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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Feb 1885, p. 4

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ate LT, FSB. 11, 1888. <TKfi, Editor. see that Mr. William Price, Jiltdent of Chicago, and latterly la Lake county, died Dpi U. Ho*was postmaster daring the first year of . Buchanan's admlnstratIont one (tie proprietors of the Times in 18M4*,aiid a member of the legislature fro* Lake county in 1877. Elgin Courier says: Rap- lliiBUttw Cha». K. Fuller Is deserving of the thanks of tho Republican pftrqrla Illinois for tho magnificent fight ho baa made for the Republican organisation of the House. Fuller ls% bora loader and on the floor of the Houae daring tho session will daily add lauNla to his already splendid reputation," 89*Free trade is a had egg any way yon take Ik The efforts of the free­ traders to force it on the country are like tbeea of a waiter at a country ho­ tel wbe wanted a guest who hfed order­ ed fried eggs to have them scrambled. yer*d better have dem eggs tbled." "Bring me fried eggs," the gvett said, and Sambo retreated to tho kttcben, returning soon with the same admonition: "Boes, yer'd better have den eggs scrambled." "Bring me frietf eggs !" roared the guest. Sambo brought them scrambled. "Why in the name of sense didn't yon have these eggs fried F" MDe rac' is, beaa, day's jasf er laatle addled." IVPresident Arthur and Postmaster General Hatton have put a stop to the resignation of postmasters and the ap* pointment of their deputies, for the simple purpose of preventing the ap­ pointment of Democrats until the dose of Cleveland's administration, by issuing an order that no postmaster will be allowed to resign under the present administration without speci­ ally important reasons. The order is jost. The Democrats are entitled to the offices and Mr. Cleveland should be allowed to fill them. Besides the pre: cedent will be a bad one for the Republicans four years from now* when the country will be on the eve of a new Republican administration. •a:. 19*1 curious and highly significant re snlt of casting a single vote is related by the Jefiersonvllle (Indiana) News: It was In 1846 in Scott connty. of this State, Just before the poll dosed it was suddenly recollected that a certain worthless fellow hadn't cast his ballot fle was banted op, a pair of boots was loaaed blm to walk to the peile In, and afterjpttlng his fifty cents and a drink of whisky he voted. His vote elected Has Davis, democrat, who went to the •tale legislature where there was a contest for United States Senator. Da­ vis voted fer E, O. Hannegan, giving hla ooe majority, and Hannegan's vote aaaexed Texas, which brought on the Mexican war. It is to be doubted if ever before or since .a bootless demo- «•* exercised so great an infijjeiice 1 the destinies of his country. ' The Mormons begin to under the motto. "It never rains but It pom." The Christian free school no sooner began to undermine them than the courts exhibited unusual ac llvity in securing conviction along various lines of attack, and now their hope of relief from the Democratic party is shaken. On the eighth Instant, at a meeting of the Young Men's Democratic Club of Salt .Lake City Alpbeus Toung, one of Brigham's aonsj fearlessly and scathingly denounced Mormonlsm and polygamy, showing the system no mercy. The Gentiles present say it was the richest thing In the hisory ef the anti-Mormon agita tlon. He was hissed andfsworn at, but all to no purpose. There is hope for Utah when Brlgham Youne's sons talk ym that strain.--Congregationalitt. A joint caucus of tho Republican members of the Senate and Ho use ,| at Springfield last week, nominated Gen. John A. Logan for Unlted States Sen­ ator by acclatnajjllit. This is but a just tribute, to an able soldier and statesman., anu one whom ihe people delight to honor. On being notified of his nomination Gen. Logan came be- fore the caucus and spoke as follows: General Logan said that for the mark of confidence he should ever feel gratitude in his heart, He should ever 1 owe a debt of gratitude lie could not pay for the many kindness shown him by the people of Illinois. He did not know that he had filled every «xpec- tation. but he had discharged every duty as faithfully as he could do. The Legislature stands a tie. Some timeR people say "we cannot elect.