JULY 15, 1885. m Editor. PAPER ft CuT'S Ncwspi May be fbnnd on tile »t GEO. P. «*»* « UO.'S Jicwspapor Advertising' IJ(W ftpruoc Street), wnere advertising "V S NEW YORK- WTBiny persons were poisooad by ItiSiig dried beef, at Momence, III,, on <Afon<lay last. Two have died and ^ many more are not expected to re- «wr. The beef was brought from Chicago, Washington advices say that tbe Postmaster General has set apart two tvecks for the purpose of disposing of a large number of Presidential post office eases, now under the hammer, tune is set to martial music. WBTA dispatch from Belvldetl Tli the Inter- Ocean says that Boone county •will support Hon. C. E. Fuller for con gress, and that * although Boon* will liave only Ave delegates In the conven* lion, yet DeKalb will probably sup port Mr. Fuller, who did effective trerk last fall far Mr. Bllwood." The correspondent concludes, however, that DO one can tell what the result of the cainpaign will be, iST Ex-Post master General Hatton says In his newspaper: "A republican who has succeeded in gaining a promi nent and lucrativa position under his own party is entitled to little respect when be goes about whining to be kept In under an administration he opposed and which, politically, he does not be lieve In--If he is a man of principal. When a man degenerates Into a barn a- he should be scraped off." 'Cleveland Plain Dealer:--One ef the socialistic orators of Chicago gpro- poses that the government of the United States should assume the man agement of the etreet railroads of the cities and reduce the rate of fare to 2 cents. Perhaps if the government had charge of these Institutions there would never be any Impediments plac ed on the tracks by dismiseed drivers, or at least never but once. These so cialistic chaps have seme very queer Ideas about freedom and government. TV*.)*; &*..•; • ?• #&"The postmaster at East St. Louis > .must be something of a humorist. He 1% of course, a Republican, and having invested In a farm in Kansas, he wauts to throw op his commission and move. In order to faciliate bis own removal ha writes to the post-office department that be ia a Republican, a violent and offensive partisan, glories to it and wants his successor named immediate ly. So far his successor has not been appointed. His friends are deaireu* of retaining him as a postmaster, and the department seems to think he's tbe very man who furnishes a case for • brilliant Illustration of civil service nfens. S^Tbe lease holders of tbe Cherokee tftrlp Insist that ao Texas cattle shall pass over that strip between the months of April and December to the northern pasture grounds in Kansas, Nebraska and Dakota, as tbey have been in the habit of doing. The claim la that all Texas cattle are diseased during the summer season and transmit tbe Texas fever to other cattia. The peculiarity of this disease, and of this case when it gets into court, is, that tbe Texas cattle, which seem perfectly healthy, and abont which no disease can be detected, transmit the fever. The lessees of this Indian laid propose to assume that all Texas cattle are dis eased, whereas tbe courts may require them to.show, as was done in the Mis souri cases years ago, that each lot of cattle prohibited are diseased. lift I - • of the charge of shooting truttnovati Rossa, on the ground of Ititmrilljr. Of her insanity there Is no one who now entertains a doubt, but it was very cunning In its method. The shooting of Rossa wasoue of its manifestations, of course, hut how etwin«e it is that such a person should have selected just such a victim at just such a time. And how strange It Is, loo, that Mrs. Dudley should advance in her defense precise ly the same line of reasoning for justification that Rossa projects con stantly into bis debates in justification of his dynamite policy. Since Mrs Dudley was insane when she shot Rossa. and since the act was not there fore a criminal one, Rossa's enemies must regret ti.at the crazy woman did not so plant the bullet as to cut off the man who constantly boasts that he has been and is a party to the schemes of assassins who blow op public buildings and make war upon women and child ren