^v, ' " u,& ri;-A * 'VV ^ ***» #M- 6 «. , - *|»-^'- •Jj^j F?fc !'"WIJ ' V s'l .'•" , , ^ ? .'v, •i;f uv? , '»* , »• * "• • *? . * »-«* J, i . „ _ r*"" ***** ^vi" ,;v- /V ̂ fef VOL. 11. "^3" " Pledgad butto Truth, to Liberty and Liwj, No Favora Win us and no Fear Shall Awe.' M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1885. NO. 11 Jftyuj PkUed*. Published Kf'r \fedn«d»T br jr. yA^ NLYKE AHD PUBLISHRA. 4 Office in Bishop's Block, --OFPOBTTB PBBRT * OWEH'S.-- • t ~ ^ » «RMS or SUBaORIPTIO*. : i . '* iiM Year (la anraac*) ... .|l.5A c . ^Rlit Paid within Three Months 8.00 '•<•- SaMorlptiaaa rmUM for'(three or sir ,s tMetlu In the me proportion. ; i f ' i Kates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising the PLAIKDBALBB, and endeavor to state hem to plainly that thev will be readily un- erstoed. They are a« £4^«s^ 1 lack one year • . . BOO t Inches one year . . V ! -- % •• • ¥> 00 S Inch*.one year - . . »no " Oelama one year . " . fDOO Oalagra one year- .... 00 M) Column one year 100 00 j One inch means the meainrement of one ^'aeh down the column, single column width. ^ Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have Ifhe privilege of changing as often as they Choose, without extra charge. IS Regular advertiser* (meaning those having ^ftualBg cards) will be entitled to insertion *f looal notices at the rate of 5 cents per line #ach week. All others will be charged 10 vents per Mne the first week, and 6 cents per i line far each subsequent week. W Transient advertisements will be charged 4t the rate of 10 cents pe tine, (nonpareil type* same as this is set In) the first Issue, and ^ pewta per line for subsequent issues. Tins, jan inch advertisement wilt cost tl.00 for one ."week, |IM for two weeks, 92.00 for three ' weeks, and so on. '<?£ The PlilHDRALlR will be-liberal in giving .editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it .fjwlll require a suitable fee from everybody freaking the use of its columns for pecuniary BUSINESS CARDS. B. T. BROWN. M. D. pHTSlOIAN AND SURGEON. Offlce at Residence, McHenry, 111. O. H. FEGERS, M. D- HAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, Ills. Offlce at Residence. O. J.HOWARD, 1L D. jORVSIOIAN AND STTUGEON, McHenry, II 111. Office one door West of fltzsimmons * Evanson's store, upstairs. BAHB1AN BROS. 'jftlGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or- MJ ders solicited. Shop, is Old McHenry, la Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside House. WA8HINCTON, D. C The popular palace hotel of the National Capital. Conveniently located and accessible lo all the street ear lines of the city. Open all •"the year. _ 7 O.G, 8TAPL ES, PROPRIETOR. Late of the Thousand Island House. IROBT SCHIESSLE Having purchased the old stand Of Joseph Wiedema^tti NEAR THE DEPOT, MoHENBY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation of the iPubiie a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all times keep the|best brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to to found in the market. Also Agent For FRANZ FALK'S LAGER Beer in Large or Small Kegs'or Bottles al- .ways en hand, cheaper than any other, quali fy considered. Orders by mall promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOB HORBE& SVCall aad see us. Rolwrt 4gtil£9f49» MeHenry, XIL, Kay 18th, M*. J I A R O t r s : GERMAN rime. Manufactured by •F. MARCUS, -DEALER IN-- PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Woodstock, III. The best Tonic in the world. Pat up In fnl«M(luart Bottles. P. MARCUS, Patentee. HQNT YOU FORGET IT! I Wowftefocte, . - nlliiolis. ^ Banked by Millions of money, offej you IN DEM N ITT against damage by flNi Lightning, Wind Storms, CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. t>rop me a postal card and I will vlelt yon: Mil OB me aad I will write yon a policy, and waen oither or any of these destructive ele. imonts devastate* your property, happy will »if yen koM one or my policies, for I ureiy visit yoa, aad ^atalatex onto you. yoa. ASA W. SMriH, Qm'llmmmm Agl BUSINESS CARDS. * ASA W. SMITH. TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor la L Chancery.