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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Sep 1885, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, SfiPT. 16, 1886. jr. VAN 8LYKE, Editor. this paper w as ROWELL 8t CO.'S Newspaper Advertiaing llureau (10 .Spruce Street), where advertising SWSSTPSNEW YORK. FIFTH DISTRICT ,|lt«pabIlraB CongrcHloul Convention. The Republicans of the Counties composing the Fifth Congressional District, are request­ ed to send Delegates to a convention to be held at Elgin, on Tuesday, September fld, 1885, at 11:80 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of pi icing iii nomination a candidnte for Repre­ sentative in Congress, for said District, to All the vacancy occasioned by the death of the Hon. Ren ben Ell wood. The several Counties comprising the Dis­ trict will be entitled to Delegates as follows: COUHTIBf, Kane..., De Kalb .. McHenry....... .... ...... Lake 7 Boone ••»•••' 8 W. S. FRAZIKR, Kane 1 W.J., SIMMONS, DeKalb, j Congressional DCLBOATKS. ...18 10 I.. .. ... • (Vacancy) McHenry, £. Z. KIMBALL, Lake, F. 8. WHITMA N, Boone, District Committee. Republican County Convention. "1 he Republican yeters of McHenry County, are request ad to send delegates to a Republi­ can County Convention, to be held in the Court House in AToodstack, Saturday Septem­ ber 19th, 1885, at 1 o'clock r. •„ for the pur­ pose of elect'.ng nine (9)delegates te represent McHenry County In the Congressional Con­ vention to be held at Elgin, Tuesday, Septem­ ber 23d, for the purpose of nominating a candidate to be voted for at the approaching special election, called by the uovernor, to fill the vacancy caused by the dwth of Con­ gressman Ell wood. Each town Is entitled to the following representation:, Riiey 6|Greenwood S M a re n ico ... 81 Hebron. . ..IS Dnnham ..... .. 7 Richmond. ..... ...w Chemung.... .... .....21 Burton .. .. ..... 2 Alrten ...... ... 7 McHenry........ .... .12 Hnrtlud.... 2 Nunda --...... ..... 8 Senera ..... .... 8 Barreville .;. . ... 5 Coral Grafton W 8 Algonquin...... Crystal Lake. . 10 ..*... 5 Don Algonquin...... Crystal Lake. . Total.... .... 188 By order of McHenry County Republican Central Committee. 8. K. BAXTHOLOMKW, Sec'y. ..•jure.. " 19*In another column can be found an article under the bead of MThe Con­ gressional Question," from the pen of Wm.H. Cowlin, Woodstock, which no isader of this paper should overlook. UrThe Canadians of Rochester, N. T., held an indignation meeting last Sunday evening to protest against the execution of Rlel, the Canadian rebel They have petitioned to Secretary Bay­ ard to use his influence to secure a par­ don for Riel, claiming that be Is an American citizen. We hope that Sec­ retary Bayard will do nothing of the tort; the game Is too thin--Riel never was an American citizen. We bad just such another row on our hands oncc before--McSwe6ney--and we have enough of meddling with other nation's citizens.* Riel "has committed high treason, and he knew whvt he was doing when he opeaed the Insurrection It Is just and right tbat he should be executed. 19*The Connecticut House of Rep­ resentatives has passed a measure to punish for selling oleomargarine uuless tlia purchaser Is Informed of the real character of the goods. That Is a very practical way of reaching this fraud. There can be no possible objection to permit anybody who desires to regale themselves on bull batter to do so to their hearts centeot, 0« the other hand. If those who do not desire to have aoomponnd of bull tripe palmed oft upon them for No. 1 butter, can have the delightful privilege of put­ ting the dealer who perpetrates such a fraud behind barred windows, the vic­ timized public will be protected, and oleomargarine quotations will find their proper level in the market. HTTlie arrival In New Tork of a defaulting Canadian bank cashier is hailed by not a few as a sign that tbe tide Is about to turn, and tlut we may hope to get back in time the equivalent of some of the stolen American capital which gives life to trade and society In Montreal. Quebec and Toronto.'Tbe presence In those olties of a class of men liviig in clover on what they plundered from the American banks and business houses In which they were employed Is not calculated to Inspire young Canadians Is positions of trust with lively abhorrence of dishonesty, or to raise generally the standard of commercial honor in the Dominion. The flight of