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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 May 1885, p. 5

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*33 asssc WgDHSSDAY. MAY 6,1S86, Railroad Time Table. Trains will low: ?6 i On and after pass McHenry HI J)nm Lake Passenger .. 7:88 A.'X Qeneva take Express .... .8:45 " OsnoTii Lake Frelaht . l:«r» r. i -Geneva Lake Passenger i,-...'... ..8& •« Mrt > *•»« flv"' G«n«»* J.ake r»«teht....4-* i 3enev% T.ake iNtssenyer. .X .»:» •" Genera Lake Express........ .4:4**. M rSotfavit Lake Passeiflrer...: " B. BDffi, Agent. McHenry, III REMEMBER the Tennrsseeans, at Riverside Hall to-morro«v evening. Do not fall to iratl tfdfe hew adver­ tisement of Bonslett'& Stoffel, to be found on the eight i page. It will pay joo. THE Steamer '•Mary Grlswohr* made an Excursion to the I<akes on Sunday. The party consisted of at out twittity- flve. We would call particular attention ;>to the change In the professional cards of Dr. 0. J. Howard aud Dr. C, H. >>gen«f »n t lie first page. DR. O. J, HOWARD ha« sold his store building in West McMaury, to his son, R. A. Howard, who now occupies the .««» as « Meat Market. , Considera­ tion 91,6* 0. A MAK who ha<l formerly been -a '. drug clerk, acefdently bfroke a quinine pill he was about to take and found It toconslstof to split peas. He said lie was "not much surprised." IT IS said a flannel wrung out ol tepid water and spread., on a clil'd's .throat will stop Its coughing, when the cough i« caused by a cold. Tills is a filafph fMKdjr. Try It. •? t' ? : WE understand there is to be a a .trial of a Road Grader, North of Jos Buck's residence, on the Johnsburgh road, on Friday forenoon next. All interested are respectfully requested to come out and see it work. A FARMER says that he feed9 all his skim milk and buttermilk back to his cows, except the little he uses to grew pigs for pork, and to start the calves tie need* to replenish his dulry. He announces that he has proved that the same skim milk It tikes to make a pound of pork will, if fed a cow make <one pound of butter. THE new Board of Trustees were organized on Thursday evening last and Hon. R. Bishop was chosen Presi­ dent for the ensuing year. The first " regular meeting was' held on Monday evening, at which time five Saloon II- Oences were granted. Jas. B. Perry ' was appointed Treasurer for the ensu­ ing year, and Trustees Howr.r.1, Weber »nd CriBty Street Committee, "I ALWAYS make it a point.9* said a wideawake merchant, "to be specific ..and direct in my advertisments. 1 do , ' jnot generalize, but select the goods I wish to sell at a particular time, and In a plain, terse manner call public attention to them. I .do not.. In a ^.general way advertise my goods, but' In a special way call attention frtin week to week to some special line or V department, and when this has been done I then change to another Hne» and continue changing from one de­ partment to another until all of my stock has, lit a direct, special manner bien placed before the public, | OM account of the severe storm the | Opening Party at the Riverside House on Thursday evening last was poorly attended, only about thirty couples being present, but all those report an excellent good time, Mr. Ford how­ ever, (decided to try it again, and ad­ vertised to repeat it on Tuesday even* Ing of this week, but again Old£*roba- gjbliitles was against- him, the rain pouring down in'torrents all day, and . the consequence was but thirty four couples on Tuesday evening. Had the weather been good the Hall would .... • have been full, We hope Mr. Ford will meet with better success at his next party. All who attended speak in the highest praise of the hospitable manner in which they were entertain* V ed. In another place In this paper will b & be found a notice of Capt. C. H. Tryon, Who has lately furnished himself with a complete outfit of Engineers* Level* I - Ing Instruments, for taking levels, lo­ cating drains, etc. In the matter of laying drain tile this Is a very impor­ tant mutter, and one that 16 many £ times overlooked, consequently there Is a failure to get the desired result. Mr. Tryon's Instruments were pur­ chased of W.& L, E. Gurley, the oldest ' manufacturers of instruments in the Uulted States, aud as they are the only f set of Instruments of the kind in the county, parties desiring to establish grades for tile, open ditches, and all work requiring a ;curate leveling, |: should not fail to call or address bim as per notice. j?