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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Nov 1885, p. 1

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C; Published EV«'F Wednesday by J.VA> SLTKE ^ *.» TP^®i - fr ,•'...••••» t ^IM^^ly^&kDVSOX AHD PUBLISHER. •' Office in Bishop's Block, | £ --OPPOSITE ' PBBKT ft OWEH'S.-- A 9BRM9 OP SUBSCRIPTION. * Sro Tear (In Advance) ...$1.50 If Not Paid within Throe Months. 1H0 Subscriptions received for (three or six Months in the same proportion. Kates of Advertising. • .lire announce liberal rates for advertising "fprthe PLAINDEALER, and endeavor to state (hem so plainly that thev will be readily on- lerstood. They are as follows: 1 Inch one year - - :t - 5 00 »J Inches one year • -- 10 00 Inches one year - • . - 15 00 Column one year . . . . 3000 Celnmn one year- .... 80 00 Column one year • * - - 100 00 . .Ane inch means the measurement of one #$h down the column, single column width. Nearly advertisers, at the above rates, have ifie priViiege of changing as often as they »house, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having Standing cards) will be entitled to insertion •f.local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be chargfed 10 eents per :ine the flTst week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged St the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the flrst issue, and Scents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inch advertisement will cost $1.00 for one week, (1.50 for two weeks, 92-00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAINDRAI.BR will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary fP">- ' BUSINESS CARDS. ' * R. T. BROWS, M.D. HYSlOtAN AND SURGEON. Office at Residence, McHenry, 111. O. H. FEGERS, M, D- >HrslCtAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, Ills. Office at Residence. O. J. HOWARD, !£. D. !1HYSI0IAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, i. 111. Office one door West of fltzsimmons lEvanson's store, up Stairs. BARBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McHenry, 111. Or­ders Solicited. Shop, la Old McHenry, in Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside Honse. I WASHINGTON, D. C r_„_ . . ,W^M>«tNMDir Capital. "Conveniently located and accessible Is all the street car lines of the city. Open all the year. O. G. STAPLES, PROPRIETOR. rltftte of the Thousand Island Heuse. ROBT SCHIESSLE Having purchased the old stand of Joseph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT, HoHENBY, ILLINOIS, Keeps open for the accommodation of the Fmblic a First-Glass Saloon and Restaurant, Where lie will at all times keep thefbest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the market. Also Agent For flUNZ FALH'S MILWAUKEE LAGER BIER. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways on hand, cheaper than any other, quail, ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. SWCall and Robert Schiessle. McHenry, IlL, May 15th, 1885. M A R C U S ' GERMAN Manufactured by F. MARCUS, •DEALER IM­ PURE WINES, LIQUORS AND , CIGARS. Woodstock, III. beat Tonic in the world. Pit up in ffrt and Quart Bottles. F. MARCUS, Patentee. DONT YOU FORGET IT! ASA W. SMITH, --or-- Woodslook, - - Illinois, . Banked by Millions of money, offei vou 1VDKMNITT against damage by y rmf Lightning, Wind itormt, CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. l)rop me a postal card and I will visit you; Mil on me and I 'will write you a policy, and Wden either or any of these destructive el* ttents devastates your property, happy will yen be if you hold one of my policies, for I wilt sure v visit you, and minister unto you. Will not forsake you. • « ASA W. SMT7H, Qm'l lnnumot Ag* ASA W. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor In Chancery.--Woodstock, 111. S. F. BENNETT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also United 1 (Mates Examining Surgeon. Richmond, Illinois. E. R. BENNETT, M. Late Honse Surgeon Cook County Hespttal, RICHMOND, ILLINOIS, Special attention given to difficult Surgical cases. DEVTSCH GESPROCHEN. Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. A. "8. CHILD*. M. R, . HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUR­GEON, West MrHenrv, III. Calls promptly attended to, day or night. DR. C. R. WELLS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Wauoonrta, l Lake Co., III. All calls promptly attend­ ed, day or night. Office on Main St., east of Barker's harness shop. MAKT G. BARBIAN. HAIR WORKER. All kinds of Hair Work done in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms a t residence, north east corner of Public Square, McHenry* 111. DR. C. E. WILLIAMS. