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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jan 1886, p. 1

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> ' * J^ejJewy pisbhilw. Published Kr° 'y Wednesday by J.VA> SL.YKE '®vi* nnos i*o mudK . Office in Bishop's Block* - •, --OPROSIT* PEUT ft OWKH'S.-- a *VIU*EBMI Of SUHWRIPTlflft, *-• / >n« Yezr (In Advance) •1.50 ; tf Not Paid within Three Months 100 Subscriptions! received for [three or six nonths in the same proportion. _ . 5 00 |«oc 15 00 8000 «0 00 100 Kates of Advertising?. ' We announce liberal rates for advertising ~w tho PLACODE ALES, and endeavor to state : ? jhem so plainly that they will fe(8 TSJUWlJ on. jierstortd. They are as folloWl; f* 1 Inch one year - - i Inches one rear • - » v ?. '"I 8 Inches one year - /V Oolnmn one year H Oolnmn one year Column one year •: One inch means the moaViirement of one '*:i? nch down the column, single column width. -J':( „ Tearly advertisers, at the above rates, have • the privilege of changing as often as they ihoose, without extra charge. X Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) wilt be entitled to insertion >»f local notices at the rate of 5 cents per line Meh week. All others wilt be charged 10 'cents per tine the fl^st week, and 5 cents per ^ line tor each subsequent week. '•> Transient advertisements will be charged * at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil : type, same as this is set in) the first issue, and r i cents per line for subsequent issues Th"s, ... »n inch advertisement will cost SMWforone week, 91.00 for two weeks, 92.00 for three w eeks, and so on. The PLAHTORAUR will be liberal in giving Buiwrla! "'•»•<»«- but. as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns forpeeuniary • BUSINESS CARDS. H. T. BROWN. M.D. HYSIOIAN AND SURGEON. Ofllce at Residence, McHenry, III. O. H. FEGER9, M, D- AND SURGBC at Residence. OIirslCiAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, I Ills. Office J O. J. HOWARD, M. D. ,,, „ DHrqiaiAN AND SURGEON, McHenry, [®.V'Y I 111. Office one door West of tTltsslmmons ;" Jt Evanson's store, up Stairs. BARBIAN BROS. fllGAR Manufacturers, McHenry,jll. Or-i,. : u ders solicited. Shop, la Old McHenrv, r.'-ap Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside ROBT SCHIESSLE Hjyy>n<r purchased the old stand oi Joseph Wiedemann, NEAR THE DEPOT. cHENRY, ILLINOIS, _ eepa open for the accommodation of the ublie a Firat-Olass lalooa and Restaurant, There he will at all times keep the best r brands of Wines, l.iquors and Cigars to be found In the market. Also Agent For i^JFBANZ FALK* BMADKEE LAGER BEER. A- Beer in Large or Smalt Kegs or Bottles al- ^ I ways on hand, oheaper than any other, quail- t, , ty considered. V , Orders by mall promptly attended to. frfet ' V'" r •'*- _ GOOD STABLING FOB HORSES. | l^tt^seeua. Robert Schiessle. .McHenry, III., May 15th, 1885. : " SALOON and BESTAURAHT K , Buck's Old Stand, •J; " MoHKlim, ILLINOIS.. Une Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, Talks' llilwukM Bwr . . . B y t h e B o t t l e o r C a s e . We bay none bat the best and sell at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me and I will use you well. ANTONY ENGELN. McHenry, 111., 1884. fD A book of 100 pages. •I\ The best book lor MI advertiser to con- mKlllO suit, be be experi- , "if221S3 enoed or otherwise. Itoon tains lists of newspapers and estimates sftheoost of advertising. The advertiser who wants to spend one dollar, finds In itthe in- formation he requires, while forhlm who win Invest one hundred thousand dollars in a<V verttslng, a scheme is indicated which will meet his every requirement, or can be MM to 4o*»bfHffklcltange*eaiiiy arrived at by cor* mpondmtce. M editions have been issued. Sent, post-paid, to any address for 10 oenta. Write to GEO. P. KOWBU. 