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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jul 1884, p. 5

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h- V*V -•.# v/ir-V};rv-';. r _ .„y-w -^T »*V^ ;;. ;*j$» ,;«r -1 - &• »yy f*r• W%\---^v If ..I---,-* •&,* WEDNESDAY, JULY 9. 1884. Railroad Time Table. 0a aed after Vewlar. Jnae *M, Train* will ptn MeRuty Httti«i« Utow: - •01*0 IODTB. r BmmUke Passenger ...t^l • Oeaera Lake **»«•« *•* " mm f<ake freiirtt l^J*•* Oeaaira Ml* FaMeaaet t:f» «• stwwlwt Kapresc iM OOIIO MTRA. |«m I-alte Frelafct .S-11 A.* Steamboat CxpreM •:« " mmera Lake Passeairer S:SS •* Qaaeva Lake Bxprees...., 4:48p. V Bum Lake ruituw A:57 B. BOM. Agent. Mclfenry, III MASOXID Hclfcintr T.eooit. NO. IS* A. F. and A. *.-- RtfularOwimiinimtioni t|i* Miturdtr MI or before the full «f the neon and every two week* thereafter. „ CHAS. C. COLBT, W. M. Meamtv CRjtrTRR jTo. St It. A. M --Ke*u- •r Oen vacations held on th« second ana fourth PiMayi in eachjaoneh. Jomr I. STomr. H. P. States Attorney. Te the pMsIt of MeSeiry 0«n»tr, \»a W •with, of Dorr, hereby announces himself a eandMaU far the office of States Attorney, •abject to the ratification of the Republican Oonnty Convention to be Itolden for the pur. Dftfifiof nominating county officers. •(•y Id, MM. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candidate tor State* Attorney, subject to the decision of the Bepublican County Convention. ~M->: ________ C. P. FUBJTKS. Announcement. 1 desire the nomination for States Attorney, hy the Republican Oonnty Convention, ajad submit my candidacy to its decision. A, W. Yooiro. For Circuit Clerk. ll^irAby annnnnca mraclfasa candidate for tnenfflr.e of Circuit Clerk and Recorder of Me.. Henrv Connty, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. W. P. MOBS*. For Connty Superintendent. 1 hereby annnnnro myself as a candidate for County Superintendent of School*, of Mr. Henrv*County, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. J. A' SHBLDO*. PorCounty Superintendent. 1 h«>rnhy announce mvsetf a candidate for the office oflHuperintendent ofi*r.hoal*, snbjcrt to the 'leridion of tho Republican County Convention. IlKNRV 0. FABEH. Sunday Steamboat Excursion 1884. ^.The Steamer "Mary Grlsweld" will leave her dock at McHenry, on Sunday July 13th, sit 10 A. M. for Fox Lak». Returning from Fox Lake (leaving th^rr) At 4 p. M. Fare 50 cats for the round tripfchlldren half prlc. V * AT.TRR Hitx, Captain. Onori Oronnd Foed, 615 p«r ton. at R. BUhop*(«. WK aro niiflrr obligation* to R»» mid Mrs. Jm>| Wheeler for a fine Boquet left at our residence on the 4tli. ,• .. . W* would mil attention to the Re­ port of til* First National Itan'i. Woodstock, to lw found In another column. Do not former, the Excursion and Picnic for the benefit of the Cemetery Aid Society: on Thursday of next week, • ' ~ MARRIKO.--In Woodstock, Illinois, Wednesday. Juno 2d.1884 l»y Rev* Geo K. Hoover, Mr. Charlie I). Hubbard to Mint Rfflft F. Tllton. All of McHenry JOMW KELTKR of CMcogo, spout the 4tli In this village. WILL Stints. of the Elgin Watch Factory, was In town over Sunday. MR*.S. B. HAKLT, of Chicago, Is visiting with friend* here this week. HxKRr DUG9ER. of Chicago, wa* calling on friends here the 4th. J.J. FRETT. af Chicago, was en enr street* on Saturday. R. (IOI.LT returned from hit West* ern trip on Friday last. MRS. A. D. LTWW, el Chicago, visit­ ed with Iter parents here en the 4th. ALLAH WALSH and wife are spend* Ing a week with friends at Delevan and Janesville. Wis. MRS. J. A. 3OWO and daughter Bessie have been visiting with friends at Big Feote, the past few days. CHAS SMITH, of Waokegan, Is spending a weeks vacation with his parents in thU village MR. R. B. ISRAEL and G, V. Rankin of Chicago, are spending a few days with J. I. Story. MRS. B. CARPRWTJCR has been qnlte sick the past few weeks, hut Is now reported better. MISS AMELIA RICHTER of Chicago, was the guest of Miss Cora McOmber over Suuday. Miss MAMIE CONE, of Chicago, Is visiting with iter sister, Mrs. Geo. W, Besley, In tlijs village. Miss EMMA FAT, who has been at Vlneland, N. J., for the past Ave years, arrived home for a visit on Friday last. ASAHEL GAOE and wife,of Vlneland, N. J., and Henry Shepard and wife, of Lake Connty.are guests of the families of Hon. Geo. Ga/e and C. V, Stevens. SMITH COLBT, who is In the employ of Uncle Sam, In tho Post Office Department, Chicago, spent Sunday in this village. * The Ringwood Cemetery Aid Soci­ ety. will meet at the residence of James Carr, on Saturday evening July 12th. The following is the programni*. Open in? song Socletv. A-ldrcss... J. W. r?ristv. Sonic Quartette J.4inltli, Prank In?ill, Carrie Ladd, C. Pay. Heading Lncy Hall. S^ntt I.nia chase. Recitation James Carr. Instrumental Music J. Smith. E. Infills. ltRndinff Carrie I.add. itecitation Ralph Mn«on. SonffQuirtette... ,;,J.Smith, Carrie Ladd, K. Oari Kay, Mnry i4^<l. / Declamation < Wim.. P. L. Carr. Election of officers J. a. CARR. Sec. 