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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jan 1885, p. 5

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IS 1885, (}>&$ e Table. fStT- Train* will 33 '13- SOUTH, .- ' M«r ,.<..,.7:ttA. * ' ' .•>.«.. i9M ** » ..... IMr.a ..»:» "Mm !fOR ra. ...............« ll *.* n*NB(<r 9:38 •* •Xpms .4:49T.H Pl^mter 6:57 " * R l » k , •n Stlurdi? evening last, » 6ol<i Rirg with Amethyst #ettiiiir. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving tite timi M tlwlmrthrare store* of John Lfltory.. THANKS to Mr. F.xhern»i*4t,that In •iditnzlng bis degrees of cold on the scale of lit* thermometer. he, went ao farther. Only a few more degrees tt* well flHed u these, would certainly cut life short* and that would Injure his business. M490*ID \. r. and A. M---1 is tfee Saturday on «t| i the follof the MOO and every twi IS thereafter, __ CHAS. O. OOLBT, W. M. VCMitr OBArTH So. St R. A. M -- trOoKroeatioei held on the seton* aad fonr Kridaf s u» each moneh. JOHIT ETAWSO*, H. P. •isbsz: 111 ffRlverside/£atin&4fiu Sjaf the 10th. for the PIIPAHS to meet your TH Col- t m - llWIt' lesru that a first class bakery lrHl be opened in GlHes' block tooiw HAVE yoa secured your costume for tliollasquerade, Saturday evening. ' VlRD GALE and wife, of Elfin, were •isltlng with friends here last week. JdttN A. CONN EL.of Richmond, made Mr Sanctum a pleasant call ou Saturday BKVEMBSB the at the Riverside Skating Rink, on Saturday evening. . , r FATHKK M&HRING, late ef Kau- t§e« has been lust ailed as pastor of German Catholic^huich at Johns- I r t> HM MAMIE POWERS, ef the Elgin Watch Factory, Is visiting With Miss $Iary Ann Knox, in this village, this week. • - . ifoo wlllmlss a rich treat If you fall to attend the Masquerade At the River* side Skating Kink on Saturday even- \ log. . , '• % TBK Thirty third Annual Pair of the McHenry County Agricultural Board, * Will be held at Woodstock, Illinois, September 8,9.10, 11. 1686. i C. A. KNiGHTj6ity Xttorney of Chi- /Cago, visited Buffalo, K. Y., last weelc. i and Informs us he had the honor Of an £ Interview with President elect Cleve- jtland, WK understand th*| arrangements are about perfected whereby a cos- tumer fron Chloaaro will be here ou Saturday evening to furnish costumes for the Masquerade at Riverside Rink. * * THE finest iot of Cutters we have seen for manv a day can be found at the Shop of I'. Hauperiscb, in this vil­ lage. If iu want of a cutter do uot fail to ge and see them. THE managers of the Riverside-Skat- ., lug Rink will offer a splendid pro- --gramme, with lota ef fun for week. See notion in another nptiFta this paper. A. H, HANLY, OC this village, started lasf week for the greatExposition at New Orleans. We understand he ex­ pects to be absent about a month and will visit other Iplaces of interest in the South. •VY THE fellow who slipped aj)d tell on 1 the walk below the jfost^Jfllce last 2 Sunday night was lame all over when ** ho got up except his tongue; that 1 made the surrounding atmospere blue ^wlth profanity for a short time. CONTHABT to expectations, Shedd Co., have closed the ice bukioess here for the present. The «ndf)en and aevere cold weather made ice nearer > Chicago, and consequently they trans­ ferred their field of operation to* that [.place. f A 9EVEBK snow storu| prevailed In i Motion all the lore part of la st [week and cleared oft ' the latter part WE Inadvertently omitted to not lee last week that the prize offered at the fink oil th? evening best liu|r and [genlleuiMi skaters v«« awarded to Frank L. McOmber and Miss Effla Gil­ bert Also ou Thursday evening last, the prize for the most awkward gentle­ man skater was awarded to Willie Hill. * THEPI^XDKALKR collector Jsnow upon the road and we hope yijrpatrons will treat him well when he calls and cheerfully exchange their greenbacks for that little paper which lie carries reading "•received payment." x We haye a large amount upon our books larger, In frict, than we can afford to carry, ant! It Is absolutely necessary that we collect It In order to meet our obligations. Therefore we say,.remem- ber to be prepared whp»* hp calls and send him away happy. } BREYER'S Comedy Company closed a season of six nights at Grand Hall, in this village, on Saturday evening last. The weather was cold and stormy dur­ ing the entire week, consequently the attendance was small, but the company sustained their reputation of being the be#t company of the kind now on the road, and we are sorry tliat circumstan­ ces prevented their meeting with the success financially which tliev so richly deserve. They made many warm friends during their stay, both as actors and as ladies and gentlemen in every sense of the word. Should they