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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jan 1886, p. 8

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<•* ' ' " - v : '.*. .">f ^. witiif' flfli £«' • k";- sax FIXED IT. Ml WMcrprlslng Widow Ktm|*d M Ardent tdmlrtr. The three of us had been trumping 'iMlw battle Held of Malvern Hill all long, and as night came on there ...,, «Tery evidence of a steady, soak- •Ss\ t®fT*ln-«tonn. We had to get shelter | " l^tivay.ind we found It In a small !f;«' ftOTMioow owned by a widow. She |f ' ' l*HHng enoitgh to furnish us sup- i!t P*r,but when it came to loJglngssho ||, greatly embarrassed. jf vYou seo," bhe said, "my house Is Very small. Indeed, I have only thfs I' :iroom with a oed-room oft." **But c*"'1 we fifty in the barn?" \ jMted the Colonel.?f . , -c **I have no barn.* = V "But you can go to bed and let us I; gpl^ep on the floor, can't you?" , "Y*e-«, but--but--'" * ' **Oh, you needn't have any fear of us w , madam," protested the Colonel. * "ft Isn't that. sIV, but--" She blushed like a rose, but none of r , M could understand until she said: "Well, to tell the truth, my beau will be here to-night.", "In this storm ?" . . "Oil, yea. Willi am would come if it rained pitchforks." "Well, we won't hurt William.** ; "No, sir, but we--that is he will ex­ pect to spark me, and--and--" • _ ' Exactly," said the Colonel, "I «ee the situation. You doir'k want to dis­ appoint William?" "No, sir; and I don't want to turn jrcru gentlemen out, either. You see, sir, It's probabiy'my only chance to get Married and it won't do to offend William. This is his sparking night, and he's got to dome five miles." "Well, we won't stand in the way; we will hitnt some other place." "No, sir, you shall stay; but you see bow it Is. I think I can fix it. I'll take this room, aud you three can have the bed-room." "What! Deprive you of sleep?" "Oh, no, sir. William and I always T#perk till daylight. If you would only «* It that way, sir." We did. After supper, we locked ourselves in the bed-room, and taking the pillows from the bed lay down on the floor and slept like bricks until Called to breakfast. When we went to Ibreaktast the Colonel asked: ^ "Well, did Villiam show up?" "Y-yes. sir," she stammered, "and he <4»1»<1 me to m-marry him! If we %adn t fixed things maybe he'd have %aited a whole year longer. B-break fast is ready, and I'll never forget your ^•kindness to a poor widow V--Detroit • IVest, • a. 1 Wtf ° •, • i •. 't-e. 'U>- 'Successors to F. Q. May«S.) MeHEMtY. ̂ " Having purchased the store aud stock of F. G. Mayetj,, art now prepared to show the bnying public a stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE « • • : > ' Second to none. Our stock will be complete in every departs ment, and will consist in part, of Dry Goods, Notions, Clotbi •SOOTS Aim SEOES, B&T8, CAPS, ETC., ITC. We ̂ hall keep none but the best of goods, and our prices will be as loW as gno<J goods can be bought anywhere. A share of public patronage is respectfullj' solicited. Tbe Highest Market Price paid for Butter and ALTHOFFBROS. McHeury, III., Jan. 5th, 1885. GEO. W. BESLEY, O ENERAL MERCHANT .... ' - ;P ' • : St&E LOWEST -OUB ANNUAL GRAND-- -m ORLD'S ^ r - J * 'X-f" Bs ttew to Kill the Bloea. Generally speaking, If you are ^troubled with "tbe blues,** and can not %ell why, you may be certain that it taprings from physical weakness. In­ stead of lying on the sofa and euurting painful Ideas, if you are a desperate lover, a hypochondriac or a valetudina­ rian, you should be up aud stirring i yourself. The blood of a melancholy man is thick and slow, creeping slag- .glshly through his veins, like muddy water ID a canal, tbe blood of your 3 merry, chirping philosopher is clear and quick, brisk as newly broached chwnpagne. fry, therefore, to set your blood in motion. Try, rather, what a smart walk will do for you; set jrour pegs in motion on rough, rocky ground, or hurry them up a steep, ciragged hill; build stone walls; swin* au axe over a pile of hickory or rock- maple; turn a grindstone; dig ditches; ' practice "ground and lofty tumbling;" pour water into sieves with the Dana- Ides, or, with Sisyphus, •'up the high ^ bill heave a huge round stone;"in short do anything that will start the perspl- lation, and you will so>n cease to have your brains lined with Black, as Bur­ ton expresses it, or to rise in the morn 1«g aa Cowper did, "like an infernal | frog out of Acheron, crowned with the I ooze and mud of melancholy."