'VTHE Excursion to Fox L.ake ON Sim /lay last by tho Steamer "Mary Grl» i woliP* was "takon in" hy between I twenty and thirty and all report Lgood time. THE Ladles Cemetery Aid Society will meet at the residence of Mrs. Alln Walsh on Saturday next, July 12th. n S o'clock. It is requested that lho«e oi Committees make it a |wlut to IH present. BE snre and he at tho dock of tlii Steamer "Mary Grlswold*' a* 9 o'clock •harp, on Thursday of next week, tli 17th. and go with the Excursion an Picnic to Fox Lake. Fare, 50 cents f« round trip. Children under 13 years 2 cents. The proceeds are tor the belief •f the Cemetery Aid Society. AT the meeting, of the Execute > Committee of the Old Settlers' Assoc! - tlon of McHenry and Lake Count is >. held at the Riverside House on Motuli y last, it was decided to hold tho ne: t Re-Union at Sltisser's Grove, Haihe • vllle, on Thursday, August 21st, J s soon as the proper arrangements can 1 » made a full programme will be issue . WE said two weeks a?o we \vou| celebrate the4th if it cost n* nine ceni Her Fire Crackers, Well, we did ceh ONE week from to-morrow, Thursday July 17th, wllPtake placeHhe Excursion and INcuic to Fox Lake, via Steamer "Mary Grlswold," for the benefit of the Cemetery Aid Society,and we trnst all our citizens and many from the sur­ rounding country are making prepara­ tions to go. It will lie one of the mo«t pleasant of the season and you will lose a rich treat If you fall to attend. Take along your baskets, forget all hu«ineas, and linve one day of real enjoyment. Remtmher the 'I*S#.. :l'A1,r^('^ ^ ft* week, July 17th. The Fourth in Mellonry. /The ci'leliration it; McHenry on Frl- lixr last, was. not withstanding the shortness of the notice, a success iu every particular. The lieavv rains of the niglit Iwjlore. -and the consequent threatening weather of the entire fore* noon of the 4th. no doubt kept many away who otherwise would have heeii here, but nevertheless there was a large crowd, the beautiful grove the Driving Park, where the celebration was held, being packed almost the en­ tire day.and all seemed to enjoy them- selves,in the best of manner.] ^ The exercises were-opened about II oViock hy music by the Band, followed hy soinfe excellent singing liy the Glee Club, prayer by the Rev. Mr. Sear?, Reading of the Declaration of Inde­ pendence by Dr. II. T. Brown, after which Judge B. N. Smith, of Wood­ stock, the Orator of the Day. was in­ troduced. Time or space will not permit its to give even a-synopsis of his address, but suffice to say It was clear, logical and patriotic, and was closely listened to and highly spoken of by all present. He was followed by the Hon. Richard Bishop In a few well timed remarks, after which the exer­ cises at the stand closed and\the Picnic dinner came next In order. ^ 'The Trotting, and iftase Ball Games, swhicli were advertised.'came off iu their order, although the rains had made the new track so heavy that not much interest was taken In that direc­ tion. Aw (jUJuUioll gamys Taken all in all our citizens have no brate and In the afternoon, l'ke Peckt Cause to feel ashamed of the day's exer- Bad Boy. we consonted1 to Umpire n clses.and we believe all who were here game of Base Ball. Tn tho third In. ^went home well pleased. •ling wo caught a foul ball on our head. \ We called foul, but the word was not strong enough to express onr feelings. Te think the ball was not hurt. Ws learn that burglars made a v|s| to the residence of E. J. Hanly o Sunday night last, and got away wi tli eome fl5 in money. It Is supposed that they galued an entrance during the temporary absence of the tamilj In the evening, and secreting them •elves awaited until they had gone t< bed and everything was quiet, whe they put In their thievish work. Ther is no cine to the perpetrators. THE Independence Party at ti 9 Riverside House, Iu this village, no - withstanding the "shortness of tl n notice, was a success in every panic - far. One hundred and two uumhe s were sold, and everything passed o(t n the most quiet and orderly mimi< r. The music by Mudgett's full Band, s x pieces, Wfcs pronounced by all as gocil as any ever heard In this section. Am right here we would like to ask whatIk the Hie of sending oft for so-callea high-toned music when we have just as good right here at home ? The party closed about five o'clock A. M., and all went home well pleased with the 4th of July P*rtj of lStSf, at the Riverside, Base Ball on the Fourth. T ' / A game of Base Ball was played tn fthis village on the 4th, between the Lake View Unions, of Chicago, and a Picked Nine, from