& •tr&^T, r*. . i i t , , , ,...-.- .> --. r - - • -.v ,•• ' . *'.....• • '• • •J;: . ,V: --r*. • u . ... „ , T « - • ' r* Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty d Law; No Favors itfin us and no Fear Shall A***' . ' , t V i | J , 1 1 VOL. 11 M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, DNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1885. BUSINESS CARDS. E. R. BEANETT, M. ft.. Late House Surgeon Cook County Hospital, RICHMOND, ILLINOIS, •Soldiers' Department. ASA W. SMITH, ^TTOUNEY AT LAW and CONDUCTED. BV DB. S. F arket. Bknnktt. Special attention sriven to difficult Surgical cases. DEUT&CH GESPROCHEN. Wednesday by Solicitor Chancery.--Woodstock, 111. Office at Residence of Dr. S. P. Bennett. County G. A R. Directory. RICHMOND POST NO 286. "i" ned a Meat Market iroLsr BLOCK,; Pniilished 'v BDITOt .<*D PUBLISHER. Office in Bishop's Block, --OPPOSITE PEHRY tb OWKN'S.-- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. An« Year (In Aarance) $1.50 If Not Paid within Three Months.. 2.00 \ Subscriptions received for |three. or six ttonths in the same proportion. ; Bates of Advertising. '."We announce liberal rates for advertising Jf'ilie Plaindealbr, and endeavor to state them so plainly that they will toe fetnllly »n. lerstood. They arei as follows^: 1 Inch one year - ' J ' S 00 3 Inches one year • - - ' • 10 00 * Inches ®ne year^. ~ . . . 15 00 If Column one year . . • • - 30 00 ft Column one year- - - 60 00 Column one year - - - - 100 00 One Inch means the measurement of one •eh down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, at Ahe above rates, have klie privilege of changing as often as they Choose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insortion •f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents per tine the fl"8t week, and Scents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first Issue, and • cents per line for subsequent issues. Th is, an inch advertisement will cost $l.00forone week, (1.50 for two weeks, #2.00 for three weeks, nnd so on. The Plaindralbr will be liberal In giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitahle fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at Residence, McHenry, [11. C. H. FEGERS, M, D- I>HYSICIAN I Ills. Office AND SURGEON, at Residence. McHenry, O. J. HOWARD, M. D. YSIOIAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, 111. Office one door West of Fitzsimmons it Branson's store, up Stairs. BARBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, III. Orders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, in Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside House. ASHINCTON, D. C Tfee popular palace hotel of the National Oapital. Conveniently located and accessible to all the street car lines of the city. Open all the year. O. G. STAPLES, Proprietor. L«te of the Thousand Island House. ROBT SCHIESSLE Having purchased the old stand r of Joseph Wiedemann™ NEAR THE DEPOT. ItoHENBY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation of I be Pahliu a Klrst-Class - : - Saloon and Restaurant, Where be will at all times keep t brands of Wines, Liquors and Cig; all times keep the(best , Liquors and C" to be found in the market. Also Agent. For FBANZ FALIf'8 MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER. Beer in Large or Sm«ll Kegs or Bottles al. ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quali ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. 4VCall and see.ua. Robert Schlessle. McHenry, III.; May 15th, 1MB. M A R C U S ' GERMAN HOOT BUTE Manufactured by F. MARCUS, " S. F. BENNETT, M, D.. PHYSICIAN AN ;D SUUGEON. AlsOUnited States Examining Surgeon* Illinois. Richmond, "A. 8. CHILD*, M. ; TTOWEOPATtolO PHYSICIAN AND SUR- 11. GEON, West McHenry, III. Calls promptly attended to, day or night. DR. C. R. WELLS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Wanconda, Lake Co., 111. - All calls promptly attend ed, day or night. Office on Main St., eaBt of Parker's harness chop. MART G. