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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Dec 1885, p. 5

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' ' . • "" • i ' ' - ' " . . . ' • ^ - • i- ~V<- " . •»'.•;••. V- •".: " ' ' : 1 ' ^ • • • • ,0 . .. ,• * •*. -t~ «ry piuiietier. A' WEDNESDAY, D^C. 16, 1885, :m> • • r ' MASOSI3 llcniiiKTlADOE, No. 158 A. F. and A. M.-- fMrnlar Communications the Saturday on or fifore the fall of the noon and every two ireek* thereafter. CHAS. C. 0OLBT.1W. II, ifCRWRY JHAPTBR SO. 31 R. A. M -Rcfu- ftrCkravocs.lons held on the senond and fourth nlda< • in each moneh. j0HH"EVM«0!r, H. P. % Railroad Time Table. ^ lS)n and after Monday, June U, Tn&M will " • - fill Mcllenry station ss below: « TOOLWO RODTB.; Geneva Lake Passenger .. 7:38 A. M Geneva Lake Express ..... .8:25 " Geneva Lake Freight 12:45 P. M Geneva Lake Passenger ^.>8:26 " (JDIVO NOBin. * Geneva Lake Freight ..I......S-11 A. M Geneva Lake Passenger .......10:00 " 3«neva Lake Express -- «:WP. M Wnm Lake Pauenrer 8:57 " B. Bess, Agent. McHenry, 111 •if- "LAUGH and grow fat," is the Budget Fuo Co.'i motto. . . THE Board of Supervisors are In HUslon at Woodstock tills week. ^ ̂ fTHEATRE Wve ry night nexl week by life Budget ol.f ui^ Co. THEUE will be service at the Unlver- sallst Church, in this village, o0 3un- dayinext, morning and evening'. ; ^IISS MAT BROOKS, of Lake Geneva. been the gue6t of Miss Julia Story daring she past week. MRS. ELDER WHEELER passes twelve weeks making visits in Wiscon* l\ sin. TURN out and laugh with the Budget Fun Co. uext week at Riverside Ball. THIS seotion Is now enjoying the finest sleighing known here for many years, * ' / C. E. CHAPELL advertises an Anc- . tton of one car of Cows, new milch Md Springers, at Algonquin, on Thurs­ day to-morrow, at 9 o'clock A. M. A few pure blood Ply.nouth Rock fowls, very choice, for sale if called for joon. Apply at the farm of John W. Smith, three miles west of this village. IF you attend the Budget of Fun Co/8 performance next week, have your buttons sewed on good and strong. . QUERY.--Why are persons seldon honorably measured, In society until measured for the casket? Echo says Why! Why! WHAT a grand, great country this is with its vast territory, its big rivers, Its pretty women and its Vebl Vidi Vlci cure. Salvation Oil# Jos. FITZSIMMONS, of the firm of Fltzsinomons A Evanson, lias been wrestling with a severe spraiue<i ankle . for the past two weeks, but is now so as to be around again. THE Riverside Skating Rink «Hll be open on Saturday evening, as usual, after which it will be closed for three Weeks, or untllmfter the Holidays, on account of other attractions. V THE only daughter of John Helm, of Algonquin, was dangerously sick wltli diphtheria last week, but under the Skillful treatment of Dr. Nason, was reported much better on Monday, With strong hopes of her recovery. WE occasionally hear men say that the local paper Is no account, but we notice when it contains anything in the least derogatory to them they do the most squirming and kicking. Just keep watch for the next few months. THE next visit to this village of Dr. Williat^^iie Dentist will be on Monday, Dec. 28th, This Is on account of the time of bis regular visit occur­ ring on Christmas. Those wishing his Service will b9ar this in mind. THERE is a rumor that E. A. Sliedd A Co. are contemplating the erection of more Ice Houses here this season. We have been unable t) learn whether or not rumor is correct In this partic­ ular. A clear head is indicative of good health and regular habits. When the body feels languid, and the mind works sluggishly. Ayer's Cathartic Pills wrtl assist to a recovery of physical buoy­ ancy and mental vigor. The constipa­ ted should use them. WE ly>pe our readers will not over­ look the many new advertisements to be found in our paper to-day If in search of Holiday goods read our ad­ vertising pages carefully and vou will be sure to find something you wai t, both useful and ornamental, for the little ones and the old folks as well. THE wile of Ed. C. Howard, proprie­ tor of the Howard House, Fux Lake, died very suddenly on Thursday morn­ ing last. She leaves three children, the youngest but a few liburs old at the time Of her death. Mr. Howard has the heartfelt sympathy of his