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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1884, p. 8

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(lit *ih! torok- ~ ~ HilTerfnft J #:'»ot(i<> of d*>*tti!ng Syrup f«r It* value U tnual» _jleve tlie poof little Itelj. Depend upon It II tio mistake abom it. and ilinrrbflca, rc£n- ,and bowels, cures Vifmftthe gums. reduces Kttufl ftlHl givrg tone and eu- (Sift wlt#le. BysU m. Mrs. Winf- *»Miinf Syrup for children t«lplea*ant to the Uete» anil , . _n|»tion of or« of the oldest litfit ffcmftle physicians mid mirscfe " Utates, and In for sale bv NTtst*" throughout the .world. Frlw SB ceuta • Uettie. , *-?fvrv RtAD THIS. V.'f: Geo. T. Parker, Fresco mill Decor* live Fainter. Paper Hanger etc. Cell- latlMd Walls decorated in the l.-itest s(f#M In Oil or Distemper color?. Flritdai'f" work and low prleep. Res! U«n& and shop opposite i1 West McHeory.111. J; . FOR SALEk " ' The aide wheel Steamer, "Lotus." Bids for the Machinery, or for the wbole of the Bout, as she now lies at MeDenrv, may be sent to Capt. Waiter HHUJIeUeiiry, 111., or ta B. F, Weaver. Kg*** WjOwsIi Avenue. gw««p. r»ikefilwKe NOTICE. 1 am ready to fill orders for and Liquors by the gallon and by thVbox at Chicago bottom Also bottled Beer by the case. A. SONNKKSCHIEN. Carv Station III, 'V" '*•»" ' • nT"'7^- Wines Cigars prices. . Wheat Waned. ^ Wiftiio. at the Fox River Mills, good Milling Wheat, for which the highest price in cash will be paid. U. Bishop. McRenrr. IU., April Hth, 1884. MOWERS ! MOWERS J The Standard. Crown, Manny. Xow Warrior.and Knowltnn. are the light- est running Mower's made, at E. M. Owen & Son's. whom everybody know* at the suceesafal manager of the Lnjpd Hotal EitHprim of America, sftys that n-tiile ft pusenger4rak New York ou board a ship going around Cap* Horn, in^tho early days of emigration to Cal­ ifornia, he learned that one of the officers of •the vessel had cured himself, during the T0J« age, of an obstinate disease by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. • Since then Mr. Lelaxd has recommended Ayer's Sarsapabilla in many similar cases, and he has never yet beard of its fail­ ure to effect a radical cure. r Some years ago one of Mr. Leusd'i farm • laborers bruised his leg. Owing to the bad State of his blood, an ugly scrofulous swelling or lump appeared on the injured limb. Hor­ rible itcliing of the skin, with burning and- darting pains through the lump, made life almost intolerable. The leg became enor­ mously enlarged, and running ulcers, formed, ^discharging great quantities of extremely Offensive matter. Xo treatment was of any •vail until the man, by Mr. Leland's direo- tion, was supplied with AYKlt's SARSAFA- Iulla, which allayed the pain and irritation, Lealod the sores, removed the swelling, and completely restored the limb to use. Mr. T.Kt.Axnhas personally used RIVERSIDE BLOOKv McHKNRY, ILL. '&x:x Ayer's Sarsa; Wheat Warted. Wanted, at the Fox River Valley MMl,g«od Milling Wheat, for which tlw highest price in cash will he paid. • R. Bishop. McHehry, III., April lith. 188* man Barb Wire, both plain anized,decidedly the best Wire market, at John I. Story's. sey't goods, t offers. Thtjfcyi •ndg#va la th#tna Black and colored.. Jei oaly $1.90at Bonslett «§• liflbs strictly pur* sugar for |l at Bnwllt & Stoflel's, 40 Inch