w •• pv- la. m of 1^ adjourned KltlM 15th, 1884, at 11 by tit* Clerk who tTtiftlrraan, 1. R. Cartlss, H H3cc?ssarf that be elected. * BWwp moved that Sup. Blake p teapoarjr •jhalnuan. Motion iters all present at.roll call ex- Curtlss and Garrison, •f O. H. Falrchlld and L. Leldl* read to the Board and refer.-ed ilttee on claims. p. „j«©ininlttee to whom "was referred the Alfoaquln bridge matter made the IMBowlaf report, which on motion was Adopted, to-wit: dp ILLINOIS > - BcHenry County. J ^Xloird of Supervisor*, January term, Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the qf Supsrvixrs; * ? soar speoial comaalttee to whom H't|. refeired the Algonquin bridge «UM>; weald respectfully report that we iMto OMtplled with your instructions $or tbO matters pertaining to said And further that we have job SOOh action in the case as in our Oglifbttla for the be»t interests ol all tl«t Interested. All of which is to the approval or disapproval #f jo«r Hon. Board. On the 2d inst in tttSnecilOQ With the Road Cooimis* tenors or aaid town of Algonquin, we j«lit*0t»d tbe bridge a love referred to. Thai it •§* trldge Is necessary is un- Q--atleaably true, and should receive tfeN9 Immediate attention of tiie road <^0>mlsioners. Said bridge is 278 feet loii'Bgth, and a new one would, un- ilfnbtedly.cent more that twenty cents dallar valuation on tiie latest HMaasment roll. «s required in Section 3l[ ftoad acd Bridge law. Tiie town record also shows that they have raised nifty cents en the last assessment, as TMidred in said Sec. 19. But if major ppsoftftld levy is necessary for the «M$l«Muy rottf and bridge expenses. w« fall to see wherein tbe town has pro- VUlfd its ooe-half of the es imated •aid bridge. On this point I© be a difference of opl u- > aeitlo wbiett we agai in met Road Commissioners at Crystal oa the Oth inst, and unanimously Ivpoo the following compromise, " as before stated to your ap- rflail o/ bridge agreed upon is MiMo the one contemplated by " commissioners except the .. h are to be built of piles ln- i of Bmtavlastone, which we think i be equally as good and better in tfalt particular location, and can bo Wit at much less cost; probably not tftyfif Hug per lineal foot. And in •6dheeil,jrWr committee has agreed commissioners, lo join with them and pay thirty-three «nd rdpereent of the same. We " irefore recommend that yonr 1 appropriate twelve hund- > (or *o much therefore as is iaeeitaaffy) to defray one-third of the *xp*4N|»pf building such bridge. We ftptlmr recommend that your Chair- lint i committee ' of two, as for in 8ec. No, 19, Road aud Law. . r«f which ia respectlnUy submit- Ibstks Bauber, R. Bmor, Committee, the Chairman appointed and Barber as such com- Bishop moved that Mr. Baldwin, County Superintenent of schools to make an explanation to his school report. Motion d« Whereupon Mr. Baldwin spoke Home length in regard to his school .fW** *®d school matters generally. Sup* Hadaill moved that the County \ fap't ofBcbools be allowed 12 days ••'••••**** t§t the year 1883. Motion car- •d. . Sup. Hatch moved that H. R. Bald ^ llln, the late County Superintendent of be allowed pay for one hun- forty live days for tbe year In^ptttftmber 1st. 1884. Sop. Blifcep, offered tbe following MMatfmeut, that tbe late County ^operlntendent of schools be allowed 0*rc la addition to tbe one huo- liii and forty-five days. The ayes Md oaf* being called for resulted as ;;; film: Ayeo-Sups. Hadsill, Parker, hOWden, Williams, Blake, Grosebeck, Tbe McHenry Brick Manufacturing Oomwiny are now ready to supply Brink in quantities SMALL -TO- "SftW-l y;- k. • IK « i„1 "• - i ' u Their Brick hr« second t» nrm» to lie found In tiie market, anil wilt be told at the towest market price. Persons intending to build, or those handling brick, will do well to i-al!ami soe us before puruhasiug. " We invite an examination »nd compavieon With m* Brick mart* in the Northwest. For farther information apply to or address McHENRY Manufacturing Co McHenry, III., June 11th, 1884. "THE OLD FOLKS AT HOMK." White v.r.;: WAUOONDA, ILL. v ww*- ] • > . * k » • t ^ i ^ s^r- . - - Hi.