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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Jun 1884, p. 5

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fM . . . . . . . . . - ' . K^esry paMnfo . »»->'?*^V j ^ ^(PJMS , * jprfs \; * i '.'• ? ' % -, . .- l J«? -,- * 'fe-J-r S.­ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25.1884. Railroad Time Table. On And after Moaday, June ai, TrtlX Will ftaaa McHenry t*uti»i •• below: aoiws SOUTH. Benert Like Pas*cn*er, .». i . . . 7:42 A- IP1 t feaevti Lake Express. . .8:25 " Bentra Lake Kreizli t . 1:05 p. M Geneva LakA Passenger......... 8:29 " Steamboat Express . .5:34 " oji*« fotin. Bmtn I. ik« Freight. . f t-I t a . if Steamboat Exprew 9:5.1 " Benen Lake Pa»se#i{er. . . . . 9:88 " genera Lake Express .4:48P. * BenSvs Lake Passenger. . . . . . . t:St " ' ? " B. Boss, Affent. Mcllenry, 111 /- States Attorney. To the peoolc of McHenry Oouaty, Asa W Bmlth, of Dorr, hereby annoauces himself a candidate far tbe <*tTlt- .e of s tates Attorney, subject to the ratif ication of the Republican County Convention to be holden tor the pur- : fMMe of nominating county officers. May 2d, JS8*. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for States Attorney, subject to the decision of the ftepublican County Convention. _ C. P. BABJTES. Announcement. . I desire the nomination for States Attorney, by the Republican County Convention, and submit my candidacy to i ts decision. A. W. YOCNO. . • For Circuit Clerk. hereby announce myself as a candidate for •he office of Circuit Clerk and Recorder of Mc- Henry County, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. W. P. MOHSK. For County Superintendent. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Superintendent of Schools, of Mc. Henry County, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. J. A. SHELDON. For County Superintendent. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office ofjSiipcriniendenl ofjSchools, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. HEKRY C. FARKR. Good Ground Feed, 815 per R. Bishop's. Do not fait to attend the Independ­ ence Party at the Riverside House, on Fijday evening.July 4th. \ BEAD the new advertisement of John Hendricks, Spring Grove, in another column. ------r WK hare received a new advertise­ ment from T. J. Dairy, Woodstock which will appear next week. ONK week from next Friday is the Fourth of July. We propose to cele­ brate if it costs us nine cents for fire jckers. THE most enjoyable Party held I McHenry Cotinty on the 4th of July will be at that papular dancing resort, Lthe Riverside House, McHenry. Tick' ;ts only $2.00. THE next meeting of the Ladies Cemetery Aid Society will be. held :it the reside nco of Mrs, •?. P. Going, on Saturday afternoon next, at 4 o'clock P.M. A general invitation is exten­ ded to all t*» at t wild and take (lit r | I if the meeting. PKKSONAL. CASPKK MCOMBER and *ift are R I S . * W ' E K W , « ' ' M - * • " , H ; R ; « H ; ™ past and all the future,,-I a:n able to A Racy Dialogue. Prom uo records extaut, but from an village. MRS. P. S. LAMB, of Aurora, has been calling op friends here tiie past few days. MRS. F. G. MATES visited with' the family of Rev, J. C. Bigelow, at Alden, on Saturday. J. W. SMITH and wife, «f Aurora, is visiting with Mrs. Smith's mother (Mrs. John McOinber) in this village. » MRS. J. H. WALDROV, nee Miss Blanche McOinber, of Chicago, is visit* ing with friends in this village. A. 8. KIMBKRLY, General Agent for the Campbell Printlug Press Company, was a caller here on Wednesday last. JOHN BISHOP, of Wauk*egah,brother of Hon. R. Bishop, is spending a few days iu this village. JOHN LANSING and wife, of Fairfield, Nebraska, is visiting friends In this vicinity. ^ / MRS. JOHN SCHUENEMAXN, nee Miss Minuie jtuhnert, of Chicago, spent a few days with her parents at Johns* burgh last week. MRS. FRANK SCIINORR, nee Miss Mary Owen, of Athol, Dakota, is visiting with her parents and frieuds in this village. H. C. FABER, of Richmond,.candidate for County Superintendent of Schools was a caller oa Tuesday morning. Mr^ Faber report! his candidacy as looking encouraging where ever he has been. MRS. A. C. MCCRORY, of Lisbon, Dakota, and Mrs Hill, of Sandwich, III., are visiting with friends in this section. They came here to attend the funeral of their father, Garret Seber, IF you want to he well used and have a good time go to the Riverside House, McHenry, on the evening of July 4th. Their large and elegant Hall never was better fitted up than HOW. ROUND trip Excursion Tickets for the 4th of July, will be sold at this Station July 3d and 4th, good to return until July 7th to any Station on C. and N. W. Railway at one and one third of regular rates. B. Buss. Agent. THE Cemetery Aid Jviclety are con teiaplating a Picnic to Fox Lake, via the Steamer "Mary Gr'swol I," at nr. early day. of which due notice will he given through these columns. This will he one of the most pleasant Picnics tbe season. TIIE merchant who advertises is the best man to deal with. Why? Be? cause he is constantly selling goods and replenishing his stock and con­ sequently his goods are not shelf-worn, but are fresher than those of the old fog] 'M GOULD, one of the pioneers oi Lake County, and a highly respecte citizen, died at tIan residence of his