all wool Nona veiling 38 ctfc. at Bonslett & Stoffel's. Colored all wool bantings 19^ctnts at Boariatt & Stoflel s. f * • Don't forget to sea the Flying Dntch- tcan. while In town, at E M Owen A 8on*s. Tlie latest, cheapest and finest stock of gloves at Bonslett & StoOel's. Ti BiiUsR ail CntractiR. for Rheumatism, with entire snceess ; and, lifter careful observation, declares that, in his belief, there is no medicine in the world equal to it for the cure of Liver Disorders, ©out, the effects of liigli living1. Salt Rheum, Sores, Eruptions, aud all tho Various forms of blood diseases. We have Mr. Lelaxd's permission to invite all who may desire further evidence in regard to the extraordinary curative powers of Ayer's Sarsaparilla to see him person­ ally cither at bis mammoth Ocean Hotel, Long Branch, or at the popular Leland Hotel, Broadway, 27th and 2Sth Streets, New York. Mr. Lelakd's extensive knowledge of the good done by this unequalled oradicator of fclood poisons enables him to fiire 'n^qlrfrs much valuable information. prepared BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mast. Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles fortB. LIVER and KIDNEY . BITTERS These Bitters are especially prepared for the masses nt mankind, suffering trom Tor­ pid Liver, Weak ami Piseased Kidneys,and constitutions overworked, bodily and men­ tal! v. Tliey cure Fever and Ague, Malaria, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debllitj, Headache, Constipation, give a pood appe­ tite, purity the blood,stimulate the Kidneys into healthy activity, producing new life and vigor io the body and mind. We Warrant These Bitters To be the best Tonic preparation made and recomuiecd tlieiu to Lverybody for Family nse to secure Health, Strength and Happi­ ness Directions: -A wine glas8 full taken three titnes a day, belore each meal, will accomplish the desired effect, witheut drug­ ging tlie stemacli. •Toil i& A. King Jit Co., Wholesale Druggists, Proprietor# 51 Lake Street,Chicago, III. "Buv-Trv and von Willalwavsn Has one of * ** < r-m* mrw : t ***% 4'*' >' . •MS* J-- ' EyEUY 'BJtSfA^piNT . j' "•> » ,•***•' *'£.'• • • r " " " ' " " " J Fov tbe uprin^ and summer triu^ of l88"4. I; •-' G. F. HALL; SSTI-53 rbe ackuowletlgcd leader in ^ood ^roods and low prices, aad people are find init out. His prices tell his goods aro of the vary best His sto^k is largfe and his prices are way down below the high priced credit dealers. He can afford to do , it as he sells for cash o»»ly. » Jamestown Worsted Dress Goods, 50 pieces just received. .JCverything new bright and attractive. Hemnants cheo Hall bids for your trade. Go aud sec him " l*he t i»ly cash Jilore lit NortKern The target, tilled. Site, 140 feet long and 22 feet wide, two stories hisrh and working for the people that PAY AS THEY GO. " - worth g.jes out except for Hard Cash, t sell ip, C. F. .-.V.: V 1'?