and persons innocent of offense against Ireland. The friends of much- abused and long-suffering Ireland have need to pray for deliverance from such advocates as Rossa, who seek to dignify as8asssinatlon and clothe murder In the garb of patriotism. More Railroad Facilities. We have got so used to hearing of proposed railroads, whose lines would run through or touch oil Kane county that nothing in the way of railway projects is now apt to surprise us. The latest story is thus narrated, in a dis patch from Springfield": The Wisconsin Central Railroad on Tuesday filed articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State. The prin cipal business office is to be located at Chicago, and the capital stock of the company is 20 000,000. The road will be constructed from Chicago through Cook and Lake counties to the Wiscon sin state line, also in a westerly direc tion through the counties of Cook and DuPage to Elgin, Kane county, and thence in a northwesterly direction through the central part of McHenry county to the state line; also, from Huntley, 111., to Dunlelth, III., through McHenry, Boone, Winnebago, Stephen son, and Jo Daviess counties; also a line from Belvidere and Rockford to Belolt, Wis. The incorporators and tirst board of directors are: Henry Alison, Edward Alison, Holver Olson, Henry Ohon, and Edward Olson, all of Chicago. This is the outcome of an eld scheme for paralleling the St. Paul and tbe Northwestern roads for a considerable distance, and of giving the Wisconsin Central road its new and direct line Into Chicago.--Elgin News, special to the Inter Ocean Ht>m Sycamore, DeKalb County, has the following significant paragraph: Hon. A.J. Hopkins, of Aurora. Is no uncommon sight on our streets. He has his line out for the office of Congress man. This fact he freely admits. He also feels that he can reasonably expect most of the delegates from thl3 county In addition to those of his own. This feeling probably comes trom the fact that he is in possession of a document with the sign manual of most of the delegates sent from this county to the convention that nominated Mr. Ell- wood. This document, it Is claimed, pledges each delegate to "deliver up" this county to Hopkins when Ellwood ceased to be a can lidue. Ellwood is deal, and consequently seeks the posi tion no mors. Now it is vacant, and the question naturally comes up: "Who carries DeKalb County in his pocket?" "Who has the right to 'deliver u,V this county te any one?" There are intelli gent voters in this county who serious ly object to being bargained away in a lump like a drove of Texas steers. They do not care to sell their birth right, much less to have it sold by Others and receive no just recompense Jir. Hopkins ha3 a host or friends here who wish him well In his political en deavors, and who would be pleased to vote for him, but they would like to know it when they do. There are others who do not want to vote for tome other delegate In good faith and have him "deliver up" himself or this county to Mr, Hopkins or any other nan. •fir The Desert News, the church organ, in a five column editorial on tbe 6th lust., justifies the insult offered by the Morman officials to the A nerlcan people fcnd flag. The President of the Nations! bank in which the U. S. de posits are kept declares "half mast was the proper place for the flag, as we have not more than half our rights." The truth is, a majority of the Mor mons «re aliens, taken from the pover ty-stricken districts and slums of Eu rope, who have no sympathy with our free Institutions and hate our restric tive laws. Tbe men who take tbe oath •f allegiance do it for political influ ence and power, always protesting that tlie church is above the state, and its Authority must be obeyed. Aud all thfe dupes of this rolio of barbarism s#ear by the church and despise tbe Our Chicago Market Report. Prepared Sxpressiy for the PLAINDGALER by Oar Own Correspondent. CHICAGO, July 14,1885. The fine growing weather and splen did crop reports have had a weakening effect upon the market, and buyers are quite limited and prices continue to drop off a fraction each day, and tbe close of each week wltuesses a