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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Sep 1884, p. 8

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\ ^' •*>> * ? \* '•.'>' . • ;;fc, .,1/ '• • ' : H > ^ > ••£.* i , : Tl»e r«it»«weai*, published at N«#h- fill®, *i'*iu»«5»«e, Ims the follo^injf: AlwaV* tl«« i»m« wlrhont a eltadow QreimtiK« In r>rli:elj»i«*8 of ri^lit and justice, the Repuhliemi party of T«MI- H#«s*e iiul »( the u,nt«n. st-mn' in »|) |»rouoltIntf triumph calmly mvalt tlt« course ot tin*#.. Tin* Stales of the South, torn origin* tliMC element known ..jjiji ScTil!;'" ntlvrwr;! s»i jij= !a=f fo!.!r vsar= ?OWHT<1 t!?<? !' accomplishment of complete itidepeii' <1* nee of political thought than per­ haps in the forty years previous there­ to. Political tawi*pendente Is begin­ ning to spread Vvlv the whole Sontli. Men are no lon§jp" led by the fossil 11 zed prejudices of a hy-Jfone age. Tlicy no longer regard the piist as the fomidai'.Mii lot political theories, but. scan the wants, demands and probabili­ ties ot the future as presenting vast theories for the formation of politlcn.) doctrins. The young men of to-day in tlie South are aggi»-s«ive incisive thinking men. These are they, of whom the future tint Ion must be com­ posed, and tlicv are not to be shackled by a name or bound to the festering corpse of * defunct political .organiza­ tion. Tlie Republican party OJMMIS Vide Its arms for them, will nurture ami admonish thein. nnd will hold4|ie peace, prosperity nnd integrity of tin? common wealth intact through ihem. Tb Builders ani CoDlrasfors, tlwJicHenry Brick M.inu favt itHnjt£>omw«»y In (jnnntttiift* FROM SHALL Their Brick j»re second to none to be found (n the market, nn<t will be sold nt Hie lowest i market price. Poisons intending to tailM, or those handling brick, will ! • it# well local I and »i'c u* linforc •/jfe purchasing. ,c, We invite an examination «nd com par i son with any llrick made in the Northwest. For further "information apply to or address McHENRY BRICK Miiimfactiiriiigr CO^m, Mclfenrv, 111., June 11th, 1-81. Ai Sitraoriiioary flfer. To All Wanting Employment- Hfe want Live, Energetic and Capa­ ble Agents in every county in tlie United Starts- and Canada, to sell a patent article of great merit, on it# merits. An article having a large Mle, paying over 100 per cent, profit, having no com pe tit Ion, and which the agent is protected in tlie exclusive sale by a deed given for each and every county lie may secure from us. With all tlie^e advantages to our agents, and tlie I act that it is an article that can he sold to every limiseowuer, it might not be nei^snary to make an "Extraordinary «Offer" t>» secure good agents at once, hut we have concluded to make it to show, not only our confidence in the merits of our "invention, but iu it* sta­ bility by an agent that will handle it with energy. Our agents now at work are making from $150 to $6u0 a month clear, and this fact makes it safe for us to make our ofter to all who are out of employment. Any agent that will give our business a thirty days* trial und fail to clear at least SLOO in this time.above ' ail expenses, can return all goods un«ol<l to lis and we will reluud the money paid for them. Any agent or general agent who would like ten or more coun­ ties and work them through sub-agents for ninety davs and fail to clear at least •750 above all expenses, can return all unsold and gee their money back. No other employer of agents «syer dared to make s.icli offers, nor would we it we did not know th»t we have agents now making more than double the amount we guaranteed, anil but two sales a day would give a profit of over $1*25 a mouth, nnd that or.e of our agents took eighteen orders in one day. Our large descriptive cimiltrs explain our oftei fully, and these we wish to send to every one out of employment who wil! lend us