-1 s'" s i ft McHENBY, >' ' «<•» *•& • _'r Vv m j •; * {t< } ^ i' • "I t&y friends and the public In general. I'take tlik op portunity of wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year. I am pleased to announce that I nave made arrangements to occupy two columns of the I*laindealer for the year 1885, through which to inform the public, than I am again a candidate for their favors and patronage, 1 appreciate your trade and hope that by honest, squarl dealing, and uniform low prices to, in a measure, merit a continuance of the same, assurin on sale one of the largest an you tihat I shall at all times have most carefull selected stock of General Merchandiaf. ever showu in this Couny. In many Uepartmeitl# very great bargains for cash buyers* I "itt ' offering u„; In v;vi' -> -i'm- >. Suitable for the season, including choice Novelties not to be found elsewhere. We have a very full assortment of t)ress Goods, Shawls, - ; Cloakings, Underwear, Housekeepers Gooods. And in short everything usually found in a General Store, which we offer &t moderate price!* ;The Celebrated ^ ai DSAf.ERjt IS *• -h* j Wlf OF ALL KINDS. ^ Store ,,#a twi> doors north of t The Best in the market, and every pair warranted. •ad Mittens, a Full OurGroeery Department : 11 Complete. Call and see us. Wauconda, 111.. Nc(v. 17tli, 188i* ^ 1 have one of the largest stocl f Furniture of all kinds to buud in any furniture store the county. Persons wishing buy will be sure toeavo mc by calling on mei? 51 UNDEtfTAKIMC. I have 35 different sixes Styles of COFFINS AND CASKETSI Always on hand. iearse of my own which will turnished at the most reasonal: ratefc. 4. B, BLAKE. PRICE BROS. BOOTS AND SHOES! kir* that 30,000 lives have t>een destmyed by the explosive qualities of Petroleum. If eVcry household should ailojit tha White Seal Oil fei Cimilv use, none of lhe«M uufortunikte*o-4 Qidents w*uld occar- ;^i li. m White Seal Burning Oil Has none of the defects usually found In common Oils. It cannot be exploded, does not char the wick, will not smAke. emits noj < offensive odor, and prevents the breaking of chimneys. White Seal Burning Oil Is a rich Oil for Illuminating purposes. It |s as light in color as pure spring water. It gives a strong, steady light and burns much longer than common Oils. If this Oil is not sold in yonr vicinity, send y*ur older direct to us for a barrel or a case containing two Ave gallon BROOKS OIL CO. , • N<Q»W READgl^ ̂ Having recently thorough re paired the Greenwood Mill by putting in a new cleaning machine new bolts, and giving the ma chineiy a general overhauling we are now better than ever pre pared to do all kinds of custom grinding. We make a specialty ot Buckwheat and Feed grinding, every day in the weeK. TOLES & SON. Green#*Od, 111., Soy. li, 1884 10-19-tf Still Out of The Ark of Safety jMeodrlch, Barber, Sawyer, Mead, k«; (IS); Nays--Flavin, oxander. Hatch, Palmer (5); Mitch 7amendai«ot was adopted. Motionj»M aiaeaded adopted. Sup. Badsfll moved that this Board Supinrlanrs appropriate the sum of twelrJhundred (#1800) dollars to aid la balding the Algonquin briege, and his sum or so much or it as will necessary to aid In the construction of said bridge, shall he subject to the •rder ot the committee appointed to look after tbe said bridge. Motion arfM. Sup. Dike maved that tbe Algonquin bridge committee, poor lioase com- mlttae. Board of Superviiors, and ClMft bo allowed the usual per diem au4*ltoage. Motion carried. Supw.|U(talll moved that tbe matt r of loaatlng the residence of Perry / Spooner, an Insane person confined in Oonnty Poor House be put in the ^iMndB of A. W. Young, Attorney, with ' fcitroetlons to take such steps In tbe *s be may think best to get at the - <acu In the ca*e, as to the residence or ,tlMIMid spooner. Motion carried. ' Sup. Williams moved that the Board ad}M>raedsine die. Motion carried : s S. E. Blake, Ch'm. Protein. | AM«t--Wm Avert, Clerk. Many oQyou are. DANGER m TO LIFE & PROPERTY v • Beset you on every hand. The nutter of the slycoon^sickloon, saloon, cyclone, tornado, windstorm, or whatever name may be given it, is