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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jul 1885, p. 4

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- _ ;.»i . . ' • WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1885. •T. VAN 8LYKE, Editor. 15 A DTT> May be fonmt on I I Hi IV file at GEO. P. HOWELL ft CO.*8 Newspaper Advertising lUireau (JO Spruce Street), where advertising sr,r,v ft NEW YORK- i ' / GRANT IS DEAD. ^ Qfanttbe man, the soldier, the slates* man. to dead and the Nation Is In tears. The news of his death which occurred on Thursday morning last, at Hount McGregor, N. YM although an­ ticipated, was received jeith the most profound sorrow all over the land. It has been well said the hand trembles that writes, "General Graot is dead." We shall not no# attempt to review the career of General Grant as a sol­ dier or statesman. The mere announce- merit of his death calls to mind his brilliant achievements. His Ave years of military service and eight years as chief executive of the Nation covers the most important and critical period or the Nation's history, The history of General Grant's military career would embrace the history of the war, while as a statesman he had to deal with the still more delicate and diffi cult question, reconstruction or res­ toration. Having served his country well and viade his name illustrious in history, he has passed away at peace with all his countrymen, and command­ ing the respect and love of men of all parties and sections. The civilized world has reudered him its tribute, and the great of all Nations have rec­ ognized in him a man of a century, and one of the preeminently great men In the world's history. Coming gener­ ations of Americans will read of him with pride, and history will perpetuate liis name so long as Republlcau govern­ ment, by and tor the people, shall exist. A long article, descriptive of the closing hours of his life, together with his portrait and a biographical sketch, can be found on the inside pages of this paper. i^The Kingston correspondent or the Sycamore Weekly gives Hon. C. E. Fuller the following complimentary notice: 4iC. E. Fuller, of Belvidere, is a candidate for congress and will visit the most important places In the dis­ trict soou to see what bis prospects are. We think this district could do no bet­ ter than send him to represent us. Certainly he is competent and fearless and should be be so fortunate as to get elected the rest of this nation would Know that we were represented^ "**" )ptn- »-• k t9*The practice of selling white children to Chinese in San Francisco seems to have become a serious evil. It is stated that twenty-six children so disposed of have been recovered within the last year, and the presumption is that some cases have escaped detection. Of course the parents of such children must be heartless wretches, and they probably are very degraded people. It appears to have only been iound out within a few months, and though ener­ getic means hare been taken to put a step to it, there Is ground for believing that several white children thus un- linmanly sold had previously been smuggled out of the country. J6?*Tbe undiminished powers and great working capabilities ot Judge Isaac G. Wilson have been manifested of late in a way too patent to let go entirely unnoticed. For the past two weeks Judge Wilson has been wading through the cumbersome chancery docket of this county,and so successful has he been in the dispatch of his busi­ ness that the present week is likely to see the end. The docket, freighted as It was with gray-haired cases, needed a vigorous and euergetic onslaught, and Judge Wilson hat made the onslaught fvely proves forking cap- The Kane m _ _____ vigorously md satisfactory work to all concerned for years than that mani­ fested in this mid-summer session and both attorneys and clients are more than pleased.