this village, and proved a very interesting, and under the circumstances, a well played game. The Picked Nine had not played a game before this year, and some of them net for two or three yesrs, while their opponents were not only good Ball tossers but In perfect practice. Our boys went to work, however, with a wlH and at the close the score stood 17 to 14 In favor of the Lake View Unions. The visiting Club were all yoiing men net over 20 years of age^ and were not only good Ball players but gentlemen In every sense of the word, and our boys are unanimous iu their praise of them. We hope tlioy may see At to visit McHenry again at sofne. /uw»re-time»3 ^Another game was played In the forenoon between the East and West sides, which was won by the East side by a score of 39 to 16. H, Colby sells the Excelsior Shirt *olish. Try It. Frank's Polish for Ladles shoes will not rub 00 or soil the skirts. For sale by . HEKBT COLBT, SHORT BIOGItAPHICAL SKKTCHKS, Of Prominent Members of the South- worthglennonoldwarhorte Combina­ tion, tn Ecuy Lemons for &mw Beginner*. . ° v' No. 1.--NEW SERIES. Yes, my son. It litis been a long time since I told you anything about the Sntithwortiigleuiionoldwiirhorse Ring combination that have their headquar­ ters at Woodstock. What shall we talk about this evening? 1 was reading in the papers the other day about a man over at Woodstock that wants to hold office for life. Do you know anything about It? Yes, my boy. I do. 4 ^ What kind of a man is hif @1^ He Is a very good and efficient officer, my son, but he has held the office lie wants for life for nearly eight years. This man, then, must have been for Gen. Grant when he run for President the Inst time, for he wanted to be President for another term after he had held the office eight years, didn't he? Yes, my hepefttl. but the man we are talking about was solid against the General at that time, and labored bard tb carry this county against him. Well, the man over at Woodstock must have lots of "gall" to war.t office for life after doing that. Yes, my boy, but this time It is self, ar»d he claims lie is "In the hands of Ids friends." who demand that lie forget the past and claim that there is no oilier inan in the connty^that can do the business connected with the office but h|in. They must think he is going to live forever. What will the people do for a man to do this business when the man at Woodstock has climbed the "golden stair?" Ask me something easier, my child; but I suppose the office will then have to be abolished. 1 was reading a piece In the paper edited by that man over at Woodstock that cannot eveu write an estray notice,'* that some one up at Ringwood wrote about the man that wants office for lite. Do you know who it was that wrote the piece, or have you seen It? Yes. iny hope fill. I read it, and from what I knew of the good sense and the eapahility of the good people up at Ringwood, I should conclude that there was but one man In that vicinity who could write such a weak and foolish piece as that is; and as ft Is well kuown that the "satchel" has not been there yet, it must have been written some other place, ami several persons whom have heard mention it tiii.ik it was written where another piece similar to it was, which appeared in the paper edited by the man that has net yet learned to write even an eat ray notice, some weeks ago. Where was thai ? Well, my son, if- Is supposed rlght near or In the court home over at Woodstock, Well, It wi«s a real walling piece and Oti£ht to ton jh l he hearts or the people that read it. Does the man over at Woodstock, that wants otlh-n for life, ami his friends there say why he ought to have the otlk-e again? Only that he is the only man that Is .able to rlo the business, my son. WELL, that must tswikn the other men at Woodstock that always want all the offices feel proud of themselves. l>o you know anything about the other man that wonld like the otiler ? I mean the one that lives at Xuuda, Yes. my boy, 1 know him weRi What kind of a man la lie? I see by a card In the papaft all the people at Nunda want him. He is a good man. my child, and is honored and respected by all who know him. Is he able lt |o the business If he gets there? Perfectly able, my son, and the man over at Woodstock that wants the office for life knows It, as does his friends there, which Is the reason they dare say nothing directly against the man at Nunda, and "his capability to per­ form the duties of the office. I heard someone say that the man at Nunda was a soldier and was in some rebel prison. Was the man over at Woodstock, that wants the office fer life, a soldier? 