three one cent stamps for posl- •g<\ Send at once and secure the agency in time for the boom, and go to work on tin* terms named it; our extra­ ordinary oiler. We would like to have the address of all the agents, sewing machine solicitors and carpenters in the country, and ask any reader of this paper who reads this ofler. to send us A(once the name and address of all such they know. Address at once, or yon wlil loose the best* chance ever ofleml 'o those out of employment to. make money. RKMTKK M ANI-FACT C KINO CO., i m SnUtfaOcld St. vntsburit, fa. if «0-2-m3 An Old Settler Proposes to Sell Out. The undersigned, after an active farmers life in this Town for over forty • ^ years, no\#*oflers for sale his home farm of 412 acres, situated on what is known a* Ladd's Corners, one mile northeast Of the village of Ringwood. There is a good dwelling, four bams, three good wells of water, and iu short it Is one of the most desirable farms in McHeifj- (Comity, there not being a foot of wa?tc lar.d on the place. There is about 275 acres that lias been under the plow and there is 70 acres good timber. Will be >" fold l.»r $75 per acre, und possession yen as soon as tlie crops are gathered. Also 80 acres in the Town of Rich­ mond, about two and a half miles Iroin lite above described farm. It the land Is sold all iny personal property will be told at private or public sale. ,Also 327 acres of land in Dunn County i His.. 247 acres of which is one piece *«d within t«o miles of Downsville, a railroad station, and 80 acres in another. Is finely located and will make a valua Me farm. Will sell the 247 acre piece P~:i#r 03,000. The 80 acre piece for $1,000. Also 00 acres of land in MUcliell Co.. Iowa, under good improvement. Is Situated a mile ana a half from Stacy- fill*. Price SI,500. For further particulars inquire ol the • undersigned at Ringwood. 111. \ WESLEY I,ADD &nfwood, 111., Jwtjr 2-M, ISftL 10.14m •ASIETTS AMERCAM CURCU LIO PROOF PLUM. This new Iruit Is a prodigy in every Inspect, and was named "Cnivullo Proof by Tlios. Mohan, editor of the Gardeners Monthly, having been fully tested for some years, and found to he ^Absolutely free from Curculio While rt'Jfhe fruit is not of the largest, the -/flavor is sweet, rich and refreshing, being free from any astringency or harshness. Tlie great value of this Plum is for culinary purposes, at tlie lime being excellent as a dessert fruit. A rapid grower and enormous bearer. of September, I'ropigated by the Blooming Nursery Co. Still Out of the Ark of Safety. arc. V"7"' - dangje» TO LIFE PROPERTY Besei you on every liaml. Tlie mutter of the si vcoou, Mckloon, saloon, cyrlnne, tornado, wiixlstorm, or whatever m«nie Mny lie (fiveti it, is in some section of tlie conntiy nearly every >lay.' The Fire Fiend May l. ••eak oul at any moment -- I lie economy Ofn lifetime lie eMisuineil. |)e«ih mnsteome to all. By a small |>:i viiu'nt each year yon can secure In'yourself n fortune, slioiiM von live, or, in the even! of ilealh before the lime ex- nires, vonr faiuiiy is )iroviile<t for. fl5t>,('0^,nnn IM represented l»y Una iiirenc.y. Our ru es are HS low as< experience h«s found to be snte. Von will save money by insuring with ine. t.eneial Insurauce. " 'e, Kire. Lightning and Tornado a specialty. Thanking all my friends tor their lilientl patronage, and hop. Ins, l>y square dealing, lo merit a continuance •fill same, 1-ben to subscribe myself. Respectfully yours. T C. JL : Uc.Ilenry, III.. Junfe , 1883. » COEBY rcHENRV. RIVERSIDE BLOCK. S as one of tnef i «-'r ft* >¥" i- » | i ' , M jss .»