son-in-law. David Parker, in this vil­ lage, on Sunday morning last. He had been sick for sotrfe time and was a great suffier, and death came as a re­ lief. His remains were taken to Laki inty for interment, WE would call especial attention to tho new advertisement ot Fitzsiminons 4 Evanson. to be found in another column. They will open on Monday next a large Remnant sale, and will ofler bargains seldom found outride of the city. Read their advertisement and be sure and call and examine goods and learn prices. . FOR some unaccountable treason (lie Cemetery Aid Society have been unable to get tho grass mowed in the Ceme­ tery, and it now badly needs cutting. Those who usually do such work seem now to be busy at something else, The society are willing to pay a good price, but want it well done. Anyone wish­ ing such a job should make themselves linown. THE Chautauqua movement has been extended to include the young folks, who already have a "Reading Union." They are now to have an illustrated periodical of high character, which will be issued in July by the publishers of the far-famed Wide Awake magazine, !>. Lothrop A Co., Boston, who will send It free for two months to any of. our readers who may request It. GARRET SEBER, an old resident of McHenry and Lake Counties, died at the residence of his daughter, iu Sand* wich. Ill, on Friday morning last, age 75 years. His remains were brought to this village and the funeral services were held in the M. E. Church on Sun­ day, and his remains deposited in Woodland Cemetery, beside those of his wife, who proceeded him some five years ago. ^ AvE are in receipt of a copy ef the' ^official Premium List of the Thirty- /' second Annual Agricultural Exposition of McHenry County, to be held at Woodstock, September 3d, 3d, 4th and 5th. The fhir of 1884 promises to far exceed any ever before held by the society.and the present efficient officers are entitled to great credit for their e&orts to adraupe. the lute rests of the society, present the readers of the PLAIN- DEALER with the following conversa- tiou: E MERY--Hel lo, G ard ? W hatcheer ¥ Anything new this morning? GARD--Well, Emery, is that you? Give me a shake of your lionest fi*t; everything is all right;coui<* in and sit yourself down and we will have a little talk. EMERY--(Looking over the PLAIN- DEALER with a serious a|r). I wouder what that dirty dog. Van S'yke, has to say about me tills week? 1 am afraid, as I have otten told you, that this ma­ iling for a third term is bad business, and tiie more I think of it the more it troubles trie. GAUI>--(Settling back in his chair and putting his feet upon 4he table). Why so? To hear you talk this morn* Ing one would think yeu were getting weak-kneed. Such twaddle as Van gets off is utterly unwoithy of notice. I am ill favor of treating his productions with dignified silence.' ' We can fix things in the cauCnsses and go through all right. Just keep quiet aud leave it to me, EMERY--My Dear Gard, I speak only in your ear. If I ever express any fearfe It is between you and me alone, but that impudent, hardened wretch who edits this paper (holding a PLAIN- DEALER in his hand) keeps me irf aeon* stant torment by his everlasting cant about "third term"' and the headway- Morse is making in tiie canvass. He seems to have the art of turning every tiling against me, and you sit here like a "bump on a log." It I was nu editor of a paper and couldn't do better than j*ou do I'd sell out. GARD--(Trying to whistl« a tune to himself). Now, Emery, you have a chance to write all you want to, but as ff>r me, I cannot say anything against Morse ; he is popular and you V:now it. Everybody is his friend in that part of tiie county where he is known. A good citizen, an honest man and a patriotic soldier. All these qualities will make him deservedly popular and it would never do to attack him in „the Sentinel and how can I defend yon in any other way than I have. You have held the office eight long years; you have built two new houses, bought a block in town, got fast horses, and plenty of money out at interest. You have a lucrative, permanent business besides that pays you a handsome dividend; you haye become well oft by holding the office eight years. Morse is poor, lie spent almost half of eight years flighting with a groat and victorious army for the preservation of this gov* eminent. He was reduced to within one jfaspof death in Andwrsonviile, and only brought hack to lifo after lie had wished"and tried to die. It is hard work. Emery, to oppose such a man tor office. The people owe such a man a d<'ht. and when for the- Hr*t time be presents himself for the siitlrages of tlie people how caw they refuse to sup­ port him? The only thing is to claim that | |«hody can do tiie work like you, itnd to look out for the t)ut|cu>>. EMfc.liV.r-Pardon me, Gard, I know you are right; there is no friend in the world with whom I am so desirous of ii>alntaininr*a good understanding, as with yourself. I leave the matter in your Hands. Good men can never re­ tire from their works of benevolenco, and I shall depend upon y<*ii to keep me in office, though I did expect you would refute and answer the6e attacks In the PLAINDKALKR about the thii-d term. I am afraid thero will trouble grow out of it that you will be unable to copo against. You iiro « rigorous