-- - -- - •-- ••• ^ A HUT for the curious m nded Is going the rounds of the papers again, aud may interest some of our readers: When a hunter trees a squirrel, said | squirrel is sure to keep ou the opposite side of the tree er limb from the hunt, er--as a matter of safety. . When the - hunter attempts to xet on the other reside of the tree he fit ds that bis sharp­ -eyed victim doee the same thing. No* . supposing that in this game vf hide k »and seek, the hunter, having gone clear around the tree to his original starting place, finds his victim in the samo posi­ tion as when he startod (Mr. Squirrel having made the circuit of the limb for I personal safety) has the hunter gone arouml the squirrel, or has the squirrel gone around the hunter, or what Is the status bf the case t We don't want all of our readers to answer at ouce, but we do want this question settled. It may not be so easy to answer as It ap* peart to be at first thought. ' I G. A. CANniti^<#&ckford, spent Sutidav In this vlllagO. THOS. WALSH is moving back Into his house, lately vacated by Dr. Fogcrs. GEO. SMITH, of Llbertyvlile. has been spend!n? the past few day* with friends In this village. HON. CHAS, H. Tafigk and Peter Burger, of Hebron, made oar sanctum a ploasant call on Monday MRS. GEO. W, COLBT, who has been quite sick the past week. Is now re- ported better. , JOHN BREWER, of ttili office,;!e the happy f<tther of a nine pound boy, wlio arrived at his home on Frld-ty last. THE youngest daughter of Jas. B. Perry, Esq., has been quite sick the past week but la now convalescing. MKS. C. V. ST EVEN 8 is dally improv­ ing and her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. MISS JULIA KKNKKDY, of Chicago, has been spending a few days with her parents In this village. Miss "JESSIE WIGHTMAN, one of our Post Office Deputies, has boon oa the sick list the past few days. MISS MYRTLE MEAD, of Elgin, is visiting at H. C. Mead's, la (tils vil­ lage. MRS. BENJ. BREWER, of Dundee, Is vlfciting with her son, John Brewer, in tr.i. Tin.,.. • OfKD --lin thfs vitlafe eh Ifeeediy, April SBth, 1885,- UiKOAKtT. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leickeos, aged S years and S months. Mr. and Mrs. Lelckem wish to return their thanks to neighbors and friends, both In McHenry and Johnsburgh, for kindness and sympathy shown them at the death and burial «of their daughter That If they are ever called to sutler a like affliction, may equally a* willing hands be ready to aid and ajWH**tt*Ue is their sincere wish. BY progra nmes and portraits, it is announced that Pickett's celebrated" Tenneaseeaus, are coming and will give one of their first class entertain­ ments at Riverside Hall, on Thursday, to-morrow, evening. May 7th. This company of Jubilee singers come high" ly recommended by both the public and the pre<s, and wo have no doubt will give our citizens au entertain­ ment well worthy of their patronages Their programme is varied, and those who have seen It say It never fails "to please everyone, young and old, saints and sinners. It forms an evening of mer riment, laughter and tears of joy." Do not forget the date. Thursday even­ ing, May 7th, which means to-morrow. Entertainment, Auction and Bsnsr. At Ringwood, Saturday evening. May 9th. The proceeds will be u*ed In papering and repairing the M. 38. church. This following is thefl pro­ gramme : Opening song Choir Recitation ...f.ncy Dodtre Quartette,..J Smith, J E Ortstjr, Kiss O and M Lfutd Declamation Eddie Lnnley Rscitatalon tfyrtle Stevens Duett... -- lomand Polly itichardsj* Declamation Walter Oristy S Declamation Howard Buckland uariette Mr. Smith, Leader 8say. "When my Ship comes in." Mrs. J. X. Mason Quartette. The Auotion Will consist of the sale of a quilt to the-hlghest bidder. Too will find articles for sale that you will be sure to need, so do not leave your purse at home. Come and hear a fine entertainmsnt. Come to purscbaao what you will need, and coma to have a social time. DR. C. C. MILLER, who keeps iitirge Apiaty, informs us that tlie past wlnte| has been very disastrous to bees. He estimates his loss at sixty full colonies, or about one-fonrth or one-fifth of his entire Apiary, besides the serious weakening of ether colonies. Parties hereabouts who keep bees, have In some instances lost every colony. We notice In several of our exchanges similar reports from other localities. While bee-keeping as a whole may bo considered a profitable business, it will be observed that it has serious draw­ backs as well as other branches of busi­ ness, and It sometimes happens that tiie apiarist's entire stock In trade is swept out of existence by the frost, as that of the merchant by fire. And yet they manage to extract a great deal of sweetness from the little things of this world, keep good-natured and happy, and enjoy Ufa.