*' Would It >iot be as well to sav l,w« will not i«t the other side elect," This he meant by votes and not '»y revolution­ ary methods. He would have them consider that the other side might be defeated. The en«*my -may be shat­ tered and weary. How can the Demo­ unts win the contest? May be a long time, and if so, it Is a question of pluck and endurance. He never commanded in the field where the enemy with equal numbers got any advantage of him. [Applause.] Defeat came last fall. It is now a question whether the Republicans can stand defeat.. If the party stand together they will'win. If they break in twos and lours they are gone. If they stand firm, leaving their Quarrels behind them, the Democratic party has gained Its last victory for many years to come. He w«'uld like to be elected, and if the Republicans stood by hi on he would be. [Applause.] He closed with these words, "if I win, it shall be by no dishonorable act ol mine, nor by permittiiiy it on the part of my friends, I will win the appro­ bation of men of honor by an honest, straightforward course in the contest, I want no office that shall come by bargain and intrigue. If 1 should have to condone criminal offenses for tie sake of office, I would ask heaven to strike me with a thunderbolt. [Ap­ plause.] I thank you again for your kindness and generosity, and 1 hope in this contest, for the benefit ot the Re­ publican party, that our course shall, be that which shall lead us to success [Great Applause.] The Legislature Is a tie on joint bal­ lot, but Republicans of the whole coun­ try are looking to Illinois with the earnest hope that the contest may re­ sult in the election or Gen. Logan as Senator. His admIrablo services during the campaign and the manly spirit which he lias borne his defeat have won universal respect and sympathy. He had always impressed the people as a gallant soldier, and as a sturdy, di­ rect and robust political leader. But the public estimate of his intellectual strength and his sterling manhood lias been greatly enhanced by his bearing as a candidate ou the National ticket. He rose to the full demands of the National canvass and passed through its long and severe trial without a mis­ take. It is only a curious political wrong which makes any contest in tills State at all, Illinois is emphatically a Re­ publican State, not only in tbe total vote but in the individual districts. The wrong is chargeable to the system of minoritj^representation, which an exchange truly says "confuses tbe m'.nd of the voter, leads to fraud, trick­ ery, and deception, enlarges the repre­ sentative districts EO that not one man in a hundred knows the candidate for whom be is voting and finally leads to the injustice of which we complain." Upon every code of political right, with 25,000 Republican majority in the State, tbe Republicans ought to have the Senator, and the Senator ought to be Gen. John A. Logan. * Republicans everywhere will continuevto watch the straggle with earnest solicitude for his success. The nnderafake3 W Auction-on bit farm, 3 east of the ftttam ef BeHenry, Thursday, February litb. 18H. Com- nifiicing at 10 o'clock, sharp, the fal­ lowing property: 17 cows, new milch and springers, 1 brood mare, 1 three year old colt, 1 milk wagon. 1 feed grinder. 1 stack hay, a quantity rye teed and about 200 bushels of oaia. Will'also ofier for sale, at the same time and place, 31 acres of land, with a dwellUug thereon. TERMS OF SAUC. All sums of flO and under Cash. Ov#r 810 one year's time on good ap- proved Notes at 7 per cent interest. JACOB MILLEB, Snd. AUCTION SALE. Till undersigned having rented their farm for a term of years, will sell at Public Auction on their farm, known, as the Peck farm, 3 miles seuth of the village of McHenry. on Saturday. Feb. 14th, 1885, the following property. 