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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Apr 1885, p. 8

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f * * * • ̂ '"t t f Vi 1 ibl« discus- jrtlUN refftrtliiig Ml d««ttM from The flgWM of tlie registrar- ft report, tkft writings of Dr. fr. Dunn, ssys the I.foi'lre especially drawn I t* till* fowetlon.; Th« deaths cancer In Eofland and Wales In 10 j'eafi 1MM9 were 80,049, with wtniikl tnvre«s« sf'Jtt. In 1870-79, the number 111,300, witn an annual »creag« of 390. The total Increase in lis front cancer In the decade 1850- ... I;in the decade 1860-69 It xv1|t i,40O. snd In the decade from 1870- In 1874, Dr. F»rr remarked that In lugland "cancer, one of the niont pain­ ful diseases to which mankind is sub­ ject, is growing more fatal." The rate «f deaths from this disease In that country from 1873 to 1874 was equal to 413 in every 1,000,0#0 of population. >• In this country the vital statistics of piew York city show that the number ««f deaths from cancer In 1869 was 304, in 187ft was 415 and in 1883 was 678, The estimate was made 10 years ago Ity tlie New York board of health, that the rate of deaths from cancer was but little over 400 per million inhabitants. According to the last reports it is about 539 per million. These figures, Stowever, Include a large hospital mor­ tality. In Brooklyn the deaths from cancer in 1883 were only 262 In a popu­ lation of 634,118, which gave about the same rate as that of New York 10 ye .rs ago. H cannot be denied, in the fact of statistics like the above, that the death rate from cancer la Increasing absolute* ly and relatively in some parts of the world. But that there i 8 a greater •ueceptibillty to sancer than Tormerly Has not yet been proved. Cancer is a disease #f the degenerative period of 'lite. It occurs between the ages of 40 and 60. Now, improved modes of living have increased the number of pereons who reach these ages. Inves­ tigation would show, perhaps, t tat the number of persons reaching the age susceptible to cancer has Increased In a greater ratio than have deaths from the disease. The volley from the *uemy is the same, but the number taoaght to the front is greater. Th« Burning of Colon. A New Orleans gentleman, who was on a British steamer at Colon during tlie recent conflagrations there, says: "The battle raged from eight in the moraiox until one in tlie afternoon. -Daring that time the rifle and artillery lire was incessant. Suddeuly smoke was seen arising from a point Inside of the rebel barricades and as there was a stiong wind blowing, the fire spread rapidly in all directions. Up to this lime the fight was conflued to one por­ tion of the town, but as the fire spread the rebels scattered and soon appeared In the streets. They were fired upon until the fire raged all over town. The fire, in great billows of flames, swept rapidly from street to street and from buildings to tbe dock and wharvA Crowds of women and children could be -BOCD moving from place to place amid the whistling of bullets. Those who managed to escape being shot down in tbe streets sought protection oh board tbe ships in tbe harbor, but a great number of them perished in tlie flames. We also saw," be says, "a large number of civilians who <vere killed by stray bullets before tbey could seek shelter from the leaden ball which swept tbe streets. It would be impos­ sible to estimate tbe number of lives lost in this conflict. The day after tho battle, when the rebels had retreated Into tbe Interior, we vjsited the town and saw tbe streets strewn with dead bodies and the charred remains of those who had been burned to death.'* A FEW FOR THE OSI Of Doss.