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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1884, p. 5

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mm tmmm OOK1KIBCWD BT ASA. W, SMITH. COHTBIBOTBB BT I BKKNKTT. ;l||0V£to>AY. JULY 16,1884. ui/wik. i r .------J Hatlroad Time Table. t and after! i Mcllenry i On And after Mriday. J«"® **» wU1 KttltiM t iss below: eoi*» wi?r«' taneva Uke ?»*»»«*•' HMTIt Uke BXpTSM Laktf Freight Stun Y«ake P*M*H|W KwmbMt Kxpress ontKO fOBin »ne»% t.eke freight .7:43 A. n .8:« " r. u • 14* •« ..&W ».»:» Iteaasboat Express, inin Lake PaSeeegev... MnmUlM Bxpran..., jensrs Lake Passearer.. n it A.* 9:53 •« L..9-S8 «* 4:48P. a :S7 " B. BtTSS, Agent. McHenry, 111 v- .. MASOXI3 VclIiKRT T^ooo*. Vo. IW \. r. aed A. M.-- te(nl»CMimnnlMti«iii the Saturday »•> or lefore the fnll of the moon and every two reeks thereafter. „ u CttAS. C, COLBT, W. M. M"*WKT CHAPTBR Jto. MB. A. M r?®*!1.: ir Convocations held on the»e«ondand fourth Frid»! • in each moneh. JOHJF I. STOUT, H. P. : States"Attorney. - ' "j" •'••••> T» the peonleof McHenry Oonntv. Asa W •mith.of Dorr. hereoy announces himseira ftandldate for the office "of StatesJAlt"r"«y. iuliiect to the ratification of the Republican * Tountv Convention totbetfcolden lor. (he pur- , ">#oce of nominating county.offlcers. f.*Ma^M,'188t. ______ ANNOUNCEMENT. ; 'ii'f-Woeat.y announce myself a can dMate for '•'4 'ijtatc* Attorney, subject to the decision of the ••'^'JSepnblleae Coonty Convention. V • - >;JX C. P. BARHES. Announcement. I desire the nomination f«v States Attorney, be the|»Rcniiitlican Count ̂ (Convention, ana Submit my candtdaey to Its decision. A. W. Too WO. For Circuit Clerk. I hernbv announce myself as a candidate for >|he office of Circuit Clerk and Recorder of Me. . flenrv Coiintv, subject to the decision or the ' Republican County Convention. ^ MoR#B ]por County Superintendent. " 1 hereby announce myself n« a candidntcfor tonntv Supeiintfn'lent of Schools, of Mc. enrv'Oonntv, subjce.t to the decision of the epublican C«nty Convention.^ 8hbloom ForCounty Superintendent. I hereby announce myself a candidate for §e office nflsuperintendent ofr*chool», subject the decision of the Republican County invention. HRKHVTC. KARTBR. « • FE THE Board of Supervisors are leinlon At Woodstock this week. in Do not forget the evening At Grand Hall. dance Friday L BO'XSLETT Is treating his residence to * new coat of paint. SINGS the early melon and cucumber: J We're arani ping to-night III (tie old ernmp ground." A. L. HOWE has come ont with a tie covered Milk Wagon. And will now de liver you milk in regular city style j ^ THK Cast on Publishing Company. ^C'Shilcago. are publishing the lives $Slh!iie & J.ogao. Do not fall M» t-^#s|iiiih« this liook. THKRK WMI be a business meeting of flu* W.C. S„ at Miss Julia A. STnry^ mi Saturday nest, a* four o'i'lwk. V SKCRKTAHT. THE 1 J . li. O. will weet on Friday >v«>ning, •Inly 1 St li. with Mrs. J. B. J*erry at 7:30. Any ladies wislijjig to Visit >«*. w|ll Iw welcomed l»y th«' club. SKCUKTARr. I f K' £ •> - fs :V • HON, F.' K. 3KANGKK IS buying Wool t FIIIMI is piiying t lie liiglicst market prio* lor a good quality. The priivs range low ihis seaxon, tweti'y-Hve c#ia« being the top ttgiires, with no prospect LOf any higher price- F OWING to tli* great labor of getting [our new press up »ta!r« and getting it In running or«!er. we are again one day late this ntlj hut we trust it will not oncuf^iigttin, and ask our readers to t»ear with us this time. T "COL. HALL'S United States Show" is #l|dv«rti*ed to give an exhibition at ̂ tlils ^lace on Monday next, afternoon and Fveiling. It Is A Circus And Menagerie #nmbined. full particulars of which can %e found by reading notices to be found rj, :||i another column. THK CV«co, wliicli is Issued during . |he summer resort season each year. ?J§rom the ofHce of the Lake Geeevu fferald, has made Its appearance for V fhis season and is, if possible, hand- "^inmer than ever before. Jt is brim . .lull of local news, and is an honor to the town and publisher. WK learn that Geo. Combs of Volo, met wlih a serious accident on Satur­ day night last, while ou his way heme from this village. He was driving his young stallion, hitched to a sulky, and in the dark collided with a team going in the opposiindirection, being thrown out and considerably injured aboi^t the •pine and hips. THE Capron Herald* by all odds the v Ajfcest paper in Boone county, has Just * loused its third birthday, and enters ?pon its fourth year brighter and tetter than ever. A. H. 8. Perkins, ts editor and publisher, is a born news- -paper man, which accounts for Ills ^wonderful success In a town ef less than 'TWO inhabitants. W* wish the Maratd fcoiitiuued success. mm LmtiiWiiiBftJUtff Chicago. Is the guest of Miss Amle Owen. J. BARZEK, of Chicago, spent • few days with frienda In this village, 'JOHN MOOKK and wif«,of EnglewoodI 111 , are visiting wiJli the family of Bon. F. K. Granger, iu this village. FRANK SCHNORR, of Athol, Dakota, arrived here on Tuesday And will spend * few weeks with friends here. MB. KNIGHT, of Buffalo. N". Y., uncle of C. A, Knight, spent Saturday and