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All kinds of Hair Work done in first class stvle and at reasonable prices. Roqms Rt residence, north east corner of Public Square, McHenry, I1L DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th 25th and 26t.h of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first.day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one dav. A. M. CHURCH, W atohmakor and Jeweler NO. 55 FIFTH AVE., (Ftrisrsrs House), Chicago, 111. Special attention given to re pairing Fine watches and Chronometers,. WA Full Assortment of Goods in his line 81 for 13 Weeks! The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address In the United Stales for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, Franklin Square, New York. FRESH Smokers Call For N I C K E L T A G , OUyi-CKST STRAIGHT ClOAR. S I L V E R T A G , Or 3 for a Quarter Cigar. •DEALER IN- PURE WINES, LIQUORS CIGARS. Woodstock, III. AND The best Tonic in the world. Pint and Quart Bottles. Put up in F. MARCUS, Patentee. DONTYOU FORGET IT! ASA W. SMITH, --OF-- Woodstock, - - Illinois. Backed by Millions of money. < INDEMNITY against damage by yoo VIM, Lightning, Wind Storm*, CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. Drop me a postal card and I will visit you; Mil on me and I 'will write you a policy, and Wnen either or any of these destructive ele. Bents devastates your property, happy will. you be if you hold one of my policies, for | •will aureiy visit you,.and minister unto'you. Will hot forsake you. ASACW. SMITH, QmU lmwmM Atf AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BONSLETT, ALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the old J stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, 111. The choicest Wines, Liquors an*' Cipars to be found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. J. PEKOVSKY, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer. HANDLES nore but his own make,and will compare his Brands with the best mad«5 in the State. Store and Manufactory next door to the Po^t Office, McHenry, 111. J. C. KARGES, House, Sign and Carriage PAINTER, Shop at McHenry House, Near the Iron Bridge. I am prepared to do all kinds of Painting short notice, and guarantee satisfaction. Sign Painting a Specially Call and see mo if in want of anvt the Palntittfttne, as I am satisfied t pleast^you, both in workmanship I -mir price. McHenry, June 15, 18S5r J. O. Iiai'ges. DO YOU KNOW THAT OH 10;C7?.Y7 STRAIGHT CIGAR, The Finest Goods Ever Offered FO t SALE BY All First-Class Dealers. RETAILERS ATTENTION. We advertise the above brands In the lead injc St. Louis dailies, and your name will ap pear among tlie list oF?ijrencies once a week for 60 days from date of last purchase. -vith llrst order we send 3 neat and pretty signs. We have one price for these good's from which there is no deviation, nainelv: Nickle Tag, }35.00; Silver Tag, *60.00; Gold" Tag, $70.00 per 1000. We also carrv the most extensive line of Domestic, Key, \Vest and Imported Cigars in the country,"at bottom prices. Sample orders solicited. Goods guaranteed. Address. TAYLOR MF O 0 , St Lonia, Mo. H. P. Hull, Manager. ATTENTION LADIES. MRS J H, SEXTOK, ot ^or the past ten yeurs one tlio leading Dressmakers in Elgin, las moved to McHenry where she is ready to do Dressmaking in all the latest ht}les. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Cutting and Fitting a specialty. Also agent for the I, X L., Tailor system of Cutting and Fitting. Full instructions given* Hoom^ two dooi$^ House. W l h f ' S L O W ' S "Vineyard" Roller Skates. Plug Tobacco With Red Tin Tag; llose Leaf Fine Cu» Chew ing; Navy Clippings, ami Black, Brown an I Yellow Siuifl's lire the bost. :tti.I the choicest uality considered. Attention Horsemen! I would call the attention of the public to my Stable ot Stock Horses, four in unrulier: two Morgans, one 3-4 Percheron, and one Imported Horse. Thev are all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep r sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. N. S. Colby. io-7-tf 'Mchenry, ill PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The,, undersigned Is prepared to do alj jobs in < the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps. Cementing Wells, or will put in New Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in this line. Can .„_furnlsh you a new Pump, either wood / or iron, warranted, as cheap as / . any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. ^"Orders bv mail promptly attended to. Post Office, Johnsbtirgn, 111. L. BANTES. Johnsburgh, 111., May 25th, 1SS5. LORILLARDS PLOWSHARE P L U G . Giant 10 ct. chew takes the lead. A s k y o u r Deafer for it For the best, most durableaaml easiest run ning Koller »l; ite8 set the 'V INK Y .Villi." \'i the pYwicip ii links are using t^o "V i N K Y A it I)" Itoller. Put up in ill Clamp, MalfCtamp and strapped Complete. The demand for t!ie*e skates is so great that they are kept in stock by all principal bar I- ware dealers tli roiis* ho in the country. Manuf tetured bv the Ir.ventor and Patentee S A M U E L W I N S L O W , WOUCESTKH, MASS. For Coal and Wood -CALL ON- E