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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 May 1885, p. 8

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»th, »» Indications flf the War" l>e part- a renewal of con i;,%#tween the Seertaiy Sheridan, and it is it an order by the Presl- fortlicomltijf upon tho re- "Secrerary of War. which I be the limits of authority WtAiiant general In exact terms ^iVmllar difficulties will be ob- lii the'future. This conflict so.<!» "Secretary of War and rtdan is nothing new. but that the whole matter ^permanently settled. S^me _ _ e before the close of Secre* Lincolu'a administration,; the i-retary was embarrassed by what considered the unauthorized as- «attif»tlon of power by Lieutenant pieneral Sheridan In Issuing orders to she army without the direction or ap­ proval of the Secretary of War, arid he felt compelled to call General Sherl* «1 aii's attention te the matter. The !wsl! known independent disposition tiftlie latter rendered him loath to ^recognize any higher authority that >*is own In connectfou with the military H» alters, and a very inarp correspon­ dence resulted, which was, concluded fey Secretary Lincoln's final letter to the Lieutenant General stating just tiow for h!s individual authority ex tended In controlling the army, as in­ terpreted from law, and adding in tftect if the lieutenant general Ins ted in assuming the prerogatives of the Secre tat y of War; the interference ; % f the executive would have to be in toked. From what can be learned it appears that ^Ir. Lincoln's prompt action did not have the desired effect, aud is understood that the new Secre tary has called upon the President to interfere In the matter. Just what *he cxpected executive order will con- lain cannot be learned but it is under­ stood to be a radical one, which will vftectuallr prevent a recurrence of the difficulty. There is a floating rumor, apropos of the unpleasantess between the .Secretary of War an J Gen. Sheridan, to the effect that Army headquarter? were to be removed to Chicago. Such :i change is within the range of pos t-ibilities. A law was passed in 18G7 fixing the headquarters of the army permanently at Washington, but in j870 that was repealed. Accordingly In 1874, at the request of Gen. Sher- •uan, and with the consent of the President, the headquarters were transferred to St. Louis, April 6. 187G. the President with no reference to legislation, re established the head- quarters at Washington. There has Leen no legislati >n which would pre- *.-«nt a transfer to Chicago now if •leemed advisable. It is impossible, however, for Gen. Haucock or any : other officer to succeed Gen. Sheridan under the circumstances. y General Sheridan Is much liked r socially in Washington, and is a man of simple tastes. He is more proud of jame trophies adorning his house than of anything else. On the walls of his hall are several magnificent deer Heads, mountain sheep, and goat. The latter is so rare that but tiiree others known. One of these belongs te General Sickles. In the dining room are several verities of quail, and on a pedestal i« a splendid specimen of the wild turkey, with shining bronzed feathers. It came from the Indian Territory, and from a spot discovered and named by him "Sheridan's Roost." Mrs. Sheiidan hast favorite picture which rests on an easel in the parlor* It shows a long stretch of dusty road nnd a single hone in an riding for life, "to Winchester, twenty miles awiy." A la ly who has held sweet commun­ ion with Appointment Clerk Higgins sends me the following roseate view of him: "Appointment Clerk Higgins id making himself personally agreeable to those who have occasion to call on Mm, He isn't half so black as he's l»een painteJ. In fact, he's a blonde, and looks leke a village doctor of the benign, half-featherly type. Suavity is ne name lor his politeness. He is pleasant and courteous to men and women alike, and quick to answer questions. He doesen't sit in his chair !ike a grand mogul and compel you £to approach him tremblingly and abjectly .'ike a1>egger or servant, after the man ner of Butler, who was Such a terror, to women clerks {so long. Higgles is active, and he takes in a crowd of visit­ ors at a glance then be moves about the room, from one tn another, dis-. posing of each with suA kindly cour­ tesy that If au office seeker goes out -without a ray of hope Tor an office he also goes out with his entire self re­ spect, ^because he has been threated iike a gentleman. Why, I've seen But­ ler sit %t bis desk, never deigning to look up, while he growled out a "surly - answer to some poor worn in clerk who had to go to him. And then he always feaid It was'neuralgia caused by mal­ aria.' Its my opinion that if Mr. Hig- ginsj who lias been so written down as a sinner, grasps the difficulties of his position successfully he will be Written . up as a saint before this admlnisration is ended." Col. Lamont, the President's private secretary, is somewhat Improved in Health, and was able to-day to take a carriage ride into the country. It is not expected, however, that he will be iuliy able to resume his d'uties before next Monday. Cel. Lamont and his family are now guests at the White House at the urgent request of the President. It 1b also expected that r* they will accompany the President to tlM Soldier's Home in a few weeks. To Builders pi Contractors, The MeHenry Brick Manufacturing Ocw»p*ay are now ready to supply Brick .