* in, ••--•'• ' -•• • ' .' : "-r-' j-j--^--- ,„' ,-• I, ,r,,im.;,.,fflltf.„,„.i. -".rt-air: *#m H'Y;:-v^vv*. ^,' |, |^ |,-,,r,. :ir,-r;'S'.vv v.:' the dull Summer season just which ther6 was a stringency in the money E:, market to such an extent that many of the Eastern speculators in railroad and other securities were driven to the wall, and rates of interest so high that firms engaged in legitimate branched of trade could not borrow at rates that they would feel justified in paying to meet their obliga tion^ JLt that time one of the oldest and greatest wholesale houses of the country, * ' ' ' ' . . . * Halsted. Haines <& Co | Nos. 374, 376 and 378 Broadway, New York City, rf ' -W- IS/-: Obliged to suspend. It was the general impression sit the time that their suspension would bo only temporary, but contrary to expectations the assignee was obliged to flfell their immense stock, amounting to Hl7Kt)KED |AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, through the Auction Rooms. The stock was advertised and sold the last week of August. The resulC of such a vast amount of goods being thrown upon the market at one sale was disastrous; were fearfully slaughtered, much of the stock selling at 30 and 40 cents on the do! Ur. We were among the buyers at this sale and secured over And now effer the same to the People of Mc Henry County at l*#vver Prices Than Ever Before Heard of. A few of the many Bargains we shall offer are: V ^ - • : •I PIECES! •wrrrm*' Of Araeriefm COOHECO, ME lilt! MACK, and other leidingraikesof Calico, at three and one-half, four, and five cents a yard; Pieces! RENFREW, AMOSKEAG, LANCASTER and PLUNKET GINGHAMS, at six to eight cents a yard. || contained in our immense stock tea bargain. Bargains in Goo RED, BLUE, GRAY» and PLAID FLANNELS, at twenty -to fifty cents a yard. Itj$Lii0edlesft,to..enumeratef.-aa-«nrerj article and Laces, Woolen Cloths, Canton Flannels, CNuptal; , Hats, Cape, i, Shoes. Clothing, Carpets, i Millinery Goods, Embroideries. •"Bra* Jk TWTWTPTT * TTfA ~lj' We have a THOUSAND DOZEN of Merino and Flannel Wrappers and Drawers for Gentlemen, Ladies and Children. You cannot afford to buy these Jp.. • A J*k I ̂ 1 1^1 •HUl W 1\ HJ) x^ll * V' goods elsewhere. It will pny to come FORT1 MILES for a complete set of these garments alone. Our friends will please remember this is not a collection of ordiuaiy cheap auction trash; on thu contrary, it is a selection of <roods superior in every respect to anything ever before exhibited in this county, selected from a stock which contained nearly a Million Dollars worth of goods, and was formerly owned by a company whose annual sales amounted to Ten Million Dollais, and their failure occurred at a timo wh.;n their stock wus complete in every department. An opportunity of securing first-class goods at prices so t itselt to you agiin. Then donH stand upon the order of your coming, biit come at once and secure some of the bargains before it i« too late. 'i