4 CO, KEWSPAPER ADVKRTISING^BUREAU, flOOpraoe 8t.PrinMnj|HooseSq.)t How York. DttWHS' ISX CORSET [IMPROVED.] .Is the only perfect fitting, truly comfortable and health.preservioK Corset made. Has an Elastic ftection above and below a Corded Center pi see. Entirely different from any other. Every Corset is stamped ami absolute­ ly Ouaranteed in every particular. Be sure to get the BsniJwit. Manufactured only toy the lorwrai WMt Co., Ckisago, and for sale by dr«t.olass dry .goods stores every- Where. Prioe 91 ,00, ASA W. SMITH, TTORNEY AT T.AW and Solicitor in L Chancery.--Woodstock, 111. S. P. BENNETT. M. D. PHTSICIAN AND SURGEON. Also Unite' States Examining Surgeon. 'Illinois. Richmond A. 8. CHILD8, M. D., HOMEOPATHIC PHYWIQIAN AND 8UR GEON, West McHenry, III. Call- promptly attended to. day or night. DR. C. R. tVELLR. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Wauconda, Lake Co., III. All calls promptly attend­ ed, day or night. Office on Main St., east of Barker's harness chop. MARY G. BARBIAN. : , HAIR WORKEIt. All kn.ds of Hair Work done in first class style and at reasonable prices. Rooms 8t residence, north­ east corner of Public Square, McHenry, III. DR. C. E. WILLI AM8. DENTIST. Residence Dundee. Will be at McHenry, at Parker House, the 10th 11th 25th and 2fith of each month. When dates occur Saturday or Sunday I make my visits on the following Monday, and the first day of such visit occurs on Friday, I will stay but one day. A. M. CHURCH, Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. 55 FIFTH AVE., (Brifrjrs House), Chi-cago, III. Special attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. *9*A Full Assortment of Goods In his line AT THE OLD STAND, JACOB BONSLETT, ALOON AND RESTAURANT, at the old ^ stand, opiwfite Bishop's mill, McHenry, III. The choicest Wines, Liquors an-' Cigars to he found in the county. Warm or colli meals on short notice on application. PHTL REST'S MILWAUKEE BEERbythe Bottle or Case, always OB hand, GOOD STABLING FOR HORSES. J. PEKOV3KY, CIGAR MANUFACTURER, Wholesaie and Retail Dealer. HANDLES nore but his own make, and will compare his Brands with the best mad<s In the State. Store and Manufactory next door to rhe Post Office, McHenry, IIL J. C. KARGES, House, Sign and Carriage PAINTER, Shop at McHenry House, Near the iron Bridge. I am prepared to do alt kinds of Painting on chert notice, and guarantee satisfaction. Sign Painting a Specially. Call and see me if in want of anything in the Painting line, as l am satisfied that 1 can please you, both la workmanship and price. J . C. Karges. McHenry, June 15, 1395. Attention Horsemen? I would call the altentfion of the public to my Stable ot Stock Horses, four in number: two Morgans, one 3-4Percherou, and one Imported Horse. They are all good representatives of their breed. Also a few Merino Sheep r sale. The public are cordially invited to call and examine stock, get prices, etc. No business done ©n Sunday. N. S. COLBY. 10 7-tf MCHENRY, ILL PUMP REPAIRING, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all jobs In the line of Digging WelSs, Repairing Pumps. Cementing Wells, or . Will put in New Pumps ftn short notice and warrant witisfaciion. In Abort will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished If desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Piimp Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. 49*Orders by mall promptly attended to. Post Office, Johnsburgh, 111. L. BANTES. Johnsourgh, III., May 25th, l&». JOB BAmnrs nr For Coal and Wood CALL ON-- EM HOWE Opposite Bishop's Mill, 4Tho has a complete line of the best stoves'in the market, as well as a large stock of - Hardware, Hecbanic's Tools, fill, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, And, finffsct, everythingln the hardware itove and tin line. HE WILL NOT BB UNDERSOLD. Call at his store before buying elsewhere lobbing and repairing promptly attended te (VReinember, extra good -- ways be obtained at