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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 May 1885, p. 8

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,0 Wf iSV: i> -': -• I- •- I'i- &a$ '•r'i: *•' r- 1 M, MM. tlirottgh being strttck It It no! only * nt distances," bat * ntrastt. Tils Ic es- 0».*orthwi»8tern part •tefnnt residences «MUHf eppesUe er side by tftmble-dnwn iiiutlM. There Il ia bUck and whit® proximity. One sqtiare< Wttft valuable mansions. In- b "" people certainly of wealth. My of good bleed, carriage* fron one well-kept door to an­ other, the whole presenting a perfect picture of aristocratic neighborhood, -lust as 1 kely at not the very next rqnare will not have a tolerable house and hardly a white Inhabitant. Mlaery may bring one strange bed fellows, but ^.It «eems that luxury sometimes btlngs one strange neighbors, for Is Ap­ parently in finest pirts of town that «iur enlured brethren most do con* g re gate. In a few years tlits will all he change I. The incongruities caused . by an astonishingly rapid raise In the value of realeatate and • tide of fashion ftettfuf In a hitherto underslrable 4)lnctM will be smoothed away In - Ine. At present, howe/er. It Is cer- hainly a sight one can see In no other kity. The rich and poor classes so mixed up together in the same locality, i3ittK» tram hauaos renting for a few deUan a month on land worth three «r four dollara a foot, colored childero »warming on the streets about their Uowea jast around the corner from «HM fo the Most valuable property in Washtugton. :• The remark has been made, but It is north repeating, that Washington af­ fords more opportunities for plctur- etqin uchitcetm than any other city. An arohiteet who takes any pleasure in his profession must delight in the oddly-shaped and Irregular lota that abound here. The arrangement of avenues creasing the streets in a sort of irregular regularity creates any quantity of triangles, which offer \Zk' tempting building sites to the architect Who wants to be original and striking. | - ^ These architectural opportunities * seem to be well im >roved so far. The |r vista down some e.* the streets and pi • avenues that have been built up lately 1| is certainly varied and picturesque. It |t is a good deal the fashion, to sneer at ^ modem architects and to speak cou­ ps1- tomptueusly of "gingerbread work." | People who afiect such refinement of taetes that the pretensions of modern building grate upon their sensitive nerves, may find soothing and con- fe genial surroundings In Philadelphia, |p for Instance. Some Wash!ngtoniana pk delights In the wildest" flights of fancy in brick and stone, but there will always bo plenty of conservative spirits who can furnish the solid and handsome style which tones down the architectural eccentricity of more daring spirits, and the general efleet uf the whole Is InU resting and ndmlr* able. General Black's assertion the other day, when interrogated in regard to the refusal of Miss Sweet, the pension agent, to forward her resignation, that "the Lord made women" continues to puzale not only the women themselves, but men, too. Wnatdldhe meanf is a question that has been answered In various ways. Shakespeare defines a women as "a child of grandmother Eve, a female; or for thy more sweet under­ standing, a women." I suspect Gen. Black's sweet understanding has been of one sweet woman, so recently that he was led to exclaim, "the Lord made women" by way of throwing the ter* rlble responsibility to Providence. I heard a Cabinet officer say once: *•'When women at* in office they give no trouble. But its when they are out and trying to get In that they are more than a match for us. We can't turn our backs on a women and freeze her out of the room as wo can a man. 5 8 te will just begin te cry, and then a ' wan feels like a brute, yon know,*11 But it seems Miss Sweet