20 choice cows, new milch and spring­ ers, 8 heifer*coming three yeas old, all witneaif, 1 holestien and 1 durham bull two years old each, 1 span mares with foal, 1 three year old gelding, 1 four year old stallion, well bred. 100 weathers good feeders, 150 store sheep, 15 good shoat8, a quantity tame hay, quantity oat straw, 400 bushels oats to be sold in lots to suit purchasers, 100 bushels potatoes and other property not above mentioned. TERMS. All sums of 810 cash, over 820 ten months time on good approved notes at 7 per cent interest. 1 per cent oft for cash. Free Lunch from 11 to 12. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock sharp. W. & A. MOSOBOV*. F. K. GRANGER, Anctloneer. AUCTION! Tuesday, Feb. 24th, 1885. Commenc­ ing at twelve o'siock, The nndersigned will sell at Public Auction, four miles west of McHenry, the following proper­ ty. Fifteen new milch cows, one three year old horse, 1 six year old horse, 1 lupiber wagon, 1 four year old horse. 1 three seated buggy, 1 top buggy, 1 two year old colt, I sulky cultivator, 1 diamond tooth cultivator. 1 bobsleigh, 2 plows, 1 drag, 1 reaper and mower combined, 1 double harness, 1 single harness. ^ TERMS OP SALK: All sums of $10 and under Cash. Over that sum a credit of 9 months will be given on approved Notes at 7 per cent. Interest. \ P. GIESELER. REVOLUTION THE WEST END. • '>'-U * mm Commencing Saturday, February 7th. ', ' • ' : •CqNTpUING yWpT ff* ' ' ' * » V •• r' •- . H _ \ «.,« * * „ / r . -V" * ~ * This means for CASH only and it means that all kines of Woolen Goods and Many Others must move if Low Prices will do so. 2000 Tarda Standard Dress Ginghams.... ....... " Good Prints....... 2000 M Sheeting, (yard wide,;... ...» 1000 M Cotton Dress Goods ........ , 2000 M Bleached Cotton (yard wide) * ... 50 Hood 100 Ladies Nublas, (former price 81.00) 10-4 Double Blankets SF Tbe managers of the New Or­ leans Exposition have sent a commit­ tee to Washington to ask Congress for a loan of 1500,000 to tide over the pres­ ent crisis in its financial affairs, which indicates that there is. truth In the re­ ported failure of tbe Exposition as financial venture. ' i, M^Persons who talk abont hew had the times are, says the Ful- jton Democrat, do net know what they jwe talking about. The truth is that ^ 111 kinds of produce (except wheat ~4 #one) is 25 per cent higher than In '87 While all groceries and staple goeds |: that farmers need are 25 per cent low­ er than then. The country also is full *• ; ,tf atoney. and far fewer people are out • -"ff employment in this section than at former periods of stringency. About ' the only cause of trouble new existing - «ls the want ef confidence, or fear that fomethlng bad ?• about to happen. It Is ; abeer folly. Times are not bad. All . the people need is common sense and C eeurage. Courage with a big C Is the greatest need of tbe hoar. And tbe vfeattle cry should be: "Death to tbe breaker.1* • • •V.f M,v* « Zephyrs Good Clt>ah Cotton Batts Ladies Skirts Worsted Dress Goods (former brice 25 cents). .... Mens English West. Suita (former price 820)....; Chlldrens Suits, (Coat and Pants) Chlldrens Suits (all wool). 50 Mena Coats at half price. 50 Mens Suits from 84.50 to 810.00 6} cents. * 5 " 8 .from 10 to 25 26 cents, 90 .6 cents per ounce. 10 cents . .from .50 to 81.40 16 cents . . • •';*». . ...... • .815 85 cents .-r. X./,* NOTE DISCQUWTa.' AUCTION SALE. Having sold my farm, situated one- half mile west of Wauconda village, I will sell at public auction on said prem ises, on Wednesday, Feb. 18. 1885, the following property: 20 tine Cows, new milch and springers. 7 Heifers coming 2 years old, 1 Bull £ Durham, 1 year old 3 Calves, 7 Shoats, 1 matched span ol Horses, heavy, 1 set team Harness, Lumber wagon, 1 2-seated Buggy, 1 get Travers Sleighs, 1 single Uutter, Seeder, 1 single Cultivator, 1 sulky Cultivator, 1 sulky Plow, new, 1 set 600 pound Scales, Horse Fork *»nd Rope, 100 seasoned Fence Posts. 15 bushels Potatoes, 1 barrel Cider. 