Sunday In this village, and made the PLAINDEALRR a pleasant call. ASA W. SMITH, K*q„ of Woodstock, was calling on friends here en Friday. If we can read the signs of the times aright he Is almost sure of being the next States Attorney fer this cou-ity. He Is by far the ablest mao mentioned in that connection. A. KKNXEHT and wife, of Harvard. Neb., Is visiting friends in this village and vicinity. He reports the crops iu Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa as looking well, and every prospect of a bountiful harvest. He expects to remain In this vicinity about two months. EUWAIID W. CAMP, of the Armery Bicycle Club, Chicago, arrived here on his wheel on Monday, being'Just six hours from Chicago. He stopped over night with Ray Owen, and started on Tuesday moruiug for Lake Geneva, which he expected to make In two and a half hours, THE new Iron Fence around the Park is completed and prssents a very hand- seme appearance. THIS week PLAIND*: CAII'P business begins te open np at fox Lake. "Camp Jumbo." at Sayles', •et up their tents on Saturday last for ft two weeks' stay. The Bell Ringers arrived en Monday and are at their old Camp Grounds. Will L. Smith's Silver Band will accompany the MMary Gris- wold" on her excursion trifs this sea- eon. Camp MNo Catchee no Have*" iprill arrive In about another week, * A COOKERY buok says: "Always J "#mell ft salt codfish before buyiog it.* "'tfMre always do; and after buying it, too for three or four days after. The f,f,|jr*ct Is. you can smell a lilted codfish "v Ivitiiout buying it at all. If you get V j^vithin ten ro'ls of where It Is. The Odor of a salted codfish la like the .ill«rkii»M that once, settled on Egypt; pumwtlmi THKRE will be a picnic at fngleslde Landing Fox Lake. 111., afternoon and evening of Saturday, July 26th. Good Music, a flue dainMng platform. Steamboats to and from the grounds No Intoxicating liquors allowed ou tlw grounds. ON our first page can be found the Oration tie live rod by Dr.S. F. Bennett, of Richmond, at Capron. Boone Co.. July 4th, which we publish by request of a large number of old soldier boys. It is an able document and one that will bear a close aim careful perusal, A YOUNG man answered an advertise­ ment in a New York paper (enclosing the required 25 cents) of "How to grow hair/'r.ud received a postal with "Keep a cat." for his reward: ^-lille another young man sent fifty cents to a New York advertiser to learn "Ilow to make money fast,'* and was advised iu reply to glue a live dollar greenback to the bottom of Ills trunk. TIJE Railroad Company are mnking some good improvements around the Depot, ami some which have been long needed. They have raided the Depot* are building new platforms all around and extending ir further south plank­ ing between the tracks ami tilling up with gravel all around. It will b*> a good improvement when complied. TIIK attention of" our re:ul«>rR is di- recli-d to the u$w advertisement of the Mcllenry County Fair, to he found in another tf'iliiuin. The present indica­ tions nre that, the coming Fair will ex­ ceed in interest all former effort* of this society, and that is saS'iiiK a good deal, To no one uvin is the success of this Fair so much due us to th» efficient Secretary, A, S. Wright, who spares neither time nor pains in his discharge of ilie duties of said ollUe. He is em­ phatically Hie "right mau 1b the right place"" oses Volume Nine of the nd we tlud iipeu our IT targe number of subscribers who are from one to four years in arrears, in fact a lirger number than we can afford to carry. Many o/ thes« are sent to neighboring States. Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota, and other States. We shall this week send bills to all such who are in arrears, and if they do no* respond at once their names.will be stricken from our hooks and their ac­ counts sent 011 for collection, as w^ are not able to carry the load. W« trust that all who receive bills wltt respond at once, and such as do not and know themselves indebted will remit at an early day. • MCHENRT, July l«th, 1884. In accordance with a promise I here give to the readers ef the PLAIN DEALER the results of entertainments given during the past few weeks iu McHenry and Lake Counties. We do not write this as an advertisement but more as an Ttem of news; some of your patrons having been sufficiently interested to request it: Mcllenry--A very hot evening, with more children in the audience than adults; receipts 813. Volo--Onlv 24 hours notice. £12. Solon -«19.80. Halnesville-- Small but appreciative audience, 019 60. FairthI.I--$30. Long Grove--830.65. Barreville-Exceilent audience, 832.50 Greenwood--"Nothing but leaves," •2.8ft. Palatine--July 4th; big time, plenty of patriotism and sugar. 8&4. Howard's Hotel, Fox Lake--Good fishing and a gamey crowd, 831, Diamond Lake--Concert not well ad* vertiseil, 811- Llhertyville M. E. Church--Very hot night hut a fair audience, 8*21. Lake Zurich--Bad night; thunder­ storm. 