> > "i'vV - ' ' . STOCKS- OW >i * , •. , VI f. W'/ IJUliOAP l et it be forever ruio^wbercd that tH« For ibis *pri«sr and eummcr trndvi of ls«A I Mo & Tlie ;hiknowlcdgod leader in j^oou frdoclH and low prices, and people are finding it out. His prices tell his sfpods tiro of the vory best. His stork-is large mul his prices, ure way down lielow the high priced credit dealers. He can afford to do' it as he sells for cash o»'lv. , • •Jamestown Worsted Dress Goods, 50 pieces just received. Everything new bright jaipl attiactive. Hall Imts ior your trade. Gu ttn<J se® hira1 ' 1•** «i»ti Hitortenir mute to Kadtfoir it is preferred hy all well posVeV traveYcara when pausing to or from '• 1 California and Colorado, It also operate the best route and*!he >|iWl line between Chicago an' St. Paul Minreapolis and Tlie < jty cash store in Northern Illinc»i». The largest, the best filled. S ae, 140 teet long and 22 feet wide* two stories hi<rh and Working ioi the people that 1JAY AS THEY GO. Not a So.'lar's worth g es out except for Hard Cash. 1 sell D VY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES CROCKERY. } * -i * 8FT Jl Anil niv prices will trrnke i^ fny joti to come' forty miles e with me. 1 sell goods of the best quality and <niaran KING 'S I LIVER and KIDNEY BITTERS These Bitters are especially prepared for the masse# «t mankind, suffering I mm Tor­ pid Liver, Weak.Mini I>Ueased Kidneys,and constitution* overworked, bodily and men- tallv. Thev cure Fever and A?ne, Malaria, Indigestion, lJv»pepMa, Nervous Oenililj, Headu-he, Co'nstipation, give a j.'oo«i appe­ tite, pnrit v i he blood, stimulate the Kidney*} into nealihy activity, prodncing new life and vigor to the body and miud. We Warrant Those Bitters To be the be-t Tonic preparation made and recoimnei d them'to hverybody for Karaily use to secure Health, Strength and Happi­ ness DIKKCTIONS:--A wine glass full taken three times a day, IteTore each meal, will accomplish the desired effect, without drug­ ging the stomach. I* .Joilu A. King Ac C'o., . Sj Wholesale Druggists, Proprietors. < 81 Lake Street,Chicago,III- Buy-Try and you WillaHvays use them JWBuy L. *^"Price SI Per Bottle,^* Sold by Uruggusts generally IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, u > xt i^oR3ss :x a 'K > ~9uo PATRONAGE SOIiZCITSS AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. MCHENBY, III., February 11, 1884. trade with ine. 1 sell goods of the best quality and <maranter everything 'as 'represented. Roaci iny price list and bring it, and make-your fall purchases where your money will do you tlie most good. Will your credit dealer make you the following piices? Boys *utt» 4,.'.... *2 00 to * Men's Suits ' 845 to 8S*' Cl»thmgls our groat specialty, i ; and we carry the ttnest Hock in , • ? -v Northern Illinois. We Iwv^ ; the goods. I Unking Powder ... .. .. ..< 2Scents. Spices, wur down. Sugar :i t Cliicago cost add freight­ ed cent Tea.. i.\, DIN INC Best I 'rintfi. 4^ cents 5 A « » finest IJlc.tcheil Oolton ® Best Unbleached Cotton ... . ?X SI and a rd Ginghams:... ........ 8 Nn 1 Corsets.7. .... 5 ;>; Ac A Ticking ..... .15 Klegant Drc.'S Good's . . .. 5, 7, 8 & 10 42 inch l*.!ai-k Cashaierea ..< i 50 Dl'ess Drill's ... v. . * (Jam lines <i 'Ladies' Fine Handkerchiefs.... ... , fl fi nnd in cent bargains in abundance. . Gun.I ('nlton Cloth ® No 1 Denims 12 Best Denims made ...... ... ' 15 .fcxtra Waterproof ..... ..! M l.iidles' slippers, worth-75cciits... 45 Indies' shoe* ... . .§1 (H) liiidles' Fitfiich Kid Shoes, tine..... 8 00 "(JenI,a' Boots, Good .... .. ..., fitiO All kinds for iiien and lioyfe artd oniv iroo I Goods. . - Uilwankea, I.aCrosse,.Sparta. Madlaon, Fort Howard (Oreen I5ay Wiseon^io, Winona, Owitnnm, Mankatv. Minn. Cedar Raphle, Des Moines, Wobster CUy, Algon:i, Clinlon, Marshalltown, Iowa Kreeport, Elgin, Rocjc- l'ord, 111., are anion ILS 800 local station's on ita lines. Among a few of the numerous point* of su­ periority, enjoyed by the patrons ot this road, are its DAY COACHKS, which are the Attest that human art and ingenuity can create; its I'AI.ATIAL SI.KKPING CAItS, which nrt models of comfort and elegance; Its PALACE DRAWING ROOM CAKs, which are uusur* pastteo Uy.any; and