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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Dec 1885, p. 4

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W »C ONES DAT, DEC. 9, 188FI. J, VAN8LYKE, Editor. 'HIS PAPER JK ass?°pn IWKI.L A CO.'S Newspaper Advertising irMH (10 Sprnee Street), where Advertising T Z T K N E W Y O R K - •Win. H. VmiJerbllt died sudden- at tiis residence in New York on id*?, of appoplexy. "On tlielr 339tli ballot tlMfliois ^Idlen1 Home Commlwlon on Wed- |«(rt«lay selected Qiilncy a« the site for liome, Mesars. Berry, Crawford, |f|*lljice and White giving the decid- ' ballot. ^"Cleveland Leader: Democratic •patriotism'" means bestowing honors [upon traitorous scoundrels who tried [to destroy this free government. Rc- }|Mib)lcan patriotism believes In honur- llng true Union men. A man who never [flnohed In tils devotion to the Union [will be elected Vice President by the Republican Senate. There are too [many copper-heads and rebel* In office 'now at Washington. iSTGen. Sherman says: "President [Cleveland undoubtedly means to do the best, but there can be no pefcce, no real civil service reform, so long as the men who touglit in council and in the Held to destroy the best government an the face of the earth, are brought to the front. The future looks dark to me; the men who were the enemies of the country only a few years ago^are now prominent and conspicuous in ! places of power." y ^ "The statement was telegraphed |from Peru, a week or ten days ago, ftlutt the revolution there might be [considered ended, because Cacereswas [left without a single follower to aid lliim. Jt was remarked at the time I that It would not do to be too sure ifkbnut tills; that one man was often [tufficient to start a revolurion in a ith American republic. And now Itlie news comes that Caoeres has begun [an attack on the palace 16 Lima, and [that sharp fighting Is now in progress. tm*A strike of unusual magnitude [exists In Brockton, Mass., a large shoe I manufacturing place. Five thousand [OijperativeB are out of work and forty- ] two large shoe manufactories, with a weekly pay roll of at least $75,000, are [•hut down. The s'rlfe between em­ ployers and employed, In this instance | appears to be over a point of principle s rather than the amount of wages. The [workmen's unions, it is understood, [claim the right to fix the scale of i wages, and forbid th*>ir members to j Work under any scale not bearing their approval and seal. On the other hand the employers claim the right to de­ termine what wages they will par. Helice the strike, which, from its mag nltode. If it should he of long continu­ ance, must be serious in its results. Boston Cor bit, the si tyer of Wilkes Booth, now lives near Concor dla. in tlits State. A few days ago a prairie lire brake out and ran on his [ land. Some men went out to stop the Are when he came out with a revolver [ 1 drove them away. He was arrested i and taken into court but drew his re­ volver on the court officers, who were [ao intimidated that they let him walk : out of count. Afterward the officers went out to bring him In, be came out with two revolvers and a Winchester [and told them he would ahoot the first man that approached, and would die before he would go. They told hint tbey would bring a posse of forty meo I and take hi u. He told them to come : on; he had face«t 400, and forty could not take him, and still "holds the fort." His dugout is built for defense, has,a [ spring Inside and any anfount of arms and Is ready to stand a siege. There la talk ot having him tried for lunacy. 