Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Fear ShallAwa." VOL. 1). ,> Published KV'r Wednesday br • jr. V-AJV NLYKE AWO PUBLISHER. Office in Bishop's Block, -(tefOIITI PEBRY ft OWKM'S,-- TERMS OR SUBSCRIPTION. S|U5 Year (In A<tvaa«e) $1.50 fTNot {paid within Three Months i.00 tuMcrlptlonn receive*! for -three or aix •oaths in the nme proportion. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER H, 1885. NO. 13. lainmleK r ^ . . IU - V, . C:'s- & " j (." V' l-\ L ^ . Bates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising m the PLAlNliBALKR, and endeavor to state '(Mini so plainly that they will be reiulily un- lerstoed. They are as follows: I Ineh one year - • 5 00 S Inches ene year • - • • 10 so t Inches ene year • W"® If Oelnmn one yea? • ... so eo ,H Minmn en* year- • • - ,52 52 Column one year . - . . 100 oa One Inch means the measurement of one •chdown the column, single column width. Xearly advertisers, at the above rites, have th« privilege of changing as often as they •hoose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those havjng Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion •f local notices at the rate of 9 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents per !ine the first week, and B cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged fet tlM rate of lb cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first Issue, and Boents per line for subsequent issues. Th-s, II inch advertisement will cost 11.00 for one werlt, $1.00 for. two weeks, $2.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAIWDRAUK will be liberal In giving adlterlal notices, but, as a business rule, it wilt require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the uso of its columns for pecuniary gain. «W' BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWS.M.U. HY810IAN AND SURGEON. Residence, McHenry, III. Office at O. H. F J5G ERS, M, D- filirslOiAN AND SURGEON. McHenry, 'l.ulls. Office at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. I1HYS10IAN AND SURGEON, McHenry," I III. Office ene door West of IN tzsimmon^ i Evanson's store, up Stairs. BAUBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or. ders solicited. Shop, lr> Old McHenry, (• Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside Mouse. V i ¥*a*hincton, d. c " The nopular palace hotel of the National tepital. Conveniently located and accessible ID ALL the street car lines of the city. Open all tho year. 0 G< STAPLES, PKOPRIETOR. f*te of the Thousand Island House. • > rtOBT SCHIESSLE Having purchased the old stand of Joseph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT, I^OHENBY, ILLINOIS, §eep» open for the accommodation of the Public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, Where he will at all times keep thefbest tar«|k|ls of Wines, Liquors and Cigars 4 ~ hp found in the market. Also Agent For FRANZ FALK'S MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al- ways on hand, cheaper than any other,.quftU- tj considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to, GOOD STABLING FOB HORSES. prWX *nd see,us. Robert SoWas^o. MeHmrr. til.. M.J inb. MM. M A R C U S ' CARMAN 'llWBmf^wred t>* F. MARCUS, •DEALER IN-- H^fE WHIES. LIQUORS AND CIGARS. .Wo$<j8tpck, III. JPIlf beat Tonic in the world. Put up In » W?t*h.d Uuart Bottles. r.MAn&m. Patentee. JOKT YOU FORGET IT! 48* W. SMITM. -or-- YRPOD«<OOLC, - -ILLINOIS. .Backed by Millions of money offej yon .Jg^VxiTl against damage by M*htnlng, Wind Sforms, CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. BUSINESS CARDS. ASA W. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor In Chancery.--Woodstock, III. S. F. BENNETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also United States Examining Surgeon. Richmond, Illinois. A. S. CHILDS, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUB- . GEON, West McHenry, III. Galls! promptly attended to, dnv or riisrht. 1 DR. C. R. WELLS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Wauconda, Lake Co., III. All calls promptly attend ed, day or night. Office on Main St., east of Barker's harness shop. M AltY G. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All kinds of Hair Work done in Hrst class stvle and at reasonable prices. Rooms it residence, north- east corner of Public Square, McHenry, IIL DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry. at Parker House, the 10th 11th 26th and Wth of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday,and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. .... • ifritMif- A. IM. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. 55 FIFTH AVE., (Rriggs House). Chicago, ill. Special attention given to re pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. 49*A Full Assortment of Goods in his line AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB RONSLETT, £ALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the Old j stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, 111. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. J. PEKOVSKY, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer. HANDLES nore but his own make,and will compare his Brands with the best mad* in the State. Store and Manufactory next <ioor to r.he Post Office, Mcllenry, 111. CHAS. H. TRYON. . D R A I N A G E ENGINEER. Levels taken, drains located and grades es tablished for tile and open drains Elevations taken of springs, ponds and water courses, and all work requiring accurate leveling. s. s, , P. OvAdUreaa, Greenwood, Ul. DO YOU KNOW THAT Plug Tobacco, With Red Tin Tag; Rose Leaf Fine Cut Chew nig; Navy Clippings, and Black, Brown and Yellow Snttft's ure ihe best, and the choicest quality considered. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attentfion of the public to my Stable of Stock Horses, four in .number: two Morgans, one 3-4 Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Meiino Sheep i. r sale. The public are cordially invited to call .and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. N. S. COLBY. IO-7-TF MCHKNRY, ILL E. R. BENNETT, M. »., Late House Surgeon Cook County Hospital, RICHMOND, ILLINOIS, Special attention given to difficult Surgical cases. DEVT&CII GESPROCHKN. Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. ANDREW BROIITr HOUSE PAINTER, MoHENRY, ILL. / GRAINING, CALCIMINING, ETC. Done in the most approved molara>j^ylas, and Guarantee Satislactionr. * - I#* Charges Reasonable. Can be found at Residence, over Lftwlns' Clothing Store. IM... Andrew Brant. J. C.KARGES, House, Sign and Carriage PAINTER, Shop at McHenry House, Near the Iron Bridgo- I am prepared to do all kinds of Painting oa chert notice, anil guarantee eatUfzictlon. . Sign Painting a Specially. Call and; see me If in want ol anything la the Painting line, as I am satisfied that l ean please you, both in workmanship and price. J. C. Kairges. McHenry,lJutae IS, 1885. 81 for, 13'Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will he mailed, seeurelv wrapped, to any address In the UaJtadSta ea tor three months on receipt of ONE COLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed tree ' . Address all orders to BICHABD K. FOX, FRANBMN SQUAHB, New York. Smokera Call For NICKEL TAG, Ok'Ji CENT STRAIGHT CIGAR. S^LVB^ TAG; Or 8 for a Quarter Cigar. f t O L X l T A S , OR lO'.CENl StkAlQHT CIGAR. The Finest GimPs Ever Offered FOR SALE BY All First-Class Dealers. HE. WIUHTMAN, Proprietor. First class rigs, with or without driver* furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming ot all kinds done on short notice. ATTENTION LAOIK8. MRS J H, SEXTON, Yor the past ten yesira one ol he leading Dressmakers in Elgin, las moved to McHenry where she is ready to do Dressmaking in all the latest styles. Satisfac tion guaninteod. Cutting and Fitting a specialty. Also agent for the I. X L.i Tailor system of Cutting and Fjtting. Full instructions given* ttooms two doors West of the Riverside Uouse. JOB B*BGK£ -p PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is pre pure) to do all Jobs la the line of Digging Wel'.A, Repairing Pumps. Cementing Wells, or will put in New Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short wdl do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wo«l or iron, warranted, ns cheap as- any other man. Good rcfcronccs furnished if desired. '.-If you want a Well l)nir, a Pump Repaired ora new l'unip, give me a call. WOrdcr8 l>v mail prnnip ly attended to. Post Office, Jonnsliurgii, 111. L. 8ANTES. Johnsnurgh, III., May 25th, 18S5, !• a postal card and I will visit yon; r _ r J S « » n d I ' w i l l write you a policy, and (ttlAtW or any of these destructive el«. SM s«Us your property, happv will i MIfftfaliOid one of my policies, for I W4Httro<y Ttoit you, *nd minister unto'you. Mil «ot fors^ko yon. ASA W. SMITH, .