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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jun 1885, p. 5

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Hjr w KDKKHDAY, JUNK It, IS Table. OB and after M«n«l*y. Juna «rt, Tralnawil| pass Mcrienry station ss below: M1IO SO 0 TB. 3 sn#*a Lake Paeaewtor v Beaevs |w»M' «ip • Ucneva Lake raeiCbft •••••• «*. Geneva Lake Paaaeacer....... ttrt« Ran rift. OOB<**<I l.ake frelirtit ...........S'lt a. M 3eneva Lake Passenger..... . •* 4ane*al<ake Express .......... Bonava Lake Passenrer 6:S7 B. BUM, Agent. McHenry, III 7:38 4. M ]3:<SP. ..3:29 •« or Ctticafd^ With MASONI3 MCIIRWHT Looei, No. 168 A. F. awl A. M.-- Regular Communication* the Saturday on or ketore the full of the moon and every two ireeka thereafter. „ . CHAB. C. COLBT. W. MA MCBWRT OHAPTKR tfo. S4 R- A. M--Ketfti ir Convocations held on the second and fourth Fridays in eacta^moneh. JOHK K V AN80K, H. P. HOW IS TfB TIKE. All of our subscriber* who will pay up all arre«ragi and one year It ad- Vance, and all new subscribers who par In Advanc, dnrlng the next thirty -dctya will receive the American Rural Home, a large eight page Weekly ^ Paper, FBEE for ojte year. Remember tl.Ie ofler will be good only fer thirty days. Improve the time. r MAT ENOIJCN LA Improving his block 'by patting on a new cornice, pointing. ,etc. '/* TBI McHenry Public School will cloie for the Summer vacation, on ^Tuesday next. SIB the new advertisement of M. Foley. Carriage and Wagon Maker, to be found in another column. PREPARATIONS are being made fer a good time at the M. E. church next Sabbath morning at 10:30, in the anr.ual Children's Day exercises. THE Children's Day at M. E. churzli. Ring wood, will be held June £31, in­ stead of June 14, at 3 p. in. This is because of the delay In the repairing of the church. THE Teachers and Scholars of the Public School will give an entertain* ' ment in the School Building, on Wed- : nesday and Thursday evenings or next week. It is hoped that the house will be full, as the entertainment will be a most interesting one. . . :*3; Miss SLLA spent Saturday and friends In this village. AUGUST KCHNKUT, of Chlc«go, son of Clias. Kiilmert4»f Johnsburgh. came out to visit friend* l:.s«t week. C'HAS, S. OWKK, W io is with Patter- soil Bros, St Go., Union 8tuck Yards, Chicago, spent, Sunday wUfcMapa- village. HON. F. K. CHANGER rejoices at the accession to his family ot a flue ten pound girl, which arrived one day last T. C. BALLARD and W. Berkley, of Chicago, were the guests of G, W. Bee- ley, the first of the week, and enjoyed a days fishing at the Lakes. G. E. CHAPELL and J. W. Ken, of the firm ofjtee St Cliapell, milk dealers, Chicago. arid r. Mr. Johnston, ot Chi* cago, spent a re,w days lass week fish­ ing a* Ptstaqua Laae. SAYS an exchange; "One OT' 'those things which i o man lias ever explain­ ed, an-l wlilcn In all probiblllty will remain a secret to the end of time. Is why fee, which can be had In any quan- tity in most winters for the -nere haul­ ing, right at our own doors, costs mere than coal, that has to be dug out of the earth <it great expense, ai>d must be prepared for market by the aid of expensive machinery, and fien carried a hundred miles by rail. IT ought to be generally known that a man'* hat will serve ia rae*t cases as a temporary life preserver to those In danger of drowning. When a person finds himself in the water he should'lay hold of his hat between his hands, keeping the crown close under his chin and the mouth of the hat under water. The quantity of air contained In the cavity of a hat will keep the head above water for i long time--some­ times for several hours, QUARTERLY MKKTINO. - Last Saturday it came to pass tlist the paper for the Rlngwood M. E. ch arch did not come to puss--that la some of it. that Imd been ordered from Chicago, did not arrive in time t i finish tho papering, to that the Quar- terly Meeting plans had to be postpon* ed one week. This was regretted as much by the workmen as by the people who had planned to take in the Quar­ terly meeting. This will be held next Sabbath, June 14. at 3 p. m. in the newly papered and beautirul church. makes us Ax ^hiatal BROTHER NETHERCUT, of the Rich­ mond Oasette, has 'gone and done 11," and We hereby extend our congratula­ tions atid ben wishes for a long, pleas­ ant and prosperous life, and tiiat there may be no "lean takes" or "bad proof* to mar his jouruey through life is the wish of yours truly. WE are reliably Informed that John Paltoer, Supervisor «r-the town of Nunda. has just received a brand-tired new suit of clothes from Chicago, and that carefully rolled up In the bundle was a packitg* of Mm burger Cheese. ~]I that suit of clothes don't wear it won't be because they aie not strong. WE sre under obligations to State Senator Curtlss for copies or Senate Bill* No. 139 and 413, both introduced ; by Mr. Curtiss, aud which have passed < the Senate. The first mined