material decline in wheat. Winter wheat which brought 95 and 96c a few weeks ago has come down until 92c is about tbe price paid. Corn has held Its own steady, between 47 and 48c, but is weakening at present. Tbe outlook for a good crop of corn is splendid. Oats are steady with slight decline. The re ceipts of live stock for the past seven days amounted to 52,180 bead of cattle, 80,009 bogs, 11,000 sheep as compared with the previous week this is a heavy falling off in receipts. To-day the prices are are about the same as they were one week ago. The light receipts of tbe beginning of the week sent the prices up 25c, but the light demand at the close caused a drop equal to the gain. Fat cattle for shipping are In good demand as prices do not change much in this grade. Common aod butcher's 3upply Is plentiful. The sup ply of hogs for the past week fell off about 60,000 as compared with the pre vious week and the price has advanced until the market rate to-day is about 30c per 100 pounds more than it was seven days ago, There is no improve ment in the quality or price of sheep, shippers remaining out of the market. The produce market Is In a very healthy condition, the demand being fully equal to the supply. Choice creamery butter is in excellent demand at an advance. Poultry is scarce and higher. New potatoes are plentiful and as the sea«on advances tbe price drops. WINTER, WHEAT--NO. 2 red 92} No. 3 red 86Jc. SPKING WHEAT--NO. 2. 86}c; No. 3 79 to 84c: No. 1 hard (Minneapolis) 92c; No. 1 hard (Duluth market) 94 U< CORN--No. 2 and 2 Yellow 47Jc; No. 3 and 3 Yellow 47. OATS--No. 2 32c; No. 3 by sample 33Jc; Barley Oats 37}. 1 P RYE--by SAMPLE, 60c, BARLEY--By sample, 4§ to 61c. to'fl153THY SEED--Poor to Sood« #1.52 FLAX--No 1. $1.25. CLOVER--Poor to choice, $4.75 to $5.25. BUCKWHEAT--Prime, 81c. BBAN8--Choline hand picked, $1.25. POTATOES--New 75 to 80c; old com mon to choice, 30 to 40c. BUTTER--Creamery fancy 16 tol7£c; dairy to choice 14 to 15; common grade 8 to 9c. EGGS--Good fresh Northern, No. 2 8lock or Southern. 10c. CHEESE-Young America 8c; full cream Cheddar 7c; skimmed 2 to*3c. POULTRY--Old chickens 9 to 10c; spring chickens 15 to 16c; live Turkeys 8c per pound. ^TTLE--Good to extra shippers •4.75 te $6 25; common te good $4.50 to $5.25; butchers steers 84.25 to $4.75; Blockers $3.25 te $4,00; Texans *3.00 to *4.35. HOGS--Light weight $4.25 to $4.55; rough packing $3.90 to $4.05; heavy packing and shipping $4.10 to $4.35. SHEEP--Common to choice $2.10 to $3.75. 11c; C 0 I * t > I # i 0 N -or- TEE FIRST NATIONAL BAHK At Woodstook, Illinois, --*T TBI-- Close of Badness, My 1, '85. Loans and discounts... Overdrafts .....9156,790 74 Besley's Famous Waukegan Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonslett's. A. Eu- glen's and John Ueimer'e. IJ. S. Bonds to secure circulation .. I>ue from approved reserve agents. Due from other National Ranks Current expenses and taxes pjui ' Checks and other cash item*. Bills of other banks Erc'l cur. nickels & pennies!!!! Specie I.egal tender notes.. Red'mpt'n fund with U. ̂ Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation Due from U. 8. Treasurer, ether than 6 per cent redemption fund......... Total X.IAB1LITIBS. Capital stock paid in 50.000 00 ?r,rPslu«2, ^Und i *.000 00 Undivided profits 99867 Kational Bank Notes outstanding... 46.00000 Individual deposits subject te cheek 17&511 72 Demand Certificates of deposit 924 ite 1,869 34 80,000 00 22,009 9S 32,539 77 29162 14 18 ' #,177*0 61 m 24, kX) ttO 8,00000 2,25000 190000 . 4»0,434 8U f. •-o • '• • . v * *.i"4 I, v*' j- -- - v.--'; i 4 , / i * t ' u • * %, ' J - 'v .T- % ' ; S * ***" <• ' K i, U' " i • f f* . <w > » jr. Fitzsimmons & Evanson ..$980,484 SB T»tal STATE OP ILLINOIS, i County of McHenry. f"" I, John J. Murphy, Cashier «f the abeve named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best ef my knowledge and belief. _ . ,, , , JOHK J. MUBPHY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn te before me this 7th day of Julv, 1385. EDWARD O. QUINLAW, Notary Public. Correct Attest E. A. MDRTHV, W*. H. STEWAKT, JOHN J. MURPHY, Directors. Money to Loan On Real Estate, in sums of $500 to $10,000. Time and payments to suit borrower. \ JOHN J. MURPHY. Help Wanted.