M. HOWE Opposite llishop's Mill, -Vho has a complete line of the best stoves in the market, as welt as a large stock of Hardware, Mechanic's Tools, fIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, A.nd, "ln|fact, every thingjin the hardware itove and tin line. HE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. " Call at his store before buying elsewhere, lobbing and repairing promptly attended to ~-- ' bargains can al. •^Remember, extra good ways be obtained at Howe's, ucllenry, Dec. 1, 1883 1TOF DRUGGING John Helm, Algonquin, III., DEALER IN v e u r i a i 0Ap°» 1 U' wOJTE ^ O N E ^ D O L L A R We will send you the Formula for making the famous Compound 0XTGEN HOME TREATMENT, a positive cure for Con sumption, Bronchitas, Asthma, Catarrh, Hay Fever and all Blood Diseases of either •ex, from whatever cause, or we will send you the Formula and a two months treat ment with Inhaler for $3.00, Send in letter at our risk. Address, 01Y6EN HOME TREATMENT CO., 1M De&rbora M, utte tbta lapeib ?ra;s, Stoves, Xiawan, In short, we keep everything 'n the above mentioned lines, which we are'offe ing to the buy ing public as cheap as^ny other house in this section. Cal an<l ®ee lis. J0BBNG & REPAIRING, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ^OlIN HELM. Algonquin, Feb. 18, 1886, •nor to Blake's Fmnlture I am now piepared to the onblic with SALT MEATS, KINDS, Sauage, Sliced Meats, &c. rHEr Lowe^t Frices. I bn^ none bu t thdl myself that I meats in as l shop 1 Soliciting a shartjj guarantee .W sat' prlee. McHenry, 111., Oct.] >«» of Meats, ami flatter offer my customers* •hape as any other |is section. ' public patronage I will coo both in <juality and LAMPHERE. 18«» • , H E. WIGHT1 class rigs, furnished at reasoq all kinds done on Proprietor. First or without drivers rates. notice. Teaming ot J. P. MITH, JEWELER, McHenry, 1. - Illinois. As Ft t Stixsk of Watches, Cldps and iewelry. A* >«n be found In thv county, which I offer it prices tha|%annot be beat. A JPlM^tock'of caoicifCiaARS- Call and examine gfljpd-i and learn prices, >. SMITH. McHenry, III., Jul A PRI ENT! Our readers for to pay tor maili iiaines of two bo ii Steel Finishiyiy Presidents, inc '>2x28 indies, wortj ts in postage stamps ; wrap pi n ir, and the ints will receive tret EngrmHng of all our Cleveland, sizo Address n 111, Plots! "Plows! P. HAUPERISCH, MoHenry, illiiiois, »V n. I inform the firmersof McHenry and » i rounding country that he is prepared „ - to sell them a Fl RST-CLASS PLOW, 'aim warrant the same,at a lower price than vin 1 e purchased elsewhere,in the county. iinlR nf /JLACKSMlTHING, 11AGO.V ARU1AGE work prom|>tly attended to. • CEPAIRING, fa., kinds on short notice. «7*Give us a Sin ad we will pleaae.you both in quality i> ' rice of work. P. HAUPERISCH. .«• ilenry, III., Oct. 7th, 1884. A I 5 SALOON and BESTAUEAjta Buck's Old Stand, MoHENRY, ILLINOIS. Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, UcHenry Lager Beer, TtUn' UUwankw BMI, By the Bottle or Case. We buy none but the best and sell at Reasonable Prices, Call and see me and I will tise you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry* 111., 1884. The Nickel Burn Door Holler, ac knowledged by al! to be the best thing of Hip kind on the mtrket, for .sale by John I. Story. -»• FIRST CLASS ABS3T3 Wanted In This County To represent our beautifully illustrated family magazine. Special terms and perma nent engagement gives to the right party. ,Any "8mart man or woman who is willing to work and has the ability to push the magann® can secure a splendid position. Write us at once, giving age, particulars of past work and territory desired. Address, Oottaob Heabtii Co., Boston, Maas. Meets the.-lirst and third Frirtaj evenings of each month. - Da. s. F, Benkett, Com. WOODSTOCK POST, KO 108. Meets tlio third Monday evenings of each motuh. , , B. N. Smith, Com. | NUNDA POST, NO--, Meets the llrst and tlili-d Wednesday ©yen ings of each month. . • WM-. BUTLER, Com. tliorities at Washington that McDowell be allowed to leave Fre lerieksburg and occupy Hanover Court flouse to watch Jackson while he took Richmond. The authorities, haying a wholesome feftr of that rapidly moving rebel gen eral, refused his request, illegiag that McDowell must be within protesting distance of the capital. While the dispute "was 1q progress General J. E B. Stuart stnrtle<l the 'entire , world with the most brilliant cavalry rtid on HARVARD POST, NO 355. ' Meets the second and fourth Monday evea- ings ot oach month. DR tt. T. WOODRUFfe, 6om. MASEXOO l'08T, No. 169, Meets eve'y Second, and Fourth