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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Aug 1884, p. 4

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m Chancery Notice, 8TATK OF ILLINOIS WEDNESDAY, AUG 13,1884. J. VAN SLYKE, Editor. FOR PRESIDENT, JAMES G. BLAINE, OF MAINE. rOR VICE PRESIDENT, JOHN A- LOGAN, , *%£ OF ILLINOIS. . " fil - Republican State n •. fbr Governor, ,, „ JtlClIARD J. OGLESBY,. ,, of Uogean County. f-i* Jfcr lieutenant Governor; JOHN c. SjMTIT, x -i » o/ Cook Couitiy. t • Jfcr Secretary of State, ' -I jfXNRY D. DEMEX7, »' of Lee County. •* , /•>»»• Auditor, |g t • CHARLES P. SW1GERT, ,: fi * • ̂Kankakee County. < •sa • • Jfbr Treamrett • r'( "ryaCOJJ CboJt ( H _ j|lbr Attorney General, / ,• tfKOKGh m m, t of Edgar County. '"i Congressional Ticket #te" Jfemfeer of (rmgres*, ; .' XtiCUIt EX ELL WOOD, ' 0/ DeKatb County. #lr Mentber Slate Board of Equat&atwn, H. & WILLIAMS, ,v , V McHenry County, Republican County Convention. The Republican voters of McHenry county are requested to send delegates to the Repub­ lican County Convention to be held at the Court House in Woodstock, August 23, 1884. at 1 o'clock p. m, for the purpose of selecting twenty-three delegates to represent Mcllenry county in the Senatorial and Representative Convention to be held in Woodstock, Tues.lay September 2d, 1884, for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for the State Senate and candidates for members of the General ; Assembly, also for putting in nomination can­ didates for the offices of Clerk of the Circuit Court, State's Attorney, Coroner, County Surveyor, and County Superintendent of Schools. and for the transaction of such ei her business as may properly come before the convention. The several, towns will be represented as follows:' t« Riley.# 7j Greenwood 8 Marengo Hebron 10 kunkm 7 Richmond ...12 " Chemung ...19; liurtan 3 Alden.... tS^From facts which rewli us jasi as we go to press there &eems to be not one shadow of <1«ubt but t It tit \V, P. Morse, the soldier :in<1 peoples caixlM* ate for Circuit Clerk. will carry the count}' by tin owrtv lie lining majority at llie primaries Saturday next. The people are convitiet-il tlmt lie I* both deserving and aipal>l<\ and will reward him for his services and nrrl%|i ijn their behalf. I®" llnpublican vot«r».-when J-ou go to your primaries on Saturday next, Ksk yourself if it is policy to have the Abstiac', olflee run Ui connection with the Circuit Clerk's ollioe. as has been done for the Inst eight years. Think this matter over carefully and we nr.* sure you will use your influence to send delegtiles favorable to the nomination of that bravet&'jldier and ex-Atidemni- Yllle prisoner, W. I*. M<>r><\af Xuilda. For States Attorney. ED!t6|{ Pl.AISDKAI.KIi:--Al* Smith. candidate lor Slates Attorney, addressed our Blaine and Logan Club on Monday evening, i'liere was a full house, and tlie speaker, hy his sallies of wit, statement of facts and. eloquent earnestness. won friends for the general cause and lor hitrself, :uid this locality are likely to gh e hi in a hearty support. Solon, Aug. 12th. 1884. v ; . • • * - Senator. Miller, of California, says that the Republicans «f his State, though confident of success, will niake air active mid vigorous canvass, and that the young men particularly full of ardor. That is the right model for every Stall*. A campaign in which confidence of victory inspires a deter­ mination t« make the victory ' over­ whelming, and which especially enlists the zeal and activity <»f young voters will amply justify itself in November. Uartlaad....^.. Seneca. Coral Grafton.... ... Dorr x, McHenrv . . . .10 . . . . . . 2 8 ..... 