1 have heard, iny boy, that bo was in the army for a very few months, that lie never was engaged in a battle, never carried a musket, and only pla.ved in a brass hand at the outbreak-of the war, when it was soon found that so much music was of no earthly use and Ills band was musterod out #f the service, and when he came home from the army he did not run on the same ticket for the office he wants now, neither did he vote it. Did you say the man at Kunda went into the ariry ? Yes, iny child, he enlisted when he was a little older than you are, and served almost four years in actual war. He belonged to cue of the best fighting regiments that went from the State of Iowa, and was in several of the hardest fought battles if the whole war, in one of which l«e was wounded and In an­ other was captured with hundreds of his comrades and languished In Bell Isle, Anderson vllle, and other Southern prison pens for over s year. It seems to me the people will not and ought not to go back bo that kind of a man and soldier. It would seem so, my son, but the people have heretofore had but little to do or say about.such matters. A few political wire-pullers, who make a good living. It is supposed, in this way (for they have no other visible means of support) and who reside principally at Woodstock, have managed these mat­ ters; but It looks now ai if the real honest voters of the entire county were about to lake this matter into their own hands, as they did last spring when they laid out ••The General" of tne Elinlra invalid corps, who also lives over there at Woodstock, Is ibe mau oyer at Woodstock, th»t wants to hold ottoe for life, poor, sod does he need the office? Not desperately so, my son, for he hullt a residence last year that cost him without^ the grounds nearly six thousand dollars, and We heard some men say who build houses, and live over at Woodstock, that he hired all the work done on his W« house from Chicago, and left every one of the workmen out in the cold that live in the county, as far as giving them a days work was concerned. I should think these men would think Chicago ought to elect him to office from this out. je It would seem so, my boy. Is that all the property he has? Not by any meons, my hopeful, for lie owns another nice house, a brick block, horses of much value, and is a money luaner. besides. I should think this man was what they call a millionaire, Tliat*s about the size of lt,'my son. Does he hsve any other business? Nene to speak ot, my boy. He is simply Interested In the ownership of the abstract booics, which he does not deny brings him about three thousand dollars a year. He makes a specialty of writing up deeds, mortgages, or any legal papers. Mid dees more in this line than all the lawyers iu Woodstock com. bined. Insures property against loss by fire, lightning, tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes anil wind storms, and does more in the sale of real estate than all other dealers in the county together. Is that all? Weil, I should think the man that wants office for life, who lives over at Woodstock, and his rrlet.ds there, have lots of "gall" to ask fer this office; and I heard several people say that were talking about It yesterday that they would think more of liim if would come to the front and say: "I don't want the office any longer; let that old soldier and Andersonvllle pris oner have the office as long as I have held It." Yes, my son. that would be right and just. But yon know he claims he Is In the hands of "lils frends," and those friends are the few men who live over at Woodstock, whe claim, and generally have managed to hold about all the offices the county is entitled to, and he is their candidate, and is obliged to offer himself up as a sacilllce to fur- ther their future political Interests. At heart he does not like the canvas, and openly says ho "has no xeal good reasons to ask for the place for life," and were It not for mlf Interest and those men at his hack he would not have been a candidate. AICONQUIM. Emfrm PLAIVHEALER:--Ah Eljrfn Minstrel Troop, done up our totvn/in Wednesday'evening of last week, and hy their afreet ftm-mle tliev sncceded in drawing a tlfl home. They tried to represent the hut It was a l'»We on the Nejfro, Tliev looked ahout as much l'ke Negroes as a sheep does a vsoat. and their entertainment was in the same piopnrtion. pretty t >In. Mr. Dole ̂ s retiring hU da which Id tn a very had nnd It !J hl#h • love that It was *i tended to, to save it from going out entirely. The 4th i»i««<"l oil very qulet'v here. n« the ino«t of our loH(< went awav to eelehrale. Those thai reunion ! at home held a picnic on I!. E frinneilV Vaww. and a v»rv pleasant time was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Frank Snchy. living Ea«t of town, met with a very painful accident on the 4th Inst., hv being tiO'>k', l In Hie ahdomeii hv a cow. «vliicl» made n flesh wound of shout llV£ inch"* in length. Dr. Nason was