ever come this way again fliey will meet with a hearty welcome. They play in Richmond tills we$k., EDITOR PLAINDEALKR: -- Rev. Joel Wheeler and wife received a dispatch from Dundee announcing the death of 3. F. Perry, with a request thai Mr. W. preach the funeral sermon Sunday. Upon their arrival iu Dundee o i Satur­ day afternoon they found that six were lying dead awaiting Interment. Mrs. Perry had been in Iowa several weeks, attending a sick daughter. Ou return­ ing home ou Jhe 2 P. M. train she found Mr. P. waiting at the Depot tor her. He was In excellent he tilth and spirits and they walked to their home a mile from the depot. At half past live he partook of a hearty supper and while sitting by the stove conversing suddenly put his hand on his nomacli and with an exclamation and a few gasps for breath, he expired. Mr. Todd his neighbor and ii tlmue friend, hear­ ing of his death,came In and was much affected by seeing his old friend lying cold in death; so much so that lie did not sleep much at night, and only two days from the time Mr. Perry died, Mr. Todd, while entering his own door, fell and suddenly expired. Tim®, after two days separation, the eld friends are, we fondly trust, united in a better and brighter world. The funeral ser­ vices of Mr. Perry were conducted In the Baptist church by Rev. Mr. Wheeler assisted by Revs. Fish and Foster. The church was well filled, and pmm old settlers were present. I EDITOR I'LUWnEALEit:--In response tola. T'tntions a larfrc company gathered at the residence of Mi1. K. tluaon. of Volo, 111., Wed­ nesday erening, J-Mitiary Wth, WS5, to witne«t the mftrrlige «f their second dan^hter, Miss faints M. Huron, to Mr. Simeon B. Ruisell mt Vo!«. Tho nnpletnnt weither dW not mar the idetstinine*s of the evening, nor did It casta shadow over the company, n« they all knew too well *h*t » gittherinr at Mr Hu9ons wenn*. At a Httt© after 8 o'clock as Miss Issle Clark pjavod Mendelsohn's wedding inarch an the piano the bridal pair took their stand an- der a beautiful marriage bell that had been suspended from the ceiling at the end ot one •f the large parlors. Misses Sarah Russell and Nellie Huson acted as bridesmaids, and the Messrs. Snl Ktis.ell and Geo. Huson as grovms men, In a few well chosen words Elder Brooks, of Wanconda, pronounced tlietn hits band and wife, and as Atiss Clark struck the chords of the wedding inarch again, the com­ pany gave their congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Russc.l. The bride was very richly and neatly dressed in a lovely bronze green silk, her only ornaments being fish scale jewelry and oriental bracelets sent by a friend from Florida for the occasion. The maids were tastefully arrayed in silk. After the congra^. ulaAond were over an elegant supper was served. Tne guests were mostly young peo­ ple, friends of the bride and groom. There were friends from Princeton, III., Wankegan, McHenry, Wauconda, Crystal Lake, Hberty- ville, Chemung; even some started from Elgin with their sails ont, but on arriving here they were forced by the cold weather to take them iu. The evening passed pleasantly with vari­ ous games. During the evening, after some line instrumental music, SGiss Nellie Huson read vert Inely a poem written for the occas­ ion by Miss Clare Critchett, of Chemung. The poem deserved all the admiration with which it was received, coming from the pen of that talented young writer. The bride and groom started Thursday morning upon their wed« ding trip into Northern Wisconsin. The pres­ ents were numerous and useful as well aa ornamental and beautiful. Below is the list of presents: One hundred dollnrs cash from gloom's fa- ther; decorated dinner set ofdis'iesand large clock, from jrroom's parents; table linen, from groom's mother; jewel case, groom to bride; center table and cups and saucers, Sid antt Sarah Russell; pearl handle soli 1 silver butter knife, bride's mother; rocker, Mr and Mrs ST. D Smith; 1 doz silver knives, Elsie Smith; oil p.vintinsr, Nellie Huson; gold band dishes, Geo and Willie Hnson; 1 do* silver knives and lorks, Mr and Mrs M A Mo,Key, Mendota, IlLj silver standard Imuer dish Mr and Mrs \V J McKev, Princeton, III.; sot glassware, Lillle Huson, Waukegan; silver butter knife, Kay Mclvey, I 'rincetnn, III.; set silver knives ana forks and set of table spools and tea spoons, M H Boothe, Elgin, 111.; paper rack and lidy, Mr and Mrs T H Oakes, Wauconda; silver pickle easier <nd tongs, Mr and Mrs, KiisseiL Burlington, Iowa; silver cak* casket, Mr and Mrs N T Moulton, Wcnona, III.; silver gold lined cu^ t Mr and Mrs l>r Payne, Delphos, K(tn.; panel clock set on easel, .Mrs M Say leg; Elgin; perfume bottle, Jennie Sayles; liMiig. in;' lamp, Mr and Mrs SiinoD Stoffel and -Will •Bonslett , West Mcllenrv; silvei standard toilet bottle, JameJand Issie Clark, Liberty, vil ' .e; s:\i in t idy, Kiuie McCbesney, Indian Ford, Wis.; table linen, Dr ami Mrs" McChes- ney, Wauconda; satin pin cushion, Mr and Mrs F Schnorr, Crystal Lake; silver aud cut. glass rruit dish. Misses Brink and Wilber and Fred Hill , Crystal Lake; majolica fr ii tdish, Mr and Mrs H D Wells, Wauconda; china toilet set. Mr and Mrs R Fitch; Longfellow's poems, Artiiur Stanford; brush and comb case Susie and Minnie Itenwell; set silver knives and forks, Geo and Alf Benwell; cut glass cake stand, Lela Paddock; tot silver nut picks and nnt cracker, Itobert ami Albert Paddock; individual salt , pepper and butter dish, Clayton and Cora Dean, Ivan hoe; sliver napkin ntfts Kay and Grace Owen, McHenry; lamp, Lou Lobdell; wall banner, Kensington painting, Loie Itangs, Waucondi; set silver nut picks Mr and Mrs Geo Russell, Cedar Kapids, Iowa; picture, Fred and Kffle Inieson, W •inconda; pair of dainask towels, Jennie Wood, Janesvllle, Wis.; oriental match safe, Clare Critchett, Chemung, III,; Gems of Poetry, Mr and Mrs M C Smith, Wauconda, set silver teaspoons, Mrs Kate Townsend, Plover. Wis.; one ot K P Roe's novels, Mr and Mrs Will Smith, Hainesvitle ; one set of silver t iuit knives, Mr and Mrs Frank Moulton, Wenona, III.; plush framed mirror, Mr and Mr» Hammond, Chicago, l i l . [of the week with the ooldest weather we have experienced here this season. On Sunday and Monday morning the thermometer marked. from 24 to 34 ^degrees below aero. TBK McHenry County Teachers As­ sociation will hold their text meeting atNundaon Saturday next, January S4tk,and It U hoped that every Teach- , "i or in the county, and all others who 4 , ^ have the educational interests of one county at heart, will, so far as they can, make It a point to attend. Re* member the. time and plane, Nunda, Saturday next,'Jan. 34th. THAT H. H. Nichols is the "boss" Painter In this part of the State we have long contended, but there can be •eon at the Warehouse of E. M. Owen , A Son, a cutter painted by him that wutm ihe cake* over anything of the kind over shown in this town. It is perfeotion Itself, and must be seen to be appreciated, as no words we can say will do U justice. Call a 0*en 6 Son's Warehouse aad examine It. it THESE was a large attendance at tbe Riverside ^katlng ̂ Ink en Satur­ day evening Int, and the Jsarrel JRnce created an Immense amount of fnn. The condition of the jfcoe was four times around theliail nd go through a barrel suspeaoed from the ceiling each time around. The one making I the qulokest time to miive a prize of catlng/Bap. The^rrize was won by >rge McOmber In one mtnute and l*ro seaonds. ' WE have received the very generous Offer from a Printing Company, in Chattanooga. Tennn of a 15.00 Con fed ortto bill for the insertion of an adver­ tisement. We are not so fond of array backs ss we are of greenback*. These Individuals may put some value on this rebel trash, but we would not give a nickle for a bushel of it. We want It neither (or what it has done, what it do, or what Its rebel II isay ife. tt to a rebel JteMttafaoa, Riverside Skating Rink. The Riverside Skating Rink offers the following attractions (or the next two weeks. Thursday Bvening, January 22d, to the best lady skaters, in couples, a sea­ son ticket to each of six admissions. Saturday Evening. January 24th, a Grand Masquerade. Skating to com- meuce at 7 o'clock. No skating without Masks until after 9 o*c!ock. The Mana­ gers will furnish Masks at 10 cents cadi. Admission to Rink 15 cents. Use of skates 16 cents. Season tickets not good on this evening. All those wish­ ing costumes can see styles aud learn prices by calling on O. N. Owen, at Perry & Owen's store. This Masquer­ ade is not what is Oalled full dres>, but those yho attenc1 can act their pleasure and wear such costums as they choose. The McHenry Comet Band will fur­ nish music on this occasion Don't forget to come out and see the fun. Thursday evening, ' January 28th. A Three Mile Race. Priw a $1.00 Ticket. Saturday evening, January 31st, Turkey Race. Contestants to be blind­ folded. The winner to have the Tur­ key. The Rink will be open every Thurs­ day afternoon from two to fonr, for both ladles and gentlemen. STORY A HOWE, Managers. CARD OP THANKS. The friends of the late Mrs. Edward Wallace, desire to return thanks to Mr. and Mis. Arthur Whiting, and other friends and neighbors, bath In McHenry and Lake Counties, who as tisted in the late kind offices to the deceased and extended words of com­ fort aud acts of kindness to the ft lends. 