--Marengo Republican, THE Draraatie Association in connec­ tion with the Riverside Cornet Band, will, on Wednesday evening. May 20th, bring out the beautiful and sensational Drama entitled "The Forty-Nlners, or The Pioneer's Daughter," with the fol lowing cast of characters: Richard Deimayne, a mystery Hawley Briggs, a miner Mnrv Ann O'ifUim, an old craytlmr, Auainias Budge, a bummer Prof. Will J. Cutteridge Joe W inston, a Fsrty-JIiner....Prank C. Golnf tiaspard Leroy. the Gold Mine^kiiy; Prank L: MoOmber Craven Leroy, his hatf-brather..Frof M K Lee Wun Lung, the heathen Will Wentworth Carmion Oath, parsen at the Peaks..C. W . Pay Matt Mathers, a Forty-Niuer Pred Wells Cliff ('ushsrd, a Forty-Niner Lew Owen Alec I'eters, a Forty.Miner Chas Granger Big Lib, a stage robber Will Mead Margaret GatE, Meg the Sunlight..-. Miss Cora McOmber Kate Deimayne, the wanderer Mrs. Nettie Taylor Molly Maglone, servant at Leroy dale .... Miss Effie Gilbert Jessie Leroy, the spoiled child....... Miss Florence Searles Miners, Vigilants, etc. This play Is being brought out for the benefi^of the Band, who havo been working hard to improve themselves, and are deserving of the patronage and support of our clt zens. The play will be one of the most interesting that has been brought out here a long time, and we hope the boys will have a big house. Remember the day and dalo, Wednes­ day evening, May 30th, TAKE NOTICE. This is to give notlse to owners of Cows that are running at large in the streets, In this village, that If they are found on our premises they will be taken up and the owner* held for dam­ ages and a violation of tho law. We mean business. ^ i-: • . . OL 8TMUUM; Lawia WAIT* •oak Marks "Decoration Day* *pt» roachlhg. It may not be amiss to nite a few of those prtasitive bo rials, givlityC locality to cemeteries where solemnities are to be held. Tho following, which were desig­ nated by tlio alotment of R*v. Joel Wheeler to the funeral obsequie* result as follows: At Wauconda, Mr. Augustus, only son of Widow Alfa Valentine, died Decem­ ber, 1837. At McHenry, Mr. Jtmei Salisbury April 5th, 1838. At Richmond, Mr. Fra icls Purdy, son" of Mr. John and Mr*. Maria & Flay lie Pordy. filed August 19,1838. Miss Hannah, daughter of Mr, Brifgt and Mrs. Amy Thomas, was burled the week following. At Crystal Lake, Miss Catherine Huffman, daughter of Col. William and Mrs, Lovilia Huffman, died August 25, 1889. Slla, Infant child of |(r. and Mri. Isaac King, was burled at the same time, and by the same service. Cary Station, Esther Jane, daughter of Mr. Wllllan and Mrs. Lodlna Cary, died August 18.1839, May 10th, 1838 a thorough storm of snow was visited upon us. accompanied by a succession of "Illinois Zephyrs/ In Dakota they are termed bliszard*. . JAMES STEWART, who vas convicted six years ago of the murder of George Frost, in this county, and sentenced to States Prison for life, died at tho Joltet Penitentiary some two weeks since, and his body was sent to his father at Elgin, for burial. The cir­ cumstances of the murder were as fol­ lows: "George Frost, a laborer, had been working on the Campbell farm, northwest of Elgin. Stewart knew he had a little money ar.d hired him to husk corn for him on a farm near Crystal Lake. He accompanied him there, having previously purchased a revolver and cartridges In Elgin. When they wero near their destina­ tion. in a lonely spot, unseen, Stewart deliberately shot and killed Frost. Ho attempted to conceal his crime by hid­ ing the body In a straw stack and set­ ting fire to tho straw, but the flames attracted those to the spot who found the charred remains. Stewart was suspected,>rreotod. and his victim's watch and other property found in his possession On his trial iie pleaded guilty and saved himself from the hanging he deserved. He re­ ceived a life sentence. Death h** iif w m a d e h l t i l m p r l « o n m e n t s h o r t . " 0 ' ! • Riverside Skating Bini. Until further notice the Riverside Skating Rink will be open on 8atur- day afternoon and evenings only. P. 8. For some reason It has been circulated about town that the Band would play no more for the Rink at present. It Is a mistake, they will play regnlarly every Saturday evening until further notice. All that wish to havo a good time can do so, for we will Insist upon having good order as long as wo continue. Those coming wlj^i teams will fliid goo J stabling for horses. Admission samo as heretofore. W, H. FORIK Prfj^ # HEBRON. EDITOR PLAINDRALER:-~A wedding to report soon. Miss Nellie Andrews spent'last week with friends |iero. Thank you. "Flossie,H but being a six-foerer, we don't like to be classed among that gentler sex. Henry J. Mead and wife, started for Nebraska Tuesday, April 28th. AM|M Mamie Martin went to White- water. Wis., to see her aunt who Is aangerOqsly ill. Mrs. i^eorge Van' Hoozen, from Pleasant ^ratHe, visited her sister Mrs. Frank Rowe lats week. Miss Hat tie llerce entertained some of her friends on tho evening of May 1st. What about that dilapidated carriage which needed a "prop" tho next morning. George Toung lost a valuable horse a short time since. It ran away, fall­ ing on a harrow so It had to be killed. Miss Libbie Rotnour wall wield first birch In John