its Widely celebre.ted- NORTH-WESTERN CARS, Tne like of which are by anv other road anywhere. In i* asserted tl»at IT IS TilE BtSST EQUIPPED ROAD IK THE WORLD. All points of interest, North, Northwest and West ot Chiciigo, Inisinees centres, summer resorts,and noted hunting and tlshinggronnds arc accessible by the various branches ot this road. It owns.and controls over 5,000 mile? of road nnd has over four hundred pitssonger con- dHctois constantly caring for its lntllionaoi patrons. Ask your tickot agents for tickets via this route, AND TAKE NONE OTH15R. It costs ,io more to travel on this route, that gives tirst-cluss accommodations, than it docs to go by the poorly equipped ro:<ds. "For inajui, descriptive circulars ahd sum. mer resort papers, or other information not obtainable at your local ticket office, write to the , Gen'l Pass. Agent, C. & N, W Railway Oblcaero IU. * ... r t . Wood Tea Best. Rice ... .... Best Roasted Coffiee.'.... (Jiod " " 'ttindard Raisins... No 1 Tobacc.», Smoking Fine-iHiT TOIKICCO... Pluji Tobacco I.onsr l?ox Matches 5-cent Box Matches..... 10-cent Box'ies...» •Babbitt's Salemltis ... f, Best Soap .. . iStovo i'olish...»• .. ; 25, 30, 35 A 40 ... , f ' 7 .. ..v,-.... . lp. 10 ft 14 .... s 26 50, 60 44 cente •rl 1>EAT;£R IK STOPPED FREE Afarv<lou ln#ne Persons Hcstored iDr.KLINE S GREAT NERVERESTORER a//BR AM&N«KVB DISEASES. Oniyturg re for Serve Ajfrctions. Fits, Epilepsy, etc. | INPALLIULB if taken as directed. K* fits after first d tv's use. Treatise and $2 trial bottle free to Tpit patents, they paying express charges on box whetl I received. Send names,' P. O. a«id express address of J afflicts! to nR.KLtNE.on Arrn St.,PhiUdelphia.Pa. 9I>ru£gists. BEWAR& OF IU2TATIJVG FRAUDS. FOB BAEuAINS IK For Coal and Wood AM, ON- W::- i*-i-a«r B. BEKDF.N. Salesman E M. HOWE Opposite Bi«iho]/s >1111, Who has a complete line of the best stoves in the market, as well u a large stock of Mvare, Mechanic's Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, - Ami, in fect, everything in tlie hardware •love and tin line. : im WILL NOT BE UtfDEK6OL0* | Call at hi* store before buying el8e#ftferel Jobbing and repairing promptly attended to. *i"lteinember, extra good bargains can al. ways be obtained at Howe's. McHenry, l>ee. 1, Us84. Now f want to see you can niake your Mv srooils are cornc, and will d« it. Just eome ouce and g-llt tuicI.JSolcl idtC jC?|8li Only, T H A T ' . ' - • i ; ' : ' - 1 I say, want the t:ir-off trade that buy BIG RILLS, and to sue! conic and see me, and it I can't save you money, will pay your expenses. I am getting in lw rgains every day, and they ir< as bought, very cheap lor cash. Yours for g^ood goods and low prices I have one of the largest stock® <bf Furniture of all kinds to h* found in any furniture store in the county. Persons wishing t« buy will be sure to snve money {calling oil me. r vt > UNDERTAKING. , C. F. |^"6KND i'OUli OUDEKS. DUNDEE, Ready-Made Clothing, Staple Dry Goods, Invites an inspection ot his stock, all ot which will he sold at the lowest pi ices far cash. ltemeaiber'good (roods at fair Priees at < ht (,'enterville tore. I v » JOHN I, STORY, One Door West of the Riversiifs House, Has a complete line t#th«^best Stoves the market, as well as a lar<re stock of McHenry, 111., June 10,1884. C. UFA YES. H GREAT BARGAINS XH Lamps, Chandeliers, Tin, Cop E BOOTS And in short, Everything in.the Hardware, Stove and Tin Line. E. LAWLUS KEEPS DOMESTIC Furnishing Qoods He also sells CH ull kmda. Bclov Chicago Price®. Call " see, in Jront of KIVEKSIDE llclienry, Ills E. Lawlusi w.-mmi f&5i>+£% My stock of Summer goods is now complete, consisting of Mens, Hoys' and Youth's ^ FUTE and STAFLX SHOSS. In all the latent styles. Women's, Misses', and Children's Fine Shoes, Walking Shoes, and Slippers. W^e make a specialty ot Men's and VVomen's /Walking Shoes, and Slippers, tints Pine Calf Pegged, and Hand-Sewed French ^ Boots, Pioyr Boa THE GOLDEN STAR GASOLINE RANGES. * Superior to all. I.