-- Ib mm (kt tow­ els pently, 2 to 4 Pill*i thoroughly, 4 to 6 Pilla. Experience will decide the proper dote in each am. For Constipation* or OoiHT«n«M| W remedy ia SO effective as AYEE'S PJILIS*/-- They insure regular daily action, and ra» •tore the bowels to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or DYAPEPII^ AYEE'S PILLS are invaluable, and a eurc cure. Heart-burn, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach, Flatulency, Dlniness, Bead* •che, Numbness, Nausea, are all relieved and cured by AYKR'S PILLS. In XJver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, and Jaundice, AYER'8 PILLS should be given in doses large enough to cxcite the liver and bowels, and remove constipation. As a cleansing medicine in the Spring, these PILLS are unequalled. Worms, caused by a morbid condition Of the bowels, are expelled by these PILLS. Eruption*, Skin Diseases, and Piles* the result of Indigestion or Constipation, are tared by the use of A YEK'S PILLS. For Colds, take AYER'S TILLS to open the pores, remove inflammatory secretions, and allay the fever. For Diarrhoea and Dysentery, caused by _ sudden colds, indigestible food, etc., AYCB'S PILLS are the true remedy. Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, U)d Sciatica,often result from digestive derange*, ment, or colds, and disappear on removing the cause by the use of AYER'S PILLS. Tuinors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, and other disorders caused by debility «f obstruction, are cured by AYER'S PILLS. Suppression, and Painful Men»traa» tlon, have a safe and ready remedy i# AYER'S PILLS. Fall directions, in various languages, ae- eompany each package. PREPARED BT Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, I Sold by all Druggists. To Builders and Contractors, TheMcHenry Brick Manufacturing Company ati now ready to supply Brick in quantities FROM SHALL LOTS -TO- CAR LOADS Their Brick are second tonene to he found tn the market, ami will be fuM at the lowest market price. Persons intending to build, or these handling brick, will do well to call and see us before . purchasing. We invite an examination snd eon: with any Brick wade ia the Northwes further information apply to or add res. McHENRY BRICK Manufacturing Co. McHenry, III., June 11th MM. A Tough Vara. r An old tailor, who was rather accus­ tomed to draw (he long bow, told the following tale: "Our ship was (or tbe fpaoe of fourteen months becalmed in mld*ocean. During this time wo had not advanced ten miles nearer to the port of oar destination. Our provisions w«r# all gone, and nothing bat starva­ tion appeared in prospect for us. We uad made op our minds that It was all over with us--that starve we must-- wiiea wo encountered a fearful gale of wind. It came so suddenly upon us that we hadn't time to take in a single Mil. The squall striking the ship rolled Iter clean over, the masts going down one side and coming up on the other, stud so quickly did she perform this ^revolution that bo one on board was feyen wotted, ffhea she righted, our kfjtonishment was great at beholding a monstrous dolphin violently kicking, transfixed upon tbe foretepmast, and a fcuge swordfish In a similar condition upon the maintopmast. Also transfixed upon the Jibboom, kicking and flopping like all possessed, was as fine a halibut *s ever you laid eyes on. We had an Abundance of provisions, and I was all light, saving a bad cold, which I took during the gale."--N. Y. Tribune. NTAn exchange has this to say of J the cholera, which we commend to the ^attention of our readers: I "Cholera continued all through ths rluter In Paris and other localities in . and has again appeared in idon. It has begun its march along usual route from tbe Crimea west- ward. That it will cross the Atlantic At doubt, and the date of its arrival this country is fixed by some within * limit of sixty days. Tbe question rises, what are ye going to do about ~ Iu tbe course of a few days the sun 1 be blazing with a fierce heat upon accumulation of debris and filth back yards and back streets, bouse, yard, street and cellar, ff Sttd vacant lot need* a thorough *VImmediate sanitary regeneration. MO tbe plague has never visited initios ana towns ia the past is pagon wby It should pass them by jpffcVSOa. Cholera never refuses an IMMoq. If we permit unsanitary f tlous to exist we must expect the tuenoee.*1 isw ' k / - "THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME." W lii to Seal The New York Boar,I of Health estimates that 30,000 lives have been destroyed by the explosive qualities of Petroleum. If every household should adopt ths White Sea! Oil fo> family use, none of these unfortunate ac­ cidents would occur. Spring by The Forelock. WAUCONDA, ILEi| iaaa usualon hind with the largest and beat assortment of & pqpp) McHENRY, In Mc earjr.