and spirited writer, and it does seem to me that you might answer Van Siyke. GARI>--Emery, you forget that the Sentinel Is a high tnor^l and intellec­ tual sheet. Something like a sabbath school superintendent, absolutely per­ fect. How can the Sentinel meet tho third term argument, when you know as well us I, that when, four years ago, that question was in controversy, it appeared to you to be a most hideous •nd frightful thing, and that your tin; del-standing, conscielice and heart approved of the verdict of the people (For full particulars see posters. / to abolish the third term principle, BY OKDKKQFCOMMITTKE./ ^ ̂ ^ by Independence Party. The dancing public will be glad to learn that there will be a Party at that popular dancing resort, the River­ side House, in this village, on the evening of July 4th. This large and elegant llall lias be«n fitted up in fine shape, and unsurpassed by any dancing Hall in the Northwest, and ('apt. Yager and his estimable lady will spare no pains to make it pleasant for all who attend. Good Music In attendance. Tickets only $2.00, SURPRISE PARTIES are becoming quite popular among our German trends, ii. this villa?**.. We spoke of one a lew weeks ago which took place on Mr. and Mrs. Stetremann, and on Sunday evening. June lfttIi. Mr. Frazer and family were visited and several valuable presents left mid a real social ^ime enjoyed. On Sunday evening last he r«'i-iden»-es of John B'tiko and John lemier were invaded by the same lariii 'p, mid a set of Gold U»n<l Dishes ^*«d a handsome Lamp left a* a token of their rsteem and friendship. It Is these little tokens of friendship that lend to hind neighbor* together In one common hand. If more such practice nt exchanging greetings were Indulged in it would be he'.tor tor all. fourth of July at McHenry iciiryv tade fo\ , on thei Arrangements are being ma n old fashioned Celebration new Driving Park, in this village on he coining 4th of July, Good Speak- rs will be present, there will be both ocnl and instrumental music, two icrse trots iu the afternoon, a match game of Base Ball, and in short a gen- ijuine ohl fashioned Celebration, where the American Eagle will receive due honor and everybody have.dead loads of run. The oolebratio# will be of the Basket I 'icnic order, and table room in the rove w'll be furnished for all who de- ire. Good ice water for drinking and lenty of water for horses. Come out and help us celebrate. / Linen collar sale next week at Fits* siiumons & Evansan's. ' WfUCONDA. 'Bifiolr P L AI N i > i: A LF.RAjtfcpfftmes Brand an old resident of this place was buried Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Win. Gould died Saturday n!ght? He has been a great sufferer lor a nulfN*1 her of years. John Stone is back for a visit to Wauconda. He will return to Kansas in a few days. The village school has clospd for summer vac ation. The directors have employed Miss Lida Cooper for her third year iu the primary department, and Mr. W. D. Edmund of Grundy County, a recent graduate of the State Normal University, lor principal, Owing to the crowded state of, the PLAINDKALKR columns of late by rea.- son of politiuai and other more impor­ tant matter, the Wauconda department has necessarily been brief, when not omitted entirely. Believing, however, that there are a number of former Waucondaites. now living elsewh ere who depend upon their local paper to some extend for news of their old home, and to whom we think it will be acoepotable even if old to us, we propose to rewrite a portion *fcji?fhelr benefit. Go to the Remnant sale neitt week at Fitzsimmous A Kvanson's. , At Mrs. Schumacher's, \ Near the Depot can be tonnd. New and Stylish Millinery, at tiie lowest Rr'ces. Hats from 25 cents up. | Fancy Goods, Oriental Laces, Neck- \fear, tidies aui lace pillow shams. I Dressmaking, cutting and fitting by nilors system, Wheelers glovo fitting aiit linings. Children? patterns at w prices. Call and see. > >lHb. Jl. SCIIUMACU**. working and voting agaiutt it. and yet now you are transgressing that very law, a base surrender of principle for the saKe of holding office. I tell 3 'ott, you have nothing in your flavor, except a satchel and the caucus, and these you must depend upon this time to carry yon through. EMKRY--I see the whole thing, you are right. 1 did make a great fool of my­ self when I was howling against the third term, but it was principle with me then, now it is office. I laid prin­ ciple aside when I left the good old Democratic party to take the office In the first place, and can well afiord to do it again if I pan hold the ofl^ce another four years. But, Gard, you have been well paid for your interest in mv success, for not one cent lias gone into any other office than the Sentinel since I t0*k possession of tiie Circuit Clerkship. GARD--That's so, Emory, never tritid tho Soldier or third term, we will get there just the same-. WOODSTOCK, IU. . , June 111, IW*." * F4IH BtT FLKKTIMO. IiY I„ r_ DltESSKR. The perfumed blossoms sweetly bloqtn" On hewling tn-cs of ftrr t i 'o. And mindful ot their com ins doom Usuitr drooping in their pUr.e. Their petals spotlesn -Imrn in white. Mill woodland's purest l ife, 'Neath Heaven's beams of Azure light-- Bright gc>ina of rare device. But soon upon the tremMinsr ( trass These mime fair li l<>-.s .mis fal l . Their fragrant perfume dies, alas! "•* And wnl ' ts l icv' in l recall . How many iienrts have ceased to beat That yearned for l ihjssonis wlii to, l low inanv live« have been as l icet , As fragrant and as bright. Business .Notice*. The Iiosery sale at Fitzsiinmong £ Evausott's uuxt week, First EiM Deriy io Africa. Inaugural Meeting of the Washington Park Club of Chicago -An Event that all lovers of Htrnes will hail with de­ light--General P. IL Sheridan, Presi­ dent of the Club, will be present-- f>(U>00 people will be in attendance cv-li day--Goer 1,000 Horses are Entered--It will be the Grandest Event in the History of the American Turf. The Inaugural meeting of the Wash­ ington Park Club. Chicago, will begin on the 28th of the present month and end on the 12th of July, thus covering the probable term ot the National Democratic Convention which opens on the 8th proximo. This meeting will be the greatest turf event, thus far, to take place iu this country. It will inaugurate the "American Derby," and will attract the attention of admirers ot rapid horseflesh every­ where. The auspice-' tinder which the meeting will take place remove these races from the ordinary category of similar events. The high standing of tlie members of the Washington P*rk Club, in the business, professional and social worlds, gives it a full guaranty that a purer and healthier atmosphere Is to pervade the American race-course of the future, and that this, tiie favor­ ite Held sport of all nations, tu lie elevated to a position where it will be universally-.regarded as a legitimate pastime, and where Us votaries need fear no reproach. The Genaral of the Army is President of the Club. Its 'members are all of tin? better class of our citizens: gentlemen who are lend­ ing their names and contributing their money more to promote the improve­ ment of horses than for the mere sp.irt and amusement which the race course affords, fascinating and delightful as they in*v be. The Track, Club House, Grand Stand, Stables and other appointments of the Washington Park Club are the best of the kind in the world and have cost the club nearly a half million dollars. The most prominent horses in the country sre entered and engaged for this meeting. Mor- money will be paid to the "vinners than ever before offered iu any country for tiie same* length of time. In eight days the magnificent sum of $87,000 will he earned. For instance, the winner of the "American Derby*' the first day gets over 812,000 --a nice sum for a single dash of one and a half miles, while each and every day will he as full of interest, ' The Illinois Central trains will run direct to the grounds, ami are expect­ ing to carry in tiie eight days hundreds of thousands of people. Special trains are engaged from New York to bring notables from the East. Visitors to Europe nowadays arrange their time so a& to attend the "English Derby" in June,-when it is estimated that from 600.000 to a million people are on the grounds. People Itock to see the crowds as much as to see tin; racing. We ^predict for tho opening of the Washington Park Club a largerj'daily attendance than eyer seen except on English Derby day ,at Epsom Downs. -- Chicago Dry Goods Reporter. SPRING G30VE. EDITOR PLAINDKALKR:--Fish are quite plenty in the creek here this sea­ son. and afford sport for the evening Idlers. M rs. Wyman Wilson, of this place, visited with relatives at Antioch, Lake Co., last week. Mrs. Ed Kimball called on her sister, Mrs. It. Tweed. Sr., 'hist week. Messrs. lialdeman A Nei^li have gone to the city to purchase goods for their new st««r«». . , ..--.v "Andrew," that t^nni «rPI get the upper hand of you yet. Frank Cole inudw Chicago a short visit last wewfc. Jr^T J, V. Aidrlch vNis ^llihj| Qn friends in thi* place ln<t week. Dr. S. F. Bennett \vasj|t tow:*) iA»t week. • . ' Wmj. Wray is having a bad lime with a very sore ankle. "Baker" Patterson has built anew oven and is now ready to furnish the country with all in hi.s line. Win. Wrar has replenished his peddling wagon with a new stock of goods right froiu tin; city. Just wait uutil you see ills wagou before you purchase elsewhere, A young man who sits on tho hard­ ware store steps and makes remarks about a girl (who has neyer harmed him in the worl.i) as she passes by, should go home (or to the place he work-) and take a llltlp soft soap (or likely it would be better for liiin to take hard soap,«eein^ he is soft enough now) and some sand or allies and wash out that dirty mouth of his. and prob­ ably it will cleanse those uugentle- manlv speeches. AU may guess who that fellow is. | Strawberries and therrles are plenty in this vicinity thi^ year, hut an u<rlv looking worm has destroyed the cur­ rents as well as stripping the but^es of their leaves. Richmond Department. CONTRIBUTED BR 5. F. BEKNKTT. Sheep ahearinff is now being attendee! to al l through this $<HUion. •i--i i .i. in • Mr. Julius Loveitay :«n i nunitv, «f Ohl^Urt, moved into their summer ubsidenee at i 'u in Lakes last week, to rcmaiirduring the season. Cora Gray, a cod ten year#, has Intelv/hadn large bony tnmur removed successfully from' her lower j*W, She is doing very nicelvat present, and a permanent cure is contldently anticipate. Children's Hay was observed at the M. E. church in Richmond last Similar, The rluircii was beautifully and lavishly decorated with ,flow«5rs, the exercises were very interesting and the attendance larpe. Last Saturday «s a party were drivintr from Twin l .akes to Richmond, l ightning struck a tree so them that t l ie splinters were thrown into the wagon and i ts ncou|nnt* were considerably shocked. The horses came near running away. I t was a narrow escape. Do not fori tet the concert to bo given bv the Euternean Quartette, of Kiirm, at the M. K. church next Ki Iday eveninx, June 27th. I t ari l l be a rare musical t rcst , and bv jrhins you will give our Band boys a l if t . Let the house be crowded. ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDKALKR:--Died, June 18th, 1SS4, at li>s residence In Algonquin, Mr, Ken be ii K. Sherwood, aged 84 years and 10 mouths, Mr. Mierwood WHS one of our old M»ttleis, haviiig lived iu this section for tiie last 40 years. Deceased leaves a wife, three sons and one daughter to mourn his less. The funeral was held at the Congregational church on the 19th tnst. „ Key. McCord commenced a series of revival meetings at the Congregation­ al church on Wudueadtiy of last week and it is the , intention to continue them for two weeks.., The Algonquin B;rffe Ball club played the Du:i ( |ees on Sat Onlay hist, and the game was a tie. The score stood 9 to 0. The boys played a very good game for the practice they have had. Ike 1^1 inek was sun-struck on Satur­ day last while working in tbe gravel pit, but at this writing he is recover­ ing and will bo all right iu * short time. Qur public school will close on Fri­ day of this wee«k for th« summer vaca­ tion, and iu the evening there will he the gra lcating exercises at the Con­ gregational church. Tiie programme will consist of choruses, recitations, dialogues, essays, etc, D. T, Helm, of Chicago, spent Sun­ day here with relatives. -_IL It costs nearly double to manufacture PeLand's Chemical Baking Powder, which is made from Cream Tartar and Soda only, than it does those filled with gtarcli, fiour, and other dead weights. Some manujfaulurs. to avoid the expense of ( 'ream-Tartra. use Am­ monia, Al'ini, Tartaric Acid. 4c. You can detect the impure ones by boiling ill water in small quantity. The am­ monia will produce an odoi'; alun) also.' and tas'e hitter, and the starch and fiillng will not disappear, while Cieam Tartar and Soda will leave clear water. EXCU RSION Tickets will be sold at his station from July 5th to July 8th. good until Jult* 14th, to person* wish­ ing to attend the National Democratic Convention held at Chit-ago June 8th. Price Bound Trip, f2.05. U, Buss, Ageut. Nel ' ie Heading, housekeeper for Geo Purdy died last week i t Mr I 'urdy's residence,alter an Il lness of some two weeks. She came here from the K;ist and had n:> relat ives iu this part of the country. A sister was telegraphed and came to Richmond, but net in t ime lo liml the poor girl al ive. She took ll iu remains east for burial . The June Market fair will l ie held at Rich­ mond on Thursday, June 2flth, 18-U. There will , !>e oiTcred for sale -horses, cows, n t id yonuv stuck, as UAIIAI . I f you h ive any stock or farm products and farm ii incli inerv' which you want to sell or exhii i i l , there is no hel ler i i lnce to do so than at the Richmond Mmkel rair . We haye always had l-ir_-d crowds at our Market Fair . Come to the Richmond Mar- ket I ' - i i i ' , t ike advantage of the bargains offered and have a good t ime. •A. R. ALKXANDEB, Secy. The matinee at the driving park on Saturday was a success in every part icular, the whole programme being carried out as advertised, Tho day was line, and the track in good con­ dit ion. We notice that the association have j buil t lately a number of stal ls , which will be a great convenience The attendance was not very large, but i t was unite a crowd after I a l l . <iood judges pronounce the It 'chmond i t rack one of tbe best iu t ins part of the State. The following i i the record of the races: OHEKN RACK. Reading's "Bonnie Doou" 2--8--8 Fuller 's ' •Flora l tel le" . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J--(1--5 Rested*r 's "Anme J". . 4--4 Drawn Moor.Vs "Carrie II". . . 1--2--1 Shuller 's ' -Hay Bil ly". . . . 'V*.. --.'1--4 Crowley's • ' .sain" . . --1-4- TllltKK MINL'TH CLA88. Harrison's "Honest Bil ly". . ' . Andrew's "Charles Andrews". . Hick's "flyiug Dutchman". . . . FTLKK FOR ALL. Kidder 's "Bloomtlold". Welch's "Surprise" ' Besteddr 'a ' -Maud It" ...1-1 3-8 2-1 . . . . . . . . .3--S Ot'R BKIIMJK SCIT :--Since the publication In the I 'LAINOK VLKR of the decision of the su­ preme court in the bridge suit of the Town of Hloomington vs. the County, a private let ter from a prominent ci t izens 'of Blnominginn lo Supervisor Alexander giving :» history of the case, shows i t to be almost identical witn the suit ot Hie. Town of Richmond vs. M ' l lenrv Co. Thw following exi racts from that lel ier will be peail with interest by all part ies con­ cerned : "Our bridge went out iu Ke.bruarv. is ,<| . The Town authorit ies called a special Town meeting to vole money to build or | tny for one h.i l l the cost ot building a new bridge. As soon a» the Town had made jirovisiotis to pay i ts share, the highway commissioners pe- l i t ionc t the hoard of supervisors to appropri­ ate Hie