is a bill to amend act in regard to election, and the seconJ to provide for the appoint­ ment nf an Inspector of food, drink, medicines, drugs, candy, confectionery, etc. WE leiru that the Highway Commis­ sioners of this town have purchased one of Champion Road Machines which (s pronounced by good judges to be one of the best machines, now in use. II wl!l do as much work as flf- and do It much better, Willi 111 Mslre and our' Highway Commissioners will receive the thanks of tho public for their ef­ forts In that direction. WE learn that there li a prospect that the mail route which now runs fro.n Richmond to Scion and Spring Grove will be changed so as to leave McHenry every morning, running to Johnsburgh, Spring Grove and Solon, returning the same day. This will be a much needed change, and will bene«- fit a large number at Johnsburgh who are now getting their mall but three times a week. HE Libertyville Times blush by the following renfarks; nolle tliat Van Slyke. tne Gen­ ial, ot the McHenry PLAI^DEALER, is advertising his safe for sal^, and says though second hand its as good as new, We're sorry lie has no use for it, but think that he's right in his determina­ tion. Hereafter he'll keep the sub­ scription book ou the copy desk and carry in hie pants pockets any miscel­ laneous currency that may" come in. Anyway, it stands to reason that the safe's as good at new. No^uewspaper publisher ever wore out the bottom ef a safe drawer through accumulation* of cash. ' However; Van ought to get rich. He publishes a good paper, works hard, and does i..ore to build up the community he lives In than any two merchants In It." Ax eichange says that the printing press has made presidents, killed poets, furnished bustles for beauty, and pol­ ished genius with the sandpaper of Its criticism. It has made the world get up to roll cill every morning; given thk pulpit lungs of Irou and a volcj of steam. It has set the price on a bush­ el of wheat, and made the country post office the glimmering goal of the rural scribe. It lias curtailed the power of kings, embellished the pantry shelves and bursted rings; It has exposed fraudt brought criminals to punish­ ment; It has furnished the whole fe­ male race wiih dress patterns; it has converted bankers into paupers, made wood sawyers college presidents; it has educated the homeless lad robbed the philosopher of his reason; It smiles and kicks and cries and dies--but it can't be run to suit everybody, and the editor is a fool who tries it. We learn that Win. Huffman, of Nunda, mat with a serious and painful accident on Thursday of last week. He was raising a heavy pump from a well with a windlass and when nearly out ths chain silpptd and the sudden jerk broke his right arm near the shoulder joint, and also threw his shoulder out of joint. At last accounts he was suf­ fering considerable pain, but getting along as well as could be expected. IT seems not to be generally known nor appreciated, that each county in Illinois Is entitled to one scholarship in the State University at Champaign under Sec. », page 126, laws of 1867. This wjll entitle a son or a daughter of a «oldier or a seaman who served In the army or navy of the Pnited Stales to enjoy the benefit of tne university without charge for tgltipn and other college charges. The candidate m»st be publicly e*em|ne<J by a competitive examination. Tne Steamboat XtcqisloR to the Lakes on Sunday was an enjoyable af­ fair. About sixty, InpJuJing the Band, went up snd all had a glorious good le. I The Band discoursed some of their best music and added much to the pleasure of the occasion. The Band wish us to return their thanks to Captalu Hill for the courteous treat­ ment an<l vary libeial manner in which lie treated them, and to assure him that whenever be wants their services all he will have to do will Le to call for NEWSPAPER men are often'charged wit1) being narrow minded and partial, by those who fancy that they are not as frequently or as promipeutly men­ tioned as they ought to be. This is usually very far from truth. The fact is that those who make a tuslpess of local writing reoogulne more olssses of people than the readers who make the complaints. There is not one in firty who read the local Items of a paper that would have written all they find recorded there, and In the Items they would have oiuitted, is just what pleases another class. Of course every week there are things worthy or notice that are not mentioned, but a local writer is only a poor mortal after all and cannot be everywhere and attend his other duties at the same time, so if you know of a matter of Interest, and would receive favorable mention, In­ form the editor of it. If you do not, you are the one to be blamed instead ot the editor* • «• J Sylkey Cultivators Only 325 Aj R. Bishop's, McHenrJ. . *e« "SupfSwy fcr the Pl.aixoaat.Sft by Oer Own Uerreapoo i«ti. CHICAGO, ILL„ June 8th. 188S GRAIN: The grain market for the p<tst week has been quite active and wheat lias been de :ldcdly strong owing to the official report that Ohio will give only SI per cent of tier average yield of this cereal, and the Kansas crop ia man? -sr.Uoos Is pronounced almost a total failure. The Spring Wheat districts however report chances for a heavy crop, never better. The total receipts of wheat and corn at the leading markets In the U. 8. for the past week was, wheat. 