--Elgin Courier. f&*The Belvidere Northwestern has the following to say in relition to the candidacy of Hon. Ohas, E. Fuller for Member ©f Congress frum this District: "There is a strong and growing sen­ timent In this district in favor of Hon. Chas. E. Fuller of this place for Rep­ resentative In Conjre-is. The times and the peculiar political situation, as well as the interests of the Republican party demand an aggressive and untir­ ing worker a? well as an able and in­ trepid fighter and these qualifications a r e p o s s e s s e d b y M r . F u l l e r t o a n u n ­ usual degree. Besides, his brilliant career last winter has given hi-n well nigh a national reputation and he will at once be given prominence in the hall of Congress should he be elected. Let the mantle of Ell<vood fall upon Hon. C. E. Fuller. There in none more worthy in this district; none better fitted by education and professional and legislative experience; none abler to accept the responsibilities of the position or to discharge the duties that it will impose; none whose eloquence it more persuasive and convincing or whose power as the champion of the rights of the people and the Republi­ can party is more invincible; none more eminent as a statesman or whose record as apolitical leader*has been crowned with greater success. Nomi • nate Mr. Fuller and the Republicans will nominate a man who will repre­ sent thoroughly his constituents and at the same time reflect credit Upon the district and the state. Niagara Falls Redeemed. The redemption of Niagara Falls' from the horde of petty extortioners that have for so many years managed things there, became an accomplished fact last Wednesday, when the passage of tli<» Reservation into the possession and control of the State for the benefit and free enjoyment of the public for all time, was signalized by a joyous celebration. The day was ushered in by the firing of one hundred guns over the brink of the Falls amid general re­ joicing. The number of people gatli- e r e d . b e f o r e n o o n w a s e s t i m a t e d a t f i f t y thousand. Exercises were held under the magnificent elms and maples of the park. Erastus Brooks of the Niagara Falls Association, presided, calling on Bishop Coxe to offer prayer, and mak­ ing the opening speech, Letters of regret were read from President Cleveland. Samuel J. Tildeti and the Governor-General of Canada, A mag­ nificent orchestra furnished impressive and beautiful music,and a choruf» of 400 voices sang America. The presenta­ tion address was made by William Dorshelmer, and was one of the most graceful and appropriate speeches of the occasion. Governor Hill regjpottAp^ on behalf of the State, Carter was the orator of^in^day, and Lieu­ tenant Govcpvfftobinson and Attor ney TiTn-r1r. of the Province of Ontario, by invitation, spoke with re­ gard to the disposition of their gov­ ernment toward the proposed Canadian Reservation, expressing themselves as confident of the accomplishment of the plan. The vast audience sang the Doxology, and the firing of a Federal salute closed the morning's exercises. Governor Hill reviewed the military forces present in the afternoon, and in the evening a fine display of fire-works over the Falls closed the observances of the occasion. •ST"A majority of the members of the Republican Congressional Commit­ tee for this (the Fifth ) Congressional District, have signed an official call for the Convention to nominate a successor to the late Reuben Elhvood. to be held at Elg in on the 3d of September . &&r tVMiss Ada Sweet, poetess and pension agent, who drew first blood from the Admlnsitration with a tap of her dainty fist, tells some one that she would tfaintf it improper to marry un- IOM prepared to support a man in the •tyle to which ha is accustomed. A paragrapher on the Buflalo Express, reasonably construing Ada's words to Imply & wish to wed a journalist, the fastidious luxurlonsness of newspaper men having become an adage, suggests to ber that his tastes are simple, and ho would expect to purchase his cigar •ttes. We hope Ada and all other tGOmers of our sex will take notice of tfa| Mlf-denying spirit manifested by tht Buflalo editor; for it proves that the obstacle to marriage supposed to exist in