Stewart's district this summer* Hattle Pierce will teacli in Ellis Glass' district. Her school commenced Monday. The Grind Division of the Sons of Temperance met here last week Tues­ day evening, They opened their doors to the public. The address of welcome to the distinguished guests was do llvered by II. R. Baldwin, and respon# ed to by the G. W. P. Seversl other speeches were made by tho members of the grand division. Great preparations being made for appropriately observing Decoration Day at this place. The following Is the report of a meeting held by the G. A. R. May 1st: Meeting called to order by C. F. Prouty, H. JR. Baldwin was appointed chalrtoau and Frank Rowe, Secretary. A motion was made and carried that Hon, H. W, Mead be chosen Presidoot of tho day, D. A. Clary, Marshal aad W.C. Hyde, Deputy Marshal. Moved that there bo a committee of ten ladlis appointed, to act as Floral committee. The following wero chosen: Mrs. Geo Goddard, Mrs. J. W. Webster. Mrs. D.A. Clarey, Mrs. C. L. Mead, Mrs. C. F. Prouty, Mrs. M. S* Goodsell, Mrs. W. O, Boughton, (jMiss Mary Brlgham, Miss Ibbi* Rowe and Miss Ella Rowe. On motion of E.G. Gratton, W. O Boughton was appointed Musical director. Moved that there be a committee of three appointed to act as a finance conttue. The following committee of threO were chosen to act with the G. A. R's„ as a commit tee on arrange­ ments. H. R. Baldwin, F. E. Gratton and W.O. Boughtou. Adjourned to meet to the call of tho committee of arrangements. H. R. BALDWIN, ChAlrman. FRAHK ROWE, Secretary, P. Bi Tho Congregational Choir wllllslng on Decoration Day at Richmond, We acknowledg^* p}eaBant call from f*. C. Wilson, CMUgo, . The family of J. Love dab will soon occupy their flue suamerf residence at Twin Lakea. Mr. Wray thanks his nelghboWln a card for assistance In saving hirthouse from destruction by fire April 16. There Is to be an exhibition of fancy skating at Coulman'a Rink next Friday ovonln* for tlie benefit of tbo Rich­ mond Cornet Band. Two now residences are contemplat­ ed, both to t'0 built on the pretty lots lying west of the M. E. church. Mrs. James Wright builds ono itivii Mrs. Sarah Glbbs the other. We had the pleasure of meeting young Dr. Fitch, of Chicago, on lilt arrival from tho city to take up the summer resldoooo at the Fitch cottage oa Twin LakOO. The family are now nicely settled tor the season. The fiineral services of Mies Julia Hurley wero held at the Catholic church In Richmond on Thursday. Tlie priest from Johnsburgh officiated. The attendance, considering the extremely coM and rainy day, was large. Miss, Hurley died of consumption. Tho blow which Leonard Howe's little boy received from a ball club a few days since, proves to be more seri­ ous than a simple broken nose. Abcess of the oar and also of the face has de­ veloped and the little fellow suffers a good deal. " R. C. Bennett can now furnish a few settings of pnre bred Light Braluna eggs of the Corney, Duke of York strain. Securely shipped at $2 per set­ ting of 13, or $3.50 for 26 eggs. Deliv ered on the premises, $1.50 per setting, without discount for a larger number. A couple of watchmakers have open­ ed business at the postofllce, where repairing, cleaning, etc. will be dene. Bagley A Adafas Is the name of the firm. We are glad to have them come, as Richmond had been left without a workman in Uiat line since Mr. Paxson left. Prof. H. W. Meeke, the Elocutionist, whoso readings so delighted a Rich moud audience last winter, will again appear at the Methodist church, Friday evening May Ith, at which time a varied and interesting programme will bo rendered. GLOVES LOST.--Mislaid or lost, a pair of nearly new mink gloves. On the buckskin side of tho gloves, just under the edge of the Tur will be found In small letters, somewhat faded out, the names, *8. F^ Bennett" snd "R. C. Bennett." Somebody, of course, has laid them away for safe keeping, and that person will confer a great favor by returning them to Dr. Bennett, at Richmond. Please don't forget It. The ladies of Richmond and vicinity will be delighted at tho announcement that Mtss Ohrlssle Harness bas opened a dressmaking establishment with Miss Goodrich, In the rooms over II. E. Bou- telle's hardwate store. Miss Harness' skill as a dressmaker is too well known to our ladies to need a word of recom­ mendation from your correspondent, and the simple an louncement that she ha* attain commenced business in Rich­ mond will All her rooms with custom­ ers. Goo. W. Reynolds, so well and favors ably known to this community, has lately made an engagement with the "Exhaust Ventilator Co.," of Chicago, whose factory Is at 151 to 167 Third Avenue. The company are fortunate in securing the services of such a man as Geo. Reynolds. He la "business" from the .crown of his head to tlie sole of his foot, with more push and energy tliau