85.60 Mosgrove School House--A nice, or­ derly appreciative little crowd; no Inst rumeut, 812.20. McMillan's -chool House--A neat or- tlttle band-box of f school room, with some remarkably pretty girls, 812.50. Holcomville - An intelligent audi-' ence; very friendly and accommodating ,.aaiU- Grand SoclBl Party. ' The undersigned having rented '*Graud Hall" for one evening, and secured tlie service of Sloeuiri's cele­ brated Orchestra, will give a social Party on Friday evening. July 18th. 1884. You are all cordially invited to come out and have a good time. Tickets for dance ?1.00. . Yours Respectfully. •tOffte*. DIALOOUE NO. I We always thought it a good idea to take notes of anything we hear or soo^hat is news. i it fixes it better la tho memory, for in this way a person seems to save something fof bis time in hanging around, and I do not think I would be iluing tiic readers of-the Pi.ux- OEALKR justice it I did not tell tiiera what I liaard in regard to the conversation made public two weeks age. There to a good deal Of mystery about eavesdropping, and some people believe that it is awfnlly mean, if not actually devilish to do it. I have heard folks say "I wouldn't be an eavesdropper for all the world." [ will stmply wty thai If Gard and Emery had not talked so loud and the broken glass in the letter box had been repaired I should not have heard what was said, and should have lieon unable to furnish this truth­ ful account. It is not easy to stand in the postdfflce for an hour, ostensibly waiting for mail, and catch every word that may be ut­ tered in the back part of iha office without being detected; so if we misrepresent either of tho gentlemen we would be pleased to ascertain the fact at a* early period. We would like to make the correction exceeding­ ly, and would feel that we had not lived and lied in vain. What attracted my attention in the beginning was an exclamation from the Postmaster; he had been reading the conver­ sation in ttie PLAIN DEALER and Jumping up he struck his left breast a violent blow which gave torth a hollow sonnd and got off some talk garnished with brim-ctony expreseious which I don't care about repeating, I heard htm say: "The unprincipled, ignorant, hun­ gry hound must have had his ear to the key­ hole all the #hile we were talking; I would just like to have patched the red-eyed son-of-- a-gun with his ear resting on my door knob, I w»uld have transformed him; don't I wish I know who It was! (Jin-ml Rut Emery there 'is no use of disguising the fact. Matters are waxing hot and there is a public opinion being created on this subject that bodes ho good to von. KMKRT-I AM awaro of that fret. It Is a sad truth, sad beyond expression. It is not tiecanse the people do not like me; I am popu­ lar #ith all the boys, bnt it is this opposition to the principle of keeping one in office year after year that iscausing all this trouble and now our conversation on that point being made p<;b!io will not help the matter any. UARO-That is so. my friend, I would not have had my views thus given to the public for a very large amount of money. It will give activity, elevation and conspicnity to the whole movement, whereas It would have re­ mained inert, depressed and undistinguished; is soon as tiie people it now that I am inward­ ly impressed that Morse is entitled to the office I am afraid there will be no restraining them. Hi>w would it do to say in the fkntinel that the whole business was made out of men of straw awl of i>ours<> easily slain. EMKRV--That would be a very able refuta. tlon of it; it is mild and conciliatory in man­ ner, and Arm and decided in the <|iiestion at issue. It would l»e unanswerable and yet conld not be misunderstood. It won't do to deny the thing as the I'e'low might come ont with an atBdnvit, ilien we would be gone. Your suggestion is a goo<l one; evade the question by asserting that it is not worth do- fending aud say that It was gotten up to in- j ii re me. ^ARD--I will either do that or say nothing. I think, on the whole, nothing is the best, "there is no controverting tne fact that any man should be allowed a monopoly of a public office; no testimony can i<e adduced to show thit it is best to allow it, and the proposition that no other person can be found except you to All the office successfully can not, of course be mainiuined. If it were not for the f.ict Uiat 1 am under obliirations to yon 1 would lay in my paper that every good citizca ought to resolve on one thing: to give no conntenanco to third.terinf*m and fearlessly ami decidedly to rebuke any man or set of men engaged in perpetuating it. I would say let there be an en I to it, ir tlioie Is not; md If there is not now a rising up Inlinwonted strength and unanimity of action on tlio part of the voters ;o stirk to it we shall live bitter, ly to regret it. [Sensational applause]. Kow the real tost is to eoino whether one person can settle himself In tho best ofl|co in the county and retain it term after toriu, reaping a large salary from the public, or whether as of old It shall b > passed around. If in the coming election Ihcliards is el«*e*oil to a third term then truly we h»ve no furthef hope iu the direction of maintaining the Republican party#in p«wer. It will break upon the minds of the people that a few men have firmly seated themselves in power and that the peo. pie nre altogether unable to