTT DAY--FRIDAY, .tCWE 6, No. 7. f Class--Entries: Co>te, Glen Mil-; , ler, Florence M., Mav. Bid, Lyn\voo<l, Gol.lcn Girl, Flors B. fforinerlv l»ream\ I ' l ince, Milo, Imlcx, nick OrjFin. Mav II. . Executor. No. S. IRSO PACIIU: ( ' lass--Entries: Miunie R., Scott Newman, Juliet. FIFTH DAY -- SATI'BOAT, JI N* 7. \ No.!». 2::tr .C!ass--Enlries: Little Se.t , Rev. e.oue, Mistc»iuu\o, Will Collemler, Van, Itvron t>>le, Tranere, Mau l II . , Princess, (Jen. Gar- tieli! , I .sity Mi bllctmi, RoxeyLee, Desilomonn, t luwanl, M:iry ^pragne. No. IS. 2: W I ' lass-- Entries: I>ecV Wright, Catchlfv, Phyllis, Overman, Tony Newell. In addition, to these classes, some special race (not yet closed) will be given each jlav of the meeting, includ­ ing a "Free for All Trot." "Roadster Race." "Double Team Race," and others to be hereafter announced. To this meeting the managers of the Chicago Driving Park invite the patrons of turf sports, and pledge themselves to use every endeavor to make the meeting one of tl ie most successful and pleasant of the year. On the grounds is an ele- pant, commodious and well arranged Club Housef* conducted In a manner that must give satisfaction to all of i ts patrons. A Grand Stand. Private Boxes and all other accommodations the equal of any in the United States, and the acknowledged best and fastest trotting track in tbe world. The traiks.stablet and, grounds have been thoroughjjy dralned and renewed, making them in stil l better shape than ever before. The railroad and hotel facilit ies of Chicago are u.iequaled, and need no advertise­ ment. The roads reaching to the ground) are first-class, including the Washington Boulevard, which ends nt the track gate; the street cars run on several l ines from the center of tl ie city to tlie main entrance, and the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy it . R. running trains on every race day from ffthe Union De|«ot on Canal street to track gates. Admission, One Dollar, includ­ ing seat in grand stand. Trotting com­ mences encli day at 2 o'clock p. m., and the races will he st^rtvd promptly at that hour. For full progiammes, or other iiif irmation, address the Secre­ tary. 11(» Monroe St. , Chicago, III. WAUCON4^i.-. EDITOR 1 ,I AIM!»KAI.KR:--W. TL, Ford has returned from Dakota, There Is considerable mil road talk III I he air just now. XVxt week we hepe to be able to report something definite in regard to i t . (J. M. Hill ham been suffering from a badly inflamed eye during the past w»'«>k. In;i is now able to be out again. , Ambrose Hill is at work tn Elgin. Quite elaborate preparations are be­ ing made for the observance of Decora­ tion Da j- next Fridav afternoon. Next Sunday morning Elder Brooks will preach a memorial sermon, i The funeral of Mrs, Jas Sehoonhoven, j daughter of Lvman Powers, of this town, was obseived at Elgin, Friday p. m. She ba<l been stek for about seven Weeks an i was a great suflerer. Fred Swenson has returned from Chicago, and takes Thomas Bennett 's place a« first assistant in J F. Ronev's meat business, Mr. Bennett having re­ signed. The funeral of Mrs. Freeman was observed tht« (Sunday) morning. She has been afflicted with a cancer for a long time, hut bad been much worse for a few weeks past. She died Friday evening. Mrs. Brown and MI*. Q. E. Whit- comb, daughters of Joseph Hicks, are in town. Messrs. Andrew aud Theron Oakes recently sunk a well 60 feet, on J^nies Grace's farm, without reaching water. A short distance off the? made ^rother a r teinp:)striking water at a depth of 2-"> fe>»t. I t flowed in il ipldly and now s-ands within two feet of t l ie surface. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond are at their father 's, Andrew Oakes. More Heir the Bell And new customors are daily calling for Milk of our new MIIK man. A few more can be supplied. A. I/. HOWE, * E. LAWLUS Has 3"> cords of wood to sell by one- half or one-fourth cord. You are invited to examine the new Tailor estahlili&met at Fitzsitninbns t t Evaimon.s. s J . I). Met A BE, Dealer In W i nes, -Liquors' and Cigars, Mill Street, Wanconda. HI. Keeps none but tbe choicest brands In bis l ine. Fit*siinmoi>s dfc Kvunson advertise a hreat reniiiient sale Monday June iHh. *Iread this. -. Geo. T. barker. Fresco and Decora tive Painter. Paper Hanger etc. Ceil­ ings nnd Wnlls decorated in the latest styles fn \0i 1 or Distemp«r colors. First class \Vork and low prices. Resi­ dence and shop opposite Parker House Weet ilcIleuVv. il l . Seed buckwheat, 100 Bushels .of good Seod Buckwheat for salo,ji t Hanly's Mill , McHenrj-, III. Bishop's Roller Mills Flour. For Sale in Wanconda, by C. E. Jencks. Try a Sack. It cannot fail to please yon. . --+ 16J picnds strii t ly pit## C sugar for fl^at Bjniiloti 4 StoHel's. ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDKALER:--'The Old Folks' Concert on Thursday evening of : last week was a grand success, both j financially »nd socially. I t was so much 'enjoyed by all present that i t wits re­ peated ou Friday evening. The drill­ ing and instruction of ye great conesrl has been wholly under the supervision- of ye parsons wife, who is a lady of great ability, having a thorough musi­ cal education. We must say that these taking part did themselves great credit on the occasion. At C. E. Chapell 's auction sale of a carload of mticii cows on Friday last cows sold on an average of $r»j per head. F. K, Granger, of McIIenry, was tlie orator. , Asa W. Smith, of Woodstock, was In town oipFriciay last. There was a match game of base ball played here on Saturday last between tbe Dundee Kids and the Algonquin boys. The score stood 12 to 21 in favor of the Algonquin boys, and they are on their high heels over the victory. At D. W. Thomas' auction sale of a carload of mlicli cows on Saturday last cows sold on an average of 948.60 per brad. J . A, Sherwood made the speech. DIKI> :~May 23d, 1884, an Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wodrtich. Funeral at tlie German Lutheran church on Sunday, May 25th, at 2 o'clock p. m. Also, May 23d, 1884, Mrs. John Cami»- beli . Funeral at tbe house, south of town, on Sunday, May 25th, at 2 o'clock p. in, Johnson ft Teple have treated their new blatksinltli and wagou shop to a coat of paint. Dr. Nason has his father and mother, of Chicago, making him a week's visit , Who was It that exchanged a bottle of bitters for a cord afwood last week. All those who took part lu the Old Folks Concert were invited to spend the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Camp­ bell on Monday of this week. Tlie store of F. D. Coltrin & Co. was opened under tl ie firm name of Peter «fc Coltrin, this week. As our school has been so successful in tbe County Examination we give herewith the names of pupils whose work Ins been selected for exhibition at the State Fair: Spelling, 1st Div.--Mary Adamek, Fred Huntley, Jennie Mcivee. 2d Dlv, :--Annie M«'Kee. Ivitt ie Dolg, Corrie Lumtn. All of the pupils stand 100 per cent. 1 P nmansliip. both Divs.--Mary Ada­ mek, Sophia Diercks, Ida Morton. Geog. and Hist. , 1st. Div.--Marv Ada- inek, Geo. Helm, Jessie Lowe. 2d Div. --Millie Helm, Lizzie Doig, Mark Ben­ son. Language, 2d Div.-^Robbie Phillips, Mark Benso:\ Maud Paddock, Ida Mor­ ton, Lizz<e Doig, Corrie Lumm. In Business Forms Mary Miller 's work was marked 100 percent. , and in arith­ metic Je*sie Lowe's work was also marked 100 per cent. , but as tbe work to be exhibited must be from three pupils, these could not be taken into consideration. We undeistand the work is to be exhibited at the National Association,meeting in Madison next Julv, as wall as at the State Fair in Ciilftgo, next September. Mr. Rennle informs us th*t Eddie Benson, Belle Hunter and Corrie Lowe, of the Milter school, carried ofl the honors in arith­ metic, 2d Div , also that Wattle Bensou did some very fine work, but she being the only pupil in the higher division, her work could not be considerod for tlie reasons given above. \ CREEK WOOD- Ciias. E. Jones will farm this sum- ner, with O. Garrison. ••Tose" Piatt is painting at Ring* wood. Cliat. Noyce holds forth en thejtown line once more. Among the tick this week we record lite t .atnes of Mrs, i lattie Stewart, Dr. G. E. Adams, aud Miss Jennie Dawson. J . A. Baldw in, and II. R, Baldwin