a few rascals with heavy sacks to our side of the border would doubtless cause a great anxiety in Canada for the revision of the extra Ji- tion treaty, so as to include thieves among fhe oflenders to whom refuge shall be denied by both countries. I^The following from an eastern paper will explain Itself: Professor Calderwood, who says he has sacrificed his profession and spent his money and made nearly 1^400 public speeches in the cause of prohibition, announces that he is going to Ohio to show up the prohibitory leaders of tbat state in their true colors. He intends to speak 12 times In as many Ohio cities which he names, and he challenges the politi­ cians concerned to answer his charge that they sold out last year to tbe democratic managers, He says: "I hive the facts. I hold the document* conclusive. The Democratic commit­ tee bought It. I was present. I saw the goods delivered. The big gun prohibitionists connected with the scheme have not been named. I have dates, I have figures. I have names. I have places. I h tve the whole thing In a collar box. Before I will allow lite principles of prohibition to be peddled right under my nose like gooseberries In market. 1 will denounce the act If It costs me my life and the good will of every creature that ever knew me. t"'. The Congressional Question EDITOR PLATNDBALKR--We arc not fttoce la being pleased and suited with the able, man Iy and wo believe truthful portrayal of the present political situation as to the corrupt bargain and sale entered into between a for­ mer DeKalb county delegation to Elgin as the party of the first part, and one Hopkins, of Aurora, Kane county, as party of the Second part, which appeared in S. F. Bennett's Rich­ mond correspondence to the PLAINDEALKR of last week. Tlie doctor, In his usual clear, forceable and concise manner, explains the case and shows up the rottenness of political manipulators in both Kane and DeKalb coun­ ties and points out to the honest voters inter­ ested throughout tbe District a duty to per­ form if they are opposed te this yillianous scheme and care to retain the good name the 6th district has so long borne as the banner Republican district of a great country. The article referred to has been read by many in this vicinity, and all admit its possessing the right tone and coming from oue who demon­ strates by what he writes that he is posted and understands the correct situation of this demoralising affair. Thi« man Hopkins mpst be indeed s strange individual to understand. We mean away from his l nmediate surroundings. There is no doubt but that he is thoroughly under­ stood by those of his kind in Aurora and vicin­ ity, and from the past as well as in the pres­ ent we should judge by results that there must be many in that locality of his kind of materitl. This conclusion is arrived at by knowing something of the methods used on a former occasion by Mr. Hopkins to carry Aurora for himself when a candidate for Con­ gress, aud the readiness by which the people lent their aid by polling at a caucus over three hundred more Republican votes than was polled at the tiranfrand Blaine caucus a short time prevlout which votes all went Hopkinsward. It has been claimed by hun­ dreds in Kane County, and by those posted and among them many of Mr. Hopkins' own personal friends in Aurora, that it took over five thousand dollars to bring about the result relerred to. Who furnished the commodity to purchase votes at that time was well known by mauy in every county comprising the district, and it was not designed that the victory so basely earned over the Hon. J. C. Sherwin should plant Mr, Hopkins in Con- gross then by either party to the transaction, but that there was to be something for the Aurora would-be Statesman to hope for in the future, besides what would answer his then present purposes. So, Mr. Hopkins those that do the voting out-side of Kane County, and scores in that county who have a voice in selecting a fit person to represent the 5th dis­ trict in Congress, especially on the da'y of election, have not forgotten the manner and means used by a certain pereon down In Kane county to crawl into Congress upon more than one former occasion, and this last but not least "contract" if carried out to the le^er may foil tar short of having the desired re­ sults, The cheek of this man is really aston­ ishing. He barely succeeds in securing the endorsement of his own county, and the means