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry. at Parker House, the 10th llth 25th and'26th of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the flrst day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. A. M. CHURCH, Watohmakor and Jeweler NO-55 FIFTH AVE., (Rriggs House), Chi cago. 111. Special attention given tore- pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. WA Full Assortment of Goods in his line AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BONSLETT, SALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the old J stand, opposite Bishop's mill, McHenry, III. The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars to be found in the county. Warm or cold meals on short notice on application. PHIL BEST'S MILWAUKEE BEER by the Bottle or Case, always on hand. GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. J. PEKOV8KY, CIGAR (MANUFACTURER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer. HANDLES nore but his own make,and will compare his Brands with the best made in the State. Store and Manufactory next door to the Pfest Office, McHenry, IlL J. C. KARGES, Honse, Sign and Carriage PAINTER, Shop at McHenry House, Near the Iron Bridge- I am prepared to do all kinds of Painting on chart notice, and guarantee satisfaction# Sign Painting a Specially. Call and see me if in want of anything in the Painting line, as I ain satisfied that 1 cau please you, both in workmanship and price. ***** 'JITC. McHenry,June 15, 1885. SI for 13 Weeks* The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, securely wrapped, to any address In the United bta es for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. ' Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed tree Address all orders to BICHABD K. FOX, I. FRABKLIH SQUARE, New York. Smokers Call For NICKEL TAG, OR S CENT STRAIGHT CIGAR. S I L V E R T A G , Or 3 For a Quarter Cigar. OR XOICEX1 STRAIGHT CIGAR. The finest Goods Ever Offered FO« SALE BY All First-Class Dealers. RETAILERS ATTENTIOK. We advertise the above brands in the lead ing St. Louis dailies^ and your name will ap pear among the list of agencies once a week for 60 days from date of last purchase. 'Vith flrst order we send 3 neat and pretty signs. We have one price for these goods from which there is no de viation, namelv: Nickle Tag, f.15.00; Silver Tag, *60.00; Gold' Tag, $70.00 f»er 1000. We also carry the most extensive ine of Domestic, Key West and Imported Clears in the country, at bottom prices. Sample orders solicited. Goods guaranteed. Address, „ „ TAYLOR MP'O 0 , St- Louis, Me. H. P. HULL, Manager. > ATTENTION LADII8. MRS. J. H.SEXTOK, DO YOU THAT KNOW m Ting Tobacco, With Red Tin Tag; Rose Leaf Fine Cut chew ing; Navy Clippings, and Black, Brown and Yellow Snuffs lire the bust and the cboieest quality considered. -m- Attention Horsemen! I would call the attentfioa of the public to my^ta'jle of Stock Horses, four in number: two Morgans, one 3-4 Percheron, and one Imported Horse. They are all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep 10 r sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done on Sunday. *N.'S. COLBY. io-7-tf MCHENRY, ILL LL 1(11 PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ' ETC. Tho undersigned is prepared to do in the line of Digging Wel!s, Repairing Pumps. Cementing Wells, or Will put in New Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. In short will do all work in ttjis line. Can . furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. WOrders by mail promptly attended to. Post Office, Jonnsburgn, 111. L. BANTES. JohnsDurgh, III., May 25th, 1835. LORILLARD'S Ghiant ^ chew takes PLOWSHARE A s k y o u r Dealer for it 'ONE V DOLLAR We will 6end you the Formula for making t h e f a m o u s C o m p o u n d O X Y G E N B 0 K E TREATMENT, a positive cure for Con- •umption, Bronchitas, Asthma, Catarrh, Hay Fever and all Blood Diseases of either •ex, from whatever cause, or we will send you the Formula and a two months treat­ ment with Inhaler for $3.00, Send in letter at our risk. Address, ~ OXYGEN HOME TREATMENT CO., ISO Desrbora Ri, CUGAflfb mention tbis Yor the past ten years one of the leading Dressmakers in Elgin, las moved to McHenry where she is ready to do Dressmaking in all the latest stales. Satisfac­ tion guaranteed. Cutting and Fitting a specialty. Also agent for the I. A L., Tailor system of Cutting and Fitting. " Full instructions given* Rooms two doors West of the Kiverside House. _ arket. opened* Meat Market NICHOLS- BLOCK\ Next 4npr to Blake's Fntnittire Store, jr am now piepared to iurniwt the public with FRESH