8TILL AT THE FRONT. JUSTEN BROS, West McHenry would respectfully Inform the public tlmt their store is full of Furniture of all kinds, consisting in part of Center Tables, Lounges. Bed Room Sets, Par­ lor and Dining Sets, Mattrasses, Bed Springs, Picture Frames, Mirrors, and In short everything in the Furnitnre line of the best quality and which will be sold at the LOWEST PRICES. IRT short we will not be undersold by any House in McHenry county. Call and #V\.v- " JUSTEN BE<W. % » ' GREENWOOD. EDITOR PLAINDKALKR Henry Brit­ on, of Elgin, made a dying visit to friends In this village, last week. The. Cemetery Aid Society meets with Mrs. John Crooksliauk, this Wed­ nesday. week. C. E. Jones is the clerk, temporarily for the new firni. John Gtigo, the genial little clerk of D W. Soper tiie past year, has finished ills labors atul gone to his home at Dundee. Geo. W. Carr carried of the laurels as the best speller at the spelling 6chool Friday night. The L idles Aid Society meets with Mrs. J, H, Garrison Wednesday. June 28th. Mrs. Ira Barlow, of Harzard, hag boen visiting relatives and friends at Greenwood the past week. Win. Rider, whose health has been failing the past year, has gone'to Co) ora.lo. Mr. and Mrs. Taft, once residents of this village, but now of Chicago, visit ed with relatives here last week. Veterenary Surgeon Dr. G. E, Adams is at Marengo this week, on profession­ al bus'ties?. J. Vroman, a former teacher of the Public School at tills place, but now in business in Dakota, made a short visit with friends here last week. A'ter having delivered a load of hogs at Woodstock on Monday of last week. Elting Mansfield's team became unmanageable by some gearing of the wagon giving away, the wagon was overturned,Mr. Mansfleld being thrown t-> the ground, striking on his head, from which he sustained injuries ren­ dering him unconcious for some time; however, our kind neighbors at the "hub" administrated unto his wants, after which he thought himself able to return to his home. He sustained some quite severe bruises whlcii have detained him from his arduous duties on the farm. Greenwood, for many years hat boasted of a cheese factory, but no proprietor since its erection ever made a sue ess in the management, till the property ca ne into the possession uf the present owner--Adam Wester- nian;|hrougii4ils industry and integ­ rity. Mr. Westerman has succeeded in establishing a very large patronage. We are glad to know that he has se- fCured the service of M. Dassow for the coming year; Mr. Dassow Uiorongh!y understands the business for which he is so well fitted, and stands second to none as a butter and cheese maker in McHenry couuty. There will be a donation Friday night. Jan. 30,1885, at the residence of Job Toles. for the benefit of the pastor of the M. E. Church. Rev Jaycox has been an arduous woiker in the cause of Christ since he has been with the good people of Greenwood, and his efforts have been crowned with about twenty conversions. We hope to see a house overcrowded, and s liberal supply giv­ en to our worthy pastor. A change has been perfected in the mercantile business in this village --D. W. Soper who has been with us the past six years, retiring, Frank Mansfield taking possession. While, we regret to lose one so well fitted for a country store, and pleasing lo a coun­ try folks, yet. we wish him success In whatever avocation he mav choose In the future; to Mr. Mansfield, who comes among us not aa a stranger but orie whose character is fully established, we bespeak^* Ml* | liberal patron- age. , OOKTKIBtrr«T> BT 3. P. BKNNKTT. Y£SYtClt0AY. JIT S. FITXMORR BBKHKVT. ; G O. Yesterday, ftweet Vesterdajr, i To thfte I stretch my he fplfss hanc*. * To bring thee bad: ftci-oss the ,>light divine 'f""v-*****-.- Tina tl:en <va»mlne! ' , ( , O pnre heart living close to HUM ^ ^ Whose birth, wrought light ̂ Krom out ihe nicht., Led sent th ward from the hovison'srifllt Left tn thv white arms, YesterAayl ' iv JThat gems divine* This heart ot miae Vhatargistes On thv fair (eas, . ' . " Sailed ever from m y sisrtat bilt yeiterttafl And mnst It Ue . • •> That on to me • • None of my treasures call I back-- The gems that shine, Vw* With light divine, . ' ; I.ike diamonds along thy winsome traek.?' Again to croon, . Thv yoltlen noon," -jv."' Tbesongs that hushed my ftabOt to re#tl Again toilet JA-i Their baby lip?, , Bow would it soothe, O iTeaterday, ihb|: breast! I; ¥ •I' The dreams of peace That brought surcease Of pain to me bat yesterday, y Ah, thev-are tledl ^ * ? Sleep with the dead " f- Whose loving brought me joy bat yesterday! Tonng manhood's sprln§Jf. / v The wedding ring, p* •'» The altai vows so solemn swe«i| Despite my wi'i , , Thou holdest still, 6 Ker glvest back one word my stall to greet! • O. can it be «:;«' • Bternitv - •" flalds all mv yesterdays in tre(Ua\ To be restored, . M- A precious