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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 May 1885, p. 1

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"Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win u« and no Fear ShallAwe." VOL. 10. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY. MAY 20, 1885. eapy Jlakili Published 't+'y Wertnesdav bf V^V:\ WIETHE cl EDlTO't »ND PUBLISHER. in Bishop's Block, -&m>SlTB PBEHT & OWE*4*-* f TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. fear (In Advance) ......61.50 tffNot PaM within Three'Months...... .. 2.00 ISiihsi-.riptionH received for .three or sis lion the in the same proportion. Kates ol Advertising. 'fr'We announce liberal rates for advertising ; #> the I'LAINWKALER, and eivleav.W to state .Uiem so plainly that they will be readily nn. ferateoil. They are as follows: 1 Inch one vear Inches one year '<& Inched one year - • Column one year S® Celumn one year­ ly Column one year V": 'lit 5 00 . low 15 00 . SOtlO fiOOO . 100'00 vtOne inch means the measurement of one '>ch down the column,single column width, if Vearlv advertisers, at tho above rates, have fiie privilege of changing as often as thoy hoose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) wilt be entitled to insertion ij|f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line ""Wh week. All others will be charged 10 ients per !ine the fi-st week, and Scents per Lne for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged t the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil pe, same as this is set in) the llrsf issue, and „ cents per line for subsequent issues. Tlr-.s, *11 inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one freek, $1.50 for two weeks, $2.00 for three •reeks, and so on. The PLAINDRALBS will be liberal in giving S<IU»ri;il notices, but, as a business rule, it Jrill require a suitable fee from every body Seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary .lain. " ' It- , BUSINESS CARDS. ^ H. T. nitOWS, M. D. :f|)HT81CIlN AND SURGEON. Office over "H the Post OiUce, opposite Perry & Martin's "ftore up stairs, Mclienry. 111. C. H. FKGKRS, M, D- I»HVSIClAN AND SURGEON, Mclienry, Ills. Office at Residence. o. J. HOWARD; M. D. >HYSI.OtAN AND STRNFTEON, Mclienry, 111. Office one door West of f'itzsiinmons Evanson's store, up Stairs. BAItBIAN BROS. 1IQAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or- J ders solicited. Shop, n Old Mclienry, i Keiter Block, two doors west of PLAIN- BALER Office. WASHINGTON, D The popular palace hotel of the National jftapital. Conveniently located and accessible tall the street car lines of the city. Open all e year. i.- o. G. STAPLES, PROPRIETOR. ;; f,ate of the Thousand Island House. le HOBT SCHIESSLE * Having purchased the old stand r of Joseph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT, MellENRY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation of the public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all times keep thefliest brands of Wines, I.iquora and Cigars to be found in the market. Also Agent Fof FRANZ FALIfS MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER Beer in I,arge or Small Kegs or Bottles al- feays on hand, cheaper than any other, quali­ ty considered. Orders hy mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. 49*Oall and see us. Robert Schiessle. MeHenry, III., Kay 15th, 1885. A R C U S ' GERMAN Manufactured by f .MARGUS -DEALER IN-- WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. ; Woodstock III. t 4 The be«t Tonic in the worlfL Pnt ap in £int and Quart Bottles. vf. MARCUS* Patentee. 3D0NT YOU FORGET IT! ASA W. SMITH, -or- if Illinois. Banked by Millions 'ixtififtney offer you INDEMXITT against damage by IFire, Lightning,! Wind 8torrti% CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. Drop me a postal card and I will visit you; Sail on me and I will write you a policy, and ;%uen either or any of these destructive el«. luents devastates your, property, happy will Von be if you hold one of my policies, for I .*%ill surety visit you, and .minister unto you. "^prtll not forsake you. » W. J8MZ1H, fjfa'l Inaumct A§ BUSINESS CARDS. ASA W. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT T.AW and SOIITLTTHR in Chancery.