1U if .. .,.19 N" inula Precinct. Barreville v? Algonquin •* Crystal La#" .. .. ..v.w. T. .1W G. S. South worth, ' 8. K. Bartholomew, •*' . J. V. Aldkich, Committee. The committee recommend that the Re­ publican voters of the several towns hold their primary meetings for the election of delegates, Saturday, August 16th, at 2 o'clock p.m. G. S. South worth, Chairman. H \ To the Republican voter* of Mc llenry County: We the undersigned citizens and voters of the town of Nimda and vicinity (aforesaid county) take pleasure in asking the sup­ port ot our sister towns in aiding ua to nominate and elect our much respected townsman, W. P. Morse, to the office of Circuit Clerk of McHenry County. In recommending Mr. Morse for this office we believe we but speak 1 he sentiments of a large majority of the Republican voters of our town and surroundings. He is thoroughly competent to fill the position, is and ever has been a staunch Republican, was a soldier during the late war for over thiee years, one year of whicn was spent io^ Andersonville prison. We ot this locality feel that we are en­ titled to such consideration from the other towns in this county, and hereby ask the support of the differant town delegations at the proper tina#,, : W Butler, »S J B Butler £ Ballon Gee Vermilye* Ohas Knox E Beck ley C Beckley J S Shales M Richards Geo Stickney J K Beckley Lucius BecklKM W T Hamilton! I M Mallery i Henry Keys B Pease Wm Hilt J H Wilbur C H Lansing O M Peck W H Huffman L8 Beckley. N Beardsly 4 I> B Warner John Buehler C E Rowley L C Warner; DO Mailorv". - A J McMillan JamesSmiloy Laffc Bent hit sen H II l ord Jas Ciew W B Fitch G L Brvant. f^Some of the sorehead Republi­ cans say they won't vote for Blaine for fear there will be war with England or some other seaport town. The President cannot declare war without the sanctiou of Congress. If they bad a grain of 8«use they would not talk that nonsense any more. J©* On Saturday next, the Republi­ can Primaries will be held iir the different towns in this county, to send delegates to the county Convention, which is to be held at Wood«tock on the 23d, and it behooves every Republi­ can voter to be on hand and take part in such primaries. The Woodstock Ring are straining every nerve to de* feat the wish of the people, and are using every means known to pot house politicians to accomplish their endo. Voter? should look out far all kinds of stories sprung to injure Mr. Morse, the soldier and peoples candidate. The third-termers are desperate, but if no chicanery is allowed between this and the Convention he is as sure to be nominated as the snu is to rise on the morrow. I®"As the time draws nigh for the holding of the County Convention from all parts of the County comes the intelligence that Asa W. Smith, of Dorr, is the choice of the people for the office of States Attorney. This is as it should be. Mr. Smith Is too well known to need any encomiums from us. From the time he first announced tiira- self as a candidate his nomination has been almost a foregone conclusion, if we are to judge from the expression of Republicans on all hands. As we have said before, Mr. Smith Is an old citizen and an able lawyer, and we do not think the office of States Attorney could be put into better hands,or where the duties thereof would be more honor, ably or faithfully performed. We trust the Convention will do the county the honor to nominate him for that office ou the 23d. The following circular speaks for itself: To the Republicans of Mc­ Henry County. Believing the interests of the Repub­ lican Ptirty in this Ceuuty, and that harmony and g*od-will will be pro­ moted thereby, and in view of the fact that the Hon. Ira R. Curtiss was firht in the field an a candidate for the office of State Senator, and also believing that our friends should be harmonious and act together in securing the Sena­ tor from this County, I have concluded to withdraw from the Canvass- and respectfully recommend my friends throughout the county to support him for that office. Having been indentilled with the Be publican Party since its organiza­ tion ,and feeling deeply interested in Its euccess. and thanking my friends