3.716,500 bus., or ever 600.000 more bus. than the week previous. Corn 4,061,000 bus. which was over 850,000 bus. more than for the week ending June 1st. There aro more sellers thfu buyers in the market, nevertheless prices hold llrm and Cash Wheat No. 3 red Winter sells for We; No. 3 Spring for 88c; Corn 46c; Oats tnd Rye 65 to 66c, Coin still refu«es to sympathise to any ex tent with wheat. anJ <>a*s Is sold al­ most entirely to actual dealers an l consumers, speculation being quite light. As the warm and favorable weather ceiitiiiuescorii aud oats do not advance a-y In price. LIVE STOCK,--The receipts for |tne past week amounted to 30 946 liea I of cattle. 99,010 hogs and 10 874 head of sheep. The receipts for the previous week amounted to nearly 35 per cent more. Prices for cattle are aHtt>e lower than a week ago. Shipping grades are quoted at $4.65 to 15.65 cows at 92.50 to 94.75; veal calves 94.50 to 97.00; bulls at 92.75 to 94.15; Texans 93.50 to 94.75; stackers 93 50 to 94 35; and feeders 94 35 to 95.00. f Hogs are active at a slight advance; rough and mixed lota bring 93.70 to 93 95, while heavy packing and ship- ping bogs bring from 93.95 to Light hogs and readily at from 94.85 to 95.25. All the leading packing houses are now cutting, and last week many of the establishments had buyers daily in the hog market. The season's packing to date is much In excess of any previous year since 1890. BUTTER.--Which for the past two weeks has been almost a drug In the market Is stetdy, and bottom prices htve been reached for the present. Creamery faucy Is quoted at 16c; com­ mon choice 13 to 15c;choice dairy is quoted at 13 to 13c. The heavy stock has been largely un­ loaded and an advance can be expected. CHEESE.--There has been no rurther decline the past day or so in this staple which is considered rsvorable to better prices. Sales are light at the follow­ ing quotations: Young America full cream a.t 7 to 7}c; full cream Cheddar 6 to 6Jc; flat 6( to 6|c; skimmed choice 2 to 3c. EOGS --Jkx* thill o # I ng to the warm weather aq^l heavy supplies op Jiand. They are selling from 10 to ll)c. Fresh northern eggs bring the best price. No Imnedl .te prospeots for better prices. POTATOES.--The old stock Is almost entirely driven out by new, which sell resdily from 39 to 43c, depending upon quality and kind, the Butbanks selling at the highest price quoted. POULTRY.--A better feeling prevails and old hens sell from 9 to 9Jc, while spring chickens bring 93.00 to 95.00 per dos.; ducks sell at from i to 9cper pound. > EDITOR PLAINDEALKR:--In the last Issue of your paper of June 3d there appeared ap article from your Rich­ mond writer. In which it is stated that large crowd gathered to witness a race between Prairie King and George El dredge's little mare. I waa not aware that there was any race, nor am I now aware or It. It stated that Prairie King or his owners boast of a fast record for him. They can well do so. He gained his reoord of 3.-35 as a five year eld at Springfield, Mass.. Sep­ tember 7th, 1882, and it was the fourth heat of the race. In 1884, at Racine, iu two weeks training, he trotted la the 3:36 stallion race, which he won in three straight beats; fastest heat was 2:28} In that race. This was en September 6th. 1884. Prairie King is in service this season, and lias up to this date served 51 mares,and |s not In condition to trot | but on Sundsy last I extracted a needle rrom his knee that made him break on last week Thursday. Could you explain to me how that needle got Into his knee. Well, there was no In­ tention to trot him, hsd ha not been lame. All that was Inteuded was to show him on the stretch and that was the Instructions given to his driver; but if Mr. George Eldredge thinks his mare can beat Prairie King, I will simply say that I can distance his mare auy time that he will give me seven days not ice- that is ill the time 1 will ask, out or service. The gate money to go to the winner. I think It will be a one* heat race, for I am sure 1 can dlt» tance hia mare in a half mile. I have consulted with |the owner or Prairie King, and he said I could have the use or him (or the occasion. Trusting tt<at you will give this spsce in your col­ umns I am sir, very truly yours, A FRIEND TO PRAIRIE KINO, who has both sand aud money to back blm ror rrom 9100 to f1.000 against the aforesaid tp*™* Riverside Startup 8ii&. The Riverside Skating Rfnlf trilj be open on Saturday evening as usual. W. If. PflRp. Prop. nrospEinrcircs ?ASTT, Yourself and Ladies are pordlally In vited to attend sn Independence Party at Helm»«r,s Hsll, McHenry. on Friday evening, July 3d, 1885. Tickets Includ­ ing Supper 91*50, Music by Mudgett's Band. Everybody come out and have a good time, JOHN HKIMER, Prop. Randall and Keystone Pulverizers, IS wil 1« ioeh at K. M, Owen A Son. 5LE$T QCHQQI,. I|y"sjiramer Select Sphool r«r w|U Qpep JloncJey, June 32d, and pon tlnpe six weeks. 