many friends in this vicinity, in this, his . hour of bereavement. To AGRICULTURALISTS. --A Wiscon­ sin farmer, with the successful Use of the following cheap experiment for ten years, publishes the following fact. Two seeds of flax planted and cultiva­ ted in a hill of potatoes, «vl 1 extermi­ nate the beetle Cpotato bug) from the hill. Prbceeding at the same ratio with«your held at large, you sutler from none of their ravages. Ws have a scholarship to the Metro­ politan Business College, Chicago, which we will sell at a very reasonable rate. This Is one oi the best Business Colleges In the W^st, and any young --gentleman or lady who contemplates mtteuding a school of this kind can not do better. For full particulars and a catalogue of the uhool, oallw at or address this office. STATION AGENT 3ufes is the prottdest man in this section, the Northwestern Railroad Company having lately put a new floor In the Depot and office, fur­ nished him with a new Safe, and made other necessary improvements in and around the Station. AFTER all the arguments about cheapness.and quality It appears that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is the best remedy for the cure of coughs and colds ever ofiered to the public! The price is only 35 cents a bottle and every druggist In the land sells and recommends it. „ IN PLACE.--At the dedication of the church at his parish, Col. J. Warren presented'a rule of decorum, wishing that it might be held sacred by Che worshipers, it was to excuse.all visits in the aisles and vestibule at the close of services, and thus prevent blockades which are sometimes almost em harass­ ing. . THE New Year's Party at the Parker House, iu this village will take place on Thursday evening, Dec. 3lst, New Year's Eve. Slo-mm's full Or­ chestra will furnish the music and a good time may be expected. The tickets will be Issued In a day or twe. Bear in mind that this Party will be on New Year's Eve., Thursday, Dec. 31st. FREDERICK MARCUS died at his hoiuei. In Woodstock, on Thursday morning last, aged 70 years. He was born in Germany, but has been a resi­ dent of this county for many years, and wa6 honored and respected by all who knew him. He was sick but a short time, and few thought that death was so near. A wife and we believe two children survive him. LANDLORD CULVER of the Richmond' House, Richmond, has Issued tickets for a Christmas party, to take place at his Hall on Thursday evening, Dec. 24, Christmas eve'. The beat of music will be furnished and all who ever attend ed parties at this House kuow that nothing will be left undone to make it pleasant for all who attend. Re­ member the date, Thursday evening, Dec. 24ih, Christmas eve. Ttts Standard Theatre company, on account of the bad weather, played to small bouses last week, but they gave such universal satisfaction that should they conclude to bring out another play soon we predict for them a rous­ ing benefit. «Jolng,. represent Ing' an American gentleman of African de­ scent, was simply immense, while the original sketch by Cuttriilge, anil Going, brought down the house. Give us another play bovs at an eatly day. THE Clias Edwards' Budget of Fun, will begin a weeks«enjoyment at River­ side Hall, next Monday. The troupe have been playing for some ti• e through the neighboring towns of Ill­ inois and Wisconsin, and all of our exchanges speak very highly of thems They come recommended as a first class company, and we' have no doubt they will be well received. They will give an entire change of,programme each evening. THE Standard' Theatre Company, Accompanied bv the McHenry Military Bind, go to Richmond on Thursday evening of this week, and by request to Wauconda on Saturday evening. We can assure the lovers of rhe play in these towns that they will miss a rich treat If they^fall to *see this «-ompxnv- The Drama "The Ocean Waif," Is a flue one, (he Farce t button blister, while the origin tl sketch by Cutteridge and Going is alone worth the price of ad­ mission. Re sure to go and see thein. TICKETS for the New Years Party at the Riverside Hou^e, in this villiige. will be issued this week. Slocnm's full Orchestra will furnish the music, with "granger Welsh" as Prompter--as usual. They say that Welsh does kn« w something Hbout a good cow. but we know he dois know how to play a violin