--Woodstock, 111. ' ; J ESSE A. BALDWIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Law bnfiness in Every part of the State receives prompt attention. Room 24, 99 Washington St., Chi­ cago, 111. S. F. BESNETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. AlsoUnlted States Examining Surgeon. Richmond, Illinois. A. S. CHILDS, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC PHY«ICIAN AXD srfe. GEON, West MeHenry, III. Calls promptly attended to, day or night. DR. C. R. WELLS.-.- PHYSICIAN AND SIJRGKON. Waueonda, Lake Co., III. All calls promptly attend­ ed, day or night.* Office on Main St., east of Barker's harness shop. MARY G. BARBIAN. " HAIR WORKER. All kinds of -Hair Work dene in flrst class style and -at reasonable prices. Rooms st residence, north­ east corner ef Public Square, Mclienry, 111. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at Mclienry. at Parker House, the 10th 11th 25th and of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, anii the first day oi such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one dav. W. J. CUTTERIDGE, TEACHER OF INSTRUMENTAL MUSICR Term*? reasonable, and satisfaction guar, an teed. Rooms at Mrs. L. A. Clark's, Mo1* Henrv, 111. A. M. CHURCH, Watclnmikor and Jeweler NO. 65 FIKTII AVE., (Briggs House), Chi­cago, 111. Special attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. d*A Full Assortment of Goods in his line WM. H COWL1N [SUCCR8SOR TO M. M.KM.OTHIER] U. S. WAR CLAIM SOLICITOB AND ATTORNEY. also Notary public. Prosecutes pensior or any other claims against the government, relating to the late, or former wais. Complicated cases and re­ jected claims made a specialty. If stamps are enclosed for r#ply, all communications Will be promptly answered. , Office at Eesidencs, XADS0H ST., WO0D8TOCK, ILL by permission an regards chair acter, business ability, reliability, &c., Ac : Gen. John A. Logan, U S. Senator, Chicago, Illinois. Gen. J.C Smith, State Treasurer of Illinois. Hon. R Ellwood, M. C. Sth 111. Dist., Syc­ amore, III, Hon. John C. Sherwin. ex-M. C. 5th III Dist., Aurora, III Hon. A. M. Jones, U. S. Marshal, Chicago, III Col. Jas. A. Sexton, Pres. Union |Veteran Club, Chicago, 111. Jeese A. Baldwin, Ass't U. 8. Attorney, Chi­ cago, III. Messrs. Sell, Schwab A Co., Wholesale Boot and Shoe Dealers. Chicago, 111. Also hundreds of county and hone referen­ ces. SI fot 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAffBTTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any a«i<iress in the Ualted Sta es for thf*amonths on receipt of ONE iOLLAB, Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed troe Address all orders to EICHA&D X. FOX, - i; PR&MIS.IH SQUARE, New York. HOW TO SAVE AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BOXSLETT, j»ALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the old J stand, opposite Bishop's mill, MeHenry, III. Ttae clioicest WiiK's, Liquors an-i Cigars to be found in the county. Warm or cold meals on shoi t^noiice on application. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSED J. PEKOVSKY, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer. HANDLES norc but his own make,and will compare bis Brands with the best mail9 in the state. Store and Manufactory next door to *he Post Office, Mclienry, 111. ^ l ' success. • I Insane Persons Restored • • BSDr.KLINE S GREAT • • NERVERESTORER l/"f»-a//BRAtN&NHRVF. DlSFASES. Only sure curt Jor Nerve Ajftctiens. Fits, Fpi'?p$yy etc• I INPALT.IKLR if taken as directeih NoFitsafie* \Jirst i/'Fv'.r tire. Treatise and J2 trial bottle free to 1 Fit patients, they paying express charges on box when I rereived. S?n<rnames, P. O. an»4 express address of I afflic ted to IVi.KLINH/ni Arch St.,rhiladel^ia.Pa. See Drui^'ists. BEWARE OF IMITATING FRAUDS. [STOPPED FREE SHORT HAND BY MAIL. * Thoroughly taught bv practical stenoprapht ers 111 Howell A llickcox' Correspondency Class of Vhonn-irapliy. Tuition W a term (12 lessons) two terms in the full course, The most popular, the larstesl, the oldest, nro«t re­ liable class of shorthand in existence. Through it hundreds have acquired a thor­ ough knowledge of l'liouography. Write for particular)' and ciiculars. £ WELL & HICKCX. Boston Mass American agents for Isaac Pitman's Phono­ graphic I't^iks, nnd dealers in all Shorthand Books and supplies. Tie Amman Slorllaiil Writer. iiFOl'RTIl YEAR.) The Cheapest Shorthand Journal in the United States. Each number contains fac si'nile reporting notes of eminent stenographers in the various systems of .Isaac and Ben i'itnian, Graham, Munson, Takjrrat'y, etc., and all the news in­ teresting to the jototession. Contributed^ by leading stenogi'lvphers. SUBSC1PTION Sl.OO A VKAR . Single lumbers, 13 Cents. ROWELL & IltCKCOX, Boston, Mass. DO YOU KNOW THAT Plug Tobacco, With Red Tin Tag; Rose Leaf Fine Cut. chew ing; Navy Clippings, ami Black, Brown and Yellow Snuffs ure the best and the choieest quality considered. Attention Horsemen! I would call the altentfion of the public to my Stable of Stock Horses, four in number: two Morgans, one 3-4 Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep in r sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. Jfo business done on Sunday. N. S. COLBY. 