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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1884, p. 4

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DAY, 4uLT 16,1884. I. VA«»LYKE. Editor. rem PRESIDENT, JAMBS G. BLAINE, or* AWE. A / FOR TICK PBESIDBKl1! JOHN A- LOGAN, or ILLISOIS. Hi Republican State Ticket 5T*** At Mtwnur, i.S- MKHARD J. OOLJBaBft J of Loqm Count* : * it|r Lteulenont Governor,, JOHS G SMITH, ? ~^r ' Z1' ^CK»*QWM» : \j 'iw Beartkary of «ate, s j" Mtiemtr D. DRsrsm.« > vx«awi«. * "' J*Br Auditor, COMJM.HS 1*. SWtGMRIS .... ,{S ^ Kankakoe Oimnty. « ' Jbr JVeowtwer, - . JACOB a ROBS, a», ,v'; <.'? ,i w- of Cook Count#. 'Wbr Attorney General, ^pGBORGK HUm, of Edgar Count)/, tsional •*« ••- * v * tor Member of Umgreu,? " J E t £ r o o f l , • J* i ' V of DeKalb CmoMff. * J%r Mender Stale Board of Ryuatttatum, ^ ^ t //. & WILLIAMS, >>/>% y McHenry Comity* > J@rA masked mob took Dick Jone», ~~\r * a negre. from th* Jail at Ownesboro, %*: Kv . early Monday morning, and hanjf. ^ »<1 liim. The jailor flred wn the party ^•r- killing «ne man, and fatally wounding another, Ttwy then shot tin jilltr, tl, Who dlrd snon after. 'V c' **¥ i; - §®-Seven grave* in tw«ccm«terlM < at sinking Springs. V*.. were ifosecrat* ed Sunrtay flight, three bodies of adult* lv^ kint: carried ofl. and thr remains of an infant and another adult lelt beside the open graves, probably being too 4 much decomposed for use. Thr citl- sens are greatly excited, and the criminal* if canslit will be lynched. s&r . sis •V*? tSrOovernor Cleveland*" record can be shortjy described. In 1862 he * was Assistance District Attorney of Erie county. N. Y., was drafted for the arm? and furnished a substitute. In 1865 lie was a candidate for District Attorney and was defeated. In 1870. »nd 1871 he was Sherifl of Erie county an<f tuMrged two Irishmen for mnrder, swinging them oil with his own lian>', He was Mayor of Buffalo. In 1882, when the Republican party was «er'. ouely divided he was elected Governor of New York, because 20.000 Repub- ' gleans voted for him an0 200.000 Re­ publicans staid at heme. lie veotod a bill that had p: M<*d tli« I.egi«lnture in the interest of poor men, providing that they might ride on the ele­ vated street railroads or New York City for 5 ctnts a trip. Instead of 10 cents, which the monopoly companies charge. Nominated for President In 1884, by Dan Manning's machine, and defeated iu November. That is all. A short horse Is noon curried.--Journal. Cittdidates «r#|«iip^Witsi»<>lii»l|iatof who are destined to be beaten. In J87S Dr. Horace Greeley ww such a ***** didnte. Yet in the hope of gaining the Liberal Republican vole the Demo, cratic convention took him and made him its standard bearer. The result was soon seen In the despondency and disorganisation of the Democratic party. In the election Dr. Greeley was frightfully defeated; yet the Democracy, never having been Identifi­ ed with him, was not greatly Injured, •nd sooo recovered its equilibrium. In 1884 It Is again proposed to nomi­ nate a candidate for the purpose of •scoring what Is n#ow called the Inde­ pendent Republican vote, and Grover Cleveland, a man not qualified to be President, and himself an extreme Independent, though a Democrat In name, has been picked out for this purpose. If Mr. Cleveland should Anally come forth as the candidate of the Chicago Convention, he will appear upon the Stage bearing the mark of destiny, and that destiny will be defeat. At the same time the disaster will be most ^pernicious in Its effects upon the Democracy. The folly of repeating such a foolish experiment, with a man Independent of party obligations, will be signally punished, and the disorgan* iSfttlon It produces will be of a sort •4bat will take years to recover from. If the Democracy tausi. be beaten In 1884, there are plenty of lionoredf and distinguished statesmen who might be selected to lead the doomed army, without invoking, in addition to the calamity of overthrow, the dangers of disorganisation and dissolution. If the Democracy is now to be beat, •n--and beaten when the chances of victory are better than they have been for twenty years--In heaven's name let the tragic experience be conducted under some leader with whom the calamity will be free from disgrace and got entirely fatal!