-Males. $150 MONTHLY fifSWt We wint Agents for our CELEBRATED DEAN'S 3PINAL SUPPORTER SHOULDER BRACE, AND ABDOMINAL PROTECTOR COMBINED, for men and youths. No ex perience required. Four orders jSfer day give the Agent S150 Monthly. Our Agents report from four to twenty sales daily. Send at once for terms and full particulars. S3.00 Outfit Free. LEWIS SCHIELE ft CO., 390 Broad way, New York. Help Wanted--Females. $100 MONTHLY f£gltfD W« want agents for our CELEBRATED MADAME DEAN SPINAL SUPPORTING CORSETS; also, ourtelegant new SUMMER CORSETS, at prices lower than any other manufacturer in America. No experience re- nired. Four orders per day give the Agent tlOO Monthly. Our Agents report from feur to twenty sales daily. Send at once for terms and full particular*. Jfl vn Outfit Free. AMEBICAN CORSET W0BK8. 390 Broadway, New York. J. P. SMITH, WATCHMAKER § JEWELER, fccHenry, - Illinois. As Fine a Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jeweliy, Silver and Plated ware, As 9M be found in the county, which I offer *t prices thai cannot be beat. A Fine Stock of 9 UB0I0E CONFECTIOKISY, 1 AND CIGAKS. Call and examine goods and learn prices, J. P. 8MITH. McHenry, 111., July 16th, 188$, Stette ef "fcflnertjr Enlightening the WoiM." The Committee in charge of the construc tion of the base and pedestal for the reception of this great work, in order to raise rands for its completion, have prepared a Minia ture Statuette six inches in hmght--the Statue Bronzed; Pedestal Nickel-silvered--which they are now delivering to subscribers throughout the United States at one dollar attractive souvenir and Mantel or Desk ornament is a perfect fac-timile of the model furnished by tne artist. The Statuette in same metal, twelve inehet high, at Five Dollars Each, delivered. The designs of Statue and Pedestal are pro- tected by U. S. Patents, and the models can only be furnished by thu Committee. Address, with remittance, BICHABD BUTLE4, Seerrtary, American Commute of the Statue of Liberty. 88 Meroer Street Hew York, A PRESENT! Ouir reailers for 12cents in postage stamp to pay for mailing .and wrapping, and the names of two book agentft, will receive free J Steel b\ninhing Parlor Engraving of all our I RESIDENTS, including Cleveland, size 22X28 inches, worth *4.00. Address Elder Pub- Co., Chicago, 111, Dissolution Notice. The Co partnership heretofore existing un der the Arm name of R. Tweed & Son is this day dissolved by mutual consent All ac counts due the late firm must be settled with R. Tweed, who alone is authorized to settle the same. The business will be continued at the old stand bjr U. Tweed. R. TWEED. B. TWEED, JB. Spring Grave, I1L, July 15,1880. 1042 8w tJHOLY, T^tau&Sts rfPlSsV 014 to tb* English la type, papernrlntliicandiioea- *sc7. Mntaamtt ~ ~ trie an order c - for two tor is money. Bend *140 for oa*> IT VIS E report* VERSl0N.g fOr fit The Hmry BOt Co trier at ever* WMAM* HAM rente to mSm PATENTS - ft CO., of the SctKirririr A va niCAX, con- ttamp to act as SolieU.ira tor 1'aU uls, Caveats. Trade Marks, Copyright*, for the United States/Qui aria, Bug land, rraiice, ueraany, etc. Hand Book aboui P^MiUsent fre^ Thirtv^vra rears'experleneek . obtained tbrooun MUNN A CO. aienotleed intheftcrKNTiric AMKKICAN, the largest, beaCwd most widely circulated •cientiflo paper, tivayttr. Weekly. Bplendld engravings aadlntereating IB. fonnaUon. Speotmen copy of the IfcieatMe Aawr- lean sent free. Address MDWMTCO.. SciEMTOflO •MBUOAXOflee, WBroadway. New^ogk.^ •" * pimi|! »ipiyi||iui;:iwiiiwiii|ij|!iiu 1.1^111 u"li)inip|pi| Offer $10,000 worth of Good, Honest, Everyday Goods, New sod Fresh, at greatly reduced prices, for CASH. We want to move these goods at once, and Cash will do it quick. 