* K'1 Ckicao&Nortlv»tfli Is the best i^nd shortest mwte to Ohicagu and Con uqH BlsCi (OMkM it is preterred tar all well posted travel when passing t» or from aadtka California and Colorado/ line blTw^n""* the f°ut* and ,h® Chicago an ) 3i Paul Minneapolis Milwaukee, LaCrosse, Sparta. Madison »o»fc - ® Howard ^.Jou Da, ^.sc^n"in.'8^V- Owttonna, Mankatv. Minn. Cidir B«Sff! Des Moines, Webster City, Alcona fMintoJi. - MarsballttwH, Iowa rre^EWs S't Hnei111" *m0n U* 800 stations MiS6 y Among a few of the numerous noinutf au foicb6ia: si.w.n 19m Metleary Brick Manufacturing Ceaipany are now ready-to supply Bnck 1 J:;:-,,,-,4* f^ •: SUAU'tWS Their Iriek are second W none to l>e found in "1 will be (old at the lowest market priee. Persons intending to b«tM, er those haadling brick, will ' <§» well-to call and see us before purchasing. We Invite an examination ind eemnarisen •y Brick further information apply to or address with any Brick asade fa the Xortbwest. For MoHCNRY BRICK Hainiaeturln^ Co. Mclfeary, 111., Jane 11th, IBM. •- - .. . IjXWJJJS , •«.v KEEPS, m soiasnc WWk -.5 m rarnismng Goods Of all kinds. He also sells Soots and Shoes Below Chicago Prices. Cal AUd see, in front of Kivekside HpTJU. IfcHenry, Ills. E. Lawluo. W-r- James Robbina, . •/- , V:v£7r .v --DEALaa im ITfirm Mtto&iii *«"Price $ I Per Bottle,. Sold by Druggists generally, use tlicniB ZJ iSTOPPED FREE El1!" • • MmrmtUut ittcctst. • • Iasans Persons Restored a • •SDr.KLOrE'8 OXEAT • • NERVERE8TORER »• mil 8* All* tl NntVS DISVASES- Omfy turt ure far Nerve Affections, FUi% Epiltfxy, 4tc. &LLIBLB if taken &s Jirectei. JV# fitt mfttr 1 day*s use. Treatise and $2 trial bottle free to ittieats. they paying- express chargef on box whea ived* Send names, P. O. aad express tddwn of ted to Dr.KUINC.oii Arch St.,PhiMelphia,?i. fftsOe MEWAMM OF IMITATING FRAUDS* FOB BARGAINS 1H For Coal and Wood -CAM, OK- E M. HOWE Opposite Biwliop's mill, Who lias a complete line of tlie best stoves in the market, as well as a large stock of Hardware, Mechanic's Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON And, in fact, everything in the hardware stove and tin line. , t <" j TIE WILL .NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Call at his store before buying elsewhere Jobbing and repairing promptly attended te. *#"KeiniirulH-r, extra good bargains can al< ways be obtained at Howe's. Me#leaiy,Ae* •' '* • V1 * i H/l^f DRY GOODS, CLOTHlNCi .... -.'.V IBoots A SlioeB« EC&ts <& Qaps, GROCERIES CROCKERY, fc., v:; pay you to come forty miles to the best quality and guaruntef finest Bleached Cotton llest Unbleached Cotton .... V Aiul my prises will make it trade with me. 1 sell goods of peverything as represented. Read my price list and brino- it, and make your fall purchases where your money will do you the most good, Will your credit dealer make you the following price®? fcest Prints. 4X cents Hoys Suits ^ 60 to lj 00 5A« " Wen's Suits 3S* to Mfe .• • t CI«thmKi# our great specialty, : and we carry the finest Jtock in Northern Illinois. We liave : \ : ' the roods. 1 Baking Powder .. Spioes. w h y iltwn. ij&igar at Chicago cost add freight 08 ccut Tea.> .. . itonta tJ.od Tea «0, 38 A 40 « Best Rice 7 « Best Keasted Ooffe* *" < tS'iod " " standard Riiisins ....T.. !fo 1 Tobacco, Smoking Fine-t hit.Tobacco... .......... Plug Tobacco tamlard (jinghams.. No I Cornets Ac A Ticking ' f . l:iegant l>re.«s Goods . v. 4-2 inch Itlack Cashaietfea Dress Prills. . Cam lines Ladies' Fine Handkerchiefs. 8 .... 1 00 15 s, 7, r* te 60 • « I and ]• cent bargains in abundance. G*od (.'•tton Cloth • No 1 Denims 12 est Denims made ... .... 15 xtra Waterproof M adie.s' Slippers, worth 75ceAts... 