and call some of the handsomest changes'we ever saw In a ball room. Stick a pin there. Remember the date of the New Year's Party at the River­ side House is Friday evening. January 1st. OUR most successful business men of to-day were, in the majority of case*, poor boys who struggled hard for an education. These men are in the ma­ jority of cases, giaduates of business colleges, and started out in life with nothing but their business education and their integrity as their only capi­ tal. Instead of standing around and whining, "If 1 only had money," every young man should go to work to secure an education which fits for the.every day duties of life, and with the proper effort, success is isure to follow. Wri te that excellent school, the Metropolitan Business College, opposite McTicker's Theatre. Chicago, lor a Catalogue at once, or call at the offl e of the PLAIN- DEALER for full information. A ccrliti cate of membership may also bo ob­ tained at tills office. If you want to learn how to Paint your Buggy for One Dollar, evil at Besley's Dsug Store, West End. Keg Strictly Pure Sugar Syrup only $1.15, warranted gpod, at Bonslett & Stoffel's. You can get anything you want iu the Boot and Shoe line at Dwight* Woodstock Cash Store. ->. 'i Look at the choice Candies at Bes­ ley's Drug Store, West, End* W. H. Dwight keeps the largest and flne-tStock of ladies and gents Rubber goods In the market. A tremendous stock »f Holiday Slip­ pers at Dwlght's. Remember the fact that Dwight keep* all the latest novelties In ladies and gents line Rub er good*. You will find the largest and best assortment Of Holiday Slippers 1n Mc­ Henry Co., at Dwlght's. THE following lithe programme for the entertainment to be given by the te ache re and pup'ls of the PublicSchool at the School Building,OQ FfitUy evuo. Ing of tbls week: . ' PART T * ...School ..Walter Besley and Chaa. ...By Greeting Glee. .. Short Ktcitations Norilqu :at. Kecitation, "Frojrgy and liis Friends," Primary Pupil a. Song, -The Boy and the Cuckoo,". .. ..Inter. mediate Pupils. Recitation, "The Figure*,"... Primary Pupils D i a l o g u e , " L o s t O p p o r i u n i t i e s , S e v e n Chnrasters. Solo, -Where has Papa Gone."....Miss Grace Stevens. Recitation, "Fashionable Follies,". ....Misses Maud Oo'bv and Nellie Hill. Double Quartette, "Sleighing Glee." TWO GHOSTS IN WHITE. ' CASTC. Miss ProxiSi... Miss Elsie Gage Mrs. lushover..... Uiss Clara Bennett Miss Sourtop... ...Miss Kate Howe .Miss Amv Owen Julia. .....Miss Bintie Nei'l Annie.; Miss Grace Stevens .....Miss Mnrv Weutworlh Bridget Miss Hattie Mead Chorus, "All Among the Barley," School Do." Sj* Little Gir.s •*olo. "Be Kind to Bessie"...Miss Hattie Mead Recitation, "The Defective Nail,"... Mr. Guy Clemens. Song and Chorus, "A Boy's Best Friend is his Mother," Miss Cora Wheeler and Dhorus Instrumental Music Miss Minnie Parks Double Quartette, "Beautiful silver Sea." BORROWING TROUBLE. CASTS. Mr. Borrow.....-...- ..Mr. Geo. MrOmber Mrs. Borrow..^ .Miss Mattie Smith Miss Sophy Borrow.,......Miss Cora •Vh»eler Mrs. Mehitable March^ .. ...Miss Delia Gage Mrs Wiggins ..Miss Mvrtle Childs •• tna •••• Miss Hattie Mead Detective Spotem „. Mr. Lewis Owen Dr. Dunch , . ..Mr.Chas Mead Closing Song, "Good bye old Schoolroom,"-- Schoel. Admission 15 cents, children 10cents. Doors open at 6:4fi. exercises will be­ gin promptly at 7:30. The McHenry Cornet Band will be present and en­ liven the occasion with some of their best Selections. , i*r: The Gift ot France. M. Bartholdi has been very busy since his arrival in this country, with resp nding to social attentions and aflairs pertaining to the erection of the "Statute of Liberty Enlightening rhe World," on Liberty Inland, New York Harbor. He lias had frequent conference JVIIII Gen. Stone, Engluet r- In <'hlef of the Pedestal of the Statue of Ll erty, and has mnde his final sug­ gestions as to the erection of the statue. |r is not probable that the pe­ destal will be completed for two m. n'lis yet. and will not be rea 'v to receive the statue till late this winter. He says the entire work cannot be completed before the close of next sit mer; tiiat the statu* is of such great size that it must he put up.slow­ ly and with the greatest care. He thl'iks it will take five.months to get. it securely pi <cerl oi the pedestal. His plan Is to have the dedication on the 3•» of next September, the anniversary of the signing of the treaty of Ver- aallle*, which eecured peace after the Revolutionary war and guaranteed the recognition of the A ner can Republic. 