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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 May 1885, p. 5

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WEDNESDAY, MAY IS. 1886 TtallroaclTlme Table. On and after Monday, Jnne **1, Trains wtf| --i McHenry ntatieii as below: <101*0 SOOJJJI }3nev« Lake Passenger, ivi;*. Seneva hake Express ... Geneva Lake Kreizht-- Geneva Lake Passenger.:>w •m •»<> M tupu. Gene»% Lake freight -- »,•., ieMTS Lake Passenifsr A,, Geneva Lake Express , (tonuva Lake Passensrer ..7:38 A. * ,.8:25 " 1 :io r. M ..3:» •« i......S-ll A. M ..........9-M •• 4:49P. M 6:57 " B. Brss,. Auent. McHenry, 111 MASON'13 MCIIKNRT LODGE, NO. 158 A. F. and A. M--- Secular Communications the Saturday on or fterore the full of the moon and every two ireekB thereafter. . „ CHAS. C. COI.BT, W. Mr MCRNRT OHAPTBR SO. 84 R. A. M -Rejtn- Mr Convocations helii on the aenourl and fourth Frlda* a in caeh moneh. JOHN EVANSON, H. P. NOW IS THE TIME. VAll of our subscribers who will pay lip nil arrearags and one year Ir. ftd Vance,nnd all new subscribers Who pay til Advanc. during the next thirty days will receive tlie American Rural. Home, a large twelve page Weekly Paper, FRKB lor one year. Remember ti ls offer will be good only for tliirty days. Improve the time. RKMEMBKR the Forty-NiifliHj will be at Riverside Hal', on Wednesday event­ ing ef next week. May 20th. SEE the notice for Sealed Proposals foradrawmg Gravel, by the Street Committee of the Village Board, which can be found in another column. THE finest string of fish of the season was caught from the Bridge on Monday last by a party from Woodstock. Fish­ ing will soon commt nee In earnest. WHILE in Chicago on Monday we had the pleasure of meeting our old friend, Wm. Veley, formerly el" Wood- stock. He is now run ling a Hotel at Forriston, III. THE Tennesseeans sang to a small boose on Thursday evening last. Those : whose who did attend report the enter­ tainment a good one, and that they were well repaid by so doing. AT the last meeting of the village Board the Street Committee were directed to build a new plank side­ walk, five foot four inches wide, from the Depot to the Iron Bridge. A New Jersey pedagogue aivtrtises "a select school for eight boy? (gentle­ men's only.)1 ' We suppose the boy who had the misfortune to be the son of a woman couldn't get in there, ii ), net for money. * MRS. IRISH, sister of Dr. O. J. IIow-. ard, died at the resident <$f. her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Beekwith, tn this village, on Monday afeternoon last. We sit all publish an obituary next week, DON A VAN'S Original Tennessee's *lir«*trying to make arrangements to vlfclt this place about June 13th. We trust they may succeed, as o,ur citizens will be delight* d to hear the old favor­ ites again. AN Ohio farmer says that a sow can be cured of kicking by catching hold of her leg while In the act. Jest so, and a bumble be can be cured of stingin • by catc ting hold of his stinger. Try *em both. _ IN our Woodstock Department Inst week, in speaking of the injury to Le- ander Young, the last name was aeei, Mentally left out. Of course all knew who was meant, but it was an aggra­ vating mistake nevertheless. WE hare one of the best Bands in the County, and they should have a nobby uniform Turn out on Wedues day evening next and help them raise funds for tliis*purpose. The Drama of the "Forty Kiiiers" is one well worthy of your patronage. BARBIAN BROS, have been repalnti and decorating their Cigar Factory, and it now makes a very neat and tasty appearance. This Arm aro doing a food business, and their cigars are giving general satisfaction to the •making public. . S. S. SHEPHERD A SON have com­ menced the erection ot a large Ware- bouse, Just East of Crlsty, Walker & Co's Pickle Factory, for the storage of Dried Clover Blossoms. They expect to do an extensive business in this line this season. ANY man who wilt cot keep his back yard clear of the double distilled quint­ essence of cliolf filth known to chemi­ cal combinations as decayed vegetable matter aud oftal should b» buried in a sewer tor forty eight hours, witliun- brldled nostrils. '""i* QUITE a number of cattle ARE seen daily upon our streets. In open viola tion of the State law and the village Ordinances. Some ot'our citizens have blood in their eyes in relation to this matter, and owners of these cattle had •'better look a little oud," or they will have a bill of costs tq fine day. WK have received the revised Pre­ mium Llit pf the McHenry County Ftir, which is to be held at Wood­ stock