9STAn exchange makes the follow­ ing true remarks about a local news­ paper: It is M fact that every town Is judged by its newspapers. Show us a town in which Its local paper la not full of local advertisements, and where It does not receive the earnest support of the citizens, and we will show you a town that Is about dead--where the merchants are complaining of the hard times, and no money, w»iere they are dissatisfied with themselves and every thing around them, and spend their time complaining about the condition of afialrs, and talking about their neighbor, where no two men can be found who will -pull together for any public enterprise, and where the real estate market is dull and prices low. Hen<e, we say, patronize your local paper and It will lose no opportunity to boom the town or push a public en­ terprise. Do you realize that there Is no onp man who does more for the good of the community gratuitously* and many times without even ,thanks, than the editor of the local newspaper f He is expected to know every little event of social interest, the personals, the prayer meetings, births,marriages , deaths, funerals, concerts, parties, dances, the present, past and future, and to mention them--all gratuitously. Be faithfully does al the abeve and more too. and all he asks In pay Is that he may have a large subscription list and his columns may be crowded with local advertisements. Interesting to Both Sexes. Any man or woman making less than $40 weekly should try our easy money making business. We want Agents for our celebrated MADAME DBAN SPINAL SUPPORTING CORSETS; also our SPINAL SUPPORTER, SHOULDER BRACE, AND ABDOMINAL PROTECTOR COMBINED (for men and boys). No experience requir- ted. Four orders per day give the Agent $150 monthly. Our Agents report four to twenty sales daily. $3 outfit free. Send at once for full particulars. State Sex. LEWIS SCHIRLE A Co.. * 8wl3 390 BROADWAY, N*W YORK SUITABLE PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS Will aeon be demanded. I shill make more ot a specialty *f Holiday Goods ' This Christmas than usual, and bave »elect. ed those which I am sura will be found most interesting, useful^ixl attractive. Parti,cu* larly Is this the case with the BOOKS Ob DESCRIPTIVE ANQ ILLUS­ TRATED AMERICAN SCENERY. Of these I have a good variety, both In price arict appropriateness, for young people and those more mature. You will also IIml the usual assortment of Plain and Illustrated Poems and Miscellaneous Books, and an ex­ cellent stock of Uhtldren'a Books. Late styles of SCRAP ALBUMS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, t/AStKS, SOX P APE ft (Plain, Initial and with Fancy Designs), GOLD PENS, GOLD PEN and PENCIL HOLDERS, FINE SHADING PENCILS, COMB and BRUSH SETS, WORK BOXES, * WRITING DESKS, MUislC tOUOS, MIRRORS, Christmas & New Years Cards, Etc., Etc., Ete. A few dart before Christmas I shall receive a supply of Choice Candy, Of the purest and best quality obtainable. We wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and believe that nothing would contribute more toward bringing it about than liberal purchases at the Wauconda Drug Store Book Haunt And Railroad Notes. / Asa matter of course, considerable [Attention it being attracted W the lo- f«»tlon of stations on the new line of |«l(ie Chicago & Wisconsin Railroad Uiirougli Lake County. The road en- 1 taring at the south-east or the town- Uljjp of Vernon, bears slightly to the j weat In tts course northward across the Icounty, leaving the same Just north of jAotlocb. As to the location of stitions, [quite a skirmish Is goinar on down In iTernon, the station being sought by Miartiea living near the county line, prh'le the Half Dayites are strongly [urging their location as the most dc- traOle. Passing along up the line till (l|e town line between Fremont and jlbertyvllte Is reached and between (fee villages of Ivanhoe and Llberty- prllle, we find the probable sight of the ixt station. This will, we understand called Holcomb. From thence north- jrjurd to Gray's Lake, aud here we find next ravored spot. This lays about ^Wlle and a half to the east of Haines- in*. At this point. States Attorney Tbitney has bought a farm of about hundred acres, and has, we believe ^portion of It platted. This station |prtlt probly be named Or »y's Lake. In ithjApUoch, of course Lehman's CMr will claim the sta.ionand tune, which-will add much to this al- idy popular resort. Mr, Lehmann Is »ady planning very extensive lin- ivements there the coming eeasori. to the fioal stopping place in the inty, a cry of glad hallelujah ascends Antlo^h village, and a dissenting |ce either of prophecy or fact wojald * little credence io that vlcinlty, «o, i the edict has gone forth we couoede i location aud only add "so mote It -Patriot. Railroad Ticket For 1,000 Miles TO St. AoJrew's Biy, Ftoriia. This