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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Sep 1884, p. 4

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StPT. 10,1884. •IT. TAN SLTKG. Editor. FOR PfcBSIDENT, Ot. BLAINE, or MAIMS. ,2/ KNt VICE PRKIIORKt JOHN A- LOGAN, or ILLINOIS. aft*- Republican State Ticket tor Governor, -i* -? •> „ ' MtCHARD J. OGLKBB^^i o/ [jOffM Cljimty. Y- v .lir Lteuienanl Governor,, : V ,/O/fiV C SMITH, kr-'-J '* of Cook Vainly. fbr Secretary of Bate, MKIfRY D. DEMKN1» ef l*e Oownty. #br itutiilor, ' 1A2JB9 P. Kankakee County. jfl:' IbT'iywutmr, X4COB OROSS; Cbo* Cbtatfy. ^Ueom«y General, , GEORGE HUNl, '•"'of Edgar County* Co«0re*8ional Pbr Member of Vnngre**, *« REUBEN ELL WOOD, DeKatb County. WUr Mmbtr State Board of jjfrimffsaftsw, H.& WILLIAMS, if McHenry Count*. \v; $Matdrial District Tflflt ftr Senator, IRA it CURTIS # McHenty County. Ife J%r itembert cf the Legislator*, I GBARLES E. fVLLER, ^ of Boone County. TAMES K. POLLOCK. of Lake County. IOr Have yea heard the new* from Maine? A glorious Republican victory. Governor Roble elected by 15,000 ma­ jority. every Congressman in the State Republican, and the Legislature overwhelmingly Republican. MDina ye hear the slogan." Editor PtAfftal*ft£ltfe:--It appear* tliat an imprewfon ha* spread through­ out the county that the present Incum­ bent of the Circuit Clerk's office Is tlto only wellqualified person within the boundaries of the seventeen towns comprising McHenry County fit to per­ form the dntles of that office. Whether Mr, E. E. Richards or his rappllftnt henchmen have advanced this startling fact, or idea (I should rather say) I know not; but It ha* not been denied by him. that I am aware of--hence he gives a silent endorsement to the assertion; and because a public denial of this base slander has not been made by him I cannot and will not vote for him for that or any other office granted by the voice of the people. I call it a base slander. Tea, more! It is a mean •lur upon every school district, a shame* ful slander upon every town, a base libel upon the intelligecce and good sense of the people of McHenry County. And more! It reflects a dark and dole­ ful halo around the many teachers and eminent educators that have, and do now. labor in the many District, Union and High Schools within the borders •f our county. Voter* of McHenry County! Think of It! Will you en­ dorse the idea by voting for Mr. E. E. Richards? You most surely will if you vote for him. I have reason to believe that the wishes of the people were in favor of W. P. Morse, but were out­ generaled by the political wire pullers of Woodstock. 1 say let a call be made for a Convention and a new deal given to the voters ot the county, or else let as raise the white flag, crawl into our hole• and ne#er again attempt to per­ form the high and noble duties of free- «mb. A Sold Votes. O^The Recorder, a Democratic paper, long published at Montery. Va. has come out for Blaine and Logan with this frank and explicit avowal: "In politics we shall support the nomi­ nees of the Republican convention, stand upon the platform adopted by it, and the principles therein declared, not the least of which is that favoring the protection of our manufactures and other Industries, lu short, we believe that Virginia and the Union need a protective tariff, and should support the party which gives forth no uncer­ tain sound as to its position upon this vital question. Supported by principle and what we believe to be the good of oar country, we shall not fear the thrusts of those who take the liberty to assail oar position or Impaga oar mo­ tives." M^The Clinton (Wis.) Herald says: wCiinton had quite a euros!ty yester­ day, It being nothing less than a man, wife and thtee children who left N. Y City last May and had since walked thus far, being on their way to Dakota* Their household goods they bad loaded in • two wheeled cart, which they had drawn the entire distance, and which needed repairiug at ̂ this point. The man thought that this far west was a little dangerous and so he purchased a revolver here with which to protect himself. The children's ages were 9.7 aad 4 years, the youngest had been drawn in the cart a portion of the time but the balance of them had walked every step of the way. They were In good spirits and we hope may not be disappointed when they come to reach their destination. 8^Senator Dawes, of Massachusetts ooe of our most distinguished United States Senators, pays James G. Blaine the following compliment: I had been in Congress six years when Mr. Blaine camc into public life, and I have known him from that d»y to this, Intimately, both in his private life and his public course. I have watched liis public career and I think that I am able to judge whether a man Is honest in public lire or not, I should be false to my duty and to the truth if I did r.ot declare my solemn conviction that there is no man in public lire, whose public or private lire is more rree from stain than Mr. Blaine's. 1 have tummeredand wintered with him. I have been on intimate terms of friendship with him; have differed with him on political questions; have quarrelled with him and have confideu lu and trusted him. I believe hiji te have been actuated by the purest motives In all bis public acts, and to lie ambitious to connect his name with au administration of the government that shall comprehend the grand poe- sibllties before the American people and shall assert the power of the Re­ public wherever Its flag floats. I make no reserve in this endorsement or Mr. Blaine. I draw no distinction between bis public and private life. Want to be Let Alone. . Editor Plaindkaler:--Why in the world d* you not keep quiet and let up on the baker's dozen that comprise the self-appointed committee that have charge of the examination or candi­ dates and the passing upou the cre­ dentials, etc., or any who, should they choose to think that perhaps- they might be acceptable to the people and able to perform the duties pertaining to some one or the county offices? We happened in Woodstock last Saturday, and wonld you believe us. Van, heard some of the little, and one or two or the "Big Iiigtm Me'ft." ex-candWlate6 for Congress, regretiug and mourning that the had been the cause or busting "poor Morse's nomin­ ation ror the office or Circuit ClTk." How these *'snake in the grass*' fellows do hate the Plaikdbalkb, ,to be sure. Yet how apparent it is that they fear it by these continual bowlings. (Poor fools to give themselves dead awav). The trouble Is, Van, things have been manipulated up to this time to their entire satisraction. By the use or the "satchel" and the rraud practiced la the caucuses they barely squeezed their pet through, and had arrived at the conclusion that that was to be ttie finale, and they were sareiy "out or the woods." But when the Plaindealkr refused to lay down, and continued to show their iniquities up, fear for the future again seized these office venders and brokers. They have their man (by fraud) nominated, but huve not got him elected. And while he will no doubt succeed himself- in the office he now holds, yet they fear the vote of the people will show that there is just such a damnable ring existing at the county seat as you have proved «»ii more than one