--New York&un [The day after this artlole was printed Cleveland was nominated.] IBS The frlon BOOK HAtINT la now well supplied with a good variety o| i:"r£ T^^r- a milder ffpe. Ml#|i#dy«»re. liavo recommended it spoaltof - _ a? bean oUf<W by bad for Ore years, I consider tt Mm thos* toejffef whom] It in the saitur high term*. ltof#very eongfc I havi only (tellable aad tttfe euro for Congha, Colds, etc." Call at Henry Colby's Drag Store and get a Jfoe Trial Bottler Large sise fl .00. Notloe. Jb Whom U Stay Concern: Nottcc Is hereby given that the Administrator ot the Estate At John ffaMe* man. deceased, will appear before the County Court, a; the August term, on the Thlnl Men day in August, ISM, to make a Anal Mtttement and ttsk tor a discharge as snch Adminlatrator. All persons interested are hereoy notified to take due notice, and show cause, If any, why such illiolurgt atwald aet be granted. Dated Jnly ISth, 1884. HALDIWAM) Adminiatrator. Notice. * J 7b Whom it May Concern; Notice i« hurebv riven that the undersimed, Administiator of tne Kstate of Nietioias Hess, deceased, will appear before the County Court, at the Jul; term, on the Third Monday in July, UW4, to make a flnal settlement and ask for a discharge as such Administrator. All persons interested are herebv notified to take doe notice, and show cause, if any* why such discharge shou'd not be granted. 1'KTKR KAFFKRICH, Administrator with Will Annexed. Dated Jnly 1st, 1881. Beer having empty McHenry Any one Kegs belonging to the Brewery are requested to return the same at once and save them­ selves trouble. I cannot mnke Beer and give away Kegs, and if this notice is not heeded I will take more severe measures. G. BOLEY. 4IWIw Why it Excels. of The office of a hangman is an odious one, but it necessarily exists uu- der those systems of laws by which tlie punishment of dnath is inflicted for capital crimes. In England "'the com­ mon hangman** is an outcast from social life and friendly regard, is the moot repulsive agent of the law. lives with­ out kindly fellowship, and is an object of universal abhorrence in hi* death. In the United States, usually, a Sheriff whose duty it Is to execute the judg­ ments of the law, provides a character less agent, whom he makes his tem­ porary deputy when a felon Is to bf executed. It is pertiapa a mere matter of refined sentiment, bnt a certain shock to llie sensibilities l»experienced when contemplating the fact that one ot the candidates for President of the United States twice, while holding the office o( Sheriff, personally performed the duties of a hangman, himself lead­ ing the victims to the gallows and swinging them off. It Is not a pleasant subject for thought. Tlisre is not an American citizen, whether he be a Re­ publican or a Democrat in his political views, or whether refined or coarse in his habits of mind and conduct, who will 6av that he is well satisfied with the fact that a man who has filled the office ol hangman is now a candidate for the office of President.--Journal. MM' 1ST The Inter Ocean of Tuesday truthfully says: "It Is reported that the Reprbllcan National Committee is preparing "to print and send out a large amount of campaign literature, mainly speeches made in Congress,"' etc. This is the usual foolishness. Mine teuths of all the campaign litera­ ture of this character sent from head- quarters with such labor and expense i» no better than waste paper--it is spilled milk and burned powder to the puMie. If the same amount of money were expended among the newspapers In the State to be reached, or if even the postage account alone were ex­ pended in sending live papers direct to the people the good results would he UiUitiplied a hundred fold. The public document dodge is old and' bald headed, and