(fa^nsua** Aft LORILLMD'Sr^ PLOWSHARE D l 1 1 / ^ A s k y o u r r L U V J • D e a l e r f o r I t 'ONE BP DOLLAR We will send you the Formula for making the famous Compound OXYGEN HOME TREATMENT, a positive cure for Con sumption, Bronchitas, Asthma, Catarrh, Hay Fever and all Blood Diseases of either •ex, from whatever cause, or we will send you the Formula and a two months treat ment with Inhaler for S3.00. Send in letter at our risk. Address, OXYGEN HOME TREATMENT CO, ISO Dearborn tttn C11ICA6A id Failflf M, FprCoal and,Wflad GAF.L ON E M. HOWE Oppoaite Bft»liop*« Mill, •Vho has a complete line of tho best stoves in the market, as wall as a large stock of Hardware, Hecbanic's Tools, riN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, "in|fact, everythlngjin the hardware «tove and tin line. ME WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Call at his store before buying elsewhere lobbing ami repairing promptly attended to asVReinetnber, extra good bargains can al «in be obtained al llowo** . , MeHenry, Ueo. I, WW A book of 100 pages. The best book for MI advertiser to eon- suit, be he experi- enced or otherwise. It contains lists or newspapers and estimates 31 the cost of advertising. The advertiser who wants to spend one dollar, finds In It the in formation he requires, while forhlm who will invest one hundred thousand dollars in ad vertising, a scheme is indicated wtololi will meet his every requirement, or <m* bemad* to do to bp flight change* easily arri--datbr cor respond Ace.U9 editions have been issued. Sent, post-paid, to any addressfor lOoenU. Write to GEO. P. ROWKLL ACO., NEWSPAPER ADVKRTI8INO BURKAU. (lOSpruce St. Printing House Sq->, New York. RETAILERS ATTENTION. We advertise the above brands in the lead Ing St. l.oulft datlles,*nd your name will ap rr among the list or Cgennics once a week 60 days from date aflast purchase, -Vith flrst order we send 3 Heat and prettv signs. We have one price Iftr these good's from which there is no <lert|jUon, namelv: Nickle Tag, tS5 00; Silver Taf^H0.e0; Gold Tag, |70.00 per 1000 We also «4fry_the most extern ive line of _ Domestic, Koj|, West and Imported Ctrars in the country, {(ample orders solief Address. „ „ TAYLOR _ H. P. HDU, Mana* i bottom prices. Goods guaranteed. 0 , It bail, Xo. •TESTED* in&Ritf &«L Itouklsi Flower HIRAM SI! ROCHESTER, N. Y. ^22-336 F. Main St. IMPLINRNTH IssBMIcailw EY & CO. CHICAGO, ILL. 200-506 Randolph St mr I N s l o w s "Vineyard" RoNer Skates.^ For the best, most durable and easiest run nlng lioiler >kates get the -*VINKVARI>." \ll the i>rincipai Rinks are itsinirtbe "V iNKVAllD" Roller. Put up in /ill Clamp, Half Clamp and strapped (lompli'te. The demand for these skates is so great that they are kept in *tock by all prmci|>al liar l ware dealers throughout the country. Manufictured by the Inventor and Patentee ftAMMEL WIN8LOW, WORCESTER, MASS. Flovs! P. HAUPERISCH, MoHenrj, lllinolw, *»i« l Inform the ftrmersof McHenry and • «u«Touadlng country that he is prepared to sell them a Kl RST-CLASS PLOW, Aou warrant the a lower price than tfcn purchased elsewhere In the county. All Kinds of BLACKSM1THJNG, WAGON «ad ' ARRIAVE work promptly attended to. •t»ii kinds on short notice. 49*Give us a M«fr * m4 w* will please yoa both in quaiitv • rice of work. Mullenry, IIL. Oct. 7th. 1884. Bibles at 1-2 and Old WUP\ / Y / TMUDMII at LESS than "ft 1/ L, J A I-> the prices of tlieEng- ll*h editions, ami equal to the English In type^ (M^ier^printlng and accu- icy. Jtrtt aarnt sent out Irmgortt an order at erery 'MB for two weeks. Kara B/BLB EVISED 'ERSION. paanofl ior agenig to make .aoMf. Send $L00 for ST. TKBMS TKBT LIBERAL 7%0 Banrv BUI Pub. Co Xorwicht Cotm* \ ' x and RESTAURANT Buck's Old Stand, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Algonqyln, lll.y John Uelm, | Fine Kentucky Lifaors, French Bitters, J^aiyj^er Beer, fStta* HQw&okn Ben, By the Bottle or Case. DEALER IK S&idwut, Stem, Tinvut, In sbort, we keep evorythinJf in the above mentioned lines, which we are offe- ing to the buy ing public as cheap as any other house in this section. Call a,udl See JOBBN G A BEPAIEINQ, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN HELM.' Algonquin. Feb. 18,1886, We buy none but the best and sell at Reasonable Prices. Call aud see me and I will use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111., 1884. Soldiers' Department, CONDUCTED BT Da. S. P. BENNETT. County CU A. R. Directory. RICHMOND POST WO 288. Meets the flrst And third Fridaj evenlncs of eaeli month. DA. S. r, BENNBTT, Com. : 1 WOODSTOCK POST, HO >08. jiifffc tho thir<i Monday evenings of each aWIB. • { • B. N. SMITH. Com. *tTWI>A POST, WO--. Meets the first and third Wednesday even ings of each month. WK, BOTLKR, Com. UARVAKD POST, NO 255. Meets the second and fourth Monday logs ot each month. DR. H. T. WOODRDPF, Com. * MARENGO POST, NO. 169, Meets eve*y Second and Fourth Friday evenings of each month. J. R. RABCOCK, Com. The Wounded Soldier Mast GO. From the Bureau Co. Republican. 