didn't even resort to tears--a woman's most formidable weapon. It there were any tears at all they were probably shed by Secre­ tary Lamar who, I learn, was positive* ly distressed by General Black's action. I was told that the President and the whole Cabinet was stirred up over the afiair. Gen. Black went to the White House to explain, and altogether he had anything but a eweet experience of it. The upshot of It all Is that Miss 8wet will probably serve ouf the balance of her term. The President will take up bU sum' mer residence at SoldUr's Home early next month, occupying the cottage which has been set apart for a number of yeara for that use. By residing there he will have much more time to himself and will be able to take exer­ cise. He is a great walker, but l.e is preventod from taking his customary walk by a want of time and an unwill Ingness to attract public attention by appearing on the street. The Execu­ tive mansion at Albany is a mile from the capital, and while governor he was accustomed to walk the distance three or four times a day. SIuce he has been at the White House he has taken a dally ride, but he misses the exhillra- ting exercise of a good walk. Never­ theless, the President Is looking re* maikable well. Miss Cleveland will reside with him at Soldier's Home. The leHnr; Brick Mannfhctnrin Om*Mr fROM SHALL LOTS cm, i : > -- T O - Their Briclt are second to none to lie found ta the market, anil will l»e told at the lowest market price. Persons intending to build, or those handling: brick, will JJ' WjS» te cal land see us purchasing. We invite an examination tnd conjnartswn with any Brick made in the Northwest, for further information apply to or address McHENRY BRICK llanuiactiiriiig: Co J' ^ McHenry, IlOone llth 1R84. ijarcpn A PRONOUNCED SUCCESS Thousands of Acres Plowed with the Flying Dutchman, and Every Claim Made for This Wonderful Plow Fully Substantiated. Why is this plow so successful and popular? Because It runs ONE HORSE LIGHTER than any other plow made. Because the plow Is CARRIED. GAUGED AND GUIDED by the use of three wheels. Becauae the plow la IN FRONT of the driver. Because the weight of the driver is OVER THE FURROW WHEEL, adding but little to the draft, but keeping the plow down to its work. Because the swivel plate pole PRE­ VENTS ALL SIDE DRAFT or weight on horse's necks. Because it is simple, strong and dur­ able, and does flrst-oasa work. Illustrated circulars (descriptive ). The Story of the Flying Dutchman (sen- saUonal), The Agricultural Pilgrim's Progress, with six tinted illustration* (oouiic), all sent free to any address. MOLINE PLOW CO., MOLINE. ILLINOIS New Goods! New Styles! We are prepared to offer immense bargains in General Merchandise, * consisting of , , „ DR7 GOODS, DOMSTICS, jntd iro-riosra. ^ A large and well selected stock ot Seasonable Styles '; - i j f -v > «! 5 lb Braided and Plaiu, in latest Colors* An entirely new stock of WALL Of all and 1 descriptions, which wo trim free of charge, both paper, border. A full line of tbo favorably known C. H. Fargo .Q/ Boots and Shoeis y New Styles in Hats and Caps, "Groceries, only the very best, and'at moderate prices. Crockery in great variety; Lustre Band, and brown Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Water Sets, Chamber Sets. etc. The Celebrated Secor Trunks and'Valises. Carpets, hemp, half wool, and 2-ply all wool; Oil Cloths, etc. The best grades of Flour delivered free. Sit by the Barrel. Sri Bo us let t Ac StofteK West ttcHenry, 111 , May 4th, 18SS. -• • ' |^"One Door West of the Riverside House,, M-DEALER IN- Harlng rented the store of H. 11. Xletiols, w» are new prepare<T toman«faetar« SMM*- MHt Shoes tooruer, and %, • Warrant Satisfaction. is > i |' Spring by The Forelock. f NAILS, MECHANCIS' TOOLS, CHANDELIERS, ^jLarnps, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Aiid in short, everythin^in