there are more men killed with lightning every year than are converted by eneh method*. There ought to be:enough men on the Nation al committee in sympathy with the spirit and snap of this last quarter of tl.e century to know that tliete are *"H'1 fact. If the committee starts out in that way, the contributors to the campaigii tund will accomplish *just as much good for the p<irty by shutting their safes with a bang, and refusing to give a dollar." The man who has occasion to peruse newspapers will discover much jaten humor In the advertising col­ umn*. For instance,an advertisement in a New England paper reads; "Lost, two cows, one of them a bull.** In another paper it is soberly stated by a sorrowing widow: **I am Very sorry to inform all the friends of the family that my dear husband entered into a better ai d a happier life beyond the grave,on the 13tli of this months with paralysis."*-- Texas Sifting*. The latent returns to the Illinois Department of Agriculture gave » more hopeful outlook for Winter wheat in this State than the previous report. Winter wheat lias geneially been harvested, and ihe probable yield cat at this date be very nearly npprox • mated. There will be nearly an average yield of wheat per acre in the Northern Division, over three-fourths of au average yield per acre in the ceuiraJ counties, and nearly three, fourths of an average yield per acre lu the Southern Division. i !lud(d. awl. AU the Ate lllwftt bUowtec wttl be ex ftiiylt, thf i Mr Worda "bwb4» :.Tsr •WEN AWAY IN COLD 111 SO HONORABLE AWARDS II 1st Award $60.90 U«old; td, fSe.OO; M,$10.0t| 4tt,9&50| 6th, 16 Awards eftl.OOMeh! To aay ptnon milM > LM coataUlag the pnlnt naabw •TKariith word, fcnoM lbs Me.WMn Icttcn eoatalaad la the two word* M BOXAl< SLDli* All eoaipcUton naM adfc«a Mriottjr a tta foliovtag rein: tat. Ho ward* adnittad dUiatwataia a reseated letter: (orexaapie, Iktword^Lajal" *nH fee •lelodaS. Sad. No nrti itattMUuleoaula IMtan aatfWaad la the two worda T word "llaal" woald be uelai man ba aelaotad IVM UM of aay Dktlaaariaa. The follow . (tan tte Dlctioaarj Sapalnaent, MooU of WortS», Proper aad (toographical Na»«s. 4tlb AI1 competitor, nra«t porchue from their DraggirtorDealeraBottle of 4>RayaU OIMC" which " em-jthing at eolld a* Boek " aad coat* 10 eta. a Bottle. Get your Dealer to write the following oa the back of hla aeaa card aad alga hla name to it: "The bearer buthla dar bought of me a bottle of '• Kay al Slle." Do not Ml to ea-cloae thla card when wading list of worda. Oth. If yoar Dealer ha* as M Rajrol (Hie* oa hand, Indoce hiaa to aead far a •aaple dozen to aajr wholeaalo' Drnfcflat or Dealer. 7th. AB liau maal be mailed and the worda arranged aeatljr la alphabet-leal colamna. 8th. la eaaa of a Tie, paefcreatie will be girea to tha list Irat MIM, aa ahown by paat-mark. The longeat Hat wla* the Brat award, the next hmgaM the neeoad.'aad ao *a. Uta. The Xamea aad Addreea of the Baeeewhil eoate*taau, a Llat •f tbe wlaalag war4a. and aa iMtTlltflktMHMi •par* that they ham aot dlreotlj or lodbeMly la tmj aaaaaer aaaiattd the SacenaM eoataauata, will bo nailed to yoar addraa* If jaa aaclaaa IT* t^cat at--aa with yo»r Hat al Ward*, letk, Aa to oar reeponalbilltj and latetrity, we baato r»*r yea at'aor Doo'a MeroaatUe Ageaolea or aay Wkabaalt lattelTaltad State*. 11th. AU Ha«* aaaM bo mailed thaa leyi lat, aad the aaaoaaoMueat of wiaaan will ha (riani aad mailed aa above tea dag a alter warda. J. S. O'MEARA A CO.iKfiSiiiTb. ta|J UnM Olse aaeada Wood, Ola**, Croekery. Chlaa, aalhar. Metal* aad Kverythlag elae Solid aa Boek. aad oo*t| Oroeera aad Oeaeral Store*. WM. H CO.WLIN [|UCCt8M)| YO M. II. CI.OTHIKK1 IF. i WAR CLAIM SOLICITOR AND ATTORNEY. ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. Prosecute* |iensior. or any oilier r.lnimc tgninHt the govi'rmiieul, relating to the lute, »r former wais. Complicsiteil fitxeo ninl r«j leeioil claims ninili; a specially. If Htampr ire ent'lOMeil for reply, all communications will be promptly answered. Ofltoe at Besidence, MAD1801T ST., WOODSTOCK. ILL. References by permission as regards char­ iot er, business ability, reliability, Ac., An : <i«n John A. I.ogaii, (J. 3. Senator, Chicago, Illinois Gen. J.C. Smith, State Treasurer ef Illinois. Hon. It Ell wood, M. O. Sth III. Disl., Syc- tmore. III. Hon. John C., Sherwln. ex-M. C. 6th III. Dixt., Aurora, III Hon. A.M. Jones. U.S. Marshirt, Chicago, III Col. Jns. A. r^exlon. Pres. Union Veteran Club, Chicago, 111. Jesse A. Baldwin, Asg't U. 8. Attorney, Chi. CH)TO, III. Messrs. Sell, Schwab A Co., Wholesale Boot m>! Shoe Healers. Chicago, III. % Also hundreds of county and borne referen­ ces. - . n t *• r . - - *•' J , H V * -* Is - , •+ eople of McHenry county, not a lot of Stockholdara In fjeecje the profits, ,.*/ , 'r' - ^ , | .f ^ ^ It jrive,8 you a chance of seeing' and hearing the best talent of the Nation. ;/ fronts* . ?«, It to have your stock and products brought before the Northwe»t. 'v- rv" 4 * It gives you a week for recrea­ tion and instruction. It adds value to your land and promotes happintiM in your fami­ lies. It binds the various classes into clo«e companionship and $ucour- ages them for the fututi!* It gives you a programme each day rich in variety. Becanse the management study to entertain yon with something elevating. Owing to the dissatisfaction in tne past the management have made arrangements to operate ihe Dining Hall for the benefit of the Fair. Hence they will set one of the best tables that money nnd the experie^f*:.<«f;; «n caterer can give. Anyone not receiving a Pre­ mium List can do so at (J. V, ^tereus' aad Ferry A Ow en|l| To Be Held WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS, 23,3d, itb and itt. -m*" : jms !9*The Republican campaign mana- (ters IN Wisconsin assert that in no other »ta»e are the plans for political work so far advanced. Insinuations about the dissatisfaction of German voteis are shown by accurate reports from all parts »f the State to be un­ founded. Indeed, the members of the committee are themselves surprised at the enthusiasm which the Republican nominations have already inspired anon* tliu Germans. A level headed Republican, wilting fron^ Jrffersnn countr. which has a large proportion of German voters, says; "If the re­ mainder of the $late shall be anything like our sectiou, Wisconsin will give a •iialority ol 4<VK*> for the Republican ticket." While referring' to the Ger­ man vote ot Wisconsin, it Is Interesting to note that the North America Turn- «f Build has just re-elected for a fourth t«irta as chairman of lu executive ( M. Starkloft, of Si- IjAtels. wljom the We*tlache Post en deavored te defeat because of his avowed satisfaction with the Repub- Xeaa ticket. The fac$ ihut Oscar Bower, business manager m( the Wett- ifiche PtvU. was the only member of tlw executive committee of the I'urn- er Buud who was not re-elected m tkes llt^rcbukcstlll iaora eapbatic. "GIVE US FACTS!" This is the cry of Intelligent voters. A brief and painted statement of the situation with succinct items lu the lives of the candidates, and a reliable compend of politcal statistics, jcem prise about what Is wanted iminedla tely. Velumes professing to respond to this demand lu the Republicai. party were issued several days ago, but tliof# we have seen are mere catch penny affairs, except the elegant work just issued from the press of Messrs. Jones Brothers A Co., Chicago, which is written and edited by the well known historian, John Clark Ridpath. L. L D. It comprises extended and excellent biographies of Blaine and I*ogau; a summary or the Convention that nomiuated tlteni; full tables of political statistics; a valuable history Of tarifl legislation in the United States; history of all pojitical parties since the foundation of the govern ineut; tubulated facts and figures of every Presidential election; lives aud administrations of all the Presidents; and a great mass or the desirable In- fomiatio.i, which can not be found in any other form. It is elegantly printed aud bound, and Illustrated with about 'orty