5000 yard* Standard Ginghams 5 cents; 2000 yards Standard Lawns (feat colors) 41-2 cents; 1 Job Lot Coats from 32 to 35, $1.25 each; 1 Job Lot Coats and Vests half price; 1 Job Lot Vests half pri&; Light Weight Summer Suits at cost and below; 300 Pair Ladies Gray Bros' Fine Shoes at precisely wholesale price; 100 Ladies Shawls at nearly half price; Ladies extra quality Hosiery 5 and 10 cents; also fine Bal- brigans, silk colored, 25 cents; 1000 pairs Mens Suspenders, worth from 75 to $1.25 per pair, we offer you your choice for 50 cents. J liege suspenders are silk web and silk ends and cost the manufac turers much more. Now we have 1 Lots in Corsets. For instance, a Corset we formerly sold fot 75 cents you can buy now for 35 cents. We also have JODS in Steal I& Jaiitaliiefe, TaMe Linens, Flail ill Tinrei, I» fcctjif mat to hay, «•«ln|Mi(MM** «tr goods. We have a le* hundred Banging in price from 95 cents to $4.50. Now comes MEN S FINE iSHORS I Of which we have a few pair to offer at 25 per cent reddction Alter all of these lots, and next in order, is a few NOBBY SUITS For fine Gents also offered at great bargains and also for Cash. If you should wish to take a look up stairs into our Tailoring Department, w!fl variety of Cloths, allof which«ffoffered Cheap, and suits made to fit. For instance a suit that formerly cost $30 to $35 can be had now trom $18 to $25. We are paying the highest market price for farmers' produce, such as Butter, And if you don't happen %o have the hard Cash, you can trade with us for such goods, but in no case do we sell goods at reduced prices on TIME. Biing your cash, as that class ot trade is what "'il* FITZSIMMONS A. EVANSON- VjTest McHcurr. Julv 15th. 1885 • 1 .r' - > enry I f f v» .'-.Ti-f- V * . k 10a, KJ ^ ^ H • > ' ^ ^ *| . Tair^; S-TJ ' «•' '» ",t " «r' r M * I * If ^ , • /< -i *• •' > ^ 'J « -V •J-I Senator From New Yorfi| * - . ' : « S S P T E M B E H 11 th * • - « " » , , , . J ' 8enator From Illinois* This year to climax all in Entertainments, Exhibits, j 6t&;V '•••••••' o - P. S. Privileges now ope» to those wishing such. ^ A. ft WRIGHT, Secretary. P E R R Y & O W E N General Merchants, McHENRY, Illiiioiau Dealers in a Fine Class of * Dry Goods, Black Goods, Black and Colored Cashmeres, Black and Col ored Dress Silks, Summer Silks, Etc. A Ml Stock of lam, Botttin! aad all Hinds of CmtaMlj m land. 4 , f In Parasols, White firesa Ofiods^ Embroiderios, Summer Skirts* Corset® and Gloves, A Complete line of Henderson's Celebrated Fine Every Pair Warranted. BADGER STATE l' 4 Pantaloon Overalls and Pants,\ -3 v <1, v ii Fresh Famiiy Groceries, Etc Paints and Oils, Mixed Paints, Salt, Perry & Owen. '•li i WE WILL PAY f 2.00 A DAY t" a reliable party, lady or gentleman, to receive orders for nut publications. Any person applying foi tlii* position, who cann#t call on us personally, must send photograph (which will be re turned), and also names of 3 responsible business men as reference. Address ELDEB PUBLISHING CO, 364 Wit bit sit A v»'.. H DDK, PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. Thi undersigned 1b prepared to do all jobs In tbe line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps. Cementing Wells, or will put in New Pumps On abort notie* and warrant satisfaction. In •ktrt will do all work in this line. Can farnlsh yon a new Pump, either wood or boa, warranted, as cheap M any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If jrou want a Well Due. a Pomp Repaired or a BOW Pump, give me a call. VOrdera by mail promptly attended to. Poet Office, Jonnsbtirgh, 111. L. BANTES. Joknsburfta. Ill* May Sffth, 1885. New Wall Papsr aod n«w Borders. Over 400 different styles at Perry & Owen's. DOWNS' COBSET [ 131PIIOV ED,] is the only perfect fitting, truly comfnrtible and health.preserving Corset made. Hasan Elastic Section above and below a Corded Centerpiece. Entirely different from any other. Every Corset is stamped and absolute ly tiuaranteed in every particular. Be sure to get the Downs Patent. Manufactured only • by the Gage-Downs Corset Co., Chicago, and for sale by lirst-olas* dry-goods stores every where. Price $ | ,80, LOMLURD'S 21' '°£ Plowshare * DI • | « A s k y ° u r • fca Dealer for it John Helm, Algonquin, III., DEALER IN Sudwatt, Stows, Tinwan, In short, we keep everything in the above mentioned lilies, which we are offe* ingto the buy ing public as cheap as any other house in this section. Call and J0BBN O & REPAIRING, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN HELM. / Algonquin,. Feb. 18,1885,