1'h|i splmo] wll| af­ ford a me#ns pf thorpngh reyicqr jn a)l the pomfpop hrspphes. }t will he especially beneflpi^ to those behind ]n some one OF more PARTICULAR studies. Special attention will be'given to Vocal Musio, Those wishing to take this class only oan arrange to do so. Those wlshiog to take private les­ sens In vocal or Instrumental music, can arrange to take same at #iy resi­ dence. Full particulars next week. J. if# WAM&ft George Baekaas lost, a valuable cow on last Saturday, fro a lurries received from bartied wire Dick Friend went to Chicago last FrMav to see ties. Joha A. Logan ero the General de­ parted for Washington. Ir* M. Mallory, editor of the Nunda JFERAM, •hook hands with friends here ea Thttrmlay iMt. in There were oaiy afaont seventy votes polled i this city at the election for Cbenit Judges, which took place Monday of last week. A few of the teachers of the Congregational Sabtath School, took their classset into the woods last Saturday, and all enjoyed a pleas­ ant time. • The public school of this city will close tor the summer vacation friday, June 19th. The graduating exercises will tats place on the following Monday evening. M. D. Hoy and wife left this city last Wed. nesday tor the Eastern Slates. They will be gore some time and will visit tho scenes and friends of their early childhood. J. H. Durfee left this city last Wednesday for Denver. Col. Be is sent thither by the Express Company to »ltend to tome straight, enlng ap affairs in the oifee at Denver, and may be gone some time. A barn near the fair grounds in this eity « as struck bv lightning one afterno»n last week, setting fire to tt, but was quickly pnt a dam­ per to before doing much damage, by parties who lived near. We believe t^e barn belongs ' i Jacob Snyder. We see by the papeis that out friend, John Nethercut, of the Richmond Gatrite, has re. cently taken to himself one of Richmond's fair daughters for a life partner. Success to you, John, and may happiness and prosperity at­ tend the union is the wish of the writer. Circuit Clark Richard* and Prof. Hirsh went to the Lakes to llsh. last Saturday. They were gone all day and brought home one poor lone pickerel. As the Professor does not keep house, there was likely no division of the capture. P. 8 --The expenses of the round trip only foot up about $6.00. Chas. Purer and partner, who are in the stock business in Nebraska, have disposed of their entire stock of cattle and hogs, whish brought about seven thousand dollars. We are not advised as to whether Charley in. tends to continue in the business ihere or re. turn to his old stamping ground here. Mrs. I«. 8. Page and her daugher, Mrs. Matt J. Ootiklln, are now at Denver, Dakota, look, ing after the business ot Mr Conklin, who was recently killed by lightning. We under­ stand that Mrs. Oonklin is very loathe to dis. pese of the property and home In Dakota that hei'husband had labored so htrd and iacet. santly to get together, and cannot yet decide whether to remain there or come back to her •Id home here. Almost every place of business in Mareniro was closed on Decoratio.i Day. Whv was it not so in Woodstock?--Democrat. The business men of Woodttock have never closed their places of business en Decoration Day, if our memory serves ns right, and we think it does. The almighty dollar >eems to take the lead in this "neck of woods," and yet many's the dollar thst was hoarded by a num. tier ef the^e same business men while those who perished on account ot disease and hard­ ships wore doing, their utmost to preserve homes and property and save to us a nation undivided. We arc sorry ttait the editor df UeVaecmf and one or two others were disappointed with the oration delivered hereon Decoration Day. It is af Impossibility to »1»lt everyone. Yet we the assertion that ninety.nine out ef evei^ hundred that listened to the elo­ quent *nd thoughtful address ef Mr. Elliott on that occasion were pleased and satisfied with his certainly able effort. We heard noth­ ing from the speaker that .sounded like trea­ son or dlst^yal|y and uttered not a word that vaa «4t<pairioiic and in keep lag with the ideas of about all those whose lives were sacrificed an1 who e grayes were strewn with flowers. We admit that there were remarks made by the speaker that those who wore the grey, or at least the major gen­ eral portion of them, would not appreciate. Erick Knudtson,one of Woodstock's early settlers, and a man universally esteemed by his neighbors an i acquaintances of which latter,he possessed a host, died at his late residence in