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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jul 1884, p. 5

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m mmntm mt - ]j<{[eir; pitialetlep. h. ̂ Ifia WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1884. Railroad Time Table. On and after Monday, June 'Mrt, Trains will Jiass Mcllenry Mtation G8 below: # G O I N G . Jitonera Lake Passenger............^.7:42 A. X Wcnera Lake Express 5»i.. < .8:25 " Sen4T» Lake Freight ..........1:05 r. * OencTa Lake Passenger 3:2B .«» Steamboat Express ........ ...5:34 " OT»I*O WOHTII." toneva Lake Freight A. M teainboat Express 9:53 •• peneva Lake Passenger t ..9:58 " Ueneva Lake Express ,4:*8p. II lienera Lake Paasentror 6:57 " B. Buss, Agent. McHenry, 111 M\SOVID MCIIKNRT LODGE, Xo. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- Regular Communication! the-8atur<lay on er ftefor* the full of the moon and every tw« weeks thereafter. CHA8. C. COLBT. 'W. M, MCKVRT CHAPTER SO. 31 R. A.' M.--Regu- ar Coavecntions held on the second and lonrth Friday « in cach inoneh. JOHN I. STORT. H. P. States Attorney. Te Ine people of McHenry County, Asa W Smith, of Dorr, hereoy announces niniself a Candidate for the ofllce *»f States ^Attorney, Subject to the ratification of the Republican County Convention to be holden lor the,pur. Dose ef nominating countv officers. ... May *t, 18S4 * : ANNOUNCEMENT; I her»t'7 a«n*in><o mvsolfa cau<lldat<ev:f«r State* Attorney, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. C. P. BARNES. Announcement. I desire the nomination for States Attorney, by the .•Republican County (Convention, and •UMBU my candidacy to its decision. A. W. I«DXQ. For Circuit Olerk. I hereby announce mysclt as a candidate fo| the office of Circuit Clerk ami Recorder ef Mc- Henry County, subject to the tlcuision of tlic1 iblicanCo Republican County Con vent IO -W. P. MORSE For Couny Superintendent. 1 herebv announce myself as a candidate fo County Aiiperintendent of Schools, ef Mc.' Henry County, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. J. A. SHELDON. ForCounty Superintendent. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office <«t)Supcrintendeiil of;Sch<»els, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. HENRV C. FABEK. SEVERAL tine Young Durham Bulls full pedigree, for Sale by John W. Smith.• Will be sold reasonable. THERE will be a Sunday School Con­ cert giver, at the M. E, church at .Solon on Sunday evening, Aug. 3, THE L. L. C. will meet with Mrs. C. Y. Stevens oil Thursday evening at the usual hour. « ; • PKES. A. S. WRIGHT, Secretary of the Mc­ Henry County Fair will accept thanks . for a complimentary for the coining Fair. which we have just recieved. A, L. HOWE could take a few more 0'istomers for Milk, to be delivered ; J^n the corporation. Uood clean Milk and good measure every time. WE learn that a lady was quite severely hurt at the depot on Tuesday morning, by being thrown from the Parker House "Bus," the team starting up before she had lime to alight. WE are under obligations to Hon. E. M. Dennis foi* flies of St. Paul and Minneapolis papers, and to K, B. Gard­ ner for Del Norte, Colorado, papers Thanks. _ , THERE will be a social dance in B. Ralnthorp's new store, at Ringwood Aug. 7th, 1884, for the benefit of the Ringwood Cornet Band. Ail are cordi­ ally invited to attend. Tickets 50 cis. TEMPERANCE meeting at Ringwood next Sunday evening at 7:45, Speaking by Nickle and Searl. All come; come early. Come for a good time. Bring your friend along with yeu. THE Managers of the Richmond Market Fair have deemed it advisable to postpone the July Fair, and conse­ quently the next Fair will be held August 28th, / QUARTERLY meeting at the Metho­ dist church next Saturday and Sunday. Quarterly Conference Saturday evening at 7:30. Love Feast Sunday morning at 9:30. Preaching at 10:30 by the Pre­ siding Eider, Rev. Dr. C .E. Mandeville. REV. JOEL WHEELER and wife will please accept our thanks for the hand- some&t Boquet of the season, which Was left on our desk en Friday. Wc are under many obligations for like favors before. AN infant died on beard the Steamer 'Mary Griswold," while she lay at her dock on Monday evening, preparatory te departing for the Lake^. The par­ ents returnedwitlithe body to Chicago by the next train. We did not learn their names. THE many friends of W. G. Billings former U. S. Revenue Assessor of this District will be pained to Itarn of hie death, which occurred on Sunday, the 20th, at his home in Chemung, lie has been confined t,o his home for noarly two years, from the effects of a stroke of paralysis. OFFICER VAN CUREN, of Woodstock, came over ou Monday morning and arrested Peter Brahati, of this village charged with fludi:ig a pocket book belonging to Tlios. Powers, containing 9140, and appropriating -the'same to Ills own use. He was to have had a hearing in Woodstock on Monday afternoon, but we have not learned .the result. 'A grand re union of Soldiers and Sailors will be held at Chicago on Aug­ ust 28, 27, 28 and 29, 1884, -under the auspices of the Re-union Association of the Northwest. The Chicago Driv­ ing Park lias tyeen secured, and arrange­ ments are beiug made for the accomo­ dation and eutertaiumeut of forty thousand Veteran?. The progamme will be interesting, and will include regimental meeting ef Illinois soldiers, «nd meetings of soldiers ef other States.