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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1884, p. 4

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y DSC. 10, 1884. =F VAN8LYKE, Suitor. I'he Investigation «»f th« election fraud in Chicago still continues with * lair prospect that the guilty parties m brought to ju*tice. Joseph C. MIM&UI W«I Arrested *n Monday and ]mt under #10,000 bonds, charged with bttllotbox stufRng. "Let tio guilty man escape.*1 l&s 09*The J. I. Case Plow Company, ol Racine, Wis., made an assignment Monday mornlnji. The nominal assets are snid-to be #688,000, witli liabilities «f about 1800,000. K«i other institu­ tions With whioti Mr. Case'8 name in connected are affected, and 'banks are reported to bo secured for all advances tnade. "•m 865"* Gen. Grant will be paid #50,000 for his magazine article OD the war Great gans! There's no economy in \ that. We will write an article twice t-' as iong for one half the money. About * the war, too, and we won't confine "ourself," as Grant does, to our late tin- We'n wrl,e about tl,e , i Crimean war, the Revolutionary war, v tilt? Trojan war, any war, all wars, the wars of the next century. Sweet , 4-1 smile of St. Mammon! What wouldn't » a fellow write about for #25,000?-- A Robert Bwrdette. 8@rThe Democracy in Pennsylvania and Connecticut, like their brethren in other parts of the Union, are girding up their loins preparatory to their march on the Federal' offices. In PhiladlfefiTa^lone they think that ten places worth #50,000 "and perquisites" am surely theirs. Iu Connecticut the prices are smaller and the appetite of the office-seekers are even stronger. Iu view of the Civil Service law, the position of these spoll-aeekere is not altogether a happy one, although they do not seem to know it. (UTAooording to the report of the Secretary of the Treasury the receipts of the Government from all sources during the last fiscal year were #3*28,- 51939 and the dlsbusements 8323 911, 394.35. Of the receipts #195,067,489.76 were trem customs and #121,589,072.51 from Internal revenue. The estimated receipt! of the present fiscal year are #290 £20,201.16. The public debt on November 1st was #1,408,482.948.70, reduction of #1,347,948,622.74 since August 2lst, 1865, or nearly one-half in a period of nineteen years, The Sec- rethrv recomends a reduction of the tariff duties and government aid to rt-vive ship building. 99"According to the Chicago Timet, a man from New England lately presented so the treasury department _ me bonds which he had fouod among tfie of an uncle whose estate he had InflMrlted. They seemed to be United States bonds, he said, but he could not And any banker who knew anything of them or their value. He desired to know if they were good for anything. They were yellow from agt, and proved to be a part of the **old debt," which ceased to bear In terest in 1836. The amount of the principal was #50,000. and there was ten yevrs' Interest due on them. He •aid he would gladly have taken #5,000 for them, and that he had once offered them to a Massachusetts bank lor that but his offer was contemptuously de ellued. The old man walked out of the treasury with a check in his pocket on the New York sub-treasury for #70,- 'Z-'-'WimCream of OoWadaMii^ The political antics of Harper's Weekly are incomprehensible to the Common mind. All readers of that journal known well with what haste it rushed to the embrace of the Demo­ cratic party after the nomination at Chicago of James G. Blaine, (the pub­ lication of whose book was not given to the house of the Harpers,) and with what ardent zeal it labored during the whole campaign to put luto the hands of the said Democratic party the sovereign power of the United States, employing to that end all the resources of Its Ncut-j cartoons and Its polished editor'6 pen, apparently forgetting t^ow, formerly, it ceuld not lampoon Democrats with sufficient severity. ' In view of all this, the full page car­ toon in its Issue of two weeks ago is something wonderful. In it this same Democratic party, with witich the "Weekly has been clapped in such cordial embrace, is portrayed under its old by in bo 1 of the Tiger, this time couch ant and fierce, while vultures perch and fcoar in the background, aud beneath Is the legend: ".Beware /or he is very hungry and very thirsty!" To - meet this famished and fierce *®ast of prey, in deadly strife, the man Grover Cleveland, whom the party ;t§ symbolizes has, by the help of the ;s; chosen especially to serve its its transformed into a noble jfc*etil«s, clothed in his lion's skin and frying a huge club labeled "Indepeu <|enir' ' What other so ttoklnd a cut could the W+ekfy have given to its chosen bed fellowf And how else could It have so effectually shown the Inconsistency of theeovne It lias pursued? But good Mr. Harper-Curtis-Nast,-ara jrou seriously trying to make anyone Relieve that the brains of this famished are to fens scattered, or that he ;:be driven from his prey, by the JlMftilr club "Independent" wielded • ourvalient hero? No, No! You-know =-:lbitUr. You know the man Is but the 'Jfei INMh ifid Will u« iiitii- pieCes by the tiger* claws '* -£ t, - v " • ;-«k - WASHINGTON LKTTKK. £ From our UcKular Corresponuent. WASHINGTON, DOC. *, l&U. The newspaper prophet in Washing­ ton, after he taUilons a cabinet lor the Presldt'tii-elect to ft|* own Intense satisfaction, is fully prepared for more arduous labor, and is now busy In plan­ ning the work of Congress with great zest, it seems to have struck him that possibly Mr, Cleveland ninv have a voice In th« selecting or Ills cabinet. Members who have arrived in the city express the opinion that Congress w||l not find time this session to at­ tempt any very Important legislation. Besides the appropriation bills, the land grant forfeiture question' will probably be taken up. and It pramlsea to bring about a long and bitter fight. Some of the members, however have not given up the idea of tackling the tarjfi. and say that something should be'd^ne this session. Mr. Morrison, It Is understood. Is primed for another fight. He looks upon the success of the Democratic party as an indorsement «f tariff reform, and ha* expressed the opinion that something should be done this winter to reduce the reyenne. If Congress Is disposed, however, to make a busy and eventful session of It, there Is no lack of material In the sh ipe of pending legislation. There is, for in­ stance. the silver coinage question, which urgently calls for attention. A very'respectable element is calling for a bankruptcy law; there Is a great de­ sire in legal and business circles for action which shall inexpedite the work of the Supre ne Court; much remains to be settled respecting the relations of railroads and land corporations to the Government;and there ate various private canal and railroad schemes to which Congress will be asked to give a helping hand; the pension laws are not yet satisfactory to some influential classes: and the friends of the shipping interests look upon last winter's legis­ lation as merely preliminary, and are anxious to follow it up by broader measures; the education bill presents its claims to the House; and two or three territories which have now a large and ambitious population are clamoring for the rights and dignities of States. It will be seen readily, therefore, that even if Congress pre­ fers to ignore the tariff and follow pre­ cedents pretty closely in the appropri­ ations, there is an abundance of Im­ portant subjects upon which it can profitably speud the winter. Among the first questions presented at the Capitol to-day will he a resolu­ tion in the House calling for adiplo matic investigation of the action of the French in prosecuting work on the Panama canal, and ,declaring iu favor of the American policy of predomi­ nance on this continents. Several lead­ ing Democrats have the matter in charge, aud it Is Indeed gratifying to see some Inclination towards enforce­ ment of the Monroe doctrine. The representatives of the three great Isthmian inter-oceanic transit pro|ects are gathered here In anticipation of some actson by Congress on this Im portant question. The Panama people are simply anxious to b«> let alone. The Nlcaragnan people are willing to take anything they can get. James B. Eads, the father of the Tehauntepic scheme, went to Loudon last summer to get some money. I don't under­ stand that he got any there. But he has apparently gotten some on the way home, for he is exhibiting quietly to New York capitalists a working model of his inter-oceanic ship railway which cost him #10,000 and occupies twenty feet of space. He is naw arranging to exhibit it at New Orleans. The Washington Monument ia boom- ing along towards completion. The cap stone will be set this week. The tip of the cap stone will be composed of aluminium, and is the largest device ever made of that metal. It is about four feet high, and is as sharp as a moderately dull needle at its apex There are several reasons why this par­ ticular metal was used. To begin with it is a good lightning conductor and will serve as the top of the lightning rod ; then it does not tarnish but will always remain bright. It has much the same appearance as silver. The most distinguished military tri bunil that has assembled in this coun­ try since the close of the war, is low itilsesslon in a small upper room In the Corcoran building. One major general aud six brigadier generals of the regu lar army, flanked by three colonels of the line on either hand, occupying the long table. Schofleld, Terry and Miles it would be hard to find three more distinguished looking men. The staff Generals Rochester, Holablrd, Murray and Newton, are meu of dignity and power. 