this eity last Saturday. The deceased had been troubled with catarrh in the head for some years, but withall he was a rugged and seemingly well man until quite recently, when the disease wont to his lungs, which, with complications, was the cause of his death. He bad almost reached the alotted age of man--three score and ten years--yet appeared much younger. Almost erery week itsesmstous tne remains of some one of those whom we remember as neighbors when Woodstock was but a small settlement, are being laid away with the silent majority, one by one. We miss them ter a little while, un­ til others leave ns who cal] ear attention as week saeceeds week, f r • -j' •' • Correspondent and otheis are liereby noti- fled that we desire no lists of wedding pres­ ents for publication. They are ot no interest to anybody ex< «ps the parties immediately interested, and are very disagreeable compo­ sition for the printers.--Democrat, 9th. Sound man, John. We have never sent a list of wedding presents to be published in our column, and never intend to, although we have been importuned to do so upon more than one occasion. In more than one-balf the pretents published (by request) ths whole list would not cost over ten dollars when pur chased of dealers who have stocks of "odds and ends" for such purposes. It is simply the poor in purse trying Jo Imitate and make the same exhibition at such times as their more fortunate fellow beings can. To us it has ever seemed a foolish practice,of no bene­ fit to any one outside the immediste family and very intimate friends of thore who re­ ceive the presents,* and the printer has to do tbe labor gratis or be considered a bog. There are no presents for him In the matter and we have<never heard of muclji wealth falling to the correspondents who are-ia the habit of sending long list of presents to the poor prin- ter to set up for nothing/ The practice is a nuisance and ought to be abolished by all con- cernpF;- Kow A WD AOAIW. Note a Few Facts. It.Is this, that over at the West End or McHenry, and at Fltzslmnions & Evanson's the Cash buyer and Cash paying customer will, during this and next week, be offered unusual bargains In dlflerent kinds or meruit <n Use such as Lawns, Ladies, Misses and Chlldrens Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Shawls, etc. It is an absolute (act that the ('ash buyer wil| gave money. Remember at Fitzsimmops $ EYANSO*'8. At thif season or tbe year during.the heat qf summer, every farmer and dairymen should keep in readiness a bottle of Dickinsons Oow Prescription as It wl|l prevent their cow from hav­ ing Cow fever, pauses her to Jo well, cures Qarget and all diseases of the pour. For sale by all druggists, Spring Millinery. MRS. E. W, HOWE, has Just returned from the city with a fell line of spring Millinery, to which she Invites the at­ tention of the ladies of McHenry and suirounding country. The latest styles can always be found at this store. Call and se« MRS. E. W, HOWS, Setter's JUock, McHenry* it). Richmond Del CORTRIHUTKD BT 3. F. BlSHTT. The Rev. Charles fnitr is taking a needed vacation. We hope he may return to his work invigorated in body and mind. Chlldrens Day was observed at the Baptist church in Richmond, last Sunday. The lervi- ces were well attended and the occasion a very p!eaa&ia£e»e taold aad yoang alike. Downing's patent attachment for carriage poles and thills art being delivered to sub­ scribers, and are a good thing. A buggy pole can be tiken out and put in without removing one's mittens, and in a moment of time. Every man who runs a bnggy ought to have these attachments. CKMETKRT MEETING.--Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Rich* mond Cemetery Association will be held at the office of the Richmond (fosette, on Tuesday evening, June 18, 1886, at J .30 o'clock. „ _ Gaa PUEDT, Pres. S. R. BBNKBTT, Sec. A subscription paper has been started for the purpose of raising funds to pay the ex penses of a rousing celebration of the next 4th of July in Richmond. We have not celebrated Here.for many years and it does seem about time we waked up and had a patriotic blow out of the greatest magnitude. We have not yet been informed how liberally eur citixens are subscribing, but we hope for the best- vie: that a goou round sum will be raised, amply Sufficient to pay for a first-class orator, % flrst-class band and a good display of Are works, as well as to pay other expenses. It wl II make a deiil of hard work for a few who always have the work to do on such occasions, but the cause Is a geodene to labor In, and the patriotic impulses of said workers will doubtless bo sufficient of carry them through- MARRIKD.