*' PERSONAL. WA£, WALSH and wife, of this village Spent Sunday with friends In'Chicago. Miss EVA HAUPKKISCH is visiting with friends In Chicago, •IIox. C. II. TKYOX wj|s a caller at this office on Friday last, J on SI BTKN E8, O FOh i eago, was cdtl - ing on friends hero On Tuesday. Miss Lou Uooutc and niece, and Mrs^ Vehmire. of Englewood, III., are guests of Hon, F, K. Granger and family. Miss ADA ALEXANDER, of Lake Zurich, spent Sunday Jlt |» tfee family of H, E. Wightman. ^ -.f.% ( ; MRS. KNIGHTS, of Clinton Junction, Wis., is visiting her sister,. Mrs. E. Lawlus,of this village. MRS. H. D. I,CKF and Mrs. Herman Owen are visiting with friends in this village. / • JOHNS*. of Richmond. mUde our sanctum a pleasant call this Wed­ nesday morning. >< AMICS B.'PERRY and family, Misses ertha Ilolllster, Maggie Clark and Julia A. Story are camping this week ^at Pistaqua Lake. f CHAS. OWKX an,| Paul Brown came •ut from Chicago on SatOrdfy. and are preparing for a two or three weeks' camp at tiie Lakes. <,.\ MRS. J. II. WAIDRON, who has, 4iee;i spending a-few weeks with her motl;er, Mrs. Joim McOniber, in this village, returned ot Chicago to-day, Wednes­ day'. < !""• "• " NOAH PIKE and wife, W. M. Fales and family, Mr. Gibson and wife, Dr, Rupp and family, all of Chenon, I |I„ and'R. J. Williams and family, of Springfield. 111., are camping at PItson's Point, Pistaqua Lake. kfARKiEO:--At May wood. III., July 23d, 1 m, Mr. Fletcher C. lt>ss and Miss Eliza A. Law-' lus. The bride is a duughterof E.Lawliis, of this village. " IN another column can be found H new advertisement of the McHenry County Fair, which, our readers should not fail to peruse-* And our farmer friends should begin to ask themselves what can I take to the.Fair which w^Ul help to make it a success? AM are in­ terested in this matter, and while we have the reputation of getting up the best County Fair in the State, it all do their duty 1884 will eclipse nil former efforts. The next meeting of the Ringwood C. A. Society will be held at the resi­ dence of Mr. Richard Lawson^ Friday evening August Sth,18S4. Ttie follow­ ing is tne programnrc: Address . . . . . . . . . . , , i .-P, L- Carr Declamation-- .Howard Bucklnnd Ilea 11 i n jr . . . . . . . . . . J. \V. t i rim n I by 0 Lois Chase Nellie Ladd Clinton Luniloy Ru th Slievbnrne ' Nickle Carlton Fay • Mr. Mrs. and Willis Kiltie Paper Josie Crlsty editor, Carrie T^idd edttress \ ' ! i • MRS. MART A. DODGE , Sec. ............ •Song Heading Sons Sons DIED.--At Ilarreville,-July 26th, Mr. WM. Stewart. :»ged years, Mr. Stewart was born at Fifeshire, Scotland, and came to this country in 1849, lie has liyed on his farm 24 years and is well known by his friends and neighbors as a good citizen and a kind husband and father. He leaves a wife, three children and an aged mother to mourn his loss, who have the sympathy of the entire community. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Joel Wheeler and were vers* appropriate, as well as solemn and impressive. FROM Mail Agent Nisli we learn the following, which will be of interest to every business man In this section. The mail which goes north at 7 o'clock P.M., connects -with a pouch which leaves Lake Geneva at 7:45 P.M., via Springfield and Beloit, Wis., taking all letter mail for all points north, south, east and west. Letters leaving Mc-* Henry on the evening mail will be in Harvard or Woodstock at 5 A. M. next morning, and in Chicago at 7 A. M., in time to make connections with all trains leaving Chicagolin the morning. WE wish to again remind our read­ ers that last week was the commence­ ment of Volume 10 of the PLAINDEALER^ and to those knowing themselves in­ debted to us either for subscription, advertising or Job Worif, we would say ifcv& we needed money it is now. We have been to a heavy expense in putting in new material and it takes money to pay the bills, therefore we need evfVy dollar our due. And what is more we must have St. Do not wait for us to call or send a bill but send it along without delay. We hope to hear from a large number in the next few days. PICNIC, There will be a Picnic on the Mc­ Henry Driving Park, on Friday, Aug­ ust loth, for tiie benefit of lie Mc­ Henry Catholic Church, to which all are cordially invited. There will be Cigars, Ice Cream and Lemonade for sale, Target Shooting, &e., and besides tfie ladies will have a variety of articles for the occasion, for sale on the grounds. In short a general good Mine may be expected. In tlte evening there will he a Social Dance at Riverside Hall. The public generally are cordially invited to come out and enjoy tiie day in the beautiful Grove, ou the Driving Park. Remember tiie dafe, Friday August 15th. McHenry County Teachers' Institute. Beginning August litb, 1884, and lasting two weeks. No examinations until after Institute, A Committee of Arrangements has been appointed, said committee to provide board for all who desire it , either in private families *or at hotels. Let all who desire to arrange for board in advance, corres­ pond with the