'The New York World popular sub­ set iptlou from the people completes the pedestal. A large amount of money is still required for the erection or putting together of the great sia'ue, which, when completed, will be thirly- flve feet higher than the towers of the great Brooklyn Bridge. The committee by the sale of the miniature statiif ttes, expect to raise the balance of the m >ney required or statue purposes, and Ou receipt of Une Dollar will deliver ar anv place In the United States, a handsome i-ouveiilr of Bartholdi's great work, or a larger representation twelve Inches high and very handsomely finished, al Five Dol- I »rp. For Ten D »llars the committee will deliver a magnificent work of art. same height as the rive dollar slse statue, finely chased, pedestal heavily silvered, with plu>h stand, These souvenir* will make a very de­ sirable holiday gilt, and the giver will surely be remembered, as his gift will have a prominent place in the home and will also be doing a patriotic act by aiding the committee to complete this great work of art. Subscriber* should address all remit tanoes to RICHARD BUTLER. Secretary \meriean Committee of the Statue oif Liberty, 33 Mercer St.. New York. A Minneapolis Jsk«r. I saw, says a writer In the Minneap(> lis Tribune a practical joke played the other day which was worthy of Sidney Smith In his happiest days. A well- known gentleman of this city, who has something of a reputation as a wag. was my coiApsnion, and we were pass­ ing a large dry goods store which fronts on Nicollet avenue. There, drawn up, were three-or (our teams, and among tliem a closed brougham, with the driver fast asleep on the box. Evidently the mistress was inside the More Without a word the wag stole quickly up, and opening the carriage 'oor carefully, slammed It suddenly to. In a ii oment tl e coachman straight­ ened up and gazed down the avenue at the elecrric light mast as if he had never seen anything so interesting In his life. Then lie stole a look over his shoulder -ind saw the vag standing, hat In hand, apparently talking to some one lus!de the carriage. "Thank you; yes; good day," said the wag. and bowed h<mself gracefully away from the door, turning as he did so t> look up at the driver and say one wori: "Home!" "Yes, sir! tchf'get up!** and off went the brougham--"home!' Where that "home" was, or who the mistresf* of the carriage was, or what she did wherr she came out of the store or what the coachman did when he stopped at the door of "home" and fouud the carriage empty--sll that only the coachmui and lady know. Dwight will give v« u extra low prices on Mens'and Boys fine Shoes. Mens No. 12 and 13 grain and kip Boots at Dwlght's. Mens No. 12 Rubber and Gum Boots at Dwlght's. A little money will go a great ways in buying Boots and Shoes at Dwlght's Woodstock Cash Store. KinowobD. EDITOR PLAINDRALER:--We are going to have a Christmas tree, and our juveniles are prospecting on what they will have on the bush. Misa F. Ingalls Is Suffering with a bad finger.« > ( y* > Another Merchant has left tlie town and there Is one that mourns his de­ parture. Our blacksmiths are putting on new shoes for 25 cents each, and re-setting tor ten cents per shoe. Obmpetltlon Is the life of trade. J. A. Crlsty is making improvements about his premises by building a new house and a new fence. Mrs. S. H. Walker entertained the elite of the village to tet on Saturday afternoon at her family mansion. Our teacher, Wm. Nickle. has a small school this winter, foniy 28 scholars. What's the matter? Where are the out-siders this terml? A little better management at the Postofflce at night and a little less profanity wouM be much better. The Rev. Mr. Coulee is making many friends among his bearers, and some of them are feeling as If they must come back to the fold; and the luke<warm are reminded of their vacant places in the front ranks. _ Our station looks so clean and cosy that people aro ashamed to spit on the floor. Jerry Smith has again opened his shoe shop, and has so far recovered his health as to work at his trade again. Our