Howe's. K. B. BENNETT, M. tt.» . Late House Surgeon Cook County Hospital, RICHMOND* ILLINOIS, Special attention given to difficult Surgical cases. DEVTSCH QR&PROCHEN. Office at Residence of Dr. S. F. Bennett. SI for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, eeurely wrapped, to any address In the JnltedSta es for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed tree AddreasaU orders to SXCHABD X. FOX, numix SQUARE, New York. ATTINTldN LA DIBS. MRS-J. H, SEXTOK, Yor the past ten years one ot the leading Dressmakers in Elgin, las moved to McHenry where she is ready to do Dressmaking in all the latest &t}les. Satisfac­ tion guaranteed. Cutting and Fitting a specialty. Also agent for the I. X L., Tailor system of Cutting and Fitting. Full instructions given* Rooms two doors West of the Mlverside House. W J N S L O W ' S "Vineyard" Roller Skates. For the best, most durable and easiest run­ ning (toiler Skates get the "VINEYARD." t'l ihe principal Rinks are using the "V iNEY ARD" Roller. Put up in .til Clamp, Half Clamp and Strapped Complete. The demand for these skates Is so great that they are kept in stock by all principal har I* ware dealers throughout the country. MAnuf-ictured. by the Inventor and Patents* SAMUEL WINSLOW, WORCESTER, MASS. DONT YOU FORGET IT! ASA W. SMITH, Woodwtoelc, «.'/$ Illlnoto. Backed by Millions of ihoney. oflki ran INDEMNITY against damage by „ rrt. Llghtnlht. Wind Stofm#, CYCLONES AND TORNADOES. Drop me a postal card and I will visit yon; call on me and I will write you a policy, ana w.ien either or any of these destructive el# mcnts devastates your property, happy will you be if you hold "one of my policies, "for I ou, anil minister untojyou. will surety visit wilfnot forsake MA W. SMITH, AM'I Inammet At* J. P. SMITH, VARCHHAKIB § JEI8LER, McHenry, » TllinoU As Fine a Stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry A- so be found in the county, whieh I offer it prices that cannot be beat. A Fine Stock of CHOICE CIGABS. Gall and examine goods and learn prices. ,J. P. 8MITH. 1 McHenry, IIL. July feto. 1888. rays b McHi enry, Dee. 1, IMS. John Helm, Algonquin, 11^, DEALER IN E&rdw&ie, Storm, Tlawut, In short, we keep everything <n the above mentioned lines, irhich we are offe ing to the buy­ ing public as cheap as any other house in this section. Call and See ua. J0BBNG ft EEFAlEIHe ̂ PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JOifNHELH, Algonquin. Feb. 18.1885. Plots! Plows! P. HAUPERISCH, MoHenrj, Ullnoiim i inform the farmers of McHenry and •«HT-t©unding country that be la prepared to sell them a FIRST-CLASS PLOW, An < warrant the same,at a lower price than <aa funkaMd elsewhere in the eoasty, Ai • CITHIS of BLACKSMl THING, WAQON in < 1 ARHIAOE work promptly attended to »tii PAfn irvo, otaii tisdson short notice. OTOITO nsa sail ad we will please you both in onaiitv ui' • rise of work. P. HAUPiBISCH, Moliawry.ia.Oct.7th.lBM. [I! Bs&sIII *AD inmsrim:* M. F. EL0WORTH Tenders, his servif and guarantees good , reasonable, made knot dress, the selling publie. or no pay Terms on application. Ad- HUN OA, ILL. MONEY fOANED :On McHenry fCoiinty Farms, on time, terms, find in . amounts to suit borrower*, by J. W. RANSTEAD. ll-17-8m pigin, Illinois. H& WIOHTMJ elassrlgs, wll furnished at reasonafe all kinds done on iM |l Proprietor. First ' or without driver* I rates. Teaming ot •notice. A PR ENT! Our readers for IS to pay for mailing names of two boot ft AM( FINISHING PsssiDBMTa. Inch itxtt Inches, worth HAW '* in postage stamps wra piling, and tne , t». will receive tret Engraving ot all our g Cleveland, size 1. Address Co., Cldoags, 111, C. G. ANDREWS. CCNtRAW ' IIICIIIIEei SPRING GiOVE ,iu| Sales ot Stocft^ Farming Tools and Goods of aliikinds- attended to on the most F msoK TKB21S, Satisfaction Guaranteed. • - C. Andrews, Spring Grve, 111. Hprlttg Sltte, 9«|»t IHht m, lMl-Soi HENRY MILLER, Foreip aii Auerican