county's share and lo appnint two persons lo act with the commissioners of high ways in opcnduig said funds as provided in Sec, 10 II . and It . I .aw, pissed by the Legisla­ ture, The county ln>ard fai led to do either at their special meeting in April , ISM. in the meantime, or immcdtii tnly after t i ie special (reeling of the county Imard, the Town com* inimiorers let the cuii l iMct for building a new bridge lo cost about $IS mil . The county board at . the). - July meeting refused lo appi 'oprl i tc anything. The highway c.ommit-sinncrs then commenced suit against the county to compel i t to pay half , which was tr ied at the Septein. her term of the circuit -ourl and was decided atninst thejcounly. The county took an ap­ peal li> the supreme court , mid the supreme eii i i i t i ias just decided the ea*e, alHrming the judgment aglinst the county, compelling i t lo pay half . The bridge w is in process of erec­ tion at t ime nf tr ial in the circuit court and was ll ins l ied in October, l*s;{ " From the above i i will be seen, as before stated that tho Kichmood and ISIoominglou suit* are almost identical , and i t remains to be seen whether l l ie board of supervising will put the county lo fl |e needless expense l ighting a just c |a | i i | in 11(0 coi | r ts are ugapi^t then). lyhon (W pieeudonts CREENWOOQ* 7?Htr«v.' Pl,\iNUi;iijKU:--.PrtW Pl^tt ami J. ii. MaiTittou took in the city lust we«*k. John Qage Is visiting wltlrhis pa­ re i. is at i> II lee. Mrs. Happell has a sister visiting wilii her from the city. We told Kale and Louise that we would not mention those new dresses, and we won't, Mr. Sampson, of Chicago, will spepd the hot weather month* with ti |e (i|mT ily of J. 1|. QarrisoiL Mark Dawson, who acoomuanied the remains of his daughter to Canada, arrived home on Friday last. D. K. Harrington, who is attending school at Chanipaigu, U lioiuo (or vacation. J. N. Barber shipped on Wednpsday last, ft»rty of the be^t steers we ever s:;w in tiiis section oj- ijny othe\-. The gl -os<j receipts in Chicago we<e $3.712.(10, or nearly $&l per head. Mrs. Emma Alexander and lier hus­ band, visited vvitii her parents iu this village on Sunday last. D. \V. Soper and wife, rusticated at Geneva Lake last Sunday.- The pulpit of the Baptist church was tilled by Itev. Swerns last Sunday evening. Diphtheria seems to be subsltltng iu this community once more. There are no more new cases, ami all who have had It and recovered, are doing nicely. O,. Rosebud with the trusting eyes, List to the words of one less, wise. What's the matter with Flossie? The Woodstock Sentinel's correspon­ dent from Richmond sat down oi\ us last week, in a fashion whipli shows she is irritated, needlessly so \ye think, in view of anything we can recall to mind as a provocation. However, doubtless she knows what, she is after and how to obtain it. B* it to. we :p-e resigned, She »avs we told a "confiden­ tial friend" thus and so. It may ba we did, and it may be that's a case of misplaced confidence. We hopp io become wiser by experience, though we dislike to distrust a friend. Slu reminds us of our inefficiency as a scribe. Very well, there can be no objection to that. Still, we expect to improve, having so brilliant an example as our fair fi lend to imitate. Site in timates thatVve do not know her. We supposed we did, *and still hope we were correct iu tlie favorable opinion we always entertainod of her amiable qnalit ies. She scornlully repells our ptoflered assistance. But why distill so much venom when there is no wor­ thy object to sling? That is what bothers us. She says, "If we did not pity you (us i. e. Billy.) for being so easily taken In, we wquid come to your rescue.' ' Kather singular reason­ ing this. Why If Flossie really does pitv us, that is the very reason she should assist us. You are much too irate my dear friend, to see clearly, or reason logically,w Taken in! Ah. that looks' ominous. And she won't come to our rescue until the Rubicon is passed--that she maj' laugh at our simplicity. "Oh for ft lodge in some vast wilderness. Some lmmvllesq continuity of shade; Where woman's ire may never reach me more. The sure eileet of Ayer's Sarsaparilla are through and permanent. If there i is a lurking taint of scrofula about von, | Ayer's Narsaparilla wiil dislodge it, i uud cipcl it liotA your »yatiiiu. W oodstock Department. CONTKI RL'TED BY ABA W. SMITH. Now that Vennor is dead Wiggin will have i t his oyvu way. Blaine i tnd ' iOganf and Ogiesby and Smith. '1 hat sounds l ike viciorv. - Mr. Raffr r ty, of i lart land, lost a barn and two horses by l ightning during the late storm. Imitate Preft idcnt Ai thiir ,and "rally ' lound the flag" of Ulaine am1 Lorfau. The contract to build our c*tinty buildings has been lei t«»s Obi.-ago party. If you are a candidate do not fal l to lhake Hands. You may enl ertain angels unawares. The acreage of cucumbcrs will be increased over last year. . Our Railway Co. has adapted tbe telephone in addit ion to the telegraph. Prof. Harri t ' relat ions with the Woodstock public school terminated rather abruptly last week. The Union School building and grounds sire nn ornament and stand as a bond of union lie* tween the vi ' i lagcaofXunda and Crystal Lake. "They are coming freiui the East , they are coming from the We»t, shouting- tor Blaine and for Lo^rau. .Since Blaine's nomination the American hog is said to enthuse with the exclamation "me too," Bismarck. Israel ' ' t . Clair is building a nice farm resi dence on hisfarm iwoniiles southeastof town. Tiie work is l iossed bv Charles Mead. •, Kd Kurer is having a large barn erected on his farm lately purchased of the estate of T. J . Richards. 