<* 1 |aa«MStnee - - , -TO--* CAR LOADS Thfctr hre serond to to he fmtnd In the market, ami will be told at Die lowest market price. Persons intending to. build, or tlmsc li.'trxl ling hrii'k, will 4o well to cat I and sec us before . V • furchasfiig. • We MTtce nn .examination »n«t comparison with any Brick made in the Northwest. For further information, apply to or address :. McHENRY BRICK Manufacturing' Co. Mcllenry, III,, June 11th 1S84. - o ' > A PRONOUNCED SUCCESS Thousands oi Acres Plowed with the Flying Dutchman, and Every Claim Made for This Wonderful Plow Fully Substantiated. Why Is this plow so successful popular ? ' » Because it runs ONE HORSE LIGHTER than nny other plow nimio. Because the plow is CARRIED, GAUGED AND GUIDED by the use of three wheels. Because the plow is IN FRONT of the driver. Because the •vrclRht of the driver is OVER THE FURROW WHEEL, adding but little to the draft, but keeping the plow down to its work. Because the swivel plate pole PRE­ VENTS ALL SIDi DRAFT or weight on horse's necks. Because it is simple, strong and dur­ able, and does flrst-ciass work. Illustrated circulars (descriptive), The Story of the Flyine Dutchman (sen­ sational), The Agricultural Pilgrim's Progress, with six tinted illustrations (comic), all sent free to any address. MOLINE PLOW CO., MOLINE. ILLINOIS . ,o Best U jpj ?/_rl! This time of year every owner of a eow should keep ready for use a bottle *>f Dickinson's Cow Prescription. It tofcy save him tUe price of a cow. It viioiild be given in every case as soon as the oo«r calves. It will cause her to do well and will prevent that fatal disease 3tltk Fever. For tale by all druggists, "THE OLD FOLKS AT HOME." White Seal Sip -T " A ' * W, ... *> *"* Bonslett ESI New Goods! New Styles! Wo are prepared to offer bargains in General Merchandise, consisting of . n r A larff€ and well selected stock ot Seasonable Styles ©raided and Plain, in latest flolorsr ^ttt entirely new stock of Of alldescriptions,which wo trfni firefe of charge, both paper aud. border. A tuil line of tbo favorably known C. H. Fargo > | Boots and Shoes. New Styles in Hats and Caps, Groceries, only tlie very be^t, and at moderate prices. Trockery in great variety;. Lustre Band, and brown Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Water Sets, Chamber Sets. etc. The Celebrated Secor 1 riinks aud Valises. Carpets, hemp, half wool, and 2-ply all wool; Oil Cloths, etc. The best grades of Flour delivered free. Salt by the Barrel. ^Fl J0 Bonslett & Stoftel. West MeHenry, III , May 4th, 1885. *0*' ' Spring by The Forelock. J±M*M Is as usual on hand with the largest and best^assortment of In McHeixry or petition. Lake i^nnties, at prices that distance all com* "WILL NOT BE w IS HIS MOTTO. Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys. Also a full line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc. Has a full and selected stock ot Fashionable Spring Millinery, which she invites the ladies of Wauconda aud vicinity to call and examine and learn prices* HENRY MAI MAN* Wauionda, March 23d, 1885. The Above Cuts Show Sherman's Patent Gate As applied to the common earry^around Gate, or panel of fence, It makes a gate that is Cheap, Strong and Durable, combining more points of excellence than any ot her gate, however expensive. Any ordinary work hand can apply this hanging by looking at the cut. The cost of iron for hanging does not exceed 15 cents. Give this Gate, a careful examination. It is something every farmer' needs, ̂ Farm, Town, County and State right for sale by your Blacksmith,) Agent, or 8. & J. SHERMAN, 10 38 6m West MeHenry, Hit** IN---- jiinni!focttirer*«f Boots I Shoes, W • -" McHENRY, ILL. „ Having rented the store of H. ff. Hlchol#, nre are now prepared to manufacture Boota and Shoe a to oraer, and Warrant Satisfaction. . W e h a v e o n e o t t h e b e » t w o r k m e n f a llcMenry Conntv, and as we use none Out the i>est ot stock will guarantee all our work a*4 warrant a lit every time, In either SEWED Ok PEGGED WORK. itfP^irlng Promptly Attend** to. Give us a Call. Trunin and Valises, R.ubber Goods, Choice Family Groceries Bishop's Standard and Surprise, and Washburne's Superlative. Weodin and Willow Watt, Crocksry and Powder, Shot, Full Stock of Ammunition, Cigars, The New York Board bf Health estimates that 30,000 lives have been deatroyud bv the explosive (iii!ilitie» of Petroleum. If every household should adopt the White Sea! oil foi family use, none of these unforlmi-ite ac­ cidents weuUi occur. 