remove them. Rvory true friend of the Republican |tart.v, who has its interests at heart, should feel tlie importance of the coming struggle and do the utmost with liimsf If and others to brlngabout the iefeat of Richards. Let there be an end to third-termism. That's what I would ssy. ••Rut," said Emery. GAKD-- SO "but" about it; that is what I would say if I was honest with my readers and honest with myself. EMKRY-Gard, I am astonished at yonr elo, and I am not such a* toril as not to know that snch a course would be right. I have told you myself that you did not make the Sentinel tho paper you ought; that you were pursuing a course utterly incondstent with your clirislUn profession, Nat urally you would rather l»e right than wrong, but physi. ea'.ly you are unable to b^ so; that is the case with me. I know I ought to step ai-ide, but before any conviot ons and resolutions have time to ripen into action, the love ot office re­ gains its asccndancy. I am not afraid of you; you are in my power, and I propose to keep you there. You want the postofllcc for a third term, and therefore you can not oppone moon that ground. Let me remind you ot an old proverb: ••I'h.-siciau. heal thyself." GARD--Enough! more than enough. We are in the stme boat and must sink or swim to. get her, the past is a pledge for the lutnre; 1st us be friends and co-laborers in this contest. We will lay our hands on onr mouths and our mouths in thttdusiand look well to the caucus and keep onr satchel fnll. That will be our hold and we inust look well to it or all will be lost. MORS Avow, FOR the be tie lit of the few readers of this paper who do not already know that DeLaud's Saleratus Soda is kept to the highest standard of excellence we would say that such Is the case, while the price is no higher than ficcond rate goods. Use DeLand'sonlr Good fitting pants of good cloth, all wool, only 85.00 Made by E. La^lus. We have just added an elegant line of dress gn.ods. which are offered at eur usual uniform low prices. Henry Celby. Fiva Cents Reward. Will be paid for information as to the whereabouts of tine Rev, Father, who was last seen on Sunday afternoon. The above reward will be paid and no questiou$ asked. $,&, ;• •" ~ ».** = Farm for Sale. The undersigned oilers for sale his Farm, containing 204 acres, situated one mUe' West of tho village of. Mc­ Henry. on the Wood«tock road. Good buildings, living water, nlenty of small fruit, ami H young bearing orchard. Is well adapted for a stock farm. Handy to Railroad Station and a Cheese Fac­ tory, For terms and other particulars inquire of the undersigned on the premises. „ .. HEMRT C. MBAIX McHenry, July 16th, ISiM. Late stylec of transparent curtains, shades and lamberqulus at Bouslgtt ifc StOflelV Etrgene SeeafoQS and wife, of Texas, are visiting wlih tils parents. Charley Tryon nnd wife W«r» Men on onr streets en Monday, Fremont Hoy cheered Ids numerous friends by hU smiling presence auiouir us. Miss Fennlmore, of .Canton N. Y , Is visiting Walter Fennlmore, iu the family ot A. D, Smith. A, J. Dyke and wife* formerly of Ridgeiield, are spending a few days with E. W. Dyke. * Sumptuary laws or regulations Are such is restrain or limit the expense of citizens in apparel, food, furniture or the like.--Webster. Henry Todd, professor of Language* at John Hopkiu'6 University, Baltimore Maryland, is making lite father and mother happy by tils preseuce at Todd'a Seminary lor boys. Union, at a large and enthusiastic meeting, after listening to well defined speeches by Judge Gilinore. Charley Wayne, Cupt. Eddy and ot tiers, pre- liininated a Blaine and Logau Club, with a good membership. Judge B. N. Smith will depart On Tuesday, the 15th Inst, tor Danota, with an eve to his lauded estate ol lliiU acres, 150 of which is in growing crops. The Judge will be absent about two weeks. Mrs, Catharine C!ark,*tfft ofGeo. Clark, the Mason, was burled from St. Mary's Church on Monday, the 7th Inst, in Calvary Cemetery. Her four devoted daughters, with their families, and her only son. were present at the imposing ceremony. Among the attractions at the coming Fair, will be two as perfect Morgan Stallions as the oldest inhabitant ever saw. One, Biilv, a bay twelve years old, and sire of Sultan, 22 months. The latter Is pronounced by good judges to be as perfect a specimen of the morgan horse as «ver stood, and 1 ain in m» condition of mind to dispute. His dam is the Flora Morgan mare owned as one time by myself and the most perfect and intelligent animal I ever used. This beautiful stock Is owned by N.S. Colby Esq., ol' Mcllenry. For the truth hereof examine for yonrselves. WAUCONDA. EIMTOR PLAINUKALKR:--T. Williams has returned to Wauconda. and has moved Into the Turner house, Geo. Curtis Is frescoing the Catholic Church, Emmet Riley Is workingin the Grant cheese factory. A party of young people visited the Xuuda skating rink last evening. A dance w;is also given at the resi­ dence of P. Courtney Esq. A photographer's car passed through this village Saturday, taking pictures of the stores and residences. W in. Marb'ie litis returned visit to his la;lief. Again with streainlrg eyes sadly called upon to deplore