10-7-tf McHEXRY, ILL Culver House, RICHMOND. ILL. C. if. CULVER, - - PROPRIETOR. HAVIX5 recently purchased the above House, I have put it in thorough repair, with Jnew furniture throughout, and would respect fully invite the patronage of the trav­ eling public ami others. Thb tables will al- ways oe provided with the best that can be procured, and polite and attentive waiters will be in readiness at all times to attend to the wants of guests. No pains will be spared to make this a First Class House. Large and commodious barns on the premises. Free Omnibus to anl from all trains. Sampie Rooms on ilrst (loor. C. 3EHHETT, -BREEDER OF- Light Brain jglCHMOJilfri ILL. (FIRST REMICM *T MCHKNRY COCKIT FilR) Mv fowls are of the celebrated DUKE OK YORK strain, remarkable for f heir great size and laying qualities. I can^ahow a trio of last season's chicks weighing SI pounds. Eggs, per setting of thirteen. tl.JW, delivered to purchaser in Richmond, Shipped, securely I, on • mobsrt a bbxnbti* PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to db all jobs in ® the line of Digging Wells, Re .pairing l'uiupi, Cementing Wells, or will put in New Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In abort will do all work in this line* Can furnish you a new Pump, either watt4 or iron, warranted, as-cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired era new Pump, gi ve me a cull. WOrders by mfUl promptly attendedJio. Post Office, Johnsburgn, III. L. BANTES. Johnsburgh, 111., May|*r>tli, 1881. ' HE. WHillTM AN, Proprietor. Flrat class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. 1 -i'-'.-JIV-'S- J. P. SMITH, SftTCHMAKKR % JEWELER, MeHenry, - Illinois. Iltruig moved into my now store, one door •iiist of Mrs. Searles' Miillnerv Store I ami£, u^iv prepared to show to the buying public as line a stock of batches, Clocks, Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware, Al *vi be found in the county, which I toffer it prices thai cannot be beat. The ilncst line of t? King's, nyer seen in this section. <\lso Agent for He P >pularJ Hachiat. A Pine Stock of CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, AND CIGARS. Aiwavson hand. flVCall In, examine goods an I'larn pi'ices. Remember I will not be tin lnrsold, quality of goods considered. J. P. SMITH. Mclienry, III.,|Oot. 18. 1834. That u dine toy gotag t6 the well-known * MERCHAI0- TAILOR, • ' IT ' - . • Herman Maiman, Wauconda, III. --Deal# *ln-- roBsisi m boxistic CLOTHS Of all kinds. Order you a suit of clethes which is perfect fitting and all WORK WARRANTED, Or money refunded. ,v;; Herman H. Maiman. Wauconda, March ild, 1895. Smokers Call For NICKXiS OR i-CEXT STRAIGHT CIGAR. S I L V E R T A G , Or 3 for a Quarter Cigar. O O L D T A Q , OR lOtCENT STRAIGHT CIGAR. The Finest Gootfs Eyer Offered FOft SALE BY All Flrst-Class Dealers. Written for the Plalndeaier. A FLIGHT OF POEMl t; ^ »T. "»pm, ; •• • MBMOKT. lasting rose, ' *. u, " t ime can ne'et decay,-- It Wooms in Winter's icy depths#' A flow'r fair as the day! i turn xiu. , wit ' ' 8 splashing saund. 8 ® wheel Keeps turning round- It ffHn! Cu e> from eve 40 morn, > JLST th,e M heat. and golden corn. Thi?t ve? are "ke thla wbejps &t tlme ®>r pleasure can not steftil -V; PA88IQVS. I)e* t h.»rd against yon itoa I angry fury roar. ^ 80n,e 'ddden inward force W*r.?.h»Ve8 V',"s fake a willful course w ere they not hurled against their will 5 H,,d e 'er be and stflll -O, in the lawless human race Have passions thus a ruling nlace! r Tu »yv l I!i8. rest 'e8s human soul Is toss d by storms beyond control! ou> AGI'I ooMucrinoir. The TlHajre bells now sweetly rinar And night is low'ring fast. Farewell, bright day l O, ne'er again Would I recall thy past! « • , , iJ'ers sights my eves have seen. What hopes entombed l«y night! Ihe blushing rose of vouth has turned From ruby red to white I ; ^ ,nJKS tbiJ , ,3r *»'«*•» hoara tped