comnjittea, stating your preferences. It consists of Misses Anna and Maggie Donnelly, Woodstock. ' HKNKY It. BALDWIN , Co. Supt. Hebron, III., July Stitli, 1881. St. Jacob's Day Party. A St. Jacob's Day Party was held at the residence of Jacob Bishop, iu this village, on Sunday last,and was attend­ ed by one hundred and fifty-six Invited guests. These days are grand social times 'with our German friends, but this one, i n point of numbers far ex­ ceeds any we have ever heard of in this section. They enjoyed the entire day and evening- in the most social and pleasant manner, and sat down to a dinner, gotten up by Mrs. Bishop, that was an honor to the occasion. There was enough and to spare. The festivi­ ties were kept lip until the "wee sma' hours" of Monday morning, when all departed for their homes, but not be­ fore they Iiau left some tokens of their estenin in the shape of several very valuable presents to Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, for whicli they wish in to re­ turn ihanH?. It was a day long to be remembered with pleasure by the participants, CHINA WKDHINO- One of the most enjoj able events Of the season took place at the residence of E. Cropley, in the town of Richmond on Friday afternoon and evening, July 18th,said occasion being the 20th anni­ versary of the marriage of Mr. C. and ,wife, which will be long remembered by tlie many guests who were present to participate in the enjoyments which were1 provided by the kind host and hostess. The guests numbering In all about 160, were made to feel perfectly at home. The six o'clock tea which was served in due time was simply delicious, after which a part of tiie guests took their departure In order to make room tor fresh arrivals in the evening, or return themselves as their fancy dictated. As the evening drew nigh tlie house was filled to overflow­ ing. good music being furnished by M ason Brothers and J. Smith, which the dancers enjoyed to the best of their ability until the midnight hour, when refreshments were again brought fortii and the company bountifully served, alter which dancing was continued until the wee small hours. The esteem in which Mr. Cropley and wife are held by the community, will be shown bv the number of presents botli u?e fill and ornamental, among which weie a decorated tea set, a hanging lamp, twelve silver knives and forks, a gran­ ite iron and nickle plated teapot and earthen stand, fancy salt and pepper stands. The above named articles were presented by A. L. Austin and wife, T. Sheldon and wife, B. Frcshney and wife, L. Austin. II. Booth and wife, VV. Stephenson and wife, F, Chapin and wife, Sirs. P. Austin, W. Turner and wife, C. IIaideman and wife, M. HaUlemau and wife, II. Hastings and wife, Jennie Freddie, John Colison. J. Allen and wife. S. Wilson and wife, J. lteed and wife. L. Martin and wife, T. Schroder and wife, E.Bell and wife, J, Bell and wife. A. Beck and wife R. Lawson and wife, W. Coates and wife, G» Coates and wife, II. Christian atul wife, A. Thomas and wife, D. Lichty and wife, J. Robbins and wife. W. Gardner and wife, W. Overton and wife. R. Overton and wife. Ed. Turner, II. Readding and wife, G. Steivart and wife, J. Stewart and wife, Dr, Ward, Dr. Bennett, J; Mason and wife, Mr. and Mra. Dermont, C. S. Recder and wife, A- B. Reeder and wife. Silver pickle caster and spoon holder, Frank Vosburg, Bert Glbbs, Chase Cole Rob Emmons. Peter Robertson, six gilt china tea cups and saucers, *R. Johon- nott and wife, one dezeu silver knives and forks, Mrs. T. Barfield and Mrs. E. Town, silver cake basket, Jim and Ed Robbins, Bert Sutton, Brick Hodge, and Frank Johennett, decorated mus­ tache cup W. Monear and wife, shav­ ing brush and mug, Fred Bell, set of glassware, G.Osmond and wife, ma­ jolica bread dish and molasses cup, J. Coulman, decorated water pitcher. J. Barfield and wife, six individual majolica butter dishes, Editli Moore, fine damask table cloth, Sir. and Mrs. PetengUl and Miss Johonnott,j beauti­ ful hanging lamp, Gus and Eddie Scheneman, Ros Sill and Geo. Elfers, 910, Frank Weller, 910, Mr. Cropley to wife, easy chair, Mrs, Cropley to hus­ band. All of which were wero highly appreciated by tiie family. We must not forget to add that Miss Jennie and Emily were untiring in their eflorts to make the gathering a success In every particular. The only drawback to the days entertain­ ment was that Mr. Cropley as host had no time to trade, buy or sell stock or farms. I would advise all that were not present to participate in the en­ joyments. to endeavor to get an Invi­ tation to attend tiie silver, golden and diamond weddings wliieh are in the future. 