the Hardware, Store and Tin Line. hE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD^ ^ ( 'all at his store before buying JOBBIXTQ &3Sfn Promptly Attended To pjy REMEMBER, extra good bargains can always be. "s ' JOHN I. STORY. W., iTarcli yth, 1885. We l»*.ve one el the best McBenry Coantv, and as we use none but workmen M . . , .. --ione but the at ot stock will guarantee all oj«r work and ity, rill L i*a fit every time, in either SEVED Oh PEGGED WORK. Repairing Promptly Attend«4 to. Give us m Call. RESTAURANT. '1^ #: : We also keep In connection witl otr Shoe Busmossa , • fint-Clui Butauut, Where Warm and Coid UMII will be eerveti at ail hours, OYSTERS JN THEIR SEASON Jly the Dish, Can or Balk. EOWLEY dt llcHenrr, III., Mareh 3(1,1885. Fs G. M A Y E S. DEALER IIV WAUCONDA, ILL., ' ̂ . •: •' •. . Is -as usual on hind with the largest and best assortment of Ready-Made Clotlling In McHenry or Lake petition. O-ounties, at prices that distance all com- UNDIRSOLD," IS HIS MOTTO. Invites an inspection ot his stock, all ot which will be sold at the lowest prices forcaah, Remember good goods at fair Prices at (he l^ntoixrilla Mtora ' " W Centerville Stor#»! McHenry, III., June 10,1884. €h Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. Also a full line of dents1 Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc. Has a full and selected atock ot Fashionable Spring Milliner3', which she invites the ladies of Wauconda and vicinity to call and. Another Cold Wave HAS STRUCK HIGH PRICE8, i f f ,<•*!>•/,+ f -l* examine and learn prices. Wauoonda, March 23d, 1881k R&P6 IENRY MAINIAN. Best in the World. THE OLD FOLKS AT BOX A WW? Our <* Burning Oil Boafit of Health estimates that 30,000 lives have l»een tlestroyed by the explosive qualities of Petroleum. If every household should adopt the White Sea! Oil for family use, none i>l itotm unfortunate ac­ cidents weald occur. 'White Seal Bnming Oil Has none of the defects usually common Oils. It cannot bo explode*, .™., not char the wick, will net smoke, emite^o offensive odor, and prevents the breaking of chimneys. White Seal Burning Oil Thi« time of year «very owner «f a cow should kesp ready for uu a bottle •f D!ck!aM»Ul Cow PrescrlptUn. it may s«v« blm tke pries of • eow. it should IM glvon in every case as soon aa the eow ealves. It will cause her to do well ud will prevent that fatal disease, I Isaneh Oil fn lllnminstln* pur^Mts, it is Milk Fever. For sale by all druesrigU. I « "Kht In color as pure spnnu waterT It Ktves m I ••t'oag, steady light and burns much longer We rurniihedtbe full out (It of new I YOUR̂ L™UV 8 'en,i i8 ri°.1 Furniture for the Riverside Douse, in l»t»raiora case contsiningf two UjiTe galtoa this village, and are prepared to f urn- ",l Ish a Boom, House or .Hotel at a day's i Ttl?n«*ira mt fOtiee and at prices that can't bo beat. I oivUOKS OIL CO. JU8TKX BBOS, West MeHeory. FFJ^«JUAVE.. Cleveland, O. ' 1114 aad 118 South Street, ifew Terk. The Above Cuts Gate As applied to the common earry-around Gate, or panel of fence, It makes a gate that is Cheap, Strong and Durable, combining more points of excellence than any other gate, however expensive. Any ordinary work hand can apply this hanging by looking at the cut. The cost of iron for hanging does not exceed 15 cents. Give this Gate a careful examination. It is something every farmer needs, Farm, Town, County itnd State right tor sale by your Blacksmith, Agent, ©r a & J. SHERMAN. 