1 A close observer ia forced to one of two conclusions, either that the Re publican ad mini st rat ion placed a largft number ol wounded soldier* In the post-offljes of Illinois, or the Demo cratic administration is out. gunning for the soldier postmaster. There seems to be jfroat haste necessary in this matter, too, for while many civil ians are yet allowed to remain in the postoffice8, a soldier is suri to drop almost every time the official gun goes off. Almost every Chicago dally con tains one or more such instances, and our country exchanges bring us weekly notice ol the same kind of work. In many instances the Micceseor sets op no claim for the place, except that he is a Democrat; the fitness of things aud the ability of the candidate being entirely overlooked. Last week one sufch case occurred in Will and another in La» Salle county, little less than outrage*, where maimed Union soldiers, crippled for life, bv reason of their wound* un able to do a day's work, were succeeded by youm;, healthy, able-bodied Demo crats. Xow if the Democratic Union soldier was rewarded with a post office that would be a very different thing; but In the eyes of the men at Washing ton who manage the appolntinente in the Postolflce Department a Demo cratic soldier who fought in the North- •Tn army is not to be served flwt. On the contrary, when you gat south of Mtson and Dix^ifsline,the Democratic soldier who fought III the rebel army mm mam mi<k now we have in our OJVU county a similar occurrence. I. D. Page, a crippled soldier, member of C mpany K, Fifty seventh Illinois Infantry, is turned out of the Bud a postofflce. and the earp«>t-bag editor of an Independ ent (?) newspaper given his^pluce- Tlie wounded soldier, against whose m ir.a;ement of the office there is no complaint, Is compelled to retire. Most, of {lie patrons of the offiee are displeased, many of them indignant; but what use is ft for a Republican to get mad? The Republicans must go, soldiers Jlret, civilians next, but ail must go. LAND WARRANTS. I am in receipt of numerous inqui ries, principally from the South and West, asking what steps are necessary to be taken to secure to comrades the one hundred and sixty acres of land which many of theiu ate under the im pression they are entitled to by reaaon of their military service. Many have only vague impressions as to where they got the idea that they were thus entitled, while some 3la!in to have been so informed by parties claiming to be attorneys, who, lor a consideration, to secure the coveted iind. The Idea is an.erroneous one, and should be corrected. The last act of Congress granting bounty land for military service was passed March 3, 1855, and was conllued to military ser vice in a war prior to that date. No military service that date, of any character, gives title to a land warrant per se. The effort was m ule to secure a warrant through the court ol claims, which sustained the claim, but on ap peal to the supreme court of the United States, t'ie construction placed on the law by the commissioner of pensions was declared to he tlie correct one, and since that date such claims receive no consideration whatever, but are summarily rejected. The only advantage a.Truing to a soldier of the late war. by reason ol his service, is. when lie settles upon the public land with a view of securing a homestead title to the quarter section allowed home teaders, that law re- q lires a residence upon the land, and occupancy for five years before the Government will confirm the title. This, in case of a soldier, is varied to give him the benefit ol the period ol ills military servi'e. by deducting that period from the five years' term of residence required by the law. Thus, if a man served one year he need only wait four for his title ; if lie served two year?, he can get his title after three years; if he s rved three years, two years1 residence will suffice. But in every instance he must