September Sth to 11 tli 1885. It Is a book of eigl.ty pages and is a neat and tasty job. It was printed by the Norwalk, Ohio, Fair Publishing Huns*. We shall speak more at length in re­ lation to tills Fair in the near future. •"" TAKE a slip of paper and place there s on In figures, your age In years, drop­ ping months, weeks and days. Multiply the same by two,then add to the result -obtained the figures 3768, add two and then divide by two. Substract from the result obtained, the numbrrof your years on earth, andcee If you do not Obtain figures you will not be likely to m , f t ' • pkihosaL MUSS. JOEL WHEELER has returned home after an abse ice of six weeks.. HON. RICH A no BISHOP went .to Springfield tin Monday afternoon. MRS. Jos. WIEDEMANN SMARTED on Tuesday morning for the old country. MRS. JOHN M. SMITH, of Osborne, Kansas, is visiting with her parents in Mils village. MI-8 LIZZIE WIRFS, daughter of Catper Wirfs. visited with friends in Chicago last week. CASPER MCOMRER and wife, of Chi­ cago, have been spending a few days with friends in this village. H. B. TYRRELL and wife, of Nunda. spent Sunday in this village, the guests of C. II. Beers and family. MRS I. M. MALLORY. of Nunda,spent Sunday with hir parents, H, ST. Holmes and wife, in this village. THE Forty-Nlricps will be at River­ side Hall on Wednesday evening of next week. Aliss EMMA GREGORY, who has been in Ohio for the past few months, ar­ rived home on ^aturdty. • GEO. RUSHTON, of IIebrou,one of Uncle Sam's Mail Agents, m ule our sanction a pleasant call On ' Saturday last. MRS. H, S. GREGORY, who has been sick at the residence of her daughter, Mrs, Smith Colby, in Clkicago, Is now slowly Improving. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. WE learn that Mrs. Chas. McCormlck, nee Carrie Buckir.nd, formerly of this village, now of Bartlett. Dakota, is the mother of a bouncing boy baby, a few weeks old. Her many friends in this section s;nd their congratulations. DIKD.--At her home in Richmond, April 28th> of Consumption, Miss Julia llnrlqy, aged 20 years. Julia was a young lady who was highly respected by all who knew her And her winning grace and gentle dis­ position won her man; friends, whom she now leaves, together vith a griev­ ed father and mother, two sisters and four brothers, to mourn her loss. L. M. D. V/ the ® cei LANDLORD FORD, of the Riverside House, wishes the dancing public to understand that he i« not discouraged by two rain storms, but will try it again, with the same mu«ic, for his Independence Party, and as the 4th comes on Saturday, the Party will be on Friday evening, July 3d. Re mem ber, S.ocuni's full Orchestra at the Riverside House, Friday evening, July 3d, 1885. ____________ Lours ALTHOFF, one of the gentle­ manly clerks at H, Colby's *tor«, and Miss Katie Miller, daughter of Henry Miller,of Johnsbnt'gh. were married on Tuesday morning of list week at the church in John^hnrgh. The young couple have the heat wishes of a host of friends in this vicinity fer ther future prosperity and happiness. The River­ side Cornet Band gave them a sere nade, at their residence in this village, on Wednesday evening. QLTIE a number of changes has and will soon take place among the resi­ dents of tills village. R. Holly has bought the Kelter house, now occupied by C. H. Morey. Mr. Morey will move Into the house near the Cemetery.-for nferly occupied hy Sanderson. E. Car­ penter lias taken possession of Allen Walsh's house. "Mrs. J. L. Howe has taken possession of her residence bought of Dr. O.J. Howard, and Dr. Howard has taken possession of thp rooms one door west of Fitzslmmone & Eritnson's store up stairs. THE lovers of the Play should not forget the entertainment, under the direction of the Riverside Cornet Band, to take place at Riverside Hall, In this village, on Wednesday evening next, May 20tli, at w ilch time will be presented the beautiful Drama, In Five Acts, entitled "The Forty Xiners. or the Pioneer's Daughter." The Band are bringing out this play for the purpose of raising funds to purchase new Uniform, and will re- ve a liberal patronage. Let every­ one turn eut and give the boys a lift- For programme and full particulars read the large bills. WE learn that Clareuca L. Pratt has reiitej from his father the I'ratt House at Wiuicondti, has newly furnished It. painted it inside and out, and put it in a shape second to no Hotel in the coun­ try, and is now ready to accommodate the public in the best of manner, either for a single day or by the week. He Is a'natural Hotel man and will spare no pains 'o make it pleasant for all