15Y ONE THAT WAS PRESENT. THE Insane Dodge in murder cases Is becoming so very common it may be expected any minute that some bright lawyer will spring up and de­ clare that Eve was laboring under a fit of emotional insanity when she ate the apple, but no one wiuld bring such an accusation against a lady for using DeLand's Chemical Baking Powder. Hardest Picnic. The growth of the Queen Ann Annua) Harvest Festival has been so rapid that it now ranks with the most popular social institutions in tiie county, and requires only an announcement to at­ tract the attention of the working classes. The next Harvest Festival will take place upon the old grounds, in Michael Senger's |frove, on the 14th of August. There will be appropriate l i terary exercises, to commence at 11 o'clock a. m. There will be an entire re-arraHgement of grounds, and ample accommodations for all to come with their baskets well filled and enjoy a gala day with the people of Queen Ann. A special invitation to the industrial classes of the vicinity. M. J. WKIGUT , Pres. H. Iff. Tow Kit, Secy. Spring Pigs for Sale. The undersigned- has Thirty Spring Pigs which he will sell cheap if applied for at once. WILL ARD; OCkLIJT. McHenry, July 22d, 1881. RINC CULTURE. - Conversations in the Park. i' lliAix>orF. No. 3. Iain nlmost sorry I jiavc that, eonveisution in the Postofflce away,for lastSaturday while I was sitting in the Park refreshing myself the candidate for a third term came to me with a PI.AIXDKAI.ER in his hand ami pointing to the article in it , said, .hysterically, "Is that yonr vvoik? lie looked so tighxiitgaboutrhis eyes that I replied, "now?" and declined at once to answer. Ho said he thought i t was me for he had neiiced me hanging about the Post- office a great dead of late, -find 2 assure yon it was fearful the way he went ou. l ie said 1 was his enemy, going about listening to every thing he »ai<l and then linking it public , .rop erty; he also saw the ollice he had held for two long terms slipping from him, ana he laid t to ine. I trieit to.pacify l . im. and told him I had always voted for him and in fact that he was the only Demociat I ever did vote for, and that I was not ashamed of i t . either, for lie had made a good Circuit Clerk, bnt, said I : ""ion know, Kmery, that you aie not entitled to it longer; i t is a good office and ther»- are other good Republicans who would like to serve one term for the liberal salary it pays. '* But he kept getting redder in the face and soon large drops of perspiration started upon his forehead and tearing the newspaper in pieces and trampling it under his feet he said he was sorry the friendship existing between him and niyselt was at an end; he had plenty of help to run the office that did not cost him much of anything, and that he was going to get the ofti^e if he could. While he was talk- ing, Dell Wright. , the Secretary of.the Ajn-i- cultural fair, came up holding a letter which he said was from soipe . 'c\ ,general ' of the war and that he was getting lots or 'em. His ex­ cited manner attracted a farmer from liidge- Il3ld to the spot who arrived just is time to- hcar Dell say "I am• tsorry Morse is running for the office. He is a good tellow;if he weuld only wait he might sometime be elected to some office. You ought to have seen thai farmer straighten up, and facing our Secre­ tary, say: ' if any one is to wait, let Mr Richards here wait. He has been in the office now eight years and lie can afford to wait. Xow, Mr. Richards, we farmers are friendly to you; von have made a good clerk and all that, but what on earth is the use of keeping one man in the best ofllce in the county all the time. \Vc farmers will oppose you on the principle that long coutinr.auce mofllcebrings with it the inevitable tendency to create rings and leaders who become at last to think that the office they hold belongs to them and be,, longs to them for life, something like a divine right, therefore any detestable moans is justi- liable to keep them in otllee. There was an attempt of a great Republican ex-genera! (perhaps it is tliu one my friend Wright has a letter from) a man entitled to as much favor as any living, to be elected to an ollice for the third term, and you ail know that It was v signal failure. The people said in language not to be mistaken thereareothcr distinguish- eit soldiers and citizens entitled to our con- sideration. N>. Mr. Ricliiuds, there are t»i many frec bom Republicans of McHenry County who would not"object to a good oilice» to keep you in all the time. Morse shall not wait, and you can get ready to get your eld abstract books, your law blanks, your real esta te books, your insurance agency and other personal 'property out of that Court House next Kovember, for Mr. Morse will have to move in." Richards said nothing, but his musical breaSt heaved visibly. The farmer kept on talking as natural as life while cevernl mechanics who arc out of a job joined the group. One of them interrupted the fanner by saying "Richards, you can't connt on the walking, men's support. The laborin^men have practi. cally determined not to vote for* a man who after they ha ve given him the money to build large houses with, sends to Chicago to gel his work done, while they are on t of a job," I shall never forget the idol; of poor Kinery as lie looked around with a beeching look aiid said . " 'Isn't there any one here for ine?" There wasn't anybody, for MiY "Seciclary" Wright had changed when he found how the farming community felt . Just then, don't you think, Gard Southworth and Mac Church came along. TliCv had been to get a drink of (mineral water of course). Mac is the only other third-term candidate in town, and <iuitc a pet of Richards in consequence of this fact. . When he found out what had been said lie tore around frightfully, and delivered one