--Prof. Matthew«. m West McHenry, Illinois. -DEALER IN-- V . ITA supreme court decision says: No town or city has a right to license p«4dlers to sell any wares on the side walk or on the street in fronl^of the property of another person. The streat in front of a man's place of business in held to be an appurtenance of the lot on which ills store is erected and situ­ ated, and belongs to him and his busi­ ness as against all others, except the right to travel thereon. 80HBT C. 3SM5TI, ----BREEDER OF OF YORK STRfllN. RICHMOND, ILL. liitftfcmiwa AwardedWherever Exhibited FALL OF 1886. %, for the fall trade of 1885 I have about 80 of the most beautiful birds I ever rasised, hatched in incubator early iu.the season, so they are now wetl grown, full fledged, and mature enough for examination and rating by the "American Standard." They are the handsomest, largest and be3t fowls I have ever offered to the public. Now is the time to order while the number to choose from Is so large. It will pay for a ten mile ride just to look at them, will make reasonable rates for Trios, er Larier Naita. Cfcll at the residence of Dr. Bennett, Richmond, or address i Robt. O. Bennett, HfCMUQND, UeHBNRY CO., ILL. Drugs, Medicines, Faints, Oils, Toilet Articles, &c, Confectionery, The finest line of Pure Candies to be lound in the county, Thi' jest brands ot Cigars aud Smoking and Chewing Tobacco always on land. Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded. CEO. W. BESLEY. Pi SODA Beat in theWsrlJ. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN The most popular Weekly newspaper devoted to science, mechanics, engineering discoveries, in- Tentions and patents erer published. Every nam- ber illustrated with splendid engravings. Tbil ppblication fornishes * most valuable encyclopedia of information which no person should be Witnoat. The popularity of the SCIENTIFIC AMEBICAM is such that its circulation nearly equals that of all other papers of its class combined. Price, $3.30 » lBcoont to Clubs. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN 6, CO., Publishers, No. jKlBroadway, N. Y. /Wv^R,PVAN WTnkle^^ £%• %1/KIK^ This is not a Cure All. But a Sure and Permanent Cure for R H E U M A T I S M . This remedy In guaranteed to give Immediate relief, and perform a permanent cure if used as Will be continued this) month, during which many May be obtained Extra Discounts many articles, an in­ spection of which is respect­ fully solicited. HENRY COLBY. -DEALER IN-- 1 have one of the largest stocks of all kinds of Fur­ niture always on hand MY PRICES WILL BE Lover Than t3ie Lowest. Persons wishing to buy Furniture of any kind, will save trom 5 to 1Q per cent, by gieing me a call. •»«"« «' u }/<;• liiniicuii uUiv .« «uV directed; it acts upon an entirely new principle, dis­ covered after years of patient study and experiment. Its effects are truly marvelous. We claim MINTS. hlrty-Mann A Co. have also had Thlr tlEh* y _ practice __ •the Patent Office and have prepared 1 more than On* Hundred T|lou- I (Land applications for patents in the ' United States and foreign countries. V Caveats, Trade-Marks, Copy-rights, Assignments, and all other papers for ,_.jiring to inventors their rights in the I United States, Canada, England, France, I Germany and other foreign countries, pre- I pared at short notice and on reasonable terms. I Information as to obtaining patents cheer- I fully given without charge. Hand-books of . •information sent free. Patents obtained through Mann & Co. are noticed in the Scientifio . American free. The advantage of snch notice is well understood by all persons who wish to dis­ pose of their patents. Address MUN.V * CO.. Office SCUUIXiFlU AJBBXCAH, 361 Broadway, New York. 4 We wish to remind our friends and patrons that we are prepared to mak<* ®nv prices cut or regular that may be made. We