who may favor him witli a call. This house has plenty of room for the accommoda­ tion of Summer boarders, with splendid fishing in the Lake near by/Jon which •there are row ami sail boats, and every thing desired by the pleasure seeker. We can assure all who go to Wauconda th|^they are sure of being well taken care of at the Pratt House. THE Mcllenry Brick Manufacturing Company have purchased thirty-five acres of S. Riymond near the Railroad, just South of the Depot, and will Im­ mediately remove their Yard to that place. They have been constrained to do this for two reasons: First their supply of clay at tliq old Yard was al­ most exhausted. Second, by the change they secure shipping facilities which saves them the expanse ef teaming their Brick a mile to cars. On the ground just purchased they secure an inexhanstable supply of the finest clay, and will immedlatel v open up t! eir Yard with a full working forte. Tha Superintendent, Isaac Wentworth, knows the business In all its branches, and under his charge the McHenry Brick Manufacturing Company la sure of success. • A Bargain For The Boys. We are closing out a lot of Vests at 25 cents each. Pay your mouey and take your choice. Many of them cost four times this price HENRY COLBT/ CBNTRALIA, Illinois, reports her 1,2(0 acres of strawberries as looking very promising--and feels Indebted to the precaution of mulching for the favor­ able outlook. Southern Illinois, Cub , den, Anna, Makanda. Villa Ridge, Alto Pass, and pl^cs ol less magnitude re­ port fnIr prospects, bt t some Injury following the severe winter. GLOVES LOST.--Mislaid or lost, a pair of nearly uew mink gloves. Ou the buckskin side of the gloves, just under the edge of the fur will be found in small letters, somewhat faded out, the names, a8. F. Benne:tM and "R. C. Bennett," Somebody, of course, has laid them away for safe keeping, and that person will confer a great favor by re urning them to Dr. Bennett, at Richmond. Please don't forget it. THE following is recommended a« a sure cure for a felon: A small plaster as large as the finger nail spread with the salve used for fly blisters. Keep it on twelve hours, then where the finger is pulled up prick with a needle and let out the water. (Never u e a pin to ope*.) a sore, as often very serious con­ sequences ensue,. for brass is very poisonous.) There- Is nothing pain­ ful aboift the process, but the finger will be very tender. The skin that is separated by the blister keep on just as long as possible, orruiitil it comes oft itself. The flesh , underneath will be exceedingly sensitive, or will need washing with cream or . sweet oil. Teachers Read. Yh® last meeting of the M. C. T, A, for this season will be held at Nunda on Saturday, May 23 •, 1885,^and the ex­ ecutive committeehave arranged the folio ving programme. Music Roll call and Responses PeniDUDShip Mlnnrd Long Mental Arithmetic A. J. Kingman Mcthoil of using Reference and other Library Baoks Miss Sessions How to teach Music in our Common Schools .. J. J. Vasey iKTKBMissiott - Music, How shall Teachers spend their vacation -- Miss Annie Andrus A Reading.. K. L. Carr Reading O >nti ttie a. IL llirsh Method oi Language work fer ihirdanu fourth r«aders Alex.Gardner Short Methods... n. E. Lee Poeiii H. C. Fabjr Now *8 nearly all the schools In the county will be in session at the above named time, and this being our last meeting, a large attendance is expect­ ed- The secretary will try to secure reduced rates for those who trav(4 by railroad, and the executive committee will see that all on the above pro- mme are present and prepared to do their parts. . H. R. BALDWIN,Tret. F. L. CARR, Cor. Sec, A CAKD. lira. Jos. Wiedemann wishes, "In this manner, on the eve of her departure for the old country, to return thanks to her triends for kindness shown her before and since the death of her husband, and to bid them all good bye, doping to greet them all on her re­ turn in the Fall. Also, she wishes, In behalf of her little girl, to return thanks to the teacher and scholars of the West Division of the Public School for the very handsome present given her before her departure. She wishes you one and all good bye, f BOOK MARKS FOK McHBNSt U0. lh« First Six Marriages--The First Fonr Being Solemnized by Idder Wheeler, Nov. 30. 