4S Ladies' Slioea $I(M) Ladies' French Kid Shoes, tine..... 2 00 Gents' Root*, Good 2ue Ali kinds for men aud boys and good Uoods. • Vcents. W-ceut B»x Matches.... Babbitt's Saleratus'".... " Bost Soap .. , Stove'Polish ... . ,, IS •• ..NA 12 ... • .» .., u • i • so so •• •» : •> M <« •» : •> 1 a ii * •». I ' V ,ei^ • ANft 4'^"». , Satisfaction Guarantee ,̂ HENRY COLBY. Mcll bmry, IU. , Feliruary; 11,rl 884. c-':$ it Ne\r Clean Stock OF S P R I N G OPENED PRICE AT WAUCONDA, We have one of the largest stocks ever brought to this market. These goods were bought for cash, which . enables us to sell at verv close figures. Do not take our word for it, but come and look through our stocK and satisfy yourselves that we mean what we say. Our stock consists of Dry (Jroods, Notions, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Crockery aud Glassware, Pamis and Oils, Varnish, Brushes, W a'l Paper and Window Shades, togotj^r with t he most complete stock of 8SLZ BOOfa A Ever brought here, Our line of ladies' and gents' hand sewed Shoei i« the best ever offered for sale in Wauconda. All "kinds of Country Produce bought for cash or taken in exchangevfor good « • II€ BOOTS AND We have the IWAMWON. AjuA the Best HAT HAKE . Ia tbe Market. lefallklads eeaetaBtljr eoluuMi. isee ot«. Kaunas Wobblna. ia0Ua.lUr Utli. , .• > tREGOLDENST AR GASOLINE RANOC8. Superior to all. Li rapidly su­ perseding Cook Stoves and Kan ges tor Summer use, Call aud aee them, John I. 8tokt Mcllenry April 1st, 1883. Tiate styles of tranaparent curtains., shades and lamberqulas at Bonslett A My stock ofSunimer goods is now <^mpl«^ consist!ri£ of MensA T 7^-t: Boys* and Youtw ; TOTE and In all the latest styles. Vlfoinen's,. Misse$', aud Children's Fine " ^Slippers. We Men g and Women% t '* 4fc oes, ne Shoes, Walking •W'«'Jind Slippers ̂ v: i -v • *' . "f" •: ... Ctals Pine1 Cajf' Pegged', anH Hand-Sewed French Calf ILrocco Legged Boots, Flow fi»ts &,:Slues. largter than ipver before, be J have a, Tremendous stocks much Tfeest goods were bought for Cash, and will fie sold for Cash at a tegaiu. We keep tlu Sclz celebrated liand-made goods; also the Keynplds Brothers, and other Standard make*. t^T'N. B.--House Oor. Mali* 8t. Public Snuaro; Woodttook» file Now I want to see you ^our interest to come, and [y goods are Bought and and know that I can make it will de it. Just come once and , foi see. tor Cash Oi^f D T AT Tells the Whole Storjr. •I Want the tar-off trade that buy BIG BILLS, and to suet f-'ssy, come and see me, and it I can't save you money, will pa* your expenses. I am getting in bi rgains every day, and they y< a» bought, very cheap for cash .JXyurs forjgood goods and low prices c. larSEND *llt©ERS. DUNDEE, ILL JOHN I. STORY, OmJJpr WM|«£.a» River$jde.itettS9> Has a complete line of the best Stover in the market^iif^ell as large stock of Lamps, Chandeliers, T2!"1. J^iS 8h#r^ asseried'thS IT IS ThK bKST EQUIPPED ROAD If". «a« create; iti models of comfort and elegance- HH^ju^Alnir DRAWING ROOM CARsf Which *w» passen by anv; and its wia NORTH-WESTERN DININ<| CAR®^ Tne like of which are not run by any eth IT 1 TI1K WORLD. All ]x)ints of interest, Nortt. Northwest anil West ot Chicago busfne^ cintresV^ummS ! resorts, and noted hunting and fishing ground! reH.!lPCe8 y the Tan#u" branches ot thif . It oivne and controls over 5,000 mile# of roali and has over four hundred passenger cvS patrons COBstantlJr caring for its niVlllons ip Ask your tickot agents for