band boys are going ahead finely and their music Is superb. Mrs. John Green Is quite feeble this winter. Mrs. Chase Is gaining slowly from her fall. Li Lawrence has moved into one of Wm. Langhara's houses. ~ HEBRON. EDITOR PLAINDRALER A grand display of Holiday Goods at the several stores In town. Mrs Hurley Btafuii Is expccted home this week. Ws are informed that there will be e Christ mas tree «i the M. B. Church, on Christmas eve. - <> On account of a failure to procure Slocuin'8 Orchestra for this w*ek, the first club dahce will not be given until Tuesday evening of next week Dec. 22d. Remember the date and be pres­ ent. Tickets seventy-five cents. The schoolmates and friends of Willie Glddiug8 gathered it his home Friday evening to eelebrate his eigh­ teenth birthday. He was the recipient of sever*] tokensof friendship, among which was a beautiful vblutne of "Uncle Totm 3ablu" and a copy of Whlttiers poems. The H. D. A. played '-Drlveu from Home" to a full house Saturday even­ ing. and fudging from the, <applause their efforts were fully appreciated. Our people, as well as the members of our band, were very pleasantly sur­ prised by the presence of the Ring- wood Cornet^ 4>nd. VThey gave ua nome excellent (tousle which helped to make the enter<alnmeut a success. We believe this to be their- first visit to our town and we say heartl <y come again. No other medicine has won for itself such universal approbation In Its own city, state, and country and. among al. people, as Ayer's Snrsaparilla. It is the best combination of vegetable blood purifiers, with the Iodide of Po­ tassium and Iron, ever offered to the public, A 3KX4IBLB MAV Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lung«. It i« curing mote cases of CougliR, Aath n t, Bronchi11*. Croup, and all Throat and Lung Troubles, than any other medicine The proprietor has authorised Geo. W. Besley to refund your money if, after taking three-fourth* of a bottle, relief i s n o t o b t a i n e d . P r i o e f i U c e n t i a n d f l . Trial size free. For sale In McHenry by Geo. W. Besley, Remember the place tor Goods is at Perrv ft Owen's. Holidty A. tremendous stock of f.-lt boots and overs, mens' gum boots, rubber bootR, buckle arctics, alaskas and self acting alaskas just received at Dwlght's cash store. The Nickel B >rn Door Roller, ac­ knowledged by ail to be the best thing of the kind on (he market, for sale by John I. Story. W* H. Dwight has received this week a mammoth stock of Ladies and Genjis Velvet embroidered slippers for the/Holidays. _ Pwase remember that our stock In •vera department Is very complete and tl«st our prices are always the lowest that can be made. We will not be undersold by any house in McHenry Co. Henry Colby. Tho reason that Dwight. can give you such low prices on boors and ahoes is that In »UVB for cash, discounts his bills, sells for cash, and having no store ren' to pay. his expenses are light, which gives hi. a the inside track.* Est ray Notice* Came Into my enclosure on or about the 15th of November, one roan heifer, coming two years old. Owner can have the s me, by proving property and payiug charges. EVERETT NEVILLE, Dec. 12,1885. Wauconda, 111. W. H. Dwight has just received this week the l-trgest sto*ck of mens' and* boys fine shoes n congress, button a* d lace.ever brought to Woodstock or In to "McHenry County. r Buy a "box of Campbell's Baking Powder (every box warranted to give satisfaction) and get an elegant prise, Foun 1 only at Perry Jk Owen's. It will pay you to coine from all oyer McHenry county to trade at Dwlght's old reliable cash boot and shoe store. Mrs. Schumacher. Visits Chicago every week and will take in your orders and furnish goods at the lowest Chicago prices. Bear in mind the fact that Dwlght's store at Woodstock is headquarters In McHenry Co.. for Rubber goo£* of all kinds. WAUCONDA. EDITOR PLAINDEALER J-- EX tensive preparations are being made for a Christmas tree at the Baptist church. It is not intended to be an exclusive Baptist institution, everyone being In Vlted to take a share in It, Rev. Wiibur Satterfield, of Gtnoa, spent last week with liis father, our Methodist minister, and assisted in the meetings which are being held a Volo Owing to the number of extra attrac­ tions Friday eventug.Vnd perhaps to the fact th^t the proposed McHenry entertainmeut was not as well known as it might have been, the audience at Mafman'8 Hall was not so large as was anticipated, although there was a very fair house. Everything pas&ed off nicely, and apparently gave general satisfaction.