7) lute Seal Burning Oil Has none of the defects usually found In common Oils. It cannot be exploded, does, not char the wick, will not smoke, emits no cStroney*,***0" *nd 1>revent*ttae breaking of White Seal Burning Oil ..Ifi^hos! for 'Humthating p9rpo3es, it ts as light in nolor as pnrn spriivsr •vrrtter. Tt gives a strong, steaily light and bums much longer than common Oils. If this Oil is not sold in your vicinity, send ymr outer direct to us for l^rrflqxu ease containing two lite gallon BROOKS OIL CO. M Euclid Ave., Cleveland, 0. 114 and 116 Soutli Street. New Yo*fc> We Have Just Received Our first invoice S the Largest Stock o? ling Goods, and in order to maks roni foi Spring and Summer Goods Ever bronght to Woodstock, or into MeHenry CgMlity, close out our Fall audi Winttl?* VVe will BOOTS AND ,SHOES, REGARDLESS OF COST. For we must have the room. We ean and will give you . In these Goods, and it will pay you to come from all over the jHonntry to trade with us. Good Goods at low (lash Prices. Re member the place, Cor. Maine Street and Public Square, Wood! Stock, III. N. B. House Established 1865. W. H. DWICHT. and Chemicals, the Leading Patent, llidicl&ts Diamond Dyes, Paiots, Oils, Ite. Am now receiving my Sprinjr and Summer Supplies, and everv department will be found full of New and Seasonable Goods, which are offeree^^ iref^r eheap. . We desire to call particular attention to our. ' • •• - '• • DRESS GOODS! Consisting in part of Cashmeres, both Black and in Colors; Black Silks, Summer Sjlkfe, Velvets, Flannels, etc. We have a fine line In the very latest styles, WHITE GOODS, LINENS. Beautiful and Cheap An inspection of goods and prices is most respectfully solicited. We aim to carry as large and complete assort­ ment of General Merchandise as can be found in MeHenry County, and our prices will always be found as low .as Good Goods can be obtained. Remember the largest stock and lowest prices always Eiverside Block, McHeniy, 111 RESTAURANT. We also keep In eonn'ctioti wilb oar BbM £u8inessa Where Warm and Coid Meals will be scrraft atallhour8. OYSTERS IN THEIR SEASON ®if the Dish, Can or Bulk. * R0WLE^ 4 mm* a UoHenrT. UI^ Mareh 3d, 188S. ' NOWREAWi Hiving recently thoroughly re- i»hii«h1 the Greenwood Mill by pint ing in a new cleaning machine lew bolts, and giving" the ma­ chinery a general overhauling, ire now better than ever pre- pai«*1 to do all kinds of custom <?nnding. We make a specialty yi Buckwheat and Feed grinding, evei y day in the weeK. TOLES&SCN *t»«o^ood. 111., NOT. IS, 188^ 1019-tf i A AT My business at home requiring more of my attention, I have decided to stop canvassing tor Sewing machines, and in place thereof to offer inducements to buyers to come, to nf Store where I can show them a OWEN'S. Than can be jound in any other store in t)M Northwest. , .. My Plan is This: For every Ten Sewing Machines sold, I fjfjf G I V E A Ladies Gold Watch,* In the following manner: I will allow sent* disinterested party to take ten plain envel­ opes in nine of which thev will place blank icarda, and in the tenth one a card on which will he written WATCH. As each machine is sold the purchaser will be allowed to choose one of these sealed envelopes, on which they will write their name. As soon as the ten .v, machines are sold, the envelopes wiir^M» opened in thet presence of the purchasers and the Watch given to the lu2ky Holder. >; If son want a New American No. 7, Croari* ftomestic. Diamond, Davis, Kid red ge, Hon'to hold, llowe Improved, New York, Sprinvileld St.John. Singer, White, Wheeler & Wilson No. 8, call at my store, try the machine, and 1 am sure I can pieass you in price, and besidaa give you a chance to get a Gold Watch. O. W. OWEN. MeHenry, Nov. 26th, 1884 John Algonquin, (II. Sardwau, Tinw&rt, In short, we keep everything in the above mentioned lines, which «ve are offe' ing to the buy­ ing public as cheap as any other house in this section. Call aud See JOBBING & REPAIRING, riiOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN HELM. Algonquin, Feb. 18,1885..' :lS •-a , 9 Plows! Plows P. HAUPERii MoHenrj, lllinoifll. #»iu l inform the farmers of MeHenry l#$i<v. •urroundlng country that he is prepare! to sell them a FIRST-CLASS PLOW, And warrant the same,at a lower price than •» "• purchased elsewhere in the county, Al. Kinds of BLACKSMITHINO, IMOOIT in l ' AltUlAGJB work promptly attaoded la I tEPAIHIISGi Olaii kinds on short notice. JVGtve Ml »ii| «nd we will please you both in quatitf »a l ' nee of work. P. HAUPERI8CH, Moifanry, I1L, Oot. 7th, . 71|VN - 'y- "w , J, ,iiM ?*. - .

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