1837--Mr. Jonathan Imer- son nn<l Miss Mary Wray. fTl.e first in the county. Feb. 1,1839--Mr. Charles Frame and Miss Mary Dufie.'d. Feb. 22, 1839--Mr. Horace Rosencrans and Miss Maria Ingersoll, Nov. 10,1839--Mr, Joseph Fellows and Miss Chi istiana Robinalt. > Jan. 29*1839--(By Wm. L. Way, Jus­ tice of the Peace) Mr. Luther S. Bjru- hanVan l Miss Charlotte Joslin, Nov. 28, 1841--(By Joel H. JOIIBSOII, Justice of the Peace) Mr. Saru'l Green- letf and Miss Betsy McOmber, Riverside Skating Bink, Until further notice the Riverside Skating Rink will be open on Satur­ day afternoon and evenings only, P. S. For some reason it has been circulated about town that the Band would play no more for the Rink at present. It Is a mistake, they will play regularly every Saturday evening until further notice. All tint wish to have a good time can do so, for we will insist upon having good order as long as we continue. , Those coming with teams will find good stabling for horses. Admission same as heretofore. W, H. FORD, PrOp. '. ;f. N O T I C E . Sealed proposals will be rece*ved at the office of the Village Clerk, of the Corporation of the Village of McHenry, until Saturday, May Iflth, 1S8/J, at 4 o'clock p.M. for the drawing and dis­ tributing of from FTTTy*to One Thous­ and yards of Gravel. 8a!d grave] to ba delivered at such points, within tba Corporation, and at such times as the Street Committee may direct. Tne bids to be made at so much per.yard. I he committee reserve the right to reject any and all bids. R A. HOYVABP, A. WBBER, W. A. CKI8TT, Street Committee. Great Reduction in Clothing. A large number of Boys and Mens Suits at less than 30 cents on the dol­ lar, for (.ash. Call early before sizes are broken* and examine them at Henry Colby's. • An Agricultural Paper Free, We have made arrangements where­ by we can furnish the Western JHow' man to our subscribers, and propose to do so on tho following terms: To nil new subscribers who pay one year in advance, or old subscribers who pay up all arrearages and pay one year in ail vance. we will send one copy of the Western Plowman one year Free. This is one of the best monthly Agricultural papers published, and should be in the hands of every farmer. Remember, it Hosts you nothing. auiTThe following from the Sprlhg- field. 111. Monitor, a democratic pa|wr, speaks for itself: An appeal To Men. It Is "veil kuovtc that the rock upon whicu our esteemed friend Capt. Cha- pln wrecked his fortune was embarking in the publication of "a history of the Republican party," Disappointment In getting the work out in season for sale during the campaign caused him to lose every dollar he had on earth. Now that book Is on hand. Could he realize something for the work it would keep the wolf from the door of a gallant sol- dier in Ills old age, broken up by zeal for his party. We care nothing about his party, but he is a man, republican though he be in politics, if he chooses so to be. With Ills politics we have no sympathy, but at his ige it makes the heart of humanity a :he to See him thrown out upon the world with noth- lug to lean upon. Why can't therepub llcan newspaper brethern in the state give their old brother a lift by an ap­ peal to the party friends to send a do! ̂ iar and get a Wok that would have sold for three? It Is still of value to your party! Give the old man a boost! Send him a dollar And get his book and give a worthy old *oldicr a few dollars to cheer his last days! You have rais­ ed thousands for those not really in need of it; show your m!lk of human kindness for a broth r soldier in dis­ tress and send along your dollar. Tou will never miss It and It will make glad a most worthy arid honest man. Horace Chapin is not a beggar, nor would the MONITOR place him in that attitude, but to prevent him from be­ coming such send him a dollar and get a book which broke him up to publish. Let the republican press do a manly thing and urge their readers to do this. LOOT Smith on "Dr." W. H. Hale. The current issue of the Philadelphia Herald, edited by Lum Smith, is un­ doubtedly the best ever Issued. The fearless exposure of W. II. Hale "M. D,' of so called Heaith and Home, Wash-' ington, D. O., and of "Dr." Petzold. of Baltimore, Mtf, are the leadine articles and will no doubt prove of incalculable benefit to the press and public. The Reading (Pi.) Daily Ti*e* editorially endorses Mr, Smith as follows: "Where ever you see Lum Smith, editor of the the Philadelphia Herald, being abused in any paper, just make up your mind that he has trodden upon the toes of some pernicious newspaper publisher or rank fraud. Mr.^mith makes It his business to expose this class to the public gate and uo better evidence could be given that he is administering the right kind of medi :ine to opemte, than the frantic kicks of his victims- Let them howl." .