for the cordial support and encouragement I have received, I sincerely hope tny course in this matter may' be most heartily endorsed by all. Respectfully. CHAS. H. TRYON. August 9th, 1884. We may have more to say in rela­ tion to this matter next week. SRi#-- I^Mr. llendricks' speeches during the war are returning to plague him. They recall the fact that lie was then a blatant Copperhead peace-at-any-prlce man, who had little to say against the men who were trying to destroy the Union, but mnch to say against Presi­ dent Lincoln and the men who, with him, were trying to protect and main­ tain the national authority. The sol­ diers of the Union who are called to choose between Hendricks and Logan for vice president of the United States will not hesitate long- before making their cbcece. M^The New York Independent, an ont and out independent paper, says: The appointment of "seven mule" Barnum chairman of the Democratic National Committee looks as if the .party could not yet claim "to be oft Jflth the old au«l on with the new." Is one of those act* which will teach Independents caution, and show that, if their mission has requir- tobreak with the Republicans 'residential nominations and *go Platform, it very decided- Its thena to enter the Demo- not at least until longer ! End wjdef proof liaVn shown wine conversion has been ef- ;rwm SSTThe address of the bolting Re­ publicans begins: "The paramount Issue of the Presidential election of this year is moral rather than politi­ cal." All right, gentlemen. A candi­ date's morality can be estimated accu­ rately from the known character of the men who support him for office. One of the most active and influential advo­ cates of Cleveland's nomination in the Chicago convention was Carter Harri­ son. mayor of Chicago. Of him the Chicago Advance, the Congregational organ of the Northwest, says that he "is an enemy of the Sabbath and an open friend of the whiskey men, ol the gamblers, and of the lawless in this city. Wc believe him to be a thor­ oughly bad and dangerous man." Are the bolters so "fre*!!" as to Imagine that the cause of moralitv will be ad­ vanced by the election of 11 candidate whose nomination was brought about largely by the man the Advance des­ cribes? The "King" at Work with all Their Might. Editor Plaindkalrr.--I am In­ formed by respectable parties who seem to know, that "Gard, Emery Co." and their dnder-strappers through­ out the County are moving earth and h--4 in their frantic but futile efforts to beat the soldiers and peoples candi* date, W. P. Morse, at the coining cone test for the Circuit Clerkship, regard­ less of the bitter, burning indignation their conduct has kindled In the breast or every honorable man and true sol­ diers friend within the length and breadth of our County. This is not to be wondered at, for it is a well known fact that after any of the Wood­ stock Rlng*ter8 -sets Ills talons once upon a county office, he would sufter to be disemboweled, or his jugular vein severed, almost, sooner than release his grasp thereon. In favor of any other no matter how much more worthy that other may be than himself, ft is but a few years ago, since a highly respecta­ ble ex-county officer told me, that shortly after his friends placed hi« name before the people for the office he In dne time received, one of those ringsters above referred to (the then acting incumbent) approached him with a little "satchel" and .offered him •100 If he would only withdraw his uatne from the canvass, which the gen­ tleman indignantly refused, through self-respect and respect for his sup­ porters, though cherishing but very little hopes of success at the time. How those fellows hunger for offices, nor the means they adopt to procure and hold them, is not to be wondered at. But it is greatly to be wondered at, and as much to be regretted, to find apparently respectable farmers in certain quarters, ever ready to support thom in