--Woodstock, III. S. P. BENNETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also United States Examining Surgeon. Richmond, Illinois. A. 8. CHII.DS, M. D., ^ HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, West McHenry* I1L Calls promptly attended to. day or night. E. B. BENNETT, M. Late House Sargeoa (look Couty HesplUl. RIOH«ROMDt tULIMOt*, Special attention given to dittealt Sarglcal uws. DKUnCH GSSPKOCOMN. OMce at Residence of Dr. 8. F. Biasrtt. DR. C. R. WELLS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, wauconda, Lake Co., III. All call * *--' ed, flay or night. Offlce on Barker's harness 6hop. bV/Pi| vV BUvOilllvi Sromptly attend -ainSt., east of MART G. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All kinds of Hair Work dene in flrst class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms at residence, north east corner of Public Square, McHenry, III. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th llth 26th and 2Bth of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday make my visits on the following Monday, aad the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. OS FIFTH AVE., (Brlggs House), Chi> cago. 111. Special attention given to re pairing Fine watches and Chronorac tere. iVA Full Assortment of Goods in hlsllM AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BONSLETT, iALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the Old ^ stand, op)H)fite Bishop's mill, McHenry, 111. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the county. Warm or cekl meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. J. PEKOVSKY, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer. HANDLES nore but his own make,and will compare his Brands with the best made in the State. Store and Manufactory next door to r.he Post Office, McHenry, III. CHAS. H. TRYON. DRAINACE Levels token, drains located and grades es tablished for tile ami open drains Klevations taken of springs, ponds and water aoarees. and all work reiiuiririj? accurate leveling. P.O. Address, Greenwood, III. DO YOU KNOW THAT Plug Tobacco, With Red Tin Tag; Rose Leaf Fine Cut Chew ing; Navy Clippings, and Black, Brown and Yellow Snuffs ure the best and the choicest quality considered. Attention Horsemen! I would call the altentfion of the public to my Stable of Stock Horses, four in n urn her: two Morgans, one 3-4 Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good representatives of their breed. Also a fe\T Merino Sheep ui r sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. ' N. S. COLBY. IO-7.TF MCHENRY, ILL PUUP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all jobs la . •_ - • I, g will put in ()»• fine of Digging Wells, Repairing Pnmps. Cementing Wells, or New Pumps <» On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in this line. OM furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if deslrtd. If y ou want a Well Dug. a Pump Repaim or a new Pump, give me a call. •^Orders by mall P#ft iMIce, Johnftburg! ly mall promptly nnftburgn, 111. attaaded to. L. BANTE8. JohnsDurgh, 111., May 85th, 1835. LowuMrs Jr 'Z PLOWSIIME"- D l 1 1 ^ A , k y o u r • La \3 \JI a Dealer for it BQBEBT c. dinner:, -BREEDER OF FOWLS RICHMOND, ILL. (FIBST HEMIC H 4T MCHfcNKY OOUWTT VAIB.. Mv fowls are of the celebrated DUKE OF YOftK strain, remarkable for their great sisa and laving qualities. I can show a trio of last season's chicks weighing 31 pounds. Kggs, per setting of thirteen. $1.50, delivered to purchaser In Richmond, Shipped, securely packed, 92.0a. MOBE&T a BEANET2* ANDREW BRONT, hoiise PAiirrglf, MoHENBY, ILL. GRAINING, CALCIMININQ, ETCL Done In the moat approved modera styles, and Guarantee Satisfaction. 