% pievel Wager. A novel wager was made In middle- town the other day between a young lawyer and a gentleman engaged in business In New York. Each is the father of a boy baby, of which he Is very proud, and the conver«ation hap­ pening to turn upon the youngsters each father was emphatic in his asser­ tions that his oflsprtng was larger and more promising than that of his friend. The outcome of the talk was an agree­ ment that each should deposit 8100 in the savings hank, there te remain with principal and interest untouched, until both tlie babies huv" attained th<> age of 21 year-!. On attaining this niR|ority each of the babies to te weighed, and the one tipping the scales at tlie great­ est weight is to he entitled to the 8200 and interest.- Kingston (iV. I\) Free­ man. Ureat reduction in price of Clothing at H. Colby's. Millinery & Dress Goods We nave now in s'ore a magnificert asurtmentof fine Millinery goods, con* sistlng of French Flowers, Feathers, Plumes, Ornaments, Tinsel Braids, and Laces of every dospriptlon; Trimming Silks, Satins and Rib' ons. We lave a full line of shapes in Frerch Chips apd Braids and will continue to oiler novel­ ties in tli is line as the season advances. Have secur< d an excellent trimmer, who will p-oduce exact copies of the French pattern hats and bonnets. In Dress Goods we ofler a large steck of Black and Colored Silks, Satins and Velvets Black and Colored Ottoman Clotlis. Tricots, Satines; Plain and Bro­ caded Cashmeres, Dubages, and all Wool I'laiJs; aUo a complete line of tli* cheaper grides of Dress Goods from ten cents per yard, up. Our stock has never been as large aud well assort­ ed as at present, and purchasers may rely on finding with us the choicest goods at lowest prices. _ B. A. Mprphy 4CQ. Woodstoclt, in, ̂ Confirmation suits at H. Colby's. Ne v designs iu window shades, lace curtains and pales at Bonslett A Stof* fel's. The Buford wheel sulky takes the lead, also Hapgood, Case, Skandia and Flying Dutchman Plow's at K. M. Owen 4 Son's, WANTED BOY•» ANDGIRLS«-Any boy or girl who will get the signatures of twenty people to an agreement to take one copy ef the Through Mail each, from a news stand named in the agreement, each week, and to pay the newsdealer five cents for It, will receive the Through Mail one year FREE. Any one getting ten will receive it six month8FRKE. Any one getting five* will receive the paper FREE for three months, 'n addition to this we shall give 810.00 in gold to the getter up of the largest !club and many smaller prizes. Our circul ir explains all this Send for sample papers, circulars aud blank agreements. THE THROUGH MAIL. ^ Bloom ington, 111. C&* Any bright glfl or boy can thus get the best humorous paper published a year for an hour'9 work, and with­ out asking for or collecting a cent of money, and by getting as inanv new names once per yenr. can keep it com­ ing the same way. It costs nothing to try. whether you sucoeed or fail, and success is sure. This time of year every owner of a cow should keep ready for use a bottle •>f Dickinson's Cow Prescription. It may save him the price of a cow. It should be given in every case as soon as the cow calves. It will cause her to do well and will prevent that fatal disease, ^ Milk F«v«r. For sale by .all druggists. James Scott, of Kansas, an old timer of Wood-to ;k and vlclnitJV reached t'rls city last Friday. We shook hands with Captain Fred Smith, of Marengo, on Monday, he be lng over on business. John Brink, of Crystal Lake, was here last Monday surveying several pieces of property. Bert« tilth, ot York, Net)., accom­ panied by ois wife, are the guests of Mrs. and Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Murphy, of this city. Obas. Furer was at home a day or two last week. He hails from Nebraska and says the spring Is not as backward there as it appears here. The new dray, or truck, that Charles Hobe has ju*t begun tn use for his busi* ness of draying and handling express mMJer, Is certainly a "beauty." Mrs. ^uifson Irish, whom Dr. D. C. Green removed a large cancer with the knife, from her breast not long since, seems to be doing well, and Is able to be up and about. Frank Short has opened a saloon In Judge Murphy's block, on the south side of the Sq lare. This makes two saloons in the south aud temperance ward of this city. Carl Kingman ha* gone to Bel vide re for the summer. We understand he has taken a fine span of horses, and will engage in working on the new railroad to be built In that section. House cleaning Is now the erder of the day and It seems to us te begin very early in the day and to last til) the good housewife can scarcely