Fridav evenings of each month. ' J- H. Babcock, Com. George Washington Weaver, of San dy Creek, Oswego County. N. Y., is being tried before a United States Commissioner on a charge of receiving a penjBion awarded to another ma 1 of the same name and the same postoffiee address. Both were soldiers, and had made application for a pension. One served in Company G, Twenty-fourth New York lufanfty, and the other in Company G. Twenty fourth New York Cavalry. Both nsked for a pension on the same grounds--heat t disease. The persons were not"acquainted until after* this complication arose. The Thirteenth Iowa Infantry has Always claimed the honor of :apturing CdtffliiHbia. S. C., and replacing the stars and stripes upon the capitol building. Other parties have claimed the same honor. The general order issued Feb. 17, 1865, by Giles A. Smith, Brevet Major General commanding, would seem to settle the question, as it con gratulates General Belknap, Lieutenant Colonel J. C. Kennedy, and the men of the Thirteenth for being the first to enter the city of Columbia and for be ing the first to .plane the colore on the capitol building. The following paragraph comes from an enthusiastic comrade: "Rumor has it tint all the posts In Chicago Intend to give a grand ball at the Exposition Huilding on Washington's Birthday, Keb. 22. . Why not? We are strong enough to give such a monster ball If . , . . . . . . » ' » ' v i u « n a i n a i . i i c i i , i n iiniin f Tirlwrai rmntl M apiece. T .ere are about 2.5t>0 members (>J. i r Mou,UaIn by A 9 , in Ohioago alone. Make it §1 a liokn, and se|e what a neat little,sum it would reallu> The expense would not be over $1,000. Th'Mi throw the balance into central relief fund, or, better still, help build a G. A. R. hall, which i» needed very much. recqrd. Crossing the Chickahoniny River between Porter and McClellan he started on the most destructive raid of the whole wir, burning Savage, Tunstall, and Dispatch stations and every bridge on the Richmond and York River Railroad, and actually burning the transports at White'Hotfee Landing, the base of supplies. Every body supposed the daring raider was Stonewall Jackson. Simultaneously with the raid Lee impetuously attack* ed McClellan. who obstinately held his ground until Porter formed^a junction with him, alid leaving his line of com munication broken aud base of supplies In the hands of McClellan. started 'lis seven days' retreat through the Chieka- liominy swamps toward Harrison's Landing, his future base of supplies, Fltz John Porter covering his retreat. Fortifying Malvern Ili^l, McClellan calmly awaited Lee, who, after draw ing re enforce me ht6 from Beauregard at Corinth. Miss., via Eist Tennessee Railroad, through Knoxville, Tehn.; Lynchburg, Va., into Richmond, im petuously attacked the works on July 27, and was, with the aid ol the fleet in the James River; disastrously defeated losing 28.000 killed, wounded and miss ing. l'he next morning the whole array started to occupy Richmond. A sudden halt was called, when the alarming news ran like wildfire through the line that General McClellan had been kid naped by General Sumner, brother of Senator Sumner, on an order from Stanton, and placed la the hold of the iron clad Galena, and sent to sea, and the command of the army given to General Sumner, with orders to imme diately ship the entire army to Wash ington Oity, via Chesapeake Bay. That night Lee left 5.500 men in Rich mond, and started for Gordonsville and Washington City, So rapid vere his movements that he had formed a jssne- OtM* Another Veteran ^splaeed. Among the late appointments made hy tl|p President" is that of Oscar t\ Blakely to be postmaster at Darling ton. Wis, vice Captain S. W, Osborne, offensive pa*tisan. suspended. Caprain Ofborne'»va* as brave a soldier as ever drew ii- sword In defense of I,is country and has made a t iithfnl < flloer. His successor, Mr. Blakely, lias been a life long Democrat, ile.has been a cripple from boyhood, a id recently 1 tad one of his le^s a npu.'ated at'the hip. Itlhas been decided by the survivors of the Twenty-second Iowa Regiment, at a meeting, recently held in Iowa City," to hold a grand reunion of the regiment in lo A'a City Sept. 22 23,1886 Officers of'the associ*tfon were elected as follows: President, J. C. Slirader, Company II; First Vice President. J W. Lee. Company F; Second Vice President. J. S Wilson, Company B; Third Vice President, W. R. Saxton. Company I; Recording Secretary, J. C. Switzer, Company A; Corresponding Secretary, Thomas Allum, Company C; Treasurer, Frank Novark, Company