two or three ordinary men. If the "Exhaust Ventilator Co." want to know what wo think of Mr. Reynolds out here, let them read this item. At this writing (Sunday 3d Inst) Mrs Adrian Bogart is lying very low, and not ospected to recover from puerperal septicemia. Her case is very similar to that of the lamented Mrs. Going, of McHenry. Dr. Bennett ^as called in couocil last Friday evening, and now assists Dr. Ward io tlie management of the case. Mrs. Bogart has a little girl two years oid and the young infant two or three weeks old. Kind neigh­ bors are doing all thej possibly can for the family. To add to tho misfortunes of he house, both of the little children are alck with measles. A. P. Gray sold to Reynolds & Earla of Hebron, last Saturday, one 2-seated top buggy, one single top buggy and one phaeton, for their livery. In three weeks he tells us lie has sold and taken orders for eleven carriages and buggies. This shows what pluck and energy will do in Richmond. Mr, Gray has also just put in for Downing & Denniton a 2000-pound safe. Mr. Gray claims to be able to give better terms on these goods than most other dealers are offering, and it would be well for buy­ ers to investigate his claims before In­ vesting. The Congregational Choir gave a concert at Genoa Junction last Thurs­ day evening to a fair house. The drenching rain and the cold only pre­ vented a large turnout. The concert was first class in every respect, and added now laurels to the fame of this already much esteemed body of young singers. Wo could write a column in praise of their performance at Genos, and not do more than simple justice. If the organization, as now constituted, can be kept up a few years under Mrs, Haythorn's good leadership, wo don't IN how w$t choir eaa excel them 9 the At the regular meetiag of Richmond Post G. A. R. last Friday «f(ht,ar- rangem »nts were osadio for tho proper observance of Memorial Day, so tar as necessary at present. Comrades J. C. Smith, L. B.-Rice sod S.F.Bennett were appointed a committee on speak­ er* and music, and Comrades R. Ban­ ter, O. A. Stevens and Sumner Saytes a committee on preparation of grounds. The following named ladies were ap­ pointed a committee on floral decora­ tions : Mrs. G. W. Hldredge, Mrs. J. C, Smith, Mrs. S. F. Bennett, Mrs. L. B, Rice, Mrs. J. W. Haythorn, Mrs. Robt. Hunter. Ex-Hecretary of War, Robert T. Lincoln has been written to and re­ quested to deliver th« oration. NOKTBKKM ILLINOIS 8BBBP BKKEDKB8 Tho Aansl Shearing at Richmond. Owing to the remarkably cold and wet wea her the annua) meeting of the Northern 111. Sheep Breeder's Associa­ tion at Richmond, April 29 and 30, was not as numerously attended as usual, either by representative breeders or farmers from the neighboring country, a id yet the aflair was very far from a failure. Much very fine stock was on exhibition and the usual amount of interest was manifested. George W. Eldredge gave the uso of his commodi­ ous and very convenient barn for the purposes of the exhibition, and J.Still- well the uso of his large carriage store and salesroom for tlie shearing, for both of which courtesies the thauks of the association were tendered in a complimentary vote. A large number of sheep fro n neighboring counties were ke"pt at homo on account of the unpropitlous weather, a circumstance much regretted. It has always occurred to us that this shearing festival is held too early In the season. Last year, the same as this, the weather was so cold that the poor beasts sheared must have suffered severely and rnn great risk of taking fatal colds. It is suggested to tlie management that a change to a date two or three weak* later would be an Improvemont. CLASS A.--MERINOS. In Class A, Merinos, E, Peck & Sons, Geneva, III., entered 1 ram 3 years old and over, 1 ram S years, and a S year- 01 1 ewe. Hyde A Conk ley, Raudall, WIs^ ram 2 years, 2 ewes 2 years, E. Turner, Spring Grove, III., ram 2 years, raiu 1 year, and 2 2-year and 2 yearling ewes. F. Collison, Richmond, ram 3 years. Isaac Harsh. Ringwood, III., ram 1 year, 2 ewes 1 year, 2 ewes 2 year. CLASS B.--DELAINES. The following were the entries in Class B. Delaines. E. Turner, Spring Grave, IUH ram 2 yr, ram 1 yr, ewe 2 yr, ewe 1 yr. Isaac Harsh, King wood. III,, ram 1 yr Fleming Bros., Wilmot, Wis^ ram 1 year. THE JUDGES AKD AWARDS, C Pliilo Curtis, Bristol, Wis., Thos. Mc D. Richards, Woodstock, III., and J, Frank Pa sker. of Richmond, were ap> pointed judges, and by them the fol­ lowing awards were made In Class A: Rams 3 yrcars old and over, 1st prlz» E. Peck A Sons. Geneva; 2d Fred Col­ lison. Richmond. Ram 2 years old, 1st prize E. Peck A Sons, 2d prize E, Turner. Rams ! fear, E. Turner 1st, I Harsh 2d, Fleming Bros. 3d. Ewes 3 years, 1st prize E. Peck A Sons. Ewes 2 years, 1st prize Hyde A Coak- ley, 2d Isaac Harsh, 3d E. Turner. Ewos 1 year old, 1st prize ^Fleming Bros., 2d E. Turi^:. CLASS B.