llr With oft a lorely chime; • But now the bells'but herald night. ^.And speed the fleeting time! But mocking mem'ries are the hoar* Of chlIdhootl's gleeful nlay;' My step is alow and feeble new,, And A am old and gray! So fare thee ^For me No more l^ll watch thy dying rayfc Or muse npon the past! thee well, bright parting day, e perhaps the lastl i I'll watch thy dying rayfc RETAILERS ATTENTION. We advertise the above brands in the lead ing St. Louis dallies, and your name willnp pear among the list of agentdes once a week for 00 days from date of last purchase. >Vith Ilrst order we send 3 neat and Jprettv- signs. We have one price for these good's from which there is no de?M|jjglk, qamelv: . Nickle Tag, $35.00; Silver TagJ|||.fO; Gold' Tag, $70.00 ner 1000. We also the most extensive line of Domestic, Ke^ West aixl Imported Cigars in the country, at bottom prices. Sample onters solicited. Goods guaranteed. Address. „ ,TAYLOR MP'S CO., St. Louis, Mo. H. P. HULL,, Mana^e^, SI *TE8TED«i sadip?.wr iatKISK0" «.{£ Tesetable, Flower and Field ottllS PIIIITC BUI.IIS, FLOITLNTS' BRJ?. rLRIllO Hl-IES nnd DII'LIMBNTO •I all klidi, mailed Fit KK <in appllcallea HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. CHICAGO, ILL kt22.326 E. M&in St 200-^06 Randolph St. W I I \ S L O W ' S "Vineyard" RollerjSkates. A, SALOON and RESTAURANT Buck's Old Stand, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Fine K trlvcy Liquors, French Bitters, MeHenry Lager Beer, ' Fhil. Bast's Uilwaokes Bmi By the Bottle or Case. We buy none but the best and sell at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me and I will use you well. ANTONY ENGELN, Mcflenry, 111., 1884. For ••History, Romance and Philosop'hy of Great American Crimes and Criminals." The most startling book of recent years. Biographical, Pictorial, Mil Superb Engravings with personal Portraits of the Celebrated Criminals. 059 Royal Octave pages. Low retail price, $2 50. It is a work of art as well as of thrilling historic interest. Is bound to produce a profound impression. Agents seil'it hy the thousands. A grand chance for canvassers. Send for particulars and ' t; convmoed that this is most salable and proiitable book published; or, to save time, •end 75 cents at once for c invassing Hook and state your choice of townships. Address X. D. THOMPSON A CO., Publishers, 8t. Louis, Mo. or sew York Cityv Apts ffaateft. ar Men Wanted. To sell our Nursery products, on salary and expenses paid by us, oi, if preferred, on com­ mission. Work every month in the year for energetic and reliable men. Ifusiuc.-is easily learned. Wages liberal. Terms and outfit free. Address, stating age and inclosing fctajtip, j_ J|. Q. 4<f he Chase Xuraeriaa.) For the iit'si;. moa| durable and .easiest ran* ning Roller *katei get the -'VIVByAHU." \'l the principal Rinks are using the "ViNEYARD" Roller. Put up in all Clamp, Half Clamp and Strapped Complete. The demand for these skates is so great that they are kept in stock by all principal har l« ware dealers throughout the country. Manufactured by the Inventor and Patentee SAMUEL WIN8LOW, WORCESTER, MASS. FOB BABGAISS H Lh OW E. M. HOWE Opposite Bishop's mill, •Vho has a completejline of the best stores in the market, as well as a large stock of Mare, Mechanic's Tools, flN, COPPER & SHE&IMftON WARE, 4ad, Jin|fact, everything in the hardware ttove aud tin line, UE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Call at hi* store before buying elsewhere, lobbing and repairing promptly attended to 49"Kemember, extra good bargains earn al- ways be obtained at Howe's. McHeqry, Dec. 1, 1883. Importanl to Ruptured Persons The Excelsior Knpture Cure M'f'g Co., of Ogden.«l>nrg, N. Y.. guarantee to cure any case of reducible Hertla w:th tj,eir Remedies. THE RUPTURE PLASTER AND HKALINOCOM FOUND. This treatment is endorsed by our best Doctors', Diuggists, and the general public. Send 6cts for free l>eok on Kupturg or ad; jroar drnsflst for Uw Bemedy- HEMORIBS or #^es shone sweetly hrttrhtt And on the ground, so faintly light; The imprint of her shapely trace Seem'd but a spot for Jlow'rs to grade. Like parting clouds of ruby hue, * Her lips disclos'd a dazzling view--> Pure pe irly teeth, like coral Islea, Lay basking in a sea of smiles! To find a rose to match the glow That shone upon her cheeks, I knoir One In the land of dreams must look* Beside some tunny mystic brook I : Her dainty hands were white and flil , j. As clouds of snow that sail the air. * '•' 11 e» laughing looks were balmy show'rs, That woke within me lore's sweet flowVal The argent morn rose warm and hrttHlIt Abeye the moon-lit shroud of night. - The water-lily's pesrlv head « 5 Sway'd gently in its lucid l>e<|. • Our fragile Iwat its ripplin< wav Sped o'er the lake, and dash'd tfie spiky In silv'ry show'rs upon the reeds, . '* And left thein with a weight of bead!. The blue bird, harbinger of spring, His crimson Itosom show'd on wing. • The sun play'd on Jo's goblcn hair, And made her more divinely fair. A lily could not match the grace That shone upon her queeiily facel,.