9&<jharge*R«ammabto, Can be feund at Residence, avar Lawlae' Clothlag Store. Andnwlronti 11.S.IW J. C. KARGES, House, Sim and Carnage PAINTER, • Shop at McHenry House, N«ar th« Iron Bridg*. I am prepared to do all kinds of Paintiag oa (bort notice, and guarantee satisfactioa. Sign Painting a Specially. Call and see me if in want of anything in the Painting line, as I am satisfied that I can please you, ooth in workmanship and price. J. C, Kavgw, McHenry, Jane 1ft, 1886. 1 .«rtittmti* HE. WIGHTMAN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kiikds done on short notice. ATTENTION LADIES. MRS J H, SEXTON, ' *?or the past ten yenrs oiffe 4# the leading Dressmakers in Elgin, has moved to McHenry where she is ready to do Dressmaking in aUtfeeltoteet ilylii«^<iiihfci» tion guaranteed. Cutting and Fitting a specialty. Also agent for the I. X L., Tailor system of Cutting and Fitting. Full instructions given* Rooms two doors West of the Riverside House. For Qsal an *"«iOALt> QK E . M . Opposite Bishop's Mill* 4Tho has a complete line of the best stoves ta the market, as well as a large stock ot farihrare, Mechanic's Tub, riN, COPPER A SHEET IRON WARE, Aad, 5n|fect. everythbagpa UM hardware «teve aad tin line. JTE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Call at his store before buying elsewhere, fobbing and repairing promptly attended to «7-Reinember, extra good bargains eaaal. ways be obtained at Howe's. McHenry, Dec. 1. 1883. 'ApVERTOINC Itoontmins lists of news] A book of 100 pages. The best book for an advertiser to con sult, be be Izperi* enoed or otherwise. formation fie requires whileXorhim w ho will Invest one hundred tnonsand dollars In ad vertising, a scheme le Indicated which wul meet his every requirement, or em oewerte <e do so bm MgMckangt*tatUi arrived a by cor- respoadence. 149 editions have teen Issued. Sent, poet-paid, to any addressfor lOoenU. Write to GKO. P. ROWKLLi» CO- KKWSPAPBR ADVERTISING BUREAU. (10 Spruce St. Printing House Sq.), New York. John Helm, ^Ugonwiin, ill^ DKAUER IN laiimi*, StnMi ftawart, In short, we keep evcrythinif in the above mentioned lines, which we are offe' ing to the buy ing public as cheap as any other house in this section. Call And See us* J0BBVG & REPAIBIHG, PROMPTLY ATTENDCD TO. JOHN HELH. Algonqaia, Feb. 18,1886, Weeks. The POLICE GJ eeeurely wrapped,' UaltedSta es for thl iTTE will be mailed, any address In the months on receipt of ONE tfOLLAR. Liberal discount fcllo ageate aad ctuba. ilsiitple copies mailed tree »wed to poet masters, Address all orders to SIC HARD X. FOX, FBAKKLIN SQUABK, New York. Smokm Call For NICKLEf TAG, OR B.CKNT STRAIGHT CIGAR. S I . L V E S R T A G , Or S tor a Quarter Cigar. OR 10'CENJ IQHT CIGAR. Tlis Finest Gsfds Ever Offered FOR fljkLE BY iaii ri RETAILERS ATTENTION. We advertise the abfve brands In the lead lag St. Lonls dall pear among the list for 60 days from date flrst order we send ' We have one which there is nod Tag, >55.00; Silver 1 per 1000. We alee line of Domestic, Cigars in the oounti Sample orders solli Address. H. P. nd your name will ap meles ence a week t purchase. >^ith eat and (pretty signs, br these goods from ton, namely: Nickle «; Gold Tag, $70.00 y the most extent ive West and Imported I bottom prices. " Goods guaranteed, 0., «t- Lmis, Ke. TRATED lOUDh, ml tSAWft v - - - HIRAM SI ROCHESTER, N. Y. JI22-336 E. Main St PI.OKIST8* ft CP- ad IMPLFMENTS REB applleatlaa LEY & CO. CHICAGO, ILL 200-206 Randolph St W I N S L O W ' S uVineyard" toller Skates. For the beat, most durable and easiest run ning Holler Hkates get the •'VINEYARD." vl the principal Rinks are using the "ViNEYARD" Roller. Put up in Ail Clamp, Half Clamp and Strapped Oomplete. The demand for these skates is so great that they are kept in stoak by all principal bar !