occasion. The whele matter In a "nut shell" is they desire clear sailing from now on and to be let alone. The question then Is are you going to accommodate them? Fabmbb KkJgefleld, Sept Sth, 1884. [No. Mby the eternal," as long as we are able to wield a pen we shall con­ tinue to show up the corrupt doing* of this Court House Ring and their "Me Too" allies. And we believe the time is not far distant when the people will take the matter Into their own hands and bury them so deep that Gabriel's trumpet will fall to call them forth. By means of bribery and corruption they have succeeded In carrying another Convention, and as is pertinently asked by another correspondent, "will the people endorse it?" We shall mo.-- Editor.] iirTHlMM* Is a vast amount ot tfeth In the Democratic papers at present time about the Republican party hav­ ing become corrupt from long tenjire in office. The plain ract is that the Republican party Is the only party which ever exposed and punished its, own rascals; ami so, when a thier Is discovered the party does r.ot se^k to save its reputation by covering his rascality up, but gives him his dues re­ gardless or consequences. Never have the public runds been handled with such fidelity as under Republican ad­ ministrations. The immense treasury in the vaults at Washington was count­ ed for the first time in several years when Treasurer Wyman camo into office a few months ago, and was found to be only three cents out of the way. The following table shows what the defalcation lias been to the 81,COO, of public money since Washington's time. It is even less under Arthur than Hayes and yet folks say the parly Is "corrupt'1 and demand a change: Time of St'rvtce , J.oss on Administration. WaahinirleB.. Years. ... « A<1:ims, Jobn...-. s Jefferson -.. .8 Madison 8 •1.0(0 • *82 8 fi!> tm 4 1« 8IW 499 7 ft! 1171 Monroe Adams, J. Q. Jackson ... Van Buren.. Harrison I ....... . ...... Tyler f folk Tnylor Fillmore f .. ..T * Pierce.. Ruchaniuf........, .,;• 4 Lincoln ........... ...... 4 Johnson .-. v ..'4 Grant 8 Hayes 4 For the whole period prior to June 30,1861. the year in which the first Re­ publican president was inaugurated, the loss averaged $5 17 in 81.000; since that it has averaged only'46 cents in •1,000.- - Whitewater ( Wis.) Register. . 4 10 see 3 81 a 57 24 4-5ths of let. S0rTbe proposed American Exhibi­ tion In London will illustrate many aovel features. There will be au artisans' ball in which, in addition to white workman of many crarts, there will be live Indians, Chinese and ne­ groes plying the vocations to which they are accustomed in America. Then will be an exhibition or char- acteristlo American am use menu and sport*. Including theatres, concerts and| balls. Eminent American dramatic artists will attend, and there will be displays of American painting, sculp­ ture, drawing .and engraving. Many novel phases or America# lire will be sfooirii bjr Ubleaux and Interiors. These wlV Include a broker's office in Wail •treat, a Florida fruit store, Indian canoo makers, arriving and dispatdh- ingaSea for cablegrams, aad reproduc­ tion* of elevated aad electrical rail­ ways. Tbe* attractions may be unique bat the gnat World's that is to b* opened In ta December will have 4a of features far more attrao- imtrat* the manners and qus* A Hog Just the Same. Editor Plaindealer:--As a Repub­ lican voter of McHenry county, I write you in my humble way, thanking you and appreciating fully the manly course you assume as regards the Circuit Clerk matter. I am glad to see at least one paper in the county that dares come boldly to the front and express an opinion other than what eminates from that