--DELAINES. Ram 2 years, E. Turner 1st prize. Kams 1 year, Isaac Harsh 1st, I. Turner 2d. Ewes 2 years, E. Turner 1st prize. Ewes 1 year, E, Turner 1st prize. ^ THE SHEARING. The sHrorlng took place Thursday. For t*ie best and quickest shearing the judges, who wore J. R. Hyde, Richard Lawson and A. S. Dumont, awarded the following prizes: 1st prize. A, S. Peck, Geneva, III.; 2d, Courtland Has Ings, Spring Grove, III.; 3d, J. Collison1 Richmond, 111, TABLE SHOWING THE SHEARING. Owner's Name 28 is* wC £3 D ay s G ro w th *•4 Aft R Peck ft Sons...... 1» 87 35s ewe s B Peck ft Soas 30* 123 365 ram 5 Issac Harsh..,.,..... IVA 69 320 eve i Ed Turner 22* HI* 3R5 ram S Kreit Collison.. 21* 115 365 ram 5 Fleming Bros........ 10 50 yr« ewe 1 Hyd« A Cwftbley... 15 66 335 ewe s R Peck & Sons.^.... 21* 86 380 ram s Isaac Harsh Vl% 74 yrg ram 1 Ed Turner 21* 127 330 ram 3 Ed Turner. IS* 91 330 ewe 9 Hyde ft Coaklev ... 19 65 360 ewe a Ed Turner. 17* 118 365 ram l Ed Turner 17 V 118 ram l Ed Turner....... ... 16* 102 >30 ewe s Isaac Harsh. 71 ram l Ed Turner.... ... 13* 71 ewe l iRRa.-, Harsh.... S3 390 ewe s Ed Turner __ M . ewe 1 Ed Turner. 13 -- ewe 1 THE "STAKE ENTRIES." In this department Fred Collison and E, Peck A Sons made entries of rams* the latter takiug 1st prize, fleece 30$ pounds. Hydtr A Coakley.E. Turner aod Isaac Harsh made entries of 2-year old ewes. First pr ze awarded to Hyde A (.'oak- ley, weight of fleece 19 pounds. Geo. W. Eldredge acted as weigher for the Association. SuperiutendenM Richard Lawson and Fred CollUon were tendered a vote of thanks for tho faithful performance of duty. So far as we learned, the time and place of next meeting was not fixed. The President made two very bad appointments on Tuesday. Chas. H. Chase, who was named for collector of Internal revenue at Portland, and Eben F, Plllsbury, chosen for the same office in Boston, are unscrupulous Democratic politicians, and fhey have had a bad record of disloyalty In sen­ timent during tba war.--New York KotTottFr tnrBaailnii llBIMaBMyifc- serlheris llis T1 liila11MlllMTBiWlsof its am tasae,awi _ ••gat to contain lecai now# seat, we hare eonelwfed to WW thelMstaess, aad will «ow nrifdk' what Items of news we asar father «U little ttme at ear disposal while af ear OaiUr avoeatfcna P. B. Miller, formerly of this city, bat aow Hvlng in Chicago, was here the latter |»rtk»n of last week. F re Ion is now associated with a younger brother in the grocery and provision business, and wo understand the Arm are (to- Ing a large trade in their Una. Charles and Lewis Stone start to-day (Men- day) for their old home in Norway. Both are • t . . . yet quite yonng men, but have resided in America a number of yssrs, having left home and kindred when mors children. With them, should they reach their destination safe, It wilt be sorely "Heme again, home again, from a foreign shore." Ed Donnelly has canse to feel sorrewfnl.for he lost a horse last week that he but recently had been oSered^l,9M for, and was valued ail the way from twelve to fifteen hundred del. lars. A yonng man by the name of Mike Mann bad driven the h rse to tho watering trough en Mala Street, opposite the Waverly House. The horse reraslag to drink, the head-stall was slipped off, when in seme manner the ani. •sal became frightened and ran at lightning •peed until Dwight'a earner was reached, where it ran against a wagon wheel, its head coming in contact with seme portion of the wheel with such force that the poor creatures brains were scattered about the wagoa, and it died insUntly, hardly gasping once. Wallace Sanford Is filling the position In Bunker Bros.' store, made vacant by tho acci­ dent that happened to Leander not long since by having his leg broken in two places. Being thrown from the hack of aa unruly pony was the cause that will lay Leander up for some weeks to come, and perhaps months. Dr. Green, who it in attendance, saya his patient Is doing as well as eaa ho expected, bnt that is afr " " " " --- • -he ankle [raid Leander will always have a stiff Ed Furer has run a partition lengthways of his brick stote on the east side of the square and rented one portion to Ed Richmond for a harness shop, and the other to be used as a barber shop. There Is no idle room in the business portion of our city. George Hoy is about to bu'ld a barn on hie premises near the Congregational church. Before our letter of this week appears In print there will no doubt have been consum­ mated a wedding in this city, which we shall taae occasion to mention in our next com­ munication it we can possibly secure the par­ ticulars. It is always a pleasure to meet the gentlei manly editor of the Harvard /iidepmdriif, Mr. N. B. Burtch, who shook hands with friends In this city last Friday morning. We understand there will be about