• ware dealers throughout the country. Manufactured by the Inventor and Patentee SAMUEL WINSLOW, WORCESTER, MASS Soldiers" Department, CONDUCTED BT DR. S. F. BENNETT. County C. A- R. Directory. RICHMOND POST NO 2*. Meets the flrst and third Fridaj evenings of each month. Da. 8. F. BBNNETT, Com. WOODSTOCK POST, MO 106L Meets the third Monday evenings of each month. B. N. SMITH, Com. NUNDA POST, Meets the flrst and third Wednesday even ings of eachfrnonth. WM, BCTLKR, Com. HARVARD POST, NO 159. Meets the second and fourth Monday even* lags ot each month. ' DR. H. T. WOODRCFP. Com. MARENGO POST, NO. 189. Meets eve-y .Second and Fourth Friday evenings of each month. J. R. BABCOOK, Com. Any member of the 95th Regiment ^knowing the address of members of the old organization outside the county will please send the name to Wm. But ler, Xunda, 111,, so they msy have an Invitation sent them to attend the re- union, Sept»mb#r 4,1W4, Froai The Kmiuirsr. •iwmi(*'«nrrrn, •Iliad BY • (DIM rntm a Ye Is STAPLE MIC Said li •Mint " 'Mfllioii, were you not with Reilfw; 'a wmraantler of the Sixth Oor|»i w» » lie "Why," mI<I Oen, 4o(!ooli, Hhe died in McMfthoii'* nrim," Said I: "If I remember correctly lie was killed while slghtlnir agtinf" "No," said McMahun, "he was killed while dressing his I'ne ol battle/' I asked to be told all about this Incl- dent, and McMahon related it to me Wot Ui7tedSt£n^£wt nearly as follows: luly 1'^, ' 100^000,000.00 Pn , . . . . . . . - n n v a i l a l ) l e f o r r e d u c t i o n o f t h e "Sedgwick was killed about three debt- miles, I should think, from Spottsyl-^r°(^'!!T?.^?^?!;!ii""I"** van I a court house. I have never been -LOTAL to Spottsylvanla hamlet orcourt lious#, ftiheates hold Its cash lasaed, and am told the stone which was put r^h^alan^on^andi.V'.'".'; there to commemorate Sedgwick's Total ca8h |n M" death Is at the wrong place. On the I shown by Treasurer's gen- mornlng he died--and he died near 8^ eraI»oconnt- 'I don't believe they could hit an ele phant at that <11 stance.* "At this moment, one of those balls came 6creamitg through the air and suddenly stopped; it stopped with a kind of lumping or thuddirg sound. I thought I was hit myself, and I turned to Sedgwick, and there was a smile on his face. "Said I: 'General,1 and I repeated the word 'general.' At that moment there burst from his cheek, right under the ey*< • great spurt of blood which fell upon my face and breast, and he turned half way and fell on me. He was a very heavy man, and we botli fell to the ground, myself all covered with his blood. I called him 'general' repeat* edly, telling him to speak--to hear me. I was In a dreadful agony of mind, and could not believe he was dead. Al though the blood continued to pour from his wound that smiling expression never left hi* lips. When he was shot I could see the men in that instant, de pressed as I was, crawling up out of their rifle-pita on their hands, looking at us from both directions. I can still aee that scene of surprise, astonish ment, wonder and grief all along thit blue line. We took him back through the line of battle, and then I got on my horse snd rode to Grant's head quarters. I was all covered with blood and when t went In first they thought I was wounded. "Said I: 'No,' Interpreting what they meant. "In a minute tiny nil cried out 'Sedg vlok.' "I burst. Into tears and eat iotn there and cried." $25,353,01KX 23 8 ">7,072.02 $2(^,212,092 25 $£7,933,300.00 44,052,939.35 $448,418,719.43 tEFlSED TO CARRY THE MAIL. p Pacific Mall Company Defies Uncle Sam. [Washington telegram.] " [he Postoffice Department is in receipt information thnt to-day an agent of the Mirtment attempted to sail on a Pacific il steamer from San Francisco for ports the west const of Mexico and Central lerica, taking with him a trunk, for ich he offered to pay the regular charge extra baggage. The postal officials in a Francisco presumably are too familiar h the Pacific Mail Company's officials. IPlOWS P. HAUPERI8CH, MoHeury, lllinolw, lateral the feraersof McHenry and surrsuadlng country that be la are oared ta sell than a FIRST-CLASS PLOW, •ad warrant thesame.at a lower price than taa ••• purchased elsewhere in the county, A»(, alnda of BLACK&M1 THING, WAGON «ad * ARRIAGM work promptly attended ta • lEPAIRING, •it alt kinds oa short notice. STGive as a •all and we will please yoa both la