miserable and corrupt set of political vultures and third-termers that bold forth in Woodstock. Mr. Editor, It I could wield the pen as can you, how I would delight to write of what I heard about this most d if grace­ ful nomination, at the rair last week. I refer to the means used to nominate a mau who cannot be classed, even by those who have always been his frlende or all political shades or parties, other than (politely speaking) a hogI This himself and friends cannot successfully show to the contrary, although he may puli through and bold the office he has made himself rich out ot for rour years more. OiMOVMd. Sept. Sth, 1884. OATH. • fir ;!* wish ilramatie••fleet. F«-w are better equipped. I»J' training, u ditiiii?* ttil qiifstin'i Muni Mr. l*«>rl« r. For s»'ver<i yeara » »f the, iittlumial prol^ greun of llie West, and nulh«r or one of the most useful works on that sec-j tion; fc»r three y«*arri in i*h;trg«- of :iu important division »»f thi> census, next; a iiu'H.hi't* of the tariff conmil^simi; ami- then pent ub!'«>-u! for eijjh?een ninntlia.i by the Xew York Tribune, to Investi. g»ire tin- (,'ont ineut. The words of the aii.'lim of ;he udiliv-s on the Tariff will carry weight with those anxious Tor praciic«l views or Ihe Tariff ques­ tion. "Price 10 cents. » n < , , t ALGONQUIN. Editor Canada Thistle commissioner sued R. Shufeldl on Tuesday of last week for allowing the thistles to go to seed on his farm. He tvas fined 810, and cost. Others should take warning,as there is 105 farms in this Township infested with Thistles, there being 277 patcli«6 rrom Ave acres down to small patches. At D. W. Tlioma*. Auction Sale of a carload of milch cows on Tuesday of last week, cows sold on an average ol $45,60 per head. Ogle&by and Martyne gave an enter­ tainment, consisting of character changes, comic sketches, classical solos, laughable farces, ballads, comic sink­ ing and Swiss 11 Ringing, on Wednes­ day and Thursday evening's of la^t week. They drew a full liou^e on both evening'* and all seemed to enjoy themselves, even to Tlios K and Cha's B. Mrs. Morton hf*s moved her Millinery shop into Dr. Nason's little house on the corner, where she will be found with a full stock of seasonable goods. There was quite a number from here attended the County Fair on Thursday of last week. Among them was our first nine base ball club who play>-d the Waucond* nine on the fairgjounds. The si-.ore stood 13 to 14 in favor of Waucdnda. Our boys think they would have been victorious if two or their best players had not met with ac­ cident!). At C. E. Cliapell's Auction Sale of a carload ef Milch cows sold on an aver­ age of 951.2*2} per head, and not much of a day for cow9 either. Ed Morton, our Highway Commis­ sioner, was compelled to sue Geo Bal­ last for his 91 poll tax. and after hav ing the suit put over twice it was flnelv tried on Saturday last before Esq Boomer, of Cary, resulting in a judgment against the defendant for 91.00 and cost, and rumor says that the end is not yet. Mi?s Mvrtie McKee started Saturday evening for Richmoad. where she wlil teach in the Richmond School Hie ensuing year. Our second nine Base BalW-ehib play­ ed a Nunda nine on Saturday last at Nunda. The score at the end of the third innings stood 20 to 3 in favor of Algonquin, when the Nunda boys gave up and wouldn't play tht game out. Our second nine is pretty hard to beat for boys of their size. Annie Marshall, of Elgin, formerly of this place, is spending a few days here, the guest or Esq. Phil p. Annie has been very sick for the past few mouths with a lung difficulty but she is now gaining slowly. Mr. Dolg has finely got his mill in running order