AND; SALT MEATS, OP aML KINDS, S auage, Sxajped Meals, &e. -1HHI-' • Lowest tfing Prices. I bay none bat the b#st of Meats, and flatter myself that I eat^offer my eustomers CONDUCTED BT Da. s. F. BBXHBTT. meats In as _ shop In Soliciting a share guarantee to gfrtjjtf: price. Ihape as any other lla section. public patronage I will pou both in quality and t. LAMPHERE. McHenry, 111., Oct. Iflfb, WW.' HE. wi«rm class rigs, wl furnished at reasonal all kinds done on si Proprietor. First or without drivers rates. Teaming ot ; notice. J. P. SMITH, WATCHMAKER s JEWELER, McHenry; 4- Illinois. As Fine^ Stock of Watches, Cloefo and Jewelry. At an be found In the. county, which I offbr it price* that Ian not be beat. A Flneitockjof I CHOICE " CIGAR. Call and examine goods and learn prices, J.iP. SMITH. MeHoury, III.. July l&tb. 1385. W I S L O W S "Vineyard" Roller Skates. For the best, most durablejar.d easiest rttn- ninc Holler skates get the -'vINEVAl!D." *11 the principal Rinks are using the "ViNEYAUD" Koller. rut up in All Clamp, Half Clainp and Strapped Complete. The demiind for these skates is so great that they are kept in stock by all principal bar I* ware dealers throughout the country. Manufactured by the Inventor and Patentee SAMUEL WINSLOW, WORCESTER, MASS. For Coal and Wood CALL ON E M. HOWE Opposite Bishop's Mill* > -4Tho has a complete tine of the best stoTes'io the market, as well as a large stock # Hardware, Mechanic's Tools, fIN, CPPPER &rSHfETjpS And, *lh|fiietreTeijthiag|in the hardware itove and tin line. ME WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Call at his store before buying elsewhere, fobbing ami repairing promptly attended to 49" Re member, extra good Dargaina can al- ways be obtained at Howe's. McHenry, Dee. 1883. John Helm, Algonquin, III., DEALER IN Eardwaie, Stem. TUiw&rt, In sbort, we keep everything in the above mentioned lines, which we are offe ing to the buy­ ing public as cheap as any other house in this section. Cal and See us. J0BBNG A REPAIRING, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOHN HBLM. Algonquin, Feb. 18,1885, A PRSENT! Our readers for 12 i fAr ninilintr name's of two boojj a Steel MnisMng l\it PRKSIKKNTH. iiiciii Wxis inches, worth Elder |ts in postage stamps *rra;->!!;g, and its. will receive fret ngraving of all out Cleveland, size Aiidress County C. A- R. Directory. BICHMOND POST NO 286. Meets the first and third Frutij evenings of ton month. De. S. F, BRWVBTt, Qom. WOODSTOCK MM), HO MM, month'* ••>•'*1 Monday evenings of each B. N. SMITH, Com. NOICW POST, HO--, *«ets the flrst and third Wednesday even tags of each month. • " W*. Butlkb, OaW HARVARD POST, HO 265. Meets the Second and fourth Monday even­ ings ot each month. ' DR. H. T. WOODRDP*. Com. r MARKNQO potfti No. ie», Irfeet8 every second and Fourth Friday evenings of each month. *. J. B. BABCOC*. C^jn. Uea. Grant's Gen. Grant's height. ® given hi Col. Frederick D. Grant, In a letter to an inquirer In Scranton, Pa., wq| flv« eight inches; chest mealuif abbut ^8 inches; weight in April, 1861, 135 poucdi; In June, 1885, 142 pounds. Another tine granite monameit has been erected at Gettysburg bj the St. Johnsbury Granite Co. on the wheat- field for the 27th Conn. This Is the largest monument yet erected, 6tand* lug 24 feet high and surmounted by a spread eagle. The dedieatfou occurred on the 22d. mm Chioago, III, Plots! Plflis! P. HAUPERISCH, MoHeury, Illinois, *V t inform the farniers of McHenry and 'unrounding country that he is prepared to sell them a FIRST-CLASS PLOW, And warrant the same,at a tower price than tan •>• purchased elsewhere In the county, Alt aindsof BLACKSMJTHING, WAGON tnd < ARRIAGE work promptly attended ta IIEPAIRING, «>t alt kinds on short notice. WGive us a •ail s nd we will please yoo both la quality to ! < rice of work. P. HAUPERISCH. Mu I (enry, III., Oct. 7 th, 1884. i SALOON and RESTAURANT Buck's Old Stand, MoHENiV, ILLINOIS. Fins Kentucky Liquors, French Bitter;, McHenry Lager Beer, Tflka' llilvavkN Bwr, By the Bottle or Case. We buy none but the best and sell at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me and I wilt use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111., 1884. The Nickel Barn Door Roller, ac­ knowledged by all to be the best thing of the kind on the market, for sale by John I. Story. FIRST CLASS 4GESTS Wanted In This County To represent our beautifully illusirated family magazine. Special terms and perma­ nent ecgagemeiit given to the right party. Any smart man or woman who is willing to work and has the ability to push the magazine can secure a splendid position. Write us at once, giving age, particulars of past work and territory desired, ; Address, OOTTAQK HBAKTH Oa, Boston, Maaa. The number of pension certificates issued and signed during the week ending Oct. 26, 1885, was as follows: Original,567; Increase, 55/; reissue, 75; restoration, 28; duplicate, 13; accrue J, 19; Act of March 3, 1883. 