-- At the residence of the mother of the bride, Mrs. H. K. Shibley, Richmond,by ilie Rev. Charles Frarer, June 3d, 1886, Mr. John E. Nethercut, Editor of the Richmond Gazette, and Miss Sarah Shibley, all of Rich- mond. A large company of friends and relatives gathered to witness the event which the above brief notice records. The weather smiled propitiously, and alt Nature seemed In a happy mood to celebrate the happy cere­ monials. The house was tastefully decerated and the yard finely Illuminated. After the ceremony the guests sat down to an elaborate wedding supper. The gifts were numerous, beautiful and useful, and showed the high estimation in which the contracting parties are held in this community. A host of friends wish the nawly wedded pair all the happiness which commonly comes to the lot of mortals, and none more heartily than the writer here­ of. Following is the list of presents; Watch and chain, groem to bride; easv ehair brute to groom; embroidered table "cover, grooms mother; large llible, brides mother; silver knives and forks, W it Meth«rciit. Mil­ waukee; csrving knife and fovk, J B Nether, cut, Geneva; cake basket, t* HShibley; three picture frames MayShibiey; willow rocking chair, Howard Vosbur<h and wl e; hat rack, Dr and Mrs. s K Ward, J W Huythorne and wile, John C Smith and wile and D Dennison snd wife; water set, A It Alexander and wife and T C Schroeder and wile; fruit dish and water pitcher, J V" Aldricli and wife; lamp, J •V Burton; dozen napkins, Mrs John Burton; damask table cloth, Charles lOrazer and wife; vase, J 11 H>de; pair oread snd milk sets, Geo W Kldredge an<l wife; castor, J B Vosburgh and wife and II E Iloutelle and wife; celery dish and bread idate, Kdgar Kassctt ami wife: hand painted plaques, Kmtna Wrav; Rogers' "Itomeo and Juliet," O M Melville,' Kenosha; students lamp, J 1. Downing and wife, Mist Nettie Downing and II O Faber; berry set, Miss Stun bridge, Kenosha; nut cracker and picks. Misses Jennie Deniaen and Anna Uoodland; silver teapot, John Coulman and wife. Spencer Cotting and wife. Mrs C U Cot- ting, Misses 11 G Cotting, Uattie Uoodricn, Gencvive (<oodrich and Myrtie McKee; water pitcher, Mrs Hicks; set fruit knives, W J Ar­ nold and wife and Miss Ida J Arnold, Rock- ford ; silver milk pitcher, Geo Vinton and wife and Richard Wray ami wife; tea set and celery dish. J W Havward and wife;set deco­ rated fruit plates, Misses Mary ana Cynthia McCleilan, Kenosha; French plate mirror, Mrs Lester and Miss Lizzie Shibley, of Win- netka, 111.; silver spoon ho'der. 11 L Chevillon and wife; butterdish, Mark Stone and wife; water glasses and berry dish, Geo It Myers and wile; set silver knives and forks, O O Green and Miss Julia Sherman; stand mirror, John Alexander and wife; decorated tambour inc, Miss Olive Stevens; pickle castor, Miss Kate McCleilan, Michigan; set fruit knives, Misses iluuie and Gcnevive Goodrich and Myrtie McKee; celery dish, M E Robinson and wife, Mrs M Itobinson, and Miss Mary J Darling; silver cake basket, Frank and Mary Hill; tidy, Miss Louie Coalman; bangle board Mrs Frank Potter; bread nan, Mrs M J Kan- some; Hii-tkespeare's works, A K Owen and wile, Geneva; silver sugar spoon, C E Abl-ott, and wife, Geneva; enibroMered pillow shams, Miss Belle Andrus, Winooski, Wis ; collection of Longfellow's poems, Mrs It A Slnbley, of Rockton; sofa piltow, Mrs Kiumons; Rogers' "By Jingo," Miss Nellie Moth, Winnetka, III; server, Miss Irene McKesson; rocking chair, Mrs John Hackney; marble top stand, J F McKesson and wife; silver napkin rings, M Thomas and wife, Kockford; painted panel, Mrs Geo U Nethercut, .Shclton. Neb. KINGYVOOILI EDITOR PLAINDEAUER:--^The Ring- wood Dramatic Club have concluded, by request of a number or our villagers anil others in the vijinity, to repeat the perrormance or the English Drama, entitled, "The Little Detective,** on Ssturday evening or tills week, June 13th. There will also be other attrsc- tlons. One and all are Invited to comer out on that evening and have a good time. Band parado on Saturday arcer> noon. Work is being done this week on the roads, and our village streets are re­ ceiving due attention. Wo expect also to report soon the raplJ progress of the building or sidewalks In our vil­ lage. . The spring term of our sch«ol will end on Saturday or this week. Last week George Stevens had a number or bis buildings moved to render them more conveuient ror his stock and other purposes. Some par­ ties rrom Woodstock contracted the moving of t-tiem. , I. Dodge arid J. Lawson are visiting their friends here. They have just conic rrom Nebraska, where they re­ port things in a prosperous condition. Nathan Stevens has had the roof of his house teshlngled, and we hear he intends glviinr It a coat of paint. R. N. Mason is drawing a neat new cream wngon over the road. 4. W. Grimolby was the maker« Vincent Lumley Is home from school for the vacation, The ne*t meeting of .lie Cemetery Aid Society will be held At Mrs. Dodge's, June 30th. new Window Shades and BONSLKTT & BTOF* EL. St e our poles. Mrs. Schumacher* WoiJd iuvite the attention of the Ladies to her new Spring stuck of millinery, comprising the latpst styles to be found in the clty.and which she proposes to sell at prices that defy competition, New goods and latest styles received every week. Call and examine goods and learn prices. Mas, SCHUMACHER. 