again, after being shut down for about two months in repair­ ing his dam and other parts of tlie mill. He l» now ready to grind and it is hoped he will have a good run of trade as he has been to a great ex­ pense in making the above repairs. The Episcopals will hold iheir an nual Harvest Home Fesiival on Thurs­ day evening ef this week at St. Joh'-V hurcli. in this place, and all are cordially invited to attend. Wm Toby. Sr and Jr.. of Aurora, are visiting with tue family of Ed Morton, Ir. Peter &. Coltrin have just put In a new stock of ready made clothing, con sisting of men and hoys' suits, which they offer at very low figure*. Ant- one in want of any thnig in that line would do well to give them a call. Frank Hill has returned from Dakota, where he has purchased a farm ad joining John Sears. James Marshall called on friends iieie on Monday of tills week. He reports every thins: lovely lu Iowa. Thr.s McKay and his daughter Jessie, who have been very sick for the last few weeks are now on the gain. Corn cuttitng Is the order of the day in this section. The warm weather of the past week has put the ma|ority o! the corn here out of the way of frost TftE 14th wonseeiilive Stale Kxposition wiTI he held in Chi­ cago. September# to October 18, inclu sive. Except, possibly, the old Amerl ' can Institute, the (,'hicagn Iidostrial! Exposition is, we believe, the only nrgauizat ion of its cliiss which for a| long series of years lias held its extiibl Hons without intermission, or which has Imm»it uniformly #nmssfnl In the high character of its display or in financial resn! s. Having only @173.000 from Hibscrlpi io»ift to its c ipiiai stock In IS73. it'Sias paid its eurrcn t expenses: made ii'| ncce^avy repairs and expend eil over six hundred thousand dollars on const ruction -and personal prope», tv accounts, and Is entirely out. of debt to day. The average annual attendance of visitors paving admission, is.about 400.000 or 10.000 per day for forty iImVs. N"o similar organization in America can show any such record of well de­ served success. I.ike the city of Clii cago and the Northwest Its prnjrresfj has been without parallel. ' For the current year we are Informed the applications fee space even more numerous and nigeut than ever before. The mammoth lioiL'Hug Is filled to overflow in jf with novel and Interesting exhibits in all departments. No p.iIii>- nor expense have h«<vii spared by the management to rentier t'lie Kx- hildtion attract Use1 and usefully educa­ tion al. • • • ^ • Allt ranspoi t at ton Mile*'In th»* Nort h west will give Khelr |mve*f exeursWm rates to visitors. Admission fa,-build- in/. adidts 25 eeo*<; 'children. 15 cents. The Exhibition wii) b • opeijev -rv d ty except' Sundav from 8 a in l«> 10 p. in. • €«-*•> "5? , Wijnmt v 'if •,) mma.-; ra •f'-W -VK ' V.T.- V By Putting In the A Lawyer's Op'n Ion of to a!l. Interest For the prumpv and ci'riaiit cure of erysipelas, use Ayer's Sursapari! I :i, which «s the *p"cilic. endorsed by . the most eminent medical aut-lioriiics. Mr'*I understand that you have fought a duel with your old enemy Snarley ?" '•Yes." "What was the re- sultr "Why, when they brought the pistols on to the Held, I discovered they were some of my own make. 1 manufacture tbem for boys you know, advertise tbem in all the juvenile and religious journals and sell them cheap.' 