keep her eyes open, or until she is complete* ly "bushed," We woul l write something concern lng the status of the weather during most ot last week, if we thought there was a person In McHenry county that did not realize what lovely weather did really s nlle upon us--say for in­ stance Thursday and Friday last. Dick Friend, of this city, an employe In the U. S. Senate pos'offloe, is home spending his vacation with family and friends. We understan 1 that Dick does not expect to be considered as having laid himself liable for removal on accojni of b**lng in "offensive partisan." Our board of education, we think, have acted wisely and well In deciding to retain Prof, Hursh as superintendent ef the public school for another year, Mr. Hursh has evidently given good satisfaction on a'l sides, and seems to be the right man for the place. As an educator he certainly stands second to none, and keeps up and In step with the era In whicn we live. We have seldom met \ more courteous and tlior> eugh young gentlemtn. A. E. Bourne may now be found In his new office, which by the way Is one of the most pleasant and nicely arrang­ ed law offl j<!S In town, or that we have visited lately. It is over Bunker Bros, hardware and grocery store, on -tou h side of the Square. Call and see the Captain. He has just went and gone and taken unto himself a better half, and of course any amount of legal business will be acceptable; and then, he will be bland like. There Is not the least shadow of a doubt but that Hon. B. N. Smith was treated very shabbily *t the recent Judicial Convention held at Elgin. Yet when the Sentinel put the question: Will the 'voters endorse It at the polls?" docs It not appear a little strange. After that paper has "many a time and oft" swallowed Just such "pills:' and even abused those who hinted at the bare Idea of not sanction­ ing far more disgraceful proceedings than those referred to? But as in many other cases with the Sentinel, It makes a vast amount of difference "whose ox is gored," Sheriff Udell's father, Alby Udell, who resided In the town of Alden, this county, died Tuesday, May Sth, at the age of 73 years. The decease 1 had lived in Alden fo{ about forty years,and was a highly respeotable.. and successful farmer, wh» was well and favorably thought of by his numerous friends at home and wherever known. He was sick but a day or two. Sheriff Udell did not roach the,bedside of his father ere the spirit had left Its tenement ef clay, although on the first Intimation by telegraph of* the dangerous condi­ tion of the deceased he started and drove twelve miles In little over one hour, but arrived too late. A. E. Bourne and Miss May Bunker* both or this city, were united in mar­ riage la»t week Tuesday eyeniug. The wedd'Pg took place at the palatial residence of W. B. Austin. Esq., brother-ill law of the bride. The affair throughout doe* credit to those con- cerned in the arrangements, which were devoid of the usuil formality attending such occasions. Only the near relatives and a very few Intimate friends were present. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. E. B( Boggers, pastor of the Coneregational church. The bride is the youngest daughter of John Bunker, Esq., an old resident of Woodstock, and a sister to G, K. and A. K. Bunker, of the firm of Bunker Bros. Mr. Bourue Is a lawyer who is well known in this vicinity, and wh > at one time was principal of our public school. Ldwis Hill,son of Joseph Bill, of this city, died last Saturday. He was about seventeen years of age. The deceased had never been very rugged as regards health, and his suflerings for some time previous to his death were great. Lewis was a good, dutiful son, and bad many warm friends, both old and young among his acqutlutanses. A post mortem revealed the fact, which come deetora that his heart wa§ m side, hence the extreme tsfctUf and affliction he has been antgeet to rof years past. The funeral services were held at the M. E. church yesterday (Suuday), and was largely attended, the Rev. G. K. Hoover conducting the sole mn services. , - * i Now AMD Aoin. Summer Silk at Perry i Painftp and Oils at Pel ALGONQUIN EMTOB PLAIN-DEALER:--W. D. Blng» Inad was In town on Wednesday of last week, getting up an Advertising paper for our business men. Henry Keys is building a horse barn for Lou Wenholz. Ed Morton and Joe Stehllk are at Nunda doing painting, papering and decorating. They are the boss at tbat business. Fishing has been rather below par for the last week on account of the weailier. The weather we have been having for the past week has