of the most extraordinary, extemporaneous criti­ cisms I ever had the misery of hearing, l ie was in favor of a Hiiid, :i font th and a fifth term, and it i t hadn't been for these same d--n fools he might have been Sheri 'fl" yet. While he was talking up came \v. II. Dwight* Mack moved off, saying he couldn't stand tiie company. At last it came time for Southworth to talk; the invigorating influence of the mineral water is very powerful and he had to talk. I must (ell you what he said; more in sorrow than in wrath he commenced: "Personally, I am under obligations to Rich­ ards, and shall work for hiin at the caucus but my position in society here,and the carry^ ing out ef the work of moral improvement in which lam so actively engaged compels me to say as lit t le ab«ut it in the ScntMcliis possible, but there has been somebody reporting my private views to the PLAINDEALEK. I would like to know who it is." , My situation was becoming disagreeable; fear and curiosity alone prevented ine from walk ing.away from the wrath I felt was to come. Gard said .vhoevor the fellow was there was no pur islnnent here or hereafter sufficiently severe to meet his case. I thought it but becoming and proper in me to leave, so while he was talking I carefully withdrew If I learn from any of the chaps who rsmaincd what lie said, 1 may report it at another time. GREENWOOD KDITOR PI.AIS I ID A LI: --J . J . 1' i fUcr luu gone to Minneapolis, Minn., for his Health. J»hn Mausfleli ' .-Jr. , is with 115once liiore. Grandma am! Millie Garrison arc visiting at Elgin. John Manstlcld, Gil Howe, Frank- Mansiield. and Forth 13rother% h ive purchased binder, from John Donovan. . J. C. Parker, who for the past live months has J.ieen sojourning in various portions of Wisconsin. Michigan and Canada, is home. W. P. Morse-called at Greenwood 011 last Thursday. Mr. Mors# his 1 1 1 :1 t ie many friends in this vicinity.socially at least,ami we doubt not, many politically.*' Mrs. Dr. Drown, of Mcllcnry, accompanied bv Mrs. C'. A. Kniithi, of Chicago, called, on Mrs. S. D- Raldwiu last Tuesday week. Otis Stock well, of Harvard, has been visit , ing the families ofG. K. .Adauis and Charles Stralion the past week. ' Mrs. Rathery writes ol her safe arrival in Kngland. • „ Mr. Shurtliff and wife, accompanied-by Mrs. > Sleeper, all of Genoa, this State, visited with the family Of J . II Garrison last week. Mrs. Cora Walkington spoilt ' the Sabbath with her parent* in this village. Mrs. Xisii and daughter, of Xtinda, visited with the family of John Crookshtnk, or) Fri­ day last. IIOBK-July 26th. IS-34, to the wife of Leveret Van Hoozen", a* girl . ' . The ordnance of Dapt-isnV'was conferred on Mrs. H. It. Baldwin, by Rev. Henry llappell, at this place, 0 1 1 Sunday, July "27111; The disburses delivered by Rev. l lappell, Sunday evenings, are attiactiiig a very good attend'ance. -Ilis -erni 'Mi last Sunday evening was, indeed, very connntyidable, To most chidren the bare suggestion of a dose of castor oil is nauseating. Why not, then, when physic is necess­ ary'for the little ones, use Ayer's Cathartic I 'M*? They combine every essential and valuable principle of a cathartic medicine, autl being sugar-coate^l are easily taken. Almost every person has some form of scrofulous poison latent iu ttie veins.. When tills develops in scrofulous sores, ulcers,or eruptions, or takes the form of rheumatism, or. organic diseases, the suffering that ensues is terrible beyond description. Hence tiie gratitude of those who discover, as thousands yearly do, that Ayer's Sarsaparilla will tlioro- uglily eradicate thrt evil form the system. Sympathy With the Journalist. FRIEND PLAINDEALKR:--With data ignored, facts perverted and a stretch 011 the part of 111 ambitious aspirant for supremacy, Is.nothing short of sick­ ening. In this relation the injunction of inspiration is tiie only healing balm. "Let patience have Its perfect work." Editors have nerd of "patience, ' ' while they know that thousands are liable to be misled every day by unthought*of errors which fall from the pens of correspondents. Another, error Is de­ tected, and commands public attention in a report of a committee of llfteen representing, and acting for, the same body of men, who one year ago made public to the world the statement that Waukegan, T.ake County, was a "'Queen City'* when Chicago was an urchin. This year, despite of records and the limitless speeches, engrossing the mo­ mentous facts, dates, etc., offered Au­ gust 17,1S83 observed as the Centennial of the incorporation of Chicago, which comprised less than otic square mile of land, and the population at that time numbering 3ot), They here state that "Chicago's., first census was taken In 1 S3?and the population was4,170souls. 