MarMe, Sootck and American Ghranito MOnUMENTB. TABLET% HE A D8T0AE8 CEMETEK1 COPING, JtTCX aOHNSBVBOH, IU. Orders Solicited. Good Work Guaranteed. Post Office Address McHENRY, r Railroad Ticket For 1,000 Mitea F TO- St Aodref's BIT, Forila. ^hls beautiful Bay and surroundings are acknowledgeil by all who have visited there to foe the loveliest combination of fertile soil, beautiful foliage, fragrant orchsids, blue water, growing city, and absolutely perfect climate in Summer as well as in winter, to be found in America. There is but one Florida and St Andrew's Bay is Its brightest jewel. Prices for Business or Home Lots and Or­ chard Tracts range from H, 90, tn, •»©, to 910#, and sales were made t > more ih .u 3.00Bdiaereat purchasers within the first sixty days. St. Andrews will certainly become the second largeat city la Florida within the next two veare. JYsyirftHs doubling te niw every thin* day*. Fr-- Tr>waoiftlon for Uiaiag full details. Addrces principal bnsi Soldiers' Department. CONDUCTED BT DB. S. F. BSKHBTT. County O. A. R. Directory. RICHMOND POST NO 28B. «Jch*m9nth.flr8t &1Mi thtra evenings of DB. S. F, BBNNSTT, OOIB. WOODSTOCK POST, NO JO0L month!* *^e *®°*day evenings of each B. W. SMITH. Com. WtTTOA post, wo----. . Meets the first aijd third Wednesday even lugs of each month. F W*. BTTTLKB, Qom. HARVARD POST, SO 959, ' Meets the second and fourth Monday even­ ing* of each month. ' DB. HI T. WOODBCPP. Com. MABBNQO POST, NO. 169, Meet* eve-y Second and Fourth Friday evenings of each month. J. R. RABOOCK, Com. The sight of an honorable ditchtrgo has about the tame effect on one of the political dudes of the New York Civil Service Reform Association that a rag does on i little penny-royal bull The friends of soldiers In Con£*l»ii have opened the campaign admirably with a number of excellent pension bills, which aro enumerated in our Congressional report. We shall discuss these at length in next week's papsr.-^ National Tribune. The number of pension certificates Issued during the week ending Dec. 14, 1885, w«g as follows: Original, 899; In­ crease. 722; re issue, 21; restoration, 9; duplicate,SI; accrued. 6; Act of March 3,1883.4; Order April 3. 1884. 16f Act of March 3,1886,15; total, 1,723: A Dratnmer'a 9Sth Birthday. MaJ. D#fliel Simpson, who is undnubt edly the oldest drummer In the United States, oelebrated on the 30th ult., at Boston, Mass., his 95rh birthday. He has been a drummer in Boston since 1809. He served In the war of 1812 and lias been a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artlitery Company nearly 70 y<»ar8. He is in good health and circumstances. He was railed upon by scores of prominent citizens and In the evening there was a public parade ol military And Grand Army men, closing with a supper altendedr by about 400 persons. : Pensions. , We receive many letters inquiring why we do not advocate service pen­ sions. We have one very sufficient reason, and that is that it is wholly out of the question to secure service pensions at ihi* time, and it is a dis traction of the energies of our com rades from Ihe a- vocacy of plans which have a chance of to even con- aider any measure looking to th" general pensioning of all who served In the (Jrion army. We can, if we will unite upou It, secure ihe passage ot a law which wiH give pensions to all Union soldiers who are d»peudent upou their own exertions, and wlio are now d tabled from performing labor, and we should do everything to bring about this en>l and that of raising the pen­ sions of widows and orphans and of securing the repeal of tlio limit of arrears bill. If we all go to work with one accord to promote this, we shall, without doubt, he auccee-fui, and after that we can think of furtner measures. But to agitate service pensions now Is to run the greatest possible risk of de fearing all legislation this winter for the benefit of the soldi* r. for If we appear