oallcn and dress, ed th* wound, and she is doing as well as could he expected, it was a very narrow escape. Our farmers are all husy at their having. As a general tiling the hav In this section Is a pretty light crop, and the oat# very short, and our dairy men's hope Is a corn crop, which never looked better at tills time of the year than It. does now. Dr. Nason had his Father. Mother and Rrother, of Chicago, spend the 4th with him here. The Misses Rose and Lillle Argards. of Ean Clair. Wis., are making their sister, Mrs. Chas Wandraek a visit here. Mr. Charlie Berklevand Miss Minnie Wollart were prlvatlv married at the German Lutheran Church on July 3d. Bicbmond Department. CONTTTLBUTKD BT 3. P. BBNNKTT. L. L. Dresser, of St. Louis, lias been spending a few rtnvs at Dr. Bennett's. Fred tlollison and Frank Cole have lately bought some valuable short-horn stock. A. R. Alexander has got Ills soda fountain running, and cait tickle the palates of the most fastidious drinker in the laud. Woodstock Department. 2SS OONTRIBCTKD BT ASA W. SltltH. THE Stationer and Printer says truly i 'To the man who has already resolved that this Snmmer and Fall business will be light on of the l'resl- duntial election, business will be un» doubtly light. So the man who lias resolved to peg away and keep things stirring and expect a fair trade, will Hnd a fair trade and may even catch on to a far better business than lie had even anticipated. Moral--Peg ahead anyway.'* THE FIRST OP THE SKASOS.-On Satur­ day last he visited us-- he came as usual hard up, wear worn, and his face beam ing with-.sun-burn. He had traveled from New Orleans direct--came all the way on foot, that was why ills toes protruded from their eowdiide casings. He reported work slack in every town; no "chance for a job." Iu fact, an un­ precedented"run of hard luck." His "case" was empty; his clothes were in spl;" and to use liis own expression, he was "out of sorts." If we couid only give him a few "quoins" and help his "inner form" to a "lake of fat" he would depart In peace. We couldn't re fu§e--years ago we had known him in better circumstances, an honored member of the craft, although located at different points of the compass. Of course lie succeeded in again getting his "stick" full, "locked up his form," and "distributed" himself to the next town. Who was het asks our readers. Well, he was a "dead-broke tramp Printer." We sell a 40 cent wheel fan for 10 ccuts. BOXSLETT STUFPEL, We spent the 4th at Caprin, where ve found as good a set of people as there Is tit the world. We could write a column or two about Capron and its good people, but time*forbids. Those of our people who did not wish to stay at home, spent the 4th in vari­ ous places. Some went to Hebron, to Lake Geneva, McHenry, Nunda, Wil- mot. Powers' Lake, etc. Most of our dancing young people went to McHenry in the evening. At the late concert given by the Euterpean Quartette, of Elgin, under the auspices of the Richmond Cornet Band, the Wilmot Cornet Band played two numbers, which were received with applause. "The boys" were dressed in a spic and span new uniform, which made every one of them look more gorgeous than a brigadier general. We hope our band will be uniformed before long. The Wilmot boys play like veterans, and deserve the thanks of out people for the fine music they gave us. A pleasant social event occurred at the residence of Robt. Johonnott, Esq. on Wednesday evening, July 2d. it be­ ing the wedding of William H. Berger. Superintendent of the State Farm at the Elgin Insane Asylum, and Miss Gertrude C. Johonnott, daughter of Roberfiiud Fanny Johonnott. of Rich­ mond. Elaborate preparations iiad been made for t'ie event, and when the company of friends ancl relatives as­ sembled, to the number of about 70, they found the house decorated with a profusion of flowers and other artistic decorations. The happy couple were married under a beautiful canopy of flowers bearing tlie name of "Berger." The Rev. Charles Frazer, of the Con­ gregational church, performed the marriage service. The relatives of tlie Johonnott and Berger family were ifhmerously represented at the wed­ ding. After the marriage tile large company sat down to a supper which no words of praise could dormice to. It was elaborate in all Its details. Mr. and Mrs. Berger went to their home in Elgin on Tuesday, the 8th inst., whither follow tlietn the. good wishes of a thousand friends. The position Mr. Berger now occu­ pies speaks well for his character as a man to be entrusted with important affairs. SlionSd lie wish to resign Ids present position, a fine farm awaits lii.