1 believe It Is the first time in the history of the country that a man holding rank of a brigadier general has been on trial in time of peace,and tho court is making short work of General Swalm. ALOONOUIN KDITOK PLAIMUEALKK At C. E. Cltapelfa Auction Sale of a carload of Milch cows on Wednesday of last week, cows sold on ail average of #53,80 per head, J; A. JSIiorwood WHS IIIH orator. G. E. Chapell aud J. W. K.*e, of Chi­ cago, were i.i town on Wednesday of tast week. On Wednesday of kut week. J. C. Bennett and Jas. Stehlik settled their election l>et. The terms of the but were If Blaine wasllected Bennett was to wheel 3tehlik in a wheelbarrow to the Depot aud back and if Cleveland was ulecled Stehllk was to wheel Ben uett, so of course Stehllk ha.l to do the wheeling. They had their pocket#! well filled with bottles and of course they hud to stop aud oil up. There was not much St. Johiiism about it. On Wednesday night of last week. H. B. Hubbard had four sheep fatally Injured. It is oupposed to have been done by dogs. They were in his t aru yard. The fancy fair and oyster Slipper on Thursday evening of last week was a grMid succes«, both socallly and finan­ cially. the society uetting the fine sum of #48. Born, Dec. 8th, 1884, to the wifte of Char'es Waiulrack, an 8tb daughter. The inothrrund child are doing well, Charlie huseut had it out for a ride on the flying dutchman yet. W. H. Jeneks started North on Mon. day of this week to buy Milch cowp. Uncle John says lie i* going to find that Goat if It in ii> town. Better you rock the ctadle John, C. B. Chapell started Viirth' on Fri­ day last to buy Milch cows. The d«- niaud seems to he uuusally good hero for new milch cows. Rumor says that Mark Knowltou intends starting a show with a full company of experts, and Yank savs he will go his bottom dollar iu the enterprise, which will surely guarantee it a success. We are anxiou«ly wait­ ing their first appearance. The Rev. Dr. Hartley, of Huntley, Lectured at the Congregational Church on Monday evening of this week. Subject. The Art of being Miserable and Disagreeable, DESPERATE BARGAINS! Having lost the above on election, I shall place ni> goods, iu reach «U my"J ^ *** ^ '0>t • *?S. *'W <*"h 1 Wi" MeHElVRY, ILl^ RING XVOOD. EDITOR PLAINDEALEU:-- has moved into Mrs. Dodge' house. Mr. Langharn has bought Ben Rain- thorp's house and stole for #700. Robert Simpson has been i-ifd up with the rheumatism for the past two weeks. Nate Stevens reports a large run threshing this fall, some over #1000, Mr, Spalding is fitting up his store and will soon open up with a largo stock of goods. We hope all will giv* hiin a call.* A wedding took place la<*t Thursday at Mr. Sherburne's. Miss Rnth Sher­ burne to Mr. E. Mansfield of Green wood. We learn that he has bought a farm near Greenwood, and will settle down to a farmer.. We wish tliem success. Mr. William Stevens, died at his home Saturday eveuitg, November 29. Funeral services took place at his late residence, Tuesday afternoon. De­ ceased was a mtn of enterprise, strict integrity, liberal in views, with charity toward -ill, a kind husband and father and the best evid"no*» of the e*teem for his memory was the large atten­ dance at his tunferal. Best nariress f»r. Best Bridles... Best Inch Lines......... Haine Straps, two for.,........ Bieiist Straps, 1} Inch.....*.,., Huines Heavy Try Reins.... •}. Five "KingHalterx Horse Blanket.", No. 1. ^u^w^Made.... 1 f k E • lift lift ains *4 C. L. HUBBARD, Nunda, Ilk MCXRXOf" ^ Of Wn-ii^onda aii^ Vicinity, If you ^vaiit to see one of the Largest and best Assortments of 1885, kinds v /ln McHenry or Lake bounties, at prices that distance all com­ petition, call at &. Maiman's, V7auconda. "WILL ftOT BE UNDERSOLD," IS HIS MOTTO Clothing: for Men, Youths and Boys. Also.a ittll line of (Tents* : 4 EafKishing Goods, Hats,Oapp, Uoots, Shoes-, etc. S C; ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF CLOAKS AEFD DOLMANS, Which will be sold cheaper than can" bo found elsewhere in the Coiinty. We mean business and are bound to please you if call. |3!F~Also Agent for the New Home Sewing