before Congress with diviJed councils--one party asking for one thing aud another for anotiier--we shall inevitably fail in getting any thing. This ceeuis to ui so clear to any reasonable man that it only needs to be staled to be at once perceived,-- National Tribune. Pension For Mrs. Grant. Con/rese lias done a just and graceful act In opening Its work by giving Mrs, Grant a pension of 95.000 a year It Is the first bill passed by the 49ch Con Kress, and the first* one presented by that body to President Cleveland for his signatuie. Mrs. Grant Is doubly entitled to tills allowance--as the widow of a President and »s the widow of the General of the United States Army. It has been cus­ tomary to allow widows of Presidents this sum, which Is merely a decent recogt itlon by the Nation of what Is due the exalted positions once occupied by their husbands, . Having made so good a beginnlnga we iiope that Congress will push on in the same direction by at once raising the pension to soldiers' widows from |8 to 912 a mo tth. It is eminently proper that Mrs. Grant should be pro- vi iled with every luxury that will make comfortable her declining years, but the honor of the Nation is no less in volved in providing a decent support for the widow and orphans of every man who gave his life or bis health to the saving 4»£ the country.--National Tribune. 1 Tho Battlo Monument Association at Tho Blso and the Ursy. The object of the above association U to gather up and re-inter the re­ mains ot unknown soldiers fouud in and around Atlanta, Ga., the same to be burled In a lot donated for the purpose In Westv(ew Cemetery (the old battle- flald of July 98,1864), and an appropri­ ate monument of blue and gray ma terlal erected over them. The follow­ ing are the officers of the association: ' President--fHon. Evan P. Howell. Vice Presidents--'Generals John R Lewis, fp. M. B. Young, *A. J. Hlcken- iooper, tJoseph Wheeler. 'John A. Lo­ gan, fW. W, Lor ing, *M. D. Le.-geti. fJohn B. Gordon, *Wlllard Warner, tAlfred H. Colquitt, *Wm. B. Woods tPhil Cook, "John M. Corse, tR. J. Hen' derson. Corresponding Secretary--*Ma). Sid­ ney Herbert. Recording Secretary--fMa). John F. Jonos. Treasurer-fCapt. RoberttU. Harde­ man. Chaplain--*Rev. T. C. Warner. Among the executive committee are Govs, Robio, of Maine, and McDanlel, of Georgia, *BLTTE. tQray. " wifsio^ir4*^8 Rights of tho Widows or Soldiers, The Pension Bureau Is In receipt of thousands of letters from all parts of the country Indicating the exlsttnoe of a widespread but erroneous Impres­ sion that the recent decision of the Supreme Court In the case of Mrs. llattle A. Burnett vs. the United States would bring about an almost total change In thea-ates of pension allowed to widows of soldiers of the late war. The decision which wa* rendered by Justice Harlan, on the contrary, sus­ tains the practice of the Pension office. Mrs. Burnett's hnsband. General Ward H. Burnett, was allowed a pension of 972 per month by a special act of Con­ gress on account of his totally helpless condition, due to wounds received dur­ ing the Mexictn war. The widow was allowed a pension of 930 In accordance with the provisions of the general law. She. Lowever, appealed t > the Court of Claims, Claiming the same amount per month that her husband had received. That court In its decision used this language: "The widow becomes en­ titled to a pension, not necessarily at the same rate iW husband was entitled to, hut, the rate he would have been en­ titled to if his claim were founded upon what 'n the peuslon law Is techni­ cally called 'total disability.1 The degree of disability by arhich his pen sion was rated makes no difference with the widow*s right. After death all degrees ot disability are considered by law as one and the same, to-wlt, 'total disability,' and the rate of pen­ sion given to that grade becomes the rate of pensions for the widows I'he p.un«i<»tis