^ . ;- We stcppM npon the pebbly shore, - Whose saiids a golden lustre wore, ' Tho stately implar's silver leaves Flash'ii liglitlv in the od'rous breezi^ Aixi birds within °ach downy nest Were luM'rl into a drowsy rest. Above, the asnre vault of May ' Shone ,< itit an open, cloudless ray. As 'neath the.moon one summer night. We rambled, talking with delight. Sweet J«, with glances on the sky, Up pointed to a star on high. And said she wish'd this earth were bright, And shone with such a tatrv light. Then I replied in thoughtful mood, A* 'neath its beaming glance we stood: "Yon star that shines HO bright aud (Mr Among the others, high in air, Is, could we see its features near, Poor common earth, ao this is here. Thus arc our wishet often vain When we at last their eud attain!" . The Joyful hours sped swiftly bjr When merry Jo, and happy I, In blossoms 'mid the stilly shade. Hat idly in the drowsy glade, Soft mosses grew, and roses rare. Gave perfume to the lustrous air; The warbling birds sweet music san& And distant bells in gladness rang. V. But, ere the summer leaves were tied, My lovely Jo slept with the dead I Now sadly ring the chlmeful bells. Their wild netes sob thro* all the dvllsl On earth, our worst and bitt'rest fee Is Death, who lays eur idols losrl . 'Tis Death the lover's joy doth blight, And steals away his soul's delight! JtSTThe St. Charles Chronicle says tliit George Fernon tells a go >d storjr of trie general election of August, 1830. Backet, the contractor for building the old St. Charles saw mill, was ilso build ing Deyee8' fleur mill at Dundee the tame ti ne. Two of his men, Whitney, a Democrat, and Fluke, a were working at pundte. and. lie sent them to St. Charles on election day. Before leaving Puudee they vated, and on their way dewn, stopped and voted Again at Elgin. When they reached St. Charles (then Charleston), Fluke voted the Whig ticket and W hituey attempti ed to vote the Democratic ticket, when Fluke challenj^d bis vote. Wbitney, of course, did not Insist upon his right, but complained that Fluke toek an un­ fair advantage of him. Barrios' widow iias ?even chil­ dren juid (8,000.000 according to late advices. Her fortune is a sufficient in­ ducement to compensate one for more than seven children. She would be a positive catch to some fellows we know if she had a family of t34 children, all boys, and two or t|iree hundred step­ daughters. |&»Qatmeal, which has long been regarded as an excellent diet for dys­ peptics, is now said by physician* to be a prolific sou roe of dyspepsia. One o' these days physicians wiil discover that doctoring endangers life, and then medical science will be looked npon as having reached a height beyond whlc i It cannot go. 1ST The rebel leader who recently murdered the innocent and Inoffensive people ef Colon, was shot. He immedi­ ately entered a state of com aa, and before his friends could get lilm. out of it, he came to a full stop, and a period fas pat to 1^8 9«{«e$, ' f • ' Soldiers' Department, CONDUCTED BT Db. 5. F. BENMKTT. County Cm A. It. Directory. RICHMOND FOST HO ML Meets the Ilrst and third Prtaaj evenings of each month. Da. S, P, BimtiTT, COB. •WOODSTOCK POST, WO 108. M»fet» ,tl>e UUrd Monday evenings of eaeh B. N. SHITH, Com. • utmcA roer. no--. Meets the Ilrst and third Wednesday even, lags of eaeh month. Ws, Bvmt, Com. HARVAKD POST, VOMBw Meets the second and foarth Monday even­ ings ot each month. Di. H. T. WooDivrr.dM. The amount paid the last five yeare fot pensions exceeds $300,000,000. Un­ der the laws already in force,and those that Congress has manifested an inten­ tion to pass, the Treasury wi!l pay out in live years for pensions between •400,000,000 and •500,000,000. Col. Herbert E. Hill, of Boston, has Just received from Lieut-general Phil. Sheridan the sword which the famous commander wore throughout his bril­ liant campaigns in the civil war, and the identical ^weapon which graced the world renowned "Sheri lan's ride." Veteran Post 49, Elgin, III., has near­ ly doubled its membership since last Memorial Day. It now numbers over 900 active members. It was hoped to get General Logan to deliver the Memorial address this year, bat as this is impossible, Ex-Governor Hamilton will probably be the orator. The Secretary of the Interior has directed a letter to the Board of Pen­ sion Appeals, an adjunct of his own office and not as part of General Black's department, stating that be under­ stands th it the beard la behind with work to the extent of many thousand oases and ordering an examination of this remarkable ampu:it of delayed business, and that measures be %dopted to bring it up within reasonable limits of current business. It Is said many deserving cases have been shelved in this Board of Appeals and the appli­ cants are powerless to get an answer whether they can have a pension or not. The fourth annual reunion of the Fifteenth regiment of Ullnofs Volun­ teer Infantry will be held at Rock-ford, HI., *n Monday, May 35, 1886. Last year over one hundred survivor* were present at the reunion, and it la be­ lieved the number will be much larger this year. The committee of arrange­ ments will spare no effort te render the gathering thoroughly enjoyable, and it is ho|ted that nocomtade who can come will fall tomtit In an appearance. The Chicago A Northwester i railway com­ pany have generously offered reduced rates over all their lines In Illinois--all those attending the reunion being re­ quired to pay full fare to Rockford, where they will be furnished by the secretary with a certificate entitling them to return at one-third the regular rates. br The resignation of ^Calvin B. Walker as Deputy Commissioner of Pensions takes from the publio service a faithful officer, and from pension claimants a •ealous friend, whose place It will be difficult to fill. Occupying a try!«g position, with duties as multifarious and important as. they art vexatious and embarrassing, he haa ever been found courteous and obliging and anx­ ious to do equal justice to all. In hit successor, Colonel William E. McLean, of Terre Haute, Ind., we have reason to believe that .Commissioner Black will find a most capable and vigorous assistant. He Is said to bo about fifty years of age and possesaed of consider­ able wealth, which Is estimated at •Ifi0t0l0, He Is regarded as a man of excellent character and attainments. He was Colonel of the Forty-third In­ diana Infantry during the war, and served In the same brigade with Gen­ eral Black. He Is a practicing attorney, witb considerable experience witfc; pension laws and practice. MKMORI.tL DAT. Our comrades will bear In mind that Memorial Day will soon be here, and we hope they will make an effort to come out and get out all the comrades they may know, and for just once ob­ serve this day in an appropriate man­ ner It is a dsy set apart for decorating the graves or our loyal and heroic dead and for recalling again to memory the comrades we knew In the hour of our country's peril, but who hive been long since mustered out. The date on which the day occurs may be a little early In the extreme northern part of our coun­ try for any great display of flowers, but beautiful evergreens are always obtainable, and an evergreen wreath Is pretty and appropriate and makes a good decoration. The usual custom of decorating each grave ef our dead sol­ diers with a flag should never become obsolete. l£ fa a titling tribute Vn. connection with the memory of those we cherish, and It will ho a pleasing thing for us to remember that when we have been metered out, kind friende will i'«frhaps see that on one day In each year at least the Stars aud Stripes under which we marched so long wilt wave over our mound. It Is to ho hoped that (he members 4f ttpfe felt tVeufhoqt the Utf will 1 strive to observe the day litff ner as was designed when :r a National day. If the not take Interest In She proper i a nee of this day, we || expect othe& to do s£r« i4i| but once a year, we dM give It the attention ft deserves.