engravings, germane to tlie text It answers any questlorr that can pos­ sible arise among Repulican voters In tlie pending ctttnaign, and we under stand Jt is enjoying an lumuMMte Mlu. a* it tfertaiuly dveervesi •' • - Hot NEVER ifc, OUT OF ORDER. NO EQ^-r«y HW^kBIKI: J 30 UNION SQUARE NEW YORK. FOR SALE BV Fopalsr Chsap Shut Voio A&i Muio Botta, > Consisting of low priced, but first class instructors tor Organ Piano, Violin, etc. , instrumental Music For Beginners, as well aa more advanced. Handsomely bound volumes of OLD and NEW SONGS, and an excellent collection of the Old War Songs Which are again becoming very popular. In at dition to this new class of music we keep constantly in stock the old Standard Gospel Hymns, Sunday School Books* winners Guides, Etc. The usual line of ACCORDEQNSi VIOLINS Violin Fixtures, Flute** . • I Harmonicas* And other small instruments. Any Sheet Music or other goods not in stock can be ordered and received usually by return mail. JOHN HUMPHREY. Wanconda, III., May 28th, 1881. HEADQUARTERS 3ipR m irp W£ - I " " t I .iis*<*&•* '?•* 'h\ "i'J* ?• . Pap Dress Goods. Domestics ̂ Boots & Shoes. Hats 6c Caps, in! „ N , ;ir •«*•.' it -tri " t , RSPORT OF THE C C > ] > ' D I T K ) ^ THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Woodstock, Illinois, Close of Business, June 20, '84. I.OAIIR an<l rlincnnnls |9(V3,4P» H '»verl>-iiff«. 71174 IT. <. linnfls to ser.ure I'lrcnlfttioii... B0,on<i M l>ne from »i>tn-ove<1 reserve »(rents. 11 > 7') Due from other Niilional Bs'nks,... . 4,l»ii 4'^ 'nrrnnt expense* Mn<l tHxeii paid.... 3i« im Shocks nn<l other ca»h iteian 79-J9 RUM of other hanks |,«W iVi Cro'l rur. nickels A pennle* "... 6»OT "*perie 17.RI7 10 T.etral len'ler notes 2,115 00 lte<lem|>t Ion fund with U. S. Treas­ urer (5 per ceal of circulation)...... T'itil 1,150 00 ...iwjM UiVILITIN. Oaplt.'il stork paid in ;.... so.nnoflo •*ur|>ln« fmi'l K.ttwno Un»1ivM"<l profits V 51 Vatlonal Bunk Note* ontstunHtur... 4.l,noooo fmllviilnal f|«*nnsltH unl'lcnt to check isi.hi! o-» Demand OertUcatesof ileimslt l.idi .V» Tetnl »2»2,82fl03 I. John J. Mnrphv, Rashler of the above named solemnly swear that thenhnve stnt»m«nt is true to the b«st of my knowledge :iad belief. -V JOB# J. MURPHY, Cashier. Snhscrlh«'l and sworn to berore me this 1st rtajref July, 1884. • WM. ATBBT, Ce. Clerk. Correct Atteatfe>> K. A. MtTRPHV, WM. H.STRWART, JOHN J. MPRFHT, Directors. % Loan On Real Estate, .in sums of $500 to $10,000. Time and payments to suit borrower. „ . JOHN J. MURPHY. R C. HILL, W auconda, - Illinolai, -DIALER IK-- Agricultural Implements OF ALL KINDS. We keep a fnll line of Farm Machinerj ef the best manufactured and sell at „ ! ;j\ BED ROCK PRICES. If von want anything in the Aaricnltiml Machinery line, do not fall to call on me be­ fore purchaainir, as I cat save you money. T am also agent for Lake and McHenry Coun­ ties for the Cbampioo Fnd Cutter. Ton can hnvo a grinder attached to grind at the same time vou are cutting. Everv pur. chaser gets a written gnarantee w 1th his ma­ chine. It Is positively tlie KASIK^T KUN* NINO Keed Cutter In the Market. Give me tt call. In Mowing Machines I have the I31PROVED RICHMOND MOWER, 8impie. Durable and Efficient. The frame is inAde entirely of iron, ihn» preventing „!io wnrpin? and while the gearing is so securely Mixed as to keep it entirely free from dust, dirt nnd grit. The Beat Movrer in Uae Am Agent for the Kacsne Cement Ooni- paules 1 CEMEN? (JMI3fNEYS. Call and sec them. * R.C. HILI^ Wtiucondn, May, 20th, ; 44 m3 Still Out ofthe AWc WSafety. Many of yon are. DANGER XO IJFE Ac PROPERTY Reset yon on every hand. The mnttor of the 8lvcoon,|i»ickloon, saloon, cyclone, tornado, windstorm, or whatever name may be given it, is heard in souie section of the comity nearly every day. / r The Fire Fiend Kny li'eak out at any moment--the economy of a lifetime lie <>^nHiimed. Death mt;stcome to all. By a small |>.i vment each year you can secure to yourself a fortune, should you live, or, in the event of death before the time ex­ pires, vonr