-n In Richmond. The bride has for a long time been deservedly popular as one of the teachers in our public school and her resignation from that position was received with regret by the direc­ tors uf tlie district. Appended is a list of the presents received by the ne%viy married couplo. which it will be seen is a long one, and contains many valuable gifts: SUM) from irr<)om to liridc; easy rocking chair from brMfl to ffvnom;elnrV, Mrnnd Mrs Hijnry It ire: china t<*»i set, Mr ami Mr* II K tT i litis nn<l Mr rut'I Mrs Jobn Onirun; laco l>e<i s>preu<l ati'l pillow sVim«. Henry, Kli e ami Kmma Wnl'er«; set sitvi-r knives ami fnrku, Itcnry llorirtM'; three Kilwr MID* «|KK>IIK, mother of liri'io; t'llile mater, Mr anil Mrs C K Trvon, Mran>tMr»A l.umley, Ira Trvon ami Will Motic lisle in; tine table cloth, Mrumt Mrs L It ttire; pickle caster, Kre<l llolienstein; china teasel, Louis ami .lennie Heriror; *."•(>. father of Broom ; oil pain tin-, Mr ami Mrs l)r Ben­ nett; painteil fruit, set, llowar>', Hick and (Srace Cole; piekle raster, Mr ami Mrs J 9 Randall and Mr and Mrs (ico Howe: throe ^lt I eiiver table spoo is anil SI. It It ; set soli' silver lea spoons, Mrs U It Orosby; silver butter dish and knife, MrandMrsUeo Herger; decorated tea pot, Mr and Mrs K* Johoiinutt and Maria tirown;album stand and mat, Mrs C A Rice; tine table cloth. Mr and Mrs llohonstein; set Mlver knives ancl forks Mr and Henry Vojrlc; tea pot Mr and Mrs (ins VoKle; set linen n.ipk'ns, Mrs (5 Iteed ; *">, T J Oacy; IKMIIJnet cut llowers, Charlie llowe; pair vases, Kddie Herirer; silver napkin rinjr, (j«o Hobenstnin; »ink twine tid v, Harold, Itoy and Claud Aldrich; teapot, II \V Johonm-tt; silver butter dish, Mr and Mrs H K Tuber; silver cake knife, J K It ice; majolica pitcher, Teresa IK-wden; double pickle cigter, Mrnnd Mrs C W Vock; silver (Hitter knife, Louie, Katie and Nollin Johonnott, Three Cheers and a Tiger I HIP ! HIP ! HURRAH ! ! FOR THE MoCORMICKI itiKE aoon WINI: un;y IM­ prove WITH AQE, MCCORMICK II. M. Co., CHICAGO, III. Ib Our Ayenti: At a trial of Harvesters and Bindeis at Norhorns, Mo.. June 19th, 1S84, the agents representing the dif?ercut ma­ chines agreed to have tUeir machines and their widtli of cut measured' by A. M, White, weigh-master, Not borne. Mo. The following was the result: Minneapolis 6 toot cut 1(120 Knipire (low down) Te contributor spent the Glorious Fourth at Hebron, where he enjoyed many a hearty hand .«hak<* witii old ami new time friends. The day was just splendid, the crowd large, soijer and ciirerfui. The Band played with •Mieliiiiiting efl^tft, the President of the day, accquitted himself with holior. the Chaplain sent up to the Tlirone of Grace a Christian-like Patriotic peti* lion,the young reader iread the i)eclar ation with the spirit ofthe author; tin- Oraiors let the Eagle soar and spread her sheltering wings over all, from Maine to 'California, from Alaska to Florida, nor did they lorjeet our pat­ riotic soldiers whether living or dead; the Marshall kept the people in their places; the Military displny under command of Capt. L. D, Kelley was "decent and in order," And last but not least, in the interest of hungry man, came the feast for the stomach's sake, and such a feast. Ask the two Lyman's viz Glass and l*ierce and their good help% meet if "this cliiid" faltered or fainted as lie charged upon the viands so tempting* ly arranged. But as 1 swung around the circle, passing up by Thayer's and down by Try oil's corners, not the least attrac- live feature of my days enjoyment was the growing crops of Rye. Wheat, Barley, Oats, Corn, Grass etc, which •net my gaze on evety hand, and 1 should think it difHctflt to And a dis­ contented farmer In tlie towu of llebron. Sinch cut........ I27(I S.incli cut. I.MO 3-inch cut. l-«i cut..,. 1510 <• Irtoa .... J I<V!I) '• 1510 HSU 1710 lfi«0 liMH 1705 weighed and S.incli cut I inch cut •• cut.... Go to the Remnant sale next week at FitzsimmoiiB & Evanson's. Linen collar sale next week at Fllz- sitnmons Jfc Evanson's. We carry the largest line of Cloth- sng iu the market, and eur prices are alw^|«f^^|IOiJfi0od8can be sold *H«nry Colby. • ..... . v Wlio can beat Blaiue? Is the Demo­ cratic problem. "That's my Idea" says Ben Butler. "No you don't"' says John Kr lley. You bet I will says our Carter If Hohhs and St, John will only cling to Piohibilion. James G. Blaine hails from the Pio- neer Prohibition state anil therefore the Democratic Saloonists say be must be beaten. Jame? G. Blaine's Party does not put a Prohibit ion plank In its platform therefore he must bo beaten says the Prohibitionist. James G. Blaine stood by eur Flag, hy the union, opposed rebellion. Is <n favor of law and order, is the laborers friend, lias given his ln*arty sup­ port to every measure In the Interest of Home, peace and prosperity. "By the Eternal*" lie shall be elected say the People. * Business Noil • Go to Mrs. Howe's for Dressmaking. ?>murku8, fall lor Barbie* Br High Art.