B. It is proposed to make this reunion a memorable one, and when Iowasoldiers get together in reunion they are just as jolly as they were brave ou the field of battle. Information of all the old members ol the regiment as to their location, etc., is solicited aud may be sent to the Recording Secretary, J. C. Switzer, Iowa City, Iowa,or to Thomas Allum, Corresponding Secretary, Des Moines, Iowa, KlUNAl'INU M'ULmiX. An Interesting But Highly Improbable Htory of tl»e Early Days ot 1868, W. T. Wilson in Cincinnati Enquirer. Taking command of the army of the Potomac in the spring of 1862, McClel lan transferred the First, Second, Third, Fifth and Sixth Corps to the Peninsula, with headquarters at White House Landing, at the head or York River, The lirst battle of any impor tance was at Williamsburg, where Hook er and Kearney succeeded in driving the Confederates from the town, Grad ually advancing, the two armies came together ot-Seven P!ncs, where a des perate battle was fought,'Lee retiring behind the? Chlckahoiuiny River, leav ing McClellan on the east side of the river, with his right flank toward Han over Court House, and his left oa the north bank of James River, at Malvern Hill. McClellan. missing Jackson In the late fights, became alarmed lest that rebel g't'tieril should leave Gor donsvllle and f jilow the Virginia Cen tral Road to Hanover Court House aud flank him. Dispatching Fits John Porter with the Fifth Corps to cover his right 'flank, be /equested tbe *u- where he met Sigel, Banks and McDowell, who had united their commands for de feuse. A desperate series ot battles followed.daily aud nightly for nearly five weeks, ending with the surrender at Harper's Ferry. Pope, who had been in command since the lttlT o. August, proving incapable, Lincoln, who had always been favorable to Mc Clellan. insisted on his restoration to •the chief command, aad just previous to the battle of Autietam he suddenly reappeared at healquarters one cool morniiig, and thejL£s<ne;idous shouting carried terror if^To the rauk'? of the Confederates, who'Wsily interpreted its ineauing. 0^^ y Next morning, placing Burnsldo on his left and Porter In reserve, he led the center and ri^lit wing hi a desper ate attick on Lee's army and routed him, the Confederates leaving twenty thousand dead and wounded on tli# tiejd. He immediately receive 1 orde.rs Irolii Washington to hold a council of war, during which Lee escaped. Ar riving at Newmarket, Va., near Wash ington, McClellan suggested a winter Jcampui'giv us Lee had been so lofig from his base of supplies that he must be short pf ammunition, clothing, and rations. The next morning he was re lieved by General Bnriiside, who had arrived at Fredericksburg four days ahead of his pontoon train, aud was mercilessly slaughtered,a defeat which caused much conversation. The Church Record Texas, In an elo quent article on the death of General Grant, said: "When the white^flag at Appomat tox announced the ebb of the red de luge a new world «ras making its ap pearance ; and beyond the civil war--so terrible was the contest--it so,intensi fied and so lengthened days that from beyond it all things seem to come to us as the reminiscences of another existence. This beginning of a new age was marked in the church twenty years ago by Stephen Elliott, then Bishop of Georgia and the presiding Bishop of the church in the Confeder ate States. when speaking of t|ie civi' war just ended, he said: 'We appealed unto the God of battles and He has given His decision against us. , We accept the result as the work, not of man but of Go.l.'" IfcyMr. H. E. Partridge, qj Waukc- gan, writes to the Gazette from a Ver mont dairy farm ,to say that ho vever dull the times may be here, it is worse in Vermont, He rejK»rts the Ju!j* divi dend from the milk of fourteen cows taken to the factory at 927.72 and the August dividend at 937.91. The travel to and from the factory exceeded 300 miles. Laborers get from 75 cents to one dollar per day and fair carpenters $1.25 per day. Traveling meat peddlers sell steak al eight cen*s per pound and cfieap1 pieces at three and four cents. He had oflered six choice two-year old heifers,som of tin'in fat enough for Hoef, at 918 per head without t*kjejrat> Editor Plaindbalkb:--It is ing a notorious fact that one-half tto | employes of the different Railway and Express Companies habitually ble«4 their patrons to a-i extent more or leM alarming, according to the size and experience of their victims. The Rock Island R. R. Company and Ihe U„ S. Express are prominent examples of this blood-letting evil, for instance, I