4 Milk Cans. 1 Blanchard Churn, 48 Hens, 1 dump Wheelbarrow, and other articles not mentioned. Free lunch from 11 to 1.2. TERMS:-All sums of 810 and u>;der Cash, over that sum a credit of Nine months will be given on approved Notes at 7 per cent interest. One per cent ofl for Cash. W, H. FORD. F. K. GBAKOEB, Auctioneer. there ever was an unscrupu­ lous demagogue It Is E. M. Haines, 'ffjast week he served au order on County Clerk Ryan, of Chicago, for the ^ballots and all tbe papers In the famous Ataman-Brand contested election case. "His object plainly was to obtain pos •esalon of the ballots, and to keep them rout of the hands of Judge Blodgett's O>ort. It was a deliberate attempt to Maekin and his gang, who are BOW on trial, and wh i no doubt richly 4eeerve tbe Penitentiary. Haines had no more right to Issue this order than we bad. If the order were legally Issued at all it must be done by a vote •f tbfe House. It was a deliberate at­ tempt te shield the conspirators from v jitflee by an unlawful assumption of power, and is simply infamous. But |J|it wa» defeated in his attempt, and flwrill to bo scorned by all honest Jt» tinajfutuca. He has shown blm- ^".:!«ifllttl* tetter than the prisoners to serve. The Inter Ocean. In 1885 the Inter Ocean eaters upon the four­ teenth year of its existence, Given unusaal confluence br the people in its eirly days it has steadily gr»wn in favor until this "day, wh n the publishers take pride in the fact that the paper goes into more homes and has > greater number of readers than any publics tion west of ihe AllPghanies. From the beginning the Inter Ocean has sttod firmly by the principle of tbe Republican partv, and has, in seaion and out of seastn, coniended for "prstection to American indus­ try." |lt does not agree with the idea (hat the msaion ot the Republican party is finished; on the contrary it believes that, purified by adversity, it will m the near future again rise to the higher planesof thought and action and be completely restored to the confidence of the \merican people. The most important agencies in accomplishing this result will h* Republican Journals. It a reliable, staunch Republican newspaper was important when the Republican p&tty was in power, it is doubly so no.v that the Democracy centrel the National Government. i he Ii ter Ocean will in ttie future as in the jast be the medium through which the best Republican thought w^U be given to the peo­ ple. It will voice the convictions of advanced Republicans without teeing unfair even te Bourbon Democrats. It will be aggressively Republican without being bitterly partisan, and will give as much attention to 'be affairs of Clevelands administration as it weald Have given to the admin titration of Jar. Blalae had he been elected, With an Associated Press franchise, with special wires reaching to N- w York and Washington, with special cirres- pondents in all important points ef thecenn- try, the Inter Ocean will use its facilities tor collecting news without fear or taver, an I so far as governmental afftirc or party move* ments are concerned will give a fuller record than any other paper. All of the old departments will te continu­ ed. The scope ot the WOMAN'S KINODOK will be widened so as to take in all tbe industrial and reform movements in which woman are interested and engaged. OUB CURIOSITY SHOP, now % standard, will be given greater variety and interest. In the FARM AKDJIOHE and other departments the widest possible range ot topics will be discassed. Of original short stories and serialt, tbe very best by American and English authors will be given during the year. Arrangements have been made to publish during the year short stories by BOYESEK, HOW ELLS, LATuaorand others, and a new serial by the anthor of "One Summer," and to publish all these in addition to he serials by Miss BKADDOHand other English authors. In every department of news and literature the Inter Ocean wiU make a better recorc than it ever has done. TEEMS TO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS, POSTPAID. Daily, including Sunday, per year i.eiSSO Daily, excluding Sunday, per year..... . 