beard in some section of the conntry nearly every day. The Fire Fiend May break out at any moment--the economy of a lifetime be constimcd. Death must come to all. By a small payment each year you can secure to yourself a fortune, should you live, or, in the event of death before the time ex- pires, your famiiy i« provided for. tlSO.UOO.tXtQ s represented by this agencv. Our rates are is low as experience has found to be 6afo, Vou will save money by insuring with me. (ienetal Insurance, Life, Fire, Lightning and Tornado a specialty. Thanking all my friends tor their liberal patronage, and hop ing, by tsijuare dealing, to merit a continuance Of th 6aiue4 I beji to subscribe myself, Respectfully yours C. H. MO HEY. McHenry.^lL. Jane , 1883. 4BT1CK TO MUTHEKg. Ate you disturbed at night tnd brok- r*f your rest by a sick child suffering T^ipliiC with pain or cutting teeth? f.MOd at once and get a bottle of rlnslow's 8oothing Syrup ror teething. Its value is Incal- . I^i*iP |®}lev« poor little Depend npon it mistake about it. dimmer? and diarrhoea, regu- «|M alomaoh and bowels, cures eeUfl, aoftona the gums, reduces iMRItOB and gives tone and en- i tho vrhole system. Mrs. Wins 8jrup for children taut t# the taste, and loo of one of the oldest phystoiAM and nurses td fttatea, and 1« for sale by liout the world Oui inventory just completed finds us with the largest stock of Clothing we have ever had in January, to reduce it as much as pos sible before spring, I shall continue to offer the entsae line without reserve at 20 per cent discount for cash; I* department we hftTe set^tl lfnee whioh t ^feiw i^iose out and have consequently marked at cost And below according to id can sri • and Winter Stock is now complete, consisting ot Women's. Misses and (Children's Fine and Staple shoes in all the latest styles. Men's Boys'and Y outh's Stoga Kip, Veal Hip, and Calf Boots, Rubber Boots, Gum Boois, Men's, Women's, Misses' and Children's Buckle Arctics, Alaskas, Self-acting Alaskas, Fancy Rubbers and , j i Arctics in all the latest novelties. Men's Felt Boots, Siberian Boots, Beaver Fox Boots, Wool lined Fine, Kip and Grained Leather; and in fact everything ually toil nd in a first-class Boot and Shoe Store. We make a •specialty ot Oente Fine We keep the Selz Cel ebrated Breech and Muzzle bhot Guns. Powder, Snot, Caps,Wads and CartrldM tor sale. Flshin* Tac Kle^cheap. 1 Al. Kinds of , Sporting %4 i 0< iL.%' * AND REPAIRING DONE. _ A good Breech Loading, Double Barrel* Own, warrant Twist, |SC. Winchester Blfle, 76 model, 15 shoto, |2S. Nickel Plated 6 shot Kevolver, fS-Hi Self-cocklnf British Bull Bog Pistol |5.M. A geoil Single Barrel Breeeh Leading, Singll Gun, warranted, $8.00. I will undersell any hou'e In tbe cennty! Guns and Sporting Good*. If you want s ga gun it will pay you to call ana see me. 1 w rant every gun I sell. Clothes Wringers repaired new Bolls put on. t*rice pair warranted, $2.50. B. SHERMAN. Woodstock, July lftth,18S3. stales and sizes, in Our regular line will complete m this market and as ginfc , give you some splendid bargains for cash, as usual, be found the largest and most retofore sold on very close mar- 1 : 1 am confident" we can show m fine and complete a line of staple and fancy Groceries as ever offered for gale in McHenry, many goods: in this department are cheaper than they have been for 20 years.' This department is unusually complete special attention^ called, to bur Black Dress Silks which are offered at extremely low prices; we also have a fine line of Cashmeres in colors and Black Ottomaus, Dress Flannels, prices within the reach of all. < " " lne^rargeBt BioCk Tii 10WD ; W6 Dtqr tuera tacturers and will sell extrmely low for cash. th. nxan J. P. SMITH WATCHMAKER: McHenry, - JEWELER, IlUnoii. ; n»rlng moved into my new store, one door. Bast of Mrs. Hearles' Millinery Store I am ' now prepared to show to the buying *" public as fine a stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware, As can be found In tbe county, which I offer at prices that cannot be beat. The linesf line of Finger Riugi, Erer seen In tbls sectio&4p|Also|,Agent