*' They haVS few equals. No tton hie to show goods or anSWOl questions at It. hishopv. Buy the Estejr Organ If you wint iMf*. best. O. Owen, McHenry, Agent* City residences for sale,' Apply t# Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Go to Mrs. M, Schumacher's for Mill* ia**ryt Dress Making and Fftaejr Goods'* Case ahd Furst A Bradley Sulkejf Plows at £. M. Ow$it St Son's. Building Paper, cheap, at John lt Story's. A fine assortment of very fine QtwM? Into Iron Wire at John 1. Story's. £. LAWM78 « Has 3ft cords of wood to soil by oof half or one-fourth cord. An entire new stock of shawls, jack ets and wraps at Bonslett A StoflePe Examine onr new lawns, dross ram- brick, ginghams and prints. Bonslett 4 Stoffel. f»'S The latest styles and very lowest prices on parasols and far.s at Bonslett A StoHel's, FITS All fits stopped freo by Df* Kline's Great Nerve Restorer, No fit* after first day's use. Marvelous cure* Treatise and 92.00 trial bottle free tM Fit cases. Send te Dr, Kline, Wl Afch St, Plilia,, Pa. June 9th, Is the day FltXsimtnons M Rvan«on's opens their greatest tsm- nent sale ever know iu McHenry. "Yot'R CorsiN," the finest flavors^ 5 cent Cigar in the county, at J. Pekof- sky's. next door to the Post Office, Easrmans patent soap for toilet an4 poHthlnir, 7 cents a bar or 4 for St CtS. at Bonslett A Stoftel's. Both Combination and Platform W aeons at R. M. Owen A Son's, of tho best make. Tlir finest assortment of Sewing Machines to be found in the oonnty, at O. W. Owen's, Good Ground Feed, 915 per fifft itt R, Bishop's. • The llosery sale at Evanson's next week. Fitcsimmons A An elegant line of corset* 10 cents and up at Henrv Colby's. For good crockery, glassware and Masons fruit jars go to Bonslett A Stof- fel's. , House and Lot for Sale* The undersigned offers for sale his House and Lot. situated In this village. I« finely located on the West side of the Public Sqna e, has considerable small fruit, and will be sold reasonablo, Porfttrlher particulars Inquire of H. D. SLAFTKB. McHenry, June33<l, 1884. The finest assortment of Blrd^Cages iu town, at John I. Story's, 4 Dvmitill 5 Huckeye (lowdown) 5 Ksterly « Iteliance „ 6 McOormick fl Piano « Ohninpion 'light) .Ji Ituckeyo (olevtilor) S Dcering H Woo. 18 6 Osliorne 6 These machines measured in the presence of the agents representing them, besides many spec­ tators, who all agree and know them to be correct. J. K. CIIAPMAV, Gen, Agt. Janefrville, June 27th, 1881. Sl?Af„ ALA., June 2, 18S4. The McCormlck and Phioo Self-Bind­ ing Harvesters each put one of their machines in my Held on trial, with the understanding that, | should not he hound to huy either, for 1 had some doubt if they could tie made to work successfully in this country. I find tlie MuCormick is fust the thing we need in this country, where we have stumps and rough land. Jt is strong, durable and does its work well, picking up down grain better than the P|ano. while tiie draft is equally light, and for material and woikuiausliip tlie McCor- mick cannot be surpassed, and would say to iny frieud« ami everyone wish­ ing a first-class m acid no in every respeot lo huy a McCormlck and you will never regret it. JOHN TIKANKAW. KANSAS Crrr, Mo., JUNE 15TH. I»»*. Tefegratn:---In Held trial at Parsons. Kansas, last Friday, in green gr-iln. be- tween the "McCormick.** "Pimm," ••Reliance" and "Buckeye ' Hinders, the first prize was awarded "McConniek"' hv unanimous decision of 5 judges. Six "McCormlck" machines sold on the Id. W. 11. lowff. sate In Mcljeiiry by If. Biohop's Roller Mill* Flour. For Sale in Wauconda, by C. E. Jeuck*. Try a Sack, It caunot tali to please yon. Silk embroidered scarfs ail color* fne quality, very cheap at Bonslett A Stoyel's. * FOR SALE OR RENT. Two houses iu the village of Ring* wood. Terms reasonable. Apply at once to WEBLKT lADD. Ringnroori, April 30th, 18S4. Wheat Wanted* WANTK.O, at the Fox River Valley Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which llie highest price in cash will be paid. Ji. Buuor. McHenry, IU., April !4th. 1884. Please remember that onr stock in every department is very complete and that our prices are always the lowest that can be made. We will not be undersold by any house iu McHenry Co. Henry Colby. Screen Doors, ail complete, at John I. Story's. Call auil see them. Onr Boot and Shoe department Is now unusually complete. A full line of Foster's celebrated hue goods in new >tvles Just received at Henry Colby's, The lightest Draft Sulkv Plow in the world 13 the Hapgood, found at E. M. Owen A Son's, and sold as low as the common sulkey. We just added an elegant line of dress goods, which are offered at onr usual uniform low prices, Henry Colby. At Mrs. Sehumacher'Sf Near the D^pot can be found, ' New and Stylish Millinery, at tiie lowest