boartt. W- When hand that wntetb voW^H tnrn«iio dast? r, 1 hope an<Mong To sing the aonjf Again, I sung but yesterday, Whe'> life was fair • v As lilies are, ** '* And faith was aneiiored where Keavea'a harpers play-- . To pluck the flower* Of childhood's hours, ;v«, r That grew so sweet but yes To clasp the hand* 1 The heart-warm hands ,,A' That thrilled me to the heart butr Jestardayt All, time and tide , Wait not this side Of yesterday, howe'er wo pray! •;: Rich freighted are i - -The wi»ves that l>ear ' Wy hopes aud fei'.rs Ueyoiiu (lie fair To-Day! Yet, trust I still 5 The gracious will S Ol Him who notes the gparroWw QiU, -Shall give to mo ^ Again to see i , My cheicest buriod treuures. one •wtxer »er was putflrtoa magnetic sleep and laid out upon the stage until wanted, where he rematned quietly and apparently .musonsclous. Young Kimball was made, to believe his nose wis bleeding and to wash >t In a chair supposed to be a wash dish; to wash Ills coa*, to bellfeve it was wrong side out. that it was not his, that it was stolen, etc.' The* exhibition would have -been very-Interesting to any one wishing to investigate the subject, had it not been for the bail­ ing mob of idiots present who laughed, roared, howled and stamped at every­ thing dune, and so ruined the enjoy­ ment of the sensible people there who would have been glad to hear and learn something. There are occasions (and that evening was one of them) when one devoutly prays that the fool killer] might put In aa appearance #iid pro ceed to immediate work. Meeting Albert Mygatt In the drug store the other day when he was pur­ chasing"Spanish browu." we inquired to what use he intended to put it. He replied" that it was a remedy for cholera iu fowls. Some friend or ac­ quaint an ae had informed .iiim tliat it •vas a sure preventive of the'disease' when given in their drinking w/tter, and that It would cure it witgn the fowls were already affected. If thU be a fact It is one worth remtemhering(for tens of thousands' of dollars wortb of poultry die -ot cholera in thN country every year. It is a very good thing to keep a piece of ru^ty iron In the drink­ ing dish, or, to keep a solution ef sul­ phate of iron (copperas) In the fowl house, maktng it ofs a strength of one ounce of the sulphate to a pint of water, and put a table spoonful or tyro of it in each common pail full of water that !s given the fowls, i'his we have tried personally and have no doubt that It helps to keep chickens"'*tn good health. The poultry journals recom­ mend an occasional feed of red pepper (Cayenne pepper) during the cold weather. About a dessert spoonful of t|ie pepper-should 'be m1*ed with a six qu>rt panftil ef. ^et meal or other fe».d. * Collector H. K. Booth commenced taking in the (axes on Monday, i We are unable to give programme of the Congregational Church Choir Con­ cert, It not having been handed tp by the Directress. On Monday evening the Breyer The­ atrical Company commenced a weeks engagement at Coulman's Opera House Their play Monday evening was Dora* We aie Informed that Ira Richmo-id, of the Arlington House. Genoa Junc­ tion, was set upon and horribly beaten and stamped in the face by Ills ex-bar keeper. We did not learn particulars. BATTERT ANDY ATOMIZER LOST:--I iiavQ lent my electro-magnetic battery or left it at the house of one of my patients. A steam atomizer, for medi­ cating the throat, and a bed pan are missing In the same way. Whoever lias either of these articles will confer a favor by returning to me, or leaving at tiie drug store of A, R Alexander, Richmond. 8. F. DBWKETT, M. D. News reaches us of tiie death of El| Manor, an old and well known resident of Genoa Junction, Wis. He went to New Orleans, not long since for the purpose of visiting r lie World's Exhi­ bition, and intended to remain during the winter. Being taken ill, he started for home, in care of a friend. He got back to Genoa last Saturday, In a very exhausted condition, and died about 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the next day. The funeral was held at Genoa on Monday. ' ' * . Messrs. Bennett, Wray, Eldredge and Dennison, of Richmond, attended the skating rink at McHenry last Saturday evening. A couple of these young gentlemen had the misfortune to smash up their cutter* near the old Clairmout House, and had to foot it throug the snow to McHenry, a not over nice task with the* thermometer at 10 decrees below zero. They were not to be cheated out of their futi, how ever, and on their arrival in town at once visited a couple of McIIenry's fair­ est daughters, who accompanied them to the evening's entertainment. Nor were those young ladles unmindful of the delicate calls of hospitality, for they furnished their escorts a dainty supper