Machine. u,. jyî rMAjsr Uttl:4t full and selected stqicfe of Faiiiioauble VVinter Alillik#^ which she invites the ladies of AVauconda and vicmity to call and examine and learn prices. . ' , V H. MAIM4.lti • WatKOOilm t>*e. ant, 1884. A Lawyer's °ti nlon of Interest all. J. A. Tawney. Esq,, a leading at torney of Winona, 11 inn., writes: "After using it for more than three years, I take great pleasure in stating that I regarded Dr. King's New Dia- oovery for Consumption, as the best remedy in the world for coughs, colds. It has never failed to euro the meat •evere colds 1 have had, and invaria­ bly relieves the pain in th« cheat," Trial bottles of this lure cure for all Throat and Lung Diseases may be had free at Henry Colby's Drug Store, Largs Size, 91 00. Tone up the system by the use of Ayer's Siiraaparilln* It will make yon feel like a new person. Thousand* have found health and re.lef from suffering by the u*e of this great bloo I purifier when all other means tailed. Friday, Dec. J2th, we will sell 1800 yards of Factory, yard wide, for 6 cts, a yard, regular price 8 cents; also 600 yards worth 7 cents will be sold for cents cash; and many other bargains, Com$ ewly aud avoid the rush. » -J HKHKY OOUIV. R. A. Howard, of the Red Front Mar­ ket, near the Depot, ha* Fresh Fish every Friday, White Fish, Trout, etc. Also A. Booth's Celebrated Oysters. An Answer W«nted> G*lt any one bring us a case of Kid ney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure? We say they can not, as thousands of cases already permanently cured and wno are daily recommending Electric Bit' ters. will prove. Blight's Disease. Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bowels, and act directly on the diseaned parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 60o. bottle uy Henry Colby. KING'S EVIL Was the name formerly given to Scrofula because of a superstition that it could bo cured by a king's touch. The world Is wiser now, and knows that SCROFULA can only be cured by a thorough purific* tlon of the blood. If this Is neglected, the disease perpetuates its taint through generation after generation. Among its earlier symptomatic developments aro Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu- ~ " Carbuncles, Erysipelas, mors, BoL-. . . Purulent UfcttK, Nervous and Phy­ sical Conapb^ etc. If allowed to con- . tinue. Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca- , tarrn, Kidney and Liver Diseases, s Tubercular Consumption, and vari­ ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, are' produced by it. Ayer's Sarsaparil/a Js the only powerful and always reliable blood-purifying medicine. It is so effect­ ual an alterative that it eradicates from the system Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of contagious diseases and mercury. At the same time it en­ riches and vitalizes the blood, restoring healthful action to the vital organs and rejuvenating the entire system. This great Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the genuine Honduras Sarsaparilla, with Yellow Dock, Stit- lingia, the Iodides of Potassium anil Iron, and other ingredients of great po­ tency. carefully and scientifically com-? pounded. Its formula is generally knowiv, to the medical profession, and the best ' Ehysicians constantly prescribe AVERT AKSAX'ARILLA US an Absolute Cur© For all diseases caused by tho vitiation of the blood. It is concentrated to the high­ est practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effects are claimed, and is therefore the cheapest^ as well as the best blood purifying medi­ cine, in the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY Or. J. C. Ayer St Co., Lowell, Mast* [ Analytical Chemists.] % 0 9 ^ 1 b y a l l D r u g g i s t s : p r i c e $ 1 ; l i s ; bottles for $5. Offer Great Bargains In CLOAKS, QVEKCtfifrfi, BLANKETS. ' ^ ^ YAhNS, , MITTKNS% GLOVES, VESTS. WOOL HOSIERY, 1. OODS. NUBIAS, SCARFS, : -- SHIRTS, DRAWERS. MOUSE BLANKETS. ROBES, ARCTICS, WOOL BOOTS. L LINED BOOTS, Underwear of all Description!. BONSLETT, A STOFFEL West AlcHenry, III., March24,1834. Sar JU General Grant's urgent quest, the bill introduced In the Senate last week giving him s pension lias been withdrawn. „ Forty years' experience, In every climate on earth, has proved Ayer's Cherry Pectoral to be the most reliable remedy for colds, coughs, and all lung diseases. Nr glee ted colds often be­ come incurable ailme.ite. Deal with them in time, and prevent their be­ coming deep seated in the system,1 De Land's, of Fslrport, K. Y., are always abreast sf tfs« i'hey qulekly seize upon evety possible means sf.improvement, sad in conse- SODA Best in the Wo rid. PATENTS annrtf S CO., Of fh«> BCIKNTIFIC AYEMCAX, con. trtnat n»Solicitors f ir I'utemt*, Cuvciits, TraOa Markn. C<^7rit<hL«. for the United Canada, Kogland. Wrtusce, Germ any. ctc. n->ok about PatenU aent free. Tbiiiv-scvon years' e.vix-rlenoa. PaUntaoMained tbritii'h MUNJf A CO. arenoUoed laUialloneirririo AHKUI^AM. the bert. and oat widely circulated aclcntlfle paper. 