quality iftof^f work. P. HAUPEM8CH. Moifeary, IlL.Oet.7th. UM. 15*? A. i SALOON sad BXSTAUKAITT Buck's Old Stand, McHSNRY, ILLINOIS. Fine Kentucky Liquors, Preach Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, Talks' llilwaakM B»pt, By the Bottle or Case. We buy none bat the best and sell at Reasonable Prices. Ca,l and aee me and I will use you Tell. ANTONY ENGELN. Mcjlenry* 111., 1884. Important to Ruptured Persons The Kxcelslor Rupture Cure M'fg Co., of Oadensbtrg, N. T.. guarantee to cure any case or reducible Hertla with tj,elr Remedies. THI RVHCKC PLASTBB AMD HEALING COM fotnro. This treatment Is endorsed by our best Oociors', Druggists, and the general public. Ssnd 6cts for rree book on Rupture er ask youx -truggist for the Remedy- o'clock In the moruhijf--Gen.Sedgwick sttid to me: 'I don't like the way the Jersey boys are looking this morning. They are such excellent troops In gen eral that ( think that I see that they are discouraged with the fighting we have already done. I want you to go out there, McMahon, and spur them up somehow--stimulate their pride a general's order I talked loud enough for the troops to hear mo. They were the puvsel. on the steamer hftd informa; then under the enemy's Are, and sharp- n that the trunk contained the usual mail shooters with telescopic rifles wore k^®r ^or Mexico and Central America, pickh,* o« officer,. . Oil™". f..l j? tTT'g*?* 'Z lirely happy myself, but made some krd the steamer. The mail was remarks to the men; I said when I saw p ordered to be sent by rail from . Die of th.m .boot to ,l,ift posltlo,,. L,^l!SSirto and tiiey seemed to duck the balls com- aerican ports. By this route mail sent Ing: 'Why, it is a new thing for Jersey mi ^an Francisco will reach ports on the bo,, to duck th.t w.y The Vermont boys say they are going to take the uncisco to ports on the Western coast is shine from you boys to-day.1 <iays, BO that a week will be saved <he^ new route. On the 1st of April it 'Tiw brigade, which wag one ased to be compulsory with American MALCONTENT MORMONS. very finest in our service, had been or- (amors to carry the mails, but it can not dcrvd to go in the open field until pretended that this change of the law their rifie-pijts were got ready, In which lietT®S ^hi f^^Pwmpanies from any r • ;* the obligation of common carriers, they we.e to lie. When they wereiey have a regular published tariif of ordered out I saw that they looked de* urges on freight of ditferent classes and pretsed. That terrible fighting we hw*?6. a.n.d « ̂ cter/uinly ani-x" r* . , ,, lordinnry proposition that they can dis- had In the Wilderness, with all ourjmjnate against United States mail mat- wounded accompanying us, on the ' when packed in a trunk, and taken with march afterward, and their groans and ® by ODe ot the pn88eDgers walls, had put a cloud over the army. Such losses had never been know In the army of the Potomac. Over the whole ** *** tEwu«£. Wilderness campaign there seemed to • fOmaha special.] hang a shadow of death. It was fright- ̂ vices received here show that there is - , ,m. . ... . Q t. , , . uneasy state of feeling among the Indi- ful. The battle of Spottsylvanla hap- B 0f Utah at various points. For a few pened toward; the middle of May ;ys past thirty lodges of Utah Indians Sedgwick was killed on the 9th. The ve c«mPed near Evanston, Wyom- ° , . . . . . ^ not far from the Ulah line, and they temporary Intrenchments to protect *6 had several war dances, and have been our men were made of fence-rails, with several drunks from whisky sold to them a little earth thrown over them. Be- d?E cover of essence of ginger by design- _ 1 . , - . t Mormons. fore the order was given for the Jersey ̂ leliable and intelligent half-breed is brigade to march oft by companies and .thority for the statement that the Utah get behind these slight rampirts, I said ormo118 ,bav® .}*** q«ie«y circulating , . long various tribes to induce them to go aloud 'Now, colontrl, you will move th| war.paUl against the white8. your men to their assigned places.1 At Jf-breed, whose name is given as Fonte- thl8 I saw the Jersey boys get up andj.'