©* petition. ti Oountiea, at price* that distance all com- W? Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. Furnishing Goods, Hats, G MRS. UKUTIVST MAIM A.** Also a full line of Gents' aps, Boots, Shoes, etc. Has a full and selected stock whi ;h she invites the ladies of examine and learn prices. Wam^ntliij March 23(1, 1885. ot Fashionable Spring Millinery, Wauconda an^ Vicinity to call and HENRY MAI MAN. jrosrtr x. sxoftY, DEALER IN Having rented the store ot H. H. |ra are now prepared to manufacture It Unci Shoe* to, and Warranl Satisfaction. . js-m t ̂ MILS, MECHANICS' TOOLS, CHANDELIERS, \ ;Lamps, Tin, Capper and Sheet Iron Wan. Ant jii shor^every thing1 iri the Hardware, Stove atid Tin Lin#,' HE Wl^-L NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Oall at hia store before buying elsewhere.., JOBBING AND NEFILMXEFA Promptly Attended To. REMEMBER, .extra good bargains Van a' ways be obtained. • JOHN I. STORY. M«Hcnry, 111., March 16th, 1885. We have one ot the beat workmen McMenry OMintr, and as we use none but best ot stock will guarantee a j j o u r w o rk , warrant a lit every time, in either SEW ED Oh PEOOLD WORK. RESTAURANT. ' G . M A Y E S DEALER I IN The Above Cuts Show Sherman's Patent Gate ;uig As applied to the common earry-around Gate, or panel of fence, It makes a gate that is ('heap, Strong and Durable, combining more points of excellence than any other gate, however expensive. Any ordinary work hand can apply this hanging by looking at the cut. The Cost of iron for gauging does not exceed 15 cents. Give this Gate a careful examination. It is something every farmer needs, Farm, Town* County and State right tor sale by your Blacksmith, Agent, or 8. & J. SHERMAN. 10 38-e^ West McHenry, ILL. for Infants and Children. "Castorla is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as Buperior to any proscription known to me." H. A. ARCHEP, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives Bleep, and promotes di- L0ut°injurl0us medication. ENTAUIIXINIMENT| An absolute cure for Rheumatism, Sprains, Pkin in the Back, Burns, Galls, &c. An Instantaneous Paln- relieving and Healing Remedy. Sz WSSf llcBSBBY. Has none of the defects usually found In eommon Oils. It cannot be exploded, does not char the wick, will not smoke, emits no •(Tensive odor, and prevents the breakiDir of chimneys. White Seal Burning Oil illuminating purposes, It U *• llgnt in color as pure spring water. It glres ft strong, steadj' liglit ami burns much longer than common Oils. If this Oil Is not sold in jour vicinity, send your outor direct to us for ft^barreiora case containing two live gallon BROOKS OIL CO. lift South Street. New York. PATENTS. INVENTORS, Bend model or sketch ol ?;our invention, when I will make enreful pre-iminary examination,and report as to patent­ ability, with advice, circulars, etc., free oj charge. All business before U. 8. Patent oflice attended to for moderate rate*. Information and references sent on application. No charire nnless patent is se<*nred. J-X. LITTELL, Washington, D. C. Directly opposite U. s. Patent Office. WKm**: TOVFllL Hews for Boys and Olrlsll «_ end Old!! A NEW IN­ VENTION just patented for them, lor Home use! ^ and Scroll Sawing, Turning, Boring, DriHiug.GrindiiiK, PolUhiaav Screw Cutting. Price 15 to ffid. Bend 6 cents for 100 pages. HKAUC BBOWIT, Lowell, "--, We are prepared to offer iminetiSc l>ar<raius lor the Spring Trade of 1885 in General Merchandise, consisting of DRY GOODS, DOMESTICS, AJNTXJ NOTIONS. A largc and well selected stock ot Spring and Summer Styles 5 For all ages, at extremely low priced. The largest, and best selected, and only entirely new stock of Of all descriptions, which wo trim free of charge, both paper ani border. A full line of tb» favorably known 0. II. Fargo Boots and Shoes. wr Styles in Hats and Caps 8^"Groceries, only the very 4>, and at moderate prices ,Crockery in great variety "; Lmtre Bitnd, and brown Dinner Sets Tea Sets, Water Sets, Chamber S«t«, etel The Celebrated Secor Trunk# and Valises. Carpets, herap, half wool, and 2-ply all wool Oil Cloths, etc. The best grades of Flour delivered free., S It by the Barrel JBonalett & Ntoflel. free»:McH«B>ry. Ill.. Mftrcb 1S,|18S& i Ready-Made Clothing Dry