'Yes," "Well,I refused to take either but magnanimously permitted Snarley to take tbem both." "Well?" "That wai all; ba fell dead at the first fire." : >i J. A. Tawney. Esq,, a leading at tr.iney of Winona, Minn., wrlK'8: "After using it for more -than three years, I take great pleasure in stating that I regarded Dr, King's New Dis­ covery for Consumption, as the best remedy in the world for coughs, colds. It lias never failed to euie the most severe colds I have had, and invaria­ bly relieves the pain in the chest," Trial bottles of tlds sure cure for all Throat and Lung Diseases may be had free at Henry Colby's Drug Store, Large Size, 31 00, of Boots an; I Sb«>e^ be 4'kkky & Owen. See oar sto» k fore buying. Fil l :hid C'im|V^le tine of Men's and Roys' tJloihiog. ai ieaMHiable prices at Perry St O.v* n's. Everj'thing in the bottom figures, at E. Hardware Hue at M. Howe's. We jiav tlie very highest prices fof all the good butter and egg* yotif" bring us, Bouslett & Stollel. , Wheat Wnnted. Wasted, at the Fox giver Valley, M IK good Mill ing Wheat, for which the highest p"ice ' in cash wil l he paid. R. Bishop. McHenry, III., April 14th. !8Sl DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The Co-Partnership heretofore existing uiiiler the linn inline of Sinilti ASnytcr, is (his •lay riisolveil liv triitnal consent. All Notes anil account* <fne the flrm must be ti;<i<t to It. Snyilei without delay, lie beinj; author­ ized to rci-vive und receipt for t he name. All claitiiK ajf.tinsl s ii«i ilrm will l><! settled on presentation to tl. Snyiler. at the olti«fe of the • " •: II. C. Smith f • H. HNYUbB. West McHenry, Sept. (ith. 1^81. The business of ihc late flrm will be con­ tinued at the old siioid under the ilrm naaic of Sin ith. son it C->., wjio invite all their old cujioiitees to tnll aii't see them. Smith, Son A Co. 10-8-3 W. #ithoiitMedicdie. THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TOCyREMr-sa. •without m< (1lctnp--l*nlii «n th^bneu, hlpa. head, or llmtte. tK-t-vouK Ki'Hcrul debility, rkeumiill<m, purul.vatN, lied ra 1^;. 11, au*1 utlca. dkcu-nol ihe Ll<!ix-i «,Kplmtl d!»<':i«c», torpid liver, aroiit. •emlnul <'iiiUniuii«, ; , u»thma. heart din* Cn»e, dy*p<-p«t«, consiiputlnii, «-ry»lt»<,liii»t ln(llge»» lion, hernia or rupture, vuturrli, pllcn, eplkpay, dumb uuur, «(>>. When «ny dobiilt.y of the CKXFK ATIVK ORGAN® OtvHra. lunt vllnllli. Iiic!( nricrre lorre and vl^ur, •runtltiK wraLnvMi't, B'i.1 all tlio«e dlxracea of aper-•oaul nuturc. whatever cnttsc, tho continuous stream of Mu^netlsin pi-rincntin^ lliroiiffh th<* p«rl« mu»t i i-.lorc thfin lo it healthy action. There it. no DiUtake abviit this Jambs R. Osgood & Co., of Boston, publish in neat and convenient form the address of.Jnmes R. Petter to the ArkwriglitjClnb of'ro tection and Free Trade of To-day.M Mr. Poter graphically presents exactly what voters in both* political parties want to know, llie facts showing how free trade and protection works athome and abroad. In the Held and the work *hop. He shows how agriculture, com­ merce and manufacturing tn the United States, Great Britain. Ger­ many and Holland have been affect« d bv those two economic policies. Mr. Porter'3 work will be appreciated by bu«lne*s nisn, farmers and artisans who have no time to read a volume on the subject, but who want a clear exposi­ tion of the condition of labor here ami in European countries. He takea decided Protective ground but makes rt fair use of the efflcnl figures, which are, «t times, handled LA°,EMAGNETIC ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. TO THE UDIB:-SBa«HS£. EzliMuatton«Dr«p6pMft,orwtOi IHownofthe I,lv-fp. Kldnpyi, llendtti'tie or Feft, Swollen or *Vc-ak Anuk^ Hwullrn Fecti an AlK.oininal and a pair of Mngrnetic Koot BatU'iiog have no supoi iu* In the reM^r am! cure of ull the ho TIk'JT Surry a |>owerlal ma^uotic force to the seat of Um U v H f e . F»r Lnme Hack, Wethnemof t1i« Spln^, FtlU In^ of tb" noinb, Lon^orrhaea^ ChronU' Hon and i ln rutloii of (!u> Womb* IncliSciituI Mem-•rrliuge or Fitiodliig, PuiiiAil, HopprcAit'^ «n« Ir-reeulur Mcn«triiiitl»ti, i-haitffc ot' Lfrt', thb Ulbu UceiAppiiunM aad Curat!v« Ajjent For all forma of Female Dlfflcullfen It la nn*nr-by Anything hetorc tHjth as a cmut'.vc aari'M andnBftbou-efof jnjworand vHaliraiion. rrtwof either Holt with MiitrnrtirFoot liatti-rlep. <\ Sttntl y oxpret«C.O. D .and examination a!iu>vcd.