sought to accomplish so much toward the National Capitol can easily be imagined when one turns backward just a little, But withal he is possessed of brass enough to thrust himself upon the Republican voters of the five counties that make up the district as their nominee for Congress, when it is a well known fact that under no circumstances would he be the choice of one-feurth of the party hariug the majority in the district if their hands were free te do battle for their rights. The idea that there is a Republican in the 5th district that would accept a nomi­ nation made as this is expected to be secured is sickening in the extreme, and "the indi­ vidual, whoever he might be, who would ascept such should be forever held in abhor, rence by all decent people everywhere, irre­ spective of politics, religion or anything else. What a distinguished, interesting and bril­ liant spectacle such a man would present. How he would be admired by his colleagues andtthe people generally, and what a tremen­ dous powei he would wield, and what a vast amount of influence he would possess to labor for the interest and benefit of his constitu ency; and how exceedingly appropriate to be the follower of such men as Washburn, Farns worth. Hurlbut and Sherwin. It is evident, however, that this man cares not how he might get to Congress, but if there is a ghost of a shew for him he will net be found lacking in principle and brass to live up to and carry out his portion of the much talked of but un­ contradicted (at lease successfully) "con­ tract." If true,'Will DeKalb county allow the few who had a hand in making the alleged sale to deliver tha voters' franchise as they would so many cattle or anything saleable and be the partv of the first ptrt as the seller to this really disgraceful "contract?"' Of course Boone, Lake and McHenry coun> ties have long since been counted out as to having any right to say who shall represent the district in Congress as Mr. KUwood's suc­ cessor. McBenry is simply to be allowed to be represented in the district convention for "appearance" sake--so said one of Mr. Hop kins'organs of Kane county not long since- Yet there is one consolation: The voter# of the three counties last named are not obliged to swallow the pill that haB been formed by the aforesaid parties of the first and second part to this "contract," and with those in Kane and DeKalb who will not be gagged (we refer to the voters) can, if they choose, elect a far different man to represent them in Con­ gress than this man Hopkins, who could not under the circumstances but misrepresent a district like ours were he sent to tne National Capital as our representative, and who would have ro influence with his fellows, and could not but help to bring disgrace upon bis con­ stituency. W. H. COWLIH, Woodstock, III., Sept. ltth, 1385. <f. P. 8t, John. Mr. John P. St. John Is filled witji en thuslasm over the prospect, He pre­ dicts, not that the Prohibitionists will carry Ohio, but that their vote will be large enough to give the State to the Democrats without fall. He promises a similar res,lit iu New York, where he thinks that the preseuce of full prohibition local tickets ought to give the Democrats a clean sweep in the State and local canvass, and he says: "The Republican party will never win another State or National victory, aud I will tell you why. No party can live which burns Its opponents in effigy for opinion's sake. Oh, but you say this Is the work of the rabble. It may be tbe work of the rabble, but not one Republican paper, from the New York Tribune down, has ever printed a word in condemnation of it." This then is the deadly crime of which the Republican party has been guilty, and for which every lover of the cause of temperance Is besought to give the State into the hands of tbe Democrats. Mr. St. John forgets all tbat the Republican party did for him ; he forgets that it lifted hlui out of ob­ scurity, and made him twice Governor of the State of Kansas. He forgets all that it has done for the country, all the aid It has given to every worthy and progressive movement. He re­ members only tbat after his own rank defection last year a few hot-beaded and foolish members of the party he h|d betrayed and deserted went to the unnecessary expense of burning him In effigy.