beautiful Bay and surroundings are acknowledged by all who have visited there to be the loveliest combination of fertile soil, beautiful foliage, fragrant •rchsuls, blue water, growing city, and absolutely perfect climate in Summer as well as iu winter, to be found in America. There is but one Flerida and St Andrew's Bay is its brighte&t jewel. Prices for Businest or Home Lots and Or­ chard Tracts runge from 95, 90, »17, S90, to 9150, and sales were made t > more thtn 3.000diflerent purchasers within the first sixty days. St. Andrews wilt certainly become the second largest city in Florida within the next two years. Property it doubling in value every X.ran#R?rtatio" for ltOOO Miles to Tract Purchasers-Send 2c stamp lor illustrated pamphlet con­ taining full details. Address principal busi­ ness office as follows: ST- ANDBEW'B BAY R. &- ft LAND C0-, 227 Main St- Uiaoinnati> Ohio. Dissolution Notice* - Thc.Partnership heretofore existing under the firm name ot Wattles & Parsons, for the manufacture of Butter, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by Homer Wattles, who will till all contracts of said firm, and settle all bills against the same. Alimonies due said firm must be paid to Homer Wattles, who is here­ by authorized to receipt for the same. HOMER WATTLES, _ . „ „ B. u. PARSONS. Dated MeHenry, HI., Nov. 23d, 1885. Chancery Notice. 188 Remember the place lor Balidtf 'da la At Perry £ Owen's. 8TATK OF ILLINOIS, MeHenry County Circuit Court of MeHenry County. January Term, A. D. 1836. ' John J. Carroll vs. the unknown heirs of Henry Oliver, deceased. The unknown heirs ot Obediah Jackson, deceased, Eliza Donnel­ ly, Catharine Donnelly, E. F. Donnelly, John C. Donnelly, Hannah Donnellv, Mary J. Don- nelly, Anna Donovan, Margaret Donnelly, Marcella Donnelly and Benjamin Donnelly, heirs at law of John Donnelly, deceased, iu Chancery. Affidavit that Henry Oliver and Obediah Jackson, two persons interested in the sub­ ject matter of the above suit were dead, and that the names of their heirs were unknown, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of saui Circuit Court of MeHenry County, notice is hereo> given to the said unknown defend­ ants, thai the complainant tlleil his bill ef complaint in said Court, <tn the Chancery side thereof on the First day of December, A. D, and that a summons thereupon issued out of said Court against said defendants, re- turnable on the Eleventh (lay*of January, Vr tt8 by law required. Now, theretore, unless ou, the unknown heirs of Henry Oliver, deceased, and the un- u°i1!rn ',e'ra Obediah Jackson, deceased, snail person»lty be an i appear before the said Circuit Court of MeHenry County on the first day of the next term thereof, to be holden at the Court House in the City of Woodstock in said County, on tne Eleventh day of January, A. D. 1838, and plead answer or demur to the said complainant's bill of complaint, the same and the matters and things therein charged snd stated will be taken as confessed, and a decree entered against you according to the prayer of said bill. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the eesl of said Court, at my office, in Woodstock, this 1st dav of De­ cember, A D. 1885. ,, ^ tE. E. RICHARDS, Clerk. C. H. DONNELLY, Complainant's Solicitor. December 1st, A. D. 1886. j., " • ... .. ' •_ . .. > v-: s ^ -J 3* r ^ '> ' V ^ AYER'S Cherry PectoM» No other complaints are so insidious In their i attack as those affecting the throat And lungs: none so trifled with by the majority of suffer­ ers. TUe ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious ex-v posure, is often but the beginning of a fatal* sickness. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL baa •well proven its efficacy in a forty/years' flgh| with throat and fting diseases, and should bd taken iu all cases without delay. A Terrible Cough Cared. " In 18571 took a severe cold, which affected, my lungs. 1 had a terrible cough, and pssseil night after night without sleep. The doctors gave me up. 1 tried AYER'S CHERRY PEC: HpTS :• --iMm v.. ^ ' Coffee TORAL, which relieved my lungs, induced sleep, and afforded me tlie rest necessary for the recovery of my strength, liy tlia continued, use of the PECTORAL a perma­ nent cure was effected. 