8 pounds choice roasted Coflee for 91.0b at Bonslett ft Stoflel's. Large crowds of ladles visit Mrs. H. H. Nichols1 daily, and most every one carries away a box of goods. It pays to keep s good stock and g*ll cheap. 1 pound warranted Baking Posrder for 36 jonts at Bonslett St Stoflsl's. New Dress Ginghams at ftonst'-tt & StegePfc C. E. Cliapell has got the cellar dug for his new residence on the corner* and they are getting the stone on the ground and will SIMMI be ready for the masons. Mr. Kingman, principal of oar Pnbltc School, gave his pupils a school picnic ou Friday ef last week. About hall past nine in the morning they started |T| !<(*** I if* bank of the river, and It was a merry crowd. The little boys say they never had such a time berore picuiclng. I. Y. Montanye, or Elgin, made his sister Mrs. Helm, a visit on Friday'last Mr. and Mrs. A. Cochran started for OLio on a visit on Friday last. Miss Millie Helm ha» been quite tick for a few days but to able to be out again. Mrs. Georgia Secbert, ot Cary, and Mrs. C. T. Montayne, were In Algon­ quin on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Babbitt, of Elgin, spent a tew days here last week. We were visited by a heavy thun­ der storm on Suuday evening last. Ed. Morton, Sen. has greatly improv ed the looks of his home by buildl ng a nice sidewalk and picket fence around it. : :. • - ' WAUCONDA- ' EDITOR PLAIN DEALER:-Miss Annji White snd Henry Law, of Long Grove, were married Thursday morning at Barringron. In the af:ernoo;i and evening a reception was held at the residence of tie brides parents In Wauconda. • Mrs. Dr. Butterfieid, or Belvldere, recently visited her Wauconda rrlends. We are glad to notice the prosperity of our harness shop. To keep up with his orders Mr. Barker has;been obliged to employ another man. Chlldrens Day at the M. E. Church on Sunday, Ju ic 14th. Interesting services, especially prepared for the occasioi, Is expected. Services te commence at 3 P.M. Messrs. Myers and Bowman, of Bar- rington, have bought the Wauconda Cheese Factory. A. Klrwin and J. M. Andrews are running It. BamnerSIIkili Wool Twins. Wool Twiue at Bonslett A Stoflei's s Great reduction in price of Clothing, at H. Colby's. Confirmation suits atH.CoIhlN* Great reduction in price Clothing at H. Colby's. White Press Patterns at Bonslett St. Stoflei's, Wall Paper, Trimmed FREE at Perry St Owen's. Prairlo City, Van Brunt and Foun­ tain City Seeders at E. M. Owen & son's. A strlc'ly all wool suli of clothes from M to 4S. only 97,00 at Bonslett St Stoflei's. _______ A few beautiful Wool Caahmeres at 0 cent a yard. Great bargains at ienry Colby'a. Henderson's celebrated Boots and Shoes, etery pair warranted. atfPerry & Owen's. People wishing to buy goods at low« er prices than ever before will do well to call on me. C. T. STBVBNS. The Finest and Cheapest stock of Su 0:ner Millinery In the county at Mrs. II. H. Nichols'. BESLEY'S Ale and Porter Is the best made. On draught In McHenry at Jacob Bonslett's and A. Englen's. Henry Colby Is selling a large ffne of Clothing at less than 60 cents on the dollar. I have a lot of^Sels Schwab St Co's Ice. ST avails. Shoes, all sizes at one hair price. n. v, Now is the time to cloth your boys. The largest* assortment and lowest prices at H. Colby's. Fltzsimmons St Evansoo ofler extra Inducements In Ladles line Shoes. Also a .'•» pair ef Gray Bros. Shoes at eest. A Bargain For Ths Bays. We are closing out a lot or Vests at 36 cents each. Pay your money and take your cheloe. Many of theui cost fonr times this price HBNBY COLBT, Croat Reduction in Clothing. A large number or Boys and Mens Suits at less than 30 cents on the dol­ lar, ror Cash. Csll early before sizes are broken and examine them at Henry Colby's. Erery lady In McHeorv County having any Intention of bnyfng Shoes during the next six months, should look over the new deal st Fitzsimnoons ft Evanson's at the West End. It is a new. stylish, "newest, last out," and Sood warranted Shoes in Gost er Kid ash price 92.60. WANTED BOYS AND GIRLS.-Any boy or girl who will get the signatures of twenty |*ople to an agreement to take one copy ef the Through Mail each, from a news stand named in the agreement, each week, and to pay the newsdealer five cents for It. will receive the Through Mail one year FREE. Any one getting ten will receive It six months FREE. Any one getting five* will receive the paper FREE for three months. Jn addition to this we shall give 910.00 In gold to the getter up of the largest !club and many smaller prizes. Our circular explains all this Send for sample papers, circulars and blank agreement*. THE THROUGH MAIL. Bloomtngton, HI. |&»Any bright girl or boy can*thus get the best humorous paper published a year for an hour's work, and with­ out asking for nr ccllecting a cent »r money, and by getting as many new names once per year, can keep it com­ ing the same way. It costs nothing to try. whether you sucooed or fall, and success is sure. PICS- We have on hand, fe#> sale a very fine lot of Poland China Pigs, ranging in ages (row three !