ten sa­ loon licenses taken out here this year, aa Increase of three over last year. The license was fixed by the board ths other evening at five hundred dollars per annum. A vote was taken on a motion to make the license sevsn hundred dollars for the ensuing year, which stood three and three. The mayor having the deciding vote, voted no, and stood by the low license atdermon, which makes the license the same as last year. Chas. Judit, who has beon living with Uncle Daniel Blair, near the fair grounds, has rent­ ed a part of the Presbyterian parsonage, and will nenccforth bo considered a regular in­ habitant of Woodstock, instead of transient. Miss Emma Wlutson, who has for the past live months been visiting relatives in Brook lyn, N. Y., and at different places in Massa chusetts, arrived homo on Tuesday of last week. We see L. H.Jones is still assisting W. H. I)wi<ht at his boot and shoe store, and upon Inquiry, And that the regular clerk, Mr. H. A. Stone, is stilliconfined to his home on account of illneos. Misses Anna and Maggie Donnelly, teachers in oiu* public school, are taking in the sights at tho Crecent City. They are accompanied l>y their brother, J. C., whom they joined at Springfield early last week. Rev. R. K. Todd is building a three story building on his grounds tor school purposes, a gymnasium and skating rink. We shall men­ tion this improvement at greater length wnen we have time to look it over. Rev. Henry . IHappel, church, has moved from the ptstor of thfe Baptist »m the north part of town to the south part, aau has rented the A. B. Cowllu house on tirlfllng's Hill. The trees and grass in the Park are looking well notwithstanding the extremely back­ ward spring. About all of our politicians wont down to fclgin last Friday to assist In nominating B. N. Smith to be one of this district judges for the next six yeara. They cams home greatly dis­ appointed, which their faces plainly inalcat ed. Never mind, boys, "there are better fishes In the sea than ever wore caught. You have only to wait till Congressman Ell wood's term expires and wade in again. There's nothing like tiying, ^ 4 NOW AWP AOA1V. re.: CARPETS. E. A. Murphy A Co., Woodstock, HI. oiler for the present season the most complete line of Carpeting that they have oyer exhibited. Stock consists of Hemp, Cotton and Wool, all Wool Tapestry and Body Brussels at prices ranging from sixteen cents to one dol­ lar and twenty-five cents a yard. We buy our Carpets direct from the Mills that mako them, and can retail them at Chicago wholesale prices. We also offer Curtain material of every descrip­ tion, Nottingham and Lace Curtaius fifteen cents a yard and up. Window Cornaces. Curtain Poles with brass and ebony trimming. Curtain Sloths, Paper Curtains, etc. Prices on all kinds of foods are low this spring and we would e pleased to show our stock to those intending to purchase. &A. MURPHT A Co. Tba finest lino of Ruchelng to be found In tho county, at Mrs. p. H. Nichols*. BESLKT*S Ale and Porter It the best made. On draught in McHenry at Jacob Bonslett's and A. Englen's. I bavo a lot of Selz Schwab A Co's Shoos, all sixes at one half price. c. v, sravaiis. REMEMBER you can find Besley's Ale and Porter on draught lu this village, at Jacob Boiislett^s and A. Englen's. People wishing to buy goods at low- r prices than ever before will do well to call on me. 0. T. 8TBVBHS. Safe For Sale. A good second hand Safe, as good as new, for sale cheap if applied for soon. Inquire at this , office. We sell the latest styles iadies and gents walking and low shoes. BON81ETT & STOFFBL. An Imirenso variety of Grlndley's Lustre Band, Tea sad Dinner Sets, at Bonslett A Stoflel's. Randall and Keystone Pulverizers,. 13 and IV inch at E. M. Owen A Son. Fish Globes on stands, best glass. 1 gal 85c, 2 gals 91, at Bonslett A Stoflel's, A good chance for a Wagon Maker 'Visiting to ge out of business, I oiler my stock and tools st a bsrgain if ap­ plied for soon. Will rent shop. K. V. WERDEN, Wauconda, 111. Three pounds No. 1 Japan Tea for 91 at Bonslett A St offers. Nov designs iu window shades, lace curtains and pales at Bonslett A Suf­ fers. CARPET SALE. Oo Saturday next. May 9th, we shall offer a fine line of Carpets at Chicago Prices, If In want ef anything in the Carpet line do not fail to call, JUSTEN BROS. Mrs. Schumacher. Woi.ld Invite the attention of tbe Ladies to her new Spring stock of millinery, comprising the latest styles to be found tn the clty.and which she proposes to sell at prices that defy competition, New goods and latest styles teceived every week. Call and examine goods and learn prices. MRS. SCHCMACHBB. The Buford wheel sulky takes the lead, also Hapgood, Case, Skandla and Flying Dutchman Plow's at K. M. Owen A 8umi Palntsilad Oflsatj Matrasses for only ' Bros.,West McHenry; f at Jersey Waists always Chicago prlcea. at