to living soldiers are granted according to their respective incapac­ ity to perform manual labor. When the disability is total 930 a mouth is /Iven as an equivalent. A pension of 930 a tnomh, the supposed equivalent lor'total disability,' <8 granted to the widow." The decision of the United States Supreme Court, which li*a been ao much misunderstood,simply, as before stated affirms th" lodgment of the Court of Claims, and the long-established prac­ tice of the Pension Bureau has thereby received the sanction of tite highest tribuual in the land. OUR WASHINGTON LBTTKK. Special Correspondent to the Plalndealer. WASHINGTON, D. C., Dee. 89, 1885. Ckrlstmas passed off very pleasantly In Washington. The weather was de- lightiul, reminding one of the early days in May, and the people took advantage of It to devote the most of their time out doors. Services were held in al< ihe Catholic and Episcopal churches and many of the other de­ nominations. It was generally remark­ ed that it was altogether the pleasant- est Christmas known for years, and there was le-s rioting and drunkenness than ever known on a similar occasion. It Is in the memory of all your readers when this city was held up as an example of noisy, boisterous immor all ty and debauchery. Todayltm&y be truthfully said there is not In the civilized world a more orderly, moral and temperate city, or one in which there Is greater security to life and property, where there Is less immorali­ ty, drunkenness and debauchery. In other words the Ctpital is now the city set upon a hill whose light sl.culd en­ lighten and whose example should be emulated by all others. Immediately after Christmas tho signs'of mourning, for the late- Vice- President Hendricks, were removed from all the public and private build­ ings, the flags run up to the mast heads and on every hand Is to be noted the signs of preparation for the Inaugura­ tion of the gay winter season to com­ mence January 1. Politic? is dropped for the time being, and Republicans* Democrats and Mugwump are frater­ nising most harmoniously. Whila in souie cities, especially New York, the fashion of keeping open house on New Tear's dav, and receiv­ ing the calls of all who may desire to present themselves, is being discour­ aged, in the Capital it Is growing more popular, and It Is no exaggeration to say that on Friday n-xt two-thirds of the male and one-third of the female population of ash ing ton will call upon their frlendb and upon the public servants of the people. The President will reoelve from half past ten uutll oue; the Cabinet from one untU lour, and ihe people generally from noon until midnight. On Nltr the humblest son of AmUtoai the hand of the greatest rnleii and lunch at the board of the tingulshed Cabinet officer. Re iresentuive, while the miliionai throw open wide their portals to poorest of God's children. Much speculation is being: In In regard to the selection of*! Carlisle of the Chairmen of the varl| Committees of the House, but Itlsj freshing to know that ou evo^pj It Is concedod that he will act high sense of duty and wish&i single to doing justice to all sectM and all parties. Speaker Carlisle for himself, in the last Con reputation for honesty, impart and fairnessof which any matf be proud, and none voted thanks at end of his term more cordially tl did the Republicans. Under the apparent peace, good and quiet on the surface roi beard rumblings of an evident! which will t*k» place very soo* the «eetfi% Of Congress on Moi next, The civil service, tariff andk questions will it Is certain be that will kindle the fires of prejudice and personal ambition, are » ow smouldering beneath t'ie i face, and with the first fla-.e wUtl forth hatreds, animosities and al prejudice that will fill the sulphurous flames that will atpDyili many a budding statesman. tliftf Written for the Plamdealer. DRESSER S DROLLERIES . No. ss. • BY L. L. D,, ST. LOUT* MO. TWlilred