'V Now please lodk at the'obituary ef Hon. .Tudge Hoard, Deacon of tiie Bap­ tist church,, published in the Chicago Standard November 20, 1SS1. After referring to ills death and funeral, etc.. the following was inserted: "At tlte time lie was appointed to take the State census of this county (Oook) in 1S40, lie found less than 5,000 souls in the young city of Chicago," In 1837, as it was the introduction of no decade (10 years) when every Census is taken Hon. John Wenlwortli, then proprietor of tiie Democrat, made a fair and care­ ful estiniftte aii^l published the then existing inhabitants as numbering 1,500 in Chicago. This was correct, as universally understood by emigrants arriving, and also en route, Let us learn to abide documentary dates, and not swing "of! to selfish predelictions and cramp distinct statistics into mere sellish amalgamation. ALCONQUIN. EDITOR I' I .AIXDEALKR:--Sam Price, living west of town, had the misfor­ tune to have six yearling heifer? killed by lightning 0 1 1 Wednesday night last. We are informed that lie has a Policy ' in'the town-Insurance Co., so he will receive some compensation for his loss. This illustrates tlie advantages of our farmers patronizing their home insur­ ance Co. There were seventy odd tickets sold at our station 011 Thursday of last week, to parties-going to Sells Bros, circus at Elgin, and it was not much of a day for a circus either. The majority of them that attended pronounced the as very good, but as iu all crowds there was some chronics who never get their money's worth. Col.-J. T. Long, who was billed for a -temperance iwcture here 011 Friday evening last, came and cvassedan tiie toivn and not finding much encourage- mer.tas to organize a Lodge here lie left ontiie 0:20 train. We should think at ' terhe hod advertised to give a lecture hcmiglit have done as lie agreed to but that is always the way. They are great reformers but if they don't see any get some money out of it they up and get. Mrs. Jas. Hubbard, of Chicago, is making her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S See her, a two weeks' visit. It appears that our. Citzens League ha' commenced operations as officer Bentliusoii, of Nunila. was in town on Saturday last and served summons 011 our two saloon keepers to appear be­ fore EMI . Be'ardsley, at Xunda, 011 the following dales:, .fas Stehlik on July 2!), at A. M . , and Thos Kabon on the 31st at the same hour. He also subp<e- n:ed a long list of witnessed to be pres­ ent 011 the occasion. .Thos Philip returned home on Sun day last from Kansas, where he has been tiie last year for his health, Tom is consideably tanned'but he does not look very rugged, , The Doig family lias some relatives Irotn Chicago visiting with them. VIti IJowley, wife and son. of Des Moine, Iowa, are vistlng relatives here. Miss Ilattie Tower, of Chicago, is visiting with tiie family of W. P, Ben son. HEBRON. EDITOR PLAIXDKAL-ER:-- Have you had the whooping cough. „Farmers are busy haying. Chas. Everett, from Ohio, is visiting at Geo, Wickhams. Mrs. Sarah Earle left for OI ( . l . Ne braska. last Tuesday. Mrs. Ida Griftin is visiting relatives in Broadhead. Wis. On her return she will ge to Nebraska, Mrs, Frank llowe spent li few days visiting her brother at Pleasant Prai­ rie. Wis. Bert Allen, from Chicago is breathing the country air at Mr, Swans. Miss Mamie E. Martin will rusticate a few weeks in Green Comity, Wis. C. F. Prouty and Perry Pierce hay® returned from their trip hi the west. G, N. Alexander, of Chicago is spend­ ing a few week at J. Alexander. Thete will be a game of Bate Ball played here between the "Cyclones" ami Linn club, Saturday of this week. F. I>. Phillips of Hebron, was mar­ ried to Miss Nellie Cornue of Linn, Wis., Wednesday, Julj ' 10th. The fr«e dance given in Indepen­ dence Hal' , Friday evening, July 25tli. was a grand success. The music fur­ nished by Slocuni's Orchestra was fine of course. Richmond, Genoa, Wood­ stock and Harvard were well represen­ ted. There will be a dance in the new hall. Friday evening, August 15th, for tlie benefit of the State Line Cornet Band. Music will be furnished by sloeum's Orchestra. ADV1CK TO MOTHKltS. Are you disturbed at night and brok­ en of y<"<tir rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? •If so. send at once and get a bottle of Mrs Witfslow's Soothing Syrup - for children teething. Its value is Incai- cniaole. It will relieve tiie poor little suflerer immediately. Depend upon it mothers, there is no mistake about it . Jt cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu­ lates tiie stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation and gives tone and en­ ergy to the whole system. Mrs. Wins- low Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to tiie taste, and Is the prescription of ore of the oldest and be«t female physicians and nurses iu the United States, and is for sale by ail druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. An Eitratriiiarj Oier. To All Wanting Employment We want Live, Energetic and Capa­ ble Agents in every oounfy in the United States and Canada, t* sell a patent article of great merit. ON ITS MERITS. An article haying a huge sale, paying over 100 per cent, profit, having no competition, and on which the agent Is protected In the exclusive sale by a deed given for each and every county he may secure from us. With all these advantages te our agents, ana the fact that it Is an article that can be sold to every houseowner. It might not be necessary to make an "EXTRAORDIN­ ARY OFFER" te secure good agents at once, but we have concluded to make it to show, eot only our confidence In the merits of our invention, but in its sability by an agent that