< rl y mail oi» of ].viw. In ordering. wn«l nw-; rri- • f wai#t and «»f t-hoo. U<>mittnnce can be made In cur-yenvy. Kent inlcllt-rat ot:rri?.k. Tht-M.vtfn^ton «ai ni#*ntH aro odaptedto all age»,-aro Vorn over tlie under clntHfn?, (not to t! * b*<!y like the muny at»«l 1*1--etrl* I'mm:-«dvi'r.!« i| m «xtcfnh - lv) utui hlu*':,.! ho takou off nt iii^ht. Th«-v hold tht'irpowtrformvcr§Mk(& »jv*%vorn rt ttll <.t tlu» vt»nr. Ft • i * t vnji *l»o w ;•»<»'. \>xroln Vediral Treat- m*" t \\ with t'ion^Liidti of '""TW»: Jt ' fJVF.TON APVTIANfF, CO.. sil/i iiUtii Ht<i Clik.i'KOi ilL Drain MADE AT Spring Valley lilt Work*. Location at'the yito <»f the old McMillan Mill, near Barre- VILLE. WM. D. GATES, tmwmMTOU Sept. 10, I88t. Executor's Notice. ^ Estate of Jn!>t!|ili W ieilemann,l)ei'eft8e«l. The nniU'i-Mj;neil Itaving been niipulnleft Executrix of the late Will nn<l Teslftinvnt of Joseph Weiileiniinii Into of the ('oiiiitv of M<*# llenry an«l Siate of Illinois, ileceased] hereby gives' notice that alio will npnear l>ofore the Couiiiy Court ftf McHenry Comity, at the Court House lnt Woodstock nt the October Term, on Lite third Monday in October next, at which lime all )>cr;« lis liaving claims rtiTiitii^i sMid Estate are notiiled md requested to attend lor the purpose ot having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to »ni<l Estate arc requested to make iuimedia'e piiyment to [lie i.ndui-sii;ne<l. I>ate.l this fourteenth day »1 August A. D. lt>3l Anna H ikukmann, Executrix. Pure Bred Poultry for Sale. The follo<vin£ strains of Pure B;ed Poultry s offered ftirsule: 1 Pen llroxvii l.eghvrns, nine B«)t> M|<l Cockerel. 1 Pen White I.eglrrtriu. 1 Pair Itl.'K'k Leghorns. A lot of Wyandotte Cockerels. Plymouth Itocks, old and y>»ung. A lot of l.iirlit lti-aluna Chicks and old Hens. A lot of I'ekm Ducks, very choice. All these will be sold at a discount if called for soon, as I wish to close iheiiijOut. UKO. W. PHATT. Wauconda, Aug. 5th, 18K4. WM. H COWLIN [SrCCKSWiK TO M. M. CLOTIIIKR] f. S. WAR CLAIM SOLICITOR AND ATTORNEY, ALSO NOTARY PUBLIC. Prosecutes pension or any other claims against the government, relating to the late, or former wa'is. Complicated cases wild re­ jected claims made a specialty. If stamps are enclosed for reply, all communications Will be promptly answered. Office at Residence, MAD80N ST., WOODSTOCK. ILL. References by permission lis regards char* i ability, reliability, Ac Ac 3. Senator, Ciucaga, actor, business (ion. John A. I.ogari, U Illinois. Uen. J.C. Smith, State Treasurer «f Illinois. Kll\vood,M.C. 5th ill. Dist., 8yc> amore, III. Hon. John C. 3hoi\viu. e\-M. C. Sth III. Dist., Aurora, III Hon. A. M. Jones, U. S. Marshal,Chicago, III Col. jas. A. Sexton, Pies Union Veteran Club, Chicago, III. Jens# A. Haidwln, Ass't U. S. Attorney, Chi­ cago, III. Messrs Selz, Schwab A Co., Wholesale Boot ami Shoe Healers. Chicago, III. Also hundreds of county and hoine referen­ ces. $5© BEWABD *&tl IF YOU IINO THE EQUAL OF UOWSHARf^^ PLUG TOBACCO. The "Dimo Cuts' tnuit be aa LARGE and as COOD ev*ryway. For Sale By PftKsiminons A Kvanson, West Mctlenrr. llL. A It Alexander, ltichmond, III. , J If Packer, ltichmond, III. O (I Col bv, N unda. ill. V Iti>we, Hebron, 