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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Aug 1885, p. 8

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1, BOOT " y that in forming a _ i t and ft lie* suf- flfii pftln or CBttiDf «Wd «t onoe and get # live. W Inalow'a Southing l«n tetttilngwy In value „ to. It will rati eve the SOIIct InmedUftily. De-* U ttothere. there Is no onls- It, It cure* dysentery and ngtrtates the stomach and ourta wind col c, sof ens the Inflammation and gives totta and enerry to the whole system Mr«. WlttalowT8 Soothing; Syrup for t«cthing Is pleasant to the ta4M^«lld la the prescription of one or til# ©West and best female physicians nnd tttMMft If) the United States, and if fofMfttoby all druggists throughout tha WOTld. Price 25 cents a bottle. 0: 10 BMSw. RIVERSIDE BLOCK, For Me or Exchange. One or two good houses, with good tiaroa and other out-buildings; good uroltards, wells, cisterns, etc. Well located near the Depot in West Mo Henry, together with land from one acre to 20. Will sell very cheap or trade for a farm, or western wild Una. Also a good house to rent. 8. RAYMOND. West McHenry, 111®. The celebrated Cortland Side Spring Buggy Is the leader. Ask the 200 io ttij* county what they think of them Always on hand at E. M. Owen & Son'a General Merchandise. And Winter An immense stock of seasonable merchandise now in. Every Department full and complete. Prices on many articles lower than ever. We invite %*M^pful insfNse^(M| of our A PRONOUNCED SUCCESS Tbwsandt af Acres Plowed with Iba Flying Dutchman, and Every Claim Made for This Wonderful Ptaw Fully Substantiated. Why is ttal* plow so successful and popular ? Because tt runs ONE HORSE LIGHTER than any other plow made. Because the plow u CARRIED, GAUGED AND GUIDED bfthm nae of three wheel*. Because the plow Is IN FRONT of tbe dilnr. Becaase tin weight of the driver is OVER THE FURROW WHEEL, adding but little to tbe draft, but keeping the plow down to tto work. Pecanic tha swtrel plate pole PRE­ VENTS AU SIDE DRAFT or weight on bone's Becks. Because it Is simple, strong and dur­ able, and does flrstrciass work. Illustrated circulars (descriptive). The Story of the Firing Dutchman (sen- sational), The Agricultural Pilgrim's Progress, with six tinted Illustrations (conks), all sent free to any address. MOUNE PLOW CO., MOUNE. ILLINOIS. Fall and Winter Stock is now complete, consisting of Men's, Women's, Misses and Children's Fine and Staple Snoes in all the latest styles. Mens, Boys, and Youths Stoga Kip, Veal Kip, and Calf Boots, Rubber Boots, Gum Boots, Men's, Women's, Misses' and Children's Buckle Arc­ tics, Alaskas, Self-Acting Alaskas, Fancy Rnbbers and Arctics in all the latest novelties. Men's Felt Boots, Siberian Boots, Beaver Fox Boots, Wool-lined Boots in Fi ne, Kip and Grained Leather; in fact everything usually touncl in a first-class Boot and Shoe store. We make a specialty of Ladies and Gents „ can start in one meeting and take in 4. In other words same bring out the best Horses to compete for the premiums given. >videre, Woodstock, W e Keep the Selz Celebrated C0MP08E THE The best in the market; also the Ludlow, and other standard makes. We have a tremendous stock, can fit you in any kind oi'Boot or Shoe, and we know that our way^ down Low Cash Prices will just please you. Remember the place is at the Old Reliable Cash Store, Cor. Main Street and Public Square, Woodstock, III. |^"N • B. --House Established 1865. : - . - W. H. DWICHT. 4 FAIR CIRCUIT. :'a'l M; --'V ;: will witness the best speed contests ever given ii County. JSITFor Speed Programme Address A. 8. WRIGHT, ISer Which we believe contains the Largest Vftriet;- of Ready-made Garments ever offered in this market; many of our new lines are in exceptionally neat and beautiful patterns, and no better made or fitting goods are to be had in America. To give us needed room for handling our new stock we will make special prices on all two- piece suits, ages 4 to 9, and also on all lines where only two or three suits remain* from these lines one can often obtain just what they want at a greatly reduced price ;®these offerings should com­ mand the careful examination of the closest buyers. Our stock of Pants is now very complete, ranging in price from $1.25 to $7.50 per pair. Btrnslett & Stoflel, At their Store on