timely removal from our midst, of one of brightest gems, lie who but a few short Mre^s ago. was among us so fresh, so full of spirit and ol prom­ ises, is now alas--not here, hut so Qiiletl v, so pe tee fully, so unostenta­ tiously did he pass away, that It seemed as but u dream, nor did the dawnliix i-i-aUz-uioii of the cold fact that our loss (one doll.i1*) would doubt less result In only his terrestrial galu, wholly mitigate our sorrow. To tliw circle of our ass<*ciate mourning friends, we offer a ray of hope that possibly the gifted professor of whom, erstwhile we were so proud, may yet he living. Yet our faith in his word, his last word to us, har.lly permits us to cherish, the comforting thought. Having intimatee that the liquidation in the immedinte future, of his sligfit financial obligation, would confergreat pleasure, he repMvd, "Well I will or bust," Ashe has not liquidated (in the manner suggested,) the painful conviction is regretfully forced upon us that he has minted--gone up, hence this obituary and these tears. from a we are the tin- MASTER GEORGE REHNr The Wonderful Two- Headed Boy! He Is8 years old, weighs about 75lbs. Has blue eyes and light hair, is very bright possessed of more than ordinary intelligence, of hoys of same age. With the be?t of humor Master George politely e'ltertaips Ills thousands of visitors daily, as he is the most agree­ able conversationalist. If you were to stand directly iu front of and facing Master George Rehn. you would never mistrust that there w'as anything strange or pecular about his physical structure, but If you were to step to his side you could have * plain view of his wonderful and strange physical constructure. A well developed pair of shoulders protruding from Ills back just above his hips insizequd appear­ ance r< semhling the shoulders of the upper portion of the body ar.d support­ ing a head of comparative sige, and a Face bearing every feature aud expres­ sion similar to the face at the other end of the body, even a small scar, a birth mark over the left eye of each head, exactly the same In size aud appearance, the hair on both are ex­ actly of the same color. All visiting Col. Uall's Big Shows, will have an op porrnity of seeing Master. George, wltliour. extra charge, and* with his permission, (which is giving iu all cases,) you can make examinations of ids unnatural and most strange pecu­ liarity. but it will be unneussary as the first glance of liiin will convince the most skeptical that lie is without doubt the worlds grea'est Living Curiousity, Master George Reliu, tlie wonderful Two Headed Boy. At Mc­ Henry, Monday July 21st. No injurious effects can follow the n*e of Ayer's Ague Cure in the treat­ ment of malarial diseases. It contains, besides a specitm and unfailing anti­ dote for miasm at ic poison, other rem­ edial agents which unite to expel the poisonous humors, purify (lie system, aud leave it iu a lie a) thy and reinvlgo- rated condition. In no other medicinal preparation have the results of the most intelligent study end scientific inquiry been so steadily and progressively utilized as in Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It leads the list, as a trulye scientifl preparation for •ii blood Uifwasee^r ^r v ' t. Pickle growers in this vicinity report th«lr vine# doing remarkably well, with eveiy pros­ pect of an immense crop. Mr. and Mia. Berger, whose marr*age was announced ih the Us>t| PLAIUDKALKR, have gone to their new hon.e iu Elgin, and com­ menced housekeeping. They bad a carload of goods to uke from Richmond. Miss Nellie North Wiunetka; H. McClellan and son, of New York; R. K. Peek and family of Veraont; MrG. H. Reynolds, of Chic«go, with a number or othei's, are among Rich­ mond's most recent summer visitors, i << -- V- / There Is a dangerous hole in the west of Lafayette Austin's. In the night a horse would be almost sure to get into it. Two of the Commissioners have crossed that bridge within a couple of days. They know the :andition of things. Will they please do their duty in I be premises? Supervisor Alexander wont (to Woodstock Monday to attend the meeting of the Hoard. Of course our bridge suit will come np for discussion, and we hope It may Se settled by the Supervisors doing the only sensible thing they can do, and 4hst is to appropriate money to pay the just demands of the Tewnthip. We are indebted to Secretary A. a. Wright for a premium list of the Fair of the McHenry County Agricultural Association. The list is a long and'liberal-one, and the pnmphlet, as well as other advertising needed, show the handiwork of that indefatigable officer. Secre­ tary Wright. Tho next fair will be a big a/-fair, and don't yon forget it. Mr. and Mrs. Judson Stewart lost their babe a sweet little girl of nearly S months, on last Saturday. The child had whooping cough, followed by convulsions. The funeral services were held at the Keystone school house on Monday and the i emains were burled in the Richmond Cemetery. The sympathy of the entire community is with Mr. and Mrs. Stew­ art. I regret that this letter is written teo early in the week to report the great Blaine and Logan ratification ireeting in Richmond, the