after the skate. The cutter was too much demolished to be re pal re di and after a few hogfe' rest at the Par­ ker House the i'oftwiate unfortunate young gentlemen had to hire a livery to transport them to Richmond. On Thursday evening the ten mile race on roller skatts came off at Coul- man's Opera House. Four entered the luce--Eldredge, Vosburgh, Bennett and Jobonnot. The latter gave out on the 208th lap, and left the race to the other three. Tiie score was »s follows: Vos­ burgh, 275 laps; Eldredge 273; Bennett 2C6. The race was too long altogether, and it is to be hoped Mr. Coulman will never aflow as long one again. It was just pitiable to see those boys towards the last of it. The test of speed can just as well be made in a^ffve-mile race as in a ten-mile race, and the, first distance is not sufficiently long to ex­ haust the contestants and Invite a fit sickness on account of such violent and prolonged exertion. Awards* First prize, wine set, Frank Vosburgh; Sec­ ond prize, a vase, Charley Eldredge; Third prize, admission tickets. R. C. Bennett, After the rollcr^katlng on Thursday night. Miss Kiddf, a trayeling mesmer­ ist, gave an exhibition of her powers at the Opera House. Tiie crowd pres­ ent was immense. Among the volmi teer subjects, about 13 or 20 in number, she found two. John Rector ana Harvey Kimball, who were susceptible to her EDITOR I'ILLMBEALER :-As otir t>u has been unrepresented In your valuable paper'for some time* we send you a few items. Jerry Smith is doing a rushing busi­ ness iu the Boot and Shoe line. Anyone visiting to buy a good team of horses will do well to call on Nathan Stevens. O, kiss and make up and forget ail about that Quartette. Who won the barrel rliee, Phil or George? Mrs. Charlie French is doing aland office business at Iter new Millinery Shoo on Main Street. EaW Mead is paluting scenery for he Dramatic Club. For * an ainattter painter the work is splendid. We understand that the p£amatic Society will appear before the public next week. In the tlirllting ^ftama of the Little D<?tectlve.!ij| W« predict a ecUJIfTreat for those who attend, as no pains will be spared to make it first class in every particular. Good Beadsteads for tl.60, at Jupteii BlVs., West McHenry lit. t r New Millinery* MRS. H. H. NICHOLS wishes to in­ form the ladies that she has just returned from the city with a fine line •of new styles in Mliiinery, and Fancy Goods, etc, to which she Invites their especial attention. No old shop worn goods, but all new and of tiie latest .styles. Call and examine goods and learn prices, I am also prepared to do Dress-Mak­ ing on short notice and guarantee satisfaction Cell aud see me in second story, of blogk. MRS. H. H. NICHOLS. ^ Farm for Sale. [l;0ler for sale mr Farm situated four miles west of McHenry. 246 acres of land with good buildings, three large barns, and a good house also good spring . wftter. Every tiling in good order, PHILIP GIESELER. 10-20 4w Russian Circulars cheap it;^FitMlro­ ntons & Evanson's. Underwear marked down at Fitxsim- mon's & Evanson's. Iu the announcement of the Open Camp Fire and Oyitor supper to be given by the Richmond Post G, A. R., after once writing to the good editor to have the date changed, we got-it wrong after all. After we had written and had the date made tiie 24th of January, tiie committee of arrange ment8 thought belt to make it the 31st and so it now stands. Please bear in mind,then.that OM Saturday evening. January 3lst, 1835, Richmond- Post G. A. It. give an Open Camp Fir^ and an Oyster supper at the Methodist cliL-rch. The entertainment is to be free to all, and the supper afterwards will be 25 ceutR. Hon. B. Smith, of Woodstock, will deliver an address appropriate to the occasion, and the Richmond Congrog^itonal Choir and tiie Richmond Cornet Baud will furbish some of tholr finest numbers.' The committee are endeavoring to make arrangements to present otiier Inter­ esting features in the ontertalnment Indeed, no palas will be spared to give an agreeable and instructive evening's programme. Should there be any sur plus after paring the expenses of the supper It will go to the relief fund of the Post. And this brings to mind a remark heard the other day: ••What does a G. A R. Post in Richmond need a relief fund forP" .Very fortunately there Is little need ot assistance to Le given soldiers -or their widows.and orphans in tills immediate, vjclnjty. But there is a cohstant call for aid from some place or other, and seldom is a meeting held at which no com­ munications calling for help are not read by the Adjutant. By this noble, benevolent Order, thousands of desti­ tute widows and orphans have been provided for. One dollar from each Post in a department lias time and again lifted the mortgage from some poor widow's home and thus secured to her aud her children a roof to shelter them, and lifted from their hearts the fear that a hard hearted c.editor would turn tuem into the street. The chari­ ties of the Grand Army of the Republic are as wide as the national domain. A cordiaj Invitation is tendered the pub° lie to attend the Camp-.'Fire. .'