make a resi dence on the land before he can acquire title. The new M>«xine gun is a weapon weighing sixty five pounds, mounted upon a light tripod, which can be low ered, raised, moved literally with one hand as ensily as a garden hose, which pours out automatically 600 shots in a niitm'e. There is no crank to turn; there it no labor of feeding. One man simply sets the frightful stream of bill lets going, and then directs it at will, raking a whole regiment front if he likes, or keeping the lire within a ran^e of five feet or five inches. The basi* of it all is the utilization of the recoil lorce to fire the next shot. Each time the recoil energy, instead of being wasted in kicking the gun over, is q-ed to eject the empty cartridges, cock the f;un. place the rext cartridge and Are I.--Gettysburg C-wipilsr. EDITOR PLAINI>KAI.EU:--I am again obliged to ask space in your paper for the purpose of vindicating my state ments made In your issue of sept. 9, to which in yours of the 23d. exceptions are taken in a very feeble e9ort by the Secretary of the weakest of the four societies to which I then called atten tion. All that he says amounts to nothing. He hasn't made a point, and in order to show how badly he needs repairs, I will recite what I then said. Tour readers who may be Interested will please compare my two articles and see whether I have changed any thing, and then compare with his letter accusing me of making statements which he says are perverted and false. J stated that the Mutual Reserve Fund of JTe'v York paid for death claims In 1884 $497,967 25. and to Itself for ex penses 8300,305 88. The Northwestern Benevolent and Mutual Aid Association, of Blooming- ton, 111. paid its 27 claimants in 1884 $53,810, aud for expenses $30.625 64. From date of organization to 1884, it paid for death claim*028.662.59,and for running expenses same time 953,668.95, The Blnotniugton Mutual Life Bene fit, from March 1.1S83, to Dec. 31, 1883, ptid on 14 certificates, representing a face value of 983,200, the sum of 94,973, or 9355.19 on each certificate; being about 6 per cent. Meantime Its ex penses were 925,818.10. In 1884 it paid 955,664, which was about one third the demand of the 49 claimants; expenses for same time 922.815.43, Now we x>me to the Modern Wood men, which began business Jan. 2,1883. No statement is ma le as to what was received in that 301 members were enro'.led, who probably paid some thing, which was evidently clear giln. In 18S4 the number was increased to 1,272. Three deaths occurred, and as each certificate represented 92,000 on its face, it is fair to say 96,010 was claimed if collected. Only one claim was paid, however, whlci) took 9677.65 in cash. For expenses these "neigh bors'" consumed 95,138 38. Their total receipts for the year were 97.008.06, and *fter paying the expenses and death claim 41,192.03 was placed In the bank. Ttiev state that their liabilities were 9613 11 on Dec 31, 1884, viz: for "out standing orders unpaid. awaiting col lection of future dues." In the gen'le- man's letter he admits that two death claims w;«re unpa d on Dec.31. Why were not those claims Hated as liabili ties? Other similar societies filed theirs as such and the M. W. A. should be no exception. Now if your readers will add the expenses .»f the four asso ciations named, they will see where! i this Woodman has attempted to mis lead, though In a manner poorly calcu lated to inspire cotuifience, even among Ills would be followers. He claims 1 stated the M. W. A. paid 9438.# 2.38, Of course he knew he atated falsely. I have given the *worn statements of these four societies. Among tlietn is that of this Secretary, who now avers that they are false, Ot course he relers to his own. Well, he ought to knot? In his article tack was on the M. W. A. Each society was referred to In its order, as to size and age; one not more than the other. He lias answered nothi ig. He asks: "Did Mr. Morey ever hear of the United Workmen and the various Ma sonic and 0>!d Fellows assessment so cieties?" Ye« he lias, and he proposes to give tills Secretary aud others the benefit of what lie has heard. Space here will not admit ol their entire re ports; I will therefore give a few Items Irom each. Anyone desirln? to know more definitely will receive stiteinents by sending a postal to me asking same, N'ollce the Illinois Masons Benevolent Society, Princeton, III. Its ill rectors acknowledge the fallncy of IIIH