1 am now 62 years- old, hale aud hearty, and am satisfied your CUEKBV PECTORAL saved me.r ' HORACE FAIRBBOTBUU" Rockingham, Vt., July 15,1862. Cronp. --A Mother's Tribute. •'While in the country last winter my little boy, three years old, was taken ill with croup; it seemed as if he would die from strangu­ lation. One of the family suggested the use of AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, a bottle of which was always kept in the bouse. This was tried in small and frequent doses, and to our delight in less than half an hour the little patient was breathing easily. The doc­ tor said that the CHERRY PECTORAL had saved my darling's life. Can you wonder at our gratitude ? Sincerely vours, MRS. EMMA O.EnNFV." 159 West 128tli St., Kew York, May 16, 1882. "I have used AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL In my family for several years, and do not hesitate to pronounce it the most effectual remedy for coughs aud colds we have e ver tried. A.J. CRAKE." Lake Crystal, Minn., March 13,1882. •' I suffered for eight years from Bronchitis, Sknd after trying many remedies with no suc­ cess. I was cured by the use of AYER'S CIII:U- LTV PECTORAL. JOSEI-U WALDEN." l>ylialia, Miss., April 5,1882. "I cannot say enough in praise of AYVR'S CHERRY PECTORAL, relieving as I do tlint but for its use 1 should long since have <iied from lung troubles. E. BKAUDOX." Palestine, Texas, April 22,1882. No case of an affection of the throat or lungs exists which cannot be greatly relieved by the use of Avizn's CHERRY PECTORAL, and it will altcayt cure when the disease is not already beyoud the control of medicine. PREPARED HY ' Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Matt. Sold by all Druggists. Chancery Noticj. STATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 >88. MeHenry County. I Circuit Court of MeHenry County,-January Term, A. D. 1886. R" C. Jefferson vs John Lumley, Ann Lnnt- ley, Ellen Wass, William Wass, Mary Reed. Samuel Reed, William Lumley, Addle Lum­ ley, Robert Lumlev, Elizabeth Lumley. Thomas Lumley, Sarah Lumley, Sarah Carr and the unknown heir- of Ann Lumley through the death of Jine Carr, her daughter, and mother of said unknown heirs, in Chan­ cery. Affidavit of the non.residence of Ellen Wass and William Wass, Samuel Oarr and the unknown heirs of Ann Lu nley through the death of her daughter Jane Carr, of the defendants above named, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of said Circuit Court ot MeHenry County, notice is hereby given to the said non-resident defendants, that the complainant fl I ed his bill of complaint in sai.l Court on the Chancery side thereof on the Soth day of November, A D. 1885, and that a summons thereupon issued out of said Court against said defendants, returnable on ths Elevent h day of January, A. D. 1886, as is by law required. Now. therefore, unless you, the »aid Ellen Wass, William Wass, Samuel C-irr and the unknown heirs of Ann Lumley, through the death of her daughter, Jane Carr, shall per­ sonally be and appear before the said Circuit Court of MeHenry County on the first day of »ne next Term thereof, to be holden at the Court House in the City of Woodstock in said County, on the Eleventh day of January, A, D , 18SK, and plead answer or demur to thf said complainant's bill of complaint, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed, and s decree entered against you according to the prayer of said bill In testimony whereof I hare hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office, in Woodstock this 30th day of Nov­ ember, A. D. 1885. E. E. RICHARDS. Clerk. O. H. GILLMORE, Complainant's Solicitor. Nov. 30th, A. D. 1885. 20-4w SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN The most popular WMkly newspaper devoted toscienoe, mechanic*, engineering oUooTeries, is* ventione and patents ever published* Every num- I ber illustrated with splendid engravings. This publication furnishes a most valnable encyclopedia of information which no person should be wttnont* The popularity of the scixNTxno AMKBIOAH IM snch that its circulation nearly equals that of all other papers of its class combined. Price, $3.10 » otner pap ... £?