thetr nefarious and dirty work. Men whom 1 knew during the darkest days of the late rebelll'Mi. to liaye gone around with their knees knocking to­ gether, their hearts palpitating, the hair of their head standing on end with their palled cheeks bedewed with cold sweat, through fear of the draft, whilst Morse, true noble, brave, gener­ ous, patriotic Morse, stood s!ioulder to shoulder with his equally brave, noble and generous comrades, who, with bayonet, capped rifles, drawn sabers and charged batteries, constitu­ ted a "Chinese wall," as it were, across the continent, to save our beautiful and heaven blessed North from the foul depredations of Jeft Davis "tar­ tars." Men of McHenry County, reflect on this. Reflect on the claims of your respective candidates. Mr. Richards has proven a good and faithful officer. Nobody can deity this, but tlsat is all there is about it. Have not all out- county and ex-county officers done the same, and there can be no manner of duubt but what Mr. Morse will prove the same if elected, else so many of the most respectable an J responsible of his own townsmen would never have endorsed him for the office. Mr. Morse's claim upon our support, is as strong as any claim possibly could be, while Mr. Richards doos not even pre­ tend to have any claim upon us what­ ever, Mr. Richards is a wealthy man, living in a splendid mansion, built up­ on a model of great extravagance, a money loaner, a man having tens of thousands ot dollars lent, secured by "first mortgage." He has a large In­ come from his abstract office, anil has had the benefit of the Circuit Clerk's office for the last eight years nearly. And yet he has what I call the brazen affronteryof expecting the people of McHenry County to keep him iu the same office for the coming eight years, ir not for life, or perhaps until it Is deemed necessary to hand it over to some one else of the "ring." This it business in which Mr. Richards can never succeed, except lie succeed by the low petty tricky manipulation of our town caucuses by hirelings, who dine, sup, lodge, smoke, drink, and pocket greenbacks at the expense of the Ring. Of Mr. Morse's claims upon our respect and support I need say nothing farther, but for an honest and truthful description of his tortures in the Andersonville prison hell, for his country's cause,! would respectfully refer the readers to the graphic letter respecting them in the Plaindkaler of the 6th inst., written by his most worthy friend and fellow suflerer Wm. H. Cowl in, of Woodstock. In conclu­ sion I would advise my fellow voters of this county that don't dine smoke or drink at the expense of the "third termers," to lookout at the "prima­ ries" for the tricks of those that do. AStti Third Termer. Seneca, August 10th, 18S4. & v" - # 4* A" BefA gentleman residing |§tJfew Orleans, a prominent business man writes the Inter Ocean that •'» large number of the most influential planters in Louisiana will vote for Blaiue and Logan." He further adds; '"With a vigorous campaign, Louisiana would cast her electoral vote for the Repub 1 lican candidates this y<*ftt, beon»e U * Is the party of protection. - S - C MicbiganBuggyCo. Kalamazoo, mic ' Wholesale Manufacturers of all kinds of Ope* ad Toy BIGGIES aad ROAD CARTS. Areata waatel CTerywhere. Write for catalogue tad price Uab FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. We also manufacture a fall line of CVTTEB8, fccludlng Swell Body, Portlaad, Sqaare Box twe sea* Portland and Poae; Sleighs. Send for cuts a&d prices before pnrcbaslsf. MICHIGAN BUGGY CO., KALAMAZ0®, Mick. WOODSTOCK. ILLINOIS, SeiiteiiilierM, % 4H anil £4. „ What you will see by attending it. 1. The largest show of stock and products. 2. Wednesdayj September 3d, Children's daj ; FREE. Purses to be competed for. Free for all Stallions owned in the, county, $100.00; 4-year-old an'd under, purse $100.00; One-half mile Running, purse $35.00; also toot races. 