the expensive habits of young meo ia largely imaginary. The coun- trf la full of youths who are willing to MCoaodate themselves to a slender in­ come If they can marry a woman they love. We have not the figures at hand lMj$ it can be proved that the cost of »rt!ng a husband in comfort has i exaggerated. Let not any young lan who Is earning a comfortable ry defer wedded happiness until i can maintain a husband in the i to which he has been accustomed sr'« roof, OUR DEAD HERO. Washington, Lincoln and Grant will ever live in the hearts of true Ameri­ cans, and to their memory dear. There arc few hemes In this broad land of. ours where the pictures of Washington and Lincoln do not hang on the walls, side by side with those of departed friends. One of the very first ob­ jects the child learns to name and point out, is the picture of Washing­ ton and Liucoln ; and now another will be added to the number. Grant will by virtue of the place he holds in the hearts of bis countrymen, be seen in every room or album. While in New Orleans last winter, and while examining the different art and photograph galleries, 1 came across an exceedingly fine life size bust pho­ tograph or Gen. Grant, the only one taken Wter be had rsturned from his trip around the world, when he "was looking his very best." The price placed upon this picture was several hundred dollars, but not more than it was worth. 1 bought it and imme­ diately placed it in ths hands of en­ gravers, and just one.week before the Generals death 1 received the first copies of the picture. When shown to members of the Grant family it brought tears to their eyes, for they recognized, better than any one else the great change. Anticipating a very heavy sale at low prices, I have decided to mail to any address in the United States, one picture, 22x28 Indies, from the original engraving, for one dol­ lar ($1,00) ; or the same picture taken from a transfer from the original, for fifty cents. (50c.; ; or a cabinet sized photograph, hand finished, for twenty five cents (25c,) Money must in all cases accompany order, and w!ll be re­ funded In case pictures are not satis factory and are returned. Agents wanted, I will give liberal discount to good agents. Any person can sell Grant's picture. I give this paper as reference, Address WILLIAM DICKSON, Publisher, Box 328, Chicago ' tHB TRUK Pt.AN." The Lightest Burdens and the Greatest Benefits Within the lieach of All. Desirous of extending the claims of the Southern Ohio Mutual Benefit. Association, of Dayton, Ohio, to the In­ suring public, we wish to present some of the many superior advantages which It possesses, viz.: Its low rates of ad­ mission, its graded scale of assessment so arranged as to cost the young and the old a!ike on the expectancy tables of life, its 90 per cent return of all death assessments in addition to the benefits of the policy, its $200.00 ad­ vance payment immediately on the receipt and acceptance of the proofs of deaths, also its strict compliance with the requirements of the laws of Ohio in every particular, as well as the filing and acceptance of a 950,000 bond. Re­ liable agents wanted in every city, town or hamlet in this State. To such a liberal commission or salary will be paid. Write for plan and terms tOr agents of this Association. All communications addressed to C. L. GEIGKR, Sec'y, 118 E, Third Street, Dayton, O, tg^*-La8t Autumn a bookseller named Meyer, of Rouneburg, tied a water­ proof label under the wing of a swallow which had made a nest at his house, and had become comparatively famil­ iar. On it he wrote.a query in German to the effect that he wished to know where the swallow would pass the win- tier. The bird returned to its former nest, bearing an exchange label simil­ arly fastened, saying, in German also, "In Florence, at Castellari's house, and I bear many salutations."--Scientific American. Help Wanted.