will handle it with energy. Our tfgonts new at work are making from 9150 te f600 a month clear, and this fact makes it safe for us to make our effort te all who are out of employment. Auy agent that will give our business a thirty days' trial and fail to clear at least $100 in this time, ABOVE ALL EXPJSNSKS can return all goods uusold te us and we will refund the money paid fer them. Any agent er General Agent who would like ten or more counties and work them through sub-agents for ninety days, and fail to clear at least $750 AROVE ALL EXPENSES, «:*n return all uusold and get their money back. No other employer of agents ever dared to make such offers, nor would we if we did not know that we have agents now making more than deuble the amount we guaranteed, and but two sales a day would give a profit ef over $125 a month, and that one ef eur agents took eighteen orders in one day. Our large descriptive circulars ex* plain our offer fully, and these we wish to send to every one out of em* ploy me nt who will send us three one cent stamps for postage. Send at «nee and secure the agency in time fer the boom, and go to work en the terras named in our extraordinary offer. We would like to have the address ef all the agents, sewing machine solicitors and carpenters iu the country, and ask any reader of this paper who reads this offer, to send us at once the uame and address of all such they knew. Address at once, or you will loose the best chance ever offered to those eut of employment to make money. RKNNK MAMUFACTURIMO Co„ 106 SinithQeld St, Pittsburg, Pa. An Old Settler Proposes to Sell Out, The undersigned, after an active farmers life In this Town for ever ferity years, now offers for sale his home farm of 412 acres, situated en what is known as Ladd's Corners, one mile northeast of the village of Ringwood. There is a good dwelling, four barns, three good wells of water, and in short It Is one of the most desirable farms In McHenry County, there not being a foot of waite land on the place. There is about 976 acres that has been under the plow and there is 70 acres good timber. Will be sold for $75 per acre, and possession given as soon as the crops are gathered. Also 80 acres in the Town of Rich­ mond, about two and a half miles from the above described farm. If the land Is sold all my personal property will be sold at private or public sale. Also 327 acres of land In DunnCeuuty Wis,, 247 acres of which Is one piece and within two miles of Dnwasville, a railroad station, and 80 acres in another, is finely located and will make a valua­ ble farm. Will sell the 247 acre piece for $3,000. The 80 acre piece for $1,040. Also 60 acres of land in Mitchell Co.. Iowa, under good Improvenent. Is situated a mile ana a half frora Stacy* ville. Price $1,500. For further particulars Inquire ol the undersigned, at Ringwood, 111. WESLEY LADD Ringwood, III., July 2&1, 1884, 10.Mm BASSETTS AMERICAN OURCU LIO PROOFIPLUM. This new fruit Is a prodigy la every respect, and was named "Curcullo Proof" by Thos. Mehan, editor of the Gardeners Monthly, having been fully tested for some years, and found to be absolutely free from Curculio. While the fruit is not of the largest, the flavor is sweet, rich and refreshing, being free from any astrlngency er harshness. The great value of this Plum is fer culinary purposes, at the time being excellent as a dessert fruit. A rapid grower and enormous bearer. Ripens laut of September, Proplgated by the Blooming Nursery Co. J. |B. BEEDBK Bustneflg Notice*. Go to Mrs. Howe's for Millinery mill Dressmaking. for Barblan Ikies High Art. They have few equals. Ne trouble to show goods or inawor questions at R. Bishop's. Buy the Estey Organ if yea want the best, O, W. Owen, McHenry, Agent. City residences for sale. Apply to Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 1)1. Go to Mrs. M. Schumacher's for Mill* iaery, Dress Making and Fancy Goods. We sell a Meeat wheel fan for 10 cents. BONSLETT & STOFFEL, We carry the largest line ef Cloth- sng In the market, and eur prices are always as low as good goods can be told Henry Colby. _ 1°®1^ •*«» th* Excelsior Shirt Polish. Try It. Aa elegant line of corset* M cents and up at Henry Colby's. For good crockery, glassware and Masons fruit jars ge to Bonslett A Staf­ fers. The Cnest assortment ef Bird Cages ia town, at John I. Story's. Blohop'o Rol'or Mills Flour. For Sale io Waucenda, by C. E. Jo neks. Try a Sack. It caanot tail to please yea. - Frank's Polish for Ladles shoes will not rob ot or soil the skirts. For sale BY HENKT COLBT. Building Paper, cheap, at John I, Story's. A flue assortment ef very fine Gran- Into Iron Wire at John I. Story's. Aa entiro aew stock of shawl?, jack ets and wraps at Bonslett A Stefiel's Examine ear new lawns, dress cam- brick, ginghams and prints. Bonslett* Stoffel. " The latest styles and very lowest prices en parasols and far.s at Bonslett ft St off el's. FITS All tits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer, No fits after first day's use. Marvelous cares Treatise and $3.00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send te Dr. Kline, $31 Arch St« Phila,, Pa. 