« six weeks. Also vcuttger Utters with their (neiherVana also other brood sows, for sale in lots to salt. E. STANFORD, Fort Hill, Lake Qe, l(M0tf Paints and Oils at Pef»Jr< Matrasses for only UK, st Bros.,West McHenry. Ill, Jersey Waists always M Chicago prices, at Mrs. " * Hew Car pete ct Perry & Fine line of Summer Silks at Colby's. Go to Mrs. Howe's for Millinery sifd Dressmaking. _ SMOKERS, call for Barblan Bftf I High Art." The j have few eqoala. Fine Velvet and Velveteen fa Maek and colors at.Perry St Owen's. No trouble to show goods sr questions at R. Bishops. City residences for sale. .Apply Asa w. Smith, Woodstock, IU, Go to Mrs. M. Schum_. Innry, Dress Making and C. V. Stevens will sell 1 half price. Call and look t! Everything in the Hardware bottom figures, at E. M. Howe**. Building Paper, cheap, at John S, SH Story's. ( . ,if The Lyman Barb Wire, both plain and galvanized,decidedly the heat Wiifc in the market, at John I. Story's. GLASST "GLASS ! We keep Glass of all sizes cons. on hand. Special sizes out wl „ extra charge. JOHX I. STOBT FEED CUTTERS. The Belle City takes the lead: the strongest and best, at S. M. Owea4 ? Son's. New Ginghams, new Prints, and MV Dress Goods at Perry St Owen's. We have just added an elocaat KM of dress goods, which are offered at asi usual uniform low prloes. Henry Oalfcf Lace Curtains, Tldle^ Lasafeprklo*, Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, Hp M Schumacher's, near tho Depot. LATEST styles in Dress Laoes, etc., at Mrs. Schum Ladies Muslin Underwear, ... cents up, at Mrs. Schumacher's, the Depot. The celebrated Cortland Slde8pring Bnggy Is the leader. Ask tho 300 In tbH county what they think of them Always on hand at E. M. Owen St Son's Bedey's Famous Waukogaa Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's tad A. Englen's. • , A beautirul piece of Silk Valvei.^ being cloeed 91.00 worth 91.75 a yard, is hot at the small sum ©r Call soon and obtain It at Eftsit Colby's. _____ Call at E. M. Owen A Son's for yssr Farm Machinery. They keep none hot the best, and warrant everythlag* THE finest assortment of 'HVwtKJt' Machines to be found in the ooonty, at O. W. Owen's. •M The Buford wheel sulky lead, also Hapgood, Case. 8ki Flying Dutchman Plow's it It, Owen St Son's. * FOR SALE OB RENT.- Two houses In the «j|)ife of \1 wood. Terme rei once to «the ad Rlngwood, Nov. 10th, 1 Please remember that out every department ls4 isrj and thse our prices'are •! lowest that can be made. We will be undersold by any House In Co. Henry Colby. New Wall Paper. New Wall Paper at Perry St Owen's Best quality of paper and aw eheap trash. " „ r Miotics To those that want work done in my Una, such as Tanks, Vats and all.ottMr work done in a shop, as I got lamer 41rect from Chicago. • ' F. A. HSSABS. Rod path's The beit In the world for the mon­ ey, Solid leather, solid sole, leather ? counters and lnnersoles Midate ude out of first quality calf skin, pat ts> gether in an honest, substantial osaa- ,s nor and warranted to give satisfaction f Try a pair, Fer sale by Henry Uoiby. I For 8als or Exchange. One or two good houses, with good Darns and other out-bulldlngs; good irehards, wells, cisterns, eta. Walt located near tbe Depot In Weet Ha» Henry, together with land freai eat 1 sere te fifty. Will sell very eheap or trade for a farm, or western wild lead, tlso a good bouse to rent. K RAYMOUK WMt MeHeaiy, Ilia. The Boss Barrel Churn, at Joha I Story's. Farm for Sals* <- The undersigned offers for sale <M» - Farm, containiug 304 acres, sitaated one mile West of the village •tm ̂ Henry, on tho Woodstock teas. buildings, living water, plenty sf fruit, and a young bearing orchard. well adapted fer a stock farm. Bbu»dty to Railroad Station and a Ch< tory. For terms and other Inquire of the underslgaed premises. McHenry, July Mth, USL HMN,T Harvard, Hi* Feb. 9th, ISM. C. DICKINSON St SON: GENTLEMEN:--I have been sufleriag with Bone Erysipelas and Cfcreala Rh tun at ism for the past eevea yean and have tried everything 1 oeald hear or but to no purpose, until your ageat recommended your Russian Llalaieat which I tried with entire satlsfaetlaa, as it has helped me more tbaa any- thing I ever used, and I recommend it to alt who are soflerlng, as It Is Us best Liuiment I ever used. Mas. JAVBTTB Saaaarr. •i : ! "18 H i ATTENTION UUMCt. Rflns-j H.acxroK, - Tor the past teu year* aim of the leading Dressmakers la Elgin, tms loovea to McHenry where she is ready to do Dresnaaking; itt all the latest shies. " lion guaranteed. Cutting Filling a specialty. Also «na$ for the I. X L., Tailor sydvafe of Cutting and Fitting. Fall instructions given* Rocsis doors West of the

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