--Males. $150 MONTHLY iiStlA We wint Agents for our CELEBRATED DEAN'S SPINAL SUPPORTER SHOUL l)ER BRACE, AND ABDOMINAL PROTECTOR COMBINED, for men and voutlis. No ex­ perience rei|i.ire<l. Four orders per day give the Agent 8150 Monthly. Our Agents report from four to twenty sales dnily. Send at once for terms anit full particulars, 83.OO Outfit Tree. LEWIS SCHIELE & CO., 390 Broadway, New York. Help Wanted--Females. $100 MONTHLY IilWtvD We want agents for our CELEBRATED MADAME DEAN SP.NAL SUPPORTING CORSETS; also, our elegant new SUMMER CORSETS, at prices lower than any other manufacturer in America. No experience re­ quired. Four orders per day give the Agent SLOO Monthly. Our Agents report from four to twenty sales daily. Send at once lor terms and full particulars. JH5.1K) Outfit Free. AMERICAN COSSET WORKS, 390 Broadway, New York. Best intheWorlfL QUICK MEAL GASOLINE STOVES. "Will bake, broil, wash, iron, boil, simmer, roast and toast much quicker and better than any coal or wood cook stove?. It is ready in a minute and stopped in an instant, by simply pushing a little button "Open" or • 'Closed." IVA9. 11 13 TO A Quick Mra! Gavtti •will be mnilcd kiritU upon applictiliou to Hingaxi £tov© ST. MO. Co. CXUKCX eoKtfiemqjf t ,<V' Vjv-' < "is; *? THE SlSSSiWSS • - i $ 'V „ 41 -4 * H . fte® • SZFTUIBEB Senator Frdm pew York IEPTWBH 11th JOHNSBURCH CHURCH. Above we give a perfect Picture of the German Church, at Johnsburgh, as; It will appear when the improvements which sre now going on ar* completed. The Church was built in 1869 with the exception of the Tower and Steeple,; which are now being built. When completed it will be 164 feet high. From ground to roof 64 feet. Then starts the Tower, which Is 27} feet square, built of brick, and runs up 30 feet, and the balance of wood, running to a point 70 feet more. On each side are two small spires, all, as will be seen by the picturej above, making a very handsome appearance. In fact when completed this will be one of tiie handsomest Church edifices iu the Northwest. This work is under the direction of A. Druiding, Architect, Chicago, who Is; one of the Dnest Architects in this part of the country, and from whose drafts the above handsome Cut was made. He understands his business thoroughly.; and the fact that his work is appreciated is evidenced by the constant demand; for his services. The Pastor, Father Mehring, is also entitled to great praise for the; energetic work being done by him, not only in making the improvements! around the Church and Parsonage, but In getting the School in such thorough! working order. About November 1st the School will open, under the Supervise ion of the Sisters of Charity, and will be divided between teaching German; and Englisn, one half of each day being devoted to German and the other half; English, making it one of the most thorough Schools of this kind in the State. We again congratulate our German friends in this evidence of their pros* perity, and the beautiful appearance their Church and surroundings will present when completed. A Home Boarding School For Girl#. --AT-- Woodstock, -Ills. Thorough Instruction itt Muiic and the Languages. Fall Term Opens SEPTEMBER 15, 1885. t3^"For Terms, etc., inquire of KEY. S, C. or MRS. S. C. HAY, Woodstock, 111. ll»l-4w J. P. SMITH, WATCHMAKER 3 JEWELER, McHenry, - IlliiioU. As Fine a Stock of Watches, Clocks and As oaa be'found in the county, which <tt prices that cannot be beat. A Fine Stock of CHOICE CIGARS. Gail and examine goods and learn prices. J. P. SMITH. McHenry. 111., July 15th. 1885. 8TOTM aad HZATKRS, JLIK WAXMIHa OBATXI, SCHOOL BOOK nUTKM. ft combining the Bsdlstioa aad YanMUUcm of aa oral ma wltk TK« opwatloa of a WA»X AIB nBUra, also Parlor aad Cook StovM, Baagee, IMP1BUL FURNACES, *c. Circulars aallad oa appUcatioa. TEE SiTVOKB ITOHAOl * VTft. 00. 