5; Act of March 3. 1885t 15; Ord«r April 3, 1884, 0; re-Iesue same date, 2; total, 1,279. Colors of Illinois Regiment*. Please inform the comrades of all Illinois regiments through your valua­ ble paper that tho custodian of Mem­ orial Hall, who has charge of the old flags, wishes all the comrades to tend him their photographs, so as to place them on their flags they so nobly de­ fended. All letters addressed to Oapt. H. B. Reed, Memorial Hall, care of Adjutant General, of Illinois, will be appreciated; and especially all color- bearers, with their names and history attached thereto.--ROBERT DUNCAN, Golconda, 111, The Difficulties In Getting a Pension. To THK EDITOR:--If you will pormlt me I will se«x>nd the motion of the comrade froiu Hartford, Ky., in regard to that "pruning*' of the thorns and dead liuibs that hAve grown out so thickly from the tree known aa the Pension Bureau, and which make it so difficult, and ott'en impossible, for the soldier to climb up to the limb where- on hangs the pension which he and his comrades and his neighbors all know he ought to have. Like Brother Hubbard. I speak as a lawyer and not as an applicant, as I have never applied for a pension for myself, although I served as a private soldier tor upwards of four years in Co. I, 30th Ohio, and in con6equei<ce of said aervice am seemingly and older man at 41 than I should be at 60, However, 1 have had occasion to help a nu-nber ot soldiers in (heir work of climbing the prickly Pension tree, as well aa some of the widows and orphans of those who have bivouacked on the other shore.--J. E. WALTON, Koleen, Ind.-- National Tribune. How the Johnnies Lost Their Hay. To THK EDITOR:--If there are any members of the Second Division living I would like to ask them if they re­ member that Sunday morning when Gen. John W. Geary came along and asked the boys if they would like to have some "fun." We were laying In camp on the Rappahannock River; the enemy's picket on oue side and ours on the other. The fun was to cross over the river and take away several acres of bay which the Confederates had been to the trouble of curing and had it in condition to haul away. Of course the boys did not mind having.a little Sunday picnic. The General ordered out two brass pieces and planted them on an elevated piece of ground; order­ ed a detail of infantry, a good-sized company, and crossed them over the river in nnold flatboat. They deployed as skirmishers as soon as they reached the opposite side. In close order came all the available horses and that could be found, with a rider supplied with rope to make bundles of hay and throw it across the animal's back and ford the river, take it to the Quarter master and return for more, i guess the Johnnies did not know what the movement was for until it was too late, a« there was not much of a force ctme to oppose u&. A few shots were ex­ changed, but nobody was hurt, and our side scored another victory.--J. E. CHAFFEE. Howe POH NO. 3, G. A. R , New Orleans, La.--National T'ibune. Ho Was Certainly Shot. To 'THE EJMTOR:--In the number of Oct. 1 1 see a ctynmunicatiou from W. W. Alien, SignM officer of the Seven­ teenth Corps, in which he describes the selection Iroin atnoftg the prisoners In our hands of one to be shot for retalia­ tion for the murder of one of our foragers. The description is so nearly Identical with a case which came wider my own observation, that I take it to be the same. It occurred about the 2d of March; at least I think It wa9 the day before we entered* Che raw, on the Pee Dee River. We were camped near a creek between Lynch*a Creek and Cheraw. I belonged to the Pioneer Corps of the Fourth Division. Seven­ teenth Corps, The Fourth Division was commanded by Gen. Giles A.Smith and it was fiom among his prisoners that the lot WAS to be drawn, some 200 In number. I was cooking by a fire within 200 yards and In sight of where it, occurred. Some of my tneas went over to witness the drawing, and ̂ re­ ported about as follows: The ballots were all drawn but some 19' or 15, when a tall and aged man stepped up and tremblingly njut his |a«jk ^nto the hat. drawing the After he recovered from ij$i shock!,' lie said: *'I ne^fer V*hav<!,- an" never Intended to Are a gen at a U soldier. I was conscripted the day be­ fore I was cipf ured, I am-the father /of nine living daughters, up this is my