--Brookfyn Times. Barrel Salt at The Fair. EbiToa PLAINDKALKR:--The week which was to have sharked an era in the annals of Mctlenr* County, by one of the grandest Ex. positions ever witnessed at a County Fair In this or any other eouaty, has pissed away and has left upon memory') page one indelll- ble impression, and that is, that fairs cannot be successfully run by "water power," and had not T. J. Daey come to the reaene with his "steam power," disastrous consequences must have resulted. As it is, I cannot give your readers a better comprehension of the general feeling than by quoting from expressions from the thonsauds at the close of Uovernor Ogles by's eloquent, forcible, practical and common-sense address. Those who did not speak their thoughts in nrords were no leas eloquont in look and cheer and the unanimous verdict then aud there re­ turned Into court was that by universal adoption of the sentiments utteted by the dis* tinguished speaker, the standard of morals would be advanced an inestimable per cent by the training of our youth to proper habits and professions, as well as the standard of values upon real estate and the products theory. Any synopsis of the address that I am able to give would fail In justice to the Gov­ ernor or his subject, and the best I can do is to urge every man, woman and child who heard it to treasure it in their memory Just as it appeared while falling from his lips, not forgetting the, impressions forced upon them at tho time, and Miat everybody who heard It rehearse it to everybody else, 4hd thereby render its value to our country incalculable. Notwithstanding tho continuous rainfall of Tuesday ̂ Wednesday and Thurslay the exhi­ bitors persevered wit ha determination whioh plainly said, "The example set us by the Nation's dead hero is not forgotten. We will fight it out on this line if it takes us all sum­ mer." The executive committee met each morning and changed the programme as best they could to meet the emergency. The ofll. cersas well as the rank and file caught the spirit of determination and battled with the elements for tbe victory. On Friday morning the Ark was discovered in Its moorings on Arrarat, and the dove with her Olive branch perched thereon. The work of three days waa condensed as best they could for Friday and Saturday. In the horse department might be seen every variety of draft horse, race horse, road­ ster, carriage horse, gentlemen's and lady's driving and ssddle horse. In the cattle de­ partment the stately Durham, the royal Herd, ford, the milk-yielding Holstein, the bnttcfi producing Jersey, the notable Ayershlre, and the red and black Polled Angus in ponderous size, testified to the skill of our breeders of these several varieties, wjtn the hog depart­ ment one would be puzzled to choose from among the Poland China, the Chester White,, the Jersey Reds or their various crotses. Id the sheep department while the show was good the observer was made to feel that per­ haps at some future day our people might re. gret the reduced state of sheep culture. The crowing cock and cackling heu, the gabbling geese and quacking duck failed not to adver­ tise their presence in full force. The display of farm and garden products in variety, quan­ tity and quality bjre unmistakable evidence of our productive soil ifnd skillful husbandry. In the farm machinery, carriage and wagon department it would seem that hand power was played out, and from this time on machln. e'rv would govern the world. The culinary department proved beyond dispute that cooking is not a "lost art." In the ornamental needle-work--well, I am perfectly nonplussed, as language fails me in any attempt at description. Next year we shall have good weather and then all can judge for themselves if I exaggerate. Textile fabrics ditto. The youths department demon strated that when the present managers have retired, in rest, from labor through the en. ergy of our youth, tho McHenry County Agricultural Beard shall still live and prosper to tbe credit of our county. Will not some of our artists, since we have so many who are competent for the task, wriS* up tbe line art department, and save tbe exposure of want of skill in tbe vain attempt. The Society furnished a dining hall under the management of Mark Biekox and his corps of helpers, that fed the multitude in a way that defies criticism. Those in charge made the stock as comfort­ able as possible, in view of the pelting rain. The management carried out the original programme, except where circumstances en. tirely beyond our control, forced a change, General