1000 Wednesday's Edition, with Musical 8np* plement, per year a SO Saturday's Editi n, sixtee pages, per yr. S 00 Sunday's Edition, six een pages, per yr.. SOS semi-weekly Edition,published Monday and Thursday, per year 2 50 Weekly Edition, per year 100 Fer the accommodation ef thepatrons of the paper, the publisher of the Inter Ocean has made some valuable combinations with the weekly edition, viz: Weekly Inter Ocean and National Stand­ ard Encyclopedia (180 Weekly Inter Ocean and National Stand* ar.1 Dictionary 180 Weekly Inter Ocean and Lives of our Presedents ISO Weekly Inter Ocean and Popular Bis tory ef Civil War 160 Weekly Inter Ocean and Ladies' Manual. 136 Weekly Inter Ocean and Mythological Dictionary 1 Weekly Inter Ocean and Dictionary of Synonyms......; 1S5 Weekly Inter Ocean and Usages of Best Society ISA "Veekly Inter Ocean and What Everyone Should Know IBS Weekly Inter Ocean and Dr. Danielson's Medical adviser 1 Weekly Inter Ocean and Inter Ocean Watch ... SSS Weekly Inter Ocean and Little Detect­ ive Scales 3 00 "eekly Inter Ocean and Family or Un­ ion Scale... 4 sb Weekly Inter Ocean and Our Curiosity Shop i Weekly Inter Ocean and Good Oheer. .... 185 Weekly Inter Ocean and The Inter Ocean Sewing Machine IS 00 Sample copies of the paper sent on applie*. tlon Remittances may be made at our risk either by draft, exprestj, postoffice order, or regis terM letter. Money sent in any other wsy is at the risk ef the person sending it. Ad­ dress : ^ £ THE INTER OCEAN. is Madison street, Chicago. 950 REWARD $50 P TOP HHP THB BQUAL Of • . 35 per oent. discount on Overcoats, \ 45 percent, discount on Ladies CloakiV 90 per cent, disccunt on Shawls. 90 per oent. discount on wool lined Boots and Sh<p|iu 10 to 90 per cent, discount on Underwear. 10 to 90 per cent, discount on Flannels, 10 to 20 per cent, discount ou Yarns 10 to 90 per cent, discount on Gloves and Mittens. 10 te 90gper oent. discount on Hosiery^ Our ffrst involde of OC(is, Of room for Spring and Strainer ever brought to wc or into McHenry -will close out our winter Boots and ^hoes, re­ gardless of cost, for we must have the room. We can and will give you great bargains in these goods, and it wiU pay you to come from all over the country to trade with us. Good goods at low Gash Prices. Remember the place, Cor. Main Street and Public Square, Woodstock, 111. N. B.-House Estab­ lished in 186& W. H. DWICHt. 7% "J Towels, White Bed Spreads, Cardigan Jackets, etov, etc. - Ladies Linen and Velvet Collars, OUR ENTIBB ftTOCK OF Gray Brothers Shoes at Wholesale Prices. We invite particular attention to our Lines of Gray Bros. Elgin and Sockford Beots and Shoes, Rockford Flannels, Yarns, Gloves, Mittens, Clothing, Underwear etc., all ot which are in every re­ spect FIRS1 CLASS and whieh the CASH BUYER will do well t o i n v e s t i g a t e * . , ^ ( . . ) o v t * ? - „ < * ' V W* * % » " - o Discount Except for Cn^h* In rendering thanks to our friends arid patrons tor past favors we hope by strict attention to tho wants of the Trade to receive in the future a moderate share of public patronage. r 8 I M * O » » * a V A e a o M . GOLDEH OPPORTUNITY Oar Second Annual Clearance Sale to Close Ont Winter Goods and Make Boeni for Spring 8took will Commence Jan. OFFER CREAT BAJSCAINS IM , Overcoats, Blankets ~ CAPS, TARNS, KITTENS, GLOVES, Wool Hosiery, Hoods, HuUss, Setifc, Skills, Snuftff, • Hague Blankots, Bobos, AroUos Wool Boots, Wool Liud Boots, Hubbot Bost% ALL 1 DESCRIPTION* w West lfeHenrjr, l^|<|#lsreta M> 1884. Bonalett Ac «rf t •. >? ' k x HARNESS! HARNESS] 4 Prices Cut to Desttbu LASTING 40 DAY* swnms B1DUCTIQKS, CLEAEHIG OUT PEICIS " : Will be tbe Principal Featnre of this Sal*. 8TEH s t̂: ow Stock of Men's nnd Boys' Reartv-Mnde Suits nn<i Overcoats will be - • Our Our tCleaant Closed out STlck and Clean at Pr<ces that will Asloni Jh the Natives of McHenry Co. Dry Ooocls Department Contains Numerous Special Bargains* PLAIN PLAID, BROCADE, AND FANCY DRK8B QOOD& TRIMMING SILKS A NIT SATINS, VELVETS, BUTTONS. KtC. WOOLEN UNDER WEAR, FLANNELS, HOODS, SCARFS, HOSIER Y, MITTENS, GLOVES, and Other articles too numerous to mention; all at prices that would shame a thief. A LARGE STOCK or BOOTS. SHOES, SHOES for Men, Women and Children, be closed out while Winter lasts WOOL BOOTS ARCTICS, OVERSHOES, WINTER HATS AND CAPS. FLANNEL-LINED These things must I recognize no competition. My store is filled from top to bottom. Heady-made ffoods on hand at all times. Here is the difference be* tween Cash and Time: -trjit§£s- ©iartP • Best Harness far .».