tiirte for which is fixed for next Tuesday even Ing, July 13th. Before this paper reaches its readers the meeting will have been held and a Blaine and Logan Clnb organized. We intend to have a big club, and a working one, too.aod will just push things thio campaign. MATINKB--The Richmond Driving Park Association will give another matinee on their track, of several good races, on Saturday July 19th. The management are assured that there will be some of the best horses in this section present, and can guarantee that their visitors shall witnest several ot the fastest races ever seen on the track. Let all lovers of good rac­ ing attend and they will beaatisfied. Trotting will begin at 2 o'clock iharp. All races mile heats t» harness--time barred. In addition to the horse races a purse will be offered fer a foot race of 100 yards--three starters. Ticket of admission to track, 23 cents. VOLO. VLATKDRALRR-1 see an list of the aged pioneers recently In the PLAINORALKR which has caused a few much reflection, and the? can rememlier with them happy days long flown away. I will not add a word to tiioso beautiful memoriams, but give you the names and ages of ten Grandmas that live in tliU section and were early set* tiers. They ail sought wool and flax and worked willingly with the distaff wheel and loom, end their sons and daughters to the fifth generation arise up and call them bless* e>l: Mesdaines l>eley, aged SO; Wait, aged SI; Porter, aged 32; Stanton, aged 94; White, age,I ft; Miller, aged 85; Tow nsend, aged 80; Comp- ton, aged 86; Aunt Rhoda Porter, aged 87; liirrux, aged 92; total united HIS. I coul t easily get two more aged Grandmas to make the list up to a doxen, when if the line was In regular ascent, would reach back over "one thousand ye.irs, My own Columbia. Grandma Compton lett here on the Wth ult. for Grand Rapids, Wis., called to the death­ bed of her daughter, but arrived twelve hours too lute. Death hail called for her "iusio,aged S-i years, She leaves a husband and two.growu up sons. We have a few aged Grandfathers, old set­ tlers, with us. Adam Miiler, father of Jacob Miller, who livos on the old farm of It. Bishop, was a soldier in the wars of First Napoleon, and was in tho battle of l.eipsic, fought in 1813, was then aged twenty.two, and is now Imie and hearty. How qld will he be October I9ll>, his next birthday. AUQONQUIM. EDITOR PLAINDEAI.KR:--The revival meetings at the Congregational Church womi'J up «II Friday evening af last week with an all day aud au evening meeting. They claim as the fruiisot iheir labors, fix converts. DIED.--July 8th, 1884, of consump­ tion. James Stehlik. aged 10 years. The remains were to Chicago for burial on tlie Khli, This is the fourth one of Mr. Stelilik's family, two sous and two daughters, that have been victims of that fell destroyer, co;;- vumption. Jatues was a yery promi­ sing voting man, and lie made a mini her of tvnrm friends for the short time that he was among its, Mr. and Mrs. Stehlik have tlie aympathy of the eu-» tire community in their bereavement. Mr. F. Kirsr, a practical watch maker of Dundee, WHS III town three days of last week, and he intends to be here two days each week hereafter, lie will be here again on July $id and 23d pre., pared to da all kinds of clock, watch and |e,welry repairing. He also does engraving. AH work left at Helm & Peter's hardware store will be prompt-*' ly attended to. He guarantees all bjs work to be first-class. The Rev. H. M. Skeels will preach at the Congregational church on Tuesday evening of this week. John GI Hi Ian, of Lincoln, Neb., was in town on Saturday last, John looks as natural as life, and as usual he is ready to "bate" on Blnine, Mr, l>oig is having more of a job in repairing his dam than he expected. On Thursday a'ternoou last,while they were driving slakes for their cofferdam a section of about twenty feet of tlie face of the dam gave way aud went out. There was a picnic slid fishing party here from Crystal Lake on Thursday of last week and us usual they had fisher­ man's luck. At any rate they didn't get any fish, 1, V. Moutanye, of Elgin, speat last Sunday here, the guest of his eister, Mrs. Helm. 0>ir school board have secured the services of Prof. A, J. Kingman and daughter as Principal and Assistant of our public school for tlie coming year. They come well recom men tied auti wo hope they will succeed in giving us a good school. Our school is in as good shape now as any school of its sue iu the cpunty. At D. W. Thomas* auction sale of a carload of milch cows on Monday of tnls week cows sold on an average of 848 per, head Dr. NHSOII repqrls Mrs Suchv, who was hooked by a cow on the 4th inst.. as getting along finely, and will soon be all right again. August Wolf is yery low with con­ sumption. and there is very little hope of his ever being HIIV better. Clean log'and Repairing done In tl)e h»s4steatest moaner, bf £. l*aw)D»r '. •nil thows. Two ring CircuS, Mnaeum and 82 cage Menagerie, three times .larger than ever before! 