'TOUR COUSIN," the finest flavored I cent Cigar la the county, at J. Pokov- sky's. next door to the Pest Office, Eastmans patent soapier toilet and polishing, 7 cents a bar or 4 for SB cts. at Bonslett A Stefiel's. THE fluest assortment or Sewing Machines to be found la the eoantj, at O. W. Owen's. The Ben Barrel Story's. Everything In the Hardware liae at bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Plat­ form Spring Buggies for sale at R. Bishop's warehouse. The finest line of Sliver and Plated Ware to be found in the county, at O. Oweu's. Churn, at Jolife jp 10-1-6w galeraaa. House and Lot for Sale. The undersigned oilers for sale bia House and Lot, situated in this village. Is finely located on the West side of the Public Square, has considerable small fruit, and will be sold reasonable. Forfurther particulars Inquire of E. D. SLAFTEB. McHenry, J nne 23d, 1384. Farm for Sale* The undersigned offers for sale bis Farm, containing 204 acres, situated one mile West of tho village of Mc­ Henry, on the Woodstock road. Good buildings, living water, plenty of small fruit, and a young bearing orchard. Is well adapted for a stock farm. Handy to Railroad Station and a Cheese Fac­ tory, For terms aod other particulars inquire of the undersigned oa the premises. HBHBY C. MBAA McIIenry, July ISth, ISM. An Answer Wanton- Can any one bring us a case of Kid* ney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure? We say they can not, as thousands of cases already permanently cured and WHO are daily recommending Electric Bit­ ters, will prove. Brlght's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bowels, and act directly on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 60o. a bottle-by Henry Colby. Meat Market for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his Meat Market In the village of McHenry, together with Slaughter House, Tools, etc. Everything Is in good running order, and has a good run of custom. Will be sold on time to suit purchaser. For further particular* enquire of the undersigned at No. 923 South Halstead Street. Chicago, or of William Frett, Johnsburgh, 111. Jos. J. FBETT, Mclleary, J nne 17th, 1884. L. E. Bennett. Photograper. whose rooms are over Perry & Owen's stor*, is now taking Pictures by the new Process of "Dry Plates," A* he re by an exposure of from one to six seconds a better expression can be obtained than by the old pro­ cess. Pictures of children taken under the most trying circumstances and sat­ isfaction guaranteed. Call and give me a trial. Until further notico I will take Cabinet Photos fer $4.00 per dozed. L. £. BENNETT. McHenry, June 17th, 18S4. ^ Cleaning and Repairing done la tbt ueatest manner, by E. Lawlus. IF you want anything less tliaa the Estey Organ I can sell yon one for 040 and upwards. O. W. OWEN We have just added an elegant line ef dress geeds, which are offered at oat asual uniform low prices. Henry Colby Wheat Wanted. WANTED, at the Fox River Valley Mills, good Milling Wheat, fer which the highest price In cash will be paid. „ „ ft. Biraor. McHenry, Ilk, April 14tb, MST, Please remember that eur stock in every department is very complete and that our prices are always the lowest that can be made. We will not be undersold by any house In McHenry Co. Henry Colby. Scraea Doors, all complete, at Ms I. Story's. Call aud see them. See eur all wool men's suits, la gray, brown, and light brown, perfect fitting and all sizes, only 95,75 a suit. Very stylish young men's wool salts 15 to SO years, at 15.00. BONSLETT A Svorrau Plotiee To those that waat work done la my line, such as Tanks, Tats and ail other work done In a shop, as I get lumber direct from Chicago. F. A. HEBAKD. GLASS 1 GLASS ! We keep.Giass of all sizes constantly ei hand. /Special siaes eat without extra charge. JOHN I. STOBT. Loeo JBnf n m 0O*oont Bottle Curoa / Bono Spavin- _ (i UKDA, III., May ft MM. C. DiCKinaow A Son, BairiBgtoR. Illinois. GENTLEMEN I had a Horse lame for ever eighteen months with a Bone Spavin, and 1 procured a bottle of Dickinson's Russian Liniment and less than a fifty-cent bottle completely cured the spavin. W. D. PABKS. Drags Drags, Drags, a lot ou haad, steel teeth aud must sell. For sale tar R. Bishop. lueklln's Arnloa Salvo. The best salve in the world fer Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rhoume, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chape*] Hands, hiiblalns, Corns, and all Skin Erup­ tions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed te give perfect satisfaction, er money nm* ded. Price 36 cents per box. For Sale by Henry Colby. ' f: - V nof Intoroot A Lawyer1! J. A. Tawney. Esq,, a leading at torney of Wloooa, Mian., writes: "After using It for more than three yean, I take great pleasure la atatlag that I regarded Dr. Klag'a Now Dls- oevery fer Consumptloa, as tho best remedy In the world for ooughs, eelda. II baa never failed to euro tho meat severe oelds I have had, and Invaria­ bly relieves tho pain In tho chest," Trial bottles of thla sare core fer all Throat and Lung Dlseaees may be had free at Hoary Colby's Drug Store, Largo Slao, 91.00, PATENTS We have just im-viwu »»««• Jerseys. Call aad see them at R. Colby's. The latest, cheapest aud finest stock of gloves at Bonslett A Stoiefs. »»

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