Sherman's failure to put in appear­ ance caused a greater disappointment to the management than to others, because they have both chagrin and disappointment to en. dure. They leel very much as the farmer feels at the failure of the crops from frost or any other cause--disappointed in the present but encouraged for the future, as "lightning never strikes twice In the satre place," and the next year all will be righted. As one of the executive committee, and at the request of the President of the Boird in behalf of the people and the society, we ten der our thanks to Governor Oglesby, Secre Csryof State Dement, Auditor Swygart, At. torney General Hunt, Generals Chetlain, Thomas, Bain and other distinguished guests for their presence with us. Nor woftld the management forget to tender thanks to ex. hibitors and to the people for their patient endurance through the tedious storm to the final close, thereby preventing a total failure. Under all the circumstances McHenry Coun­ ty has reason to be proud of her resources as demonstrated (through the Exposition of ,88»- A. W. 8. * * v h On tlie night of August 15th, Gen. Grant was hanged In efflgy In the village of Wirt. Wirt is not a hamlet In theMnterior of a far Southern state, where memories of the rebellion yet rankle painfully, but Is situated In Ringold county, Iowa. The citizens have taken up a subscription, employ* ed Chicago detectives to discover the miscreants who committed the outrage and it is believed that if caught they will be lynched. . |&*Ttie announcement of the sud­ den death of the Hon. Emery Storrs, the eminent Chicago liwyer, will be read with regret by the thousands who have heard or read his eloquent politi­ cal speeches. lie was a man of very brilliant parts aud as an advocate had few equals. BESLKY'S Ale and Porter is the best made. On draught In McHenry at Jacob Bonslett's, A. Englen's. and John Heimer's. Wanted w* WAST MM MORS BOOK AOKXTS fattorfenOVALllXINKTOf G». tr. 8. OBAIT. ' unifceiiiis^-- jiaiu..*ii ./i *7 DEALER Groceries! NOTIONS, And READY-MADE CLOTHING. lull Assortmsnt of PAJTT 0VUUJ.LS, But on X&rktt &DWEN.'; Shearers Sun Cured Japan Pail Tea, 50 cents per pnsBi'.T^r'^ ' Toung Hyson, very line flavor, 55 cents per pOund. . , \ * I ' i:v" Green Japan, Extra Strong, 50 cents per pound. *H ' ' Uncolored Japan, Choice, 60 cents per pound.; " " Uncolored Japan, Superb, 70 cents per pound, *" AGENCY J*OR .' 'v M a d a m M e G e e * s Coronet Corsets, "• Unversally Conceded TO be the most perfect Hygienic Corset, at a JMMBIMI mine. In the market. Its many qualities are embodied In the following points, viz: No bones or cords under the arms. No seams over the hius. It has perfectly formed busts, held in position by a Bell-adjusting bust spring; also separate bracing from tbe base of the bust, downward; and is adapted to tbe spooa, also the straight clasp, as desired by tlie»woaier. A single trial of its merits will convince >ou of the above facts. * tSSTTry my Overalls, Try my Teas, Try Madam McGee's Corsets, Try all my Goods and you will get your money's worth. McHenry, Sept. 14t1i, 1885. F. C. MAYES. CAUTION TO BUYERS OF R PUll K LINSEED Bv far the largest quantity 6^ White Lead produced by iny €?ity in the "World Is made WHITE LEAD & OIL CO.," and "ST. LOUIS LEAD & OIL CO.," and their White Lead is always Strictly Pure. In consequence of the verjr general reputation of these corroders for tho excellence of quality of their product, their brands have been im(* tated to a considerable extent by those desirous of taking advantage of their good name but who are not manufacturers of White Lead. The word "St. Louis" is frequently used on kegs similar in appearance to those of the St. Louis corroders, the contents of which are not made in St-Louis and are very badly adulterated. We therefore warn the public against these adulterated mixtures, ana •whcnbuyingLeadjtoseethatthe kegs Dear one of the three brands whose fao-smilea are given above. MuTHSRH WBXTS LOAD 00. ST.LOVXSLlASft 0XLQ0. OOLLXSB WHITS L&4D ItiXD OSe 00™ •THEfOLD FOLKS AT HOKS.