co-operative plan, and state that "the permanent fund of 9'00,000 lias nialnlv «titu*«d lis lungevl- ty, thus lar dmtltili the lit* ol the average co operation,1 (ll was organ ized March U, 1H7I), l'h»y say "several changes Iroin the ui'lgliutl plan iiave been made, hut the results have not met our hope«. The tot'i «ty languishes, the older men remain with us with un diminished risks, the young fall to be attracted in numbers sufficient to re duce the average age." "Conceived as it was to offer tempting returns for moderate investments, St has never been upon an equitable basis." "The society has outlived the scheme upon which it was founded." "These facts are but the anticipated remits of many years of knowledge." They then ask their members to vote for a change in assessments, which will require the payment of an amount beginning at 91179 per 91,000 al age 21, and*increas- ing annually till at 74, If the mail Hl'ed to t <at age, he would be required to pay 9135 55. and state that "Xo com pany can succeed permanently that does not charge the retes there named at tho different ages besides expenses." The Secretary sa\8 some have suggest ed with reference to this table, "we show'too mucit." and iu reply lie says "we giv» the facts/' "the members are entitled to a full an 1 complete exhibit of the conditio ! of the society." This society reached Its cITnax In 1883 when it had 5,120 members. In 1884 901 names were added, but death car ried oil 81 and 1,600 «vit idrew. so that the end of 18S4 fouu.l 780 less Man it started .with, and the society no longer able to pay the face of Its certificates. It has been honestIv managed; but that will not check the grim old man with tne gins* and scythe. The inher ent fallacy of the system is the cause of universal failure. In the Pennsylvania Insurance 're ports relative to two of the best co operations in existence, viz: the "Odd Fellows" and "United Brethren," we find equally strong evidence of the folly ot the plan. Regarding the for mer, in 1874 it had 1,688 members and 11 deaths. The cost per 91,000 was 96.50; the following year it had 1,802 members and 17 deaths, costing 99.40 per 91,000. From that time to 1880 the number of member'* decreased and the cost per 91 000 increased. The report shows -emainiiig only 1.097 members and 29 deaths costing 918.20 per 91,000, nearly three times what It was .six years previous. The United Brethren began business May 2.1870. and iu 1874 had 7,033 mem bers; 58 deaths were reported; average cost 98.25 per 91.000. ^ Tholr number increased till 1876, when 14,237 were enrolled and 242 deaths reported; cost $17 per 91,000. Since that time It has gone backward, till in the report of 1SS3 9.662 remained, and the cost per 91.000 reached 934.70, or four times the cost ot nine years before. The above figures are sworn at at events. There Is no use In trying t» explain the cause. It is self evident; comment Is unnecessary. In looking over my communication of Sept. 9 I see nothing to change. Secretary Kennedy claims that lies were told, but falls tQjhow any proofs. What he knows It 14 not for his inter est to tell. It Is his interest to pretend to believe that 1000 men can each pay in 97 to 910 per year for say 25 or 3") years aud each draw out 91,000, but he doesn't attempt to tell how it is done. As age increases deaths Increase. Here is the rub. If these assessment folks could only find the "fountain of per petual youth." But they never have, and their societies grow older. That's it. It's a great pitv that It should be so, but it is. If old age did not yield more deaths than stalwart youth, the assessment plan weald be perfect. Its a fine rope, this sort of insurance Is, till you come to pull on it, and tbeu it would be a fine rope but for one thing --it breaks. Assessment Insurance Is very mu:h I'ke a certain bucket shop iu Chicago a couple of years ago, con ducted by the notorious Flemmtng and Merrlam, who placed large amounts in 'Fund W.w The readers of this psjor are familiar with the case. A few dol lars were invested for this man or thit and in a few weeks the same was re turned largely increased, and the dupes not seeing the intended swindle, rein vested. Sharp advertising brought many a greeny, till "Fund W." assumed gigantic proportions. Sulderily the large "returns" ceased, the suckerf be gan to "squeal" and the U. S. m^H aetii ally had to stop people from seititfag meney to the aforesaid firm. Next