13.30 a rear. riendid ensrntvlnK* and_Interesting In. ir OS«e. SM Broadwar. *** Tork. Given Away AT. O. W. OWEN'S. My onsine»»;»t home requiring more of my attention, I have decided to «t<>ii (Minvnening tor Sewing machines, nn<l in place (hereof to offer inducements to buyers to come to my Stare w here I can show them a Latgtr Variety of tfuhues Than can be jound in any other store lii the Norlhwe&t. My Plan le This: for every Ten Sewing Machines'sold, I will G I V E A W A Y A Ladles Gold Watch, In the following mnnner: I will allow some <ti»inleresto<1 )>i>rtv to take ten plain envel­ opes in nine vf which thev will place blank c»r<l8, nn'l in tiie tenth one :t on which will be written WATCH. Ah each inachinu is sold the purchaser will be allowed to choose one of these sealed envelopes, on which they will write their name. A* soon an the ten machine* are sold, the envelopes will be opened in the presence of the nnrchaselw ami the Watch given to the lu;ky Holder. PAHK HOUSE; WOODSTOCK, ILL. P. Jai Ercanbrack, Proprietor. The best of flccoinmodatiens for Ttoartlers ami Traveling men, Itomns all new and newly furnished, and no pains will be gpured to make it plousant for all. Good Sample Room, aiuf Location Central. TERMS, 81.60 PER DAY. GOOD 8TABLIRG FOR HOR8E& I NOW READY. Having- recently thoroughly fit vou want a New Amevican So. 7, Crown, sruestic. Diainond, Davis, Kldredge, lloute- hold, Howe Iniproved, New York, Siiilnstlieid. St. John. Singer, White, Wheeler & WiUon So. S, call at mt store, try the machine. Hint I am sure I can )$ease you In price, and beoides giro you a change to get a UoM Watch. XoHoary, Nov. ̂ th, 1884, i«rniy re­ paired the Greenwood Mill by putting in a new cleaning machine new bolts, and «ivin<ar the ma­ chinery a general overhauling we are now better than ever pre­ pared to do all kinds of custom grinding^ We make a specialty ot Buckwheat and Feed grinding every day in the AYCCK. TOLES St SON. Green wood, III., Nov. 12, 18S4 10-19-tf J" dHB6.v* HMDs; TOTFUL Newt for Bora and OlrUII J Young and Old 11 • HEW IS. ung VKNTION Just patented for Home u*e I Tret and Bentl Sawing, TorntagL Boring, I>rilling,Grinding, Poliahiaft Screw Cutting. riBeeSe to960. Send 0 centa for 100 pagaa. UUA1M BBOWlT, Lowell,"" Commencing to-day, and continuing all the time, we shall, in order to reduce our stock prior to our annual inventoryf Jan. Is effe* bargains in al of goods. £ Please bear in mm our prices are uniformly low on all kinds ot merchandise. We ̂ offer first quality of at prices lower than others ask for common and inferior qualities. < Remember that our spec- 1 bargains are not for one day, but for all the time. Our stock is very complete " you will make a serious mistake if you fail to give us a call. Gome and see us and you will get Bargains Bargains Tuesday, Bargains "Wednesday, Bargains Thursday, Bargains Friday, Bargains Saturday, all the time. PERRY & OWE F. G, A Y E S . Hbaler in Ready-Made Clothin Btaple Dry Goods, Invites an ins)TCcdtioii ot his stock, all ot which will be sold at the lowest prices for <>iish. Remember good goods at fair Prices at the ^cntervillo Store. » McHenry, III., Juno lO, 1884. NOW IS THE TIME To get those Drain Tile home so they will he all ready on the ground to put in when the frost goes out. The roods wou't be so you can draw them then, and I won't have them on hand to sell then, either. What I want now is to scatter what Tile I haves® that you can all see th<a»*;4«>i' I k#^p,««u will tW ulukaataftd that I am indeed making Made anywhere. I know very well that men arc making dosper- ate efforts to supply you with inferior tile, but you w«fnt the best and ouo-ht to insist on havinsr tlijem, aud 1 iuinish these at the lowest figures at which (rOOl) TILK can lie. supplied. ^Satisfy yourselves oa thi* question and write me lor any information4you wish furtber. -f - 'Jh <** ie »al it gui Rid- WANTED to canvasH for the sale of Nnr tcrv Stock! sternly employment guaranteeit. Salary and Expenses Paid Apply M once. statinx age: (Kefer to thl^ i>aper.> ckA8£|BR0THXS8, Boebekcr, V. Y. GATES, Proprietor. •* J.*:, c- sjfft'vlc'-:- ISpring Valley Tfl© Worki,

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