been very severe en our old people. Grandma Phillips and Mrs. Jessie Miller have been strick­ en with Paralysis the last week and J. S. Kilnck is very sick again. Mrs. Chapin, nee Ella Shufeldt, de­ parted fer Nebraska last week, to join her husband at their future home. Mrs. Jas Stehllk Is quite low with consumption. , Dr. Nason spent a day last week courting at Waukegan, Lake oounty. Garrle French, of Chicago, brought out a Steamboat on Saturday last and launched it here. In the evening they steamed up and started up the river for Fox Lake. Mrs. Phebe Smith, of Nunda, spent Sunday here visiting with relatives and frieds. Lou Wenhlz had the mlsfortnnd to lose a valuable horse last week. There Is te be a Dime Sociable at the Congregational Church on Thurs­ day evening ef this week. Turn out and patronage home talent. Rev, Mr. Ferris, of Dundee, preached at the Congregational church en Sun­ day Isst. W P. Benson was summoned to at tend the funeral of his nelce, Miss Kate Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm Miller, of Rowley, lofa. WAUCONDA. EDITOR I'I.AINDEALKR:--The farm occupied by Joseph Smith, near the lake, comprising about 40 acres, was sold recently at auction to Robt. Har­ rison. J. R. Weiia has sold to Dr. Wells bis house and tho lots adjoining excepting store and barn. C. L. Pratt will be landlord of the hotel the coming year. Dr. H. E. Whltford and Mr. Peterson visited Dr. McChesney Sunday, Rev. Cooper, preaohed In the M. E. A dance was given at the Ulyuch cheese fac.ory Tuesday evening, of last week. Wednesday evening of last week a party was held at the residence of Peter Johnson, to celebrate Miss Ger­ tie Johnson's birthday. Mrs. Chas. Hawsen died Friday morn­ ing, May 1st. Her funeral was held at ^he M. E. Church Sunday p. M. R. I'. Hill and B. K. Durea returned last evening from a ten days visit tn Alabama and the south, with a view to settlement In that section. Both gentlemen express themselves pleased with the country, but have not yet purchasod. Particulars of their journey will be given later. Great reduction in price of Clo(b|ng at H. Colby's. # The fineat line of Rueheln round in the county, at Mi Nichols'. BESLET'S Ale and Porter is the best made. On draught in McHenry at Jacob Bonslett's and A. Englen's. Henry Colby is selling a large line ef Clothing at less tliau 50 oents ou the dollar. I have a lot of Sels Schwab A Go's Shoes, all sixes at one half prloe. o. v, STIVBXS. fefe For Sale. MatriMes for only _ Bros.,West McHenry. 111. Jersey Waists always Chicago prices, at Mrs. New Carpets at Perry ft .Owt Fine line of Summer Silks Colby's. Go and see the new Spring at Mrs. H. H. Nichols'. Go to Mn. Howe's for Millinery Dressmaking. SMOKERS, call for Barbfan High Art." They have few equate Fine Velvet and Velveteen In bli and colors at Perry & Owen's. No trouble to show goods or aumf^ questions at R. Bishop's. City residences for sale. Apply Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. Go to Mrs. M. Schumacher's inery, Dress Making and Fancy C. V. Stevens will sell 100 coats < half price. Call and look them over. The latest styles In Millinery Of all kinds at Mrs. H. H. NichoUY Everything In the Hardware live bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. g Bunding Paper~cheITp, at John I|, The Lyman Barb Wire, both plain and galvanized.decidediy the bestWir* in the market, at John I. Story's. , GLASS 1 GLASS ! We keep Glass of all sizes constantly on hand. Special sizes cut wttbont extra charge. JOHN I. STORT. FEED CUTTERS. The Belle City takes the lead; the strongest and best, at E. M. Owen * Sons. New Ginghams, new Prints, and »»• Dress Goods at Perry A Owen's. We have just added an elegant lino of dress goods, which are offers! at usual uniform low prices^ Heary Colby Lnce Curtains, Tidies, Lamberklwii Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs^ Sellumaclier'a, near the Depot. LATEST styles la Dress Trimmings. Laces, etc., at Mrs. Schumacher's. Ladies Muslin Underwear, from Mt IS "Pi at Mrs. Schumachers, near the Depot. The celebrated Cortland SldeSprlnc Buggy is the leader. Ask the 200 In thl* oounty what they think of themf Always on hand at E. M. Owen & 3on'« Besley's Famous Waukegan Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's aod A. Englen's. A beautiful pleee of Silk Velvet, worth #1,75 a yard, is being closed oat at the small sum ef 81.00* per vwnfc; Call soou and obtain it at Colby's. Call at E. M. Owen A Son's for your Farm Machinery. They keep none but the beat, and warrant everything. THE finest assortmeut of Sewin*^ Machine to