sad fate.w >. Not long afterward be was taken across the road, within sight of wl^re I was cooking, when some more of obr boys went over In that direction. I turned my back on the scene, when presently, crash, went.a volley of mus­ ketry that sent a thrill dt.horror through my whole nervous system such aa I never experienced during the whole of my three years' service. Bnt the worst feature of the whole affair was (hat the first volley did not prov? fatal. He sank against the root of | pine tree, and exclaimed: wMy Godi boys! don't butcher me." As I looked In the direction of the scene a reserve file of soldiers was marching up with their muskets at a ^boulder, when I again turned my back, but could not close uiy ears upon the terrible crash of the second volley, which proved fatal. Sueh are the legitimate re«uks and fruits of what Is oalled civilized warfare. I was informed that this was the result of finding one of ear regu­ larly-detailed foragers (with a pass lit Ills pocket) Hanging to an apple tree with a note stuck in his mouth, on which was written the words "Death to all Foragers."--JONATHAN THATCHER, Co. E, 15th Iowa, Fourth III vision. Seventeenth Corps, Keosauqua, Iowa. --National Tribune. Written for tha Plaindealer. "•/$£* DRESSER'S DROLLERIES. " SO. St . BT uju d., »T. boms, igk ' THE DUD BON T Within its eagre the bird lies dead; ita golden wintrs no longer beat; Its eyes, from which all light has fledi No more the rising sun will creet. Its orange breast no more will thrill . ° With roundelays as rare and sweet As Rings the pebbly mountain rill. Its course pursuing wild and fleet! " 1 J At Christmas, 1864, some BOO of us were sent from the prison at Salisbury to anotl|er prison, known as the Cathb lie Camp, where a priest came amongstf UB and ministered to our spiritual necessities. He then got our names and nationality, and said he would do something to better our condition. We were subsequently called and taken-un­ der guard to said prison cain^. Some­ time after the priest made strong and eloquent appeal' to us to join the rebel cause and service, which all of -us re­ fused. Our treatment was as bad aa In the other pen, the only difference be­ ing that we got plenty ot water and wood. We were also allowed, or rather compelled, to attend Divine service. They tried us In every imaginfthle way, offered us bread and bacon and •50 bounty If we would join their ser- vce, which we indignantly refused. I remember with pride how our brave fellows scoffed at them. They told us the alternative was death bystarva tlon One poor fellow toid them to starve and be d d. After all this endurance these men are accused of joining the rebel army. If the simple fact of being transferred from one prison to another makes us deserters, then we are guilty. It Is a grievous wrong If the few survivors of that prison must be falsely branded as de­ serters, traitors, cowards and perjurers and the memory of the minority, whe are mustered out. pass Into history as such --A. MCDONALD, Norfolk, Va. Mjr A young postmaster of a village postofflce was hard at work when a gentle tap was heard upon the door, and In steppod a bashful maiden of sixteen, with a money order, which she desired cashed. She handed it to the official with a bashful smile, who after closely examining it, handed ber the money it called for. At the same «ime he asked her if she had read what was written ou the margin of the or­ der. i - "No, I have not," she replied, ufor I can not make it out. Will you please read It for iue ?" The young postmaster read as fol­ lows: "1 send you three dollars and a dozen kisses.1* Glancing at the bashful girl, lie said: k'Now I have paid you the money aud I suppose you want the kisses." "Yes," she said, "If he lias sent me any kisses I want them, too. It is hardly necessary to say that the balance of the order was promptly paid, and in a scieutitle manner at that and eminently satisfactory to the country maideh, for she went out of the office smacking her Hps as it there was a taste upou them was never en­ countered before. After she arrived home she remark­ ed to her mother: "Eh, mother, »»ut postofflce system of ours is a great tbing, developing more and more every year, and eaoli new feature added seems to be the best. Jimmy sent me a dozen kisses with the money order and the postniister gave me twenty. It beats the special deliver? system all hollow."