^ By request they will re­ peat It again on Saturday evening of this week. Wauconda 8|ghtt Of course grow dim as age creeps on. It then becomes necwary to pr icure Properlv Adjusted Spectacles. Scien­ tific authority declare* that nothing is ga<ned by putting oft the use of glasses when an unnatural difficulty In distin­ guish ng small otjects by a dim light and other well known symptoms are observed which are removed by specta­ cles. On the contrary, positive injury results irom delay. The muscles of the eye are constantly strai ied in attempt­ ing to increase tne power or the lens In the eye. The len In the spectacle frame so ennnges the direction of the rays of light that this effort Is no longer necessary. The mu«cles are re­ lieved, and the former read nesg of sight is restored. Of course as age ad vances, and consequent cha.ige in the lens of the eye, there must be a corres­ ponding change in spectacle glasses to maintain easy sight. The glasses should be accurately ground and as perfectly transparent as possible, and held MI frames so that their center will be in. direct range with the center of the lens of the eve. I have t»ken great pains to be able to meet all tliebe requirements for mv customers. The Outimeter snows the number of the f;la8s or lens required I keep c mstant-y in sto.*k all the numbers of the bet»; imported gl ipfes. and c*n turnMi peb» hies if df si red. I have tramps separaie from v,he glasses, of different width** and heights to accommodate wide fn«!ed. narrow fa^ed, high nosed and low nosed customers. I have cheap frames, best steel frames, nl 'kel, com­ position and gold frame*. The ^1 isses fitting any frame, you can select ae outfit of almost any quality and price desired. I shall be gl.-t>l at any time to try your eves and see if you din be helped to see better. Remember thai I guarantee satisfaction li« every case so ih*r. if the iw# fail to give additional relief. It will con you noth lug but your time and trouble Iu test­ ing tliem. JOHN HUMPHRKT. Holidiy Goods. We off>*r a mtgiiili^ifiit lino of goods suitable for holidiy gifts, consisting of ladies, and' «iik handkerchiefs and mutft-rs at from thirty-five cents to four dollars apiece; ladies' and childr>-ti8 fancy bordered, heni stlched, embroidered and lace hituilk*'rchiefs at from five cents to three dollars apiece ; ladles' Spanish lace <carfs and ties; lace collars, fichues and gilt-edged ruchlngs, ladled haud-sachels. shop­ ping bags and real Russia leatlnr pocket-books, ladles w irk boxes in *ilk and velvet lined, dressing*' cases, writing d^cks, portfolios, autograph albums, hand mirrors, fine brushes and combs, Lublin's perfuuieVy and toilet soaps,ge its' neckwear In silk ties, silk and *atln stocks, some extra flue goods in white table M iens, and napkins to match; a No turkey red.damasks. gents' cardigan jickeis. kid lined gloves and fur caps. To tuos* wisiiiii^ to invest In silk, sal in or woollen dress goods ol any kind we offer bargains never be­ fore heard of In this place. E. A. MURPIUT & <'o., Woodst «ck. F«*lt Boots ami Overshoe* it lowest possible figures at lton«|i-ti Jk Siofl.-lV Bed Klanket* ami Itobes very chea>> at Bonslett & StofffTs. We are selling strictly all wool Und< rwear lor men at 49ir. I 'KRUT & OWKH. We eff- r 20 coats worth So to $10 ench. for (NL each. Thi* i« ilia price of a common jacket, Ca I early C. V. STEVENS. Hatchet B iking I'owder only 25c at Bonslett <&-SioffeiV. We carry a very full stock if the celebrued Watertown WK. Flam.el-<, noted as bfing nearest like the o|i| Carpentersville make of any manul<u*. tu ed and will wear better. Prices tip lowest. Ca'l and see them. I'ISKRY A OWEN Twenty pound Broken Rice fl.00 at Bonslett A Stoffel's. Elegant Hanging Lamps, very line for presents, at Perry A Owen's. i wenty pounds cholc» Prunes, Dried Peaches and Dried A pies for tl.00 at Bonslett A Stoff* I's. CUTTE-iS- A Large S'ock of flue Cuttert and Robes at Low Pri vs. at E. M OWEN A SON'S. Great Cloak Sale. In order t'» reduce stock as low as possible before the first of Jmuary we have