< rapidly su­ perseding Cook Stoves ami Ran­ ges tor Summer use, Call ai.j| aee them, JOHN I. STOBY * McHenry April 1st, 1883. Good fitting pants of good clotli, at wool, only 95.00. Hade by E. Lawlus ST* IS ...J | IliaVe We llaVe a Trefhendous stock, inAch larger These goods were bought tor and will be bariram. V\ e keen the Sdz celehriitorl than ever before. ...... . sold for (/ash at keep J;fcc Sclis celebrated hand-made goods; also the Reynolds Brothers, nnd other Stuiultird makes. tWS. B -- House Kstablishcd id 18(io W. H. DWIGHT. Cor. Main St and Public 8quare, Woodstoc k, II OF ALL KINDS. Store two Perry doors north & Oweir. I have. styles ql" COFFINS fcizes AND CASKETS Always on haiid. I keep. ft llearse of my own which will bfc t-urnished ut the most reasonabl# rates.. %'* • • • \ J. B. BLAKE. ,; : 1 : Ife B. Sherman WOODSTOCK, ILL - PEALKfc IN-- and Muzzle Lo?din 5hot Guns. . :' -'"fti'.Jfr-' Powder, snot, Caps,Warts and -CnrtridgM. tor sale. Fishitij; Tackle cheap. ¥ : AL Kinds of ̂ • , . • ' " Sporting G oodi AND REPAIRING DOtfE. ' A good Breech T.oailinp, Donbte Barrel#^! %i". warranted Twist, #21. .•• ! ' Winclicstcr Uille, 7(5 model,'15 shot?,#25. . •- Nickel Plated 6 shot Revolver, #2.'50. ' ! ' fecll-cockiiift Britista Bull Dog Pistol #5 #0. ." . A good Single Barrel Breoch Loading, Singkl ^in, warranted, #5.00. . • I will undersell any houi»e in the county ia Guns and Sporting Goods. If vou want a gwA. gnn it will pay voti to call ana see me. 1 w*jf« rant every gun 1 sell. • .• Clothes Wringers repaired uud l|ew Bolls put on'. Price p6f' #air warranted, $2.50. * ' ' B. SHERMAN. ; - Woodstock, July 15th, 1883. :l\ i : Ml M O. W. <»WEM •DKALKlt IX- Clocks, Watches, Jewelr^ Silver and Plated Ware etc# TALL AT HIS STOliE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE Jobbing; and Repairing Promptly Attended to. ^Tl!EMElVI BER, extra good bargains Ciin alwiiys be obtaiuedat JOHN J. ST1XRYH MCHENRY III., ̂ Jaau 2l8t,lSS4 DO|iYOXin:WANT ' i o iry. rSewinefa < Machine? I h:tvc on lvnul nnd nm scllinjrHt tlie I ow ext prices, t!i" -Doini'.siic, Kiilredge, New Heme, Surinplietd, New A mo ri can, and Singer e winu Vitellines, and w*ll.not. be i.ntlersold by any it^ent in the cou'iity. * A gout! linger Mucliino" for 20. warranted to <lo the work of any Singer Machine in the world. Call anil see me. ' ; 'i-:;-- o. w. owm. Mclfenry, .Feb. 20, 1883 < ' * Horse Shosing, General BIacksmithin|, WAGON AND Carrie Matim. P. HAUPERISCH, McHenry, Uliiioi»« II^MBld respectfully infirwin his enstomers Biwd die |inb!ic generally lhnt lie isnow t ettej Umu evev ]ivo|iuro(l to *lo all worfc in His M*1®. RKPAIItlJNG, Of nil k inds <m short notiee. <9TGive lis a call iin<l wi> will ple:tsc you both in qnaitty and price of work. P. HAUPERISCH. PfclIcBry, II!., Aug. 70l, 188S. The Boss Story's. Barrel Ctiurn. j»t John t. I keep In stock the celebrated SprlngfljW Watch, which is pronouueed by •Il^to 1>6 ittt best wuich now on the h»ark«t. • • Will not be Undersofd On any gootis in my line. Mc.IIenry, Feb. 20,1885. o. w. owxm w ; PATENTS. INVENTORS, send model or ilietehil voitr Invutitjmi. whyn I wtli nmke careful liiiiiiuiry examination,and report as to patent- siliilitv, with advice, circulars, etc., free of chtirtje. Al-! business before IT. S. Paicnt oflire- attended to for moderate rates. Information and reference* sent on application. No cliaiit : unless pa ont is scoured. - • J- ft. L1TTELL. WasbinJfton, D. C, , 4 Directly oppo«ite II. JS. Paient Office. " DO YOU KNOW THAT '$fLM Plug Tobacco, WitbRol Tin Tag; Rose I.eaf Pine Ont Uhe#. in^; Navy Clippings, ani Black, Brown awl Yellow Snuffs ura the best and the cheapen* n tlity constdere I. J#!.!' >. >£- >uV: VMHif :rr

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