-- United State* MaiL the willow's honghs of green We II lay the happy bird of son?, Where, in the summer's golden sheen, The wild flow'ra evermore will throng. To say the least, the United States have a large navy of consulships. **The blossom never fades," sight the toper, pointing to his jioee. '• An Indian Is not arrested fcfltoil' log a white man's scalp. To aay the least, he should be held* for grand tafceny. ' ^ * ^ennys^n say? " woman Is (he lesser man," but were hist Wife to tnrn on hjm^rith the breom he would quiok> ly discover his frlstake and make for the regttogs of the cellar. An Englishman, on being taken aboard one of the vessels of oar navy, expressed surprise at Its Interior con­ struction, saying that from the amount reported expended upon it tit ti# ex­ pected to find it lined with "It is better to be wi an old saying. man gets knocked down bat, and has all bis ready cash appro­ priated, he feels that the transgressor rather got the best oflt. , r . wAtca. . . • k| Wateh some feeet timid girl ta Look, long Into the sky shore, Mlfshesaw infherab pia£s The darlings of|fr married days '"nging, notthMting of theifWthen * Hard baked biscuit fit eachother! The Democratic reforja system con­ sists in placing ex-criiuinafll lft tlon* of trust,aud thereby giving a chance to reform. Let us iwfs Cleveland will clean out the states* prisons by this glorious system of re~ form, and make the United States a model of virtue,land of good rule, "The Mikado," a comic opera, 1s «t- tractlng considerable favorable com­ ment. One of the principal characters Is oamed Turn Turn, which seems quite appropriate, as she resemoles a-clam ciKimu iii se veral inyen< of UOUgU. All the same, she wonders why beautiful, and why it is ch( drawn toward her. Oue fonw«r»th*e1* OUi ^#p»ld her. LOVELL, 81' •*" i '. ' Fighting Torn»doe& F. Schultz has ihouglit of a way to fight tornadoes, which he de- sjsribes in a letter to the Scientific American. His plan* brief, is to blow them up with gunpowder. A keg of powder is to be kept to the southwest of the house or village to be protected/ The reason for placing It at that par* ticular point of the compass is because experience shows that tornadoes gen­ erally move toward the northeast* When the black and dreadful funnel of a torn idoe-cloud is perceived bpundlng whirling and roaring across the coun­ try toward the powder-keg, Mr. Schultz would have a cool headed man wheel the powder into line with the ap­ proaching storm, then retire about one hundred yards to the northwest, wait until the devouring monster was just over the keg. and then fire the powder --by electricity, we suppose. Bis idea Is that. 48 it is a well known character­ istic of tornadoes to take long leaps through the air, sometlmea skipping wide reaches of country,, a charge ot gunpowder properly applied would give a tornadoe a lift that would save a village. Mr. Schultz also thinks that a torna­ do mi£ht not merely be bounced in this manner, but that with sufficiently large charges of powder It could be an­ nihilated At any rate, by means of a series of explosions, properly timed, Mr. Schultz believes that tornadoes could be kept, as he says, "on high, spending their force to no disadvant­ age to mankind below." Democratic papers M,ve prated about Republican frauds In Cincinnati* and have claimed that Demock*ats bare been no worse than the Republicans In that city. Tha following remarks at a recent meeting in Cincinnati, by a life long Democrat, show what party puw petuates the frtudtf: At the meeting of the committee of one hundred, Capt, W. P. Anderson, who belongs to one of the best families in the cily. spoke as follows: I desire to preface a statement I am about to make with a few personal remarks. I have voted the Democratic ticket fat* over twenty years; have always been a Democrat, and at the last election oted a straight Democratic ticket, nth this record, at' er a thorogh ind mpartial Investigat ion extending ©var 'the last three weeks, tnade as a mem­ ber ot the executive committee of this committee of one hundred. 1 claim t<\ ^kc ««b!e tg mage - fa!r s, a>- relates tn the par: taken by my party In the frauds against the regis­ tration and election laws am! other outrages preceding nml following the last election. These investigations show that the onty organized fraud against the registration ami efeelion laws at the last election fyas been within the Democratic party. that the only organizations shielding, protecting the perpetrators of these frauds and en­ deavoring to hinder and prosecute those engaged in closing and bring­ ing their perpetrators to justice are also within the De mocratic party Still a Democrat, and diametrically opposed to the principles of the Republican party, tuis coninittee and Its execu­ tive committee have my entere aysa» patby and hearty support.

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