$34.W.......... Best Bridles..........................•....«•• 4-®0.._ Best inclv Lines. ........... ®.U| ( Hume Straps, two for .... 80.. • * • Breast Straps, 1J Inch So............. S'V?' ; Hames m******* *** " 2 -- Heavy Try Ileitis.....*• S: ^ ^ Five ItinR Halters...» , J? Qor^e Blankets, No. i,..»............. 9 Collnr, Hand-Made * W G. L HUBBARD, Ktunla, lit. SALERAJ^ LOWSHAR "H Best in thcVforlJ. aa&va&siiXz. For Sale By Fltzsimmons * Evanson, West McHenry, 111 C F Hall A Co , Blcnmond, III. A B Alexander, Richmond, ai, J F Packer, Blchmond,|Ill« • O C Colby, Nunda, ttl. F Bowe, Hebron, IMfei K S Smith, Alden, IIL ' J VV Cristy A Sons, llo|WMd, HI. " | Kuckmaa A Bice, WllmotrWIa. H 3elp, Lake Zurich, IIL ' GoMIng Bros. Wauconda, 111. Wells A Werden, Wauconda, Ul, B Tweed ft Son, Spring Grove, Mr ' ' . *> . . • Ley ft Adams, Jobnebnrgh, 111. B Maner, Genoa Junction, Wis. C A Sauer & Co., Long Grove, 111. H Sogers, Volo, 11U Come and See Us. * ' Money Talks. We Mean Business. C0LTB1N, Alpomii, 111. I-cSO YOURS TRULY* " "And Don't You Forget 1^ M ANJOITUN Alpiipil, 1. •» A 8tartling Discovery. Mr. W in. Johnson, of Huron Dak,, writes that his wife had been troubled with ncute Bronchitis for many years, aitd that all remedies tried gave no permanent relief, until he procured a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, \ the March which had a magical effect, and pro- duceda permanent cure* It is guar­ anteed to cura all Diseases of Throat, Lungs, or Bronchial Tabes. Trial bottles Free at Henry Colby's Drug Store. Large Size #1J00. Overcoat, never such bargains as now b tillable at Reary Coltyra. Administrator's Notice. Estate of John Welch deceased. The nn signed hartng been appointed adminis­ trator of the estate of John Welch deceased, late of the county of McHenry, and state of Ulir.oU, hereby give notice that he will ap­ pear before the County Couct of McHenry Couniy, at the Court House, In Woodstock, at the March Term on tne third Monday in March next, at which time all persons having claims itgninat said eatnte, are nolitled and re­ quested to attend for the purpose of hnving Ihe same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated 6th day of January A. D., 1835. Ha. WELCH, Administrator. The Boss Barrel Story's. Churn, at John , I ,v& WyiA .V*' ' . DEALERS IN Sudwtti, Stovss, Kawsit, Lumber Shinglea, Lath, Fence Posts Coal etc In short, we keep everything in the above mentioned lines, which we are offe ing to the buy­ ing public as cheap as any other house in this section. Call and See us. JOBBING & REPAIRING, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. HELM & PETER. Algonquin, Feb. 18,1884. Store two doors north ; Perry A Owen's, Would respectfully inform the public that hit store is full of 1 1 A S T O P P E D F R E E • • MsrweUus sweet**. • • Insans Parsons Rsitorsd • • •SDr.KUNB'SORBAT - • • NERVE RESTORER \/of all BRATH tt NMtva DISBASBS. Only ntrt • curt /"• Nfrvt Ajfretuns. Fits, Epilrfty, tte. JIKPali.iblR if taken as directed. F\Ct mfttr MJlrtCa.n 's rue. Treatise an l f 2 trial bottle fnet* ' nis. tliry pay ngeTpres*ch*rBe»onbo*whe» . Ssnd names. I». o. an4 exprets SddNM of to Iiv.KLIVH.oit ArrhSt..Fhll«dehi|iU.ra. > Druggist*. ££ tVARH OF iMIT A TING FlAvblL A fine scfiortment of very fine lnte Iron Wire at John I. Gran. Which will* be sold it the Lowest Prices As you will see by notice else- .] where, and will not be UNDfcB*0| SOLD by any house in McIJefll^S or McHenry County. ' UN DERTAKING. COFFINS AND CASKETS^| Always on hand. I keep a^i Hearse of my own which will be^| furnished at the most reasonable | ratefe. £$ 4. B. BLAKE. The finest assortment of Bird Ca|«t ... i. a '

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