'Charles Schryver is boss. Farmers in part icular and everybody in general should read the address of Secretary Wright in regard to our County Fair I t la t imely and to the point . "Six days Shalt thou lalior and do all thy Wvrk;" bti t i f you cannot t lninh your election­ eering you can deliver a poli t ical lecture Sun­ day evening and call i t temperance. People who have been in the habit ortet tu-r Ing horses and call le iu our streets, breaking and befouling Ihc sidewalks will do well te lean the new ordinance. . - O. S. Marron recovered a judgment of against the Telephone Co. for I saving wire* stretched across the street by which a young horse was greatly damaged. The Chester Whiles were badlv mixed in your t ireenwood colninn week l«efore last . I thought (ireenwoOd to t ie a temperance town. But one "cannot most always tel l ," Go to Mrs. Howe's for llllllttflrf i Dressmaking. SMOKERS, call fur Barblan Brotf Higll Art." They ha v few cqnala. ' , No trouble to show goods or suaWiMI* questions at it. Bishop'f. ' - Buy the E«tey Organ, if you want tlMI best. O. W. Owen. Mci!eul-y, Agent. City residences for sale. Apply |)fr' Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, III. Go to Ml*8. M> SebumHcher's for 1110* in»*ry,.Dress Making and Kllicji Geodt* Case and Furst A Bradlpjr Salk«y v~ Plows at K. M. Owen ft Wl. Building Paper, cheap, at J»hll l« J Story's. A flue assortment of very Un« Gntl* 3 Inie Iron Wire at John L Story's. ; All the latest novelties lit L«dl«l J v Neckwear at Henry Co!hy's. E. LAWI.U3 Has 33 cords of wood to Mil by OM* half or one-fourth cord. " An entire new stock of slia«^*. W^ ets and wraps at Bonslett A Stoitel'f ;v Examine our new iawnR, dress earn* | bifek. ginghams and priuts. Bonslett it :-: Stoflel. The latest styles and very lowell prices on parasols and fans at Bonsletl & Stoflel's. , J FITS All fits stopped free bv !>#; Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. !?• fits after first day's use. Marvelous cures Treatise and $2.00 trial bottle free I# FIT cases. Send to Dr, Kline, 191 Ar» St. Phila,, Pa. That was sweet revenge to see the kind ncighlmr, who had conceited the carcass of his dead dog beneath some brush near our door, drag the putrid thing away and bury i t when Itis meanness was discovered. - When a ysitng man cannot appreciate chok­ ing emotions experienced at . the first meeting of a bashful youth and a coy maiden, i t is not strange lie should fail le hear the cuckoo's Wolcome song in early June. Ono would doubt i"f he would know The beauteous cuckoo from the crow. S. S. Crindal ' , Isle of Marengo, now of Rock ford, makes occasional t r ips canvassing for the Roberts Marlde Works of l tnckford. As Mr. C. was formerly one ot my pupils in Tork Slate, I And pleasure in his success If he calls on my friends who have lost relat ives I cheerfuliy recommend linn. U. U. SLAFTBR. INDEPENDENCE PARTY. There will be an Independence Party at He liner's Hall. Mcllenry, 111., on Friday evening, July 4tli, 1884. Music by the Ring wood Band. All are cordially Invited. Joux IIKIMKK, Proprietor. House and Lot.for Sale* The uiider«igiied offers for sale liis House and Lot. situated In this village. Is finely located on the West side of the Public Squa e, has considerable small fruit,and will be sold reasonable, Forfurther particulars inqftire of McHenry, June 23d, 1384, Less th*n a OO-cent Bottle Cures Bone Spavin- NIJ.NUA, III., May 2?, 1SS4. C. DICKIN8(>> t A Sox, lsairingion, ILLINOIS, GliJiTLUMKN I had a IJofso lame for over eighteen mouths with a I\oue Spavin, and | procured a' byvtle t>f Dickinson's Russian Liniment attd less than a fifty-cent bottle completely cured the spavin. W. D. PARK8 fX The finest assortment of Bird Cages iu town, at John 1. Story's. Drags Drags, Drags, a lot ou hand, steel tooth and must sell. For sale by R. Bishoi.. Bishop's Roller Mills Flour. For Sale iu Wauconda, by C. E. Jencks, Try a Sack, it cannot tail to please you. RAKIJS ! RAKES \ The Tiger, New Hollingworth, Furs* A Bradley, Knovvltou. Advance and -\rcher. VVillsell low wilii with­ out pyle. s\t E M Owen A Son's \oung Orphan Bay, Persons interested in or desiring to see tiie aboye horse will And him at the farm of Geo. Harrison, or. the Greenwood and McHenry road, two miles South West 'ef tiie village of Ringwood. every Monday evening and until 3 o'clock p. in. Tuesday's. T. RKKSESt Groom. J. C. PA mi ELL, Prop, Just Received. A new stock of Areceues, at Mrs. E. W., Howe's, _____ A Cro*Jt Discovery. • M r. Win. Thomas, mf Newton, Iowa, says: "My wile Ins been seriously af- llicied witii a cough f«ir twuntv-five years, and this spring mora severely ilian ever before, site had used many remedies without rel ief , and being ur^etl to try Dr. King'* Ne»v DISCOVERY did so with most gratifying result). Tho first bo'.tie relieved her very much and tho seenud' bottle hu> absolutely cured her. She lias not hadsogoq.l health for flilrty jears." 