3. Thursday, September 4th. Military Day; Orators, General John A. Logan, Republican can- didate^ for Vice-President and General E. A. Bragg, ot Wisccn-, sin, the great Democratic deraos- thenes. Guests present: Gen. Johu M. Schofield, Commanding Department of llie Missouri; Generals Toiranee, Chetlaji and Beem. 4. In speed, the 2:30 and 2:55 Trotting, McHenry County parse, for gents and farmers only; also One-half mile Rnnning ; Foot and Sack races. 5. Friday, September-5th. The famous Chicago Bicycle Club will compete for $100.00 in pre­ miums ; Orators General Fair- child, of Wis., Senator S. M. Cullom and Major Jas. A. Con­ nelly, of Jjpringfield, Ills. In speed the Free-for-aM Trotting, i>200; Free-for-all Pacing, $150; 2:50 Trotting, $100. (j. Bear in mind the McHenry County Fair humbugs no one; on the contrary they give more than they advertise, 7, Bear in mind the Agricul­ tural Society run the Dining Hall this season, and they are deter­ mined to give all who patronize in a square meal. 8 Only a few days before the .Fair opens; get ready and give it your presence, • %fcfef-ir - - - •' ' MOWERS ! MOWERS ! I'he Standard, Crown, Manny, N«ff Warrior,and Knowlton, are the llgbt- •st running Mowef» made, at £, M. Owen & Sod's. : McHenry Count j\ , - In the Clrcnlt Conrt of BffWCTrry eowttty, at the Septcirber term, A. 1). 1884. Edgar C. ltar«iar<l ami William II. Burns, vs. Willi mi H. Harback, Mrs. Harbaok, his wife, Dexter I) Harback anil Maria Harback, Nor­ man B.Hai back, Mrs. Harback, his wile, Jessie Harback, daughter of Julius Harback, de­ ceased, Benjamin D. Vosburg. husband of Kmeline Vosburfc, deceased, William Hitch* cock Lodena Hitchcock, J*nc Harris, William Harris, Nellie Dayharsh, Harley Pay harsh, John Hitchcock, Emma Hitchcock, Krank Hitchcock, Mary Hitchcock, S. Robert llitch- cock. The unknown lieirs ot Adin Allen, de­ ceased other than It«swell Allen, Martha H. Smith and the unknown heirs of lhomas Gill, deceased, other than Thomas (iiil and -'liebe Shales, deceased. In Chancery--Bill to quiet Title. Affidavit that the names et the heirs ol Adin Allen, de­ ceased, other than Roswell Allen, Martha H. Smith and that the names of heirs ot Thomas Gill, other than Thomas Gill and Phebe Shales are all unknown to the above named com­ plainants. having been 1110H in the office of the clerk of said court, and also an affidavit of the non-residence of Jessie, daughter of Ju­ lius Harback, deceased, and her husband (Whose name is unknown) having been tiled in the office of said clerk, notice is hereby given to said Jessie, danghler of Julius Har­ back, and her husband, the unknown heirs of Ai'in Allen, deceased, ahid the unknown heirs of Thomas Gill, deceased, defendants, that the complainants filed their Bill of complaint in said Court, en the Chancery side thereof, on the 12th day of August, 1884, and that a summons thereupon issued out of said Court against the defendants, returnable on the 4th Monday of September next (1884) as is by law required. Now unless you, the said Jessie, daughter of Julius Harback, r eceased, anil her husband, tne unknown heirs of Adic Allen, deceased, and the unknown heirs of Thomas Gill, deceased, shall personally be aftTTHppcar before said Court, oil the flrst day of a term thereof to be holdcn at Woodsteck, in said County, on the 4th Monday of Septem­ ber, A. D. 1884, and plead, answer or demur to saiti Bill of cemplaint, the same and the mat­ ters ami things therein charged and stated, shall be taken as confessed and a decree ^n* tered against you in accordance with the prayer of said Bill. The suit upon the same beiiignow pending and undetermined in said Court. Woodstock, August 12th, 1884. E. E. Richards, Clerk of Said Court. W. H. Wing, Solicitor fo? Complainants. Administrator's Notice. Estate of w illiam Stewart, Deceased: The undersigned having bean appointed Administrator of the estate of Wm. Stewart deceased, late of