appreciate your patronnge and wi]] always protect vou in piiceo. Please remember we have the goods and will sell them as cheap, and in many instances cheaper than any other house in McHenry county. We will not be undersold. HENRY COLBT Gloves! Gloves! Mittens! Mitten* ror men, women and children, at Perr a Owen's. • viswsrtf *. *• uij tuna triuuHi »ve cisllll that our remedy has a spocitic action upon the fluids of the foody, supplying moisture to the tissues and lubricating the joints affected by the disease. Nd Stiff or Distorted I.lmhi remain after a cure by this specific. A trial of a w^ntjle bottle will convince the most sceptical that we have not told halftta virtues. I'rice, 1*1 .OO per bottle. For sale by all d vggists. Manufactured only by LENNEY MEDICINE CO., CHCNOA, ILLINOIS* f We do not forget that our claims f <r the .Specific, are contrary to^all past experi­ ence in the treatment of KhPiininiUin. In fact it was long ltefore we oiii selves became con vinccd that it couM lie ponsibln that n single reinerty coulil perform radical cures, where the mo«t eminent tfhysicians hn«l laileil. Not- wiih«tar.'lin)r all this we are now convinced, and we have also convinced every one who has iiscil it, that it i* a Wonderful' Medicine We invite ami urjrti Hie afflicted to correspond 'with those who Imve Riven theiF voluntary terilinif>iii:ilg furniiihe't on application as to its effects in their eases. A full assortment of Coffins apd Cast ets always on hand. Hearse furnished at reasonable rates. JOHN B. BLAKE.' one; SIBLEY!S OTESTEDO OEEDS DOLLAR We will send you the Formula for making the famous Compound OXTQEM BOMB TREATMENT, a positive cure for Con­ sumption, Bronchitas, Asthma, Catarrh, Hay Fever and all Blood Diseasesof either Bex, from -whatever cause, or we will send you the Formula and a two month* treat* ment with Inhaler for $&00l Send in letter at our risk. Address, OXYGEN HOME TRBATHBHT CO., 1M Dwrbora »t, CUCA«4 •pflMMMatiea tu*rav«*. IHOLYl IBIBLEL JRTFIGGI?G AFRKSEF,™.". A*»«; nniutS! *«•«• Meld SEEDS PI IMTC BJJIIBS, FI.OITLNT^I' MIJP. IfdlllL^!! I3IP1. JWKNTS II vn » If? on application HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ^22326EEu'NOf" ,nnCI,ICAC0 IL!-v»22-326 E. Main St. 200-206 Randolph St Bibles at 1-2 and Old TeHtamento at ICKS than 1 -3 the prices of the Ku(f- r lian edltloiiK, und equal to the Ku^lish IN type, I«»per, printiiiK and ;ic< n- SR r 1/r C n n MB racy•„ forst agent sent out VIo £ reports an order at every 'l//V? CVViAr ' for two weeks. Rare .jiUI\.gB chance for agpnm to muke spn<' «!•<» for r at. I H1MS V Kit V I.1KKRAI» d'fw Ucnry Jii'l /»»/>. Co., ton**, Oomm. ffiTTHE < i HEAT GRANT BOOK! Life and Personal Memories of Gen. iinsat in one volume only $1.75. One agent eol I 48 first day; 10,000 sold tlrot week. A engrav- injraix'Al inches of all "Our Presidents" FKEK to each subscriber. Think of this! Some'per. son should send 50 cts. for outlit and engrav- i»Rand secure this territory. Book now out --n ) wailing for commissions. Address ELDER I I;HLI8HIMO Co., 364 Wabash ^ve*. Ohicajco Illinois. « • A GIFT who start at once. Setirl 10 cents postage and we will mail you free a royal, vali,ab'e, sample box of goods th it will put you in the way ot making more nvmey at once, than anything feise in America. Both sexes ot all ages can liVe at home and work in spare time or ail the time. Capital not required. We will start ydu. Immense pay sure tor those OTINSON A Co., Portland, Maine Please remember that our stock in every department is rery complete and that our prices are always tha lowest that can be made. We will not be undersold by atjy house in McHeurv Op. Henry Colby. FOBSALEBY JOHN X. 8TORT. DEALER IN MeHENB Y, ILLINOIS, JUSTEN BROTHERS. DEALERS IN Furniture of All Kinds, UTest MoHeni^i 111. We have one ot the Largest Stocks of Furniture of all kinds to be founc^n^ie county, aud our prices will be as A -Jl. Low as The Lowest, IA CARPETS, CARPETS, ( And can sell you one from the cheapest grade to a Brussels, as cheap as any house out side of Chicago. Give us a call and we are feure we can save you money on anything in our line. We keep none but tbe best; and persons wishing" to buy Furniture of any kind will save money by giving usa call. We "also keep a tall line of.samples of A full Assojtment of COFFINS and CASKETS always on hand 0~A Fine New Bear3e Furnished at most Reasonable R*te&t> JUSTEN BROS. West McHenry, Nov. 26th, 1885, CH1CECS BY Ho't Perfect iin<l Nneceaa* With «!i y fill Imaatl.iit ot (ho Ilea. i T H I S C R A Z G r FOLDSPIG •"» • m t u t'T' T'*"""'" ICUSATOR. Simplicity Itself. Xohouitt t.