'I 'rial bottles Free at Henry. Colby's drug §tore. Large size 81.00. 1 ^ L, E, Bennett, Photograper. whose rooms are over Pei ry A Owen's stor«*. is now taking Pictures by tbp new Process of •'.I>ry I 'lates," whereby an exposure of from one to six seconds a better expression can be obtained than by the old pro­ cess. Pictures of children taken under the most trying circumstances and sat­ isfaction guaranteed Call and give me a trial. Until• further notice I will take Cabinet Photos for $4.00 per dozed. I.. E. BENKKTT. McHenry. June 17th. 1884. M$at Marker for ^al€(. The undersigned oilers for sale his Meal Market iu the village of Mcllenry. together with Slaughter House, Tools, etc Fyervthing is in good running nrder. and lias a good run of custom. W ili be £o|<l on timp to suit purchaser. Fur further particulars enquire f,f the undersigned at. No. South HaUtead Street. Chicago, yj' p.f William Frett, Joluisburgh, III. ' JOft 4. F«BTT, Mellenry, June 17ib, W84. A whisker dye must be convenient to use. easy to apply. Impossible to rub oft, elegant in appearance, and cheap iu price. Bucking ham's Dye for tl«e Whiskers unites in itself all these merits. Try it. Tune 9ih, Is the day FitKslmmon* ft Evan*<oti's opens their greatest rst** nent sale ever know In Mcllenry> "Yot'R Cot?SIN," the finest flavored 5 cent Cigar in the county, at J. P*kof«." ; : | sky's, next door to the Post Office, Eastmans patentfsoap for toilet ai^£ •• polishing, ? cents a bar of 4 fer Sftetlk ,4" at Bonslett A Stoftel's. - ̂ Both Combination srtd Plat fori! Wagons at R. M. Owen ft Son's, of 1Mb. ^ best make. • 3 THK finest assortment sf Sewlnx M achiues to be found in the eetlnty. si O. W. Owen's, *• The Boss Barrel ChuravSt 'jfoha I* • ^ Story's. • . - 'i AI. rue leading Walking Flows it' Owen A Son's, Everything in the Hardware lias AI t bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. 1 ^%.umber Wagons. Milk Wagons, Plat* Jorm Siirlng Buggies for sale at ^ bishop's warehouse. : The finest line of Silver and Plated Ware to be found iu the county, at O, >V. Owen's. 3 Onr Grocery Department Was he more complete than at present. II articles Iu this department are very cheap. Henry Colby IF YOU want anything less than thi Estev Organ I can sell you one fer $40 O. W. OwKX and upwards. We can now show the largest and inost attractive line of Ready>)la4t Clothing in medium weights ever brought to this market. You sre asked to examiue goods and prices ftf Htnw Colby's, ' A A"* *f »«n»merSilks, Husttufli» Nuns Yelling, Velvet and the h»tea| styles of dress goods cheap at Heaiv Colby's. , Notice To those that w*ut work d»*e te mj line, such as Tanks, VaU awd ell ether work done in a shop, as I set hiab#» direct from Chicago. jR F. A. HSBARD. v We have just added an elegant Use of dress goods, which are oflered at our usual uniform low prices. Heury Colby. SHketnbroidered scarfs all colors flne quality, very cheap at Bouslett ft -Ptotyel's. ' FOIl WWTV Two ho\isp8 jp the vlll|gt of wooil, Ter^s ?«asonaV^. ^PP>T onpe to WKSUtY^JUJttL ftiDg^fOdil^ April 30th, 18S4, Wheat Wanted, WANTKU. at the Fox River Valley Mills, good Milling Wheat, for wliicl| the highest p"icu in cash will bf paid^ Mcllenry, I«„ April Uth. 1SSI. ** "~ Please Remember that eur tto^'k lift every depurtipeut |s yeyy pfuppWt* and that our prices arp always tlis lowest that can be made. We wili not be undersold by any house lu McHenry Co. Henry Colby^ Screen Doors, all com plete. at Jehu I.Story's. Call and see the a. Our Boot and Shoe department Is now unusually complete. A lull line of Foster's celebrated hue goOds in new styles just received at Heury Colby's. The lightest Draft Sulky Plow lu th#. world is the Hapgp*d, foiipd at E. tf. Owen % Son'f. aud sold Jpur M thtt pominon sulkey. G^rASS ! G7.ASS i )Ve keep Glass of all si^e^ (wustantU; on iiaiid. Spe^ji}} sizes gut w*ltltou| f xtra tiliarjje. ' ' Joi^n 1. Srou^;, The Cnrti:;;iir*lde-baf Top Buggy k| light and (iue, a^d is tl»f uiukt darabK I "gvc.F (liable. 'Can a(wgjssee ttteui u Standard, Keystmie.- Ayery, feoria, Adyimce and John Deer 'jroru V'antetl^ with pnmpkip |e^d crupper orcliectf fuvvnr attached, at E M OWeu £ ̂ ou^| Call at E M OTweii <£ 5on'$ tp see tl pew Flying Dutuhiuau ' Sulky Pl<^ 1 ? ,- 'lS Good.Ground Feed,.^15 per ton at B, biaho^/a. which is warranted to ruu 100 lbf eas, er than any other Sulky. Bucklin's Arnica 8elve. The best salve in the worM for Cul Bruifes. Sores. Ulcers. S»lt Itheui Fevar Sores, Tetter, Chaped llauds« Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin KrupJ tions, and1 positively cure Piles. Or iMf pay required. It is guaranteed t* gi*e perfect satisfaction, or money refill* led. Price 25 cents |)er boy. For Sale by Heury Colby. Meyer Qivo UR; If you are suite ring frotfl leer aad dSf pressed appetite, geiieral debility, dis­ ordered blood, weak constitution,bead ache, or any disease of a bilious eaturqf by all means procure a bottle of Slee* trie Bitters. You will be surprleed te see the rapid imppvement that will follow, vou will be inspired with eew life; strengrh and activity will re tare: pain and misery will cease, anil heaSSr forth you will rejoice m the praise eg Electric Bitters. Sold at flit/ wull| bwultf lijl iietay •i •k-sin* ..

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