the County of McHenrv, and State of Illinois, hereby gives n*ticc that he will appear before the Countv Court of Mc­ Henry County, at the Court House, in Wood­ stock, at the'.September Term, on the third Monday in September next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate, are notified and requested f> attend for the pur­ pose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this il day of August A. D. 18S4; Robert Andrews, Administrator. Executor's Notice. Estate of Simon Michels, Deceased. . The undersigned, having been.appointed Administratrix of the last Will ami Testament of Simon Michels, lute of the County of Mc. Henry and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby give notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court "House in Woodstock, "at the September Term, on I he third Monday in September next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notiHed and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All peisons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 29th day of Julv A. D. 1344. Cathkrina Miuhei.s, Adm'x. Noticd. 11 1 I JlEi . - i i-- O.W. Miller Carriage Co. Manufacture a large variety if LIGHT and HEAVY CARRIAGES, PHAETONS; CARTS, BUGGIES, WAGONS, AC., After the most approved designs at the very lowest prices consistent with good workmanship. --00,000 T-ehlolea-- of our mannflusture are now in use in this and foreign countries and attest the excellence of onr goods by the universal satisfaction which they five.--Every vehicle Is WARKANTED.--Special attention will be given to mall orders. CATALOGUES FREE. D. W. Miller Carriage Co., E. Fifth St., Culvert St. and Eggleiton Ave., CINCINNATI. O. FERNAHDO B. SWH'S PATENTSPRINKLER Ifovelty loice Pump, PROTECT Torn PROPERTY. SITE TOUR FBI'ST. S ITIC VOI U KLOir KS. f.jivo cvervlh'nc; that makes home plfaic.iit Jt-nl profitable. It has noeiiual. It thrown astrcuj i tieaal sixty feit or niftr*. With Tic Bprlnk'eraMacbcd 11 rprwir's the wa'M tn agentloBuow< r or rpray. F< rv»»hiiiR Windows or ctirriuges, aud showering lawi.s, gardens and greenhouses, it has no equal. It in adapted to throwing liqnlilsolutions of all kinds to dcxtroy noxious inaoctn and Imgs ft every nature, on plant, vine or tree. #ml choc Id be k<pt in every Iiouko, store and factory in the corn try as a protection Ogsinstfires.--Sold by Traveling Aotnlt. Send f«-r circulars and price llt,u. FERNANDO B. SMITH, "•T'-'A Manufacturer U Pat>ntefi, 180 East 4th SU, Canton, Ohlc DO YOU KNOW THAT Plug Tobacco, With Red Tin Tag; Rose I>eaf Fine Cut Chew- ing; Navy Clippings, and Black, Brown and Yellow Snuffs ure the best and the cheapest, quality considered. . r PATENT8. INVENTORS, send model or sketch of your Invention, when I will make careful pre­ liminary examination,and report aa to patent­ ability, with advice, circulars, etc., free, of charge. All business before U. S. Patent olllce attended to for moderate rates. Information and references sent on application. No charge antes* pft'ent is secured. _ P» Directly oppol To Whom it Mny Concern: Notice is hereby given that the uniloTsigni'd, Administrator ot the Estate ot John Halde- man, deceased, will appear before the County Court, al the August term, on the Third Mon •lay in August, 1884, to make a final settlement and ask tor a discharge at such Administrator. All persorfc interested arc hereDy no tilled to take due notice, aud show cause, if any, why such discharge should not be granted." D. IlALDEMAN, Administrator. Dated July 16th, 1&S4. ; JOHN WIEDEMANN, HARNESS MAKER. RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS. On hanrl at all times to make on short notice Single or Double Harness,of the best material and warrant satisfaction. REPAIRING promptly attended to. Shop next doer to the Cheese Factory. PATRONAGE SOLICITED. John Wiedemann. Gene ra t'";. - -f fy v ' -• 'Vvv * t r ; Clothing. Carpets* Wall Paper, ; Dress