and wife, sjient t l ie Sabbath with heir parents in this village. The young people of Mr. Dike hafi a lively runaway, or rather the horse did, ou Tuesday evening of last week, i 'he buggy was badly demolished, the occupants thrown out, but fortunately -ustained no injuries. Wm. Westerman is errecting to' the memory of Mr. and Mrs. Nealy. and for the family of A. W. Murphy In the Greenwood Cemetery, two beautiful bronze monuments. ~ Mrs.. Sarah Rathery is contempla­ ting a visit to England this summer. Han tbe township of McIIenry any road commissioners? If so will t l ie PLAIXUKALER urge upou them their duty. There is not a bridge on the Greenwood road to McHnury, that is safe le cross, and especially the one near the town line. Again we are called upon to chroni­ cle tl ie death, and mourn the loss of a highly respected lady of our commun Ity. Mrs. Mary Smith, dearly beloved wife of W. Smith, was stricken witli paralysis a short t i tnc ago and quietly passed away ou Sunday, Mai 25th, 1884. The funeral was held at the house on Tuesday, where a large concourse of people gathered to pay their last re­ spects to tbe deceased, Mrs, Smith leaves a husbband and a family of three erowu children to mourn the loss of an exemplary women, a kind and loving w ife and mother. ' \ Young Orphan Boy. Persons interested in or desiring to see the above horse will find him at the farm of Geo. Harrison, or. the Greenwood and McIIenry road, two miles South West of the village of Ring wood, every Monday evening aud until 3 o'clock p. m. Tuesday's. T. UEEiE, Groom. J. C. DABKELL, Prop, Strayed. From the premises of the under­ signed, on the Wilson farm, two miles east of Mcrtenry, on Wednesday, May ;>l?t.a Black Sow, weighing about 150 pounds. Any person returning said. Sow, or giving information w lie re she may be found, will be suitably re­ warded, llL'JJfcRT WEBEB, Woodstock Department. CONTRIBUTED BY ASA W. SMITH. -Now "the Cultivator taketh the place of the Corn planter. Tlie boys idea of peacock. UA mon strous tail walking ureuu<i wtth . a hei> t ied to i t . And now the Cuckoo and.the 'Whip poowill . those harbingers of summe add their notes to tlie songs of grov Winter wheat, oats, and grass givi encouragement to farmers of this re­ gion. Neither is corn so obstinate In coming as i t was last year. If you do not believe tbe people of McHenry County are liospltable pee- ple. full of and ' long sufl- erlng, just, canvass among them for a couple of weeks and you will change jour mind. * MNow doth the Chicago delegate -In all parts of the country, prepare to have his photograph taken in ills del­ egates costumes, to hand down to his grandchildren with the remark, "Tiiats how your grandfather looked in 1884 when he nominated President Chester A. Arthur." Perhaps (t) . And now the Candidate goeth forth into the fields aud seeketli out the far­ mer. and shaketh him heartily by the hand, and maketh the farmer sorely vexed, and muketh him utter swear words aud say, verily "I will not grant his request because lie deserveth, but because of his i in port un! ty. 1 will -give him whatsoever he a«ket!». ' ' - NOTICE. I am ready to fill orders for Wines ami Liquors by the gallon and Cigars by tli" box at Chicago bottom prices. Also.bottled Beer by the case. A. SONNl'.NSCniBN. Cary station 111, Tbe well known Fargo boots and shoes in large variety at Bonslett & Stoffel 's. Don't forget to see the Flying Dutch trail , while In town, at E M Owen Jb Son's. See Bonslett & Stoflel for spring and summer suits, all ages. We carry tbe largest l ine of Cloth- sng in the market, and our prices Rre always as low as good goods can be told -- Henry Colby. • FOR SALE. "% • ' The elde Wheel Steamer, "Lotus." Bids for the Machinery, or for the whole of the Boat, as site now lies at McIIenry, may be sent to Capt. Walter IH1I, McHenry, 111., or to B. F, Weaver. Esq., 38 Wabash Avenue. Chicago. SJtf. Try a sack of Chick's New Process flour, warranted only 91.45 at Bonslett i t Stoflel 's. MOWERS ! MOWERS ! The Staudard, Crown, Manny, Now Warrior,and Kuowlton, are the light­ est running Mower's made, at E, M. Owen A Son's. Just Received* A new stock of Areceues, at Mn. E. W. Howe's, A fine assortment of Ladles Dress trimmings, at H, H. Nichols ' . For straw, wool or fur hats see Bons­ lett & Stoffel. No last years stock. Call at E M 0*en A Son's to. see the new flying Dutchman Sulky Plow, which is warranted to run 100 lbs easy- er than any other Sulky. Roo'.ford Warps, all colors at Bons­ lett & Stoflel 's, The Lyman Barb Wire, both plain and galvanlzed.decidedly the best Wire In the market, at John l .Mory's. Bucklln 's Arnica Salvo. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Silt Itheiime. Fevor Sores. Tetter, Chaped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup­ tions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refun­ ded. Price 2& cents per box. For Sale by Henry Colby. 5 poinds pure whole-leaf Japan Tea for 91.00,1 ib, 25cat Bonslett & Sioflel 's Gold band tea sets,cheap atBouslett SL Stoflel's, ________ Crazy Patchwork* Hfivinf t a larffc as tor tmeni of renin nts ami piepes of Imwlaoine brocai le i l s i lks , sat in* and velvets , we are put t ing them up in assor ted bi ioi l lek :unl furnishing t l ie in for "Crazy Palf lnvork." Cushions. Mats , Tir t ies .e tc . . . e tc . Package No. 1--Is a hau<Uome bundle ot ex- ( i i i ia i lo bi lks , sa t in* an<l br«ca ted velvet* (al l d i f ferent) . Just che thing fur the raont superb pat tern of fancy work. Sent post | an! for .W cent* in po-tal note or l .eent s tump*. Pack. age No, 2--Containing three t imusa^ much a : package N'o. 1 . Sent poKpii i l forf l -OO. These are al l of the ner .y Jim' i t qual i ty ai i ' l cannot l>e equaled at any other silk work* in the U. S. at Iht ee t imet our price) . Tliev wil l n lease any Indy. One order a lways br ings a dozen mote. L/tdiei Minwil of fanr 'y Work, with 4<<0 i l lus­ t ra t ions and ful l inst ruct ions for ar t i*i ic fancy work, l iMtf laonielr bound, postpaid, 50 center Order now. Add res*. THE ROC IT EST EH SILK Co., t lJw Rochester, N. T. A full l ine of ammunition at Bon­ slett & Stoflel 's. Thorley's Horse and Cattle Food %t Bonslett A Stoflel 's. « Ayer's Sarsaparilla has shell concen­ trated, curative power, that i t is by far the best, cheapest, and surest blood- purifier known. RAKES ! RAKES- ! The Tiger, New Holling vorth, Furs* Jfc Bradley. Knowltou. A lvanoo aud Archcr. Will sell low with or with­ out pole, at E M Owen & Sou's The choicest butter sold for 1$ to 18e at Bonslett A stoflel 's. Piano Minneapolis Self Binder^ 'at E M Owen A Sou's. We have just received some Jersey , Call aud 6ee them at H. Colby's. Cucumber Seed ! CucumberSeed ! Cet the Best. We understand that parties are stat­ ing that tbe Cueumber Seed for Sale by us is net tl ie best kind. We desire to say that we are Selling the best Seed in tlie United States. We bought i t of the best posted Seedsman in the West, the Seeds sold by us is the same kind of Seed that has been used in the town ever since the pickle business was started. We have aKo seeds grown by R. A. Buck'.and. of Ringwood, and M B. Smith, of McHenry, buyer's can have their choice at Perry A Owen's. P. S. If you get your seed of us and your cucumbcr's are refused on veur contract please let us know. We think we c%n And a cash biijcr. Business Notice#)* SUMMER SILKS at P* rrv A °we»*« ̂ Go to Mrs. Howe's tor Millinery Wwi Dressmaking. _ • SSIOKEKS, call for Ba^bfun Bre* High Ari." They liars few equal*. _-- .-r ;u ; : . WALL PAPER at Perry i t Owens< No trouble to show goods or answer ]uestioi»s at R. Bi«!i< p>. Buy the Estey Organ if yon want tMl est. O. \Y. Owen. Mi-Hcury, Agent* SJLJMMER Wraps and JERSEY8 tt I 'eKry & Owen's. City residences r«r sale. Apply $0 Afra W. Smith, Woodstock. HI. . t ! ~ Go to Mrs. M. SebumMe!ier*t fr .r Mill* iaery, Dress Making nnd Fancy Goods* FINE SHOES at Perry A Owen's, Case and, Funt A Brailley Selkey ' Plows at E. M. Owen A SeuW. Building Paper, cheap, at Joha f , Story's. . , A fine n««ortmeWt of vefv fine Grat> Inte Iron Wire at/Jobn L'Sforv's. s $ NEW STYLES' IN CLOTIIINO >i | | Perry A Owen's. Both Combination and Platform Wagons at E; M. Owen <5k Son 's, of the best make. THE