prices. Hats from 25 cents up. Faucv Goods. Oriental Laoes, Neck­ wear. tidies an l lace pillow shams. Dressmaking, cutting and titling by tailors system. Wheelers glove tilting wain linings, Childrens patterns at low prices, Call and see. Map. af. Suijphachsb H RemarkaDie Escape. MnPsliirv A. Dai I', of Tuukhaiinock, Pa., was nillicted for six years with Asthma and Bronchitis, dhl'ing W|llcl| time the best physicians could give no relief, il '-r lite was despaired of until iu la-t Octohershe procured ft bottle of Or. King's Jiew Discovery, wjieu imifle- diate relief was felt,:nul by pontinuing iis use for a short time sho w-as cqjn- pletely cured,gaining In flesh 60 lbs. Jn afew months. Free Trial Bottles of this ceitaju curp pf all Throat and Lung Diseasps at Henry Oojby's Drug Store. Large bottles $1.00, Meat Market for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his M«-at Market in the village of McHenry. together with Slaughter House, Tools, etc Ijvervthiiig Is in good ri |nnii% order, and lias a good run of custom. Will he sold on tltno to suit puri;ltnsp|:. For further particulars enquire pf the undersigned at ?tf«. 935 South Halstead street. Chicago, or of William Frett, Johosburgh, HI. . „ 9 Jos. J. FBCTT, Mclfeqry, June 17th, Itl. L.E.3enn©ttf Photograper, whwse rooms are over IVi rv A Owen's stor*, is now taking Pictures by the new Process of "Dry Plates.' ' whereby an exposure of from one to six seconds a better expression be obtained than by the old pro­ cess, Pictures of children taken under the most trying circumstances and sat­ isfaction guaranteed. Call and give me a trial. Until further notice I will take Cabinet Photos for 94.00 per dozed. L. E. BENNETT. Jtytfepry, Juue 17tb, 183$, Tlie Boss Barrel Story's. AI. the leading Owen A Son's, Churn, at Mohn I. Walking Plows at Everything in the Hardware lilt* at bottom figures, at E. M. HenVs. Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Plat* form Spring Buggies for safe at !t« Bishop's warehouse. The finest line of Silver •*# Plated Ware to be found In the coonty, at O# W. Owetifs. Ir you want anything less ffitfft tfcf Estey Or*aft 1 can soil you one for 949 and npyards, O. W« OwKK We can new show the largest ami most attractive line of Ready-ltado. Clothing in medium weights *evor brought to this market. You are esked to examine goods and prices at Henry Colby's. - Notice , To those that want work dons la oy Hue. such as Tanks. Vats and all other work done Iu a shop, as I gat lumbsr direct from Chicago. , F. A. HEBABP. GLASS ! GLASS ! VS Wo keep Glass of al I sizes constant!# ou baud. Special sizes eut without extra charge, JOHN I. STOUT. Standard, Keystone. Avery, Peoria, Advance and John Deer corn planter*, with pumpkin seed dropper or ebeett rower utlached. at E M Owen A So*% Call at E M Owen A Son's to see the new Flylug Dutchman Sulky Plow.: which Is warranted to run 109 lbs aa*JF* er than aiiy,other Sulky. Less than a SO*o»nt Bottle Curs* Bone Spavin. NUNDA, Iuu. May 9% MM. , C. DICKINSON A SON, UairiaftM, lliiwlj. • GKNTI.KMEN:-^I had a Hotso lame for over eighteen moalhs with * Boo* Spavin, and 1 procured a bottle of " Dickinson's Russian Liniment and lee* than a fifty-cent bottle completely cured the spavin. ff, D. PARK*. Drags Drags, Drags, a lot on han4» steel tooth and must soil. For sale bf R. Bislio|« Bucklin's Arnica Selve. The best salve in the world for CwU| Bruises. Sores, UUref-s, &ilt (theutiMt, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chaped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ft)) Skin Erupt tlons, apd pos)t|vf)y cure Piles, or ne pay required. || is giiaranteed lp glfp, perfect satisfaction, or money rpfflHr ded. Price 25 wjil* per b*>?. For Sa)e by Hairy Colby, ^ Thooo Are Solid FssMl /•-' The best blood purl Her |ind Vysf*i* 1 regulator ever placed within the veaclt, of suffering humanity, truly U Klcctrle Uittpra, inactivity of the Liver, Bilt ousness, Jaundice, Constipation, Kidneys, or any disease of tiie urinary* organ, <>r who ever requires au appetl*. zer. tonic or mild sliiiiuiaiit, will alwaj*/ timI Klectric Bitters tiie best and oidjjt certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guarrnft|fp^ to give entire satisfaction op IPftnei refunded. Sqlij at fi'iy |H>uif a R>»tt& by UKNKT CotbT, Take Notice! t ara near bttfer prep»tei| everugive you an ^ / QTSTOASCI POLICY Jn « Ar»t-cla«s Pqqtpaaj Alee «aa ftralah jreu vf Itlj a ho* »,f nfpe White Qw* Homy. YELLOW BEES, If y«i| qv« In INNJ «M ^ajl. 4t livins prices. plpaise pall op J, HENDRICK8- Spring Grove, IIL •UNIV M CO.. of tM sciwamwrn 99 torn/A as f^>r liMMl IFMWti *nt frefc *hlrtI"S| P»t«nts obtained We have just received so«*e l^tt nnd **^ ^iMff # pf PPl*# • ..... . _ . • . ..

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