111. " E s smith, Aldeu, III. Jl'V Ci-isty A Son, hingwood. Ill KTnckinan & Itice, Wilmot, Wis. II Seip, Luke Zuvicii, III. (folding Brothers, Wauconda,.I'l, It Tweed & Sou, Sitring Grove, III. Lev & Adams, johnsburg, II!. K Manor, Uenoa Junction. Wis. C A Saner A Co., Long tirove, III, H ttogers, Volo, lit. 10-7-lin OPENED AGAIN! Robert Schlessle Having purchased (he old stand of Joseph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT. MeHElNIlY, ILLINOIS, Has opened the same as a flrst-class Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at nil limes ki>ej» lirutids of Wines, l.iquors and Cig.iMI at nil limes keep the best . Mqi to be found in the market. • - Also Agent For * FRANZ FALK'S MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, cheaper than any other, ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. t GOOD STABLING FOR HOR8R& SSfCall and see us. , ( ; Robert SohMi McHenry. III., Sept. lit, 1484. M Sportsmens' Bs&dqautsrs. ALSO QENERALMERCHANT, And Dealer in All Kinds of OROOEIj tTBS, Farm Hardware, Pocket Cutlery, Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackle Gun Material, Musical lrtstru-monts, Tolmcco, (Jigars, etc., etc. .Near Kiver (fridge, Mc­Henry, III. mportanl to Ruptured Persons The Rxcelslor Itnptnre Cure BITg Co., of 0|tdci>»iiui g, N.Y.. guarantee to cure any caxe of reducible lleriln w th their Remedies. Tiik Iti rrrHK PI,A*tkh AND (IkamkoCok- roiM>. TIiih trealinenl is -.ndorsed by our iiest Doctors', Diuggists, aud the general public. Send Gets for free IhioIc on Rnpture or ask your Ir-iggist tor the Uemedy. uu »tocK. ior tne jra tfade. Celebrated Broad* head Dress Goods in the latest ND JLv. all Styles in G-inghams and Prints. Finest stock of Clothing and Boots and Shoes in the County ̂ Fresh Family Groceries Lowest Prices ERRY A OWEN *^7 S9SS4SP* M THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME," eomiiBNTEonrr S?2-aTH /.u Life is Insecure riding over any other. (All platan will b* taraUktd tatf* «•«•. la itjla, to ssyMt «Im Win «CTM to flrxr.* V [BMCLOOB STAMP.] IT*. T. 3HLA-"SfDOC2Z, "jtfsfehWiwlfl!1 Cw. Plaa hI TwslfHi Kts.. CI5CIHXATI, 6 IQEITS WAITED WHBBB WB HAVE V0HE! 10 IIVERHE1T B0 FE0FITABL" ^.afeypraanCb. gr^lemiroYt' VTlrn the word Xatqr or th* word Organ to BsntloMl tkqr MG^nSSMttlWOthKiMVlillr Fire lt^tsn in MMh of ths iff* worttowgmiTMlsroof uliifwrt In amltttodM ofhooMMk. IQilMt ted OitalopM a>ll*il teem all applicants. 1884. 1884. •i I WAUCONDA* ILL, Call attention of customers to their attractive stock of new STAPLE Notion, Groceries, Boots GOOD , Etc., £t(. - Just opened at Vicar Low PmcEd. Goods House in Laxe County. Goods and learn prices betore purchasiag, wilt save you money The Best and Cheapest tgyCall and see us, examine Wecanatfr Buttef and Eggs And tho I^Ttghest Mprket Prlc§ Paid. Wauconda, May 20th, 1884. PRICE AT WAUCONDA, M "New plean Stock s mfW Wt'fi f#®?' or Seasonable Goods, We have one of the largest stock? ever brought to this mark||| These goods were bought for cash, which enables us to sell at ven close h« urt s. Do not take our word for it, but come and look thruugh our stocK aud satisfy yourselves that we meau what we say. Our stock consists of Dry Goods, Notions, G roceries, Hats aud Caps, Crockery and Glassware, Paiu.s and Oils,* Varnish, Brushes, WaU Pu}>er and Window hades, together with the molt complete »to*k|f -I Ev«r brought here. Our Hne of ladies' and gents' hand sewed is the l>est ever offered for sale in Wauconda. All kinds of Produce bought for cash or taken in exchungefor goods - '•it-- •' te M-H-' i v ' * . .j.xLL . . . • -• .*

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