be fonndin the cou^;^ Owen's. TOR SI A good second hand Safe, as good as new, for sale cheap if applied for aqon. Inquire at this effibe. Now Is the time to cloth your boys. The largest assortment and lowest priees at H. Colby's. We sell tlie latest styles ladles and gents walking and low shoes. BQNSOETT *STorrsL. An immense variety of Grlndley's Lustre Band, Tea and Dinner Sets, at Bonslett A Stoflei's. Randall and Keystone Pulverisers, 13 and 10 Inch at E. M. Owen A Son. Fish Globes on stands, best glass, 1 gal 86c, 2 gals 81, at Bonslett A Stoflei's. A good chsmee for a Wagon RMakar. Wishing lo go out of business, I ofler my stock and tools at a bargain If ap­ plied for soon. Will rent shop. K. V. WERDEK, Wauconda, III. Mrs. Schumacher. Woi.ld invite the attention of the Ladies to her new Spring stock of millinery, comprising the latest styles to be found In the city,aud which she proposes to sell at prices that defy competition. New goods and latest styles lecelved every week. Call and examine goods and learn prices. MRS. SCHUMACHBK. ADV1CK TO MOTHRK8. AN you disturbed at night and brok- Jfl of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teethf it 8t .send at once and get a bottle of Mrs-. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for •hlidren teething. Its value is Incal- iilaule. It will relieve the poor little Miflerer immediately. Depend upon It .authors, there is no mistake about It. Ir cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regu- afi' the stomach and bowels, cures art-«« colic, softens the gums, reduces Rflainmation and gives tone and en- *r-2v te the whole system. Mrs. Wins- e* Soothing Syrup fof children tr--, ing is pleasant to the taate, and i« t!i t prescription of one of tho oldest and tie<a female physicians and nurses in 'tis United States* and* ia for sale by, all irugglata throughout the world, Pr.'.e » cents a bsitia. SALE OR RENT. Two houses in the village of Rlagfii§„ , wood. Terms reasonable. Apply at onoe to _ WESLET LADD. RIogwood, Nov. 10th. 1884. Please remember that our stock lo every department Is very oomplete and that our prices are always tfeA lowest that can be made. We will B&| be undersold by auy house In McBeuty Co. Henry Colby. New Wall Paper. „ v! New Wall Paper at Perry A Owen's Best quality of paper and no cheap trash. , Notice lo those that warn work done In my line, such as Tanks, Vats and all other , work donf In a shop, as 1 get lumber llrect from Chicago. F. A. Hum. Red path's <»8.oo Shoes* The best In the world for the mon­ ey, Solid leather, solid sole, leather counters and innersoles and are mado out of first quality calf skin, pot to* gether In an honest, substantial man* ner and warranted to give satisfaction Try a pair. For sale by Henry Colby. For Sale or Exchange. One or two good houses, with good *iarns and other out-bulldlngs; good •rchards, wells, cisterns, etc. Well located near the Depot In West Mo- Henry, together with land from oao acre to fifty. Will sell very cheap or trade for a farm, or western wild lu4 Also a good house to rent. _ A RATMOHIK Weit McHenry, Ills. eras. We have on hand, and for sale m very fine lot of Pelaad China Pigs, ranging In ages from three to six weeks. Also younger litters with their mother's, and also other brood sows. For sale in lots to suit. E.STANPOBBL Fort Hill, Lake Co. l(M0tf Spring Millinery. MRS. E. W, HOWE, has just returned^ Irom the city with a full line of sprln# Millinery, to which she invites the at* tention of the ladies of McHenry u4 sui rounding country. The latest stylet can always be found at this store. Call and see MRS. E. W. HOWE. Kelter'* Block, McHenry, 111. Farm for Sale. The undersigned offers for sale hit Farm, containing 204 acres, situated one m'le West of tho village of Mo* Henry, on tlie Woodstock road. Good buildings, living water, plenty of small fruit, and a young bearing orchard, la well adapted fer a stock farm. Handy to Railroad Station aud a Cheese Fac­ tory, For terms and other particulars inquire of the undersigned on tba premises. HK»btG. Xua McHenry, Jaly Mih, 1484. Harvard, 111,. Feb. 9th, 1I8& C. DICKINSON 4K SON: GENTLEMEN:--I have been safe ring with Bone Erysipelas and Chreaie Rhumatism for the past seven yeaia and have tried everything I could bear of but to no purpose, until yomr agent recommended your Russian Liniment which 1 tried with entire satlsfaetie«|» .as it has helped me mora than any- ithing lever used, and I recommend it, to ail who are suffering, as It is tho J Iwst ItWitiMttS I ever used.

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