.evsituation, and expresses his . . , .nr. .m r ii j lief that there is liable to be a general up- :begin to move. WhatT I exclaimed; j_ag_ Indians are roaming over the 'who heard the order lor you to move, untry in small squads. They are juite boys?' It was evident nervous, because they for their own Officers to give them ling and in Utah are said to be off their orders. ervations, and acting in a suspicious '"All this time these peculiar telo- ^Howard has gone west, presumably ir JRuu i»ti lUvVvf Qiiiry iu BIIIUII IQCJ TIRO (]uiio that tlipv were merous in the vicinity of Henry's Fork, i A |, j iy miles south of Evanstou. Indians liaan t waitea im ajj reservations in Western Wy the purpose of personally investigating situation, as reports indicate a threaten- attitude of the Indians in the western ; of this department A "KATTLEK." scoplc shot were coming from the ene my's lines--not in volleys, but in indi vidual balls, half a minute or a minute apart, and they made a sort of a locust noise, bothersome to hear. After the men were arranged, Wen. Sedgwick „ . _ w „ , , , ® „ , , Snake len Twt tone and Carrying; came down along the line, and he 8aw iround Twenty-five or Thirty RatttM. it one place that a battery, or a part ^ [Jonesboro <Ga.) special.] . _ . . . . . . , , fhe people on the line of layette and ot a battery, had advanced beyond the Counties are in terrible excitement infantry line, and the Infantry were day over the appearance of a monster being annoyed by theee sharpshooters.tlesnake in. that. who naturally fired toward the pieces. The balls, falling among the men, pro duced some little annoyance and Sedg wick stepped outside through the line of battle to order these guns slightly cliangcd in position. I went out there with him, and said 'general, I wish you wouldn't stay out here.* ^'What Is the matter?' said be. "While we were speaking these sharpshooters' balls would come, mak ing a noise like an insect in midsum mer--something of a scream and gone thin? of a grinding in the sound, " 'Why, general,' said I, 'we have lost several officers - this morning. These are telescopic rifles, and they are evi dently picking out the officers.' " 'O pshaw,' said General Sedgwick, Ii mof OCR WASHINGTON LSTTKR, From onr Regnlat Correspondent, WASHINGTON, D. C., Aag. 14, inf.. Whatever the policy of the ads tration may be with respect to states, it is settled that so far as, ginia ts concerned, the Mplan* Is t*| lend all possible aid in defeating Mahone and crushing out Rej ism there. The work of madlfi "clean sweep" of ail the Federal holders In and frptn Virginia, is pushed with a vigor that satiafief most ultra Bourbon. It is known rh{^ dtiring the cam( last fall the Democratic manager* i a careful canvass and view* of the became alarmed and concluded radical measures of some kin#; have to be resorted to to save § ginia count to Cleveland and He« Then it was that Congressman Jo Barbour came to the front with ances made on the condition the event of the success of the Nat Democratic ticket. Republican holders of every grade and chi in Virginia would be promptly to out, neck and heels. How weli Barbour kept bts part of the agreement is attested by thf. grant frauds committed by Bour throughout the State in counting." electorial vote, but for wlilcb ft the Blaine and Logan electors have had a majority 12,000 to: And now the Bourbon managtis fulfilling their part of the agl hence the activity of the administra tion In making removals In the Oltf Dominion. With a free ballot and fair count Virginia would this fall show up oyer- whelmingly Republican, but every \8ch3me of every r.etarious "plan* thnt has been operated in the South hereto* fore to defeat the popular will, will be worked In the present canvass in Vir- COH se:u 8ho ginia, to prevent the success of X»*. 