the shop was found closed and Flem>nfng & Co. were in Canada, together wisti "Fund W." and the cash receipts of many days. Who pitied any of the victims? In many assessment ca«e» there is no premeditated robWry, as in the above affair, but the result is very nearly the same. ftow M. W. A. or any other society, if you are honest, you should have ttie courage to come out like the Illinois Masons, the Fidelity Mutual and otitM* and acknowledge the truth of your cou* victions. If you don't, time will force you to it. You say this is an insult to the judgment of all those who have joined your society. It may be so, but if anything will awaken the dormant mln 's of these thoughtless Individual* we will try and withstand the cuagrin expressed by the few who are notably the pro notersof the scheme,endeavor- to set a suug little salary for a few years. The Institutions you call attention to, if they are sound In principle, can easily take care of all who in ly join, without the extra expense of bojk«, advertising, office, furniture, presi de ut. secretary, etc., as each new con cern must have. But the facc. is a new society must be formed to give oert*in ones a position. Y*ou see the- don't you? As to the Illiaois 1»*« which Secretary Keouctdrtf ' stringent, on oo-onjfatlv* furnishing insurance " to the heirs, etc., of deceased member*; not for pecuniary benefit, i « the promoters of the scheme are to reap no harvest, as ageuts or otherwise. Fifty- six associations reported to our Stue department Dec. 31, 1884, the follow ing: Losses paid in this and other States. 92.755,930.18, and expenses 91.158,970.88. Someone besides widows and orphans was well paid. The ex penses of management in no old line company equals tills showiug Yet title Is called cheap Insurance. C. H. MORBT. To all persons hol iing script of ifM McHenry Colin ty Agricultural Kotrd you are hereby notified that by calling at Secretary Wright's office you can get your order for accrued interest to October 1st, 1885. There is 9675 sub scribed not yet paid in and all who have not paid arte earnestly solicited to call and pay their subscription an I get their script, for the do tble reason that the board need the avails aud that the Interest which is pavable annually, shall become due and payable as near ly as may be on the 1st day of October each year. There has been up to dale 91,565 of the 92.225 authorized, sub scribed; 9890 of which has been paid In and endorsed on Thos. McD, Rich ard's ciahn against the Board. There need be no apprehension in regard to the remaining unsubscribed amount vlt. :#660, as the friends of the Boar*t (and they are legion), will not hesitate to assist in raising so small an amounr, especially when the Board gives lt« obligation drawing seven per cent., payable annually, for the use thereof; this fact alone is a sure guara lty that the entire 92,225 will be subscribed and paid in, and Mr. Richard's claim fully discharged ready to be so report ed at our next annual meeting which is to be held tb3 first Monday of Deti. next. Now, need thnre be any doubt in regard to the pay nent of this scrip according to the terms thereof and according to the spirit of the resolution authorizing the i9»ue thereof, as tlie board never has and never will repudi ate Its obligations. It is a McHenry county institution and the p >ople of McHenry county have too inach of character to allow her reputation to suffer by permitting an enterprise of such magnitude to their insterests to wane. With many thanks to those WIK> have favored-with tti-lr subscription'*. 1 remain very respectfully.' ASA W. SMITU, Chm. Cous. To persons wishing to attend the Chicago Exposition, held from Sept. S to October 17, we will sell Excursion Ticket at 92 25, round trip, inclu ling admission ticket to the Exposition, oa the following days: Oct 3.1 Oc t t> and 7 Oct 10 Oct 13 and U, Oct 17 : Oct 6th % Oct UU» Oct 12th * Oct »th *• <k-t 19 J h " Parties wishing to attend the State Agricultural Fair, held from Septem ber 14t» to 19th, inclusive, can take ad vantage of these rates, although Expo sition admission tickets will not be re ceived for entrance to Falr- B. Buss, Agent, McHenry, 111., Sept. 1st, 1885. Thousands of families have had oe* casion to try the never fail ing quad tie* ot Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and they all unite in the praise of this wonderful prescript Ion* »«, •» • ~i* » . •,r< » / •'* ^ ' 1 •% „ JSSl!