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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Aug 1885, p. 8

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't ' I , • . ^ •« V- • O * -V * w: i , - • x& m Btva Dou, Si fact that editors of manufactured out of t!>« 1 iHlfest* material to be secured mora49m than ever were born. They have*elected such men to office; sent them to the Legislature; tilled them With Ideas that were clear above tlieir capacity to carry out,'and only to bo abased, kicked, and cuffed, and in many * Cases, to be ruined by them. They have "boosted" men Into for- * tunes, to be robbed by them. They ; have builded up towns.and cities by a ; persistent advocacy of points, and * without reward. They have construct- ; ed railroads and canals, to enrlchen others, and then paid extravagant rates In advertising for passes, "at their own risks for accidents." la war, they have made Generals to slaughter them. In the pulpit, they have erected little fellows to send them to perdition. On the stump they have , grown great orators to demolish their creators. The editors have frowned down : crime, punished criminals and wrought reforms. They have, lu a measure, , been the means of causing others to advocate and teach morals thai are essential to our future good. Iii fact, you can scarcely point to any •. decided progress or great movement that has not been first started and ad­ vocated by the editors. Now in saying , this, we do not claim that all men who il send out papers are editors, or that they are the men who do these things ! above enumerated; but the real live editor does these things, and for less * reward than any other living man. But after all it is a pleasure to know * that you have performed much that is beneficial to the world--to point to the once insiguificant things in human s' shape that you have made into hajf way respectable men. The only fear < that can enter Into the mind of the. editor is, will Qod hold him responsi- • ble for the many miserable thing ' has set up as men V--Freeport crat. fm-A DEALER IH-- * * * r * y ise Goods Great .A-t.1 motions. Ax Our St IN RIVERSIDE BLOCK, AUCONDA. e is lull of New, Fresh G-oocb. We carry only the B^t« PBICES LQWEB THAN EVBB. I71BY SKASTltm wn AND coiiPLim; OFFER DRAIN Manrfpetured by #. D. 0ATES, and na LOW As GOOD TILE ('an be Bought Anywhere* Great Reductions .. In price of If not wanted at present, perhaps it will pay to buy for future wear. Take notice ot' the following prices and decide for yourselves# We offer a lot of Boys Vests 'or 26 cents, former price 60 cen ts to fl.25 84 Childrens Stilts, ages 4 to 9 at $ to } former price. » 11 Boys Suits, ages 10 to 14 at $3.00, former price $6.50 to t7.50 18 Bors Suits $2.00 to $5.00, former price $5 00 to $10.00. • 30 Young Mens Suits, sizes 33 to 36, at $5.00, former price $7.50 to $10,00. 40 Boys Poplin Coats, sizes 26 to 36. at 25c, former price 75e to $1.00. 12 Mens Vests, light weight and color, 50c, former price $1.75 to $2.00. 47 Mens Coats, all kinds, at $2.00 to $7.00, former price 94.00 to 912.00. 8 Mens Suits at $7.00, former >rice $10.00. 6 Mens Suits at $9,00, former price $11.50. 34 Mens Saita at f to } former price. We hare recently added to our Clothing stock some very Advice to Mothers. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suf- fering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? if so send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winelow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. It3 value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sutler immediately. De­ pend upon it mothers, there Is no mis­ take about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammation and gives tone and energy to tiie whole system. Mr-. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasant,* to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best fern-tie physicians and nurses in the United States, and Is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. 10-51-12w. " 8R00KS OIL GO'S V" •* GASOLENE. can show yqu some of the finest patterns ever brought to Waueonda, and invite an inspection of our stock, and a comparison of prices. Have just now on hand a new line of " 1 * * v ? " ' .* A Choice Line ot qf ,.Syrups and Mol||$es at Low Prices. The Prices ef all goods are arranged so that Will Hot be Undersold* f5g"The highest market price p&id for Egg* and Plod nee. . „ „„„ QOLDtNQ BNOTHIRS. Wanconda Dl, Hay 30th. 1885. . At Lowest Lining Rates, And Delivered in Car Lots at Railroad Station most convenient to purchaser. -j Neat and Durable Suits, In latest styles and patterns, which we have marked at very close prices, and feel confident we can please all both in quality and price. We also desire to call the particular attention of our gentle­ men friends to our new line of Which is now very complete. We have and colors, $nd know we can please you. the ve*$ lutes «|?les Out Brand of hite stab O A . S O L E ] > E Is ths Safest and Purest Ganolene in the Market. This brand barn* longer than common Gas­ olene and does not emit an offensive odor, for Gasolene Stoves and all purposes for Which Gasolene is used, the White Star brand Is the roost reliable. If the White Star Gasolene Is not sold In yoar vicinity, send your order directly to as for a barrel. , BROOKS OIL, GO. Avs>» Clevslaai. 