8lfKW0of expenditure added this year 1884. Will eahiblt Iu 2 separate rings aud On one stage at one 11 me. As our agents are ceutimielly asked the question! "What kind of a show have you got f" and a thousand similai questions relating to tile same subj«-ci we have deemed It proper that tin public might be fully enlightened all these points* and have taken this means of informing them of what we have got, aud, although it would he ten thousand times easier to mention what we did not have than to enume­ rate one half what we have got, we will endeavor to mention a few fea­ tures. We have got the finest equipped train of cars of any show on eaitli. Wo have got Master George Rehn. tlie wonderful two-headed boy--a living human being with a well developed bead acd pair of shoulders at each ter­ minus of liis back-boue ; we have got 65 tirst-class performers, seleted from tlie leading branches of tlie circus, concetrs and theatrical professions, con'prising Tumblers, Leapers, Trapese perform­ ers, Gymnists, Contorlonlsts, Jugglers, Bar Performers, and other professio­ nals in every branch of the shew busi­ ness. WQ have Romeo, the smallest dwarf elephant In the world; we have got tne only living Sloth on exhibition in America. We have the enlv show oa earth that has a thorough and strictly temperate, reliable class of gentlemen employed only, from the advance advertising car to the rear man with the show. Col. Hall will have no ethers and will per­ mit no others ou er about his show grounds. We have gotFldo and Jap. the two great rldir.g dogs. We have got two of the newest and most complete advertising cars in America; we Introduce more new and novel features thai, any other show on earth; we have got tlie finest herd of performing horses in the ring to-day; we have got tlie finest drove of camels in America; we have got 16 cages of rarely seen and eelcieil wild animals; besides tlie general variety carried by other shows. We have got tho original Mermade witn which P. T. Barnum made his first, money in tho show business; we have got the largest fat woman In the world; we have got Major Hutton, the smallest man In the world. We have got the oriental snake chnrmer, a liormlt from the Rocky Mountains, with a collection of over 100 snakes, who appears In the ring of tlie main pavilllon daily and exhibits his trained pets. We give one hundred acts in two rings and on one stage. We have a net work of glittering wires and trapese para pheaualia that occupies the top of our main canvas. We have got Mons. King, the chaa- plon iron jawed man of the world. We have got Prof. Black aud Ills trained horses and riding dogs. We have the three large pavillions or canvass--one for the circus, one for the menagerie, and one for the museum; and we have no side-show--one price admit to all. We have got a grand Instnltlon of art. science and amusement, over one hundred years In advance of the pres­ ent age. We have got twenty gentlemen ush­ ers who will take proper care that all have convenient seats to withess the performance. Drive a tack here. Col, G. W. Hall's Big United States and Great Eastern Circus. Museum, ant* meuagrle. exhibited In the city of Chi­ cago l'o|- twenty oro days of last season III succession, turning people away at almost every performance. This year we exhibit In the city of Chicago thirty dA.vs In succession, turning peo­ ple away day after day, We exhib­ ited in Milwaukee for one wee|( this season to a continually orowded house. This is something no other show on earth oan boast of. We can entertain you for three and one-half hours wl;h the most refined, select, lutereatin and scientific exhibit Ion on earth; and for Gods sake what more can one ask for? Admission. Adults 50 cents. Children. 25 cents. Don't forger, the day and date! Mcllenry. Monday, July 21st, See our all wool men's suits. In gray, brown, and light brown, perfect fitting and all sites, only 85.75 a suit. Very stylish young men's wool stilts 15 to 30 years, at 95.00. BONSLKTT A STorrai* House and Lot for Sale. The undersigned offers lor sale his House and Lot. situated In this village. Is finely located on the West side o^ the Public SquA e, has considerable small fruit,and will be sold reasonable, Forfurlher particulars McHenry, J nne 23d, 1384. At Mrs. Schumacher's, "Near the Depot can be found, New and Stylish Millinery, at the lowest prices. Hats from 25 cents tip. Fancy Goods, Oriental Laces, Neck* wear, tidies airl laoe pil|ow shanj*. Dressmaking, cutting and fitting by tailors system. Wheelers glove fitting wai?t linings, Cfiildreus patterns at low prices. Call and see. Mas. M. soncHACHMi. A Startling Discovery* Mr. Wm. Johnson, of Huron D*k,. writes that his wife had been troubled with acute Bronchitis for many years at:d that all remedies trjei| gave n* permanent relief, until he procured a bottle of Dr, King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, which had-a magical eflcct, and pro? duced a permanent cure* It Is guar* anteed to cure all Diseases of Throat, Lungs, or B onchial Tubes. Trial bottles Free at Henry Colby*? Drug Store. Large Slse 81.00. Meat Market for §ale« The undersigned offers for sale his Meat Market in tlie village of McHetiry. together with Slaughter House, Tools, etc. Everything is in good running order, aud has a good run of custom. Will he sold ou