>t:\|nm!«s. No hat icTies, cl.tckw'.n k, ,•« .>mwcr< or other con trlvancpR to per out of oiiler. No cost or expcrli n. ••. unci \ ery lin i d i line in o|. ' 'nnlnsr Nvnls no WatchiiiR. Hat riles nil tcitllu cK'-a. The uitpcr i«>Jtion folds bin k i *, i • > i<l • • r •< • ••'< it Vr The cutis aid {.>.•, nliirod In a n.-st oa natural soil lit I hr^.wiT |.or>!..u aa.l 'rc.-clvf the tier.- ' f !"'"i 11111of M/urisi » ai i-r In 11:I'd. t*ro|ierheat 1ninnlii> ^jtaliictl i>y drawing off a pare of t!ie water iwit c a <1 my and replacing Willi boiluit? wilier, about KOquamsat a tlmt! for mii&iler size. EARLY HATCHZD CHICKS Sell at from 50c is $1 per Pound* II I* (U*o a Brooder find will or.i f for the chlrl:* as ionaru the* need artiiii'lsil lieau thus suvin>* expenvo of HIXTIUI brooder Hoth aa an I luTiltiiloi and as A llroodri' It is utiMirprisscd tiy any inarliliic. no miu^- . lerwliat tho cost, anil Is tin; cli«"a|»(*Nt und mont enaily * c uidldatu for puollu favor. The (.'raij; 1 neiilrator can bo mil villi proiu al any season. Ally person shun Id ha* e a pavlnit hatcta l|!.--t time. It liatchusin from 18 to U day a, and euuaU tlie IMML work of I hu lien. LA F5SFS -V;>" t.innsnnds wlio are nfruirpHnfrfor pecutilair ™ " '«•" B vj • Independence will lind aril licit., rearitm of poult rV i most prutltablR lionio Industry. It requires the leasi |.o»s|ldi; capital. Does not inter!ere with household duties. Tim tame lire that prcparM the meals can heat water for an Incubator. •12 ISOIIKSON S'K*KT, Ti'im.- From 2lK)e)jK3 I hatched lill chicks In the ( ra n 1mnbaior. I know It Is I he best one tinide. \'onr pl.ias for brouUer are uneveei.ed. D. C. HATCH, HoPKT> III.--Third trial, otit of 7S etrtis hatched fia i lileks. Had very Rood sitni ess li^t trial. Nev­ er hail a liner lot of chickens. HELEN OUNDOUFF. SHANON. III.--Vour Incubator beats all the hens for hatchliifc- I set 145-eKK* under hens and have :#i chicks. I wt 101 In Incubator and have 97 good, healthy clilckg a» a result. <J. \V XIAVS. RIVKRTOX, Neb.--Matched one • >r.M».l : .|t<-l my harnl In. fully per cent of all «v/s put In. No I rouble to keep an ev> n tempera­ ture. Shall run It nil winter. K. VAN DKLSEN. • ELIZABKniToWN, N. V.--Uy a*-, lng the Craig Ineubntor I consider my flrat attempts at artificial lucu- batlon a complete success. A. WALTER JJUHAXD. loo-jcees sulk... SOU •• '• BOO •• •« .... fiO© •• « .... Fs D. CRAIG, MAMnUHFA^TURER, North Evanstoii, III. 8KXI> 4 CF.SIT8 IX STAMPS FOB CATAJLOMl'B. (Nintatns more useful poultry Information tlian any ri hook. DescrlbM all breeds, dl^enses, cures, hen-houses, brooders. Incubator*, cia. TCL.14* MOW to MAMJB lOOQfWMat. ynllililtktlb BOOTS AND SHOES! My Fall and Winter Stock is now compete, consisting of Mens Women's, Misses and Chidren's Fine and Staple Snoes in all the atest styles. .Mens, Boys, and Youths it. ' Stoga Kip, Veal Kip, and Calf Soots, Rubber Boots, Gum Boots, Men's, Women's, Misses' and Childreu's Buckled Arc­ tics, Aliiskas, Selt-Actin<r Alaskas, Fancy Rubbers and Arctics in all the latest novelties. Men's Felt Boots, Siberian Boots, Beaver Fox Boots, Wool-lined Boots in Fine, Kip and Grained Leather; in f»ct everything usually found in a tirst-clase Boot and Shoe store. W* makea specialty of Ladies and Gents We Keep tbe Selz Celebrated Th<? best in the market ; also tjje Ludlow, aud other standard makes. VV e have a tremendous stock, can fit you in any kind ot Boot or Shoe, and we know that our way down Low Cash Pi ices wtll iust please you. Remember the place is at the Old Reliable Cash Store Cor. Main Street and Public Square, Woodstock, IU. MTN. ft --House Established 1865, W. H. DWICHT, S f.u

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