0. HARVEST. eons f" Hit ;V CORLISS Z k i ^mror Reapers and Mowers; 1 , ife Brooks Oil Company. BOOTS AND: very farmer shonld bny the Corliss Kn- _ e Oil to nse on their Reapers and Mowers taring harvest. This Oil is manufactured exclusively by This is one of the most important branches of our business, and one that has,received our very careful attention; we have studied our trade, and now feel confident we are better than ever prepared to meet their wants in this department. For medium price goods we continue to sell the Red path make, which have given such gen­ eral satisfaction for the past 3 years. In r\ . ' '• ' • •* • ' LADIES We are confident tbat for Style, Finish and Durability the celebrated John Foster goods are as good as money will buy; we have sold them several years and always find them reliable; while in Boots the "Buffalo" make still stands ahead, having been sold in this place for over thirty years, and stood the severest tests and not been found wanting. You take no risk in purchasing \hem. In Dry Guccis & Notions We are full of all the latest styles and novelties which will be sold at the lowest living prices; we invite the ladies to call and ex­ amine our new and beautiful Dress Goods, consisting in part ot Silks, Cashmeres, Ottomans, Flannels, Buntings, etc., etc., which will be found in various colors and prices. * "•X'.JUus your dealer for ' BROOKS OIL CO'S. - GORLI88 ENGINE Oil, h l i - ' l ' The largest and freshest stock in town, at prices that wi I astonish the closest; bu^||®» Drugs and Medicines, Our nsual large stock and rclirble quality. W-P Always the best to be obtained, at bottom prices. EVERY DEPARTMENT FULL. inspection of Goods and Eric** respectfully solicited. SODA Best intheWorlJ. McHenry, Iiln May 20tli, 1886. At his Warehouse in.McHenry, is selling the best Mjjbhinery that money will buy, and at prices as low as any dealer in McHenry or jake Connties. 1 have a full line of Keeps always on hand a full stock of t||« | ; H Leading Farm Machinery 1 Of All Kinds, To whieh he in\ites the attention of those who intend to buy, confident he can please both in •' QUALITY AND PRICE. If on and Wood Pumps ot all Kinds. IMPLEMENTS OF ALL XEOITSS, All of the best make, and warranted as represented. No old stock or cheap snide goods. If in want of anything in the liue of Agri­ cultural Tools, do not fail to call before purchasing, as I can save you money. AJjp. FAUMICR8 J Want Your Wheat! For which I will pay the Highest Market Price in cash, delivered at my Mill. If you hive any Wheat bring it along and get your money now. McHenry, April 28th, 1885. Si. BISHOP. The Above Cuts Show Sherman's Patent Gate TT*"*»cpy'ff 9 As applied to the common earry-around Gate, or panel of fence, It makes a gate that is Cheap, Strong and Durable, combining more points of excellence than any other gate, however expensive. Any ordinary work hand can apply this hanging' by looking at the cut. The cost of iron for hanging does not exceed 15 cents. . Give this Gate a careful examination. It is something every farmer needs, Farm, Town, County and State right for sale by your Blacksmith, Agent, or a A J. SHERMAN. 1038 6m Wost Mo Henry, ILL. "*is* F G . M A Y E S , DEALER |lir Invites an inspection of his stock, all ot which will be sold at the lowest prices for cash. Remember goocl goods at fair Prices at i he Centerville Stoff. r ' F.C.MAYES MuHenrj', 111., jo» W, 1884. '0 -DEALER llf- Implements, Waueonda, Illinois. Steel Barb Wife tow Rates. A Full Stock of BIMDII^^p Always Found at his Warhouse. ' WE ALSO SELL THE Davis, Luehy & Co.'s Buggies, The best buggy for the money to be found in the ma and see them. Also keep in stock a full line of Call Of all kinds, which Wiu eon da, May SOtb, 1885. Shelf and Heavy Hardware ich T^ill be sold at bottom prices* * • , ; S. B. RUSSELL. Bonslett & Stoffel, At their Store on the West Side, have just received a full an^ handsome line of Mull Dress Patterns, White Dress Goods, New Styles Lawns, New Dress Ginghams, and New Prints. Largest Assortment of Oil Cloth, Shades and Folts ia Town. . Scrimb Cloth § Curtains, ONLY 15 n CENTS. A Fine Stock of t Spring and Summer Shawls, Scarfs, Jtrseys, Ulsters, lie i xxr •• • ' FOR -A-T^I-i AGKS, .[i gy-we invite an inspectio11 of our new Spring Selection of SHOE§ f>Jf all styles suitable for our trade. A full Stock, Xrood and Cheap#. j. Bon elott & Stoftel. West MoHenry. Ill.. May 4th, 1886. HARDWARE HARDWARE ! X. STORT, One Door West of the Riverside House, DEALER IK , • NAILS, MECHANICS TOOLS, CHAN DEL1EES. Lamps, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. And in short, everything in the Hardware, tove and Tin Lion. HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. ft '2 t •' Call at his store before buying elsewhere. JOBBINGS AlffD REPAIBINQ pgPREMEMBER. extragftoll £i|n a'ways be ^btain^.^ McHenry, ML, March 16th, 1885. 5- (WWV... St. ^ ... i,..- u ,1 ^ ̂ - v.4.->.

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