time to suit purchaser- For further particular* enquire of the undersigned at No. 9*J5 South HaUtead Street, Chicago, or ef Williaui Frett, Johiisburgh, HI. Jos. J. FSRTT, McHenry, Juno |7th,lS84, L, B. Bennett, Photograper. whose rooms are orer Perry Owen's stor*. is now taking \ Pictures by the new Process of "Dry } Plates," whereby an exposure of from j one to si* seconds a better expression i can be obtained than by the old pro- j cess. Pictures of children taken under ! the most trying circumstances and sat- Isfaation guaranteed Call and give me a trial. Until further notice I will take Cableet Photos for *4.00 per. do»ed. L. B. BEKNKTT. • JFCQENRMIME W§ T ^ Go to Mrs. Stowe*tt Dressmaking. Brawn, rail High Art." They fcttt«M Nl» IKrtlbt* to questions at R. BisfcopV Bey the Kstey Unu If : best. O. W. Oweu.%W City resiliences fer sale,' At»| Asa W. smith, WooilMock, til. Go to Mr*. tf» Schamaehef^i inery, Dress Making and We*sella 40ceet wheej fa»ft* f# cents. BUKaLRTT A&rufffSl* We carry the largest line sf"(Hll> sag in the market, and ear gwleelM alii always as low as good gesijs jU mM* Beery - cSSVf. Geod O ttnnd Feed, lit per tsssll, Bishop's. An elegant line of eersett at test* and up at Henrr Colby's. For geod crockery, glassware a»4 Masons fruit jars ge te Bonslett 4k tit of­ fers. Tlie finest assortment ef BM Cfeata In town, at John I. Story's. •lahop'e Seller Mills PI**. For Sale In WaucenJa, by C, S» Jenrk*. Try a Sack. It caaaet tall te please yon. Frank's Polish fer Ladles sheee will not rub oil or sell the skirts. For sale by HEKWT ColbT, Bnlldlng Paper, cheap, at Jehu I, Story's. A flue assertnseat ef very flee Cret­ in te Iron Wire at John I. Story's. An entire new stock of shawls, lack ets and wraps at Bewslett * *toiel*e Examine onr new lawns, dress eftas* brick, ginghams and prints. Beaaiett A Steffel. ** Dr. , Wei The latest styles and price* on parasols and far.* at'Beaaleu A rstoffel s. FITS All lit* stopped fro* Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Veflte after first day's use. Mfttteli-- ceres Treatise and 82.00 trial bettle free te> Fit cases. Send |« Dr, Kline, ftl Arch *!„ PhllaM Pa. "Yot'R Cousin," the finest flavored ft cent Cigar In the eetmfy. at J. I*ekev» sky's, next doer to the Pest OflN, Eastmans patent soap fer telle! and polishing, 7 cents a har er 4 for II eta at Bonslett A w* TcPs. Tnr finest ,.«^rtme«i ef Sewing Machines te be reued la the eeenty, eg 0. W. Owen's.* f.Ths Boss Barrel Jefen f» lory's. Everything In the Hardware llttant bottom flgures, at B. M. Howe's. . Lumber Wagons. Milk Wagew, Pfikg* rorm Spring Boggles fer tele at m Bishop's warehouse. The finest line of Silver eed Plated Ware te be found In the county, at 9, W. Owen's. Ir yen want anything Men than the Estey Organ 1 can tell yen one fori* aud upwards. O. W. OWSS , FOR SALE OR MNT. $ Two houses in the VIRIMM WHM» wood. Terms raasenableTAMtr at ence te Riegwoetf, April SOtfc, |Wi W**MlT Wheal Wmito4 ^ WAKTKm M the Fog Wver telle* Mills, goad Milling Wheat, fsr which the highest p-lee In cash will bepaltf. MeHeary, III., April 14th. MM. Please remember that eur stork Is every department Is very complete and tliet onr prices are always the lowest that ran be made. We win aet he undersold by any house la McHenry Co. Henry Colby, Scree a poors, all complete, at <Mm 1. Story's. Call aud aee thess. We eae new shew the largest and most attractive line ef Heedy*Made Clothing in medium weigkte ever brought te this market. Ten are aaked to examine geeds and prlena at Henry Colby's. To those that went werk done In my line, such as Tanks, Vets and all ether work dene Iu a shep, as 1 get lumber direct from Chicage. M. HKftA** GLASS ( GLASS I We keep Glass ef all slaes ceustaatljr on hand. Special sl*es out without extra charge. JoHM I. STCHtT. Lee* th*n • BO-eent tiHIi Curst Bene Spavin. Ntraea. ItL, May n, MM, C. PfcarasoN & Sua, Smvfaglea. litis GENTLEMEN:--I had a Horse for over eigiiteen meetlia witb a tipavin. and 1 procured a bettle ef Dickinson's Russian fduipent and lese than a tifty-cent bftitle eempleteljr cured the spavin. w. p, Paw, Drags Drags, Drags, a l»t en han«|« steel tneth aud must sell. Per sale R. Bishop / itlpklliTn Amies Salve* The best salve In the world fer CM»% Bruises, Sores. Ulcers. 8tit Hhessie, Fwer Sores. Teller. Chaped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Kr*p», lions, and positively core Piles, er ue pay required, |t |s guaranteed**f1** perfect satisfsvtiet), er meeejr refHS* •led. Price aft cent* per beg, For Sale hy Henry Celby, An «ad to Mm tdward Sliepard, ef lleirtebsM|fe* cays. "Having rectevedee mM|i«eue« lit from Electric Bitten, |fec|tt wy duly to let (Hiring tpmuwlty totev it, ii»v« had a nioulng wra wyHf for eight years I my «N|s» te(4 P*1 wmilq liaen «« ti**«» the bon* scraped er leg ampntated, I *setL (u«tt«W thre* IK"'!"* <>f ICIee'rljJt gittcfa t<K| seven bo net puck|eu*ft AinlCft iMfV and my leg is now Ma Bitters are sold at ffty eents a bottle, ami Bttckleu*a Afak| Salve at 35c. |vr box hy Henry «3etby« '.the i lies i We have jii-t received •*•"»»< * ' *•' " ' WKV;. • • •

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