the West Side, ha just received a full and handsome line of Mull Dress Patterns, WHite Dress Goods, New Styles Lawns, New Dress Ginghams, and New| Prints. Largest Assortment of Oil Cloth, Shades ud Files io Town. Scfimb Cloth \ Curtains, PERRY & .OWEN, jry* A gggi|jg • General Merchants, , mihois. Dealers in a Fine Class of *5 CENTS. A Fine Stock of Spring and Summer Shawls, Sc&rfa, Jerseys, Ulsters, Etc CLOTHING CLOTHING FOR AI.L AGES, |5g"W invite un inspection of our new Spring Seleciton j SHOES of all styles suitable for our trade. Dry Goods, Black Dress Goods, Black and Colored Cashmeres, Black and Col­ ored Dress Silks, Summer Silks, and a handsome line The largest line ever offered in McHenrv; all sizes and for all ages; call and see them earlv ; our clothing has been bought at the very lowest-cash price, and is now offered on exceedingly vlom I margins. ^ A full Stock, Good and Cheap. Bonslett & S toft el. West McHe my, 111 . Way 4lli, JM. SHOES.! SODA, Best in the World. BROOKS OIL COT Our stock was never more complete. This Is due of the most important branches of oar entire business, and one that has received j our very caretul attention. We have studied our trade and feel | confident we are better than ever prepared to meet their wants. We continue to sell the celebrated Buffalo Boots, Foster's fine shoes [ for ladies best wear, and Kedpaths in medium price goods; Dry Goods & Notions. Ynll Stock of Lum, Button and all Kind* of Trim­ mings Constantly on Band. in Parasols, OThite E>rosw» Goods, A Complete line of Henderson's Celebrated Fin# Shoes, Every Pair Warranted. BADGERSTATE i : ; | | • • T 1 T V T T 7 I I ® u r 8 * o r e ' • * 1 1 t h e l a t e s t s t y l e s a n d n o v e l t i e s , a n d w i l l b e JLiJElJM JL( I *°^ a' Pur uniform low prices. Ott Brand of WHITE 8TA% The Above Cuts Show Sherman's Patent Qate Hanging As applied to the common earry-around Gate, or panel of fence, It makes a gate that is Cheap, Strong and Durable, combining more points ot excellence than any other gate, however expensive. Any ordinary work hand can apply this hanging by looking at the cut. The cost of iron for hanging does "not exceed 15 cents. Give this Gate a careful examination. It is something every farmer needs, Farm, To wii, County and State right tor sale by your Blacksmith, Agent, or J a A J. SHERMAN. 10 38 6m West McHenry, ILL Pantaloon Overalls and Paiils, Fresh Family Groceries! Bremmer't Celebrated E# Paints, Oils, Mixed Paints, Salt, Etc. & Owen. Perry Is the Safest .and. Purest Gasolene in the j Market. This brand barns longer than common Gas­ olene and does not emit an offensive odor. For Gasolene Stoves and all purposes for | which Gasolene Is used, the White Star brand is the most reliable. If the White Star Gasolene la not sold in •our vicinity, send your order directly to us 1 for a barrel. BROOKS OI ̂C( if fbMUA Ai». Olmlial. O. •DEALER IN-and Flannels, j Agricultural Implements"! and Knit Goods, | Wauconda, Illinois, Keeps Always on hand a full stock of the rams ahd vausis, cbockxby, qlasswam, WOOD ABB WILLOW WABI, GAMES 00008, BBOOES) OIL COW ; CORLISS If 4 . Engine For Reapers and Mowerii Every farmer should buy the Corliss En- fine Oil to use on their Reapers and Mowers during harvest. This Oil is manufisct«Mg| easfaMivsly: -fcf V v T b ' . iZ fill Brooks Oil Company, Ask your dealer for BROOK.8 OIL CO'S. 0ORU68 ENGINE Drugs and Medicines. Etc. Every Department full and prices guaranteed to be as low as good goods representing the same values can be obtained in Illinois. Call and see for yourselves; we-want your patronage and are doing all in our power to merit it. • KaHsmr.JU* 30ib^ WI6. Ling Farm Machinery Of All Kinds, To whieh he inf ltes the attention of those who intend to bi confident he can please both in QUALITY AND PRICE. If on and Wood Pumps ot all Kinds* Best Steel Barb Wire * At Very Low Rates* A Full Stock of BINDING TWINK Always Found at his Warhqppp* ^ WB ALSO SELL THE ^ Davis, Luehy & Co.'s Buggies, The best buggy for the money to be found io the market. and see them. Also keep in stock a full- line of f Shelf and Heavy Hardware] » Of all kinds, which will be sold at bottom prices 8. B. RUSSELL. WWMOBfe, lUf imis 18%, . .. . - - * •'I- . ' ' \L » . . i.. / ji wj "Sal . . t.„ j j. < ' •

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