.Remem­ ber the date, Saturdav evening, Jan. 3lst, 1885^ Rockford Flannels at a very libera) discount at Fitzsimmons & Evaoson's. Ron New Clothing, "patented,* at flett it Stoffel's. The Bos9 Barrel •Story's. Stock lor Sale. Having rented our farm we will offer at private sale for the no^lS days the following: 15 good Cows, springers; 1 Ili.lsteln Bull; 1 pair Brood Mares, with foal; 1 pair three year old colts; 100 wethera, feeding, and 100 store sheep. , W. & A. MOSGROVE. Nunda Taxeafi* ^ The undersigned. Collector for the town of Nunda, will be at the Itestau- rnnt of L. D. Linqpin, West McHenry, Wednesday of each week, for the pur­ pose of receiving Taxes. All those in- teiested will take due notice. W. W. HAIGHT, Collector, NunUa. Wood seat chairs, 82 25 for six chairs, at Justen Br.s. West McHenry. Extra heavy red Twisted Flannel, former price 50 cents, now reduced to 28 cts, at Fitzsimmons & Evanson's. Single Lounges 95.65 at Justen Bro?, West Mclienry. We offer bargains for cash in all kinds of, ̂ anu lined goods to close. FITZSIMMONS 3b EVANSOH. No sufferer from any scrofulous dis­ ease, who will iairly try Ayer's Sarsa- parilla, need despair of a cure. It will purge tne blood of all impurities, therebv destroying the gernrs from which scrofula is developed, and will infuse new life and vigor throughout the whole physical organization. Forty per cent discount on'Cloaks and Circulars at Fitzsimmons & Evan- sou's. Good Cotton Flannel at 5<|.cen?s per yard at Fitzsimmons & Evanson's1.' When a lecturer has worked the ladies of his audience so near to the weeping point that they have gotten out their handkerchief, and then sud- de» ly changes his tone and speaks of the merits of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup he Is bound H» reuse a i««Ung indig­ nation. Everything In the Hardware line at bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. 'Overcoat, never such bargai its M Itow obtainable at Henry Colby's. Good Bedsteads for 91.70, at Justen Bros., West McHenry. ill. Extra heavy Sheettug, 6 cts per yard at Fitzsimmons & Evanson's. Go to Mrs. Howe's for Dressmaking. - SMOKERS, csli for High Art." They havo fij No trouble to show goods tf questions at R. Bishop's. Buy theEstey , best. O. W. Owen, 4 pounds ef Tea for #1,00 at Bossietl AS Stoffel's. 22 pounds broken Bonslett & Stoffel's. City residences for Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, Go to Mrs. M*l in»ry, Dress Making and Faaear We carry the largest line sng In the market, aa ' always as low as good , lis wry The Lyman Barb' Wtrf, t»tfc | and galvanized,derf^d^tho i^*^ in the market, st John I. Story's. Tiie finest assortment of Bird Olgtl in tewn, at John I. StOry'S. ~ > Blahop'a Roller Mlllo'Flour. For Sale In Wauconda, by C, S,' Jencks. Try a Sack, It cannot tall t# ?- please you. lliall Frank's Polish for _ not rob oft or soil th* by ^ Building Paper, cheap, at John Story's. A fine assortment of very IN inte Iron Wire at John I. 3tO*f% ^ FITS All fits Kline's Great after first day's use* Marvelous Treatise and t2.00<#ftf battle M l* Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, «l At•* St. Phila„ Pa. THE fiuest assortment of Machines to be found in tho O. W. Owen's. Churn, at John I Good fitting pants of good cloth, al wool, only §5.00. Made by E. Lawlus Bring your cash to Fitzsimmons & Evanson'q amj receive sound value. C. H. Fargo Boots and Shoes at Bon­ slett A Stoffel's, All the Fancy Cutters at E M. Owen & Son's. " 2 large boxes matches, 36001 for 25 cents at Bonslett & Stofiel's. ;: Please Remember that my prices are as low as the lowest and 5 per cent oft for cash. J, B. BLAKE. Wood Seat Chairs, 92.40 for 6 chairs, 5 per cent off for cash at J. B. Blake's 36 Inch J Cashmere, all colors, 27 cents at Bonslett & Stoffel's. Only WHlnut Extension Tables 83 cents per foot, at Justen Bros., West Mc- Hariry, 111. We par the very highest prices for all the good butter and eggs you can bring us, Bonslett A Stoffel. We have just added an elegantfline of dress goods, which are offered at out usual uniform low prices. Henry Colby Mens' all wool *ults 94.00. Chinchilla Overcoats only 95.00. Boots & Shoes sold below Chicago prices at E. LAWLUS'. New Lumber Wagons All complete for 950 at the Wagon Factory of R. Bishop, McHenry, 111. 16 styles of Bureaus. 