Mrs. New Carpets at Perry A Owes Floe line of Summer Silks ail Colby's. ________ Oo and see the new Spring Mil at Mrs. H. B. Nichols'. Go to Mrs. Howe's for HlSlntoy i Dressmaking. SMOKERS, call for Barblan Bx High Art." They have few equals. Fine Velvet anc} Velveteen la MfcS| and colors at Perry A Owen's. No trouble to show goods or questions at R. Bishop's. City residences for sale. Asa w. Smith, Woodstock, 111.' Go to Mrs. M. Schumacher's fo: ln«ry, Dress Making and Fancy < C. V. Stevens will sell 100 coats \rtT$L half price. Call and look them aver* |fp The latest styles in Milllnorr Ooadfl of all kinds at Mrs. H. H. Nl Everything In the Hardwai* Hot atP bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. " Building Paper, cheap, at John I, Story's. ' The Lyman Barb Wire, both and galvaniztid.decldedly the best la the market, at John I.Story's. GLASS ! GLASS ! 1 We keep Glass of all sizes constant!# on hand. Special sixes cut vlibMp extra charge. JOHVI. -- * rifts! FEED CUTTERS. Tlie Belle City takes the lead; tlMl strongest and beat, at E. M. Owen 6 ^ Son's. New Ginghams, new Prints, and now Dress Goods at Perry A Owen's. . -------- ' We have just added an elogant lino ef dress goods, which are offered at out usual uniform low prices. Henry Colby Lnce Curtains, Tidies, Lamberklns, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs, Schumacher's, near the Depot. LATEST styles in Dress Trimmings, Lases, etc., at Mrs. Schumacher's. (>. Ladies Muslin Underwear, fro$> J5 cents up, at Mrs. Schumacher's, near tbe Depot. The celebrated Cortland Side Spring Buggy is the leader. Ask the 200 in thU county whit th^y think of them Alw ays on hand at E. M. Owen A Son's Besley's Famous Waukegan Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's and A. Euglen's. A beautiful piece oC 9IHt Velvet, wortli 91,75 a yard. Is being closed at the small sura of 91.00 per Call soon and obtain it at Colby's. Call at E. M. Owen A Son's for your Farm Machinery. They keep none but , the best, and warrant everything. THE fiapst assortment of 8ewlng Machines to be found in the oounty, at O. W. Owen's. FOR SALE OR RENT. Two houses tn the village of Ring^f wood. Terms reasonable. Apply atS'i once to WESLET LI|»K , Ringwood, Nov. 10th. 1884. - *^ Please remember that our atack la every department Is very < and that our prices are ah lowest that can be made. We will not, be undersold by any house in MoBeuryi Co. Henry Colby. NewrWanPaper. New Wall Paper at Perry A Owen's Best quality of paper and sM» cheap trash. . - Notice To those that want work done la SKF"-.^ ^ line, such as Tanks, Vats and all stMtfv work done in a shop, as I get lasm#^ jlrect from Chicago. F. A. BEUIB, Redpath's #3.oo 8ho**t The belt in the world for the flMMI* ey. Solid leather, solid sole, k counters and Innersoies and ara out of first quality calf skin, put tf^i getlier in au honest, substantial saaa*! f ner and warranted to give satisfaction Try a pair. For sale by Henry Colby. -1^1 For Sal© or Exchange, One or two good houses, with good oarns and other out-bulldlngs; orchards, wells, cisterns, Qtc. _ located near the Depot iaweat Ho1* Henry, together with land trass 900 acre to fifty. Will sell very cheap>< trade for a farm, or western wlld ll Also a good house to rent. A «A1 West *er The Boss Barrel Cham, 8torjr*«. _>" ^ PICS. We have on hand, and for sato li ­ very fine lot of Poland China Plgf, ranging In ages from three to M|C 1 weeks. Also youager litters with their mother's, and also other brood sows* 3 For sale in lots to suit. E.STANFoan, Fort Hill, Lake Co. l(M0tf Spring Millinery. MRS. E. W, HOWE, has just returned from the city with a fell Una of sprlug Millinery, to which she Invltaa the at* tentlon of tlie ladles of MdSeary and sui roundl ng country. The latest styles ~be found at thia atore. Call can alwaya and8ee MRS, E. W, Block, McHenry, Ili. Hows, KelterV IS* j 3 oifc "b i- h-^'P . - 'iv* ~r Farm for Sato. The undersigned offers for sale hit : Farm, containing 204 acres, situated one m>le West of the village of lil* Henry, on tlie Woodstock road. C buildings, living water, plenty of i fruit, and % young bearing orchard. well adapted for a stock farm. Haady £ to Railroad Station and a Cheese he- ;:v tory. For terms and other oartlonlara inquire of the undersigned oa tlMt , premises. Bexara'aaa* McHenry, July 16th, 1SSL Harvard, Iiiw Feb. 8th, 1088. C. DICKINSON A Sox: : ^ GENTLEMEN:--I have been suffering; si" with Bone Erysipelas and Cfcreale Rhumatism for the past savea yaa«a; '<> and have tried everything 1 SiaM of but to no purpart until yotir recommended your Russian Lioisseal which 1 tried with entire sattefjaMltiKk ss it has helped me more thaa thing I ever used, and I tecomosead II to all who are suffering, as It la tfet I ever osed. ilA*a**a > ^ hk~

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