Goods, , Domestics, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps* Trunks and Valises, Paints and Oils, Mixed Paints* Groceries, Salt, etc & OWEN. THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME." Illustrated by the use of a Bnugy made by ^TJIaydooV, which is not onlv the Leadinjt Buggy in this picture, but 'I'Mfii LEAD1MO BCGGV OF AMERICA. Hat Haydoek's Safety King Bolt aud Fifth Wheel. , Ask your delder for the T. T. . II AY DOCK V, with the Haydock Safety King Bolt and Fifth wheel. Life is insecure riding over any other. (Thi« picture trill be furnished on a larf. printed la elegant style, to »nyoiie who will agr*« to IMm It.) [ENCLOSE ST AMP. 1 IT" 1*. HA.TDOCK, till" Cor. Plum and Twelfth St.., CINCINNATI, 0> kOENTS WANTED WHEBE WE HAVE NONE! HO IH'EBTlfEHT 80 PROFITABLE* Pure Bred Poultry for Sale. The following strains ef Pure ttie<l Poultry 8 offered for sale: 1 Pen Brown Leghorns, nine liens And yne Cockerel. 1 Pen White Lcghornf. 1 Pair Black Leghorns. A lot of Wyandotte Cockerel*. Plymouth Rocks, old and young. A lot af Light ltrahma Chicks and old Hens. A let of Pekin Ducks, very choice. All these will be aold at a discount if called for soon, as I wish to close them ont. Geo. W. Pbatt. Waueonda, Aug. Sth, 1881. WE SELL THE Celebrated Golden Star OIL STOVES and BAMES. The bist And safest manufactured. Sold 28, last year, which speak for themselves. JOHN I. STORY. McHenry, April lit, 1884. R. C. HILL, Waueonda, - Illinois, --DEALERTN-- Agricultural Implements OF ALL KINDS. We keep a fn 11 line of Farm Machinery of the best manufactured and sell at BED ROCK PRICES. If you want anything la the Agrisultnral Machinery line, do not fail to call on me be- fere purchasing, as I cat save you maney. T am also agent for Lake and McHcnry Coun­ ties for the Champion Ind CultM, Tou can have a grinder attached to grind at the same time you are cutting. Kvery pur­ chaser gets a written guarantee \> ith his ma­ chine. It is positively the KA3IKST RUN­ NING Feed Cutter In the Market. Uivente a call. In Mowing Machines I have the IMPROVED RICHMOND MOWER, Simple, Durable and Kfttcient. The frame is made entirely of iron, thus preventing liia warping and springing, while the gearing is so securely boxed as to keep it entirely free from dust, dirt and grit. Hie Best Mower in Use Am Agent for the Racsne Cement Coni • panies CEMENT CHIMNEYS. Call and aee them. R. C. HILL. Waueonda, Kay, Wtb, WM. M m V/hea the word Estey or t word Crgan is mentioned each suggest the other, so wi known and so popular are th® struments and the makers. Five letters in each of the words are reminders of enjo in multitudes of homes. Ulustrtfr ted Catalogue mailed free to all applicants. WAUCONDA, ILL., Call Rfctentfe* of^touieiy to their atfemotive stoek <6 DRY G Notions, GiB, Boots aiSJoes, ft,, $e.: ; A Just opcuo 1 at Veuv Ij >W PitiOEs. Th.; Il^t ;UI I Choapo^t DIP! Goods House in L:ikc County. nil and see us, examine " • belore'piivchasiug. We can and. will save jou money. letter and Eggs Wanted, And tlio Hlgliest Miirkot Price PaiA GOLDING BROS. Waueonda, May 20th, 1S£>4. "'1 PRICE BROTHERS, % * T W A U C O N D A , I L L . A New Clean Stock OF We bav© of the largest stocks ever brought to this market. These were bought for cash, which enables us to sell at very close figures. Do not lake our word for it, but come and look through our stocK and satisfy yourselves that we mean what- we say. Our stock consists ot Dry lioods, Notions, Oroceries, Hats aud Cap8( Crockery and (jrla*swarc, fain_s and Oils, Varnish, l$iushes, Wi a'l Paper and Window hades, together with tlw mosi complete «toek a( •TTT.g BOOTS SHOSC9, ; t 'p: Ever brought here, Our line of ladies' and gents' hand sewed Shoe*, is the best ever Ottered for sale in Waueonda. All kinds of Country Produce bought for cash or taken in exchai.gc for goods - ' - < >..? 'i-J-S x+*f * * •v'j to

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