3 hotio. Thus is the "reform" administmtfcMji moving along, and thus is liberaltiatv and a free and fair ballot in the Soflflr to be kept down. Last fall whpn the success of the Re publican ticket began to look a littlo doubtful, one E. W. Oyster, President of the Federation of Labor in the trict of Columbia, who bad be| greatly disgruntlod because he ha<jf| been appointed Public Printer, thei oqt jn a letter against the Muntscanl The letter caused^ able discussion in workiogmeu'si izatlons hereabouts at the time, and maybe had some influence in New Y'.'rk and one or two other large cities where it was treely circulated by thOj Democratic Committee among Clevell high feathOI q' is, cm pe< eoi tioi OtH the tio: un th< lo see| 8ee| of Ubor. it, | thtij • Evj vou coijlaboring "classes. After ^°yelection, Oyster was in lioi . ^ ' iig] aud at once set to wo ter< Rounds, the present Public Printer out the*"1' ','ul8e^ installed iu bis place, bat pri^8° "'8 have not been very chat successful, aud he has about concluded sjĵ that he is again to be left out in tlw cold. Last week this same Oyster, presi dent as aforesaid, came out in another air vol the ant dai Th ers etal the Oe lis vol fro $1< unf ere Go Sill letter, addressed to President Cleve land, remonstrating against (lie em ployment of convict labor on the publio buildings of the United States in course of construction, a thing, it is alleged, is being done in Peoria, IU. I| is to be regretted that «uch fellows aa this Oyster cannot be made solely to lie in the bed they help to mike for themselves and their fellow worhlng. men, and thus be given the full iMnefll thai of Democratic free-trade, convict labor notions of worklngmen. beal T'1* President and most of the men* of e bers of his Cabinet will leave Washlng- ton on Friday to attend the Grant eoI obseqdies In New York on Sitnrday. the On the first of next week Ur. Cleveland will go to the Adirondack wildorneaa °| where he will probably spend a fort* night or more. Speaking ot Gen. Grant's funeral, Ik is alocost nauseating to listen to the fulsom praise that is given to the dead hero for bis magnanimity as a soldier and President, by those who, when he was fighting his country's battles and using his endeavors to restore it to a state of prosperity, denounced him ta the most bitter aud unbecoming terms. They either did not tell the truth then or they do not tell it now; but then why, considering all that they hav? done, shoult^ they be expected to truthful, consistent, or patriotic. A strong effort will be made next .1 The whole Mormon hierarchy and Mormon press defend the insult to the Nation In half-masting the flag on the Nations birthday. . And further, they call upon the poor, ignorant saints to Continue their violation of law as the sure road to future bliss. One thing the Government should do, and that Is to prevent the further im portation of the Ignorant scums of Europe to become tools of (th# poly gamous Church In Utah. - • jB@rln Cuba, when the Government wants to discipline an ^editor, it sus pends his paper for forty days. This is great run for the editor. He gets a rest, goes Ashing, has a good time gen erally, and his subscribers oan't recover a cent for the papers they didn't get. winter to have the pension* of all sol diers begiu with the date of disability, irrespective or the date of filing the application. To this the Republican party stands pledged, and it is right. If a soldier is entitled to a pension at all he should receive it from the mo ment he received injury or beoamo disabled in defense of the country. Mr. Cleveland Is still desirous that Mr. Hoaflly should be nominated by Democrats of Ohio, but the dyed-tn-tho wool Bourbons out there want Ex~ Senator Thurman or Won one af selection chosen, and a^ a cot the best of feeling ieiii't exist tween the administration and the Democratic Buckeyes. won't do to depend upon discontent for our victories. up and at 'em. The rascals' iu while we were discusalaf I . culties tn oar own ranks, mill I ed out. s&Lffe - & Ma • ,r i,., . r i L,„-