for the Popular Haw Bom* Snrisg UaeUna. A.Fine Stock of CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, AND CIGARS. Always on hand. SVCall in, examine good* and lesrn prices. Bemcrnber 1 will not be aaderaold, quality of goods coniidmd. J. Pm SMITH. KeHenry. IU^Oct Bj |C*.: .VA 4Jifl latflgt «tplai iiiiiI htf GOODS A large line of Ladies and Gentlemen's Underwear in Scarlet and White Medium and fine quality many lots are now offered for cash al less than we paid for them at the mills where ihey were manu factured, during our invoicing we have found many odds aud ends, to keep our stock clean we wish to close out these remnants of lots and pieces, and in many instances you can purchase some for less than one half the original cost of production. Yor example we now have a few dozen whita WOOL HOSE, former price 50 cents, we are closing them out at 10 cents a pair, and many otner articles friends for the very te past and soliciting ent servapt. ° lown The best in the market; also the Ludlow* Keyuolds and the othei Standard makes. We have a tremendous Stock, can fit you in any kind of Boot or Shoe, and we know that our way dc Low Cash Prices will just please you. Remember the Place is at the Old Reliable Cash Store, Corner qt Main Street and Public Square, Woodstock, IlL . , tSF^N. B.--- House Established 1865. j W. H. JOHN I. STORY One Door of the Riverside House, i V Has a complete line of the beat Stoves in the market, as well m> f " t a.large stock o Lamps, Chandeliers, ,Aa4 •«> *hort> E*er^thin^lnithe Hardware, BABBASIS IH • ' .. . i For Coal and Wooi *---CA LL OBT--- V E.M. HOW: OppoMlte Bishop'* Mill, j Who has a complete' line of the best stove* i Ike market, a* wall a* a large stock of Hariware, lechaiics Tools, TIN, COPPER & SHEET IR0I WARE, And, In'fact, ererythiag In the hardwaJ tl*Tt and tin lino. BE WILL NOT BIB UNDERSOLD. Oall at his store before buying elsewhef fobbing and repairing promptly attended ' 4VRemember, extra good bargaws oaB way* be obtained at Iiowe'f. McHenry, Deo. 1.18SS. I He Will Not be Undersold!. CALL AT HIS STORE BEFORE BUYING* ELSEWHERE ^ lobbing and R pairing Promptly Attended to. lahg sf^tra good bargaius can always be obtained at JOHN I. STORY'S. ) l ) > n 1 1 1 . , J a n . M a t , 1 8 8 4 . A 5^ DEALER IN ,h WW-"' {Uf«)riid«,Bl<wki McHswjr, 111. -mmm" e Dry Goods, )x'« • " n ' * "aninip^dli'oi Ws att^l Wliich s6M at th^f lowest prices for cash. Remembr good goods at fair Prices at < he Centerville Store, ^ . „ i F.C. MAYES. Plows! Plows Hp hauperi^ch, '.>•MeHeiirj, lllinolM« Wtu.l Inform the farmers of McHenry ai surrounding ceuntry that be 1* prepared ^ to sell them a FIRST-CLASS PLOW And warrant the same,at a lower price thi •an la purchased elsewhere in the county. Cutters, OutteXi 1 hare just received a nnmber ef Oatter taat for style and flnlah cannot be beat. Ol and Me them. All Kinds of BLA CXSMI TBI NO, ItAOO wl CARRIAGE work promptly attended t IIEPA HIING, ol ah kinds on short notice. IVGWa us ail and we will please you both In quail!, tadi«*oe «f work. P. HAUPKR19fH. II 9»ll fMi Melfrarjr, 111%, Oct. 7th. imL For Sale. 1 offer the followiog Pare Bred Poa try for sale: 1 Black Oochin Pullet. 1 Black Java Cockerel!. 18 Plymouth Book Cockerel Is and 17 Pallet « Brown Leghorn Pullets, and Oockerell 9 Wyandott Oockerell*. These birds price for •OODja* will be aold at a lo of stock. Ifboufft O. W. PBAOTT ? t * Wauconda, II PATENTS. Illy EN TORS* M»d model or skewh >tir invention, when I will make carefal ftj ninary examination,and report ae to patea , with advice, circulars, etc., ftw< . All business before V. 8. Parent oflU your liminary ability, charge. attended to far moderate rate*. In forma and reference* sent on application. No ehari unless pa ent Is seen red. , Directly op^s^e^8^S^»^^8iiSl,®* Importani to BupturedPersoii The Bzeelalor Rnpture Cure Mfg Oa.. t Ogdensburg, V.. guarantee to cure aavoai of reducible HeriTa with their xhk Rcrruait ruiiwt mb HBAtn vonav. This treatment te endereed be",Dtoggt^ and pa bile. Send Seta fsr free beek on ftu t i ... j . ,.... : -j a &' .„!T W : : l ^