tickets via thia route, AND TAIvK NONK OTHEK. It e«S .10 more to travel on this route, that rivM flrst-clnss accommodations, than it dove to £• by the poorly equipped roads. * For maps, descriptive circulars and sunk* mer resort papers, or other information nS obtainable at your local ticket office wrlS to tho ' wr"W Gen'l Pass. Agent, C. ft K. W Railway Chicago Til, m • * "i* V *i ?4r ;:4l DEAT.KR ^4 i i OF ALL Store two Perry doors north & Owen. •1 I have one of the largest stocka of Furniture of all- kinds to bi found in any furniture store it the county. Persons wishing t^ buy will be sure to save monev by calling on me.. ~ UNDERTAKING. I have 35 different sizes an| styles of COFFINS AND OA Always ou hand. I keep is" Hearse of my own which will bi furnished at the most reasonable rate*, ; : J. B. BLAKE. B. Sherman WOODSTOCK, It* Breech -DKAIKK IN-- and Muzzle Lo?din^ 5hot Guns. Powder, Sn«t, -Caps, Wads and . OartrMget for sale. Fishing Ta« ale,clisajk Al. cindsof Sporting Ciood| • AND KEPA1KING DONE, ^ ^ --uing, Gun, warranted Twist, Winchester Rifle, 76 model, 15 shots,|85. U Nickel Plated 6 shot Revolver, «3 ML Self-cocking British Bull Deg PisteiaAMl A good Single Barrel Breech Loading, SingH.. Gnn, warranted, » pC I will undersell any houso in the ooanty li Guns and Sporting Goods. If you want a *»# . gnn it will pay yon to call ana see me. l waN rant every gun 1 sail. Clothes Wringers repaired new Rolls put on. I*rice pair warranted, $2.50. „ , . , , K B. SHERMAN. Woodstock, Jnty 16th,I8W. f And in shprt, Evcr^j3*!}.lfni|^^jje Hardware, Stove iu Kot be Uzidersold! CiAliL AT HIS STORK BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE^ • Jobbing and Repairing Promptly Attended to. |3F~R1^MEMBER, extra good bargains can always be obtaiuedat -t • v IOHIV j», MoHkotit ill,, 4aB.»i»t.t«i. DO YOU WANT TO IUTV---- tewing Machine? Horse Shoeing, General BUcksmithing, WAGGM AND c/ il'iVon h«»«» and am selliHg at the 8?* Pr,JP®!/ Ah® Domestic, Kldredge, New Home, 8|Hrin|lleMt Mew American, and Singer e wing ifaefiines, and w'll not bo undersold .t>y any agent in the eonnty. K Af??" Sinfer Machine for_J0. warranted ^ woi it ii &uy Sluger Machitiv in ihe world. Call and see me. O. W. OWEN. Mettewrr, .reata, )fA r r \ ; t > - *•» . V--.-.V « • HAUPERI80H, oifeiiifjr, illino^,. . . respectfully inform his customers and tbe publip gcnorally that be is now bettei than eve* prejwred to do all work in his line. RIC PA1H II> , ve us a quality "ail lyuds on short tttlMwe will please aid price of work. P.'HAUPERISCH. jtcHenry, HI., Aug. 7th, 18W. ^ 8Hit embroitlered scarfs all colore HEADQUARTERS fOI ' j ' -fMsi r" ^ ' ' Bats A G*ps» BOOTS & SHOE%>; Genta' Furnishing Goodi, • a Metiznem, •a.. '* waucondaI'S? I kare )Hst t^tarned from tlie,ell# large stock of S.Y •• V..„ JT TL'I" i?-*" •b vkh Spnm aid Su»er Csltttr, Which 1 will aell at astonishingly low pricea/H I Will make it an object tor you to call aaC* see ra«. ' Am also agent for the New Heme sewing' aiaehlWe erfirtio Jullua Baaet etrjpaa. ' . .>» . 11., '•'/iHy"':- € 1 if-ii?* • ' 'e£$P%i * J MaP: •'I'fjSl: , .... >• .•« • w. <j&a •»" Millinery! Millinery If > - Of the latest most approved styles to found in the city. The ladiM atf '• are lavitod fo callmaboee. ^f^tacetMla, April Slat, net, W f •rtt-j}

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