10-38-6m West McHenry, ILL. Arelprepared to show you a large stock of SEASONABLE GooDi New, Attractive, Desirable in Quality, Quantity and Price. Dresft Goods Department o Is Unsurpassed. Ilk DOMESTICS we have more than we know what to do with, hence have adopted the plan of almost giving them away. It works nicely, and pleases our customers. Gloves, Hosiery, Notions and Novelties, a carload. Underwear and Furnishing Goods In great variety. fact we have a store full of Dry Goods, francy Goods, and Notioni, and^ shall let none of our competitors walk away with us on low priees. We invite inspection. Printers' ink will not show our stock. Groceries/ Groceries ' A full line, and prices that cannot fail to please. |J^" No trouble to show goods. £i _ • FOLDING BROTHERS Wau conda, III., Jan. 36th, 188S. -'*? We Have Just Our first invoice Spring the Largest Stock of ; Spring and Summer Go |>gICE BROTHERS, WAUCONDA, ILL. ,We have just recieved from the city a m&k* rom fot Large Stock s Ever brought to Woodstock, or into McIIenrjCountjr , close out our Fall and Winter We will BOOTS AND S REGARDLESS OF COST. Foff we must have the room* We can and will give you Suitable for the season, including choice Novelties not to be founc elsewhere. We have a very full assortment of % . Press Goods, Shawls, Cioakings, Underwear Housekeeper's Oooods.; And in short everything usually found in a General Storp, which pre offer at moderate prices. The Celebrated jn these Goods, and it will pay you to come ^ . Good Goods at low (3ash Prices. Re- from all over the ] Country to trade with us. meosber the place, (3or. Maine Street and Public Square, Wood- *#tbhshed J®65* ^ W. H. DWIGHT. T he Best in the market, and every pair warranted. ILQVES AHS UITTXHS, A FULL US1. Oiir G rocery Department b complete. Call and see us. I^IOW READY. 11 ivtiisr recently thoroughly re­ tailed the Greenwood Mill by putting in a new cleaning machine lew bolts, and giving the ma­ chinery a general overhauling, we ire now better than ever pre- pHi t*I to do all kinds of custom Aft iii' ling. We make a specialty if Buckwheat and Fled grinding, evej y day in the weeff. TOLE8 & SCN. *r«eo *ood, III., Nor. IS, 1884 101*.tf Given Away AT O. W. OWEN'S. My bualneaiat home requiring more of my attention, I have decided M atop canvassing tor Sewing machines, and in place thereof to offorinducements to buyers te come to my Stere where I can slfiftr them a Lugu Variety of HaoMm Than can be jound in any other store in the Northwest. My Plan te This: For every Tea Sewing Machines sold, I will G I V E A W A Y A Ladles Gold Watch, > In thefollovring manner: 1 will allow same disinterested party to take ten plain envoi, opes in nine of which thev will place blank card8, nnd in the tenth one a card on which will be written WATCH. As each machine is sold the purchaser will bn allowed to choose one of these sealed envelopes, on which they will write tlirir name. As soon as the ten machines are sold, the envelopes will be opened in the presence of the purchasers and the Watch given to the Iu3ky holder. If yon want I New American Ho. 7, Grown domestic. Diamond, Davie, Eldredge, Honte hold, Howe Improved, New York, Springileld St. John. Singer, White, Wheeler A Wilson No. 8, call at my store, try the machine, and I am fcure I can pleasa you in price, and besides give you a chance to get a Gold Watch. O. W. OWEN. McBenry, Nov. Mth, 188* is Algonquin, I DKALBf XH S&rdwut, Stovw, In short, we keep everything in the above mentioned lines, which we are offe* ing to the buy­ ing public as cheap as any other house in this section. Call and See u«. im • ~i, JOBBING * KIP AIRING, . yjtQMyJI.Y ATTENDED TO. ^ ,r ̂ ' JOiiN HEIiH. 1 Algonquin, Feb. 18, 1888V ^ 1 •• -- - .. P. HAIIPER18CH MoHeiirj, Illinois^, #»ni I Inform the farmers of McRenry and surrounding country that he is prepared to sell them a FIRST-CLASS PLOW, And warrant the/ fin i»e pure baaed < »me,at) 9Wbei . lower price than in the county. Wsueonds, 11]H Nov. 17th, 1884., PRICE BROS. AH Kinds of BLACKJSMlTHING, WAOON Sftd I ARKIAOK work promptly attended to. UEPAITIIINe, Otali kinds on short notice. WQiw nan Siil « ad we will please you both in quality *e-i i-tleeof work. P. HAUPERI8CH. Kvitauii I1L, Oel. Ttb. UM. ' ^

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