* White Sleal SODA Best in the Wo rU. -- THE -- Star Wagon Cil, MANUFACTURERS OF Farm Wagons of all lcinds9 Freight and Truck Wag­ ons, JExpress, Delivery 'Wagons and Drays, Bug­ gies. Carriages and Mood Carts a Complete Um throughout, AS Of which we fully warrant to bp sfrfcttjr Crst class. We build no inferior work. Ouf Wagon Is a favorite everywhere, it is perfectly Tracked. durable, and neatly finished, every Mrt well saturated in Hot Linseed Oil before Ironing. Onrjnices will always be low for qual. Ity or goods furnished. Call upon ouf * Or write for prices and catalogue te STAR WAGON CO., CEDAB BAPIDS, The EAGER The Mew Tork Board of Health estlasatea that 80,000 lives have been destroyed by the explosive qualities of Petrolenm. If every Household would adopt the White Seal Oil for 'family use, none of these oafertanate accidents would occur. White Seal Burning Oil! Has none of the defects usually found ID common Oils. It cannot be exploded, does not char the wick, will not smoke, emits no offensive odor, and prevents thfe breaking of chimneys. White Seal Burning Oil JS a rich oil tor Illuminating purposes. It is as light In co'or as pure spring water, tt gives a strong steady light, and barns much longer than common oils. If the White Seal Burning Oil Is not sold in your vicinitv, send your order direct to ut for a barrel or a case containing two neat Ave gallon cans. BROOKS OIL CO. OS Soelid Ave., Cleveland, 0. - T H 2 - f COTTAGE W Ycare' Becoi 50 YEARS AT THE FRONT. The only Perfect house pump, outlasts three Iron pumps, never rusta, never t̂ ears, never needs repairs. . THE EASIEST V U M P EVf ll MADE. "Win r .is - W!> ter 33 feet. Kaoh pump s hupiiliod with olaspe or cl.a so it can be set up uiy\ hurt) and by any one. I want every reader of this ad- v-nisei ieiit to st-nd for one of my c;.*oi ip i re cirmilars. It will tell von all a K» c. his and other Copper l'uni(» ? itiiUe. and of the many a. Ivan' u es and merits over any ottwratyitto p.ui)p tur tle. You would never nee, any othier aft** using one. |*||F\JS EAGER, Solo Mmofacturir,. L. i> Irfanciwter, Ma--. SOUND TASTY TONE iipiM by Few aid Svptmi by Int. Acknowledged by oompetent Judges to teof tbe MONEY, to be one BEST FOR THE LEAST If you are going to buy send for our have been have a *0 years' rsoord. IK WESTERN COTTAK OMU ML MENDOTA, n.w., * g to buy an organ do not fall 1 J* The Buford wheel sulky takes the lead, also Hapgood, Case, Skaodla and Flying Dutchman Plow's at K. M. CNren * Son's. - ^ ^ */ * * " For Cash or Produce, we will Prints 3 Cents per Yard, Gingharaft 5 and 8 Cents. Extra Heavy Sheeting 5 Cants, by the yard or piece, Fine Bleached Cotton 7 cents. Extra Heavy Plaid Shirtingb 0|c by the yard or piece* Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 2 for 5 cents. Good Cotton Flucnel 5 cents, worth Ten cent. All Wool Red Flannel 19 cents, worth 30 cents. Crash Toweling 4 cents. Press Lining Cambric, Black and Colors, 5 cents. Job Lot of Corsets at 50 Cents on the Dollar. ^Jens Fine Grey Underwear, 35c. Three for $1, worth 60c each Finest Stock of Uidecveur -in the County. ' ^ Job Lot of Fine Shoes at less thun 50ctson the Dollar. We have a lull line of C M Hen­ derson's celebrated Boots and Shoes, unexcelled in style and finish. Warranted. See our unusually large stock of Mens' and Boys Clothing and Overcoats. roewies ! Groceries 11 Always Fresh and Pure. Ten rounds Fine Rio Coffee, $1 Nine Pound Roasted do f t 22 Pars Good Soap, $1,00, the best 5 cent Soap in the market Three Pounds Good Tea $1,00 Perry & Owen, McHenry, III., September 7th, 1885: IT WILL PAY YOU To call and examine'the » FALL AND WINTER GOODS Which are daily being received by the firm of GOLDING BROTHERS. waucoivda, ill. Including.all the new shades in M Mi Tricots, PLAIDS, STC. Underwear, Underwear, A full line and of the best quality. Our stock is complete iu every department and we will not be undersold, quality of goods considered. A lull line of f MOCERXES, At l^>tton figures. The Highest Market price paid for S&S^utt£:R| Ajsjy EGG». vm *2?' » m. :gk5Lding brothers. Waoconda\Sept. 7,1886. fionslett & Stoflfei^ ' te ' At their Store on the West Side, ha^e just received fulj line of xraw aoo»s, -FOR THE-- Fali and Winter Trade, To which they invite the inspection of the buying publio. 31tair Stock connots in part of Dry (hods, lotions, Clothing, Boots ud Shot*, tfe, All new, desirable and Very Cheap. ^Our Stock is complete in evtry Department, and knowing the wants of onr customers we have endeavored, in putting in our Fiall and Winter StocK to meet that want both in Goods and Pi ices. * Call and see us, examine Goods and learu prices, • full Stock, Good and Cheap. Bonalett Ac Stoftel. Weet McHenry, B1 7 th, 1N& . .

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