- eran'8 Advocate, i l l IM|J|lilUI! - ocst sxraamoM un*t«. From oar Regal ar OorrespoMaist. NEW OKURAVS, LA., May IStfc, HPfc One of the most Interesting and far the most important spec£it st the World'a Cotton Cea Industrial Exposition, Is tho model of the Tehuantepec Ship way, which illustrates the me proposed by Captain James B. for an Inter Oceanic crossingsbet' the Gulf of Mexico and the Ocean. . / The wonderful success of the pro* jector of this great enterprise in other important works, gives us a guarantee of its practicability. All will agree that If it is practicable to move loaded vessels over land there should be no time lest In completing a work of soon immense benefit to the commerce and industries of the world. We wish It were possible for your readers to listen to the graple ex* planatlon by the Chief Engineer or the work--E. L. Corthill Esq., who by the aid of a large map ot the world and by diagrams and the working moled has carried conviction to the minds of all who have listened to tho statements In reference to the urgent necesssity and the practicability and the superior advantages otthe met'ioit and route proposed. The subject, if discussed In all it* bearings, would occupy too much space in your columns, but the salient points should be given to your readers on this su jeci. It will facilitate a proper understanding of the subject. If they will have before them a globe or an ordinary map of the world, in order that they may fully understand and appreciate the relations that exist be­ tween one country and another and the commerce of the nations of the world that Is carried on at present by very long and expensive routes. 200,- 000.000 people comprising the more enlightened nations of the worjrd* are virtually separated from 600/00,000 peop(e who Inhabit the far Pacific countries,.by the barrier that traver­ ses the whole length of the oontf of North and South America, The preset sailing routs around It ire from 12,000 to 18,000 miles in length, requiring from two and a half to Ave months to traverse them. The Im­ mense distance which separates our Pacific coasts, for instance, from the wheat markets of the world makes It Impossible for San Francisco to com* pete with Indit or Australia in the Liverpool markets. An Inter-Oceanic communication via the Isthmus of Tehauntepec in Mexico will shorten the sailing time between San* Fran­ cisco and Liverpool two and a half months, and a crossing at this point will virtually ceunect the east and west coast lines of the United States and Mexico, and it will commercially extend the Mississippi River into tho Pacific Ocean. This is the Idea that Mr. Eads, tho projsotor of the Ship Railway, had In min I In deciding to locate tho cross­ ing at that point. During the last five years the plans for the construct­ ion of the Railway, and for the me- chauicai appliances for handling and moving vessels overland have develop* ed to such an exten that it may be said that theee plans as shown In the work­ ing model, now on exhibition at the world's Fair, demonstrates the entire practicability of the grsat enterprise. This working model Is made by scale from the plans of the full sized works. The vessels are lifted from the water by moans of an ordinary lifting dock, such as can be seen at any sea port la the world, but it Is necessary to dis­ tribute the weight ef the loaded ves­ sel so as to permit it to be plaeed upen a carriage, that Is to transport It. In such a way as to bring an equal weight upon every unit of its length. This distribution is sflected by a system of hydraulic presses built in the lifting dock and whioh place to support under the vessel's bnll while it is the water; thus the vessel may be said to be water borne. After she is lifted entirely out ef the water, she Is borne In this man­ ner entirely across the Isthmus until she is placed in the ocean on the other side; there will therefore be no strain upon the vessel or any Infury done to her. The Railway; located scrota the Isthuros, will be constructed on solid ground over Its entire length, and will fellow through the central portion of the Isthmus. As it Is aet practicable to use curves like those employed on ordinary railroads, on account of tho great length of the carriages, changes of direction will be made by a floating turn-table which Is illustrated in tho working model. Five of these turn­ tables are necessary, anil in addition t* the work that they are specially do- signed to perform they will also servo as sidings or passing points for vessel* moving In opposite diroetlone, Thejr will also be used as dry docks, whom vessels can be run out »n radial traek* to be cleaned, painted or repaired. CflhntfmsHl on tsM . , .. * . < . / .

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