finest assortment of Sewing Machines to be found in,the county* §t O.W.Owen's. BLUE FLANNEL SHIRTS at Perry A Owen's, Tbe Boss Barrel Churn, at John I. Story's. Ai. the leading Walking Plows a& Owen A Son's, Everything in the Hardware l lnefti bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. An elegant line of corsett 60 eeatS aud up at Henry ("olbv'ik Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Plat­ form Spring Buggies for sale at B. Bishop's warehouse. The finest l ine of Silver and Plated Ware to be fouud in the county, at O. W. Owen's. iy| Drags Drags, Drags, a lot o» haa#, steel tootii aud inu>t sell . For tale br R. Bi6ho|. . Spring styles in Dress Goods at ^ Perry & Owen's* Ir you want anything le« (I»an Ilk*" Estey Organ 1 can sell yofi '^iie ' tbf#KI and upwards. "O. W. OWE* We can now show the largest and most, attractive line of Ready-Made Clothing in medium weights ever brought to this market. You are askfj to examine goods aud pribee at Heart Colby's. i •« A fine l ine of summer Silks. Buntings. Nuns Veiling, Velvet aud the latest styles of dress goods cheap at Henry Colby'a. 7 CARPETS, CARPETS, CARPETS, at Perry A Owen's. , Notice | To those that want work ilfcn* tati»y line, such as Tanks, Vats and all other work done in a shop, as 1 get lumber direct from Chicago. . ' - ' F. A. IIEBARD. We have just added an elegant line of dress goods, wiiicli are oflered at ear usual uniform low prices. Henry Colby. CORSETS at Perry & Owen's. ^ FOR SALE OR RENT. Two houses in t village of wood. Terms reasonable. ' Apply .at once te irour LADO. Singwood, April 30th, 1884. Call and see the flue l ine of MiUlaitii ; ) Goods, at Mrs. H, 11. Nichols ' . Tbe finest assortment of Bird Ca£M in town, at John 1. Story's, The latest styles and lowest prieee la Millinery Goods,at Mrs. H. H, Nichols*. Ladies Underwear, good aad ebeiife at Mrs, U. H, Nichols ' . -- CUCUMBER SEED. Good Seed is very scari^e sad Is sell* ing In most places at 91.26 to 91,69 per peund. We have soiae very flne seed which we are selling at 91 per polled. Call early before i t is all gone. PEBSY * Owa«. Please remember that oer stock iff ^ every department Is very complete aud that our prices are always thf lowest that can be made. We will sot be undersold by any bouse in McHenry Co, Henry Colby, Never buy cheap goods just because tbey are cheap, ibe best are the cheap* est iu tbe end. We will aot kaewiagly sell worthless goods. PEJUIY . Oviv. I • v'J : ii -SI • "i '! -"i ' ; Perry Oweu bave is stock the finest line of wallpaper la tbe oouatj, over oae hundred new patterns, this spring. . . . . . Screen Doors, all complete, at Jok*-. I .Story's. Call aud see tbe as. Our Boot and Shoe department Is now unusually complete. A full line Of Foster 's celebrated bne goods in new styles just received at Henry Colbya. Tbe lightest Draft SuJkv Plow in the world is the Hapgood, fouud at E. M, Owen A Son's, aud sold as lew as tba common sulkey : GLASS ! GLASS ! We keep Gla?s of all sices oonstantly oil hand. Special sixes cat wltboat extra charge. Jot*s 1, STORT. The Cortland side-bar Top Buggy la light aud fine, and it the most durable tuggv made. Can always see tbeai aft E. M. Oweu A Son's. All olors ia Macralue twine at BoM lett A Stoflel s . Standard. Keystone. Avery, Peorta, Advance and John Deer corn planter*, with pnnijikiu sred dropper or check rower uttuched. at E M Owen A Sou's. Perry 4 Owen'liave mens fine shoes fot $3 that beats theni all . A full l ine ot iudica and gepts lost shoes from 81.15 tip at Bouxlett A Stof- fel 's. • An Afiswor wanted* Can any one bring us a case of KM* ney or Liver <. 'oui |daint that Electric Bitters will not kpeedily cure? We say th"y cm not, thou-ands of casea already permanently cured and wno are daily recoir.tucnJing ^Electric Bit­ ters, will pi-nve. Urig'at 'a Disease, Dia»»etes. *W,.;ik »ick. ora:iy urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the I iI o .mI . retfid <te the bowels, and act •lirecuv on the diseased parts. Every b;»nle gu.,r-t . iceJ. F »r iale at 5QM. % bo' Vy l lcnry Colby, • jg

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