£^Pi^SDtt°Glubs. Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN * CO., Publishers, No. tttBroadway, N. T. B! i Caveata, Trade-Marks, Copy-rights, aaignments, and all other papers for •g to inventors their rights in the 1 States, Canada, England, France, >ny and other foreign countries, pr»-kt short notice and on reasonable terms, rotation aa to obtaininjtfatente cheer-Wen without charge. • "Hand-books of lation sent free. Patents obtained through Mnnn A Co. are notioed in the Scientific American free. The advantage of such notice ia well understood by all persons who wish to dis> pose of their patents. Address MUNN A CO.. Office 8CUVI0 AiUJUCAJt, m. Broadway, New York. iTFIIVfk Mnnn ft Co. have i AT INT X. also had Thirty* * w' Eight years* I praotioe before Ithe Patent Office and have prepared WIWKLE^^ %u«|^ SPECIFIC This is not a Cure AIL But a Sure and Permanent . Cure for RHEUMATISM. This remedy is guaranteed to give Immediate relief, and perform a permanent cur© If used'as directed; It acts upon an entirely new principle dis­ covered after years of patient study and experiment Its erecte are truly marvelous. We claim' that our remedy has a specific action upon the fluids ?f"»e body, supplying moisture to the tlhsues and lubricating the Joints affected by the disease. Nd •tir or Distorted X^taibs remain after a cure br this specific. A trial of a nln«le bottle will convince the most sceptical that we have not told half Ita virtues. Price, 91. OO per bottle. For sale brail 4 vxgists. Manufactured only by « I.ENNCY MEDICINE CO.. CHENOA, ILLINOIS. flo not fomet that our claims fir the Specific are contrary to all past experi­ ence in the treatment of Ulicumatism. In tact it was long Ijeforc we ourselves became con vinced that it could be possible that a single remedy could perforin radical cures, where the most eminent physicians had failed. Not­ withstanding all this we are now convinced, and we have also convinced every one who has used it, that it is a Wohderful Medicine. « e invite and urge theafllicted to correspond "with those who have given/their voluntary testimonials furnished on application as to its. e A o c t s x a t h e i r c a s e s . • HOLIDAY GOODS. *2 Lbs. Dried. Peaches 81-OO, 5 Lbs. Japan Tea 1 Dollar. HOLtL eoons, WAUC(»iM)A, Where can be fotind Godda for the Holidays from a five cent Toy to a Silk dress. T'OYB F oit THE OhimbbiS Substantial Presents For the Old Folks. Jail Early and ,nmke your Selections. „ , „ „ GOLDING BROTHERS. Wauconda, Dec. 8,1885. • ' . . W b CD C> CO ts w CO > oo !> bd ^ U 3 Lbs. Choice Jap. Tea 1 Dollar. HOLIDAY GOODS as* Lbs. Choice Prunes 1 Dollar. HOLIDAY GOODS. We Make a Specialty of rRne Shawls HOLIDAY GOODS. V ' Good Overcoats, Everyone New. HQLXDAT GOODS, C V. West MeHenry.- V' • Illinois. - *3 THE WORLD'S BEST, FOR SALE BY JO HINT I, STORY, -DEALER IX- McHEINRY, ILLINOIS, & k Great Bargains In Cloaks, Overcoats, Clothing, tladoffwear. Caps, Gloves. Mittens, Blankets, Robes, Mens, Womens, Misses, and C'hildrens Arctics and Ala^kas^ Kubber Boots, lined and unlined, for ail ages, Wool Boots, with Kubber and Leather Overshoes. Our well known, Stprm King Artie, m % The best in the market. ALL KINDS OF GOODS AT BOTTOU PRICES. Wse Mcilenry, 111., Dec. In, 18S5. Bouslett Ac Stofltel. i t : E n r a o r f l i a r i . BOOTS AND SHOES! My Fall and Winter Stock is now compete, consistiusr of Me n Women's, Misses and ChidreVj^ tine and Staple Snoes in al the atest styles. Mens, Boys, and Youths Stoga Kip, Veal Kip, and Calf Boots, Rubber Boots, Gum Boots, Men's, Women's, MW\' and.Childreu's Buek'ed Arc­ tics , A l a s k a * , S e l t - A c t i n j j A l a s k a s , F a n c y U l i b b e r s a n d A r c t i c s m a i l th« latest novelties. Men's Felt Boots,/Siberian Boots, Beaver Fox Boots, Wool-lined Boots in Fine, Kip /nd Grained Leather; in fact everything usually found in a tirst-cluss Boot and Shoe store. e makea specialty of Ladies and Gents - We Keep the Selz Celebrated The best in the market; afso the Ludlow, and other standard makes. We have a tremendous stock, can tit you ln^any kind ot^Boot --House Established lb65. W. H. DWICHT. Cctoi.-.

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