determined to close out our stock of Cloaks regardless of cost. We offer Misses and Chll^rens Cloaks at $1.00 apiece and up. Ladles Sackn in Blsck and Colors at $2 00. former price $5 00. Ladles Ulsters at $2.Ct0- and $3.0 ', for mer price $6.00. Ladies Short Wraps #5.00 to $7 00, former price $12 to $17 Newmarkets in Brocaded M-tnelasse at $8.00 to $12, reduced from $20 and $25 These goods are all of this season'* make, fashionable and desirable, and at the prices now named no shell bar­ gains have ever been offered to the people of this county. Call early so that you can select while the assort­ ment Is good, E. A. MURPHY A Co. Woodstock, III Fur Caps, Scotch Caps, doth and Knit Caps in good variety and cheap at Bonslett A Stoffel's Oi) for 65c at Five Gallons 150 test Bonslett A Stoffel's. West McHenry, pxiTTf 7 '::^H-DEALEB - Drugs, Msdicines, Paints, Oils, Toilet Articles, The following are a few^of the Articles to be foand In our Stock of CARD RECEIVERS, PEARL CARD CASES, ODOR CASES PLUSH TOILjET SETS, SMOaINO SETS, TOOTH PICK HOLDERS, is HA VINQ SETS, v . - . * i* f t " > •• 'i *anqy BOJC PAPJB&I j v OB.oibe Confectionery, ' The- finest line of Pure Candies to be found Is the emmtr The best hraudsot (hgarsaud Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always oil hand. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. :CEO. W. BESLEY. B&&N AND MIDDUHOS! At Bonslett A Stoffel's . We buy our Goat Robes direct from the manufacturers and can give you jobbers prices. PKKKT A OWEN. We have the finest stock of Under­ wear. Prices the lowest. PERRY A OWEN. Clothe; Wringers, both the Noveltv and Universal. Your choice for #2.75 at John I. Story's. Two hundred Overcoats at greatly reduced prices, to close out forcaali. rtTZSIMMONS A ETAHBOK, Holiday Goods of every description at Perry A Owen's. We wish to remind our friends and patrons tlist we are prepared to make any prices cut or regular that may be made. We appreciate your patronage and w II tdwa.vs protect vou in pi ices, Please remember we have the goods an ) will Kt*II them as cheap, and in many instnnces cheaper than any other house in McHenry county. We will not be undersold. HENRY COLBY Gloves! Gloves! Mittens! Mittens! for men, women and children, at Perry A Owen's. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! From $3.00 to #25.00 at Bonslett A Stoffel's. Keep one Eye open on Bargains All Wool Suits $5.00; Flue all Wool Pant« $2 00 and #3 00; Fine Dreas Suits $16 00; Odd Wool Coats #2.00; Vests 25 cents, at E LAWLUS', Opposite Riverside House Call and see the splendid line of Holiday Goods at Perry A Owen's. OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS! At Bonslett A Stoffel's, Campbell's Pris<- Pei ry A Oweu's. Baking Powder at Lake DefUncfe Herd of Poland China Swine. C. S TREET & SON, IIEItRON. ILL. Have a I •• of Hogs for the market of 1885 and 1886, In th s celebrated herd is Honest Tom years old. bred by B. T. Fowler, of Hart Prairie, Wal­ worth Co.. Wis, weiirht 890 pounds, •lie was sired by lloosier Tim 2-1 2571 (6). strxl'is irom Tom Corwin 2 1. 2U37 (6) and Bess .nhens 1168 (6). His lam * as I.aAy Black, 3160 (6). This Hour fi nk first Premium at Elkliorn and Rurling'on, Wis. Fairs in the Fall of '85. Is an extra sire, as his stock will show. One * Black Bess, 2 years old. sired by H>|iest Tom, weight 610 pound*, the best Breeding Sow ever owned by C. Street A Sou and is called lunltless bv all that see her. Iler get ire proof of the a'tove statement. St eel A Son have » large stock ot young Pig» now marketable lor breed­ ing purposes. They have spared no pains or ex|ieuse to hold their fairly •-arned position in the foremost rank of Breeders. Clo'hing is cheaper than ever at Perry A Owen's. OVERCOATS. Owing to an unprecedented sale on Overcoats I have had to duplicate .ny early orders, and think I n-»w can fit any man, boy, or child, both in size, style and price. Do not fall to 1 >ok at my stock before purchasing HKNRYCOLBY. Good large Night Lamp only Scents at Bonslett A Stoffel's. Bed Blankets and Horse Blankets at Perry A Owen's. Twenty-one pounds Prunes for #1 at Perry A Owen's. We are selling Overcoats cheaper than the cheapest. PERRY A OWEN. Rock ford Flannels are said to be the most durable of any Flannels manufac­ tured In America. Try them; they are for sale at Fitzsimmons A Evaoson's Holiday Goods at Perry A Owen's. The Buford wheel sulky takes the lead, also llapgood, Case, Skandia and Flyng Dutchman Plow's at E. M. Owen A Son's. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! Finest line in the County, and at the Lowest Prices. Be sure and see tliem before purchasing. PERRY A OWEN. CLOTHING. Buying as I do, mostiy In the East, I have exclusive styles. If when in need of a suit you will take the trouble to look mv stock over, I am confident we wUI make a customer of you. HENUY COLBY. Fur Caps, several different style*, at Perry A Owen's. We have put o it a box of Shoes and marked them 50 cents a pair. They cost from #1.00 to $2.25. Look them over. C. Y. STEVENS. Business Notice*. Olty residences for sale. Apply :W Asa W. Smith, Woodstock, 111. / _ Everything in the Hardware line at bottom figures, at E. M. Howe's. Randall and Keyatone Pulverizers, 13 and 16 Inch at E. M. Owen A Son. » Children's Clothing cheap at Henry Colby's. Gloves and Mittens, good <and cheap at Henry Colby's. Fine line Gents Neckwear at Henry Colby's. Forbush & Brown's Buffalo Boots the best made at Henry Colby's, Begley'i Famous Waukegan Ale and Porter On draught at J. Bonsletrt, A. En* . glen's and John Helmer's. • --__ A fine line of Stove Boards, different sizes and styles, at .l-»hn I. Story's. Bird Cages, both Brass and Japan, the flneet assortment in town, at J. I. Story's. Jersey Waists, a full supply, which will be sold at. lower prices than any other store in McHenry. / MRS M. SCHUMACHER. A new stock of Fair and Winter Milllt ery just received. Latest styles and lowest prices to be found in the county, at Mrs Schumacher's. The celebrated Cortland Side Spring Buggy is the leader. Ask the 200 in thh county what they think of theni Always ou hand ar E. M. Owen A Son's ( Call at E. M. Owen & Son's for youj Farm Machinery. They keep none but the best, and warrant everything. Notice. To those that want Tubs. Vats, Hay Racks,ami anything in inv due of bust- ness. Work done on «hort nolle-* to order. Shop one door South ot Law* I us' Store, ' F* 'A.' HEBAR0» .• Mollenry, Aug. 10, IS8B. . ll-*-ty >"•* The Lyman Barb Wire, "both plain and galvanized.decidedly the best V\ (re 1 In the market, at Joun 1. >tory*s. GLASS! GLAS-! We keep Glass of all size* constantly on hand Special sizes out without extra charge ' JOHN I. STOKY, FEED CUI TERS The Belle City takes the lead; tne strongest aud best, at E. M. Owen 6 Son's. . Lnce Curtains. Tidies, Lam berk'ns. Bedspreads and Shams, cheap, at Mrs, Schumacher's, near the Depot. BESLEY'S Ale and Porter Is the best made. Ou draught in McHenry at Jacob Bonslett'8, A. Engten's, and John Helmer's. To Rent at Rich mid, 111. A good Blacksmith Shop, to mn$ with or without tools. Rent low. In­ quire of Geo. Vinton, Richmond. H. C. Mead. McHenry, or write to F. W. Mead, Elgiu, 111. Farmers and Dairymen, do not to use Dickinson's Cow Prescription, as it will often save the p'ic® of the cow in preventing that fatal disease, milk fever; will cause the cow to do well after calving, cures garge'. horn ail and all disease of the cow, and will repay ten fold in increasing the flow of milk. Fbr sale by all Druggists. Select your holiday presents early and avoid the MS'i. Henry Colby has a large assortment to select from. Goods may be selected now and lef| 'till called for. Special Cash Sale of Overcoats, Li*- dies Cloaks, Underware, Blankets and Fur Caps, this and next week. Prices no object as these Goods must be moved at once. Come and see. ,' 'J FITZSIMMONS A EVANSOM^ LAMPS. I have just ad led m fine assortment of handsome Lamps, sul'able for pres­ ents. Prices very low. Call and look at them. HKNRY COLBY. If yon want to buy the best made Flannels In America, (we mean the Rockford) call at Fi zslmmons A Evansou's. Cash moves thhm at lower prices than ever known. ' Please Inves­ tigate, • Overcoats! Overcoats! ^ At Perry & Owen's. .j For Sale. The West Division of Clover ibal* Farm, containing 160 acres, situated,on the Waukegan and Mcllenry road, about four miles from the new Rail* road now being built, and only five miles from the Fox Lake resort. Term reasonable. Apply ou the premises. K STANFORD*. lft»t! Fort Hill, Ifake Co, IU /*

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