family is provided for. $I50,0(K>,000 I*represented l»v t.hig agency. Our rates are is low as experience has "found to be safe. Vou will save money by insuring with mo. (ieoefnl Insurance, l.ife. Fire, Lightning and Tornndo a specially. Thanking all mv friends tor their liberal' patronage, and hop. tng, by tquare dealing, to merit a continuance of th same, I beg to subscribe myself, Respectfully yours, a n. Monsr. KeHenry, III.. Jnne , 1888. SO AS T. J. DACT, With Bed-Rock, Low-Priced Machines. SSS buys Ihe Best Mower, with a liberal discount for r.a*lt. •IS to •£* buys the Rest Itake.and all otlior good sit corresponding low prices. Kverytiody knows or should know that OAOY la* (bo "BULGER-- And will sail CHEAPER than any othor dealer. If you want a DEKR1NG BINDER, PATENTS. IN VSNTORS, semi model or sketch of your invention, wlion I will mak* careful pre. limtnarjr examiimiirm.and report as to patent­ ability, with advice, circular*, etcfree of charge. All business IK;fore U. 8. Patent office attended to for moderate rate*. Information and references sent on application. No charge unlua» pa eni in secured. l lLITTfLL. WatblafttA.B,Q. Direetly opposite U. 8. fateut uSoo.' *; Standard, JToi&BiBton or Crown Mower, Hollingswortfi, Bdade)t er Tiger Bain, HAY LOADER. HA Y TEDDER* MAY CARRIER. HARPOON FORK. WIND MILL, DRIVE WELL. PUMP,, 'B. yEss, WAaoy, SINGLE OR DOUBLE CARRtAG. UBA rr OR LIGHT HAHN BARM OR MILK " QUDDEN BARB WIRE Or any thing In the Implement line, frorafa Wire Stretcher to a Threshing Machine, call anU get the price of T. J. DACY, Woodstock, KcUrary OoM ilk O. W. OWEN, --DEALER IN Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware etc. rA' Trunks and valises/ " Paints and Oils; Mixed Paints, Groceries, Salt, etc 3 A OWEN. GOLD1NG BROTHERS, WAUCONDA, ILL, Cull atteatiou of customers to tbeir attractive stock of now , Ktc., Etc. Notions, Groceries, Boots aDd Just opono l at VRRV Low PHICB^. Cheapest Dry CioofJs Hoine in Lane County. and s»ee us, examine Goods aiid Icaru prices before purchasing. We can and . . ViU save you money. 'jtj? Butter andfEggs Wanted, And the Highest Market I»rlc« Pai|* Wi»uccM»da, A|Uy DEALER IN Ready-Made © Invites an insijection'ot his stock, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. lieineuibef good Goods at fair Prices *t the Ceuterville btore. McHenry, Ill.j, June 10,1884. F. C. NT AYES. 1 keep In atoek the celebrate*! KprinH*'*! Watcli, which is pronoutu*.e<) by all to be the beat watch now on the market. Will not be Undersold On any goods in my line. McHenry, Feb. 10.1883. a IT. OWBN. Take Notice ! I am new better prepared than ever to fi» e jrou an POLICY In a Ural-class Company Aleo ean fnrnlsh yen with a box of niee White Qover Honey, Or a Swarm of f YELLOW BEE8, At living prices. If yon are In nee4 of aueli please call on J. HENDRICK8* Spring Grove, III. H. Colby sellr FvlUli. Try it. tha ExecUlor Skirt ;. *"• WE THE .Celebrated Golden Star OIL STOVES aad BAVOIS. The feat Mtd aafeft manufactured. Sold '28. last year, which speak fer lltenieclves. JOHN I. STORY. Mcn«»rr. April 1st. 1884. Important to ttupturedPorsons The Excelsior Rupture Cure MTg Co., of Onflenxliurif N. Y.. guarantee to cure any case of reducible Hen la w th ihelr Remeiiies. THE URPTI RK PI.AKTKR AND HEADING COM IIH;ND. Tins treatment is "ndoisecl by our best Doctors', DiuKKists. »e«* the general pn iilie. Send Sets for free hook o» Kuptttre or ask your "truggist fer the IMnwIf • PKAUtRS W Hardwaii, Stom, Bawir# Lumber ihlnglen, Lath; > , 1 Fence Posts Coal etc ID short, we keep everythin? in the above mentioned lines, which we are offe ing to the buy­ ing public as cheap as any ether house in this section. Call and See us. JOBBING ft EEPAIRING } • PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. HELM Sc PETER. Algonqiiin, Feb. 18.1884. fmrimrnt Is A full IIlift of Our Boot and Shoe now iinimially complete. Potter's celebrated Inie f»oils In new tttyles just received at Ueury Colby'a,

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