8 out of 15 will draw a fine chrouio 24x30 at J. B, Blake's. Wheat Waned. WANTKD. at the Fox River Valley MilK good Milling Wheat, for which the highest.pricejiJ-eash will be paid. R. BISHOP. McHenry, III., April Uth, 1884. FOR SALE OR RENT. ? <PWo houses in the village of Ring- wood. Terms reasonable. Apply at once to WESLET I.ADD. Ringwood,jNov. 10th, 1884. BOB SELlOH8~~FOR SALE. Warranted to last until the year 1900, Don't buy until you call atul see them. R. BISHOP. No. 1 Ash Extension Tables. fojP 65 cents per loot at J. B. Blake's, No. 1 Walnut Extension Tables, 83 cents per foot, at J. B. Blake's. Lumber Wagons, Milk Wagons, Plat form Spring Buggies for s»k at R. Bishop's warehouse. BOBSLEIGHS FOR SALE. Warranted to last until the year of 1900. Don't buy until you call and see them. R- BISHOP. Good Single Lounges for 96.00. Bive per cent off for cash. J. B. BLAKE. Bed Lounges only 98.00 at Justen Bros,, West McHenry. New Lumber Wagons All complete for 950, at J. W. Grim- olby'f, Ring wood. 111. 2*2-1 m No. 1 Bedsteads for 91.85, 5 percent oft for cash at J. B. Blake's. CUTTERS CUTTERS. The finest Cutter that ever came to the county you can see at E.>||,<Owen & Son's, - . ; Wheat Wanted. WANTED, at tiie Fox River Valley Mill- good Milling Wheat, for which the highest- price In cash will be paid. B. Bisaor. tfelKnry, III., April Uth, 1831. 16 lbs New Orleans Granulated Sugar Cor fl.OO at Bonslett A Stollei*. Fu!l and complete line ef Me Boys' Clothing, at reasonable Perry A Owen's. Please remember that our stock It every department is very ooapleto and that our prices are aliraya tilt ;y- lowest that can be made. Wo Will wot be undersold by any house In IfcRinf# ; Co. Henry Colby. "V'vli For Sale or Exelumgfe > One or two good houses, with barns and otiier out-buildings; orchards, wells, cisterns, otc. Wall located near the Depot In Wost ICo> i Henry, together with land from OR* acre to fifty. Will sell vary cheap or trade for a farm, or western wild land, Also a good house to rent. A IUTMOBD. S- West McHenry, Ilia.' Cleaning and Repairing done in th4 neatest manner, by E. Lawlus, NOTICE. Two flrst class tailors are 0flipl0y«4~ by E. Lawlus, to please the pooplt oi Mcllenrv with g^od fitting gam '~ F, fiouck, of Beiolt, guanmtMtft no sale. . , - Farm for Sale* The undersigned offers for salo Farm, containing 204 acre*, sltMl one mile West of tho ' Henry, on the Woodstock v*|W. G buildings, living water.plootjr of fruit, and a young" well adapted for a stock rarm. to Railroad Station and aCioolt tory. For terms and other , inquire of the undersigned on thO premises. Him a MllA McHenry, July Wth, 188L Tliousands of Dairymen. Will testify that Dlbklmoift Co* Prescription saved tbelrvoows frMS having milk fever. It ehonld bo glVM in every case as soon as possible alter the cow calves. It will also caoso hot to do well, and increase the tow if milk. It is worth from 9S to all tho cow is worth to every one using It For sale by all Druggists. Five Pound6 of the Choicest Japan Tea for 92. Call and get BMbptO «f what I give away, i B. GlLBOtT. GLASS I GLASS ! We keep Glass of all sizes oonstaatly sizes out wlthonl 1 on hand. Special extra charge. JOHU I. STOMT. New Lumber All complete for 990), at the Wqgtft Factory of R. Bisop, McHenry, 111, FEED CUTTERS. The Belle City takes tho load; tho strongest and best, at £. M. Owen A Son's. E. Lawlus Has just returned from tho city( a fashionable stock of Cloths. Goi#s should keep one eye open fits. Store opposite Rive McHenry, Illinois. For Sale or Bent. The Brick Store opposite the Patkor House, formerly occupied by Gv ,W. Besley as a drug store, is offered ftp sale or rent. Will be sold on long tiaM or rented on reasonable tersss. Apply to. B. Giuunee. West McHenry, NOT. 5th, 1884. " i Good Bedsteads for Blake's. 91.70, at J. Ash Extension Tables at 65 oents a foot Justen Bros., West MeOtp^ . Collector's Notloe. The undersigned. Collector for Uii Town of McHenry, hereby gives nottao that he will be prepared to rooolfo Taxes, commencing en Monday, Jan. 12, 1885. Every Monday he can bo found at the store of Lay A Adams, Johnsbnvgfc, TUESDAYS:--At J. W. Cristy'sstore, Ring wood. THURSDAYSAt Nordquest ft Welh er's shop, McHenry. SATURDAYS:--At Fitzsimmons A- Evanson's, West McHenry. G EO. ROTHKRMKL, CM lector. - AUCTION! Feb. 10th, 1885. itig at twelve o'clock. Tho i will sell at Public Auction, west or McHenry, the following! iv. Fifteen new mllohMWS*OSp@j year old horse. 1 six year lumber wagon, 1 four year old three seated buggy, 1 tO&f year old colt, 1 suHty diamond tooth cultivator.'] 2 plows, 1 drag, 1 reaper combined, 1 double harness, AUCTION t Prices foi odd «oatt and Boys only»at X> I Riverside ~ ^Sii! MUM SS®iS:£: xa# -• T.r

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