76 BMkman St. N. Y. City* A PRESENT! Our readers forl2cents in postage stamps to pay for mailing and wrapping, and tne names of two book agents, will receive tree a Steel Finishing Parlor Engraving of all Our PRESIDENTS, including Cleveland, size 22x28 incites, worth $4.00. Address Elder Pub- Co., Chioago, 111. THB UNIVERSAL FAMILY SCALE IS !A1T I INDISPENSABLE Household Articli. i Will last a lifetime, accnr- ate, no weights to looae, always ready, easily un­ derstood, occupies little space and is the cheapest scale ever made. 8END FOB 16 PAG* ILLUSTRATED CIBCCLAB. I . S . SPENCER'S SONS, Gi'lLFOBO, CONN. ALWAYS HANDY STOVE SIELf. NO STO COMPLETE WITHOUT ONE. Dissolution Notice. The Co-partnership heretofore existing un­ der the firm name of R, Tweed ft Son Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All ac­ counts due tha late Arm must be settled with R. Tweed, who alone is authorized to settle the same. The business will be continued at the old stand by R. Tweed. R. TWEED, TWEKD Spring Grove, III.; July 15, 1885. 10^52 3w iHOLY fB/BLEl IEVISED OVERS'/ON. Bibles at l.S and Old Testaments at leas than •oftheEng- aad equal In type, and aocu- [ agent tent out _ an order at every for two WMb. Ran chance for agents to make money. Bead |L00 for out­ fit. mT ' _ The Henry BiU Pub. Co., HorwUA, to tne III. t&T" Remember the Old Settlera' Annual Re-Union, to be held at Woodstock $T!b, ' • Light and Strong, or­ namental and durable. and exceedingly useful in warming dishes, etc. FITS ANY SIZE PIPE. Aak your hardware dealer for on* or aend to ua for Circular. LS. SPENCER'S SONS, or pu WE WILL PAY *2.00 A DAY to a reliable party, lady! gentlemun, to receive orders for ourl blications. Any person applying foi thitl position, who cannst call on us personally J must send photograph (which will be re-l turned), and also names of 3 responsible! business men H» reference. Address ELDER PUBLISHING CO., 36* Wabash Ave., Uhicago.l The EAGER •a"!® PUMP 50 YEARS AT THE FRONT. The only Perfeot honae pump, outlasts three Iron pumps, never ruata, never wears, never need* repaira. THE EASIEST P U M/Pl EVER MADE. I offer "Will raise water 33fo< .̂ _ pump ia aupplied with olaapa or olampa ao it oan be aet up anywhere and by any on*. I want every reader of this ad­ vertisement to send for one of my descriptive circulars. It will tall you all about this and other Copper pumps I make, and ot the maay advantages and martta over any ottter style of Pump made. You would any other after using one. i fUFUS I M NlMflCtKtf, r i.Xanoa«iter, Maul* DOWNS' COBSET Patent Self Adjusting [IMPROVED.] Is the enly perfect fitting, truly comfortable and health.preserving Corset made. Hasan Section above and below a Corded Entirely different from any Corset is stamped and absolute- In everv particular. Be sure Patent. Manufactured only i Coraet Co.. Chicago, and (•class dr/.good* ator^a every. 11.50. : Ba k i n g f u w d e K TktOIi (One Tsaapooafol to a«aait «C Heat} OB the market for 10 yean aad nonmafi by prominaot physiaiaaa m baalllrfii Tamitd to It free frniaawii •ad all WurUwlmjnQMiaAUgtmim* KAMI MBiTIf mibm MiNliFIfiTOIffllti fit _ s m x r o i m m , _ Senator From Illinois. This year to climax all in Entertainments, Eyfrihitgf etc. .v' :'v P. S. iPrivileges now open to those wishing such. S- WRIGHT, Secretary. (PERRY & OWEN, McHENRY. Illinois. Dealers in a Fine Class of Goods, Black and Colored Cashmeres, Black and Col­ ored Dress Silks, Summer Silks, Etc. A fall Stock of Lacts, Buttons and all Bads of him- mtag® Constantly o& Hand. Drives in Parasols, wlixte sress Qoods» Embroideries, Stammer Skirts, Corsets and Gloves. A Complete line of Henderson's Every Pair Warranted. BADGER STATU - Pantaloon Overalls and Pants, Paints and Oils, Mixed Paints, Salt, GREAT BARGAIN -IN- My Stock of Summer goods is now complete, consisting of Mens* Boys'and Youth's ' Fine and Staple Shoes In all the latest styles. We make a specialty of Meu and Women* Qe&ts Fine Calf Pegged, and Hand-Sewed French Calf IIMOOCO L*gg*dtBoots, Plow Soots & Shoos. K3f~We have a Tremendous Stock of Very Desirable Goods, wfticKS willbe sold at WAY DOWN LOW CASH PRICES, and jt will pay you to come from all over McHenry County uud adjoining Counties to trade with us, for the reason that we can and will make it an object for you. N. B.--House Established in 865. •: |W. H. DWIGHT. I Cor. Main St and Put>lie Square, Woodstook91UL -- >

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