girl. Miss Katty Jafol In a huge rocking-chair, darning K| of bright red stockings, and (Mitti darning" the dishes she iiad j ist been obfiged to wash. It was a clear night in winter, and the light of the moon, was reflected In opal tints from the): wide expanoe of Bnow. The air ntenseiy chilly and as the Soung man looked out on th" strangely fa atlng\8cene she murmured: vas a Hottentot, and never be cold. Or 1 wit^ like a bear,,and sleep stump. But. ah I there < Varden to make me a call I didn't take out my glass ej a noticed of it " Wlwu Hiss Jank* op»ned t- e response to a knock a sad looking ̂ jut- man of about twenty years of agwr tered the room, making a trenie>nl< sala-im and smiling lik« i cl»un"(whkV; is good rhy nej. I'he youth was so sell conscious and mentally confuted lltat he did not notice the coal strut lie stand ing directly in front of Mm, and hit* the inixformne to stumMe over t aCV I all headlong down' the e<*H-ir sulft finally ending hi* rather ungodly jour­ ney in a pan of milk. As lie r*>a<-o«<uded the stairs he remarked huskily to his,, companion that he had never Uefnro supposed there were two milky ways- one above and oue beio>v. Said he: "Oou't^ you ever • ell Deacon Mugsb$ tbt( yo|i ever heard me say a cn-s word ' or two, for I lost control of my temper in falling down the stars. If the Deacon knew It he would come to lec­ ture me dead certain. One night fJ locked him out,and bangedif he didn't get a dark lai tern and (.-limb into a tree near my window, wnere he tee- tured eight hours in a voice thl the neighborhood a hideous p»i ulum. He is a rare bird--iu fact, Deacon Is a bird of pray." Mr. Varden Ind by thl« time reeov* ered from hi) bashfulness and talked with an engaging affability. He told Miss Janks of a brother of his who,, whenever be fell sick, would say to his wife: "Wife, If I die you will find tho key to the safe at the post-mortem ex*, amination.for I swallowed tt years ag> for safety. My will Is on the right'r hand side of rhe safe, as yon will flod. by looking," This same brother was - something of a poet, and Mr. Yarden < quoted the lines given below as coming^; from bis pen: v NIGHT BBACTIKA. = ;* ». ^ / . The lovely moon Is beaming bright / :V Across the lake's pure, silrer wine, r ; ' ' ' 1 That seems to kiss, la fond delight, " The strand, whose arms around it Cwiniv ' Upon the mountain's distant head • Behold the clear, reft«HUiug oiiuw, ' That seems a lovely garden hod Of oearly lillies all aglow! - A bark spreads out its pinions whit9» ' '$1 And a ills the mirror of the sky, •« * -^1 Within whose depths, serenely "tirlgltf,- The otars like sunken jewels lie! '*,1 From yonder isle an incense wings \ , ^ucli as delights the nightingale, •'-;{£ Whose magic voice the z«'|)hyr bring®. ; • To charm tbe blossoms in jhe Tale! ^ ; The dcw--the manna >f the wrnxl, Renews the vigor of the trees, ' And gives tlie dainty blossoms food. And adds a freshness to the breeze. When be had finished Miss JankH peared to be so much edified that Varden again became contused, an commenced telling of an apple pie b^ grandfather had once shot befovo tffcp! species had become domesticated. recovering troui tliis fright he pta$« fully observed that in the olden tnitjMi Haiu was sojnettmes In the habit ot eating pork--a remark that done him Infinite credit In that it showed he hi a distant knowledge of t^arat'tsl mentioned in the bible. After making this observation mained studiously quiet, hut » dropping upon his knees befofo Janks. exclaimed fervently; Hatty! what would you do If I seixe your fair cutieled bleeps!*; o*n and imprint a loud your asfrontusf Miss Janks make reply, but seized a and gave a practical 111 what she "woold do.** wtilok' for the druggist selting Mri two doM» bottles of UnfisMt. kii> h J?"-*..... • •* ^ < * {-• * 1iS. Mac J *1^" .'v ^ -- •

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