Goods* Invites an inspection ol his stock, all ot which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. liemeuiber good goods at fair Prices at < he Ceuterville Store.v MoHeury, IH., June 10,1884. F. C. NT AYES Another Cold Wave HAS STRUCK HICH PRICES, ASD- GOLDING WAUCONWA, Are prepared to show you a large stock of SEASONABLE GOODS. NeWi Attractive, Desirable in Quality, Qnantity and Price. Our Dress Goods Department Is Unsurpassed. In DOMESTICS we have more than we know what to «lo with, hcnco have adopted the plan of almost giving them away. It works nicely, and pleases our customers. Gloves, Hosiery, Notions and Novelties, a carload. Underwear and Furnishing Coods In great variety. t-^jPIn fact we have a store full of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, and Notion!,'and shall let none of our competitors walkaway with us on low priees. We invite inspection. Printers' ink will not show our stock. Gro^ries, Groceries. A full line, and prices that cannot fail to please. |pWNo trouble to show goods. COLDINC BROTHERS. Wau comla, 111., Jan. 2Gth, lS8R. Wcalaobeepin connection with our Business a First-Class Scstaurant, Where Warm and Co id Meals will bo scrlHisd ' at all hours. OYSTERS IN THE B SEASON Dish, Can or Bulk. EOWMlf&Jp, McHenry, 111., Mareh Sil, GOODS PRICE WAUCONDA, We have just recieved from the city a ' '""•*£* ' • " Large Stock of Suitable for the season, including choice Novelties not to b© found elsewhere. We have a very lull assortnjfcnt of Dress Goods, Cloakin Housekeeper's And in short everything usually found in a we offer at moderate prices. The Celebrated awls, nderwear, General Store, which The Best in the market, and every pair warranted. GLOVES AND U1TTMS, A IULL USE. < >ur G rocery ' |s complete. (^11 and s<be u«. Wauconda, I1I..N ov. 17tii, 1884. f RIOE BRO% NOW READY. H iving recently thoroughly re- tMtted the Greenwood Mill by putt ing in a new cleaning machine lew. bolts, and giving the ma- jhiiKsry a general overhauling, nre now better than ever pre- pMied to do all kinds of custom 'tiding. We make a specialty 3f Buckwheat and Feed grinding, evei y day in the weeK. TOLE8 Sl SCN. *>•«(» Aroofi, 111., NOT. 12,1894 J0 1».tf AT. O. W. OWEN'f My bnslneRs at home requiring more of my nttention, I have decided to stop canvassing tor Sewing machines, and in place thereof*® offer inducements to buyers to come to mf St*re where I can show them a L&rgir Vaiiitj of tfacU&M Than can be jound in any other store in tbe Northwest. Plan is This) #0* every Ten Sewing Machine* sold, I wrilt GI V m AWAY A Ladies Gold Watch, In the following manner: 1 will allow soma disinterested party to take ten plain envel­ opes in nine of which lliev will place blank cards, and in the tenth one a card on which will be written WAft'H. As each machine is sold the purchaser will be allowed to choose one of these scaled envelopes, on which they will write their name. As soon ae the ten machines are sold, the envelopes will b« opened in the presence of the nurchasers and the Watch given to the lu:ky liolder. If ?ou want a New American No. 7, Crown domestic. Diamond, Davis, Kid red ge, Home hold, Howe Improved, New York, Sprinartield St. John. Singer, White, Wheeler & Wilson No. 8, call at tny store, try the machine, and I am sure I can please you in price, and besides give you a chance to get t Gold Watch. O.W.OWEN. McHenry, NOT. J6tli, 1884 Algonquin, III., OBALER IW 3udwui, Stores, Tinwart, In short, we keep everything in the above mentioned lilies, which" we are offe ingto the buy­ ing public as cheap as any other house in this section.^ Call and JOBBING & REPAIRING, PKOMJ?TX.Y ATTENDED TO. , JOHN HEL Algonquin, Feb. 18,1885. Plows) P. HAUPERISCH, MoHenry, lllinof«, «V»iiii inform the farmers of McHenry and «iirrounding ceuntry that he is prepared to sell them a PI RST-CLASS PLOW, An«i warrant the same,at a lower price than un purchased eleewboro in tbe couatr, At' Kinds of BLACKSM1 THING, WAO09 «nd < ARR1 AGE work promptly attended tin. HEPAinilNG, <H a. kinds on sHort notice. M^Give nil Mil »nd wo will please you both in quality «B-' • rice of work. P. HAUPERISCH. ' MwllMfry, IU., Oefc. YCft, MM. £% - X Z L t - 4 K * t * / * . '

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