paid on protest 91.50 for an express package delivered at Burean In care of the U. 8. Express Company, ahd the same week 85 cents at Putnam for ttra same kind ot a package, excepting that It was 20 pounds heavier tban Jke first named, and had to be carried eight miles further by the same company. Even the smaller chtrge ot 8& cents was some 15 or 20 cents greater tltae the prescribed rates. Red tape aod official pompocity are effective barriers ' to redress, and yet how proud Ts the J average American citizen that be ts borti in a land where there are no op presses, i;o dictating tyrants, sod whe>e the people ruie and are the only sovereigns. To day we are slave*, not to one crowned Dictator it is tiue, bat to scores of cunning, intriguing mon opolists, who by hook or crook are daily and hourly robbing the people by sys tems of legalized swindling. Obscurely aud slyly accomplished if possible, and openly and defiantly done when neces- sary. Let the people and the prest . unite in the glaring exposure of these shameless defrauders, lor this is the weapon they most fear. Wenoua Is ft pleasant, healthful little town at the cross!i»g of the I. C. and C. A A. R. R, it population is about 1,600. Coal mining and farming support the town. The St. Elmo has a pleasant and ac commodating host and hostess. The msals are superb and remind one of his mother's cooking. At LocyvlDe, ft little mining town in Bureau Co. l^he ' miners' bucked the tiger" to the tone* of 976 on a Gift Concert. Nothl small about Locyville, not evenf romantic hills where many.a mo marks the l tst resting place*of a Indian. The Illinois River along the valley in fine view of the town, wdei'e many a festive sturgeon, catfish and pike is elevated to a .level with human captor^. Messrs. Qjjgden Erb & Williams'w tice the art of ente We also had a pi >i»Jumnswew are four churches and many a plucky repeater. This Is ft4 healthy com uunity, with only* four doctors. Not a case of chill and qgue ha< been known here for years. * At Di nick the hired man of Gibbs decamped on the ni£ 'concert,carrying with him whJ he could find and a ladies g< The expert Teuton has not been" tured, although 925 reward has bee«' oflered for him and the stolen goodk. I did not like the looks of the Dutch* man. He was sulky, fault-finding and impudent, with a rascally scowl be tween his brows. 1 never could catch liis eye, although it was very easy to catch onto his luxuriant long mustache, lie called himself Fritz,and wore ilgbfc clothes with a straw hat. Kain, rain, rain; muchly, more, most. Mi is reminds one of No<ih and his big scow. But hark! Ye Gods, what sound is tiiis! It is the soul inspiring tinkle ol the festive St. El io Sunday evening dinner bell. The invitation is, "Com* to Turkey," and I go. R. D. SCOTX. *•' • U^'Tlie Birmingham (Ala.) Agt is published in the liveliest city in the South and it makes a very pleasant distinction. The Age says it loves and honors the soldiers, but abhors the dreadful confederacy, which, as It now elieves, was the creation' of politi cians. "God made the heroesbf the South--all honor to thfcin," says the editor, "but not to the confederacy. It is a ste ieli In the people's memories^ Its creation was worse than a blunder, aud its brier life a stupendous crime. Let the confederacy pass like a dread ful nightmare from the memory of oar race, while we build fighting monu ments in honor of Lee's and Johnston's soldiers, who fought, as they believed, aud as we did, for thbir friends aud for their homes, and never for the abortion aud counterpart of the union, the con federacy." Interviews with quite a ownjbtr of oifr prominent physicians in regard to the cause of the nearly epidemie prevalence of typhoid fever elicits the most universal reply that it is undoubt edly traceable to bad drinking water as is also the prevalence of dyptherift. This theory is borne out from the fact that on the west side, where the wefl water is of a much better quility thftn on the east, there has been little or DO apnonfince Of" Ihese - 'Mse***#; The idea advanced by some is, that tho turning up of so much dirt in digging of water-main trenches may possibly account in a slight measure for the trouble, although the physician# an Inclined--to give this little weight.-- vlurwa Post, , > toT-Say" said the editor's-t'sma** little son, as he entered ft store, ud» you keep knives?"' "O. ye*,"* responded the storekeeper; "we've kept theoa for years." "Well," returned the bOf starting for door, "you ou^ht to adver* use. auiI...Ufu, vou wouiiii't s o i 3 o g . * -- n m t a k i , . # "